vendredi 27 février 2015

Bienheureuse MARIE de JÉSUS DELUIL-MARTINY, vierge, fondatrice de la Congrégation des Filles du Coeur de Jésus et martyre

Bienheureuse Marie de Jésus Deluil-Martiny

Aînée de cinq enfants et fille d'un avocat marseillais, elle était aussi l'arrière-petite nièce de la vénérable Anne-Madeleine Rémuzat, apôtre de la dévotion au Sacré-Cœur. Dans la continuité de la sœur visitandine Marie du Sacré-Cœur, elle fonda l´Association de la Garde d´Honneur du Sacré Cœur. À cause des troubles politiques en France, c’est à Berchem en Belgique qu’elle crée une nouvelle congrégation en 1873 appelée la Société des Filles du Sacré Cœur, consacrées à l´adoration du Très Saint Sacrement. Elle mourut assassinée par un anarchiste le 27 février 1884 dans le jardin du monastère de la Servianne qu´elle avait fondé, près de Marseille.


Bienheureuse Marie de Jésus (Marie Deluil-Martiny)

Fondatrice de la Congrégation des Filles du Cœur de Jésus (+ 1884)

Née à Marseille en 1841, elle fonda en Belgique, près d'Anvers, en 1873, la Congrégation des Filles du Cœur de Jésus, consacrées à l'adoration perpétuelle de l'Eucharistie, et fut blessée à mort à La Serviane, monastère de Marseille, en haine de la religion par un ancien jardinier.

Religieuse martyre, elle a été béatifiée le 22 octobre 1989 par Jean-Paul II.

27 février 2009, 125e anniversaire de la mort de la Bienheureuse Mère Marie de Jésus Deluil-Martiny. (site du diocèse de Marseille)

"Sa vie était 'cachée dans le Christ' et 'le Christ était toute sa vie'."

Lors de la béatification de Marie Deluil-Martiny, le 22 octobre 1989, le Pape Jean-Paul II a résumé ainsi son itinéraire spirituel: "Elle fut très tôt émue par les blessures faites à l'amour de Jésus et par les refus de Dieu trop fréquents dans la Société. En même temps, elle découvrait la grandeur du don que Jésus faisait au Père pour sauver les hommes, la richesse d'amour qui rayonne dans son Cœur, la fécondité du sang et de l'eau qui coulent de son côté ouvert. Elle fut convaincue qu'il fallait participer à la souffrance rédemptrice du Crucifié en esprit de réparation pour les péchés du monde".

(source: L'Abbaye Saint Joseph de Clairval à Flavigny - Dom Antoine Marie osb, abbé)

la Bienheureuse Mère Marie de Jésus Deluil-Martiny: une Marseillaise béatifiée par Jean-Paul II, qui propagea ardemment la Garde d'Honneur comme Première Zélatrice, avant de fonder la congrégation contemplative des Filles du Cœur de Jésus.

(source: diocèse de Belley-Ars)

Une intuition pour le 21e siècle, la garde d'honneur du Sacré Cœur.

La Bienheureuse Mère Marie de Jésus Deluil-Martiny (1841-1884), alors qu’elle était encore jeune fille, fut vraiment le bras droit de Sœur Marie du Sacré-Cœur (fondatrice de la Garde d’Honneur), non seulement au plan matériel en faisant imprimer nombre de documents, mais surtout par son zèle, qui fit qu’elle soit nommée 1ère Zélatrice de la Garde d’Honneur. N’a-t-elle pas obtenu l’engagement d’une vingtaine d’évêques dans l’association le jour de la consécration de la Basilique Notre-Dame de la Garde? Mais sa mission allait plus loin. En 1873, elle fonde la Congrégation des Filles du Cœur de Jésus, religieuses contemplatives vouées à l’adoration et à la réparation, en union à Jésus Prêtre et Victime et à Marie, la Vierge associée au Divin Sacrifice.

À Marseille, en 1884, la bienheureuse Marie de Jésus (Marie Deluil Martiny), vierge, qui fonda la Congrégation des Filles du Cœur de Jésus et fut blessée à mort par un jardinier pris de folie, achevant ainsi par l’effusion de son sang une vie intimement unie à la Passion du Christ.

Martyrologe romain


Bienheureuse Marie de Jésus DELUIL MARTINY


Prénom: Marie

Nom de religion: Marie de Jésus

Pays: France - Belgique

Naissance: 28.05.1841  à Marseille

Mort: 27.02.1884  (Belgique)

Etat: Fondatrice - Martyre ??

Note: Apôtre de la dévotion au Sacré-Cœur. Fonde en 1873 en Belgique la Société des Filles du Cœur de Jésus.

Béatification: 22.10.1989  à Rome  par Jean Paul II


Fête: 27 février

Réf. dans L’Osservatore Romano: 1989 n.43 (Mgr Coffy) - 1989 n.44

Réf. dans la Documentation Catholique: 1989 p.1079


Marie Deluil-Martiny, en religion Mère Marie de Jésus

Née à Marseille, le 28 mai 1841 

Morte à Marseille, le 27 février 1884 

Fondatrice de la Société des Filles du Cœur de Jésus 

Fille de Paul Deluil-Martiny, avocat au barreau de Marseille, et d'Anaïs-Marie-Françoise née de Solliers - qui était par sa mère l'arrière-petite-nièce d'Anne-Madeleine Remuzat - Marie Caroline Philomène est la première enfant d'un foyer qui en comptera cinq, un frère et trois sœurs la rejoignant bientôt sous le toit familial. Après des débuts difficiles, elle s'engage avec grande volonté sur le chemin des études, auprès de son institutrice à laquelle elle déclare un jour : "Oh ! pour moi, je me ferai religieuse". Elevée dans la religion chrétienne par des parents très pieux, elle prépare au premier monastère de la Visitation de Marseille sa première Communion, dont la cérémonie a lieu le 22 décembre 1853. Le 29 janvier 1854, elle reçoit la Confirmation de Mgr de Mazenod. A quinze ans, elle rejoint Lyon avec sa sœur Amélie, et y demeure deux ans chez les religieuses du Sacré-Cœur, à la Ferrandière. Parvenue en fin d'études en 1858, elle effectue alors avec le P. de Bouchaud S.J. une retraite qui s'avère décisive pour sa vocation. Elle écrit le 12 mai : "… Où irais-je ?… Le passereau trouve une demeure : pour moi, ô mon Dieu, votre Cœur, votre Cœur ! O Maître, vous serez mon Maître toujours. Faites de moi ce qu'il vous plaira ; mais je vous supplie qu'il vous plaise de m'enfermer dans votre Cœur et de me faire souffrir là quelque chose pour votre plus grande gloire et votre pur amour". 

Le 24 juillet 1859 meurt à dix ans sa jeune sœur Clémence. Peu de temps après, Marie s'ouvre à ses parents de sa vocation religieuse. Mais pour soulager sa mère dont la santé est devenue fragile, elle s'engage activement dans les œuvres charitables dont celle-ci a la charge. En 1864, à l'occasion de l'une de ses visites à la Visitation de Marseille, elle découvre la "Garde d'Honneur du Sacré-Cœur de Jésus" fondée l'année précédente au monastère de Bourg-en-Bresse. Elle s'inscrit aussitôt au Cadran, entame une correspondance suivie avec Sœur Marie du Sacré-Cœur, et devient "Première Zélatrice" de l'association pour laquelle elle se dépense sans compter. En 1865, elle se rend à Bourg-en-Bresse, où elle effectue une retraite, puis en 1866 en pèlerinage à Paray-le-Monial, avec sa mère et sa sœur Amélie. En 1867, elle participe également à la préparation de l'ouvrage que Mgr Bougaud écrit sur la vie de Marguerite-Marie, rassemblant à son intention les écrits de saint François de Sales relatifs à la dévotion au Sacré-Cœur. Le 31 mars, elle a perdu sa plus jeune sœur, Marguerite, emportée comme Clémence par une maladie incurable. Elle retourne alors à Bourg avec sa mère, pour la distraire de sa peine. 

En décembre 1866, elle a rencontré pour la première fois le Père Calage S.J. (1805-1888), qui va devenir son directeur spirituel. C'est sur ses conseils qu'elle s'offre au Seigneur en mai 1867, renouvelant solennellement ce don total d'elle-même en septembre. Quelques jours plus tard, alors qu'elle prie en l'église de Saint-Giniez, le Seigneur s'adresse à son âme, l'appelant à l'apostolat par la prière et le sacrifice. Le 8 décembre, elle fait vœu de virginité perpétuelle. En septembre 1868, elle se rend en pèlerinage à la Salette, et sa vocation d'immolation à Jésus-Christ crucifié se précise. "Les âmes de l'Institut futur seront des miroirs vivants de Jésus immolé" écrit-elle. En novembre, elle dépose sur l'autel son vœu d'obéissance à la grâce, qu'elle signe "Marie de Jésus, Fille du Cœur de Jésus". Le 27 février 1869, pour répondre à la demande du Père Calage, elle commence la rédaction d'un petit traité en préparation de l'Œuvre à venir. Achevé le 9 mars, il est tout entier centré sur le Cœur de Jésus, par le cœur de Marie. La récitation quotidienne des sept paroles du Christ en croix et du Magnificat ponctueront les journées des Filles du futur Institut. Le projet est béni par le Père Calage. 

En avril 1870, elle fait la connaissance du Père Van den Berghe - venu de Belgique pour la rencontrer- qui repart conquis par le projet de l'Œuvre, mais la guerre toute proche en retardera l'accomplissement. Jules, le jeune frère de Marie, meurt le 10 janvier 1872, bientôt suivi par Amélie, le 25 février, troisième et quatrième enfants enlevés à la famille. Le 14 mars, le P. Van den Berghe obtient de Pie IX un Bref d'approbation en vue de la fondation tant attendue. Marie, accompagnée de ses parents, le rejoint en Belgique en septembre, et y rencontre l'archevêque de Malines Mgr Dechamps. De retour à Marseille, elle lui adresse un abrégé des Règles et Constitutions. Après un nouveau pèlerinage à Paray-le-Monial, elle repart pour la Belgique le 13 juin 1873, et le 19 reçoit le voile des mains de Mgr Van den Berghe, en même temps que le nom de Mère Marie de Jésus. Le 20, en la petite chapelle de Berchem-lez-Anvers, est célébrée pour les quatre premières religieuses une première messe, qui scelle la fondation de la Société des Filles du Cœur de Jésus. 

En 1875, Marie en rédige les Constitutions définitives. On y retrouve tous les désirs adressés par Jésus à Marguerite-Marie à Paray-le-Monial : culte des images du Sacré-Cœur, Heure Sainte, Communion réparatrice, Adoration perpétuelle, Fête du Sacré-Cœur, etc., sous le patronage de Marie, Mère de l'Eglise. Les premières professes prononcent leurs vœux définitifs dans la toute nouvelle basilique du Sacré-Cœur construite à Berchem. Afin de préparer une fondation sur le sol français, Marie repart pour Marseille le 3 décembre, et reçoit le 5 janvier suivant de Mgr Forcade, archevêque d'Aix, l'autorisation espérée. Elle rentre à Berchem après le décès de la mère, en mai. Son père décède quelques mois plus tard, en septembre. La maison d'Aix s'ouvre le 15 juin 1877, et elle obtient alors de l'évêque de Marseille Mgr Robert une nouvelle autorisation de fondation sur le sol de la capitale phocéenne. Ce sera sur la maison familiale, à La Servianne. Les premières novices s'y installent le 24 juin 1879, et l'acte d'érection de la maison en monastère est signé par l'évêque le 25 février 1880. 

Suite aux décrets de 1880 et l'expulsion des Jésuites, le Père Calage retrouve les religieuses à La Servianne. Marie l'y accueille avec joie. Jusqu'à sa mort quatre ans plus tard, elle se dévoue au sein de la maison, entre pénitences et mortifications. Le 8 décembre, elle écrit : "O Agneau du Père céleste, acceptez-nous comme vos agneaux ; unissez-nous à Vous sur la Croix et sur l'Autel ; formez nos cœurs selon votre Cœur victime. Et si ma misérable vie peut servir à Vous amener les âmes dont votre Cœur a soif, prenez-la, je vous en supplie, ô mon Amour, mais du moins, triomphez en Epoux sur les âmes de l'Institut et en Roi sur tous les cœurs !" En septembre 1883, de retour d'un voyage à Berchem, elle s'arrête à Montmartre, puis trois jours à Paray-le-Monial. Le 27 février 1884, Mercredi des Cendres, un ancien jardinier du monastère d'Aix tire à bout portant sur Mère Marie de Jésus, qui s'écroule en disant "Je lui pardonne !… Pour l'Œuvre !… Pour l'Œuvre !" Sœur Marie-Elise (née Léonie Le Vassor de Sorval, 1850-1927), gravement blessée par le meurtrier, allait bientôt succéder à Marie à la tête de l'Institut, et poursuivre l'extension de l'Œuvre qui devait recevoir son approbation définitive par Rome en 1896. Quelques temps avant de mourir, Marie de Jésus avait écrit : "Mon attrait spécial est la grande gloire de Jésus-Christ. Tout par Jésus-Christ. Que par Jésus-Christ, avec Jésus-Christ, en Jésus-Christ, tout honneur et toute gloire vous soit rendus, ô Père tout-puissant, en l'unité du Saint-Esprit. Ces mots renferment tout mon attrait avec ceux-ci : Offrande perpétuelle de Jésus-Christ à la Très Saint Trinité. Union d'amour. Sa vie en moi ; ma vie en Lui. Dieu le veut. Je suis à Lui pour l'éternité dans l'Institut de son Cœur, malgré l'angoisse, l'agonie et la mort". 

Marie de Jésus a été béatifiée par Jean-Paul II le 22 octobre 1989.


Marie Deluil-Martiny

Mère Marie de Jésus, Bienheureuse


Née à Marseille, le 28 mai 1841. Morte à Marseille, le 27 février 1884. Fondatrice de la Société des Filles du Cœur de Jésus.

Fille de Paul Deluil-Martiny, avocat au barreau de Marseille, et d'Anaïs-Marie-Françoise née de Solliers — qui était par sa mère l'arrière-petite-nièce d'Anne-Madeleine Remuzat — Marie Caroline Philomène est la première enfant d'un foyer qui en comptera cinq, un frère et trois sœurs la rejoignant bientôt sous le toit familial. Après des débuts difficiles, elle s'engage avec grande volonté sur le chemin des études, auprès de son institutrice à laquelle elle déclare un jour : "Oh ! pour moi, je me ferai religieuse". Elevée dans la religion chrétienne par des parents très pieux, elle prépare au premier monastère de la Visitation de Marseille sa première Communion, dont la cérémonie a lieu le 22 décembre 1853. Le 29 janvier 1854, elle reçoit la Confirmation de Mgr de Mazenod. A quinze ans, elle rejoint Lyon avec sa sœur Amélie, et y demeure deux ans chez les religieuses du Sacré-Cœur, à la Ferrandière. Parvenue en fin d'études en 1858, elle effectue alors avec le P. de Bouchaud S.J. une retraite qui s'avère décisive pour sa vocation. Elle écrit le 12 mai : "… Où irais-je ?… Le passereau trouve une demeure : pour moi, ô mon Dieu, votre Cœur, votre Cœur ! O Maître, vous serez mon Maître toujours. Faites de moi ce qu'il vous plaira ; mais je vous supplie qu'il vous plaise de m'enfermer dans votre Cœur et de me faire souffrir là quelque chose pour votre plus grande gloire et votre pur amour".

Le 24 juillet 1859 meurt à dix ans sa jeune sœur Clémence. Peu de temps après, Marie s'ouvre à ses parents de sa vocation religieuse. Mais pour soulager sa mère dont la santé est devenue fragile, elle s'engage activement dans les œuvres charitables dont celle-ci a la charge. En 1864, à l'occasion de l'une de ses visites à la Visitation de Marseille, elle découvre la "Garde d'Honneur du Sacré-Cœur de Jésus" fondée l'année précédente au monastère de Bourg-en-Bresse. Elle s'inscrit aussitôt au Cadran, entame une correspondance suivie avec Sœur Marie du Sacré-Cœur, et devient "Première Zélatrice" de l'association pour laquelle elle se dépense sans compter. En 1865, elle se rend à Bourg-en-Bresse, où elle effectue une retraite, puis en 1866 en pèlerinage à Paray-le-Monial, avec sa mère et sa sœur Amélie. En 1867, elle participe également à la préparation de l'ouvrage que Mgr Bougaud écrit sur la vie de Marguerite-Marie, rassemblant à son intention les écrits de saint François de Sales relatifs à la dévotion au Sacré-Cœur. Le 31 mars, elle a perdu sa plus jeune sœur, Marguerite, emportée comme Clémence par une maladie incurable. Elle retourne alors à Bourg avec sa mère, pour la distraire de sa peine.

En décembre 1866, elle a rencontré pour la première fois le Père Calage S.J. (1805-1888), qui va devenir son directeur spirituel. C'est sur ses conseils qu'elle s'offre au Seigneur en mai 1867, renouvelant solennellement ce don total d'elle-même en septembre. Quelques jours plus tard, alors qu'elle prie en l'église de Saint-Giniez, le Seigneur s'adresse à son âme, l'appelant à l'apostolat par la prière et le sacrifice. Le 8 décembre, elle fait vœu de virginité perpétuelle. En septembre 1868, elle se rend en pèlerinage à la Salette, et sa vocation d'immolation à Jésus-Christ crucifié se précise. "Les âmes de l'Institut futur seront des miroirs vivants de Jésus immolé" écrit-elle. En novembre, elle dépose sur l'autel son vœu d'obéissance à la grâce, qu'elle signe "Marie de Jésus, Fille du Cœur de Jésus". Le 27 février 1869, pour répondre à la demande du Père Calage, elle commence la rédaction d'un petit traité en préparation de l'Œuvre à venir. Achevé le 9 mars, il est tout entier centré sur le Cœur de Jésus, par le cœur de Marie. La récitation quotidienne des sept paroles du Christ en croix et du Magnificat ponctueront les journées des Filles du futur Institut. Le projet est béni par le Père Calage.

En avril 1870, elle fait la connaissance du Père Van den Berghe - venu de Belgique pour la rencontrer- qui repart conquis par le projet de l'Œuvre, mais la guerre toute proche en retardera l'accomplissement. Jules, le jeune frère de Marie, meurt le 10 janvier 1872, bientôt suivi par Amélie, le 25 février, troisième et quatrième enfants enlevés à la famille. Le 14 mars, le P. Van den Berghe obtient de Pie IX un Bref d'approbation en vue de la fondation tant attendue. Marie, accompagnée de ses parents, le rejoint en Belgique en septembre, et y rencontre l'archevêque de Malines Mgr Dechamps. De retour à Marseille, elle lui adresse un abrégé des Règles et Constitutions. Après un nouveau pèlerinage à Paray-le-Monial, elle repart pour la Belgique le 13 juin 1873, et le 19 reçoit le voile des mains de Mgr Van den Berghe, en même temps que le nom de Mère Marie de Jésus. Le 20, en la petite chapelle de Berchem-lez-Anvers, est célébrée pour les quatre premières religieuses une première messe, qui scelle la fondation de la Société des Filles du Cœur de Jésus.

En 1875, Marie en rédige les Constitutions définitives. On y retrouve tous les désirs adressés par Jésus à Marguerite-Marie à Paray-le-Monial : culte des images du Sacré-Cœur, Heure Sainte, Communion réparatrice, Adoration perpétuelle, Fête du Sacré-Cœur, etc., sous le patronage de Marie, Mère de l'Eglise. Les premières professes prononcent leurs vœux définitifs dans la toute nouvelle basilique du Sacré-Cœur construite à Berchem. Afin de préparer une fondation sur le sol français, Marie repart pour Marseille le 3 décembre, et reçoit le 5 janvier suivant de Mgr Forcade, archevêque d'Aix, l'autorisation espérée. Elle rentre à Berchem après le décès de la mère, en mai. Son père décède quelques mois plus tard, en septembre. La maison d'Aix s'ouvre le 15 juin 1877, et elle obtient alors de l'évêque de Marseille Mgr Robert une nouvelle autorisation de fondation sur le sol de la capitale phocéenne. Ce sera sur la maison familiale, à La Servianne. Les premières novices s'y installent le 24 juin 1879, et l'acte d'érection de la maison en monastère est signé par l'évêque le 25 février 1880.

Suite aux décrets de 1880 et l'expulsion des Jésuites, le Père Calage retrouve les religieuses à La Servianne. Marie l'y accueille avec joie. Jusqu'à sa mort quatre ans plus tard, elle se dévoue au sein de la maison, entre pénitences et mortifications. Le 8 décembre, elle écrit : "O Agneau du Père céleste, acceptez-nous comme vos agneaux ; unissez-nous à Vous sur la Croix et sur l'Autel ; formez nos cœurs selon votre Cœur victime. Et si ma misérable vie peut servir à Vous amener les âmes dont votre Cœur a soif, prenez-la, je vous en supplie, ô mon Amour, mais du moins, triomphez en Epoux sur les âmes de l'Institut et en Roi sur tous les cœurs !" En septembre 1883, de retour d'un voyage à Berchem, elle s'arrête à Montmartre, puis trois jours à Paray-le-Monial. Le 27 février 1884, Mercredi des Cendres, un ancien jardinier du monastère d'Aix tire à bout portant sur Mère Marie de Jésus, qui s'écroule en disant "Je lui pardonne !… Pour l'Œuvre !… Pour l'Œuvre !" Sœur Marie-Elise (née Léonie Le Vassor de Sorval, 1850-1927), gravement blessée par le meurtrier, allait bientôt succéder à Marie à la tête de l'Institut, et poursuivre l'extension de l'Œuvre qui devait recevoir son approbation définitive par Rome en 1896. Quelques temps avant de mourir, Marie de Jésus avait écrit : "Mon attrait spécial est la grande gloire de Jésus-Christ. Tout par Jésus-Christ. Que par Jésus-Christ, avec Jésus-Christ, en Jésus-Christ, tout honneur et toute gloire vous soit rendus, ô Père tout-puissant, en l'unité du Saint-Esprit. Ces mots renferment tout mon attrait avec ceux-ci : Offrande perpétuelle de Jésus-Christ à la Très Saint Trinité. Union d'amour. Sa vie en moi ; ma vie en Lui. Dieu le veut. Je suis à Lui pour l'éternité dans l'Institut de son Cœur, malgré l'angoisse, l'agonie et la mort".

Marie de Jésus a été béatifiée par Jean-Paul II le 22 octobre 1989. :

Extraits des Écrits de Mère Marie de Jésus Deluil-Martiny

dimanche 15 septembre 2019

Offrir Jésus

[Dans les écrits de Mère Marie de Jésus Deluil-Martiny]

«Chaque battement de nos cœurs devrait être un acte d’offrande de Jésus et d’union à son Sacrifice perpétuel pour la gloire du Père. Cachés, perdus en Jésus-Christ, revêtus de Jésus-Christ, tellement unis à Jésus-Christ, que sa vie devienne notre vie, voilà ce que nous devrions être pour atteindre la fin du Sacrifice de Jésus.»

«Notre-Seigneur semble avoir fait un autel dans mon âme, où Il s’offre incessamment à son Père et à l’Adorable Trinité. Il paraît vouloir qu’elle se tienne en sa présence, devant cet autel, dans une incessante adoration, se contentant de me regarder et de m’unir aux actes divins qu’Il opère.»

«Le grand attrait de mon âme sera toujours, par delà la question des âmes, dans l’offrande de Jésus-Christ Lui-même à l’Adorable Trinité, pour lui rendre tous les hommages d’amour, de bénédiction, de louange, d’action de grâces, toute la gloire, tout l’honneur qui Lui sont dûs, et que Jésus-Christ seul peut Lui rendre.»

«Voilà le modèle, regardez-le, méditez-le sans cesse et imitez-le! Honneur, amour, respect profond, service fervent, hommages incessants à Jésus-Hostie, sans cesse exposé à nos adorations. Union continuelle au sacrifice de l’autel: offrande non interrompue, par le cœur, du Calice élevé dans les mains des prêtres. Et, pour être victimes avec Jésus-Christ, avec Marie: sacrifice, sacrifice!... Offrons le Sang de Jésus et les larmes de Marie, offrons les sentiments, les mérites, le martyre, les réparations, les actions de grâce de leurs Cœurs sacrés.»

mardi 1 mai 2018

Unissez vos souffrances aux agonies que le Coeur de Jésus a souffertes

[Dans les écrits de Mère Marie de Jésus Deluil-Martiny]

26 janvier 1875.

Ma chère fille et Soeur en Notre-Seigneur, il me tardait bien de pouvoir revenir auprès de vous. Le doux Jésus vous a donc un peu remontée? Mais, sans doute comme vous voulez être sa petite victime, Il n’aura pas manqué de frapper bientôt à la porte de votre coeur avec sa croix : Courage ! Jésus ne mérite-t-Il pas d’être courageusement servi et généreusement aimé par quelques âmes quand tant d’autres l’outragent, le délaissent, le méprisent? Lorsqu’Il n’a presque plus dans le monde où reposer son coeur, ne faut-il pas qu’il puisse se réfugier dans l’âme de ses filles et y trouver l’amour, le dévouement et le sacrifice? Dieu compte tout, ma chère fille, et il est bien content de tout ce que vous faites pour son oeuvre, dans la mesure de vos forces. Remontez bien votre courage, et unissez toutes vos souffrances aux agonies que le Coeur de Jésus a souffertes. Tenez-vous sur l’autel afin qu’il vous offre avec lui.

Il faut s’aguerrir un peu. Quand on se porte bien, il ne faut s’épargner en rien; quand on est souffrant, il faut accepter les soins sans les chercher ; il faut les recevoir comme une aumône faite à Notre-Seigneur Jésus-Christ en notre personne, car nous sommes toutes les pauvres de Jésus : c’est-à-dire les recevoir humblement, généreusement, trouvant touj ours que c’est trop pour nous ; portant nos souffrances avec un coeur bien soumis et d’un extérieur doux et content, pour l’édification et la consolation du prochain. Autrement, que ferait-on de nous dans les fondations qui se préparent et où tout peut manquer à la fois ?... Ce courage sur soi-même ne s’apprend pas en un jour; mais, avec la grâce et la bonne volonté, les bien portantes et les malades ne peuvent manquer de l’acquérir. Et cette vertu a cela d’excellent qu’elle peut nous accompagner dans les plus rudes extrémités, et même à la mort. Avec elle on peut mourir l’arme au bras, comme un vaillant soldat de Dieu.

[Lettres de Mère Marie de Jésus Deluil-Martiny, fondatrice de la Société des Filles du Cœur de Jésus. - Paris, P. Lethielleux, 1965 – Imprimatur: Luçon, le 11 Octobre 1965. L. Bouet, v. g.]

dimanche 21 janvier 2018

Oblation et immolation avec l'Amour Crucifié

[Dans les écrits de Mère Marie de Jésus Deluil-Martiny]

Berchem, octobre 1874.

Au fond, nous le savons toujours, pour vos âmes : elles sont dans la Plaie du Coeur de Jésus, elles sont sur l’Autel, là où sont toujours les âmes victimes ; elles sont dans l’oblation et dans l’immolation continuelle, avec l’Amour Crucifié. Elles reçoivent Jésus, elles l’offrent, elles se donnent à Lui et sont emportées avec Lui dans son perpétuel sacrifice. Quel don que Jésus et quelle offrande !...

L’Adorable Trinité nous donne Jésus blessé, ensanglanté... En le recevant ainsi, couvert de plaies, ne devons-nous pas le consoler, le dédom-mager, lui rendre autant d’honneur qu’il a reçu de mépris, panser et adoucir ses blessures par la compassion, l’amour sans réserve ?...

Nous le recevons pour réparer, et nous l’offrons ensuite pour le glorifier. Que ce commerce et ce don mutuel entre la Sainte Trinité et nos pauvres âmes est quelque chose d’admirable et d’émouvant ! Mes Soeurs, usons là notre vie; recevoir Jésus, s’unir à Lui, l’offrir et s’offrir avec Lui pour glorifier le Père Céleste, c’est assez et c’est tout. Par cette perpétuelle communion, dans la Croix, et par cette perpétuelle offrande, notre coeur bat à sa pauvre façon du même battement que le Coeur de Dieu, si on peut ainsi s’exprimer, puisque le Père Céleste donne sans cesse Jésus-Christ au monde, et le reçoit sans cesse offert d’autel en autel.

La Très Sainte Vierge Marie est là comme partout, notre Institutrice et notre Mère; c’est par Elle que la Très Sainte Trinité nous donne Notre-Seigneur Jésus-Christ, c’est Marie qui est l’Autel sur lequel l’âme le reçoit; le coeur par lequel l’âme l’aime et l’embrasse, les mains par lesquelles l’âme l’offre de nouveau à Dieu, l’âme aussi par laquelle nous jetons vers le Ciel ce cri des âmes acerdotales et victimes « Que par Jésus-Christ, avec Jésus-Christ, et en Jésus-Christ, tout honneur et toute gloire vous soient rendus, ô Dieu (1) ! »

Tout par Lui, et nous cachées en Lui, ensevelies dans sa mort et offertes avec Lui dans l’Unité du Grand Sacrifice; est-ce que la grandeur de cette voie royale des Ames-Victimes ne suffit pas à remplir nos désirs, à apaiser la soif de nos âmes, et à entraîner à tous les sacrifices ?...

Priez pour nous, mes chères Soeurs, afin que nous marchions généreusement au grand but que notre Dieu nous a fait.

La grâce seule peut en donner la force; et les petites victimes ne peuvent rien que par leur union avec la Grande et Divine Victime.

- (1) Canon de la Messe.

[Lettres de Mère Marie de Jésus Deluil-Martiny, fondatrice de la Société des Filles du Cœur de Jésus. - Paris, P. Lethielleux, 1965 – Imprimatur: Luçon, le 11 Octobre 1965. L. Bouet, v. g.]

vendredi 15 septembre 2017

Voyons Jésus au-dessus de tout

[Dans les écrits de Mère Marie de Jésus Deluil-Martiny]

10 décembre 1875.

Que votre coeur s’enchaîne à jamais à celui de Jésus ; que votre âme se dépouille de tout ce qui déplaît à ce divin Maître ; qu’elle s’orne de tout ce qui le charme et l’attire ; qu’elle brûle pour Lui d’un amour de Séraphin; qu’elle le lui prouve par la générosité de ses sacrifices qu’éclairée par la foi sur le néant de tout ce qui passe, Sur la fausseté des principes du monde, sur la frivolité de ses joies, elle n’estime, ne désire, ne goûte, ne sache plus que Jésus-Christ et Jésus-Christ crucifié ; qu’elle serve sa gloire et ses divins intérêts par l’immolation d’elle-même; qu’après avoir ravi son céleste Fiancé par la ferveur de son abnégation, et de son humble renoncement à tout et à elle-même, elle lui soit donnée à jamais comme épouse et comme victime dans la pratique d’une parfaite chasteté, d’une parfaite obéissance et d’une parfaite pauvreté ; que, parmi tant d’âmes qui outragent Jésus-Christ, elle soit une des plus ferventes de celles qui aiment et réparent.

Supportez courageusement le sacrifice de l’absence. Jésus ne vous aide pas sensiblement, mais il vous aide réellement : chaque croix apporte sa grâce ; Jésus vous épure, vous détache, vous surnaturalise par cette séparation momentanée. Répétez-vous souvent cette parole: Jésus-Christ me suffit.

Usons des pauvres instruments qu’il nous envoie pour nous aider à aller à Lui ; mais usons-en autant et de la manière qu’il le veut, c’est-à-dire aussi bien de loin que de près, par l’absence et le sacrifice, comme par la présence et la consolation. Voyons Jésus au-dessus de tout.

[Lettres de Mère Marie de Jésus Deluil-Martiny, fondatrice de la Société des Filles du Cœur de Jésus. - Paris, P. Lethielleux, 1965 – Imprimatur: Luçon, le 11 Octobre 1965. L. Bouet, v. g.]

lundi 2 janvier 2017

L'amour n'est pas connu, l'amour n'est pas aimé!

[Dans les écrits de Mère Marie de Jésus Deluil-Martiny]

« O mes sœurs, l'amour n'est pas connu, l'amour n'est pas aimé ! Quand j'ai vu la haine du monde pour le Dieu qui est amour... les mépris et les outrages du monde pour Celui à qui toute puissance appartient au Ciel et sur la terre... quand j'ai vu l'armée de Satan dévaster le champ des âmes pour lesquelles mon Maître a déversé son sang, « mon cœur s'est fondu comme la cire au-dedans de moi-même. », et comme « l'amour désire faire plus qu'il ne peut, et qu'il croit que tout lui est possible et permis, » j'ai osé demander au divin Amour de se former une petite légion de Vierges qui soient des Séraphins de la terre : d'âmes prêtes à la souffrance, ardentes au dévouement, que l'obéissance seule, guidée par la prudence qui appartient à l'autorité, puisse arrêter dans la voie du sacrifice, d'âmes livrées et abandonnées à son action divine, en qui ses desseins de miséricorde se réalisent pleinement ; d'âmes eucharistiques, réparatrices et apostoliques ; d'âmes hosties, unies à Lui, transformées en Lui, offertes et sacrifiées par Lui, avec Lui et pour Lui, consommées en Lui, qui ne vivent plus, mais dans lesquelles il vive, et dont la vie soit cachée avec Lui, en Dieu ; des hosties vivantes, dans lesquelles il achève en quelque sorte sa passion, et dont il dispose selon son bon plaisir... dans l'intérêt de sa gloire. »

« Les sectes n'enseignent que la poursuite de la jouissance des sens, le matérialisme, l'égoïsme le plus révoltant ; nous leur opposerons la poursuite de l'abnégation la plus entière, la vigueur de la perfection intérieure et une mortification continuelle ne toutes choses, autant que possible ; un généreux amour de la Croix ; l'esprit de sacrifice, l'esprit d'union à Jésus immolé, qui est l'esprit même du Christianisme ; l'exquise pureté et les chastesdélicatesses de la virginité ; l'oubli de nos intérêts propres ; et le sacrifice total de nous-mêmes pour la plus grande gloire de Dieu. »

jeudi 6 octobre 2016

Prier le Rosaire

[Dans les écrits de Mère Marie de Jésus Deluil-Martiny]

« En méditant avec plus de piété que jamais les mystères du saint Rosaire, et en en récitant les prières, nous accomplirons une des saintes œuvres de notre vocation. La dernière partie de la vie de Marie que nous honorons tout spécialement, et que nous nous efforçons d’imiter en ce qui nous est possible, a été tout occupée du double sacrifice de Notre-Seigneur Jésus-Christ (sur le Calvaire et dans l’Eucharistie), et de son propre dévouement à l’Eglise. Nous imiterons donc Marie, en méditant dans notre cœur les mystères sacrés de la vie, de la mort et du triomphe de Notre-Seigneur, dont chaque dizaine nous apportera les précieux souvenirs. En invoquant Marie de nos lèvres, pendant que notre âme se rendra présents tous ces divins mystères, nous lui demanderons d’intervenir en notre faveur et de parler à Dieu pour empêcher la ruine de son peuple. »

Marie de Jésus Deluil-Martiny

Blog sur la Bienheureuse Marie Deluil-Martiny, Fondatrice de la Société des Filles du Cœur de Jésus


Blessed Marie Deluil-Martiny

Also known as

Sister Marie of Jesus

Sister Mary of Jesus

Marie-Caroline-Philomène Deluil-Martiny


27 February


The oldest of five children (she had one brother and three sisters) born to upper middle class parents; she was baptized on the day of her birth. Her father was Paul Deluil-Martiny, a lawyer, and she was the great-niece of Venerable Anne–Madeleine Rémuzat. Marie received a good early education from Visitation Sisters in her home town, and then the Sisters of the Sacred Heart in LyonsFrance. She made her First Communion on 22 December 1853, and received Confirmation on 29 January 1854Saint Eugène de Mazenod assisted at the Confirmation. At age 15, she and some like-minded school friends started a group and called themselves the Oblates of Mary; while it indicated a devotion, their teachers stopped it immediately as there was a risk of them deviating from orthodox Christianity without proper leadership.

Marie began to understand that she had a call to religious life; she starting keeping a spiritual journal, and when she was of age, turned down several marriage proposals. She heard Saint John Marie Vianney preach, and later met with him to discuss her vocation; he encouraged her to follow the call. On 9 March 1864, Marie founded the Guard of Honour of the Sacred Heart, also known as the Association of Presence to the Heart of Jesus, which promoted devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Eucharist; it received canonical status on 7 June 1872. In June 1865 as part of her work with the Guard of Honour, she met, befriended and inspired Saint Daniel Comboni in his missionary work; they corresponded for years. In December 1866, while on a spiritual retreat conducted in honour of the beatification of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, Marie heard Father Jean Calage preach on the Sacred Heart; she explained her call to religious life to him, and he became her spiritual director.

On 20 June 1873, with the help of Father Calage, Marie founded the Congregation of the Daughters of the Heart of Jesus in Berchem, AntwerpBelgium with a mission to promote devotion the Sacred Heart, and to pray continuously for priests. Their constitution, based on the teachings of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, was completed in 1875, they received diocesan approval on 2 February 1876 from Cardinal Victor-Auguste-Isidor Deschamps, Marie and the first sisters made their vows on 22 August 1878, and Sister Marie served as the group’s superior the rest of her life. They established the first convent on 24 June 1879, received a papal decree of praise on 25 February 1888, was granted full papal approval of Pope Leo XIII on 2 February 1902, and continue their good work today in BelgiumFranceAustriaItaly and Croatia. Marie saw few of these successes as she was murdered by Louis Chave, an angry, lazy, down-and-out anarchist whom Marie had hired as gardener at La Servianne in order to give him a chance at a better life.


28 May 1841 in Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, France as Marie-Caroline-Philomène Deluil-Martiny


shot twice at point-blank range with a revolver, damaging her carotid artery, on Ash Wednesday27 February 1884 in La Servianne, Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, France

buried with family in Marseille

re-interred at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Berchem, AntwerpBelgium in 1899 when the Daughters were expelled from France

relics exhumed and inspected on 4 March 1989 as part of the canonization investigation

re-interred at the mother-house of the Daughters of the Heart of Jesus in RomeItaly on 28 September 2013


23 October 1987 by Pope John Paul II (decree of heroic virtues)


22 October 1989 by Pope John Paul II


Daughters of the Heart of Jesus

Additional Information

Catholic Encyclopedia

The Holiness of the Church in the 19th Century

other sites in english

Abbey of Saint-Joseph de Clairval

Cathlic Online

Catholic Saints Guy

Hagiography Circle

Mary Pages

New Catholic Encyclopedia

Spiritual Adoption of Priests

Vultus Christi: An Intercessor for Priests

Vultus Christi: A Lover of the Pierced Heart of Jesus

Vultus Christi: A Life Offered for Priests

Vultus Christi: Close of the Heart of Jesus



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Abtei Saint-Joseph de Clairval


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Abadía San José de Clairval

Martirologio Romano2001 edición

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Abbaye Saint-Joseph de Clairval

Abbaye Saint Benoît

Nouvelle Evangelisation

Reflexion Chretienne


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Abbazia San Giuseppe di Clairval

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Santi e Beati


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Abdij Saint-Joseph de Clairval


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Let us hasten the triumph of Christ over hell and the hostile powers through prayer and sacrifice. – Blessed Marie

What deep sorrow seizes one at the sight of the ever-increasing godlessness of our time and the seducing triumphs of anti-Christian societies. Oh, could I but expiate with my blood those insults offered to the Divine Majesty! – Blessed Marie

I forgive him. All for the cause. – the dying words of Blessed Marie

MLA Citation

“Blessed Marie Deluil-Martiny“. CatholicSaints.Info. 2 July 2023. Web. 8 October 2024. <>


The Holiness of the Church in the Nineteenth Century – Mother Marie of Jesus


(Marie Caroline Deluil-Martigny) On 27 February 1884, an anarchist broke into the convent garden of La Servianne at Marseilles, rushed upon the superior, Mother Marie of Jesus, and her attendant, and fired five pistol shots at them, wounding them both mortally. The superior fell covered with blood. “I forgive him. All for the cause” were her last and only words. The assassin had accomplished the ruthless deed with cool deliberation and out of hatred for religion, as is evident from a letter he had written some hours before to an anarchistic newspaper so that his intention might be clearly understood.

The unfortunate man had no idea that he was gratifying the heart’s desire of his victim. To suffer for Our Lord, even to shed her blood for Him, was the ardent longing of Marie Caroline Deluil-Martigny from her very childhood. Often had she offered her life to Our Saviour in sacrifice for the many crimes committed against Him by indifference and unbelief. A short time before her death she had written: “What deep sorrow seizes one at the sight of the ever-increasing godlessness of our time and the seducing triumphs of anti-Christian societies. Oh, could I but expiate with my blood those insults offered to the Divine Majesty!” She considered it the purpose of her life to make atonement to Our Lord for the ingratitude of the world.

After mature deliberation and with the assistance of Father John Calage, S.J., she established the Daughters of the Heart of Jesus with the object of manifesting a love of expiation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This aim was to be attained chiefly by an imitation of the spiritual priesthood of the Mother of Sorrows. Besides this, the Congregation included as its special work constant prayer for priests, since on the zeal of these the glory of God particularly depends. The first house of the Society was established at Berchem, a suburb of Antwerp, in 1873. This idea of expiatory work met with great approval from Cardinal Deschamps of Malines and from Monsignor Van den Berge. The foundress was soon able to put her plan into practice in her own country. She had long before sacrificed her will entirely to God, and now the Lord accepted also her sacrifice of her life. Her cruel death drew the attention of the world to her hidden life of virtue and won for her work the blessing of God and the favor of many friends. The process of her beatification was begun in 1908.

MLA Citation

Father Constantine Kempf, SJ. “Mother Marie of Jesus”. The Holiness of the Church in the Nineteenth Century: Saintly Men and Women of Our Own Times1916. CatholicSaints.Info. 28 April 2022. Web. 8 October 2024. <>


Catholic Encyclopedia – Mary of Jesus Deluil-Martiny


Foundress of the Congregation of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart, born in Mareilles, France, 28 May 1841; died there 27 February 1884. She was educated at the Visitation Convent in her native city and at the convent of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart in Lyons. For several years she remained at home and devoted herself to the spread of the devotion of the “Guard of Honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.” In 1867 with the permission of her director she took a vow of perpetual chastity, and soon after set about the foundation of a congregation of women to be devoted to the reparation of the faults of the faithful and of priests. She put herself under obedience to the Archbishop of Malines, who, on 9 December 1872, approved the new institute to be known as the Congregation of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Sister Mary of Jesus built the first house of the Society at Berchem near Antwerp, and adjoining it erected the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. She then established her religious in Aix-en-Provence and at La Serviannce, Near Marseilles. Many houses were founded after her death, among them the mother-house in Rome. The constitutions were finally approved by the Holy See 2 February 1902. The foundress was assassinated by the gardener of La Servianne, as she walked in the grounds of her community. On the expulsion of the Congregation of France, her body was removed to the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Berchem. She had ruled her institute with great prudence and charity and given an example of the highest virtue to the perfection of her life. The introduction of her cause of canonization was signed by Pope Benedict XV, 25 May 1921.

MLA Citation

“Mary of Jesus Deluil-Martiny”. Catholic Encyclopedia, 1922. CatholicSaints.Info. 19 March 2018. Web. 8 October 2024. <>


Blessed Marie of Jesus Deluil-Martiny

From the Desk of Fr. John Horgan……..

A Saint for this Week: Feast Day: February 27

Blessed Marie of Jesus Deluil-Martiny was born on May 28, 1841 in Marseille, France. Her family was outstanding in its religious piety and her father, a lawyer, defended the rights of the Church and religious orders during many difficult years. Marie was an intelligent and lively child, educated by the Religious of the Sacred Heart. During her late teens and twenties, she experienced the death of her brother and two sisters. Although deeply committed to many religious works, she was unsure of her calling and sought advice from St. John Vianney. Eventually, she found a good spiritual director who helped unite her religious devotions to the Eucharist and the Sacred Heart with her new and remarkable insights regarding interior participation in the Mass. In 1873, she founded a new religious institute, the Daughters of the Heart of Jesus, at Antwerp, Belgium. She and her nuns dedicated themselves to daily adoration of the Eucharist, union with the Masses offered throughout the world, and the acceptance of all sufferings in reparation for offenses against Jesus in the Eucharist and for the sake of the sanctification of priests. Mother Marie’s spiritual understanding of the Virgin Mary, St. John, and the Holy Women beneath the Cross developed into a new appreciation for the laity’s inner union with the priest at the altar. This was her special “charism,” a unique understanding and insight given to her by the Holy Spirit, recognized by the Church and transmitted to her spiritual daughters and sons. After only 11 years of religious life, Mother Marie was murdered by a young man whom the Sisters had hired as a gardener out of charity. Having become a Freemason and an anarchist, he shot her to death on Ash Wednesday, February 27, 1884 as she walked in the convent garden. Her dying words were, “I forgive him. . . For the sake of this Work. . . For this Work.” Her Christ-like love and pardon were recognized by her beatification in 1989. Now her nuns have six monasteries throughout Europe where they live their life of Eucharistic adoration and offering. Many saints and holy people have benefited from her spirituality and associated themselves to her Order, including St. Pius X, St. Maximilian Kolbe and Blessed Columba Marmion.

Father John Horgan has been close to these Sisters since the early 1980s and celebrated his First Mass in the Roman cloister of these nuns; he served as vice-postulator of her Cause for Sainthood and was at her beatification. A painting of her hangs now in the Jesuit Room.

Blessed Marie is the first Zelatrix of the Guard of Honor, originator of the medal and composer of the Guard of Honor Hymn.

Let us Pray:

Sacred Heart of Jesus, you who, after having shed all your blood to save humanity, only ask human for their love, you have planted in our hearts the desire to make known the devotion of the Guard of Honor in Vancouver. Ask your divine Mother to accompany us and guide us in this mission.

Oh! Merciful heart, sustain your Honor Guards. Help us to be persistent in our prayer, bless our country and the world and help us to have the zeal to proclaim your love and make known the movement that wants to console your abandoned heart. We ask this through the intercession of Blessed Marie of Jesus Lentuil Martiny. AMEN


Bl. Marie Deluil-Martiny of Jesus, Virgin and Martyr

Memorial: February 27

Consecrated to the Mother of God by her own mother while in the womb, Marie Deluil-Martiny was born in Marseille, France, on May 28, 1841, the firstborn of five children in a very distinguished family. (Through her mother, she was the great niece of Ven. Anne-Madeleine Remuzat, who helped spread devotion to the Sacred Heart.) Called by one 19th century prelate “the St. Teresa [of Avila] of our century,” she still captivates all who encounter her due to the depth of her teaching and the holiness of her life.

Bright, even brilliant, highly educated, and very curious about society and history, she desired from an early age to consecrate herself to God in a unique way that would lead others to gradually experience an explosion of love for Him.

Not surprisingly, she was a precocious child. For instance, at age 15, she led some school friends in establishing a new “religious community,” the “Oblates of Mary. Amazingly the Sisters who taught Marie complained about her “mischief” to St. Eugene de Mazenod, archbishop of Marseille. He calmly told them, “She will be St. Marie of Marseille.” Nonetheless the Sisters dissolved the group.

At age 17, she went on a retreat to discern her vocation. During it she wrote in her journal, “Jesus Christ is the only One to love. At my death, I would like to have loved no one but Him…. To live properly in the world, I must abhor sin and flee its occasions, hate the world and what is of the world … Come and follow Me, Jesus said. O God, how beautiful these words are! … It is mine if I want it!”

So it was that, despite having several proposals of marriage, she discerned a calling to make herself entirely His.

t was around this same time that she went to confession to St. Jean Marie Vianney, the Curé of Ars, and revealed to him her desire for a religious vocation. He told her, “Yes, it is wholly the will of God, but you will have to wait a long time in the world.”

And so Marie took a private vow of perpetual virginity, even though she would not be in a monastery. She could not be. All of her siblings had died. Furthermore, the strain of this loss compounded with her father’s going broke left her parents in need of care. So she stayed and looked after them. In the meantime, she resolved to proclaim Christ by performing a hundred good works, serving the poor, helping the priests and missions, and spreading devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Marie even assisted St. Daniel Comboni during his travels in France.
St. Daniel Comboni

According to the Monks of Clairval, who write many excellent saints biographies, “In 1864, she learned about a new association, started by a nun from the Visitation Convent in Bourg-en-Bresse, called the ‘Honor Guard of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.’ Its purpose was to glorify, love and console the Sacred Heart through the offering of oneself with Him in a life of prayer, penance, and charity, in reparation for the sins of the world. Marie soon received from it the title ‘First Zealot’ for the work she did in spreading its printed materials, pictures, and medals throughout the world to many souls, including bishops.”

Two years later, she went to hear Fr. Jean Calage, SJ, preach on the Sacred Heart, and she was enthralled by his explanation of the significance of the water and blood that gushed forth from the side of Our Lord.

Afterward, she approached him and confided her frustration at not being able to enter a convent. He told her, “You are called, that is for certain, but the time has not yet come. Entering religious life at the present time would disrupt God’s plans. He has special plans for your soul… You must prepare yourself through detachment from yourself.”

Thanks to this spiritual guidance, she kept faith and persevered while God purified her soul. During this time she spent hours before the Tabernacle, praying, seeking, meditating on the things of God, and like Our Lady, keeping them all in her heart.

One topic that captured much of attention was this: She knew the Lord wanted her to cooperate with Him in making reparation for sins (cf. Col 1:24), but what did that mean?

Then on September 7, 1867, as she prayed before the Real Presence, she heard Jesus tell her, “I am not known, I am not loved… I wish to make souls for Myself who understand Me… I am a torrent that wants to overflow and whose waters can no longer be held back!… I wish to make Myself cups so as to fill them with the waters of My love… I am thirsty for hearts who appreciate Me and who enable Me to fulfill the goal for which I am here! I am insulted, I am desecrated. Before the end of time, I want to be compensated for all the insults I have received… I want to distribute all the graces that have been refused…!”

In response, Marie wrote in her prayer journal, “The world no longer wants Him. Today, some blush at Him, while others hate Him and scorn Him. They try to chase Him from hearts and from society. To these dishonors, scorn, and satanic profanities, let us answer loud and clear: He must reign!”

The next year, praying before a statue of Our Lady of La Salette, she felt the following inspiration: “The Blessed Virgin wants victims who, in union with her pierced heart (cf. Luke 2:35) and with Jesus sacrificed, interpose themselves between the crimes of men and the justice of God.”

This prompted from her this prayer: “O Jesus, receive me from the hands of the Most Blessed Virgin and offer me with You, sacrifice me with You… I offer myself for this sacrifice as much as You wish and my weakness allows… I will consider all the crosses, all the sufferings that Your Providence sends me as proofs that You have accepted my humble offering.”

It was around this time that the seeds of the religious order she wound found were planted in her mind. She wrote, “Just as Mary on Calvary, united to the Eternal Priest, offered her Divine Son, and then renewed this offering through the hands of St. John, the Daughters of the Heart of Jesus, united with all the priests in the world, will offer the Eucharistic Jesus sacrificed on every altar. They will especially offer the Blood and Water that came forth from the divine wound of the Sacred Heart. They will be the adorers of the Eucharist solemnly exposed in the chapels of their convents, and will dedicate themselves to surrounding Him with the most profound signs of respect and love. This will be their life, their reason for being…”

God took her prayer seriously, for “humiliating trials” followed. To strengthen her, Fr. Calage wrote, “Strive to abase your spirit. Your soul is malleable, and you are obedient, but your spirit must be humbled… The ordinary means that God uses to humble the spirit are humiliations and temptations. They show you what you are without grace, something hideous and abominable.”

In time, God’s plans for her life came to fruition. She was ready to found her religious order. However the political situation made it impossible to do so in France. So with the invitation of the Belgian Msgr. Oswald van den Berghe, rector of the world’s first basilica dedicated to the Sacred Heart, she moved to Berchem, Belgium. There, on June 20, 1873, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, she founded the Daughters of the Heart of Jesus.

Their charism was devotion to the Sacred Heart, living a cloistered life, adoration of the Eucharist, prayer, and offering their sufferings for a) the conversion of a world that is far from God and b) the sanctification of priests.

The center, in fact the only One in her life, was the eucharistic Jesus offered to the Father on all the altars of the world, present in the Tabernacle, worshiped night and day, and experienced in the intimacy of sanctifying grace and charity. She took the name Mother Marie of Jesus, saying her model in doing so was Our Lady.

She didn’t impose austere penances or direct the Sisters to seek out these. Instead, she said, “The sufferings caused by heat or cold are good windfalls for a mortified soul. To say nothing on these occasions is a precious mortification, because no one sees or notices it; everything is for Jesus alone.”

Furthermore Our Lady had told her in prayer, “For the future institute, the offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the celestial offering of the Divine Victim sacrificed on the altar, will compensate most excellently for the corporal mortifications that some constitutions can no longer bear.”

So many young people flocked to the new foundation of Mother Marie, that she soon founded two other monasteries, one in Aix-en-Provence, France, and the other on some property she inherited from her mother, La Servianne in Marseille.

Having grown so much in intimacy with Jesus, she taught how to have this intimacy with Him by being a gift to her “daughters,” who loved her like a mother. She wasn’t always easy. Mothers rarely are. In fact, the good ones aren’t. But they knew she loved them and wanted the greatest good for them. Indeed she sat with them for hours when they got sick and cared for them herself.

Her selfless attitude is summed up in a letter she penned to one of her spiritual offspring. In it she wrote, “Isn’t it ridiculous for us to spend our time thinking about ourselves, admiring ourselves, or complaining, getting upset over our little troubles which seem so big to us, limiting ourselves by groaning over our misfortunes, when the great plans of God and the salvation of souls are calling us, when we have a God to love and serve, and souls to help and save? We are like a man who, in the middle of a terrible fire that is burning down his house, and that is going to kill his mother, his father, his children, instead of hurrying to put it out, is in a corner wailing that his clothes got soiled from carrying buckets of water, and is busy picking off, with lamentations, each bit of ash that got on his clothes. Oh! That is what we do when, in the midst of this unhappy world that is trying to burn down the Church and that insults Jesus Christ Our Lord, we spend our time complaining about our ills or our own trials, etc. We shrink in on ourselves when we could expand in embracing God, and become saints by serving His cause through our renunciations and sacrifices. A good flap of the wings and, with the aid of grace, let us rise up, let us leave the earth—above all, leave ourselves—and no longer see anything but Jesus!”

In September 1883, she hired 21-year-old Louis Chave. From a poor family and orphaned at 10, he was destitute, so she took him on “to pull him out of poverty. But soon, he showed himself to be lazy, rude, and demanding, and moreover, was involved with the anarchists” (who also were typically atheists who hated Catholicism). So Mother fired him.

On February 27, 1884, Ash Wednesday, Mother Marie of Jesus was taking her recreation by walking in the garden at La Servianne. Chave lay in wait, and when she came to where he was hiding, he jumped out. She spoke a kind word to him, and he responded with his revolver, plugging one bullet into her head and another into her neck, severing the carotid artery, and doing so simply out of hatred for the faith. Thus she this victim soul died as a “virgin and martyr,” which she had always wanted. Her last words were “I forgive him … for the Institute!”

Chave later died in a shootout with police. A note he left behind showed his was a premeditated act, that he had wanted to start a revolution, and the first act was killing this good woman.

When Mother’s body was exhumed on March 4, 1989, in preparation for her beatification, she was found to be incorrupt.

On October 22, 1989, Pope St. John Paul II beatified her at St. Peter’s in Rome.

With her humble and extraordinary life, filled as it was with the love of giving and incredible joy, she shows us that Jesus’ Crucifixion and the Eucharist—because these are the center of everything—are the only source from which to draw upon the real life of grace and holiness. And the Virgin Mary is our model and guide to Him.

For information, please contact:

Daughters of the Heart of Jesus
Via dei Villini, 34
00161 Roma



Baptized Marie Caroline Philomène; founder of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; b. May 28, 1841, Marseilles, France; d. Feb. 27, 1884, La Servianne Convent, Marseilles. Educated by the Visitation nuns in Lyons, Marie became a member of the Guard of Honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Under the guidance of Jean Colage, S.J., in 1873 she founded in Belgium a contemplative congregation of women to make reparation to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary and to pray for priests. She took the name Marie de Jésus. The Institute's constitutions were definitively approved by the Holy See in 1902. As a model for the institute the founder chose the Blessed Virgin under the aspect of victim and associate of Christ in the Passion. She adopted from Msgr. O. Van den Berghe the devotion to Mary as "virgin and priest."

In 1916, the Holy Office published a decree forbidding representations of Mary in priestly vestments; and in 1927 it prohibited the spread of this devotion among the faithful, but permitted the daughters to practice the devotion within the confines of the congregation. During the lifetime of the founder, the congregation spread in France and into Belgium. It has since established houses in Austria, Italy, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. Marie Deluil-Martiny was shot to death by an anarchist employed at the motherhouse. Her remains rest in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart at Berschem (near Antwerp), Belgium. Her cause was introduced in 1921 and completed with her beatification by Pope John Paul II on Oct. 27, 1998.

Feast: Oct. 27.

Bibliography: Acta Apostolicae Sedis (1989): 1079. L. Laplace, Immolation: Life of Mother Mary of Jesus, tr. J. F. Newcomb (New York 1926). R. Garrigou–Lagrange, La Vita interióre della Madre Maria di Gesù (Milan 1939). On the cult of the "Virgin and priest," see: R. Laurentin, Marie, l'Église et le sacerdoce, 2 v. (Paris 1952–53). A. de Bonhome, "Dévotions prohibées," Dictionnaire de Spiritualité Ascétique et Mystique, ed. M. Villier et al. (Paris 1932) 3:786–788.

[M. H. Quinlan]

New Catholic Encyclopedia


HomeSacred Heart of JesusClose to the Heart of Jesus

Close to the Heart of Jesus

27 February 2008

Blessed Marie de Jésus Deluil Martiny was the “First Zelatrice”, or promoter, of the Guard of Honour of the Sacred Heart. The Work was founded at the Visitation Monastery of Bourg-en-Bresse in 1863. The above photo shows Daughters of the Heart of Jesus at adoration in their chapel in Rome.

The Guard of Honour of the Sacred Heart
or Association of Presence to the Heart of Jesus
The Aim of the Guard of Honour

“I look round for one that would console Me, and I found none” (Psalm 68:21)

The Guard of Honour was established to respond to this sorrowful complaint of Our Lord. Its members seek, by the conscious dedication of their activities, to offer love and reparation to the Heart of Jesus, outraged by the ingratitude and the sins of men. The wounded Heart of Jesus is, therefore, the Object of the Guard of Honour. Love and reparation are its aim. The practices of the Work are the means. Anyone may belong to the Association of Presence to the Heart of Jesus (the Guard of Honour) because it imposes no obligation incompatible with one’s own state in life. It helps one to live one’s own vocation with greater fidelity.

Conditions for Membership:

1) Be enrolled at one of the Association’s approved Centres. (See the Enrollment Form given below.)

2) Choose an hour out of each day or night, and offer it to the Heart of Jesus, without changing one’s ordinary activities. Unite the offering of one’s daily life with the offering of the Blood and Water that flowed from the Wound in the Heart of Jesus.

Offering of the Hour of Presence
O Lord Jesus, present in the Tabernacle,
I offer Thee this Hour
to glorify Thy Heart with my love and reparation.
Accept to this end my thoughts, my words, my actions,
my joys and my sorrows.
Receive, above all, my heart.
I give it to Thee without reserve,
and beg Thee to consume it in the fire of Thy pure love.

Most Precious Offering of the Blood and of the Water
Eternal Father, receive as a sacrifice of propitiation
for the needs of the Church
and in reparation for the sins of the world,
the precious Blood and Water that flowed from the Heart of Jesus,
and have mercy upon us.

Enrollment Form
Name: _____________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________
City: ______________________________________________
State:__________________________Zip Code_____________
Country: ____________________________________________
I choose as my daily Hour of Presence to the Heart of Jesus
from __________ to _____________.
(Optional) I choose an additional Hour of Presence, the Hour of Mercy
from __________ to _____________,
which I offer for the conversion of ______________. (Initials are sufficient)
Send this form to:
Soeur Marie–Chantal
Monastère de la Visitation
71600 Paray-le–Monial, FRANCE



A Life Offered for Priests

27 February 2011

Commemoration of Blessed Marie de Jésus Deluil Martiny, Virgin

Although today is Sexagesima Sunday, I cannot let it pass without remembering Blessed Marie de Jésus, a woman whose charism of Eucharistic adoration, reparation, and zeal for the sanctification of priests makes her a significant figure for the Monastery of our Lady of the Cenacle.

Adoration, Reparation, and Spiritual Motherhood

Blessed Marie de Jésus Deluil Martiny (1841-1884) shines among the models of holiness proposed in the Congregation for the Clergy’s remarkable Letter of 8 December 2007, Adoration, Reparation, and Spiritual Mother for Priests. Her liturgical commemoration today marks her bloody martyrdom at the hands of a French anarchist, on 27 February 1884.

Zélatrice of the Sacred Heart

Blessed Marie de Jésus was graced with a burning awareness of the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Sacrament of His Love. So ardent was her zeal to draw souls close to the Heart of Him who draws near to us in the Blessed Sacrament, that she became known, while yet a young woman living in the world, as the Zélatrice of the Sacred Heart.

The Guard of Honour of the Sacred Heart

Even before founding the Congregation of the Daughters of the Heart of Jesus, Marie Deluil Martiny spent herself promoting a movement known as the Guard of Honour of the Sacred Heart. The movement still exists today with its international headquarters at the Visitation Monastery in Paray-le-Monial, France.

The Divine Wound

Marie de Jésus explained the movement in these words:

“The Guard [of Honour of the Sacred Heart], the Work in itself, was placed by the Infinite Love of our Master at the entrance of the Wound of His Divine Heart. There, it calls souls, unites them, calls them together, preaches to them, if one may say so, pushes them, and draws them into the interior of the Divine Wound . . . it leads them there, and introduces them therein, after having, so to speak, opened to them the door of this sacred refuge . . . Souls, entering this safe abode are sprinkled, washed, whitened, purified, healed, and supernaturalized by a most efficacious application of the Blood and Water that came forth from the Divine Wound.

But Jesus wants even more: this is the new step that Our Lord desires to make the souls He has chosen to this end take: they must enter by the gate of the City of God, that is into the Heart of Jesus by the Divine Wound; therein will be their world, their dwelling, their place of rest.”

The Daughters of the Heart of Jesus

The second phase of Marie Deluil Martiny’s life was a flowering of the first. After a long preparation in prayer, she opened the first house of the Society of the Daughters of the Heart of Jesus at Berchem near Anvers in Belgium on June 20, 1873. The new foundation was characterized by a burning desire to console the Heart of Jesus, and by a mystical participation in His victimal priesthood, patterned after that of His Holy Mother at the foot of the Cross.

Divine Jealousy for Sacerdotal and Consecrated Souls

Mother Marie de Jésus wrote: “They will live from that life of suffering love that was the intimate life of the Heart of Jesus; they will penetrate the most tender secrets of His love: the Eucharist, the Church, His divine jealousy for sacerdotal and consecrated souls.”

Priests: Sacrificers and Victims

“What a calling! The Work must give to Christ souls who offer themselves as a sacrifice of Love, these will be “the victims of Love that Jesus asks for,” by the Holy Eucharist. The Host has become indispensable to my life; I should wish never to leave it for the sake of sacerdotal souls [priests]. Too many of them are satisfied with being Sacrificers and exercise their sacred functions without steeping them enough in the Priestly Spirit, that is, without themselves becoming truly Victims at the same times as Sacrificers, and so God wills that legions of souls who are truly Victims offer themselves as humble supplements for what certain priests are lacking in the Priestly Spirit. Their example is Mary, the Mother of Jesus.”

Offering for Priests

“To offer yourself for souls is beautiful and great,” wrote Mother Deluil Martiny, “but to offer yourself for the souls of priests is so beautiful, so great, that you would have to have a thousand lives and offer your heart a thousand times. . . . I would gladly give my life if only Christ could find in priests what he is expecting from them. I would gladly give it even if just one of them could perfectly realize God’s divine plan for him.”

The Blessed Virgin Mary United to the Victimal Priesthood of Her Son

Marie Deluil Martiny presents the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Mother of Christ the Victim Priest and of all who are called to follow Him in the way of His Victimal Priesthood. By her most intimate and perfect participation in the Victimal Priesthood of her Son, the Blessed Virgin Mary is both Coredemptrix and Mediatrix. She is the Virgo sacerdotalis, sacerdotal, not by virtue of sacramental ordination, but by virtue of her unique and entire adhesion to the Sacrifice of Christ.

Violent Death and Glory

When on February 27, 1884, Mother Marie de Jésus was murdered in the garden of the monastery she had founded at La Servianne, her family property, her last words were, “I forgive him . . . for the Work, for the Work for Priests,” that is, for the Institute she founded.

“Our Lord,” she said, “has put into my soul that the souls of the future institute will be like that parcel of the Host that melts in the chalice; they will all melt and disappear in the Blood of Jesus.” The Congregation she founded, the Daughters of the Heart of Jesus, continue her charism of liturgical prayer, reparation, and adoration, with a particular maternal solicitude for priests. Pope John Paul II beatified Mother Marie de Jésus Deluil Martiny on October 22, 1989.


Blessed Marie of Jesus Martiny

Marie Deluil-Martiny was born on 28th May 1841 in Marseilles (France). She was the oldest child in family (she had 4 siblings – one brother and three sisters). Among her mother’s family members there were some very religious nuns – their devoutness and perseverance were impressive for their relatives. Marie’s father was a lawyer and in this profession he earned money to maintain his family.

When she was 11, Mary was educated in school conducted by sisters. At that time Marie and her friends decided to create a “religious community” called “the Oblates of Mary” – unfortunately: in spite of good intentions of students, group was liquidated. After graduating, she wanted to visit Ars to listen to Jean Marie Vianney’s homilies. Many pilgrims came to Ars to meet this priest – Marie also decided to go there. Eventually, during her visit she didn’t meet the priest. She asked God to have a chance to talk with father Vianney, but her prayer wasn’t answered.

When Marie came back home, it turned out that her younger sister died in age of 10. It was a huge shock for Marie (she wrote in her diary that she felt like a part of her soul was dying then). In 1879 she decided to found the Congregation of the Daughters of the Scared Heart of Jesus. From childhood she was very devoted to Scared Heart of Jesus, so naturally it became a Center of spiritual life in founded Congregation. Sisters tried to execute their charism not only by acts – the main aim was to unite spiritually with Jesus Heart. Marie understood Jesus’ calling to find “lost sheep”. It is worth to quote a fragment from her writings:

“One more heart, which loves Jesus, one more soul, which adores Him and devote oneself Him, one more mouth, which profess and worship Him; one more spirit to contemplate Him and to be filled with His presence. And after that – one more seraph to be feverish with His love. For all these things it’s worth to spill your blood for it. Others may say it is an act of folly – the first example is Jesus: this is the same folly, for which a Word came to world as a man, the same folly that humbled Him in Nazareth and covered Him with blood in Gethsemane. It was the same folly that made Him an offer on Calvary and after His death – hurt His heart to let His Holly Blood flow and to spread His Love.”

Marie was aware how important was having saint shepherds in Church. She knew that priests were of great importance in leading people to God – by sacraments and preaching the Gospel. Because of it, she felt big responsibility of them and decided to pray and suffer in their intention. She said: “Offering for souls is really valuable thing! But offering for priests’ souls… it is so beautiful and responsible challenge that thousand lives and hearts wouldn’t be enough… I would willingly sacrifice my life for priests – just to make them be up to Jesus’ expectations. I would offer my life in the intention of any priest – hoping that he would perfectly realize God’s plan in his priestly service.”

In history many saints or blessed had visions of Jesus, who encouraged them to pray for priests and renewal of clergy. Spiritual mothers, who decided to take special spiritual care of priests, had a task to create special “opus for priests”. Marie got the same mission. Her devotion to this idea was very impressive and until she died, she prayed for priests.

She died on 27th February 1884 – she was shot down by gardener. After death her body was moved from place to place and eventually – it was placed in Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Antwerp. On 22nd October 1989 she was beatified by pope John Paul II.


HomeAdoration of the Most Holy Sacrament of the AltarAn Intercessor for Priests

An Intercessor for Priests

28 February 2015

Blessed Marie de Jésus Deluil–Martiny

Yesterday, 27 February, was the dies natalis and liturgical memorial of Blessed Marie de Jésus Deluil Martiny. Born to upper middle class parents on May 28, 1841 in Marseille, Marie Deluil Martiny was the eldest of five children. She belongs to the vast family of saints and blesseds surrounding the Wounded Side and Sacred Heart of Jesus. Marie’s own spiritual genealogy included her great grand–aunt, the Venerable Anne–Madeleine Rémuzat (1696–1730), a Visitandine like Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647–1690) and, like the saint of Paray–le–Monial, an ardent apostle of the Sacred Heart.

The Guard of Honour of the Sacred Heart

The vocation of Marie Deluil Martiny unfolded in two phases. In the first, she dedicated herself to propagating the Guard of Honour of the Sacred Heart, a movement of reparation and of perpetual adoration of the Heart of Jesus present in the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar. Marie du Sacré–Coeur, a Visitandine of the monastery of Bourg–en–Bresse launched the Guard of Honour on March 13, 1863. The following year the bishop of Belley recognized the movement as a confraternity, and in 1878 Pope Leo XIII elevated it to the rank of an archconfraternity in France and Belgium.

In the beginning, the movement obliged its members to spend an hour in adoration and reparation to the Heart of Jesus before the tabernacle. The hours of the day and night were so distributed among the members as to offer the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus an uninterrupted presence of reparation and adoring love. Later on, the manner of carrying out one’s assigned hour was modified: no longer was a physical presence before the tabernacle required. One could participate in the Guard of Honour without interrupting one’s daily activities, simply by offering an hour of one’s day in the spirit of adoration and reparation to the Sacred Heart.

The Wound of the Divine Heart

Marie Deluil–Martiny explains the movement in these words:

The Guard [of Honour of the Sacred Heart], the Work in itself, was placed by the Infinite Love of our Master at the entrance of the Wound of His Divine Heart. There, it calls souls, unites them, calls them together, preaches to them, if one may say so, pushes them, and draws them into the interior of the Divine Wound . . . it leads them there, and introduces them therein, after having, so to speak, opened to them the door of this sacred refuge . . . Souls, entering this safe abode are sprinkled, washed, whitened, purified, healed, and supernaturalised, by a most efficacious application of the Blood and Water that came forth from the Divine Wound. But Jesus wants even more: this is the new step that Our Lord desires to make the souls He chose to this end take: they must enter by the gate of the City of God, that is into the Heart of Jesus by the Divine Wound; therein will be their world, their dwelling, their place of rest.

Foundress of A New Religious Family

The second phase of Marie Deluil Martiny’s life was a flowering of the first. After a long preparation in prayer, she opened the first house of the Society of the Daughters of the Heart of Jesus at Berchem near Anvers in Belgium on June 20, 1873. The new foundation was characterized by a burning desire to console the Heart of Jesus and by a mystical participation in His victimal priesthood, patterned after that of His Holy Mother at the foot of the Cross.

Mother Marie de Jésus wrote:

They will from that life of suffering love that was the intimate life of the Heart of Jesus; they will penetrate the most tender secrets of His love: the Eucharist, the Church, His divine jealousy for sacerdotal and consecrated souls. . . . What a calling! The Work must give to Christ souls who offer themselves as a sacrifice of Love, these will be the victims of Love that Jesus asks for, by the Holy Eucharist. The Host has become indispensable to my life; I should wish never to leave it for the sake of sacerdotal souls [priests]. Too many of them are satisfied with being Sacrificers and exercise their sacred functions without steeping them enough in the Priestly Spirit, that is, without themselves becoming truly Victims at the same time as Sacrificers, and so God wills that legions of souls who are truly Victims offer themselves as humble supplements for what certain priests are lacking in the Priestly Spirit. Their example is Mary, the Mother of Jesus.

The Blessed Virgin Mary United to the Victimal Priesthood of Her Son

Marie Deluil Martiny presents the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Mother of Christ the Victim Priest and of all who are called to follow Him in the way of His Victimal Priesthood. The Blessed Virgin Mary is, by virtue of her most intimate and perfect participation in the Victimal Priesthood of her Son, both Coredemptrix and Mediatrix.

Violent Death and Glory

On February 27, 1884, Mother Marie de Jésus was murdered by an anticlerical anarchist in the garden of the monastery she had founded at La Servianne, her family property. Her last words were, “I forgive him . . . for the Work,” that is, for the Institute she founded. She was forty–three years old.

“Our Lord,” she said, “has put into my soul that the souls of the future institute will be like that parcel of the Host that melts in the chalice; they will all melt and disappear in the Blood of Jesus.” The Congregation she founded, the Daughters of the Heart of Jesus, continue her charism of liturgical prayer, reparation, and adoration, with a particular solicitude for priests. Mother Deluil Martiny was beatified by Pope John Paul II on October 22, 1989.

The life and writings of Blessed Marie de Jésus bore fruit in the life of Father Willie Doyle, S.J. Our good friend Pat Kenny writes of the connection between the French victim soul for priests and the holy Irish Jesuit.  You can read about it here.


Beata Maria di Gesù Deluil-Martiny Vergine, Fondatrice

27 febbraio

Marsiglia, Francia, 28 maggio 1841 - 27 febbraio 1884

Il cardinale Dechamps, al tempo arcivescovo di Malines-Bruxelles, l'ha definita "la Teresa d'Avila del nostro secolo". Siamo nell'Ottocento e Maria Deluil-Martiny, nata a Marsiglia nel 1841, è a contatto con importanti personalità. Non solo francesi. Il vescovo missionario Daniele Comboni, infatti, quando è in Francia ricorre al suo consiglio. Da giovinetta ha come confessore il Curato d'Ars e a lei si interessa persino Papa Pio IX. Sotto la guida del padre Calage giunge - dopo essersi votata alla castità rimanendo in famiglia e aiutando i genitori, i poveri e i sacerdoti missionari - a fondare con alcune consorelle, in Belgio, l'Istituto claustrale delle Figlie del Cuore di Gesù, dedite all'adorazione eucaristica e alla preghiera per missioni e santificazione del clero. Prende il nome di Maria di Gesù. Dà vita a due monasteri ad Aix-en-Provence e a La Servianne (Marsiglia). Qui il giardiniere del monastero la uccide a colpi di pistola il 27 febbraio del 1884. È stata beatificata da Giovanni Paolo II il 22 ottobre 1989, in seguito al riconoscimento di un miracolo attribuito alla sua intercessione. Non è stato invece attestato il martirio in odium fidei.

Martirologio Romano: A Marsiglia in Francia, beata Maria di Gesù Deluil Martiny, vergine, che fondò la Congregazione delle Figlie del Cuore di Gesù e, ferita a morte da un uomo violento, concluse con l’effusione del sangue una vita intimamente unita alla Passione di Cristo.

Se tu incontrassi una giovane creatura, intelligente, colta, dolce e forte, luminosa di bellezze e di santità come un angelo, non ne proveresti forse il fascino? Sto parlando di Maria Deluil-Martiny, nata a Marsiglia il 28 maggio 1841, da distinta e cattolicissima famiglia. Assai vivace, ancora bimba, già impara il latino e sa parlare disinvolta e sicura davanti a chiunque. È mandata a studiare presso la Visitazione della sua città e anche lì è sbarazzina e un po’ monella. Eppure sa raccogliersi in preghiera come se non fosse più di questo mondo, è umile e mite, arrossisce quando viene elogiata per i suoi successi scolastici.

Ma, ecco di nuovo scherzi e marachelle... sovente viene in visita al monastero l’Arcivescovo di Marsiglia, Mons. Eugenio De Mazenos, amico di famiglia dei Deluil-Martiny, e le Visitandine gli narrano lo sconquasso che suscita di tanto in tanto la piccola demoiselle, lei presente, tanto per umiliarla. L’Arcivescovo ascolta imperturbabile e, santo e profeta qual è, risponde sorridendo: «Sarà la Santa Maria di Marsiglia».

La mia anima un altare

Maria ha già fatto una grande scoperta: Gesù nell’Eucaristia si offre al Padre in sacrificio sull’altare, come sulla croce. Gesù è realmente presente nel tabernacolo e questo è troppo bello per lei e quasi va in estasi solo a pensarlo. Mentre si prepara alla prima Comunione, spesso dice ad un’amica: «Ma ci pensi? In questo momento, il Sangue di Gesù è offerto in sacrificio nel sacro calice, per noi!».

Il 22 dicembre 1853, riceve la prima Comunione; un mese dopo, il 29 gennaio 1854, la Cresima da Mons. De Mazenos (che Papa Giovanni Paolo II iscriverà tra i santi il 3 dicembre 1995). Ormai Maria vuole essere una cosa sola con Gesù, vivere nel suo cuore, offrirsi con Lui nel calice eucaristico. Inizia a confessarsi sovente, assetata di candore e di grazia; si accosta alla Comunione il più che può e così cresce nell’intimità con il Signore Gesù.

Voglio un solo amore

Completa gli studi al Collegio della Ferrandière presso Lione, fino a 17 anni, quando dopo un ritiro, scrive: «Obbedire a Dio è il primo dovere. Chi potrei io amare? Gesù è il solo amabile. La via che Egli indica, conduce al Cielo. In punto di morte, non vorrei aver amato che Lui solo».
È certa che Dio la vuole per sé.

Si reca ad Ars a chiedere consiglio al Santo Curato. Il quale le fa intravedere tempi lunghi prima di poter realizzare la sua vocazione.

Ritorna a casa e, con ogni delicatezza, si dedica ai suoi cari, i genitori, le sorelle e il fratello minore. Rifiuta il matrimonio e vive come una consacrata nel mondo. Vive solo di Gesù e per Gesù.

Entra in relazione con la Visitazione di Bourg e si iscrive all’associazione della “Guardia d’onore del Sacro Cuore di Gesù”, impegnandosi a trascorrere ogni giorno un’ora in unione strettissima a Gesù presente nel Tabernacolo.

Diffonde l’associazione tra Vescovi, Sacerdoti e fedeli, con l’intento di pregare molto per il mondo, di riparare i peccati, di adorare Gesù eucaristico. È apostola intrepida di Lui, così da suscitare la beffa dei giornali più laicisti di Parigi, per il suo apostolato tutto incentrato su Gesù, unico Salvatore dell’umanità, Gesù che molti rifiutano per un mondo senza di Lui e contro di Lui.

Maria conosce le trame segrete dei senza Dio e sa che cosa essi preparano contro Gesù Cristo e contro la sua Chiesa. Ma nessuno la ferma nella sua azione. Nel 1865, incontra a Bourg, Don Daniele Comboni e ne diventa collaboratrice con la preghiera e le opere, con il suo contributo personale per le missioni in Africa. Anche Papa Pio IX è informato ed ammirato di quanto fa la petite Marie.

Davanti alle macchinazioni dei nemici di Dio per far del mondo solo il regno dell’uomo, ella si impegna con tutte le sue energie perché «è Cristo che deve regnare», essendo stato il mondo voluto da Dio soltanto in Cristo: la sua divina regalità. Nel 1866, nell’attesa di luce per il suo futuro, Maria si affida alla direzione del padre gesuita Jean Calage e scopre il disegno di Dio: «Sarò adorazione della Santissima Trinità, per mezzo del Cuore eucaristico di Gesù... Gesù ha fatto della mia anima un altare su cui si offre al Padre».

Fondatrice nel sangue

Sente che dovrà dar vita ad un’Opera i cui membri si uniscano a Gesù sacerdote e vittima, in una sola offerta per ottenere alla Chiesa numerosi e santi sacerdoti, per riparare i sacrilegi e le profanazioni contro l’Eucaristia e le persecuzioni agli Ordini religiosi, scatenate in Europa. Padre Calage la prepara alla nuova fondazione. Intanto è in prima linea nell’apostolato nella società, anche quando, dopo il 1870, è difficile e rischioso dimostrarsi cattolici militanti, essendo giunti al potere in Francia (e quasi dappertutto in Europa), i nemici della Chiesa.

Modello autentico, la giovane Maria, per i cattolici impegnati anche oggi nel mondo per condurlo a Gesù. Finalmente, nel 1873, Dio le apre la via e Maria spicca il volo. Un prete belga, Mons. Van den Berghe, la invita a fondare il suo Istituto in Belgio. Il cardinal Dechamps, Arcivescovo di Malines, la riceve, l’ascolta, approva il suo progetto, definendola la Santa Teresa d’Avila del nostro secolo.

Il 20 giugno 1873, festa del Sacro Cuore di Gesù, a Berchem, presso Anversa, Maria Deluil-Martiny, con un piccolo gruppo di giovani donne che lei ha formato, riceve il bianco velo e diventa Madre Maria di Gesù. È nata una nuova famiglia religiosa, le Figlie del Cuore di Gesù.

Vivono di Gesù eucaristico nella partecipazione quotidiana alla Santa Messa, suo Sacrificio, nell’adorazione continua davanti al tabernacolo, giorno e notte, per il sacerdozio e per la Chiesa. Proprio come Madre Maria ha voluto da sempre: «L’Ostia è diventata indispensabile alla mia vita e vorrei non allontanarmene mai». Si ispira agli ultimi anni della Madonna su questa terra, dopo l’Ascensione di Gesù al cielo, quando viveva solo nel ricordo del Calvario, nella partecipazione all’Eucaristia, per la Chiesa nascente e i suoi Apostoli.

Le restano poco più di dieci anni di vita. La giovane Madre fonda ancora due monasteri, ad Aix-en-Provence e a La Servianne, nel castello di sua proprietà presso Marsiglia. Accorrono molte giovani a consacrarsi a Gesù sulle orme di questa donna singolare e straordinaria. È lucida e consapevole delle necessità del suo tempo. All’apostasia, alla negazione di Cristo e alla lotta contro la Chiesa per eliminarla, alla congiura contro il sacerdozio e contro l’Eucaristia, Madre Maria di Gesù risponde con la preghiera e con l’azione: «Il mondo non vuole saperne di Gesù Cristo. A queste empietà sataniche rispondiamo con aperta fermezza: Gesù deve regnare, poiché a Lui appartiene il dominio nei secoli e tutte le nazioni gli sono date in eredità».

Ma una donna così, anche in clausura, dà enorme fastidio. Il 27 febbraio 1884, cade sotto la rivoltella di Louis Chave, il giardiniere del monastero, un anarchico che le spara alla gola, in odio alla fede: vergine e martire di Gesù.

Nonostante le innumerevoli difficoltà, la sua Opera si diffonde e nessuno la ferma: dalla Francia giunge a Venezia e a Roma.

Il 22 ottobre 1989, papa Giovanni Paolo II la eleva alla gloria degli altari: la Beata Maria di Gesù, dal singolare fascino è di sconcertante attualità, è come se fosse vissuta oggi, per cui avvicinarla è scoprire la Verità sul nostro tempo ed essere mobilitati in una stupenda missione da un ardente amore a Gesù nel Santissimo dei suoi Sacramenti.

Autore: Paolo Risso

Maria di Gesù Deluil-Martiny nacque a Marsiglia, Francia, il 28 maggio 1841, dai genitori Paolo Deluil-Martiny, avvocato e amministratore degli ospizi di carità, e Anaïs Maria de Solliers, pronipote della Venerabile Anna Maddalena Remuzat (1696-1730). Al battesimo, am­ministrato il giorno seguente, le furono imposti i nomi di Maria, Carolina, Filomena. Dopo di lei nacquero il fratello Giulio e le sorelle Amelia, Clemenza e Margherita.

Educata cristianamente in famiglia, ebbe fin da piccola momenti di parti­colare fervore in occasione della Prima Comunione, il 22 dicembre 1853, e della cresima, il 29 gennaio 1854. La madre l'iniziò alla devozione del Sacro Cuore. A casa imparò anche a leggere e scrivere e perfino il latino con straordinario successo. Aveva un carattere vivace ed una intelligenza spiccata.

All'età di otto anni passò nell'educandato del Monastero della Visitazione di Marsiglia per compiere i suoi primi studi. Quando le Visitandine sottoli­nearono l'aspetto della sua vivacità all'arcivescovo di Marsiglia, sant'Eugenio de Mazenod, questi rispose con lungimiranza profetica: « Non ve ne preoc­cupate... sono cose da bambini... Vedrete che un giorno sarà la santa Maria di Marsiglia ». Trascorse gli ultimi due anni di formazione a Lione come educanda nel convento del Cuore della Ferrandière, ove completò con profitto gli studi superiori. Prima di rientrare in famiglia, fece un corso di esercizi spirituali, durante il quale sentì chiaramente la vocazione religiosa. Aveva allora diciassette anni. Nel maggio del 1858 si recò ad Ars per con­sultare in merito il curato, san Johann Maria Vianney, ma questi le fece prevedere tempi lunghi nella realizzazione della sua vocazione. Rifiutato il matrimonio propostole dai genitori, si vide sempre più impegnata nella loro assistenza, perché vennero a morire successivamente le sorelle Clementina, Margherita, Amelia ed il fratello Giulio. Nonostante questo impegno familia­re Maria pensò a sostituire la madre, malata, in tutte le opere di carità. Nel 1864, invitata dalla fondatrice della Guardia d'Onore del Sacro Cuore di Gesù, suor Maria del S. Cuore Bernaud, del monastero della Visitazione di Bourg-en-Bresse, ne divenne la prima zelatrice e collaborò attivamente alla diffusione dell'opera, sorta nel 1863 ed eretta il 26 novembre 1878 in arci­confraternita.

Questo fu solo un inizio della sua missione. A poco a poco il piano divi­no si disegnava in modo sempre più concreto, come le aveva predetto il santo Daniele Comboni, l'apostolo dell'Africa del Nord. Nel dicembre del 1866 si mise sotto la direzione spirituale di P. Johann Calage, S.I., che la diresse per il resto della sua vita. Nel 1867, il desiderio di dedicarsi total­mente a Dio divenne sempre più intenso e 1'8 dicembre 1869 fece il voto della verginità perpetua. Nelle varie mozioni interiori avute a Bourg e a S. Giniez, la sua vocazione si concretizzò in termini chiari: fare della sua vita una continua immolazione con Gesù Eucaristia. Era convinta che Gesù desi­derava un'Opera: « l'adorazione della SS. Trinità per mezzo del Cuore Euca­ristico di Gesù, il solo vero e degno Adoratore della Maestà divina ». Le anime di quest'Opera si uniranno a Lui, sacerdote e vittima, in una sola oblazione per ottenere alla S. Chiesa, al ministero sacerdotale, alle anime, i frutti della Redenzione. Il loro modello sarà la Vergine Maria associata con cuo­re materno al sacrificio di Gesù sul Calvario. « Da qualche tempo », scrive Ma­ria, « Nostro Signore sembra aver fatto un altare nella mia anima, dove si offre incessantemente al Padre e alla SS. Trinità. Egli desidera che essa si tenga da­vanti a questo altare, alla sua presenza, in un'adorazione incessante, accontentan­dosi di contemplarlo e di unirsi agli      atti divini che Egli compie ». Da qui il suo desiderio di essere immolata per procurare questa gloria a Dio.

Deluil-Marti nyIncoraggiata dal suo direttore spirituale, il p. Calage, S.I., Maria rispose all'invito di Mons. Van den Berghe, con cui era in relazione da tempo, che la esortò a fondare la sua Opera in Belgio. Il 17 giugno 1873 si recò in pellegrinaggio a Paray-le-Monial e poi, il 20 giugno, insieme a quattro suore e quattro postulanti, fondò il primo Monastero dell'Istituto delle Figlie del Cuore di Gesù a Berchem-Anversa. Ebbe inizio allora una nuova famiglia religiosa claustrale e Maria ricevette il nome di Madre Maria di Gesù. Nel luglio del 1875 scrisse le Costituzioni con il fine specifico « di rispondere, per quanto possibile, all'amore troppo sconosciuto di questo Cuore divino », propo­nendosi « di offrire al Cuore di Gesù, sacerdote e vittima nel Santissimo Sa­cramento dell'altare, una riparazione perpetua per gli orribili oltraggi fatti al­la divina Maestà », di « ringraziare continuamente il Cuore di Gesù dei suoi benefici troppo misconosciuti, della grande misericordia verso i peccatori, e soprattutto delle speciali benedizioni che egli prodiga alle anime sacerdotali e religiose »; infine, con lo scopo di offrire particolari preghiere per ottenere « l'avvento del Regno di Cristo, l'estinzione delle società segrete e, soprattut­to, la perfezione, la santità ognor crescenti del sacerdozio cattolico e degli Ordini religiosi », in tutto unite alla Vergine Maria, « ritta ai piedi della Croce », la quale ha offerto « alla giustizia divina, per la salvezza del mondo, il sangue prezioso del suo divin Figlio ».

La Regola adottata da Suor Maria di Gesù fu quella di sant'Ignazio, con gli opportuni adattamenti. Le Costituzioni, così redatte, ebbero la prima approvazione il 2 febbraio 1876 dal Cardinale Deschamps, il quale, dopo aver visto Ma­ria per la prima volta, fu talmente impressionato della sua intelligenza e cordiali­tà che la chiamò « la Teresa del nostro secolo ». Maria fu in verità una superio­ra prudente e saggia. La Comunità religiosa crebbe rapidamente in numero e virtù. Già il 15 giugno 1877 veniva aperta un'altra casa ad Aix.

Il 17 agosto 1878 veniva consacrata a Berchem-Anversa la Basilica-santua­rio che il Belgio cattolico aveva eretto al Sacro Cuore e affidato alle Figlie del Cuore di Gesù, che in quello stesso giorno iniziarono in essa il servizio dell'adorazione. Qualche giorno dopo, il 22 agosto, la Madre Maria di Gesù e le sue prime compagne emisero i voti perpetui. Affinché le sue figlie fossero unite intimamente alla preghiera espiatrice della Chiesa, dispose che si succedessero ogni mezz'ora nelle loro case davanti al SS. Sacramento esposto, unendosi in spirito al divin Sacrificio che ad ogni istante viene of­ferto in qualche parte del mondo.

Nel 1876 Maria perse a breve distanza il padre e la madre, la quale, pri­ma di morire, espresse il desiderio che fosse fondata una casa alla Servianne, vicino a Marsiglia. Aderendo a quest'ultimo desiderio di sua madre, Maria, il 24 giugno, aprì una terza casa nella proprietà materna della Servianne, do­ve fondò il noviziato. Il giorno in cui fu celebrata la prima Messa in quel vecchio maniero di famiglia, esclamò: « Mio Dio, siate un giorno glorificato là! ». Ed in verità, era proprio là che doveva dare al Signore la prova supre­ma dell'amore.

« All'amore ci si unisce con l'amore e al sacrificio ci si unisce con il sa­crificio, e il sacrificio richiede sangue, il sangue del cuore... ». Come supre­ma prova di quest'amore, ella offrì persino la sua vita: « Se la mia povera vita può servire a condurre al tuo Cuore le anime di cui hai sete e a copri­re di ostie viventi i tuoi sacri altari, prendila ». Scrivendo a Leone XIII, lo pregava di offrirla come vittima secondo le sue intenzioni. Il Signore mostrò di gradire l'offerta. Il 27 febbraio 1884, mercoledì delle Ceneri, nella resi­denza di « La Servianne », Maria di Gesù Deluil-Martiny fu assassinata da Luigi Chave, il quale era stato accolto con grande carità come giardiniere del Convento, in odio alla religione, alimentato in lui da letture di giornali anarchici. Trasportata in infermeria, rese piamente la sua anima al Signore mormorando: « Gli perdono... per l'Opera! ...per 1'Opera ».

Le sue spoglie, deposte prima nella tomba di famiglia al cimitero di San Pietro, furono trasferite l'11 novembre 1899 in quella delle Figlie del Cuore di Gesù, e più tardi, il 21 ottobre 1906, trasportate nel Belgio, dove riposavano in un'urna sotto l'altare del Sacro Cuore, nella Basilica di Berchem-Antwerpen. Ora si trovano nella Casa Generalizia a Roma, via dei Villini, 34.
L'istituto da lei fondato ebbe l'approvazione definitiva nel 1896.

Il 22 ottobre 1989, Maria di Gesù Deluil-Martiny è stata beatificata da Papa Giovanni Paolo II.

Autore: Andreas Resch

Note: Per approfondire:

Per informazioni rivolgersi a:

Figlie del Cuore di Gesu'
Via dei Villini, 34
00161 Roma




Basilica Vaticana - Domenica, 22 ottobre 1989

1. “Ma il Figlio dell’uomo, quando verrà, troverà la fede sulla terra?” (Lc 18, 8).

In questa domenica la Chiesa affronta con profonda umiltà questa domanda e cerca di dare ad essa una risposta. Si tratta infatti di un interrogativo, reso oggi particolarmente pressante perché si celebra la Giornata Missionaria Mondiale. Che cosa sono le missioni? Di che cosa parlano le schiere di missionari e di missionarie, ecclesiastici e laici, in tutta la terra? Che cosa testimonia l’attività missionaria di tutte le Chiese locali e della Sede Apostolica, in particolare della congregazione per l’evangelizzazione dei popoli? Di che cosa parlano le pontificie opere missionarie e quelle diocesane?

Tutto questo vuol dire: noi, tuoi discepoli, noi, tua Chiesa, o Cristo, o Figlio dell’uomo, desideriamo con tutta l’anima la tua venuta alla fine della storia! Desideriamo che quando verrai, tu trovi la fede sulla terra.

“Guai a me se non predicassi il Vangelo!” (1 Cor 9, 16) grida ancora oggi con l’Apostolo dei gentili tutta la Chiesa.

2. Facciamo nostra perciò l’accorata esortazione di Paolo, proclamata nella seconda lettura: “Ti scongiuro davanti a Dio e a Cristo Gesù che verrà a giudicare i vivi e i morti per la sua manifestazione e il suo regno: annunzia la parola, insisti in ogni occasione opportuna e non opportuna, ammonisci, rimprovera, esorta con ogni magnanimità e dottrina” (2 Tm 4, 1-2).

Sì, Paolo, amante instancabile di Cristo! Sì, Apostolo dei gentili! Noi accogliamo il tuo grido, la tua pressante invocazione, così come l’accolse Timoteo, il tuo discepolo amato.

Desideriamo annunziare la Parola. Desideriamo insistere in ogni occasione opportuna e non opportuna, desideriamo esortare con tutta magnanimità e lungimiranza.

Questo ci è stato insegnato dalle schiere dei santi missionari, che di generazione in generazione non hanno cessato di lavorare nella vigna del Signore. La messe è molta! La messe è continuamente molta!

3. Quindi noi preghiamo il Padrone della messe perché mandi operai (cf. Lc 10, 2).

La tua Chiesa, o Cristo, desidera essere come Mosé durante la battaglia di Israele contro gli Amaleciti. La Chiesa tutta desidera rimanere con le mani alzate nella supplica. E quando le mani pesano per la stanchezza, altri fratelli le sosterranno. L’azione missionaria raggiunge la sua pienezza mediante la preghiera e il sacrificio. Raggiunge la pienezza nella clausura del carmelo, come ci insegna santa Teresa di Lisieux. La raggiunge grazie al sacrificio e alle sofferenze di tutti questi esseri umani che - dimenticando se stessi - invocano dal proprio letto di dolore: “Venga il tuo regno”.

Ecco, infatti, in questa lotta per il Regno di verità e di grazia, di pace e di salvezza, il nostro aiuto è in lui: nel nostro Signore e Creatore: “Il mio aiuto viene dal Signore . . . Non si addormenterà, non prenderà sonno il custode di Israele . . . Il Signore è il tuo custode . . . Il Signore ti proteggerà da ogni male . . . veglierà su di te . . ., da ora e per sempre” (Sal 121 passim).

4. Today, Mission Sunday, we celebrate the Beatification of the holy Martyrs of Thailand. In union with the whole Church, we give thanks to the Most Blessed Trinity for the witness and example that those martyrs have given to the entire Christian world. Their example of prompt acceptance of the proclamation of the Faith found its highest confirmation in the noble martyrdom that they were to endure. It is significant that their generous sacrifice was made within a Christian community that, while still young, was prepared to bear witness to Jesus Christ and to the power of his love with full self-giving: “You shall be my witnesses . . . to the end of the earth”. 

The martyrs whose memory we celebrate today - some of them quite young - lived in an area which the rest of the world might consider remote: the village of Songkhong, in northeast Thailand. Their community lacked priests during the political upheaval that affected that area some fifty years ago. In this situation, Philip Siphong, a lay catechist and the father of a family, became convinced that he had to take an active role in the spreading of the Faith. Here was a lay person who was deeply conscious that through Baptism he belonged to Christ, Priest, Prophet and King, and was thus personally called to proclaim the Gospel.  Philip sensed the obligation to fill, to the extent possible, the gap which had been left by the priest who had been expelled from his land. In this spirit, he proclaimed the word insistently both in season and out of season, . . . and exhorted with unfailing patience and teaching.  Philip spent himself generously as a “ man of God ”, so that each of his brothers and sisters in the faith should be “ complete and equipped for every good work ”,  even for heroic witness of martyrdom. This was a witness that he himself was the first to offer, allowing himself to be arrested and killed rather than betray his faith.

Philip Siphong was followed on this path by Sisters Agnes Phila and Lucy Khambang, who sustained the Christian community in its fidelity to the Lord throughout those difficult days. Arrested a few days after Philip, together with some of their companions - Agatha Phutta, Cecilia Butsi, Bibiana Kamphai, Maria Phon - they faced death before a firing-squad with great courage, and sealed in blood the love which they bore for Christ. It was thus that God answered the prayer which Sister Agnes had put down in a letter written the night before their martyrdom: “ We ask to be your witnesses, O Lord, our God ”. 

Agnes, Lucy, Agatha, Cecilia, Bibiana, Maria: the names of the ancient Christian martyrs, the virgins and holy women who gave their lives for the faith, were to echo once again in the history of the nascent Church in Thailand. There, around the figure of the catechist and martyr Philip - the “ great tree ” as the was called in his village - the Gospel of Jesus Christ would spread its roots and find a new flowering.

“We rejoice in giving back to God the life that he has given us . . . We beseech you to open to us the doors of heaven . . . You are acting according to the orders of men, but we act according to the commandments of God ”. All these expressions, found in Sister Agnes’s last letter, could just as easily have been found in the Acts of the early Christian martyrs. The same witness to Christ that the martyrs of Thailand offered to their youthful Church is one that today, the day of their beatification, they offer to the Church throughout the world.

Ecco le parole del Papa in una nostra traduzione in lingua italiana

4. Oggi, nella Giornata Missionaria Mondiale, celebriamo la beatificazione dei santi martiri della Thailandia. In unione con tutta la Chiesa, rendiamo grazie alla Santissima Trinità per la testimonianza esemplare data da quei martiri a tutto il mondo cristiano. Il loro esempio di pronta accettazione della proclamazione della fede ha avuto la sua più alta conferma nel nobile martirio che dovettero sostenere. È significativo che il loro generoso sacrificio sia avvenuto all’interno di una comunità cristiana che, seppur giovane, era preparata a dare testimonianza a Gesù Cristo e alla potenza del suo amore con la piena donazione di sé: “Sarete miei testimoni . . . fino agli estremi confini della terra” (At 1, 8).

I martiri di cui oggi celebriamo la memoria - alcuni dei quali molto giovani - sono vissuti in una terra che il resto del mondo considera remota: il villaggio di Songkhong, nel nord-est della Thailandia. In questa situazione, Philip Siphong, un catechista laico padre di famiglia, si convinse di avere un compito attivo nella diffusione della fede. Ecco un laico profondamente consapevole della sua appartenenza, mediante il Battesimo, a Cristo, sacerdote, re e profeta e pertanto chiamato personalmente ad annunciare il Vangelo (Nuntius ob diem statutum ad Missiones fovendas, die 14 maii 1989: Insegnamenti di Giovanni Paolo II, XII, 1 [1989] 1224). Philip senti l’obbligo di colmare, il più possibile, il vuoto lasciato dal sacerdote che era stato allontanato dal villaggio. In questo spirito, egli si diede ad annunciare la Parola con insistenza, “opportune et inopportune”, e ad esortare con incrollabile pazienza ed insegnamenti (cf. 2 Tm 4, 2). Philip si diede generosamente come “uomo di Dio”, perché ciascuno dei suoi fratelli e delle sue sorelle nella fede potesse essere “completo e ben preparato per ogni opera buona” (2 Tm 3, 16), perfino per l’eroica testimonianza del martirio. Questa testimonianza egli stesso doveva essere il primo a dare, lasciandosi arrestare ed uccidere piuttosto che abiurare la sua fede.

Philip Siphong fu seguito su questa strada da suor Agnes Phila e suor Lucy Khambang, che sostenevano la comunità cristiana nella sua fedeltà al Signore per tutti quei difficili giorni. Arrestate pochi giorni dopo Philip, insieme con alcune compagne - Agatha Phutta, Cecilia Butsi, Bibiana Kamphai, Maria Phon - affrontarono la morte per fucilazione con grande coraggio e pagarono con il sangue l’amore che provavano per Cristo. Per questo Dio esaudì la preghiera espressa da suor Agnes in una lettera scritta la notte prima del martirio: “Ti chiediamo di essere tue testimoni, Signore, Dio nostro” (cf. Final Letter of Sr. Agnes Phila).

Agnes, Lucy, Agatha, Cecilia, Bibiana, Maria: i nomi delle prime martiri cristiane, vergini e sante donne che diedero la vita per la fede, echeggiano nuovamente nella storia della nascente Chiesa di Thailandia. Là, attorno alla figura del catechista e martire Philip - il “grande albero”, come veniva chiamato nel villaggio - il Vangelo di Gesù Cristo affonda le sue radici e conosce una nuova fioritura.

“Siamo liete di restituire al Signore la vita che egli ci ha donato . . . Ti imploriamo di aprirci le porte del paradiso . . . Tu agisci secondo gli ordini degli uomini, ma noi agiamo secondo i comandamenti di Dio”. Queste espressioni tratte dall’ultima lettera di suor Agnes, potrebbero trovarsi facilmente negli Atti dei primi martiri cristiani. La stessa testimonianza a Cristo offerta dai martiri della Thailandia alla loro giovane Chiesa la offrono oggi, giorno della loro beatificazione, a tutta la Chiesa del mondo.

5. “Ma il Figlio dell’uomo, quando verrà, troverà la fede sulla terra?” (Lc 18, 8).

L’interrogativo che Gesù pone ancor oggi ai suoi discepoli ha sempre suscitato nella Chiesa rinnovato impegno per l’annuncio della verità. Il Regno di Dio, regno di verità, di grazia, di giustizia e di pace, richiede dedizione, esige prontezza nel saper cogliere ogni momento propizio, ogni occasione favorevole per annunciare la Parola ed esortare “con ogni magnanimità e dottrina” (2 Tm 4, 2).

È proprio la missione di una Chiesa inserita nel nostro tempo, nel quale tanta importanza hanno assunto le strutture e i mezzi della comunicazione, che ha suscitato in Timoteo Giaccardo, figlio della diocesi di Alba, in Piemonte, la volontà di mettersi radicalmente a servizio della Parola mediante la stampa e tutte le nuove vie della trasmissione delle idee.

Di fronte ad un mondo in cui la fede incontra difficoltà e insidie di ogni genere, che ne mettono in pericolo la stessa sopravvivenza in molte anime, Timoteo Giaccardo, primo discepolo di don Alberione, interpretò la fedeltà alla propria vocazione sacerdotale assumendosi l’incarico di lavorare per un annuncio che raggiungesse mediante la stampa una diffusione sempre più vasta e incisiva tra i fratelli. Così egli si propose di divulgare il Vangelo e gli insegnamenti della Chiesa con i mezzi moderni della comunicazione sociale, intesa come l’apostolato principale e tipico del mondo moderno: e questo nella fedeltà assoluta al Magistero della Chiesa, nella vita spirituale alimentata mediante l’adorazione eucaristica quotidiana e la devozione alla Madonna, negli esempi persuasivi di una umiltà e dolcezza, che lo resero caro all’intera famiglia paolina. Essa oggi - nel settantacinquesimo anniversario della sua fondazione - trova in lui l’ideale a cui guardare per la continuazione della missione affidatale da don Alberione.

“Il divino Maestro deve regnare su tutto, deve essere dato tutto a tutti: con il suo Vangelo alle menti; con la sua Santità alla volontà ed ai costumi; con il suo Cuore ai cuori; con la sua Croce al corpo; con la sua Preghiera e la sua Eucaristia allo spirito e alla vita mediante l’apostolato delle Edizioni”. Questo egli scriveva, ed in tale progetto santificò la sua vita, nella consapevolezza che la vocazione missionaria della Chiesa può e deve farsi carico della diffusione del Vangelo non solo in ogni luogo, ma anche nel contesto sociale e morale di tutte le meravigliose invenzioni tecniche che, soprattutto nel nostro tempo, l’ingegno umano è riuscito a trarre dal creato, come ha sottolineato il Concilio, esattamente venticinque anni fa, nel decreto “Inter Mirifica”. Anche le meraviglie delle comunicazioni sociali moderne sono “luogo” e “voce” ove s’incarna il messaggio della parola rivelata, strumento che gli apostoli devono usare perché non venga meno la fede e l’accoglienza della salvezza quando il Figlio dell’uomo verrà per portare a compimento il destino dell’uomo.

6. “Me voici, je suis venu pour faire ta volonté”.  Cette parole que la Lettre aux Hébreux attribue au Christ montre bien ce que Marie Deluil-Martiny fut appelée à accomplir tout au long de sa vie. Elle fut très tôt émue par “les blessures faites à l’amour de Jésus” et par les refus de Dieu trop fréquents dans la société. En même temps, elle découvrait la grandeur du don que Jésus faisait au Père pour sauver les hommes, la richesse d’amour qui rayonne de son Cœur, la fécondité du sang et de l’eau qui coulent de son côté ouvert. Elle fut convaincue qu’il fallait participer à la souffrance rédemptrice du Crucifié, en esprit de réparation pour les péchés du monde. Marie de Jésus s’offrit elle-même au Seigneur, au Prix de l’épreuve et dans une constante purification. Elle pouvait dire en vérité: “J’ai une passion pour Jésus . . . Sa vie en moi; ma vie en Lui” (1884).

Très tôt, Marie sut faire partager à ses proches son désir de vivre l’oblation du Sauveur, dans une ardente participation au sacrifice de la Messe. Quand elle fonda les Filles du Cœur de Jésus, elle mit au centre de la vie religieuse l’adoration eucharistique. Comprenant en profondeur le sacrifice du Christ, elle désirait que l’on s’unît sans cesse à l’offrande du Sang du Christ à la Trinité Sainte. Avec une juste compréhension de l’Eucharistie, elle inscrivait dans les orientations de l’Institut à la fois “une continuelle action de grâce” au Cœur de Jésus pour ses bienfaits et sa miséricorde, et “d’instantes supplications pour obtenir l’avènement du règne de Jésus-Christ dans le monde”. Parmi ses intentions, elle donnait une place de choix aux prêtres, à leur sainteté, à leur fidélité.

Au service de cette spiritualité exigeante, Marie de Jésus institua une vie religieuse simple et austère, rythmée par le grand office, pénétrée par l’adoration, et où la vie consacrée était véritable don de soi pour que l’amour du Christ soit connu et honoré. Elle a écrit un jour: “Mon cœur est plein de ces grandes choses qui sont l’oblation, l’immolation, la communion . . . O Dieu, si le sacrifice de ma vie misérable peut servir à propager ce secret d’amour, prenez-la . . .”.  Quand la vie lui fut enlevée dans la violence, elle était prête à s’offrir avec le Christ.

Marie de Jésus contemplait la Mère du Sauveur, au pied de la Croix et présente au cœur de l’Eglise naissante. La Vierge Mère était son vrai modèle. Avec Marie, la fondatrice des Filles du Cœur de Jésus prie et veille pour que les disciples du Fils de Dieu ne cessent d’annoncer au monde les merveilles de son amour.

Ecco le parole del Papa in una nostra traduzione in lingua italiana

6. “Ecco, io vengo a fare la tua volontà” (Eb 10, 9). Queste parole attribuite a Cristo dalla lettera agli Ebrei mostrano bene che cosa Marie Deluil-Martiny fu chiamata a compiere lungo tutta la sua vita. Molto presto ella fu mossa a compassione delle “ferite fatte all’amore di Gesù” e dal rifiuto di Dio troppo frequente nella società. Nello stesso tempo, ella scopriva la grandezza del dono fatto da Gesù al Padre per salvare gli uomini, la ricchezza d’amore che irradia dal suo Cuore, la fecondità del sangue e dell’acqua che sgorgano dal suo fianco aperto. Ella si convinse che occorreva partecipare alla sofferenza redentrice del Crocifisso, in spirito di riparazione per i peccati del mondo. Maria di Gesù si offrì lei stessa al Signore, attraverso le prove e una costante purificazione. Poteva dire con verità: “Ho per Gesù una grande passione . . . La sua vita in me; la mia vita in Lui” (1884).

Presto Maria riuscì a far partecipi quanti aveva vicino del suo desiderio di vivere l’oblazione del Salvatore, in un’ardente partecipazione al sacrificio della Messa. Quando fondò le figlie del Cuore di Gesù, ella pose al centro della vita religiosa l’adorazione eucaristica. Comprendendo in profondità il sacrificio di Cristo, ella desiderava unirsi senza sosta all’offerta del sangue di Cristo alla Santissima Trinità. Con una giusta comprensione dell’Eucaristia, ella inseriva tra gli orientamenti dell’istituto sia “una continua azione di grazie” al Cuore di Gesù per i suoi benefici e la sua misericordia, sia “continue suppliche per ottenere l’avvento del regno di Gesù Cristo nel mondo”. Tra le sue intenzioni di preghiera, un posto di rilievo avevano i sacerdoti, la loro santità e la loro fedeltà.

Al servizio di questa esigente spiritualità, Maria di Gesù istituì una vita religiosa semplice e austera, ritmata dall’ufficio solenne, penetrata dall’adorazione, e in cui la vita consacrata fosse un autentico dono di sé perché l’amore di Cristo sia conosciuto e stimato. Scrisse un giorno: “Il mio cuore è pieno di grandi cose: l’oblazione, l’immolazione, la comunione . . . O Dio, se il sacrificio della mia miserabile vita può servire a propagare questo amore segreto, prendetela . . .” (Journal, die 23 oct. 1874). Quando le venne tolta la vita, ella era pronta a offrirsi con Cristo.

Maria di Gesù contemplava la Madre del Salvatore, ai piedi della Croce e presente in mezzo alla Chiesa nascente. La Vergine Madre era il suo vero modello. Con Maria, la fondatrice delle figlie del Cuore di Gesù prega e veglia perché i discepoli del Figlio di Dio non cessino di annunciare al mondo le meraviglie del suo amore.

7. “Ma il Figlio dell’uomo, quando verrà, troverà la fede sulla terra?”.

Rispondono oggi i martiri; in essi la Parola di Dio è viva ed efficace, capace di scrutare i desideri e i pensieri del cuore.

Rispondono i confessori e predicatori della fede. Rispondono le anime consacrate alla adorazione ed alla riparazione.

Rispondono Filippo - Agnese - Lucia e le loro quattro compagne. Rispondono Timoteo e Maria di Gesù.

Rispondono con la testimonianza della propria vita e morte. Potente è, come la morte, l’amore! Da questo amore germina la Parola di Dio: efficace e vivificante.

Nei martiri, nei confessori, nelle vergini, di generazione in generazione, si riconferma e rinnova la consapevolezza di Paolo: “Guai a me se non predicassi il Vangelo!”.

Vieni Signore Gesù!


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