mardi 10 mars 2015

Bienheureux ELÍAS DEL SOCORRO (MATEO ELÍAS NIEVES CASTILLO), prêtre de l'Ordre de Saint-Augustin et martyr


Saint Matthieu Del Castillo, prêtre et martyr

Né en 1882, dans une famille modeste de paysans mexicains, à Yuriria, il fut orphelin très jeune et dut remplacer son père pour assurer la subsistance de sa famille. Dès qu'il le put, il entra au séminaire des Augustins et prit le nom religieux d'Elie del Socorro. Prêtre en 1916, il fut envoyé dans un pauvre village en 1921, connaissant lui-même la pauvreté. En 1926, les persécutions gouvernementales l'obligèrent à devenir clandestin pour continuer son apostolat auprès de la population. Découvert dans la grotte où il se retirait, il fut emprisonné et fusillé le 10 mars 1928, en bénissant le peloton d'exécution.


Saint Matthieu Del Castillo

Saint mexicain canonisé par Jean Paul II (+ 1928)

Né en 1882, dans une famille modeste de paysans mexicains, à Yuriria, il fut orphelin très jeune et dut remplacer son père pour assurer la subsistance de sa famille. Dès qu'il le put, il entra au séminaire des Augustins et prit le nom religieux d'Elie del Socorro, en l'honneur de Notre-Dame du Perpétuel Secours. Prêtre en 1916, il fut envoyé dans un pauvre village en 1921, connaissant lui-même la pauvreté. En 1926, les persécutions gouvernementales l'obligèrent à devenir clandestin pour continuer son apostolat auprès de la population. Découvert dans la grotte où il se retirait, il fut emprisonné et fusillé le 10 mars 1928, en bénissant le peloton d'exécution. 

Homélie du Pape Jean-Paul II le 12 octobre 1997 pour la béatification - en anglais - en portugais

Elias del Soccorso Neves (1882-1928) - Biographie en portugais - site du Vatican

Il fit partie des saints mexicains que la pape Jean Paul II a canonisés durant le Jubilé 2000. 

Près de la ville de Cortazar au Mexique, en 1928, le bienheureux Élie du Secours (Matthieu Nieves del Castello), prêtre de l’Ordre de Saint-Augustin et martyr. Quand sévit la persécution contre l’Église, il fut arrêté alors qu’il exerçait son ministère, caché dans une grotte, et fusillé après avoir béni le peloton d’exécution et distribué aux soldats ses effets personnels.

Martyrologe romain


Elías del Socorro Nieves beato y mártir de la iglesia católica, nacido en Isla de San Pedreo, Yuriria, Guanajuato, México.

Blessed Elias del Socorro Nieves

Also known as

Mateo Elias Nieves


10 March

11 October (Augustinians)


Born a sickly baby in a deeply religious peasant family; had to be quickly baptized as they did not think he would survive. Nearly died of tuberculosis at age 12. His father died soon after, and Elias had to support the family. Admitted to the Augustinian college of Yuriria at age 22, considerably older than the standard admission age. Took vows in 1911 as Elias del Socorro. Ordained on 9 April 1916Parochial vicar of the village of La Canada de Caracheo in 1921. During the government persecution of the Church, he refused to a city where he could be controlled; moving instead to nearby hills where he continued to serve his parish, usually under cover of dark. Arrested with some pious laymen, and martyred on the side of the road for his faith and service.


21 September 1882 at San Pedro, Yuriria, Guanajuato, Mexico as Mateo Elias Nieves


shot by soldiers under the command of Captain Manuel Marquez Cervantes on 10 March 1928


17 December 1996 by Pope John Paul II (decree of martyrdom)


12 October 1997 by Pope John Paul II



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Long live Christ the King! – Blessed Elias’ dying words

Every priest who preaches the Word of God in times of persecution has no escape; he will die like Jesus on the Cross, with arms tied. – Blessed Elias

MLA Citation

“Blessed Elias del Socorro Nieves“. CatholicSaints.Info. 4 July 2023. Web. 10 March 2024. <>


Elías del Socorro Nieves (1882-1928) was martyred during a twentieth century persecution of the Church in Mexico.

Mateo Elías Nieves del Castillo was born September 21, 1882 on the Island of San Pedro, Yuriría, Guanajuato, Mexico. His parents, Rita and Ramón, were farmers. Mateo Elías was raised in a deeply religious atmosphere.

He wanted to become a Priest from an early age. When he was 12, he nearly died from tuberculosis. Shortly after he recovered, his father was killed by robbers. Mateo Elí had to drop out of school and work on the farm to support his family.

In 1904, in spite of his minimal early education, he was admitted to the newly opened Augustinian seminary in Yuriría. Studies were not easy for him, and were made even more difficult by poor eyesight.

But he continually felt the help of God. When he professed his vows as an Augustinian, he changed his name to Elías del Socorro (help) in grateful recognition of the help God had given to him.

After being ordained a Priest in 1916, he served in parishes. He was sent to La Cañada de Caracheo in 1921. This was an obscure, poor, primitive town of some 3000 persons. There, in conditions of poverty, he ministered to both the spiritual and material needs of the people.

When a persecution of the Catholic Church began in Mexico in 1926, Elías defied a government order to leave La Cañada. Instead, he went to live in a cave, ministering to the faithful under cover of night.

After 14 months of this clandestine life, he was arrested, along with two ranchers who were with him. Elías readily admitted that he was a Priest, and proclaimed his faith in Jesus Christ.

After their arrest, the prisoners and their soldier captors set out for a nearby town. Along the way, the Captain ordered the two ranchers, José de Jesús Sierra and his brother José Dolores, shot. Refusing to leave Padre Nieves, they died courageously, proclaiming Christ as their King.

They continued on their journey, and a short time later, the Captain said to Padre Nieves, "It is your turn now. Let's see if dying is anything like saying Mass."

Padre Nieves replied, "You are speaking the truth. To die for our religion is a pleasing sacrifice to God."

After giving his watch to the Captain and blessing all the soldiers, Elías began to recite the Creed as the soldiers prepared to kill him. His last words were, "Long live Christ the King!"

His execution took place March 10, 1928.


Blessed Elias gives men and women of today a shining example of pastoral zeal and courageous witness to the Christian faith.

Marco Elias Nieves del Castillo was born in the Isle of San Pedro, Yuriria (Guananjuato, Mexico) on 21 September 1882. He was the son of Ramon and Rita, two humble and deeply religious farmers.

Early on he showed a great desire to become a priest but circumstances in life prevented it. At the age of twelve, a case of tuberculosis put him at the door of death and months later his father died at the hands of highwaymen. It was necessary for Elias to abandon his studies in order to be able to earn some money with which he could contribute to the support of his family.

In 1904, the Augustinian College of Yuriria had just recently reopened. Despite his scarce preparation and his adult age, he managed to be admitted. The understandable difficulties stemming from seminary studies undertaken by one who was twenty-one years of age and had just abandoned farm duties were overcome with incredible endurance and effort. As a result of the need for economic aid and his weak physical constitution he was on the verge of losing his sight, yet there was always someone to lend a hand. In recognition of help from on high at so many times during his life, upon his profession in 1911 he changed his name from Mateo Elias to Elias del Socorro.

Once ordained to the priesthood in 1916, he practiced his ministry I different localities of Bajio, until 1921 when he was named parochial vicar of La Cañada de Caracheo, a town of around 3,000 inhabitants, situated in the crevices of “Culiacán.” In this obscure center of scarce economic resources, devoid of sanitary services, public schools, and electricity, the works of Padre Nieves were not limited to the spiritual assistance of his flock. Having known all too well from his youth the meaning of manual labor and impoverishment, he was not burdened by the privations of poverty which he dealt with by way of a generous spirit, a jovial disposition, and confidence in divine providence.

It was precisely during these years that there arose the popular movement of the “cristeros.” The servant of God kept himself on the margin of the revolutionary movement that in ways barely echoed among the local population which was very distant ideologically and geographically from the socio-political problematic underlying the revolution. At the end of 1926 when persecutions of the Church broke out, despite his timid character, instead of obeying the government order to reside in the big urban centers, he established himself in a cave near the hill of La Gavia, assuring his faithful in this way of religious assistance, usually under the cover of night. In the fourteen months during which that situation lasted, someone to administer the sacraments or celebrate daily Mass was never lacking.

This clandestine effort came to an end the morning he stumbled across a posse of soldiers, whose attention was caught by what could be made out under his white peasant’s cloak as the vestments he used during his nocturnal ministry. Once interrogated he declared his status as a priest, and was arrested along with two ranchmen, the Sierra brothers, who had offered to accompany the priest. Driven to La Cañada, he opposed the ransom attempts made on part of some of his faithful. He also had the occasion to discuss religious topics with two of the officials who had custody of him, but his luck had run out.

At dawn on 10 March 1928 the military and prisoners set out in the direction of the small urban center of Cortazar upon which La Cañada depended. In his first order, the captain, facing the troops, gave the order to execute the two companions of Padre Nieves, who after going to confession to the Padre died valiantly proclaiming Christ the King as victor. At the next station which was connected to a beautifully landscaped mesquite, near the town, the captain addressed Padre Nieves, saying “Now it is your turn; let us see if dying is like saying Mass.” To which the servant of God responded, “You have spoken the truth, because to die for our religion is a pleasing sacrifice to God.” He requested a few moments to collect his thoughts, then gave over his watch to the captain, gave his blessing to the soldiers kneeling to receive it, and began to recite the creed while they prepared the guns for his execution. His last words were “Long live Christ the King.” Pope John Paul II beatified him in July 1997

The Augustinian Family celebrates his feast on 11 October.

Rotelle, John, Book of Augustinian Saints, Augustinian Press 2000.

Blessed Elias of Socorro Nieves by Mario Ferrari, Rome, Italy.


Blessed Elias del Soccorso (Matthew Nieves)

Yuriria (Guanajuato – Mexico), 1882 – March March 10, 1928

Blessed Elias was an Augustinian priest who was ordained in 1916, five years later he was appointed vice parish priest at La Cañada de Caracheo (Gto.-Mexico). In this center, poor and without health care and education, not only did he work in pastoral ministry but also in the manual labor to help his faithful nell’indigenza and poverty. The pastoral ministry of Father Nieves found many obstacles and difficulties because of the social situation dominated by hatred and rivalry that resulted in forms of anti-hard. It costs were the priests who were in the midst of poor people. P Nieves took place far from any revolutionary movement. Despite his timid nature, rather than to obey the government order to reside in cities, he settled in a cave near a hill, thus ensuring the faithful support of religion. The priest was illegal for 14 months. Upon arrest, when he was questioned he declared his religious condition. On the morning of March 10, 1928 it was announced that he had come the hour of his death. Fr Nieves asked for a moment of recollection, gave his blessing to the soldiers and began the recitation of the Creed, while they prepared their weapons to shoot them. His last words were: Long live Christ the King

Roman Martyrology: Near the city of Mexico Cortázar, Blessed Elias del Soccorso (Matthew Elias) Nieves del Castillo, a priest of the Order of Saint Augustine and martyr, who, while persecution raged, was arrested because of carrying on a concealed ministry, was shot and died due to hatred for the priesthood.

Matthew Elías Nieves del Castillo was born on the island of St. Pedro, Yuriria (Guanajuato – Mexico) September 21, 1882. He was the son of Ramon and Rita, a marriage of poor farmers of deep religiosity.
He had to delay his entry to the Augustinians, due to his poor health and for his condition of poverty. He became a priest came only in 1916, at 34. After his first pastoral experience, he was given the vicarage to the Cañada de Caracheo, a very poor village. There he played his short but intense life of a priest, working in full for his parishioners, instilling in them the comfort and the Christian hope and sharing all the hardships and sufferings.

But Mexico was experiencing one of the most tragic moments in its history. Released from Spanish rule in the war of independence in 1822, had never managed to walk towards a real national unity. Rich nations, which camped huge concession rights for oil and other resources of the subsoil, incite any internal division, which was a sounding board from the landowners and, unfortunately, even the high-ranking clerics, all in fierce defense of their ancient privileges. Against all of the weather was very turned on, resulting in forms of anti-wheat, of which the costs were often the priests who were in the midst of poor people. In practice there was a real power center, a security law, a hope of appeal and justice. Anyone who had had the opportunity to recruit people and to store weapons and the law had become “the law”. Hatred, rivalry, strife and cross-district without exploding as the bubbles in a mass of incandescent magma. The fear of all was that one day or the other could arrive, perhaps in the small town lost in the countryside, a group of those people.

It in fact arrived at Cañada de Caracheo. On March 7, 1928. But already a few years before, the government had adopted drastic measures in order to prevent any religious activity that was not under the direct control of the civilian government. Provisions that generally were not observed, however, allow any excess to those who had poisoned the tooth against religion. Generally the religious life continued more or less normally, but in the climate of increased risks. Everyone knew him. Went well until he went well, but if something is jammed, they were trouble.

Fr Elias, to be on the safe side, hid in a cave among the mountain, living as a hermit. He went out regularly to provide his parishioners all religious care, as if nothing had changed. Prudence, but without fear. His parishioners, who did not understand anything of the government, understood him, loved him more and more.

On March 7, then, came a detachment of soldiers to search, it seems, for certain cattle thieves. Given the late hour, they decided to stay in the parish church. But during the attempt to force the door the people rebelled and there was a shooting. The soldiers then asked for reinforcements and another detachment reached the country. On March 9 Fr Nieves, disguised as a peasant, but he himself was to confess when the general asked if he was a priest. He was immediately taken prisoner, along with two young peasants, the Sierra brothers, who tried to keep hidden.

On the morning of March 10, soldiers and prisoners went on to Cortazar, which depended on the Cañada. But the prisoners arrived there. Before the brothers touched Sierra. It was possible that the Father confessed them, then they were shot while shouting: “Long live Christ the King!”

Resumed the journey. Neighbors now Cortazar, the commander stopped the squad and said p. Elias sarcastically: “Now it’s up to you. Let us see if you know you know how to die during Mass”. The Father said: “It is right. To die for religion is a sacrifice pleasing to God.”

At his request to grant a half hour to prepare for the big step for him was as the offertory of the Mass with Jesus he was to shake the heaviness of the moment, saying: “Behold, I am ready.” When the guns were smooth, he said with decision: “Kneel down. I want to bless you as a sign of forgiveness.” They all knelt, except that the commander, who shouted, “I do not want blessings. Carabina me enough.” And as the Father had his hand raised to bless, the shot to the heart. The Father had time to shout too, clearly: “Long live Christ the King!”

Immediately, people took to worshipping him as a holy martyr.

His body was buried in un’apoteosi of the crowd, the ground soaked with his blood has been preserved as a relic, the place of the shooting was immediately his sanctuary. His sacrifice is an offering for the pacification of the people.

He was solemnly beatified October 12, 1997 by Pope John Paul II.

Author: P. Bruno Silvestrini O.S.A.

Source: Santi e Beati


Blessed Elias del Socorro Nieves

Patron Saint of Mexico, prisoners, and illness.

Augustinian Priest and Matyr (1882-1928)

His life

+ Mateo Elias Nieves was born in San Pedro, Guanajuato, Mexico. He was so weak at the time of his birth, he was baptized immediately because it was believed he would not survive. He suffered from tuberculosis as a child and almost died of the disease when he was 12 years old.

+ After his father’s death, Elias had to support his family but was eventually able to begin studies at the Augustinian college in Yuriria. He later entered the Augustinian Order, professing religious vows in 1911 and receiving the religious name “Elias del Socorro.” He was ordained in 1916.

+ Elias served as parochial vicar in La Canada de Caracheo but when the government’s persecution of the Church began in 1926, he took refuge in countryside, continuing to minister to his parishioners.

+ Arrested on March 10, 1928, he was shot by the side of the road, a martyr for his faith and commitment to his duties as a pastor.

+ Blessed Elias del Socorro Nieves was beatified in 1997.

Spiritual bonus

On this day, the Church remembers Saint Gustav (of Götstaf) the Hermit. Born in Sweden around 810, it is believed that he was the first person baptized in Sweden by the missionary-bishop Saint Ansgar. Gustav later became a hermit and died on March 10, 890.


“Every priest who preaches the Word of God in times of persecution has no escape; he will die like Jesus on the Cross, with arms tied.”—Blessed Elias del Socorro


O God, who were pleased to give light to your Church by adorning blessed Elias with the victory of martyrdom, graciously grant that, as he imitated the Lord’s Passion, so we may, by following in his footsteps, be worthy to attain eternal joys. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

(from The Roman Missal: Common of Martyrs—For One Martyr)

Saint profiles prepared by Brother Silas Henderson, S.D.S.

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Sunday, 12 October 1997

1. "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" (Mk 10:17).

This question, which in today’s Gospel text, was asked by a young man, has been put to Christ by countless generations of men and women, young and old, clerics and lay people. "What must I do to have eternal life?". It is a fundamental question for every Christian. We know Christ’s answer very well. He reminds his interlocutor above all to observe the commandments: "Do not kill, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Do not defraud, Honour your father and mother" (Mk 10:19); cf. Ex 20:12-16). The young man replies enthusiastically: "Teacher, all these I have observed from my youth" (Mk 10:20). At this point, the Gospel emphasizes, the Lord looks lovingly at him and adds: "You lack one thing; go, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me". However, the account tells us that "At that saying his countenance fell, and he went away sorrowful; for he had great possessions" (Mk 10:21-22).

2. Instead, the new blesseds raised to the glory of the altars today, promptly and enthusiastically accepted Christ’s invitation: "Come, follow me!" and they followed him to the end. Thus the power of God’s grace is revealed in them, and in their earthly life they even succeeded in doing what seemed humanly impossible. Having placed all their trust in God, everything became possible for them. That is why I am pleased to present them today as examples of faithfully following Christ. They are: Elías del Socorro Nieves, martyr, a professed priest of the Order of St Augustine; Giovanni Battista Piamarta, a priest of the Diocese of Brescia; Domenico Lentini, a priest of the Diocese of Tursi-Lagonegro; Mary of Jesus, in the world, Emilie d’Hooghvorst, foundress of the Society of the Sisters of Mary Reparatrix; Maria Teresa Fasce, a professed nun of the Order of St Augustine.

3. "And Jesus looking upon him loved him" (Mk 10:21). These words of the Gospel text call to mind the spiritual and apostolic experience of Fr Giovanni Piamarta, founder of the Congregation of the Holy Family of Nazareth, whom we contemplate today in heavenly glory. Following Christ’s example, he, too, was able to bring a great many boys and young men to meet the Lord’s loving and demanding gaze. How many, thanks to his pastoral activities, were able to start out joyfully in life, having learned a skill and, above all, having encountered Jesus and his message of salvation! The new blessed's apostolic work has many facets and embraces many areas of social life: from the world of work to that of agriculture, from education to the publishing sector. He has left a great mark on the Diocese of Brescia and on the entire Church.

Where did this extraordinary man of God find the energy for all his numerous activities? The answer is clear: assiduous and fervent prayer was the source of his tireless apostolic zeal and beneficial influence which he exercised on everyone he approached. He himself said, as the accounts of his contemporaries recall: "With prayer one is strengthened by the strength of God himself ... Omnia possum". Everything is possible with God, for him and with him.

4. "Let the favour of the Lord our God be upon us" (responsorial psalm). The deep awareness of the Lord’s favour motivated Bl. Domenico Lentini, who in his itinerant preaching never tired of inviting to conversion and return to God. For this reason his apostolic activity was accompanied by the diligent ministry of the confessional. Indeed he well knew that in celebrating the sacrament of Penance, the priest becomes the dispenser of divine mercy and a witness of the new life that is born through the penitent's repentance and the Lord’s forgiveness.

A priest with an undivided heart, he could combine fidelity to God with fidelity to man. He addressed his ardent charity in particular to youth, whom he taught to be firm in the faith, and to the poor, to whom he offered everything he had with absolute trust in divine Providence. His total dedication to his ministry made him, in the words of my venerable Predecessor, Pope Pius XI, "a priest rich only in his priesthood".

5. In the second reading of the liturgy we heard: "The word of God is living and active ... piercing to division of soul and spirit" (Heb 4:12). Emilie d’Hooghvorst accepted this word in her inmost depths. By learning to submit to God’s will, she first fulfilled the mission of all Christian married couples: she made her home "a sanctuary of family life" (cf. Apostolicam actuositatem, n. 11). Widowed and motivated by the desire to participate in the paschal mystery, Mother Mary of Jesus founded the Society of Mary Reparatrix. By her life of prayer she reminds us that in Eucharistic adoration where we draw from the source of life that is Christ, we find the strength for our daily mission. May each one of us, whatever our state of life, be able "to listen to Christ’s voice", "which must govern our lives", as she liked to say!

Her beatification is therefore an encouragement for the Sisters of Mary Reparatrix to continue their apostolate through renewed attention to the people of this age. The sisters will respond to their mission according to their charism: to awaken the faith of our contemporaries and help them in their spiritual growth, thereby actively participating in building the Church.

6. To his disciples, amazed at how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God, Jesus said: "With men it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God" (Mk 10:27). This message was received by Fr Elías del Socorro Nieves, an Augustinian priest, who is raised to the glory of the altars today as a martyr of the faith. His total trust in God and in Our Lady, Help of Christians to whom he was deeply devoted, characterized his whole life and priestly ministry, which he exercised with self-denial and a spirit of service, without letting himself be overcome by obstacles, sacrifices or danger. This faithful Augustinian religious knew how to transmit hope in Christ and in divine Providence.

The life and martyrdom of Fr Nieves, who did not want to abandon his faithful despite the risks he was taking, are in themselves an invitation to renew faith in God who can do everything. He faced death with fortitude, blessing his executioners and witnessing to his faith in Christ. The Church in Mexico today has a new and a powerful intercessor who will help her to renew her Christian life; his Augustinian brothers have one more example to imitate in their constant search for God in fraternity and in service to the People of God; for the whole Church he is an eloquent example of the fruits of holiness which the power of God’s grace produced in him.

7. The first reading, from the Book of Wisdom, reminds us that wisdom and prudence flow from prayer: "I prayed; and understanding was given me; I called upon God, and the spirit of wisdom came to me" (Wis 7:7). These words closely apply to the earthly life of another new blessed, Maria Teresa Fasce, who lived in the constant contemplation of the mystery of Christ. The Church holds her up today as a radiant example of the living synthesis between contemplative life and a humble witness of solidarity to men and women, especially to the poorest, the humble, the abandoned and suffering.

The Augustinian family is living an extraordinary day today, because it sees united in the glory of the altars the representatives of two branches of the Order, the apostolic, with Bl. Elías del Socorro Nieves, and the contemplative, with Bl. Maria Teresa Fasce. For Augustinian religious, their example is a cause of joy and legitimate satisfaction. May this day continue to be a providential opportunity for a renewed commitment, in total and faithful consecration to God and in generous service to their brothers and sisters.

8. "Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone" (Mk 10:18). Each one of these new blesseds heard Christ’s essential definition and understood where to seek the original source of holiness. God is the fullness of good that is selfdiffusive. "Bonum est diffusivum sui" (St Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theol., I, 9.5, a.4. ad 2). The supreme Good wants to give himself and to make all who seek him with a sincere heart resemble him. He desires to sanctify everyone who is prepared to leave everything to follow his Incarnate Son.

The primary aim of this celebration is therefore to praise God, source of all holiness. We glorify the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, because the new blesseds, baptized in the name of the Blessed Trinity, collaborated with God’s grace with persevering heroism. Fully participating in divine life, they now contemplate the glory of the Lord, face to face, enjoying the fruits of blessedness proclaimed by Jesus in the "Sermon on the Mount": "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Mt 5:3). Yes, the kingdom of heaven belongs to these faithful servants of God, who followed Christ to the end, fixing their gaze on him. With their lives they witnessed to him who died on the Cross and was raised for them and for all people.

The whole Church, mother of saints and blesseds, the great spiritual family of mankind called to participate in divine life rejoices.

Together with Mary, Mother of Christ and Queen of saints, together with the new blesseds, let us proclaim God’s holiness: "Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest".


© Copyright 1997 - Libreria Editrice Vaticana


BL. ELIAS del SOCORRO NIEVES was born on the Island of San Pedro, Yuriria, Guanajuato, Mexico on 21 September 1882 into a modest but deeply religious peasant family. He early expressed his desire to be a priest but circumstances prevented it: at the age of 12 tuberculosis brought him to death's door, then his father was killed and he was obliged to earn the family's keep. Despite his adult age and scarce preparation he was admitted to the Augustinian college of Yuriria in 1904. He overcame his frailty and inevitable difficulties in his studies with determination, never failing to find the financial help he required, so that when he took his vows in 1911 he changed his name from Mateo Elias to Elias del Socorro. He was ordained a priest in 1916. In 1921 he was appointed parochial vicar of La Canada de Caracheo, a village then isolated and extremely poor. At the time when the "Christeros" movement started as a popular reaction to the religious persecution, instead of obeying the Government's orders to settle in a large city, he moved to a village in the nearby hills of La Gavia, thus assuring his faithful of his continued religious assistance, usually given under cover of night. After 14 months of this clandestine ministry, together with two ranchers who had offered to accompany him, he was arrested by a military patrol. Soldiers and prisoners set out at dawn on 10 March 1928, for the small local capital of Cortazar. On the way, the captain gave orders to shoot the two ranchers; they died proclaiming Christ the King as victor. At the next halt, the captain said to Fr Nieves, "Now it is your turn: let us see if dying is like saying Mass", to which he answered, "You have spoken the truth, because to die for the faith is a sacrifice pleasing to God". He blessed the soldiers and began to recite the Creed. His last words were "Long live Christ the King".


Beato Elia del Soccorso (Mateo Elías Nieves del Castillo)Sacerdote agostiniano, martire

10 marzo

>>> Visualizza la Scheda del Gruppo cui appartiene

Yuriria, Messico, 21 settembre 1882 - Cortázar, Messico, 10 marzo 1928

Mateo Elías Nieves del Castillo nacque da una famiglia di modesti contadini a San Pedro de Yuriria, presso Guanajuato in Messico, il 21 settembre 1882. Rimasto orfano di padre, dovette lavorare duramente per aiutare la famiglia. Nel 1903 poté entrare nel seminario agostiniano, assumendo con la professione religiosa il nome di Elia del Soccorso, in onore della Madonna del Soccorso. Venne ordinato sacerdote il 19 aprile 1916. Fu nominato parroco de La Cañada, mentre il Messico stava per essere sconvolto da una persecuzione religiosa. Quando il governo, per combattere la Chiesa, ordinò ai sacerdoti di abbandonare le zone rurali e ritirarsi nelle città, padre Elia rimase nascosto in una grotta della zona, per non abbandonare i suoi fedeli, prodigandosi nell’aiutarli spiritualmente e materialmente. Scoperto e catturato dai soldati governativi, venne fucilato in località La Cañada de Caracheo, nei pressi di Cortázar, il 10 marzo 1928, dopo aver benedetto il plotone e distribuito ai soldati le cose personali che portava con sé. È stato beatificato il 12 ottobre 1997.

Martirologio Romano: Vicino alla città di Cortázar in Messico, beato Elia del Soccorso (Matteo Elia) Nieves del Castillo, sacerdote dell’Ordine dei Frati di Sant’Agostino e martire, che, mentre infuriava la persecuzione, fu arrestato perché esercitava di nascosto il suo ministero e morì fucilato in odio al sacerdozio. 

Matteo Elías Nieves del Castillo nacque nell'Isola di S. Pedro, Yuriria (Guanajuato - Messico) il 21 settembre 1882. Era figlio di Ramón e Rita, un matrimonio di modesti agricoltori di profonda religiosità.

Dovette tardare a entrare tra gli Agostiniani, come ardentemente desiderava, sia per motivi di salute che per la sua condizione di povertà. Per questo arrivò ad essere sacerdote solo nel 1916, a 34 anni. Dopo le sue prime esperienze pastorali, gli fu affidato il vicariato alla Cañada de Caracheo, una borgata molto povera. Lì egli ha svolto la sua breve ma intensa vita di sacerdote, impegnandosi senza riserve per i suoi parrocchiani, infondendo in essi il conforto e la speranza cristiana e condividendone tutti i disagi e le sofferenze.

Ma il Messico stava vivendo uno dei momenti più tragici della sua storia. Uscito dalla dominazione spagnola con la guerra di indipendenza del 1822, non era mai riuscito a incamminarsi verso una vera unità nazionale. Le nazioni ricche, che accampavano enormi diritti per concessioni sul petrolio e altre risorse del sottosuolo, fomentavano ogni possibile divisione interna, a cui facevano da cassa di risonanza i latifondisti e, purtroppo, anche degli ecclesiastici di alto rango, tutti accaniti nella difesa dei loro antichi privilegi. Contro tutti costoro il clima era fortemente acceso, sfociando anche in forme di duro anticlericalismo, di cui spesso facevano le spese i sacerdoti che stavano in mezzo alla gente povera. Non c'era in pratica un vero potere centrale, una sicurezza del diritto, una speranza di appello e di giustizia. Chiunque avesse avuto modo di arruolar gente e di ammassare armi faceva la legge e diveniva "la legge". Odi, rivalità, lotte incrociate e senza quartiere esplodevano come le bolle in una massa di magma incandescente. La paura di tutti era che un giorno o l'altro potesse arrivare, magari nel più piccolo centro sperduto nelle campagne, un gruppo di quella gente.

E infatti arrivò anche a Cañada de Caracheo. Era il 7 marzo 1928. Ma già da un paio d’anni il governo aveva emanato drastiche disposizioni allo scopo di impedire qualsiasi attività religiosa che non fosse sotto il controllo diretto dell'autorità civile. Disposizioni che in genere non venivano osservate, però permettevano qualunque eccesso a chi aveva il dente avvelenato contro la religione. In genere la vita religiosa continuava più o meno normalmente, ma nel clima di grossi rischi. Ognuno ce lo sapeva. Andava bene finché andava bene, ma se qualcosa si inceppava, erano guai.

Il p. Elia, per prudenza, si nascose in una grotta tra quei monti. Grotta da eremita. Ma ne usciva regolarmente per prestare ai suoi parrocchiani tutte le cure religiose, come se nulla fosse cambiato. Prudenza, ma senza paura. I suoi parrocchiani, che non capivano nulla delle misure governative, capivano lui, lo amavano sempre di più.

Il 7 marzo, dunque, arrivò un distaccamento di soldati alla ricerca, sembra, di certi ladri di bestiame. Essendo l'ora tarda, decisero di pernottare nella chiesa parrocchiale. Ma al tentativo di forzare le porte la gente si ribellò e ci fu una sparatoria. I soldati allora chiesero dei rinforzi e un altro distaccamento raggiunse il paese. Il giorno 9 stanarono il P.Nieves, travestito da contadino, ma fu lui stesso a dichiararsi sacerdote quando gli chiesero le generalità. Fu immediatamente preso prigioniero, insieme a due giovani contadini, i fratelli Sierra, che cercavano di tenerlo nascosto.

La mattina del 10, soldati e prigionieri partirono alla volta di Cortazar, da cui dipendeva la Cañada. Ma i prigionieri non vi arrivarono. Prima toccò ai fratelli Sierra. Fu permesso che il Padre li confessasse, poi furono fucilati mentre gridavano: "Viva Cristo Re!"

Ripresero il cammino. Vicini ormai a Cortazar, il comandante fermò il drappello e disse a p. Elias con sarcasmo: "Ora sta a voi. Fateci vedere se sapete morire come sapete dir Messa". Il Padre rispose: "È giusto. Morire per la religione è un sacrificio gradito a Dio".

Su sua richiesta gli concessero una mezz’ora per prepararsi al grande passo che per lui era come l'offertorio di una Messa con Gesù. Fu lui a scuotere la pesantezza del momento dicendo: "Eccomi, io sono pronto". Quando i fucili furono spianati, egli disse con decisione: "Ora inginocchiatevi. Vi voglio benedire in segno di perdono". Si inginocchiarono tutti, eccetto il comandante che gridò: "Io non voglio benedizioni. Mi basta la carabina". E mentre il Padre aveva ancora la mano alzata per benedire, gli sparò al cuore. Il Padre fece in tempo a gridare con chiarezza anche lui: "Viva Cristo Re!"

Subito la gente prese a venerarlo come un santo martire.

Il suo corpo venne tumulato in un'apoteosi di folla, la terra imbevuta del suo sangue è stata conservata come reliquia, il luogo della fucilazione fu subito il suo santuario. Il suo sacrificio è stato un'offerta per la pacificazione del popolo.

Fu solennemente beatificato il 12 ottobre 1997.

Autore: P. Bruno Silvestrini O.S.A.


Beato Elías del Socorro Nieves del Castillo, presbítero y mártir

volver a la lista de santos

fecha de inscripción en el santoral: 10 de marzo

n.: 1882 - †: 1928 - país: México

canonización: B: Juan Pablo II 12 oct 1997

Elogio: Cerca de la ciudad de Cortázar, en México, beato Elías del Socorro (Mateo Elías) Nieves del Castillo, presbítero de la Orden de San Agustín y mártir, que en el furor de la persecución contra la fe de Cristo, hecho prisionero por desempeñar ocultamente el ministerio, fue fusilado por odio al sacerdocio.

Ver más información en: Mártires mexicanos (1915-1937)

Mateo Elías Nieves del Castillo nació el 21 de septiembre de 1882 en Yuriria, Guanajuato. Fue frágil de salud desde su nacimiento, teniendo que ser bautizado de urgencia, por el peligro que corría su vida. Después padecería tuberculosis y una ceguera temporal que le dejó como secuela cierta debilidad visual. Su infancia y juventud fueron difíciles. Principalmente por la pérdida de los padres y de otras personas que, caritativamente, se habían interesado por él. No tuvo oportunidad de estudiar ni de seguir su vehemente deseo de ingresar en la Orden Agustiniana. Maduró su vocación religiosa en una intensa vida cristiana, vivida en su parroquia, donde fue un joven comprometido con la acción pastoral.

Sólo muy tardíamente pudo incorporarse al seminario agustino. Cuando comenzó los estudios secundarios era un joven que había madurado humanamente por los muchos sufrimientos padecidos, y espiritualmente por su intensa vida cristiana. Asumió, con humildad, compartir aula y régimen de seminario con compañeros adolescentes. Tenía 28 años de edad cuando realizó su primera profesión. En ese momento tan importante de su vida se puso en manos de María, añadiendo a su nombre de bautismo el título agustiniano del Socorro.

Fue ordenado sacerdote el 9 de abril de 1916, a los 33 años de edad. Eran tiempos políticamente borrascosos. Sabía que le esperaba un ministerio difícil, pero le urgía el amor a su gente. «¡Sálvalos, Señor, que perecen!», decía con frecuencia. Después de ejercer el ministerio sacerdotal en Yuriria, Aguascalientes, Maravatío y Pinícuaro, Michoacán, donde dejó buenos recuerdos, fue asignado a la comunidad de la Cañada de Caracheo, Michoacán. Ejerció su ministerio en medio de gentes sencillas, entregándose a ellas con alegría y dedicación. La escuela de la pobreza hizo de él un hombre que supo vivir con sobriedad. No eran momentos para empeñarse en grandes obras. El Padre Elías del Socorro fue grande en la fidelidad a lo sencillo.

Fue muy amigo de los pobres a los que socorría en sus necesidades; celebraba con fervor la misa y era muy devoto de la Santísima Virgen. Concluyó su vida después de un periodo de clandestinidad, para mantener su servicio pastoral. El Padre Nieves no quiso acatar la orden del gobierno de concentrarse en la capital, porque eso significaba abandonar su grey y no estaba dispuesto a alejarse de ellos en horas de dificultad. Quería quedarse «a pesar de todo». Por eso vivió 14 meses refugiado en una cueva, protegido por la caritativa complicidad de sus fieles, que acudían a la gruta a orar, asistir a la Eucaristía y recibir los Sacramentos.

Fue aprehendido por los federales el 7 de marzo de 1928. El capitán Márquez lo llevó con otros presos hacia Cortazar, Guanajuato. Las actas del proceso ilustran las peripecias de su prendimiento y muerte, así como el conmovedor acompañamiento de dos de sus fieles que, dejados en libertad por el pelotón asesino, no quisieron abandonar a su pastor. A pesar de su insistente ruego para que se fueran, prefirieron correr la misma suerte del sacerdote agustino, fueron los laicos José Dolores y José de Jesús Sierra.

Al llegar al lugar llamado "El Llano", los federales se detuvieron y pusieron al Padre Nieves frente a un mezquite. El Padre Elías oró, entregó a los soldados su gabán y pidió a los mismos que se hincaran para darles su bendición. Fue asesinado el 10 de marzo de 1928, cuando tenía 45 años de edad. Murió bendiciendo a los soldados que se disponían a ejecutarle y regalando su perdón y sus escasos bienes a su propio verdugo. El momento de su muerte es de una extraordinaria grandeza. Ningún testimonio tan impresionante como el del ejecutor material de su muerte, el capitán Manuel Márquez Cervantes, quien, años más tarde, manifestó: «El Padre Nieves murió como un héroe y como un santo»; conservó como recuerdo los lentes y la cobija que le había regalado el agustino antes de asesinarle. Los fieles le consideraron mártir desde la fecha del fusilamiento. Su cuerpo fue trasladado a la Iglesia parroquial de Cañada de Caracheo, Guanajuato, comunidad de unos 5 mil habitantes, la mayor del municipio de Cortazar, donde descansa bajo el altar. Se le atribuyen decenas de milagros y la gente acude en masiva peregrinación en el aniversario de su muerte. Fue beatificado por SS Juan Pablo II el 12 de octubre de 1997.

Texto que tomamos, con algunos cambios, de la página Oremos Juntos, quienes indican como autor al Lic. Juan Manuel Robles Gil, de Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, México.

accedido 4462 veces

ingreso o última modificación relevante: ant 2012

Estas biografías de santo son propiedad de El Testigo Fiel. Incluso cuando figura una fuente, esta ha sido tratada sólo como fuente, es decir que el sitio no copia completa y servilmente nada, sino que siempre se corrige y adapta. Por favor, al citar esta hag


Beato Elías del Socorro Nieves, agustino mártir.

Beato Elías del Socorro Nieves, agustino mártir. 10 de marzo

El 21 de septiembre de 1882 nació en la isla de San Pedro, rodeado por las aguas del lago de Yuriria, en el estado de Guanuajuato, el niño Mateo Elías Nieves Castillo. Sus padres tuvieron que trasladarse al convento agustino del pueblo de Yuriria donde alguna vez residió el también Beato Bartolomé Gutiérrez (3 de septiembre), para que su pequeño hijo fuera bautizado. Desde pequeño Mateo tenía la intención de ser sacerdote, pero a los doce años su padre muere asesinado y él tiene que dejar sus estudios para ayudar a su madre a mantener a su familia. Posteriormente parte a Celaya, Guanajuato en busca de un mejor salario, donde trabaja de todo. Luego parte a Irapuato y comienza a prepararse para ingresar a la Orden de San Agustín. Durante diez días fallecieron su madre y su tío fray Antonio Castillo, debido al desaliento que esto le provocó se dedicó a cultivar el campo.

En 1904 el colegio de San Pablo, del convento agustino de Yuriria es reabierto y Elías se presenta para ser admitido, a pesar de que un primo suyo trata de convencerlo de que él estaba hecho para el campo y no para el convento, pero el beato no se dio por vencido. Aceptado en el convento siguió trabajando para mantenerse pero terminó perdiendo la vista. Ayudado por varias personas logro viajar a Morelia, Michoacán a visitar a un médico quien le dijo que necesitaba muchos cuidados para recuperar en un año la vista. Elías se encomendó a Nuestra Señora del Socorro imagen venerada por la provincia agustina como su patrona y que había sido un obsequio de Santo Tomás de Villanueva (22 de septiembre y 10 de octubre) a los primeros agustinos enviados a territorio novohispano y en tres meses Elías recuperó la vista.

El 19 de enero de 1910 recibió el hábito agustino y un año después hizo su profesión y cambio su nombre por el de fray Elías del Socorro Nieves, en agradecimiento a Nuestra Señora del Socorro por el milagro de recuperar su visión. Fue enviado a Aguascalientes para seguir preparándose y ser ordenado sacerdote el 9 de abril de 1916 por el obispo Ignacio Plasencia y Moreira. En su pueblo natal, Yuriria, celebró su primera misa y fue nombrado vicario cooperador de la parroquia. Posteriormente vuelve a Aguascalientes donde estuvo por espacio de dos años. A finales de 1921 fue nombrado vicario del pueblo de Cañada de Caracheo. Allí el padre Nieves, como era cariñosamente conocido, se dedicó a concluir la construcción del templo y en 1925 colocó un reloj público. Se opuso en varias ocasiones a las exhibiciones cinematográficas, que consideraba contrarias a la moral.

Al comenzar las tensiones entre la Iglesia y el Estado, el padre Nieves decide esconderse en una cueva en la barranca de "El  Leñero", cerca del cerro de la Gavia y organizó a sus feligreses en siete grupos para que fuera a escuchar misa y recibir los sacramentos el día de la semana que les tocara. A las tres de la mañana llegaban a la cueva para ser confesados y recibir diversos sacramentos y escuchar misa, el padre Nieves arregló la cueva de tal modo que tuviera todo lo necesario para celebrar la eucaristía. Por las noches el padre Nieves descendía al pueblo para atender a enfermos y ancianos que no podían ir a la cueva a escuchar misa y aprovechaba a oficiar bodas y bautizos.

El 7 de marzo de 1928 llegó un regimiento de soldados al mando del capitán Manuel Márquez siguiendo a unos ladrones. Buscando un sitio donde pasar la noche llegaron a la casa cural y al no poder entrar intentaron derribar la puerta, pero dos vecinos, Gregorio López y Nicolás Bernal, intentaron evitar que destruyeran la puerta y fueron aprehendidos en el acto. En respuesta a esa injusta acción los vecinos empezaron un tiroteo que duró tres horas. A la mañana siguiente López y Bernal fueron fusilados, al entrarse de tan terrible noticia el padre Nieves decidió recluirse en oración todo el día jueves. Esa noche la pasó en casa de los hermanos Sierra, en el rancho de San Pablo y celebró misa el viernes por la mañana.

Al medio día el padre Nieves salió a dar un paseo disfrazado como campesino con un amplio sombrero, pero se encontró con los militares al mando del mayor Leonardo Rodríguez quien se percató que por debajo del pantalón de manta salía las orillas del pantalón negro del sacerdote y entonces lo detuvo en el acto. Entraron a casa de los hermanos Sierra buscando agua pero sorprendieron a los habitantes ocultando armas de fuego, y el mayor ordenó detener a José Dolores y Jesús Sierra. De camino a Cañada de Caracheo los soldados iban montados a caballo y los tres detenidos caminando. Llegados a Cañada, un vecino de nombre Toribio Martínez, por atención al sacerdote les ofreció pasar la noche en su casa, a lo que los militares aceptaron. El capitán Márquez entabló burlonamente una discusión sobre teología con el padre Nieves que se prolongó durante toda la noche. El señor Toribio ofreció al capitán y al mayor la cantidad de 1,000 pesos por la libertad del padre Nieves. El mayor estaba de acuerdo pero el capitán no, lo que terminó en una discusión violenta en la que don Toribio y el padre tuvieron que intervenir para calmar los ánimos. El padre Nieves enterado de la situación dijo: "No, Toribio no conoce esa cantidad de dinero, ni yo puedo aceptar que nadie se comprometa por mí. De modo que no hay lugar a discusiones. Que se haga la voluntad de Dios y nada más". El mayor Rodríguez decidió partir esa noche dejándole toda la responsabilidad al capitán Márquez. Al percatarse el padre Nieves de la discusión entre ambos militares, se acercó a los hermanos Sierra para decirles que huyeran debido a que ellos le harían falta a sus familia, pero estos se negaron alegando que si ellos hacían falta a sus familias, más falta hacía el que era el padre espiritual de tantas familias. A las diez de la mañana del 10 de marzo de 1928 el contingente militar emprendió la retirada y una hora más tarde en la hacienda de Las Fuentes se ordenó el fusilamiento de los hermanos Sierra. José Dolores cayó muerto de un infarto antes de ser fusilado y Jesús murió abatido por las balas mientras con sus últimas palabras clamaba "¡Viva Cristo Rey!", aunque a ambos se les dio el tiro de gracia.

El padre Nieves pidió ser fusilado en otro sitio y fue llevado a tres kilómetros donde había un árbol de mezquite y un poste de teléfono. El agustino se arrodilló a hacer oración y le dijo al militar: "Capitán, estoy listo para morir por mi religión". El capitán le preguntó la hora al sacerdote y este le respondió que faltaban cinco minutos para las tres de la tarde e inmediatamente le obsequió su reloj al capitán y sus demás pertenencias a los otros soldados. El hijo de San Agustín le pidió a sus captores que se arrodillaran para recibir la bendición, lo que inmediatamente hicieron los soldados, pero el capitán algo molesto sacó su pistola y le dijo: "Yo no necesito bendiciones de curitas, a mí me basta mi pistola", y en el acto disparó al padre Nieves. Al caer al suelo el sacerdote logró exclamar: "Dios te perdone, hijo mío. ¡Viva Cristo Rey!". El capitán Márquez se acercó y le dio el tiro de gracia, para después partir hacia el pueblo de Cortázar.

Una mujer que presenció el martirio escondida en unos matorrales se acercó a tratar de auxiliar al sacerdote y pudo escuchar que con sus últimas palabras dijo: "hombres de poca fe", luego de esto la mujer fue a darle aviso a los demás vecinos. Un pastor que también presenció el acto vio que un tozo del cráneo de había desprendido, lo devolvió a su lugar y  envolvió la cabeza del padre Nieves para evitar que se volviera a desprender pero todo fue inútil, el sacerdote ya había expirado. Al llegar los vecinos recogieron el cuerpo del padre Nieves y el de los hermanos Sierra y los llevaron para ser velados y los tres fueron sepultados en el panteón de la localidad al día siguiente. En 1936 los restos del padre Nieves y los hermanos Sierra fueron trasladados a la iglesia de la Virgen de los Dolores de la Cañada de Caracheo.

Fray Elías del Socorro Nieves, conocido cariñosamente como el padre Nieves fue beatificado por el beato papa Juan Pablo II, el 12 de octubre de 1997. En su pueblo natal, Yuriria, Guanajuato, anualmente el día 10 de marzo en recuerdo del martirio del padre Nieves se realiza la representación de “la pasión del padre Nieves” y el santo entierro del padre Nieves, llevando una imagen del beato en un ataúd, revestido con los ornamentos litúrgicos, para después celebrar la misa en su honor.


12 OCTOBER 1997

Elías del Socorro, Beato

Mártir, 10 de marzo

Por: Fernando Rojo, o.s.a. | Fuente:

Sacerdote y Mártir

Martirologio Romano: Cerca de la ciudad de Cortázar, en México, beato Elías del Socorro (Mateo Elías) Nieves del Castillo, presbítero de la Orden de San Agustín y mártir, que en el furor de la persecución contra la fe de Cristo, hecho prisionero por desempeñar ocultamente el ministerio, fue fusilado por odio al sacerdocio. († 1928)

Fecha de beatificación: 12 de octubre de 1997 por el Papa Juan Pablo II

Breve Biografia

Mateo Elías Nieves nace en Yuriria (Guanajuato - México). Hijo de modestos agricultores, muy pronto manifestó el deseo de ser sacerdote, pero a los doce años su padre era asesinado por unos salteadores, y le resultó necesario dejar los estudios para poder ganar algún dinero con el que contribuir al sustentamiento de la familia.

En 1904, no obstante su escasa preparación y a su edad adulta, consiguió ser admitido en el seminario agustiniano de Yuriria. Las dificultades por causa de los estudios iniciados por quien a los veintiún años abandonaba las faenas del campo fueron superadas con tesón y esfuerzo. En las provenientes de la carencia de recursos económicos y la débil constitución física - estuvo a punto de perder la vista - nunca faltó quien le echara una mano. En reconocimiento a la ayuda de lo alto en tantos momentos de su vida y movido de su filial devoción a María, al profesar en 1911 cambió el nombre de Mateo Elías por el de Elías del Socorro.

Ordenado sacerdote en 1916, ejerce su ministerio en diversas localidades del Bajío, hasta que en 1921 es nombrado vicario parroquial de La Cañada de Caracheo (Gto.), un poblado en las estribaciones del "Culiacán". En este centro de escasos recursos económicos, desprovisto de servicios sanitarios y de escuela pública no se limitó a la asistencia espiritual de su grey. Habiendo conocido el trabajo manual y la indigencia, no le pesaron ni las privaciones ni la pobreza, que compartió con ánimo generoso, jovial disponibilidad y confianza en la Providencia.

Fue precisamente durante estos años cuando nace el movimiento popular de los "cristeros". El P. Nieves, que se mantuvo al margen de esta revolución armada, cuando a finales del 1926 se llegó a la efectiva persecución de la Iglesia, a pesar de su carácter tímido, en vez de obedecer la orden del gobierno de pasar a vivir en las ciudades, se estableció en la cueva de un cerro cercano, asegurando así a sus fieles la asistencia religiosa.

Esta clandestinidad forzada, llevada adelante durante catorce meses finalizará la mañana en que se tropezó con un destacamento de soldados, a los que llamó la atención que bajo el vestido blanco de campesino se entreviera el oscuro que empleaba en su ministerio pastoral nocturno. Interrogado, declaró su condición de sacerdote, siendo arrestado inmediatamente junto con un par de rancheros que se ofrecieron a acompañarlo. Al amanecer del 10 de marzo de 1928 militares y prisioneros se pusieron en camino en dirección al pequeño centro urbano de Cortazar. En el primer alto el capitán al frente del destacamento dio la orden de pasar por las armas a los dos acompañantes del Padre, testigos incómodos, quienes después de confesarse murieron victoreando a Cristo Rey. En la siguiente parada, ya próximos al poblado, el capitán se dirige al Padre diciéndole: "Ahora le toca a Vd., vamos a ver si morir es como decir misa". El P. Nieves pidió unos momentos para recogerse, después dió la bendición a los soldados y comenzó a recitar el credo mientras estos preparaban las armas para fusilarlo. Sus últimas palabras fueron un sonoro "Viva Cristo Rey".

Sus restos descansan en la iglesia parroquial de la Cañada.


Den salige Elias del Socorro Nieves (1882-1928)

Minnedag: 10. mars

Den salige Elias del Socorro ble født som Matteus Elias Nieves del Castillo (sp: Mateo Elías) den 21. september 1882 på øya San Pedro i Yuriria i Guanajuato i Mexico. Hans foreldre var Ramón Nieves og Rita del Castillo, beskjedne, men dypt religiøse bønder. Han ble raskt døpt, siden man ikke trodde han kom til å leve opp. Han ga tidlig uttrykk for sitt ønske om å bli prest, men omstendighetene hindret det. For i en alder av tolv år brakte tuberkulose ham til dødens rand, og han ble rammet av midlertidig blindhet. Noen måneder senere ble faren drept av landeveisrøvere, så derfor måtte Elisas avbryte skolegangen for å tjene penger til familiens livsopphold.

I 1904 hadde augustinernes kollegium i Yuriria nettopp åpnet igjen. Til tross for sin høye alder og sine manglende forberedelser klarte den 22-årige Elias å komme inn. Gjennom besluttsomhet og hardt arbeid overvant han sin skjøre helsetilstand, sitt dårlige syn og de uunngåelige vanskelighetene i studiet på grunn av sitt dårlige grunnlag, og han klarte alltid å finne den økonomiske hjelp han trengte. Han sluttet seg til augustinerordenen (Ordo Sancti Augustini – OSA), og da han avla sine løfter i 1911, endret han sitt navn fra Mateo Elias til Elias del Socorro («av hjelpen»). Han ble presteviet den 9. april 1916.

Deretter utførte han prestetjeneste ulike steder i Bajio før han i 1921 ble han utnevnt til kapellan i La Cañada de Caracheo, en landsby med 3.000 innbyggere som da var isolert og ekstremt fattig. Under kirkeforfølgelsene i Mexico på 1920-tallet oppsto bevegelsen Cristeros som en folkelig reaksjon på forfølgelsene. Regjeringen ga ordre om at prestene skulle bosette seg i større byer hvor de kunne kontrolleres, men i stedet flyttet Elias til en nærliggende landsby i fjellene i La Gavia. Dermed forsikret han de troende om sin fortsatte prestetjeneste, som vanligvis ble utført i ly av mørket.

Etter fjorten måneders hemmelig prestetjeneste ble Elias arrestert av en militærpatrulje sammen med to kvegfarmere, José Dolores og José de Jesús Sierra, som hadde tilbudt seg å følge ham. Ved daggry den 10. mars 1928 satte soldatene av gårde mot den lille lokale hovedstaden Cortazar med de tre fangene. På veien ga deres offiser, kaptein Manuel Marquez Cervantes, soldatene ordre om å skyte de to farmerne. De døde mens de proklamerte Kristus Kongen som seierherre.

Ved neste stopp sa kapteinen til p. Elias: «Nå er det din tur. La oss se om det å dø er som å feire messen». Han svarte: «Du har talt sant, for det å dø for troen, er et offer som gleder Gud». Han ga kapteinen klokken sin og velsignet soldatene, som knelte ned. Deretter begynte han å resitere trosbekjennelsen. Hans siste ord var ¡Vivo Cristo Rey! «Leve Kristus, Kongen!» Han var 45 år gammel.

Helt fra Elias' henrettelse regnet hans sognebarn ham som martyr. Hans legeme ble senere flyttet til sognekirken, og årsdagen for hans død ble minnet hvert år. Den 17. desember 1996 undertegnet pave Johannes Paul II (1978-2005) dekretet fra Helligkåringskongregasjonen som anerkjente hans martyrium og som ga ham tittelen Venerabilis, «Ærverdig». Han ble saligkåret av paven den 12. oktober 1997 på Petersplassen i Roma. Hans minnedag er dødsdagen 10. mars, mens augustinerne feirer sin medbror den 11. oktober.

Kilder: Index99, Patron Saints SQPN, Abbaye Saint-Benoît, EWTN/OR,,,, - Kompilasjon og oversettelse: p. Per Einar Odden - Sist oppdatert: 2005-07-03 17:06


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