Église Saint-Pierre de Landes
Bienheureuse Françoise Tréhet, vierge et martyre
La bienheureuse Françoise Tréhet, Sœur de la Charité, se dévoua avec tout son zèle à enseigner les enfants et à soigner les malades au temps de la Révolution française. Parce qu’elle avait refusé le serment à la Constitution civile du clergé et qu’elle avait donné asile à des prêtres, elle fut condamnée à mort et aussitôt guillotinée, à Ernée dans le Maine, en 1794.
Bienheureuse Françoise Tréhet
Sœur de la Charité, martyre de la Révolution (+
Voir aussi la Bienheureuse Jeanne
À Ernée dans le Maine, en 1794, la bienheureuse
Françoise Tréhet, vierge, Sœur de la Charité. Elle se dévoua avec tout son zèle
à enseigner les enfants et à soigner les malades et, au temps de la Révolution
française, parce qu’elle avait refusé le serment à la Constitution civile du
clergé et qu’elle avait donné asile à des prêtres, elle fut condamnée à mort et
aussitôt guillotinée.
Martyrologe romain
SOURCE : http://nominis.cef.fr/contenus/saint/11249/Bienheureuse-Francoise-Trehet.html
Bienheureuse Françoise Tréhet
Françoise Tréhet naquit le 8 avril 1756 dans une famille de propriétaires terriens aisés, à Saint-Mars-sur-la-Futaie en Vendée. Elle émit ses vœux chez les Sœurs de la Charité dite plus tard de Notre-Dame d'Evron et s’occupa de l’éducation des fillettes et de diverses œuvres de charité.
En 1783, elle fut invitée à Saint-Pierre-des-Landes à ouvrir une école paroissiale. Elle fut aidée dans cette tâche par sa consœur Jeanne Véron de dix ans sa cadette. Les deux religieuses faisaient la classe et en dehors de l’école portaient assistance aux malades de la paroisse.
Avec la prise de la Bastille et les mouvements de haine contre l’Église, la Révolution française va faire verser le sang des innocents, simplement parce qu’ils sont chrétiens, parce qu’ils ne veulent pas se soumettre aux exigences scélérates proposées par les “forts” d’alors, des gens sans scrupules qui profitèrent allègrement de leur position pour mettre en pratique leur haine viscérale contre le Christ et son Église.
La France, la “fille aînée de l’Église” vivra alors les plus tristes pages de son histoire pourtant si remplie de saints et de bienheureux… Mais, comme souvent il a été dit, “le sang des martyrs est semence de chrétiens”, voila pourquoi le sang de tous ces martyrs de la Révolution française, surtout pendant la période de la terreur, vont procurer à la patrie de saint Remi et de saint Louis IX, bien d’autres gloires qui au Paradis vont constituer la plus grande voie lactée que l’univers se plaire de contempler.
Françoise avait un caractère affirmé et une forte volonté. Elle avait prédit les tourments de la révolution. La Terreur les obligea à se cacher.
Vers la fin février 1794, les deux Sœurs furent dénoncées et condamnées à la guillotine.
Le 13 mars Françoise passa devant la Commission Clément, de sinistre mémoire. On l’accusa d’avoir caché des prêtres réfractaires et d’avoir aidé des Vendéens. Elle répondit que tout malade était un frère en Jésus-Christ et nécessitait ses soins. Elle refusa de crier " longue vie à la république ", ce qui la condamna définitivement...
Elle se rendit à l’échafaud en chantant le Salve Regina. Elle avait 37 ans. Le même sort frappa Jeanne une semaine plus tard.
Elles furent béatifiées le 19 juin 1955 par Pie XII.
D’après : http://ut-pupillam-oculi.over-blog.com/
SOURCE : http://nouvl.evangelisation.free.fr/francoise_trehet.htm
Victime de la révolution française
Amie des enfants et des malades
Rome, 13 mars 2013 (Zenit.org) Anita
Bourdin |
Le martyrologe romain fait aujourd'hui mémoire de la bienheureuse Françoise Tréhet, vierge et martyre de la Révolution française (+1794).
Religieuse de la congrégation de la Charité, Françoise Tréhet dépensait ses forces entre les murs d'une école, dévouée à l'éducation des enfants, ou au chevet des malades.
C'est en effet pendant la Révolution française qu'elle gagna la couronne du martyre: elle périt par le glaive pour l'amour du Christ. Elle a été béatifiée parmi les martyrs de Laval.
Parmi les victimes de la Révolution, 374 ont été béatifiées, en tant que "martyrs". Jean-Paul II expliquait un jour: "On les a, dans les attendus des sentences, accusés de compromission avec les "forces contre-révolutionnaires", il en est d'ailleurs ainsi dans presque toutes les persécutions d'hier et d'aujourd'hui. Mais pour les hommes et les femmes dont les noms ont été retenus - parmi beaucoup d'autres sans doute également méritants -, ce qu'ils ont réellement vécu, ce qu'ils ont répondu aux interrogations des tribunaux ne laisse aucun doute sur leur détermination à rester fidèles, au péril de leur vie, à ce que leur foi exigeait, ni sur le motif profond de leur condamnation: la haine de cette foi que leurs juges méprisaient comme "dévotion insoutenable" et "fanatisme"."
(13 mars 2013) © Innovative Media Inc.
SOURCE : http://www.zenit.org/fr/articles/victime-de-la-revolution-francaise
Also known as
January (as one of the Blessed
Martyrs of Laval)
Member of the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of
Evron. Dedicated to education of children and
care of the sick. Martyred in
the French
April 1756 in
Saint-Mars-sur-la-Futaie, Mayenne, France
beheaded on 20
March 1794 in
Laval, Mayenne, France
May 1955 by Pope Pius
XII (decree of martyrdom)
June 1955 by Pope Pius
XII at Rome, Italy
if you have information relevant to this Cause, contact
Diocèse de Laval
27, rue du Cardinal-Suhard
BP 1225
53012 Laval CEDEX, FRANCE
SOURCE : http://catholicsaints.info/blessed-francoise-trehet/
Blessed Françoise Tréhet
Saint of the Day : March 13
Other Names : Francesca
Memorial : 21 January as one of the Blessed Martyrs of Laval
Born : 8 April 1756 in Saint-Mars-sur-la-Futaie, Mayenne, France
Died :
Guillotined on 13 March 1794 in Laval, Mayenne, France • Relics enshrined at the church of St-Pierre-des-Landes where she had taught
Françoise Tréhet was born April 8, 1756 in a family of wealthy landowners, in Saint-Mars-sur-la-Futaie in Vendée. She made her vows to the Sisters of Charity, later known as Notre-Dame d'Evron, and took care of the education of the girls and various works of charity.
In 1783, she was invited to Saint-Pierre-des-Landes to open a parish school. She was helped in this task by her sister Jeanne Véron, ten years her junior. The two nuns did the class and outside the school assisted the sick of the parish.
With the taking of the Bastille and hate movements against the Church, the French Revolution will shed the blood of the innocent, simply because they are Christians, because they do not want to submit to the rogue demands proposed by the "Strong" then, unscrupulous people who happily took advantage of their position to put into practice their visceral hatred against Christ and his Church.
France, the "eldest daughter of the Church" will live then the saddest pages of her history yet so full of saints and blessed ... But, as often said, "the blood of the martyrs is seed of Christians", that is why the blood of all these martyrs of the French Revolution, especially during the period of terror, will bring to the homeland of Saint Remi and Saint Louis IX, many other glories which in Paradise will constitute the greatest milky way let the universe please to contemplate.
Francoise had a strong character and a strong will. She had predicted the torments of the revolution. The Terror forced them to hide.
Towards the end of February 1794, the two Sisters were denounced and condemned to the guillotine.
On the 13th of March, Francoise passed in front of the Clement Commission, of sinister memory. He was accused of hiding refractory priests and helping Vendeans. She replied that every sick person was a brother in Jesus Christ and needed his care. She refused to shout "long life to the republic", which definitely condemned her ...
She went to the scaffold, singing Salve Regina. She was 37 years old. The same fate struck Jeanne a week later.
They were beatified on June 19, 1955 by Pius XII.
Blessed Françoise Tréhet, Pray for us !
SOURCE : https://saintscatholic.blogspot.com/2016/03/blessed-francoise-trehet.html
Saint of the Day – 13 March – Bl Françoise Tréhet
(1756-1794) Martyr
Posted on March
13, 2019
Saint of the Day – 13 March – Bl Françoise Tréhet
(1756-1794) Martyr, Religious Sister, Teacher, Apostle of Charity – born
on 8 April 1756 in Saint-Mars-sur-la-Futaie, Mayenne, France and died by
being guillotined on 13 March 1794 in Laval, Mayenne, France.
Françoise Tréhet was born on 8 April 1756 in a family
of wealthy landowners, in Saint-Mars-sur-la-Futaie in Vendée. She
made her vows to the Sisters of Charity and became a teacher and performed
various works of charity.
In 1783, she was invited to Saint-Pierre-des-Landes to
open a parish school. She was helped in this task by her sister Jeanne
Véron, ten years her junior. The two nuns taught the class and
assisted the sick of the parish.
With the taking of the Bastille and hate movements
against the Church, the French Revolution shed the blood of the innocent,
simply because they were Christians, because they refused to submit to the
violent demands proposed by the powerful, unscrupulous revolutionaries who
happily took advantage of their position to put into practice their visceral
hatred against Christ and His Church.
France, the “eldest daughter of the Church” lived
then the saddest pages of her history, yet so full of saints and blessed … But,
as often said, “the blood of the martyrs is seed of Christians”, that is
why the blood of all these martyrs of the French Revolution, during the period
of terror, will bring to the homeland of Saint Remi and Saint Louis IX, many
other glorious saints who in Paradise, serve us all.
Francoise had a strong character and a strong
will. She had predicted the torments of the revolution and refused
to submit to the terror. Towards the end of February 1794, the two
Sisters were denounced and condemned to the guillotine.
On 13 March, Francoise appeared at the Clement
Commission, of sinister memory. She was accused of hiding priests
and helping underground movements. She replied that every sick
person was a brother in Jesus Christ and needed her care. She
refused to shout “long life to the republic”, which condemned her to
death by the guillotine.
She went to the scaffold, singing the Salve
Regina. She was 37 years old. The same fate struck Jeanne a week
St Francoise’s relics are enshrined at the church of St-Pierre-des-Landes where she had taught. The two sisters were beatified on 19 June 1955 by Servant of God Pope Pius XII. (translated from French).
Author: AnaStpaul
Passionate Catholic. Being Catholic is a way of life -
a love affair "Religion must be like the air we breathe..."- St John
Bosco Prayer is what the world needs combined with the example of our lives
which testify to the Light of Christ. This site will mainly concentrate on
Daily Prayers, Novenas and the Memorials and Feast Days of our friends in
Heaven, the Saints who went before us and the great blessings the Church
provides in our Catholic Monthly Devotions. "For the saints are sent to us
by God as so many sermons. We do not use them, it is they who move us and lead
us, to where we had not expected to go.” Charles Cardinal Journet (1891-1975)
This site adheres to the Catholic Church and all her teachings.
SOURCE : https://anastpaul.com/2019/03/13/saint-of-the-day-13-march-bl-francoise-trehet-1756-1794-martyr/
Beata Francesca Trehet Vergine e martire
Visualizza la Scheda del Gruppo cui appartiene
Saint-Mars-sur-la-Futaie, Francia, 8 aprile 1756 –
Ernée, Francia, 13 marzo 1794
Francoise Tréhet, religiosa professa delle Soeurs de
la Charité de Notre-Dame d’Evron, era addetta alla scuola parrocchiale di
St-Pierre-des-Landes sin dal 1783. Fu ghigliottinata durante la Rivoluzione
Francese per avere rifiutato i giuramenti prescritti e nascosto i preti
refrattari al giuramento. Spiccando per il suo coraggio, salì sul patibolo
cantando la Salve Regina. Le sue spoglie mortali, insieme a quelle della
consorella Jeanne Véron, dal 1814 sono venerate nella chiesa di
St-Pierre-des-Landes. Entrambe furono beatificate il 19 giugno 1955.
Martirologio Romano: A Ernée nel territorio di
Mayenne in Francia, beata Francesca Tréhet, vergine della Congregazione della
Carità e martire, che si adoperò in ogni modo per l’istruzione dei fanciulli e
la cura dei malati e, durante la rivoluzione francese, trafitta con la spada
subì il martirio per Cristo.
Attorno al 1783 Francesca fu inviata a Saint-Pierre-des-Landes per aprirvi una scuola parrocchiale e ben presto la raggiunse per coadiuvarla nella sua attività la consorella Jeanne Véron. Le due religiose insegnavano e si dedicavano inoltre all’assistenza dei malati. Francesca aveva un carattere molto forte e con la sua vivace intelligenza presagì il male che ben presto sarebbe derivato dalla Rivoluzione francese, non solo per la Chiesa ma per l’intera nazione.
Nonostante non vi furono denunce o lamentele nei confronti delle due suore, furono comunque inserite in una lista di condannati alla ghigliottina, per poi essere arrestate tra la fine di febbraio ed i primi di marzo del 1794. Furono entrambe detenute ad Ernée, Francesca in prigione, mentre la consorella in ospedale. Il 13 marzo Francesca fu chiamata a comparire dinnanzi al tribunale detto “Commission Clément” ove, accusata di aver aiutato i monarchici, rispose che sia i vandeani fedeli al sovrano che i rivoluzionari erano comunque tutti suoi fratelli in Gesù Cristo e di conseguenza non avrebbe rifiutato ad alcuno il suo generoso aiuto. Le fu allora richiesto di gridare: “Lunga vita alla Repubblica!”, ma la religiosa rifiutò e venne allora definitivamente condannata. Il verdetto redatto dalla commissione l’accusò di aver “nascosto sacerdoti refrattari e nutrito e protetto dei rivoltosi vandeani”.
Alla tragica sentenza fu data esecuzione quel medesimo
giorno e Francesca salì sul patibolo cantando la Salve Regina: aveva soli
trentasette anni. Sette giorni dopo toccò la stessa sorte a Giovanna Véron. Le
loro spoglie mortali dal 1814 sono venerate nella chiesa di
St-Pierre-des-Landes. Entrambe furono beatificate il 19 giugno 1955, insieme ad
altri martiri della diocesi di Laval.
Autore: Fabio Arduino
Voir aussi : http://news.catholique.org/50883-francoise-pionniere-dans-l-instruction-des