Bienheureux Jacques Bird, martyr
Né à Winchester et élevé dans la foi protestante, il rejoint l'Église catholique à l'âge de 19 ans. Il va au collège de Douai mais rentre en Angleterre où il refuse de participer à la liturgie anglicane et de reconnaître la suprématie spirituelle royale. Il est condamné à mort et pendu en 1592.
Bienheureux Jacques Bird
Martyr en Angleterre (+ 1592)
Né à Winchester et élevé dans la foi protestante, il rejoint l'Église catholique à l'âge de 19 ans. Il va au collège de Douai mais rentre en Angleterre où il refuse de prononcer le serment de suprématie et est martyrisé dans sa ville natale. Il a été béatifié en 1929.
À Winchester, en Angleterre, l’an 1592, le bienheureux Jacques Bird, martyr. Sous la reine Élisabeth Ière, jeune homme de dix-neuf ans récemment devenu catholique, il refusa de participer à la liturgie anglicane et fut condamné aux supplices du gibet.
Martyrologe romain
Blessed James Bird
- James Byrd
- James Beard
- 8 December
by Pope
XI (decree of martyrdom)
A Winchester Martyr on Lady Day
of the English Martyrs and Confessors – Venerable James Bird, Layman, 1593
Born at Winchester of a gentleman’s family and brought
up a Protestant, he became a Catholic and went to study at Rheims. On his
return he was apprehended and charged with being reconciled to the Roman
Church, and maintaining the Pope under Christ to be the Head of the Church.
Brought to the bar he acknowledged the indictment and received sentence of
death as for high treason, though both life and liberty were offered him if he
would but once go to the Protestant Church. When his father solicited him to
save his life by complying, he modestly answered that, as he had always been
obedient to him, so he would obey him now could he do so without offending God.
After a long imprisonment he was hanged and quartered at Winchester, 25 March
1593. He suffered with wonderful constancy and cheerfulness, being but nineteen
years old. His head was set upon a pole upon one of the gates of the city. His
father one day passing by thought that the head bowing down made him a
reverence, and cried out: “Oh, Jemmy my son, ever obedient in life, even when
dead thou payest reverence to thy father. How far from thy heart was all
treason or other wickedness.”
MLA Citation
Father Henry Sebastian Bowden. “Venerable James Bird,
Layman, 1593”. Mementoes of the English Martyrs
and Confessors, 1910. CatholicSaints.Info.
22 April 2019. Web. 6 April 2021.
JAMES BIRD Layman, 1593
BORN at Winchester of a gentleman's family and brought up a Protestant, he became a Catholic and went to study at Rheims. On his return he was apprehended and charged with being reconciled to the Roman Church, and maintaining the Pope under Christ to be the Head of the Church. Brought to the bar he acknowledged the indictment and received sentence of death as for high treason, though both life and liberty were offered him if he would but once go to the Protestant Church. When his father solicited him to save his life by complying, he modestly answered that, as he had always been obedient to him, so he would obey him now could he do so without offending God-After a long imprisonment he was hanged and quartered at Winchester, March 25, 1593. He suffered with wonderful constancy and cheerfulness, being but nineteen years old. His head was set upon a pole upon one of the gates of the city. His father one day passing by thought that the head bowing down made him a reverence, and cried out: "Oh, Jemmy my son, ever obedient in life, even when dead thou payest reverence to thy father. How far from thy heart was all treason or other wickedness."
Honour thy father in work and word, and all patience, that a blessing may come
upon thee from him. ECCLES.
iii.9, 10.
Il santo Padre Benedetto XVI il 18 settembre 2010, nell’omelia tenuta in Westminster, ha spiegato l’importanza della Santa Messa come Santo Sacrificio e per la quale molti hanno scelto di morire, piuttosto che di vederla profanata e oltraggiata: «La realtà del sacrificio Eucaristico è sempre stata al cuore della fede cattolica; messa in discussione nel sedicesimo secolo, essa venne solennemente riaffermata al Concilio di Trento, nel contesto della nostra giustificazione in Cristo. Qui in Inghilterra, come sappiamo, molti difesero strenuamente la Messa, sovente a caro prezzo, dando vita a quella devozione alla Santissima Eucaristia che è stata una caratteristica del cattolicesimo in queste terre.
Il sacrificio Eucaristico del Corpo e Sangue di Cristo comprende a sua volta il mistero della passione di nostro Signore che continua nei membri del suo Corpo mistico, la Chiesa in ogni epoca. Il grande crocifisso che qui ci sovrasta, ci ricorda che Cristo, nostro eterno sommo sacerdote, unisce quotidianamente i nostri sacrifici, le nostre sofferenze, i nostri bisogni, speranze e aspirazioni agli infiniti meriti del suo sacrificio».
Suo padre insistette, ma egli rispose: «Ti ho sempre ubbidito volentieri e ubbidirei volentieri anche adesso se potessi farlo senza offendere Dio». Si trovava sul patibolo e Giacomo volle sapere la ragione vera della sua condanna, gli fu detto: «Prometti piuttosto di frequentare la chiesa [anglicana] e allora avrai la grazia della regina». Il diciannovenne rispose: «Vi sono riconoscente: se posso salvarmi la vita entrando in una chiesa protestante, è segno che sono ucciso unicamente per la causa della religione e della fede».
Il martire venne così impiccato e squartato il 25 marzo 1593, 58 anni dopo il martirio di san Tommaso Moro, e fu beatificato da Pio XI il 15 dicembre 1929.
Autore: Cristina Siccardi
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