Agathe, vierge et martyre
Agathe est une jeune
Sicilienne qui mourut pour le Christ à Catane lors de la persécution de Dèce
(251). Ses concitoyens l'ont toujours invoquée avec confiance, spécialement
lors des éruptions de l'Etna, et son culte s'est répandu aussi bien en Orient
qu'en Occident.
55 - chapelle Saint-Agathe, cathédrale de Rouen
Baie 55 - chapelle Saint-Agathe, cathédrale de Rouen
Sainte Agathe de Catane
Martyre en Sicile (+251)
Son nom signifie
Cette belle jeune fille
serait née en Sicile. Le gouverneur de Palerme ou de Catane la convoitait et,
malgré une entremetteuse, il ne parvint pas à la persuader de céder à sa
passion. Les bourreaux rivalisèrent de sadisme pour la vaincre. Une seule chose
est sûre: elle garda jusqu'à la mort la pureté qu'elle avait vouée au seul
Christ. Elle y gagna sa place dans le canon romain de la Prière Eucharistique
avec sainte Lucie,
sainte Agnès et
sainte Cécile.
- La légende de sainte
Agathe (vidéo)
- Le chemin de sainte
Agathe (randonnées)
A Sainte-Agathe
(63120) en Auvergne, Marie Claude Latimier, hagiographe nous raconte
la légende de Sainte Agathe martyre sicilienne et nous fait découvrir
l'importance de ce personnage qui a inspiré de nombreux artistes à travers les
siècles; son histoire se retrouve aussi sur les vitraux de la cathédrale
Notre-Dame de Clermont.
Mémoire de sainte Agathe,
vierge et martyre. À Catane en Sicile, encore jeune fille, quand sévit la
persécution de Dèce, vers 250, elle conserva son corps pur et sa foi intacte
dans le martyre, offrant au Christ Seigneur le témoignage de sa vie.
Martyrologe romain
SOURCE : https://nominis.cef.fr/contenus/saint/571/Sainte-Agathe-de-Catane.html
Sainte Agathe
Particulièrement honorée à en Italie, sainte Agathe était célèbre dans toute la
chrétienté occidentale parce qu'elle est citée au canon de la messe. On
attribue au pape saint Damase la composition d'une hymne en son honneur, saint
Ambroise de Milan et le saint pape Gélase composèrent une préface particulière
pour le jour de sa fête, saint Jérôme en fit mention dans son lectionnaire et
saint Augustin en parla dans ses soliloques. Sainte Agathe était dans le
calendrier de Carthage (VI° siècle) et dans tous les martyrologes latins et
Fêtée d'abord au 12 juillet, elle passa au 5 février, réputé jour anniversaire
de son martyre où, après plusieurs jours de prières et de pénitences faites par
les habitants de Catane menacés d'incendie, cessa une éruption de l'Etna.
Lors de l'irruption de l'Etna, les habitants de Catane étaient allés chercher
le voile qui recouvrait le tombeau de sainte Agathe pour le porter en
procession autour de la cité, et la coulée de lave s'était arrêtés aux portes
de la ville.
En France, au Moyen-Age, on la trouve dans les litanies populaires des saints,
dont une, au XV° siècle, la met au nombre des saints auxiliaires : Saint
Blaise, glorieux martyr, avec madame sainte Agathe, garde mon âme au départir
du corps, que l'enfer ne l'abatte ; une autre litanie du XIII° siècle disait :
Sainte Agathe, vierge pucelle, qui souffris en ta mamelle, tu y souffris pour
Dieu amour, prie pour moi notre Seigneur ; tandis qu'ailleurs on l'invoquait
ainsi : Sainte Agathe, vierge piteuse, qui souffris peine douloureuse pour
Jésus-Christ en ta poitrine, prie Dieu qu'il me donne son amour fine.
A Paris, en l'église Saint-Merry on exposait un riche reliquaire rond, en
argent, offert la reine Isabeau de Bavière, les reliques venaient de la
collégiale de Champeaux qui les avaient échangées contre des reliques de saint
Merry ; il fut détruit par les révolutionnaires mais les reliques qui
échappèrent à la profanation, sont encore à Saint-Merry.
SOURCE : http://missel.free.fr/Sanctoral/02/05.php
Vierge et Martyre (+ 254)
Deux villes de Sicile, Palerme et Catane, se disputent l'honneur d'avoir donné
naissance à sainte Agathe; ce qui est certain, c'est qu'elle fut martyrisée à
Catane, sous l'empereur Dèce.
Dénoncée au préteur Quintianus, comme chrétienne, Agathe lui fut amenée. La
beauté de la jeune fille le séduisit; il conçut pour elle une passion
criminelle et crut venir à bout de son dessein en la remettant aux mains d'une
femme débauchée, nommée Aphrodisia. Aphrodisia employa son art et son artifice
afin de séduire Agathe, sans pouvoir y réussir; et après un mois de tentatives,
elle s'en fut trouver le préfet pour lui annoncer l'inutilité de ses efforts.
Le juge alors fit comparaître la servante du Seigneur devant son tribunal.
"Qui es-tu?- Je suis noble et d'une illustre famille, toute ma parenté le
fait assez connaître.- Pourquoi donc suis-tu la chétive condition des
chrétiens?- Parce que la véritable noblesse s'acquiert avec Jésus-Christ dont
je me dis la servante.- Quoi donc! sommes-nous dégradés de noblesse pour
mépriser ton Crucifié?- Oui, tu perds la véritable liberté en te faisant
esclave du démon jusqu'au point d'adorer des pierres pour lui faire
Afin d'apprendre à la jeune fille à mieux parler, Quintianus la fit frapper sur
la joue, et commanda qu'on la conduisit en prison, lui disant qu'elle eût à se
préparer à renier Jésus-Christ ou à mourir dans les tourments. Le lendemain, le
juge essaya de gagner Agathe par des promesses, mais il la trouva inébranlable,
et ses réponses excitèrent tellement la rage du persécuteur, que, sur son
ordre, on tordit et on arracha une mamelle à la Sainte. Elle dit à Quintianus:
"N'as-tu pas honte, ô cruel tyran, de me faire souffrir de cette façon,
toi qui as sucé ta première nourriture du sein d'une femme?"
Quand elle fut rentrée dans la prison où le préfet avait défendu de lui rien
donner, saint Pierre lui apparut et la guérit au nom du Sauveur; la Sainte
s'écria: "Je Vous rends grâces, ô mon Seigneur Jésus-Christ, de ce qu'il
Vous a plu de m'envoyer Votre Apôtre afin de guérir mes plaies et de me rendre
ce que le bourreau m'avait arraché," et la prison fut remplie d'une si
éclatante lumière que les gardiens s'enfuirent épouvantés, laissant les portes
Les autres prisonniers conseillaient à Agathe de prendre la fuite, mais elle
répondit: "Dieu me garde de quitter le champ de bataille et de m'enfuir en
voyant une si belle occasion de remporter la victoire sur mes ennemis."
Quatre jours après, Agathe fut ramenée devant le juge qui, la voyant saine et
sauve, fut rempli d'étonnement; sa rage n'en devint que plus grande. Par son
ordre, on roula la Sainte sur des têts de pots cassés et sur des charbons, en
même temps que l'on perçait son corps de pointes aiguës. Pendant ce supplice,
un tremblement de terre survint, et les principaux ministres de la cruauté de
Quintianus furent écrasés. La ville, épouvantée, vit là un châtiment du Ciel,
et le persécuteur, craignant qu'on ne lui enlevât sa victime, se hâta de la
renvoyer en prison. Quand elle y fut rentrée, Agathe dit: "Ouvrez,
Seigneur, les bras de Votre miséricorde, et recevez mon esprit qui désire Vous
posséder avec tous les transports d'amour dont il est capable," et en
achevant ces mots elle expira (254).
Aussitôt que la nouvelle de cette mort se fut répandue, toute la ville accourut
pour honorer les restes de sainte Agathe, et au moment où on voulut la mettre dans
le tombeau, cent Anges, sous la figure de jeunes hommes, apparurent, et au
front d'Agathe inscrivirent ces mots: "C'est une âme sainte; elle a rendu
un honneur volontaire à Dieu et elle est la rédemption de sa patrie."
Quintianus, de son côté, était parti pour se mettre en possession des biens de
la servante de Dieu, mais au passage d'une rivière, un cheval le mordit au
visage et un autre, à coups de pieds, le précipita dans l'eau où il se noya.
La dévotion à sainte Agathe ne tarda pas de se répandre partout, mais nulle
part elle ne fut plus honorée qu'à Catane. Plusieurs fois sa protection a sauvé
cette ville des éruptions de l'Etna, et pour cela il suffisait aux habitants de
donner, comme barrière aux torrents de lave qui descendaient de la montagne, un
objet qui avait touché le corps de la Sainte.
P. Giry, Vie des Saints, p. 74-76
SOURCE : http://magnificat.ca/cal/fr/saints/sainte_agathe.html
Castello Ursino, Interno, Pala di Sant'Agata, prestito temporaneo dal museo di Castroreale.
Agata, Castroreale; la Santa tiene in mani la tavola che, secondo la Passio
Sanctae Agathae, fu deposta da un angelo nella di lei tomba; sulla tavola
sarebbe stato inciso l'abbreviazione M.S.S.H.D.E.P.L. significando Mentem
Sanctam Spontaneam Honorem Deo et Patriae Liberationem ([1]).
Agathe tire son nom de agios, qui veut dire saint, et de Theos, Dieu. Sainte de
Dieu : Trois qualités font les saints, comme dit saint Chrysostome : et elles
furent toutes réunies en elle. Ce sont: la pureté du coeur, la présence de
l’Esprit-Saint et l’abondance des bonnes oeuvres. Ou bien Agathe vient encore
de a privatif, sans, de geos terre, et Theos, Dieu, comme on dirait une
divinité sans terre, c'est-à-dire, sans amour des biens de la terre. Ce mot
viendrait encore, de aga, qui signifie, parlant et thau, consommation, comme
ayant parlé d'une manière consommée et parfaite, ainsi qu'on peut s'en assurer
par ses réponses. Ou bien il viendrait d'agath, esclavage et thaas, souverain,
ce qui voudrait dire servitude souveraine, par rapport à ces paroles qu'elle
prononça : « C'est une souveraine noblesse que celle par laquelle on prouve
qu'on est au service de J.-C. Agathe viendrait encore d'aga, solennel, et thau,
consommé, comme si on disait consommée ; ensevelie solennellement; puisque les
anges lui rendirent ce bon office.
Agathe, vierge de race noble et très belle de corps, honorait sans cesse Dieu
en toute sainteté dans la ville de Catane. Or, Quintien, consulaire en Sicile,
homme ignoble, voluptueux, avare et adonné à l’idolâtrie, faisait tous ses
efforts pour se rendre maître d'Agathe (Bréviaire) . Comme il était de basse
extraction, il espérait en imposer en s'unissant à une personne noble; étant
voluptueux, il aurait joui de sa beauté; en s'emparant de ses biens, il
satisfaisait son avarice; puisqu'il était idolâtre, il la contraindrait
d'immoler aux dieux. Il se la fit donc amener. Arrivée en sa présence, et ayant
connu son inébranlable résolution, il la livra entre les mains d'une femme de
mauvaise vie nommée Aphrodisie (Bréviaire), et à ses neuf filles débauchées
comme leur mère, afin que, dans l’espace de trente jours, elles la fissent
changer de résolution. Elles espéraient; soit par de belles promesses, soit par
des menaces violentes, qu'elles la détourneraient de son bon propos. La bienheureuse
Agathe leur dit : « Ma volonté est assise sur la pierre et a J.-C. pour base ;
vos paroles sont comme le vent, vos promesses comme la pluie, les terreurs que
vous m’inspirez comme les fleuves. Quels que soient leurs efforts, les
fondements de ma maison restent solides, rien ne pourra l’abattre. » En
s'exprimant de la sorte, elle ne cessait de pleurer et chaque jour elle priait
avec le désir de parvenir à la palme du martyre. Aphrodisie voyant Agathe
rester inébranlable dit à Quintien : « Amollir les pierres, et donner au fer,
la flexibilité du plomb serait plus facile que de détourner l’âme de cette
jeune fille des pratiques chrétiennes et de la faire changer. » Alors Quintien
la fit venir et lui dit: «De quelle condition es-tu? Elle, répondit : « Je suis
noble et même d'une illustre famille, comme ma parenté en fait foi. * »
Quintien lui dit : « Si tu es noble, pourquoi, par ta conduite as-tu des
habitudes de personne servile ? » « C'est, dit-elle, que je suis servante de
J.-C., voilà pourquoi je parais être une personne servile.» Quintien : «Puisque
tu es noble, comment te dis-tu servante? » Elle répondit : « La souveraine
noblesse, c'est d'être engagée au service de J.-C.( Bréviaire) » Quintien : «
Choisis le parti que tu voudras, ou de sacrifier aux dieux, ou d'endurer
différents supplices, » Agathe lui répondit: « Que ta femme ressemble à ta
déesse Vénus, et toi-même, sois tel que l’a été ton dieu Jupiter. » Alors
Quintien ordonna de la souffleter avec force en disant : « N'injurie pas ton
juge par tes plaisanteries téméraires. » Agathe répliqua : «Je m’étonne qu'un
homme prudent comme toi en soit arrivé à ce point de folie d'appeler tes dieux
ceux dont tu ne voudrais pas que ta femme, ou bien toi, suivissiez les
exemples, puisque tu dis que c'est te faire injure que de te souhaiter de vivre
comme eux. En, effet si tes dieux sont bons, je ne t'ai souhaité que du bien ;
mais si tu as horreur de leur ressembler, tu partages mes sentiments. »
Quintien « Qu'ai je besoin d'entendre une série de propos superflus ? Ou
sacrifie aux dieux, ou je vais te faire mourir par toute espèce de supplices. »
Agathe : « Si tu me fais espérer d'être livrée aux bêtes, en entendant le nom
de J.-C., elles s'adouciront ; si tu emploies le feu, les anges répandront du
ciel sur moi une rosée salutaire ; si tu m’infliges plaies et tortures, je
possède en moi le Saint-Esprit par la puissance duquel je méprise tout. »
Alors le consul la fit jeter en prison, parce qu'elle le confondait
publiquement par ses discours. Elle y alla avec grande liesse et gloire, comme
si elle fût invitée à un festin; et elle recommandait son combat au Seigneur.
Le jour suivant, Quintien lui dit : « Renie le Christ et adore les dieux. » Sur
son refus, il la fit suspendre à un chevalet et torturer (Bréviaire). Agathe
dit : « Dans ces supplices, ma délectation est celle d'un homme qui apprend une
bonne nouvelle, ou qui voit une personne longtemps attendue, ou qui a découvert
de grands trésors. Le froment ne peut être serré au grenier qu'après avoir été fortement
battu pour être séparé de sa balle; de même mon âme ne peut entrer au paradis
avec la palme du martyre que mon corps n'ait été déchiré avec violence par les
bourreaux. » Quintien en colère lui fit tordre les mamelles et ordonna qu'après
les avoir longtemps tenaillées, on les lui arrachât. Agathe lui dit : « Impie,
cruel et affreux tyran, n'as-tu pas honte de mutiler dans une femme ce que tu
as sucé toi-même dans ta mère? J'ai dans mon âme des mamelles toutes saines
avec lesquelles je nourris tous mes sens; et que j'ai consacrées au Seigneur
dès mon enfance (Bréviaire). » Alors il commanda qu'on la fît rentrer en son
cachot avec défense d'y laisser pénétrer les médecins, et de ne lui servir ni
pain, ni eau. Et voilà que vers le milieu de la nuit, se présente à elle un
vieillard précédé d'un enfant qui portait un flambeau, et ayant à la main
divers médicaments. Et il lui dit : « Quoique ce magistrat insensé t'ait
accablée de tourments, tu l’as encore tourmenté davantage par tes réponses, et
quoiqu'il t'ait tordu ton sein; mais son opulence se changera en amertume : or
comme j'étais présent lors de toutes tes tortures, j'ai vu que ta mamelle
pourrait être guérie. » Agathe lui dit : « Je n'ai jamais employé la médecine
pour mon corps, et ce me serait honte de perdre un avantage que j'ai conservé
si longtemps. » Le vieillard : « Ma fille, je suis chrétien, n'aie pas de
honte. » Agathe : « Et qui me pourrait donner de la honte, puisque vous êtes un
vieillard fort avancé en âge ? d'ailleurs mon corps est si horriblement déchiré
que personne ne pourrait concevoir pour moi aucune volupté : mais je vous rends
grâces, mon seigneur et père, de l’honneur que vous me faites en vous
intéressant à moi. » « Et pourquoi donc, répliqua le vieillard, ne me
laisses-tu pas te guérir? » « Parce que, répondit Agathe, j'ai mon Seigneur
J.-C. qui d'une seule parole guérit et rétablit toutes choses. C'est lui, s'il
le veut, qui peut me guérir à l’instant. » Et le vieillard lui dit en souriant
: « Et je suis son apôtre; et c'est lui-même qui m’a envoyé vers toi; sache
que, en son nom, tu es guérie (Bréviaire). « Aussitôt l’apôtre saint Pierre
disparut. La bienheureuse Agathe se prosterna et rendit grâces à Dieu ; elle se
trouva guérie par tout son corps et sa mamelle était rétablie sur sa poitrine.
Or, effrayés de l’immense lumière qui avait paru, les gardes avaient pris la
fuite en laissant le cachot ouvert, alors quelques personnes la prièrent de
s'en aller. « A Dieu ne plaise que je m’enfuie, dit-elle, et que je perde la
couronne de patience! je mettrais mes gardiens dans la tribulations. »
Quatre jours après, Quintien lui dit d'adorer les dieux afin qu'elle n'eût pas
à endurer de plus grands supplices. Agathe lui répondit : « Tes paroles sont
insensées et vaines; elles souillent l’air et sont iniques, Misérable sans
intelligence; comment veux-tu que j'adore des pierres et que je répudie le Dieu
du ciel qui m’a guérie? » Quintien : « Et qui t'a guérie?». Agathe : «J.-C., le
fils de Dieu.» Quintien ; « Tu oses encore proférer le nom du Christ que je ne
veux pas entendre ? » Agathe : « Tant que je vivrai, j'invoquerai J.-C. du cœur
et des lèvres. » Quintien : « Je vais voir si le Christ te guérira. » Et il
ordonna qu'on parsemât la place de fragments de pots cassés, que sur ces tessons
on répandit des charbons ardents, puis qu'on la roulât toute nue dessus.
Pendant qu'on le faisait, voici qu'il survient un affreux tremblement de terre
; il ébranla tellement la ville entière que deux conseillers de Quintien furent
écrasés sous les ruines du palais et que tout le peuple accourut vers le consul
en criant que c'était uniquement pour l’injuste cruauté exercée contre Agathe
que l’on souffrait ainsi (Bréviaire). Quintien craignant et le tremblement de
terre, et une sédition du peuple, fit reconduire Agathe en prison; où elle fit
cette prière : « Seigneur J.-C., qui m’avez créée, et m’avez gardée dès mon
enfance, qui avez préservé mon coeur de souillure, qui l’avez sauvegardé contre
l’amour du siècle, et qui m’avez fait vaincre les tourments, en m’octroyant la
vertu de patience, recevez mon esprit et permettez-moi de parvenir jusqu'à
votre miséricorde. » Après avoir adressé cette prière, elle jeta un grand cri,
et rendit l’esprit vers l’an du Seigneur 253, sous l’empire de Dèce. Au moment
où les fidèles ensevelissaient son corps avec des aromates et le mettaient dans
le sarcophage, apparut un jeune homme vêtu de soieries, accompagné de plus de
cent autres hommes fort beaux; ornés de riches vêtements blancs, qu'on n'avait
jamais vus dans le pays; il s'approcha du corps de la sainte, à la tête de
laquelle il plaça une tablette de marbre ; après quoi il disparut aussitôt. Or,
cette table, partait cette inscription : « Ame sainte, généreuse, honneur de
Dieu, et libératrice de sa patrie.» En voici le sens : Elle eut une âme sainte;
elle s'offrit généreusement, elle rendit honneur à Dieu, et elle délivra sa
patrie. Quand ce miracle eut été divulgué, les gentils eux-mêmes et les Juifs
commencèrent à grandement vénérer son sépulcre. Pour Quintien, comme il allait
faire l’inventaire des richesses de la sainte, deux de ses chevaux prirent le
mors aux dents et se mirent à ruer; l’un le mordit et l’autre le frappa du pied
et le fit tomber dans un fleuve, sans qu'on ait pu jamais retrouver son corps.
Un an après, vers le jour de la fête de sainte Agathe, une montagne très haute
qui est près de la ville, fit éruption et vomit du feu qui descendait comme un
torrent de la montagne, mettait en fusion les rochers et la terre, et venait
avec impétuosité sur la ville. Alors une multitude de païens descendirent de la
montagne, coururent au sépulcre de la sainte, prirent le voile dont il était
couvert et le placèrent devant le feu. Le jour du martyre de cette vierge le
feu s'arrêta subitement et ne s'avança pas. Voici ce que dit saint Ambroise en
parlant de cette vierge, en sa préface: « O heureuse et illustre vierge qui
mérita de purifier son sang par, un généreux martyre pour la gloire du
Seigneur! O glorieuse et noble vierge, illustrée d'une double gloire, pour
avoir fait toutes sortes de miracles au, milieu des plus cruels tourments, et
qui, forte d'un secours mystérieux, a mérité d'être guérie par la visite de
l’apôtre! Les cieux reçurent cette épouse du Christ ; ses restes mortels sont
l’objet d'un glorieux respect. Le chœur des anges y proclame la sainteté de son
âme et lui attribue la délivrance de sa patrie.»
* Tiré de ses actes qui ont servi à la rédaction de son office au Bréviaire.
La Légende dorée de Jacques de Voragine nouvellement traduite en
français avec introduction, notices, notes et recherches sur les sources par
l'abbé J.-B. M. Roze, chanoine honoraire de la Cathédrale d'Amiens, Édouard
Rouveyre, éditeur, 76, rue de Seine, 76, Paris mdccccii
SOURCE : https://www.bibliotheque-monastique.ch/bibliotheque/bibliotheque/voragine/tome01/041.htm
Sebastiano del Piombo (1485–1547),
Martyre de Sainte Agathe, 1520, 127 x 178, Palazzo
Pitti, Uffizi artwork ID: martyrdom-of-st-agatha
Sainte Agathe Vierge et Martyre
Martyre en Sicile, son culte connu vite un grand essort. Le pape Symmaque
(498-514) lui édifia une basilique à Rome.
Son nom figure au Canon de la Messe.
Ant.au Magnificat La bienheureuse Agathe, debout * au milieu de la prison, les
mains étendues, priait le Seigneur, et disait : Seigneur Jésus-Christ, mon bon
Maître, je vous rends grâces de m’avoir fait surmonter les tourments des
bourreaux ; ordonnez, Seigneur, que je parvienne heureusement à votre gloire
A MATINES. avant 1960
Au premier nocturne.
Ant. 1 Je suis de condition libre * et de race illustre, comme toute ma parenté
le prouve.
Ant. 2 La plus haute noblesse * est celle où l’on se reconnaît serviteur du
Ant. 3 Je suis servante du Christ, * c’est pourquoi je veux bien paraître d’une
condition servile.
V/. Dans votre dignité et votre beauté.
R/. Tendez à (votre but) avancez avec succès et régnez.
Du livre de l’Ecclésiastique. Cap. 51, 1-17.
Leçons du Commun des Vierges II, répons propres à la fête.
Première leçon. Je vous glorifierai, Seigneur Roi, et je vous louerai, vous qui
êtes Dieu, mon Sauveur. Je glorifierai votre nom, parce que vous m’êtes devenu
un aide et un protecteur. Et vous avez délivré mon corps de la perdition, du
piège de la langue inique et des lèvres de ceux qui commettent le mensonge, et
en présence de ceux qui se tenaient debout (près de moi), vous m’êtes devenu un
aide. Et vous m’avez délivré, selon la multitude des miséricordes de votre nom,
des lions rugissants prêts à me dévorer ; des mains de ceux qui recherchaient
mon âme et des portes des tribulations qui m’ont environné ; de la violence de
la flamme qui m’a environné, et au milieu du feu, je n’en ai pas senti la
chaleur ; de la profondeur des entrailles de l’enfer, et de la langue souillée et
de la parole du mensonge ; d’un roi inique et de la langue injuste.
R/. Pendant qu’on lui déchirait cruellement les mamelles, la bienheureuse
Agathe dit au juge : * Impie, cruel et barbare tyran, n’as-tu point honte de
mutiler dans une femme ce que tu as sucé dans ta mère ? V/. Je conserve
intactes au fond de mon âme des mamelles que j’ai consacrées dès mon enfance au
Seigneur. * Impie.
Deuxième leçon. Jusqu’à la mort mon âme louera le Seigneur ; car ma vie
s’approchait de l’enfer, en bas. Ils m’ont environné de tous côtés, et il n’y
avait personne qui me secourût. Je tournais mes regards vers le secours des
hommes, et il n’en était point. Je me suis souvenu, Seigneur, de votre
miséricorde et de votre œuvre, qui sont dès le commencement du monde ;• parce
que vous délivrez, Seigneur, ceux qui vous attendent avec patience et vous les
sauvez des mains des nations.
R/. Agathe se dirigeait vers la prison avec beaucoup de joie, et se glorifiait
d’y aller. * Comme si elle eût été invitée à un festin, et, par ses prières,
elle recommandait son combat au Seigneur. V/. Étant d’une très noble naissance,
elle se voyait avec joie traînée en prison par un homme méprisable. * Comme.
Troisième leçon. Vous avez élevé sur la terre mon habitation ; et à cause de la
mort qui découlait (sur moi), j’ai fait des supplications. J’ai invoqué le
Seigneur, père de mon Seigneur, afin .qu’il ne me laisse point sans secours au
jour de ma tribulation et au temps des superbes. Je louerai votre nom sans
cesse et je le glorifierai dans mes louanges, car ma prière a été exaucée. Et
vous m’avez délivré de la perdition, et vous m’avez arraché au temps de
l’iniquité. C’est pourquoi je vous glorifierai, et je vous dirai une louange et
je bénirai le nom du Seigneur.
R/. Qui es-tu, toi qui es venu vers moi pour guérir mes blessures ? Je suis
l’Apôtre du Christ ; n’aie aucune crainte à mon égard, ma fille : lui-même m’a
envoyé vers toi, * Lui que tu aimes en ton âme et avec un cœur pur. V/. Car,
moi je suis son Apôtre, et sache que tu vas être guérie en son nom. * Lui.
Gloire au Père. * Lui.
Au deuxième nocturne.
Ant. 1 Sainte Agathe * dit : Si vous m’exposez aux bêtes, elles s’adouciront en
entendant prononcer le nom du Christ.
Ant. 2 Si tu emploies le feu, * les Anges répandront sur moi du ciel une rosée
Ant. 3 Agathe * se dirigeait vers la prison avec beaucoup de joie, se
glorifiant d’y aller, comme si elle eût été invitée à un festin, et, par ses
prières, elle recommandait son combat au Seigneur.
V/. Dieu la protégera de sa face.
R/. Dieu est au milieu d’elle, elle ne sera pas ébranlée.
Quatrième leçon. La vierge Agathe naquit en Sicile, de parents nobles ; Palerme
et Catane se disputent l’honneur d’avoir été le lieu de sa naissance. C’est à
Catane qu’elle obtint la couronne d’un glorieux martyre pendant la persécution
de l’empereur Dèce. Comme elle était également renommée pour sa beauté et sa
chasteté, Quintianus, gouverneur de Sicile, s’éprit d’amour pour elle. Après
avoir cherché par tous les moyens à la faire consentir à ce qu’il désirait, ne
pouvant y parvenir, il la fit arrêter comme étant engagée dans la superstition
chrétienne, et il la livra pour la corrompre, à une femme nommée Aphrodise. Les
relations d’Agathe avec cette femme n’ayant pu ébranler sa fermeté dans sa foi,
ni sa résolution de garder la virginité, Aphrodise annonça à Quintianus que
tous ses efforts étaient inutiles. Alors le gouverneur ordonne qu’on lui amène
la vierge : « N’as-tu pas honte, lui dit-il, étant d’une naissance illustre, de
mener la vie humble et servile des chrétiens ? » Mais Agathe répond : «
L’humilité et la servitude chrétienne sont préférables aux trésors et à
l’élévation des rois ».
R/. Soutenue par le Seigneur, je persévérerai à confesser celui qui m’a sauvée.
* Et qui m’a consolée. V/. Je vous rends grâces, Seigneur Jésus-Christ, qui
avez envoyé vers moi votre Apôtre, pour guérir mes plaies. * Et.
Cinquième leçon. Irrité par cette réponse, le gouverneur lui donne le choix, ou
d’honorer les dieux ou de subir la violence des tourments. Comme la Sainte
demeure constante dans la foi, il la fait souffleter, puis conduire en prison.
Le lendemain, elle en est tirée, et comme elle n’a pas changé de sentiment, on
la tourmente sur le chevalet par l’application de lames ardentes ; ensuite, on
lui coupe la mamelle. Pendant ce supplice, la vierge, s’adressant à Quintianus
: « Cruel tyran, lui dit-elle, n’as-tu pas honte de mutiler dans une femme, ce
que tu as sucé dans ta mère ? » Jetée de nouveau en prison, elle fut guérie la
nuit suivante par un vieillard qui se disait être Apôtre du Christ. Appelée
encore une fois devant le gouverneur et persévérant à confesser le Christ, on
la roula sur des fragments de pots cassés et sur des charbons ardents.
R/. Celui-là m’a guérie qui m’a réconfortée dans la prison par l’Apôtre Pierre,
parce qu’on a donné l’ordre de m’étendre sur le chevalet. * A cause de la
fidélité avec laquelle je demeure chaste, secourez-moi, Seigneur mon Dieu,
pendant qu’on me torture en mes mamelles. V/. Lui-même a daigné me guérir de toutes
mes plaies et remettre ma mamelle à ma poitrine. * A cause.
Sixième leçon. Au même moment un grand tremblement de terre ébranla toute la
ville, et deux murailles en s’écroulant écrasèrent Sylvain et Falconius,
familiers du gouverneur. Aussi la ville étant en proie à une vive émotion,
Quintianus, qui craignait une sédition dans le peuple, commande de ramener
secrètement dans sa prison Agathe à demi morte. Elle pria Dieu en ces termes :
« Seigneur, qui m’avez gardée dès mon enfance, qui avez enlevé de mon cœur
l’amour du siècle et qui m’avez rendue victorieuse des tourments des bourreaux,
recevez mon âme ». Achevant cette prière, elle s’en alla au ciel le jour des
nones de février ; son corps fut enseveli par les chrétiens.
R/. Vous avez vu, Seigneur, mon combat, vous avez considéré de quelle sorte
j’ai combattu dans la lice ; mais parce que je n’ai pas voulu obéir aux ordres
des princes. * On a ordonné de me tourmenter en la mamelle. V/. A cause de la
vérité, de la mansuétude et de la justice. * On. Gloire au Père. * On.
Au troisième nocturne.
Ant. 1 Si vous ne prenez soin * de faire tourmenter mon corps par les
bourreaux, mon âme ne peut entrer dans le paradis du Seigneur avec la palme du
Ant. 2 Vous avez vu, Seigneur, * mon combat, et comment j’ai combattu dans la
lice ; mais parce que je n’ai pas voulu obéir aux ordres des princes, on m’a
déchiré le sein.
Ant. 3 A cause de ma fidélité à la chasteté, * on m’a fait étendre sur le
chevalet : aidez-moi, Seigneur mon Dieu, dans la torture que je souffre.
V/. Dieu l’a élue et l’a choisie avec prédilection.
R/. Il l’a fait habiter dans son tabernacle.
Lecture du saint Évangile selon saint Matthieu. Cap. 19, 3-12.
En ce temps-là : les pharisiens s’approchèrent de Jésus pour le tenter ; et ils
lui dirent : Est-il permis à un homme de répudier sa femme pour quelque cause
que ce soit ?. Et le reste.
Homélie de saint Jean Chrysostome.
Leçons du Commun des Vierges II, répons propres à la fête.
Septième leçon. Comme il n’était point à propos d’aborder directement ce sujet,
notre Seigneur cherche à amener ses disciples à l’amour de la virginité en leur
parlant de l’obligation imposée par la loi, de ne point dissoudre un mariage.
Après cela, pour leur montrer qu’il est possible de garder la continence, il
ajoute : Il y a des eunuques sortis tels du sein de leur mère ; il y en a qui
ont été rendus tels par la main des hommes, et il y en a qui se sont eux-mêmes
voués à la chasteté à cause du royaume des cieux. Par ce langage, il les
exhorte secrètement à faire choix de la virginité, tout en leur prouvant qu’il
est possible de garder cette vertu.
R/. La bienheureuse Agathe, étant entrée dans la prison, étendit les mains vers
Dieu et dit : Seigneur, qui m’avez fait vaincre les tourments des bourreaux. *
Ordonnez que je parvienne au séjour de votre miséricorde. V/. Seigneur, qui
m’avez créée, et qui avez ôté de mon cœur l’amour du siècle, qui avez préservé
mon corps de toute souillure. * Ordonnez.
Huitième leçon. Songez, semble-t-il leur dire, à ce que vous feriez si vous
étiez venus au monde dans des conditions vous interdisant le mariage, ou si
vous étiez victime d’une injuste violence ayant le même résultat ? Que
feriez-vous, obligés de renoncer aux joies des noces, et n’ayant droit à nulle
récompense du fait de cette privation involontaire ? Rendez maintenant grâces à
Dieu, car votre sacrifice aura sa récompense et ses couronnes tandis que
ceux-là souffrent sans s’attirer ni couronnes ni récompense. De plus votre
fardeau n’est pas le même que le leur, il est bien plus léger, tant en raison
de l’espérance qui vous soulève et de la conscience de bien faire, que parce
que vous ne serez pas comme eux roulés dans les flots des mauvais désirs.
R/. Je n’ai jamais procuré à mon corps de médecine corporelle, mais je possède
le Seigneur Jésus-Christ. * Celui qui a daigné me guérir de toutes mes plaies
et remettre ma mamelle à ma poitrine, c’est lui-même que j’invoque, le Dieu
vivant. V/. Qui, d’une seule parole, rétablit toute choses. * Qui. Gloire au
Père. * Qui.
Neuvième leçon. Après que Jésus-Christ a parlé des personnes chastes, qui le
seraient en vain si elles ne réglaient en même temps tous les mouvements de
leur âme, et de celles qui gardent la continence dans le but de, gagner le
royaume des cieux il ajoute : « Qui peut comprendre ceci le comprenne. » Il dit
ces paroles pour animer encore davantage les hommes à la recherche de cette
vertu, en leur représentant combien elle est élevée. Dans son ineffable bonté
il ne veut pas nous faire une loi de la virginité ; mais, en nous en parlant
ainsi, le Seigneur nous démontre davantage encore qu’elle est possible, afin
d’augmenter l’ardeur de nos désirs.
Ant. 1 Qui es-tu, * toi qui es venu à moi guérir mes blessures ? Je suis
l’Apôtre du Christ : n’aie aucune crainte à mon égard, ma fille.
Ant. 2 Les remèdes qu’on appli que à la chair, * je ne les ai jamais employés
pour mon corps, mais je possède le Seigneur Jésus-Christ, qui, d’une seule
parole, rétablit toutes choses.
Ant. 3 Je vous rends grâces, * Seigneur Jésus-Christ, parce que vous vous êtes
souvenu de moi, et avez envoyé vers moi votre Apôtre pour guérir mes blessures.
Ant. 4 Je vous bénis, * Père de mon Seigneur Jésus-Christ, vous qui, par votre
Apôtre, avez rendu ma mamelle à ma poitrine.
Ant. 5 Celui qui a daigné * me guérir de toutes mes blessures et remettre ma
mamelle à ma poitrine, c’est lui, le Dieu vivant, que j’invoque.
Ant. au Bénédictus De païens, * toute une multitude fuyant au tombeau de la
vierge, prirent le voile qui le couvrait pour l’opposer au feu ; en sorte que
le Seigneur fit connaître qu’il les délivrait du danger de l’incendie par les
mérites de la bienheureuse Agathe.
Ant. au Magnificat La bienheureuse Agathe, debout * au milieu de la prison, les
mains étendues, priait ainsi le Seigneur : Seigneur Jésus-Christ, mon bon
Maître, je vous rends grâces de m’avoir rendue victorieuse des tourments des
bourreaux : ordonnez, Seigneur, que je parvienne heureusement à votre gloire
Francesco Furini (1603–1646). Sainte
Agathe, 1635-1645, 64,2 x 50,3, Walters Art Museum
Dom Guéranger, l’Année Liturgique
Déjà deux de ces quatre illustres Vierges dont le souvenir est associé aux
mérites de l’Agneau, dans la célébration du Sacrifice, ont passé devant nous
dans leur marche triomphale sur le Cycle de la sainte Église ; la troisième se
lève aujourd’hui sur nous, comme un astre aux plus doux rayons. Après Lucie et
Agnès, Agathe vient nous consoler par sa gracieuse visite. La quatrième,
l’immortelle Cécile, se lèvera en son temps, lorsque l’année inclinant à sa
fin, le ciel de l’Église paraîtra tout à coup resplendissant de la plus
magnifique constellation. Aujourd’hui fêtons Agathe, la Vierge de Sicile la
sœur de Lucie. Que les saintes tristesses du temps où nous sommes n’enlèvent
rien à la plénitude des hommages qui sont dus à Agathe. En chantant sa gloire,
nous contemplerons ses exemples ; du haut du ciel elle daignera nous sourire,
et nous encourager dans la voie qui seule peut nous ramener à celui qu’elle a
suivi noblement jusqu’à la fin, et auquel elle est réunie pour jamais.
Les anciens Livres liturgiques sont remplis de compositions poétiques en
l’honneur de sainte Agathe ; mais elles sont généralement assez faibles. Nous
nous bornerons donc à donner ici la belle Hymne que lui a consacrée le Pape
saint Damase.
HYMNE. [1]
Voici le jour de la Martyre Agathe, le jour illuminé par cette illustre Vierge
; c’est aujourd’hui qu’elle s’unit au Christ, et qu’un double diadème orne son
Noble de race et remarquable en beauté, elle brillait plus encore par ses
œuvres et par sa foi ; le bonheur de la terre ne fut rien à ses yeux ; elle
fixa sur son cœur les préceptes de Dieu.
Plus indomptable que le bras des bourreaux, elle livre à leurs fouets ses
membres délicats ; sa mamelle arrachée de sa poitrine montre combien invincible
est son courage.
Le cachot est pour elle un séjour de délices ; c’est là que Pierre le Pasteur
vient guérir sa brebis ; pleine de joie et toujours plus enflammée, elle court
avec une nouvelle ardeur au-devant des tourments.
Une cité païenne en proie à l’incendie l’implore et obtient son secours ;
qu’elle daigne bien plus encore éteindre les feux impurs en ceux qu’honore le
titre de chrétien.
O toi qui resplendis au ciel comme l’Épouse, supplie le Seigneur pour les
pauvres pécheurs ; que leur zèle à célébrer ta fête attire sur eux tes faveurs.
Gloire soit au Père, au Fils et à l’Esprit divin ; daigne le Dieu unique et
tout-puissant nous accorder l’intercession d’Agathe. Amen.
Que vos palmes sont belles, ô Agathe ! Mais que les combats dans lesquels vous
les avez obtenues furent longs et cruels ! Vous avez vaincu ; vous avez sauvé
en vous la foi et la virginité ; mais votre sang a rougi l’arène, et vos
glorieuses blessures témoignent, aux yeux des Anges, du courage indomptable
avec lequel vous avez gardé fidélité à l’Époux immortel. Après les labeurs des
combats, vous vous tournez vers lui, et bientôt votre âme bénie s’élance dans
son sein, pour aller jouir de ses embrassements éternels. Toute l’Église vous
salue aujourd’hui, ô Vierge, ô Martyre ! Elle sait que vous ne l’oubliez
jamais, et que votre inénarrable félicité ne vous rend point indifférente à ses
besoins. Vous êtes notre sœur ; soyez aussi pour nous une mère. De longs
siècles se sont écoulés depuis le jour où votre âme brisa son enveloppe
mortelle, après l’avoir sanctifiée par la pureté et la souffrance ; mais, hélas
! jusqu’aujourd’hui et toujours, sur cette terre, la guerre existe entre
l’esprit et la chair. Assistez vos frères dans leurs combats ; ranimez dans
leurs cœurs l’étincelle du feu sacré que le monde et les passions voudraient
En ces jours, où tout chrétien doit songer à se retremper dans les eaux
salutaires de la componction, ranimez partout la crainte de Dieu qui veille sur
les envahissements d’une nature corrompue, l’esprit de pénitence qui répare les
faiblesses coupables, l’amour qui adoucit le joug et assure la persévérance.
Plus d’une fois, votre voile virginal, présenté aux torrents enflammés des
laves qui descendaient des flancs de l’Etna, les arrêta dans leur cours, aux
yeux d’un peuple tout entier : opposez, il en est temps, la puissante influence
de vos innocentes prières à ce torrent de corruption qui déborde de plus en
plus sur nous, et menace d’abaisser nos mœurs au niveau de celles du paganisme.
Le temps presse, ô Agathe ! Secourez les nations infectées des poisons d’une
littérature infâme ; détournez cette coupe vénéneuse des lèvres de ceux qui n’y
ont pas goûté encore ; arrachez-la des mains de ceux qui déjà y ont puisé la
mort. Épargnez-nous la honte de voir le triomphe de l’odieux sensualisme qui
s’apprête à dévorer l’Europe, et déjouez les projets que l’enfer a conçus.
[1] Voir plus bas la version latine et une traduction plus littérale du Bhx
Cappellone di Sant'Agata, statua raffigurante Sant'Agata, Badia di Sant'Agata, Catania, Altare maggiore.
di Sant'Agata, statua raffigurante Sant'Agata, Badia di Sant'Agata, Catania,
Altare maggiore.
Bhx Cardinal Schuster, Liber Sacramentorum
Le culte de cette Martyre sicilienne, vénérée également en Orient, et nommée
dans les diptyques du Canon romain, est très ancien dans la Ville éternelle. Le
pape Symmaque lui éleva une basilique sur la voie Aurélienne, et saint Grégoire
le Grand en 593 lui dédia dans la Suburra une antique basilique, restaurée une
première fois par Flavius Ricimer au temps des Goths ariens.
Nous avons encore, dans les dialogues de saint Grégoire, le souvenir de cette
dédicace [2] :
Arianorum ecclesia, in regione Urbis huius quae Subura dicitur, cum clausa
usque ante biennium remansisset, placuit ut in fide catholica, introductis
illic beati Sebastiani et sanctae Agathae Martyrum Reliquiis, dedicari
debuisset ; quod factum est.
Antérieurement à cette dédicace, la basilique s’élevait vraisemblablement sous le
vocable du Sauveur et des Apôtres, qu’on voyait, en effet, représentés en
mosaïque dans la courbe de l’abside.
L’introduction des reliques de la martyre sicilienne sainte Agathe dans
l’antique sanctuaire arien des Goths fit parfois considérer cette basilique
comme consacrée à une martyre orientale ; si bien qu’au temps des grandes
translations des corps de saints des cimetières suburbains, l’on transporta
aussi dans cette église les reliques des martyrs connus sous le nom de Martyrs
grecs, du cimetière de Callixte, lesquelles reliques sont encore conservées
sous l’autel principal de cette diaconie.
D’autres églises, dédiées à sainte Agathe, une dizaine environ, s’élevaient sur
le Cœlius, au Transtevere, au Borgo et sur le Monte Mario ; toutes se réclament
d’une grande antiquité, ayant été, pour le plus grand nombre, érigées par des
Papes du haut moyen âge. Entre toutes, la plus célèbre était celle qui s’élève
au Transtevere en face de la basilique de Saint-Chrysogone, et qu’érigea, après
la mort de sa mère, le pape Grégoire II, dans sa propre maison paternelle.
L’introït de la messe, tiré du grec, a été rédigé pour la fête de sainte Agathe
et il se retrouve, avec quelques petites variantes dans la liturgie milanaise.
C’est pourquoi quand, à d’autres fêtes, Assomption, Toussaint, etc., l’on
récite la même antienne d’entrée, c’est simplement en vertu d’une adaptation
postérieure. La Communion, empruntée aux Actes de la Martyre, est très
ancienne, mais elle s’éloigne du type romain habituel des antiennes scripturaires
et trahit une origine sans doute sicilienne. L’influence des Siciliens dans
l’antique liturgie de Rome est connue.
Antienne pour l’introït : « Réjouissons-nous tous dans le Seigneur, en
célébrant une fête en l’honneur de la martyre Agathe, dont la passion réjouit
les Anges qui en louent en chœur le Fils de Dieu. » Ps. 44 : « Que jaillisse de
mon cœur une heureuse parole ; j’adresserai au Roi mon chant. »
Il est remarquable que, dans le Gélasien, la collecte après la communion semble
vouloir répéter à la fin de la messe la pensée développée dans l’introït :
Exultamus pariter, et de percepto Pane iustitiae, et de tuae, Domine,
festivitate Martyrae Agathae etc [3].
L’oraison est celle du Commun des vierges, comme le jour de sainte Barbe, le 4
décembre ; d’accord en cela avec le Sacramentaire Grégorien qui toutefois en
assigne trois autres de rechange.
Aujourd’hui, dans l’épître (I Cor., I, 26-31), saint Paul met en évidence le
profond mystère de la grâce qui élève les instruments les plus faibles et les
moins adaptés, à l’accomplissement des prodiges les plus merveilleux. Que
peut-il y avoir en effet de plus faible qu’une jeune fille ? Et pourtant, sous
l’action de l’Esprit Saint, sainte Agathe affronte intrépide la cruauté et
l’obscène méchanceté des persécuteurs, et, ceinte de la double couronne de la
virginité et du martyre, elle s’envole vers l’Époux céleste, pour devenu- la
protectrice de sa ville natale, et même de toute l’Église. On sait en effet que
non seulement sainte Agathe est invoquée à Catane contre les éruptions de
l’Etna, mais aussi que l’antiquité chrétienne a attribué une efficacité
spéciale à son intercession contre les tremblements de terre. C’est pourquoi en
Italie, dans les villes et dans les campagnes, l’on voit de toutes parts,
aujourd’hui encore, de nombreuses chapelles dédiées à la martyre de Catane.
Le verset alléluiatique, tiré du psaume 118, semble être en relation avec
l’interrogatoire subi par la martyre devant les tribunaux. D’autre part ses
Actes, tels qu’ils nous sont parvenus, ne sont pas exempts d’inexactitudes. «
Alléluia. » Ps. 118 : « Je parlai de vos jugements en présence des rois, sans
aucunement me troubler. »
Dans la lecture évangélique (Matth., XIX, 3-12) qui semble à présent mal
s’accorder avec la réserve chrétienne (Jésus parlait à des Juifs grossiers), se
trouve l’éloge de la virginité. Celle-ci n’est pas toutefois une loi
universelle, mais une vocation spéciale, à laquelle Dieu appelle seulement
quelques âmes choisies. Comme il y a des eunuques « qui sont nés tels et
d’autres qui ont été faits tels par les hommes », ainsi y a-t-il des âmes
généreuses qui, par le glaive spirituel de la mortification s’imposent
volontairement la chasteté parfaite, afin d’être consacrées à Dieu et dans leur
corps et dans leur cœur.
Il faut remarquer que la liste des Évangiles de Würzbourg assigne aujourd’hui
comme lecture la parabole des dix Vierges, comme au jour de sainte Agnès.
Le verset de l’offertoire est semblable à celui de sainte Agnès : Ps. 44 : «
Les vierges ses compagnes seront conduites au Roi ; ses amies vous seront
présentées. »
Le Sacramentaire Grégorien assigne à la fête de sainte Agathe une de ses
classiques préfaces : ...per Christum Dominum nostrum. Pro cuius nomine
poenarum mortisque contemptum in utroque sexu fidelium cunctis aetatibus
contulisti, ut inter felicium Martyrum palmas, Agathen quoque beatissimam
virginem victrici patientia coronares. Quae nec minis territa, nec suppliciis
superata, de diaboli saevitia triumphavit, quia in tuae Deitatis confessione
permansit. Et ideo etc [4]].
Quand donc cette antique richesse de la liturgie romaine réacquerra-t-elle son
prix, et donnant plus de variété aux formulaires du Missel actuel,
contribuera-t-elle à exciter la dévotion des fidèles aux premiers martyrs de
l’Église ? C’est un vœu que, humbles et soumis, nous déposons au pied du Siège
Le verset pour la communion est tiré des Actes de la Martyre, qui toutefois,
comme nous l’avons dit, ne sont pas très sûrs : « J’invoque mon Dieu, lui qui a
daigné guérir toutes mes plaies et rendre ma mamelle à ma poitrine. »
La collecte d’action de grâces est comme pour la messe de sainte Barbe. Nous
rapportons ici une ancienne hymne en l’honneur de sainte Agathe, faussement
attribuée au pape Damase :
Martyris ecce dies Agathae,
Virginis emicat eximiae,
Christus eam sibi qua sociat,
Et diadema duplex decorat.
Stirpe decens, elegans specie,
Sed magis actibus atque fide,
Terrea prospera nil reputans,
Iussa Dei sibi corde ligans.
Fortior haec trucibusque viris,
Exposuit sua membra flagris,
Pectore quam fuerit valida
Torta mamilla docet patulo.
Deliciae cui carcer erat,
Pastor ovem Petrus hanc recreat ;
Inde gavisa magisque flagrans,
Cuncta flagella cucurrit ovans.
Ethnica turba rogum fugiens,
Huius et ipsa meretur opem ;
Quos fidei titulus decorat
His Venerem magis ipsa premat,
Voici luire le jour
La martyre, la vierge illustre,
Jour où le Christ se l’unit
Et l’orne d’un double diadème.
De noble lignée et de grande beauté,
Mais plus belle encore en sa vie et sa foi,
Comptant pour néant le bonheur de la terre,
Son cœur s’est attaché aux ordres de Dieu.
Plus forte que les cruels bourreaux,
Elle expose aux fouets ses membres ;
Combien son cœur était vaillant,
Son sein déchiré l’a révélé.
La prison lui fut délices :
Le Pasteur des brebis, Pierre, l’y visite ;
Pleine d’une joie et d’une ardeur nouvelle.
Elle court allègre au-devant des tourments.
La foule des païens fuyant devant les flammes
Mérite, elle aussi, son secours ;
En ceux qu’a marqués le sceau de la foi
Qu’elle daigne surtout étouffer Vénus !
Au ciel maintenant, resplendissante épouse,
Pour les malheureux qu’elle prie le Seigneur :
Ainsi sa fête célébrée
Gagnera sa faveur à ceux qui l’honorent.
Ce ne sont point les forces du martyr, c’est la grâce qui le rend supérieur aux
tourments ; et si les Anges se réjouissent, ce n’est pas pour ses souffrances
elles-mêmes, mais parce que, au moyen de celles-ci, Dieu est glorifié, et que
l’innocente victime, persécutée ici-bas, acquiert droit de cité dans la
Jérusalem céleste.
[2] Dialog., 1. III, c. xxx, P. L., lxxvii, col. 288.
[3] Exultons pareillement Seigneur, et du Pain de justice que nous avons reçu
et de la fête de la Martyre Agathe, etc.
[4] …Par le Christ Notre-Seigneur. Pour le nom duquel vous avez donné à toutes
les époques le mépris des peines et de la mort dans l’un et l’autre sexe des
fidèles : pour, parmi les palmes des bienheureux Martyrs, couronner aussi
Agathe la bienheureuse Vierge victorieuse par la souffrance. Elle qui, ni
terrifiée par les menaces, ni vaincue par les supplices, a triomphé de la
cruauté du diable, parce qu’elle est demeurée dans la confession de votre
Divinité. C’est pourquoi…
Maître de la Légende de
sainte Lucie (vers 1435 –1506/1509). Virgo inter Virgines /
La Vierge parmi les vierges, vers 1488, huile sur panneau de chêne, 108 x 171, Musées royaux des
Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Exposition des primitifs flamands
à Bruges, Bruges, 15 juin 1902 - 5 octobre 1902
gauche à droit sont saintes Apolline (tenant une dent), Ursule (des flèches par
terre), Lucie (tenant des yeux), Dorothée(?) (une couronne et une cloche),
Catherine (les roues sur la cape), Marie-Madeleine (un pot à onguent), Marie et
l'enfant-Jésus, Barbe (des tour sur la cape), Agnès (l’agneau), Marguerite (un
dragon en arrière), Agathe (un sein dans une tenaille) et Cunera (un berceau et
une flèche).
Que notre âme soit bonne (Agathe = la bonne).
1. Sainte Agathe, la « Bonne », est la quatrième des quatre grandes vierges
martyres de l’Église romaine (dont les fêtes tombent dans chacun des mois
d’hiver : Cécile, en novembre, Lucie (la Brillante), en décembre, annonçant la
lumière de Noël, Agnès (la Pure), en janvier, et Agathe (la Bonne), en
février). Sainte Agathe souffrit le martyre sous l’empereur Dèce (254). Elle
fut autrefois très honorée, son nom est au Canon de la messe. L’histoire de ses
souffrances est empruntée aux antiques Actes des martyrs qui ont été utilisés
dans les chants du bréviaire. Agathe était une jeune fille distinguée de
Sicile. Le gouverneur Quintianus s’éprit pour elle d’un violent amour, mais il
fut repoussé. Il la fit alors arrêter comme chrétienne et conduire devant son
tribunal. Aux questions sur son origine elle répondit : « Je suis noble et
issue d’une famille distinguée comme toute ma parenté en témoigne »
(1ère Ant. 1er Noct.) A la question du juge qui lui demandait pourquoi elle
menait la vie d’esclave des chrétiens, elle répondit : « Je suis une servante
du Christ et c’est pourquoi j’ai l’extérieur d’une esclave, mais la plus grande
noblesse est d’être esclave du Christ (2. et 3. Ant. 1er Noct.) Le gouverneur
la menaça des plus terribles supplices si elle refusait d’abandonner le Christ.
La sainte lui répondit : « Si tu me menaces des bêtes féroces, sache qu’au nom
du Christ elles s’apaiseront, si tu veux employer le feu, alors les anges
feront tomber pour moi, du ciel, une rosée bien (I. et 2. Ant. 2e Noct). Après
avoir été torturée « Agathe s’en alla rayonnante de joie et la tête haute, dans
sa prison, comme si elle avait été invitée à un festin, et elle recommanda son
agonie au Seigneur dans la prière » (3. Ant. 2e Noct).
Le jour suivant, elle fut de nouveau amenée devant le juge et lui dit : « Si tu
n’ordonnes pas que mon corps soit déchiré par les bourreaux, mon âme ne pourra
pas entrer au Paradis avec les martyrs » (I. Ant. 3e Noct.). Elle fut étendue
sur le chevalet, on la brûla avec un fer rouge et on lui arracha les seins.
Dans cette torture, elle priait ainsi : « Par amour pour la chasteté, j’ai été
suspendue sur le chevalet, assiste-moi, Seigneur mon Dieu, dans la torture de
mes seins » (2. Ant. 3e Noct, ). Agathe reprocha au gouverneur sa cruauté : «
Impie, cruel et infâme tyran, tu n’as pas honte d’enlever à une femme ce avec
quoi ta mère t’allaita ! » (I. Rép.).
De retour dans sa prison, elle pria ainsi : « Tu as vu, Seigneur, mon combat,
comme j’ai combattu sur le champ de bataille, mais parce que je n’ai pas voulu
obéir aux ordres des princes, j’ai été torturée dans mes seins » (3. Ant. 3e
Noct.). Dans la nuit, lui apparut un vénérable vieillard, l’Apôtre Pierre, avec
des remèdes. Agathe, dans sa délicate pudeur, ne voulut pas lui montrer les
plaies de son corPs. « Je suis l’Apôtre du Christ, n’aie pas de doute à mon
sujet, ma fille » (I. Ant. Laud.). « Je n’ai jamais employé pour mon corps de
médecine terrestre, mais je m’en rapporte à Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ qui,
par sa parole, renouvelle toutes choses » (2. Ant. Laud.). Elle fut
complètement guérie par saint Pierre : « Je te loue, Père de mon Seigneur
Jésus-Christ, de ce que par ton Apôtre tu m’as restitué mes seins » (4. Ant.
Laud.). Une lumière éclaira le cachot toute la nuit, si bien que les gardiens,
effrayés, s’enfuirent. Ses compagnons de captivité l’exhortaient à fuir, mais
elle refusa : « Je veux, maintenant qu’un secours m’a été accordé par le
Seigneur, persister dans la confession de Celui qui m’a guérie et m’a apporté
de la consolation » (4. Rép.). Quatre jours après, elle fut de nouveau amenée
devant le juge. Celui-ci fut étonné de sa guérison. A la sommation d’adorer les
idoles, elle répondit par une nouvelle profession de foi au Christ. Alors, le gouverneur
la fit rouler sur des tessons et des charbons ardents. A ce moment, toute la
ville fut ébranlée par un tremblement de terre. Deux murailles s’écroulèrent et
ensevelirent sous leurs débris deux amis du gouverneur. Celui-ci, craignant un
soulèvement populaire, fit ramener Agathe à demi-morte dans sa prison. Là, elle
récita sa prière de mort : « La bienheureuse Agathe, debout dans sa prison, les
bras étendus, priait le Seigneur : Seigneur Jésus-Christ, bon Maître, je te
remercie de ce que tu m’as accordé la victoire sur les tortures du bourreau.
Fais, Seigneur, que je parvienne heureusement à ta gloire immortelle. » Puis
elle mourut.
Un an après sa mort, la ville de Catane fut éprouvée par une éruption de
l’Etna. Dans leur frayeur, les païens eux-mêmes se précipitèrent au tombeau de
la sainte. On prit son voile et on le tint en face du torrent de flammes, et,
immédiatement, le péril fut écarté. C’est ce fait que rappelle l’antienne du
lever du soleil : « La multitude des païens se précipita au tombeau de la
vierge, ils tinrent son voile contre le feu et ainsi le Seigneur confirma que,
par les mérites de la sainte martyre Agathe, il les avait sauvés du feu. » Son
tombeau est vénéré à Catane, en Sicile.
2. La messe (Gaudeamus). — La messe commence solennellement : «
Réjouissons-nous tous dans le Seigneur... ». Cet Introït, tiré du grec, fut
composé pour la fête d’aujourd’hui et plus tard employé pour d’autres fêtes :
l’Assomption de la Sainte Vierge, la Toussaint... Nous entendons le chœur
joyeux des anges qui se réjouit de la Passion de la sainte. Dans la plupart des
chants, nous entendons le cantique nuptial de l’Église (Ps. 44). Les deux
lectures sont propres. Dans l’Épître, on entend l’écho de la justification de
la sainte devant son juge païen, mais on y voit aussi le développement du thème
de l’Oraison : Dieu choisit ce qui est petit et faible pour confondre ce qui
est fort. « Le Christ est devenu pour nous, d’après l’ordonnance de Dieu, notre
sagesse, notre justification, notre sanctification et notre Rédemption. » Ceci
se réalise pour nous dans l’Eucharistie. Dans l’Évangile, le Christ nous parle
de la virginité « à cause du royaume des cieux ». Agathe est de celles qui ont
pu « saisir » ce langage et, pour sa couronne virginale, elle a versé son sang.
Au Graduel, nous voyons la vierge « lutter contre les flots de la passion » ; à
l’Alléluia, elle parle devant les « rois » des « témoignages de Dieu ». A la
Communion, la communauté des fidèles chante une parole de la sainte : « Celui
qui a daigné me guérir de toute blessure et rendre à ma poitrine mon sein
arraché, je l’invoque comme le Dieu vivant. » De ce chant résultent des
conséquences importantes pour notre vie liturgique. La communauté chrétienne
s’approche de la Sainte Table, en quelque sorte, dans la personne de sainte
Agathe. La sainte Eucharistie a une vertu de guérison. Cette guérison
corporelle de sainte Agathe est l’image de la guérison spirituelle que nous
apporte l’Eucharistie.
SOURCE : http://www.introibo.fr/05-02-Ste-Agathe-vierge-et-martyre#nh2
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696–1770),
Martirio di sant'Agata, 1755, 184 x 131, Gemäldegalerie
known as
Agatha of Catania
Agatha of Palermo
We have little reliable
information about this martyr,
who has been honoured since ancient times, and whose name is included in
the canon
of the Mass. Young,
beautiful and rich, Agatha lived a life consecrated to God.
When Decius announced
the edicts against Christians,
the magistrate Quinctianus
tried to profit by Agatha’s sanctity; he planned to blackmail her into sex in
exchange for not charging her. Handed over to a brothel, she refused to accept
customers. After rejecting Quinctianus’s advances, she was beaten, imprisoned, tortured,
her breasts were crushed and cut off. She told the judge,
“Cruel man, have you forgotten your mother and the breast that nourished you,
that you dare to mutilate me this way?” One version has it that Saint Peter healed her.
She was then imprisoned again,
then rolled on live coals; when she was near death,
an earthquake stuck.
In the destruction that followed, a friend of the magistrate was
crushed, and the magistrate fled.
Agatha thanked God for
an end to her pain, and died.
Legend says that carrying
her veil,
taken from her tomb in Catania,
in procession has averted eruptions of Mount Etna. Her intercession is reported
to have saved Malta from
Turkish invasion in 1551.
in prison at Catania or Palermo, Sicily (sources
martyred c.250 at Catania, Sicily by
being rolled on coals
eruptions of Mount Etna
locations in Belgium
locations in Canada
Agathe des Monts, Quebec
locations in France
des Palmistes nell’Isola de La Réunion
locations in Germany
locations in Italy
Capua, archdiocese of
city of
Catania, archdiocese of
city of
city of
locations in the Netherlands
locations in Spain
e Castrejana in Biscaglia
crown of flowers
virgin martyr wearing
a veil and
bearing her severed breasts on
a silver platter
Garner of Saints, by Allen Banks Hinds
of the Early Martyrs, by Father James
A M Fastré, S.J.
of Saints, by the Monks of
of Popular Customs, by William Shepard Walsh
of Christian Biography and Literature
Legend, by Jacobus
de Voragine
of the Saints, by Father Alban
and Their Symbols, by E A Greene
in Art, by Margaret E Tabor
of the Canon, by Monsignor John
T McMahon
of the Day, by Katherine Rabenstein
Lives of the Saints, by Eleanor Cecilia Donnelly
1001 Patron Saints and Their Feast Days, by Australian
Catholic Truth Society
Communion of Saints, by the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart
of Mary
Dictionary of Saints, by John Delaney
Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints
Oxford Dictionary of Saints, by David Hugh Farmer
and Their Attributes, by Helen Roeder
Some Patron Saints, by
Padraic Gregory
Symbolism of the Saints,
by Peter Hampson Ditchfield
Universal Dictionary of
Biography and Mythology, by Joseph Thomas, 1887
sites in english
Catholic Fire: A Patron for
Those with Breast Cancer
Catholic Fire: Two Novenas to Saint Agnes
New Theological Movement: Four Illustrious Virgins: Saint Agatha
New Theological Movement: Legend of Saint Agatha
Saints and Their Feast Days, by the Australian Catholic
Truth Society
Charles Borromeo Church, Picayune, Mississippi
Taylor Marshall: Sufferings of Saint Agatha, Virgin
Super Saints Podcast: Saint Agatha of Catania Sicily
Super Saints Podcast: The Life of Saint Agatha
auf deutsch
en español
Martirologio Romano, 2001 edición
en français
Christian-Philippe Chanut
in italiano
Martirologio Romano, 2005 edition
in nederlandse
i norsk
strani v slovenšcini
Jesus Christ, Lord of all
things! You see my heart, you know my desires. Possess all that I am – you
alone. I am your sheep; make me worthy to overcome the devil. – Saint Agatha
Lord, my creator, you
have protected me since I was in the cradle. You have taken me from the love of
the world and given me patience to suffer. Now receive my spirit. – Saint Agatha
My fellow Christians, our
annual celebration of a martyr‘s feast has
brought us together. Agatha achieved renown in the early Church for her noble
victory. For her, Christ’s death was recent, his blood was still moist. Her
robe is the mark of her faithful witness to Christ. Agatha, the name of our
saint, means “good.” She was truly good, for she lived as a child of God.
Agatha, her goodness coincides with her name and her way of life. She won a
good name by her noble deeds, and by her name she points to the nobility of
those deeds. Agatha, her mere name wins all men over to her company. She
teaches them by her example to hasten with her to the true Good, God
alone. – from a homily on Saint Agatha
by Saint Methodius
of Sicily
“Saint Agatha of
Sicily“. CatholicSaints.Info. 16 June 2024. Web. 23 December 2024.
SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/saint-agatha-of-sicily/
Pietro da Cemmo & aiuti, Martirio di Sant'Agata, Santa Maria, Esine,
Val Camonica
St. Agatha
One of the most highly venerated virgin martyrs of Christian antiquity,
put to death for her steadfast profession of faith in Catania,
Sicily. Although it is uncertain in which persecution this
took place, we may accept, as probably based on ancient tradition, the evidence
of her legendary life,
composed at a later date, to the effect that her martyrdom occurred
during the persecution of Decius (250-253).
Historic certitude attaches
merely to the fact of her martyrdom and
the public veneration paid
her in the Church since
primitive times. In the so-called Martyrologium Hieronymianum (ed. De
Rossi and Duchesne, in Acta SS., Nov. II, 17) and in the ancient Martyrologium
Carthaginiense dating from the fifth or sixth century (Ruinart, Acta
Sincera, Ratisbon,
1859, 634), the name of
St. Agatha is recorded on 5 February. In the sixth century Venantius
Fortunatus mentions her in his poem on virginity as
one of the celebrated Christian virgins and martyrs (Carm.,
VIII, 4, De Virginitate: Illic Euphemia pariter quoque plaudit Agathe Et
Justina simul consociante Thecla. etc.). Among the poems of Pope
Damasus published by Merenda and others is a hymn to
St. Agatha (P.L., XIII, 403 sqq.; Ihm, Damasi Epigrammata, 75, Leipzig, 1895).
However, this poem is not the work of Damasus but
the product of an unknown author at a later period, and was evidently meant for
the liturgical
celebration of the Saint's feast.
Its content is drawn from the legend of
St. Agatha, and the poem is marked by end-rhyme. From a letter of Pope
Gelasius (492-496) to a certain Bishop Victor (Thiel. Epist. Roman.
Pont., 495) we learn of a Basilica of
St. Agatha in fundo Caclano, e.g., on the estate of that name. The letters
of Gregory
I make mention of St. Agatha at Rome,
in the Subura, with which a diaconia or deaconry was connected (Epp.,
IV, 19; P.L., LXXVII, 688). It was in existence as early as the fifth century,
for in the latter half of that century Rieimer enriched it with a mosaic.
This same church was
given the Arian Goths by
Rieimer and was restored to Catholic
worship by Pope
Gregory I (590-604).
Although the martyrdom of
St. Agatha is thus authenticated,
and her veneration as
a saint had
even in antiquity spread beyond her native place, we still possess no reliable
information concerning the details of her glorious death.
It is true that
we have the Acts
of her martyrdom in two versions, Latin and
Greek, the latter deviating from the former (Acta SS., I, Feb., 595 sqq.).
Neither of these recensions, however, can lay any claim to historical credibility,
and neither gives the necessary internal evidence that the information it
contains rests, even in the more important details, upon genuine tradition. If
there is a kernel of historical truth in
the narrative, it has not as yet been possible to sift it out from the later
embellishments. In their present form the Latin Acts are
not older than the sixth century. According to them Agatha, daughter of a
distinguished family and
remarkable for her beauty of person, was persecuted by
the Senator Quintianus with avowals of love.
As his proposals were resolutely spurned by the pious Christian virgin,
he committed her to the charge of an evil woman,
whose seductive arts, however, were baffled by Agatha's unswerving firmness in
the Christian
faith. Quintianus then had her subjected to various cruel tortures.
Especially inhuman seemed his order to have her breasts cut off, a detail which
furnished to theChristian medieval iconography the
peculiar characteristic of Agatha. But the holy virgin was
consoled by a vision of St.
Peter, who miraculously healed
her. Eventually she succumbed to the repeated cruelties practised on her. As
already stated, these details, in so far as they are based on the Acts,
have no claim to historical credibility. Allard also
characterizes the Acts as
the work of a later author who was more concerned with writing an edifying
narrative, abounding in miracles,
than in transmitting historical traditions.
Both Catania and Palermo claim
the honour of
being Agatha's birthplace. Her feast is
kept on 5 February; her office in
the Roman
Breviaryis drawn in part from the Latin Acts. Catania honours St.
Agatha as her patron
saint, and throughout the region around Mt. Etna she is invoked against the
eruptions of the volcano, as elsewhere against fire and lightning. In some
places bread and water are blessed duringMass on
her feast after
the Consecration,
and called Agatha bread.
Acta SS., loc. cit.; JOAN DE GROSSIS, Agatha Catanensis sive de natali
patria S. Agathae, dissert. histor. (Paris, 1886), II, 301 sqq.; Hymnus de
S. Agatha, in IHM, Damasi epigrammata (Leipzig, 1895), 75 sqq.; BUTLER, Lives,
5 Feb.
Kirsch, Johann Peter. "St. Agatha." The Catholic
Encyclopedia. Vol. 1. New York: Robert Appleton
Company, 1907. 5 Dec.
2016 <http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01203c.htm>.
Transcription. This
article was transcribed for New Advent by Michael T. Barrett.
Ecclesiastical approbation. Nihil Obstat. March 1, 1907. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York.
Copyright © 2020 by Kevin
Knight. Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
SOURCE : http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01203c.htm
Agata, Complesso domenicano di Santo Stefano, Accademia Carrara, Bergamo, Italy
Agatha holding her severed breasts (her iconographic attribute) on a platter ((Complesso domenicano di) Santo Stefano, Accademia Carrara, Bergamo, Italy)
St. Agatha
Although we have evidence that Agatha was venerated at least as far back as the
sixth century, the only facts we have about her are that she was born in Sicily
and died there a martyr.
In the legend of her life, we are told that she belonged to a rich, important
family. When she was young, she dedicated her life to God and resisted any men
who wanted to marry her or have sex with her. One of these men, Quintian, was
of a high enough rank that he felt he could force her to acquiesce. Knowing she
was a Christian in a time of persecution, he had her arrested and brought
before the judge – - himself. He expected her to give in to when faced with
torture and possible death, but she simply affirmed her belief in God by
praying: “Jesus Christ, Lord of all, you see my heart, you know my desires.
Possess all that I am. I am your sheep: make me worthy to overcome the devil.”
Legend tells us that Quintian imprisoned her in a brothel in order to get her
to change her mind. Quintian brought her back before him after she had suffered
a month of assault and humiliation in the brothel, but Agatha had never
wavered, proclaiming that her freedom came from Jesus. Quintian sent her to prison,
instead of back to the brothel — a move intended to make her more afraid, but
which probably was a great relief to her. When she continued to profess her
faith in Jesus, Quintian had her tortured. He refused her any medical care but
God gave her all the care she needed in the form of a vision of St. Peter. When
she was tortured again, she died after saying a final prayer: “Lord, my
Creator, you have always protected me from the cradle; you have taken me from
the love of the world and given me patience to suffer. Receive my soul.”
Because one of the tortures she supposedly suffered was to have her breasts cut
off, she was often depicted carrying her breasts on a plate. It is thought that
blessing of the bread that takes place on her feast may have come from the
mistaken notion that she was carrying loaves of bread.
Because she was asked for help during the eruption of Mount Etna she is
considered a protector against the outbreak of fire. She is also considered the
patroness of bellmakers for an unknown reason — though some speculate it may
have something to do with the fact that bells were used as fire alarms.
SOURCE : http://www.ucatholic.com/saints/saint-agatha/
St. Agatha. The 140 Saints of the Colonnade. St. Agatha - Virgin and Martyr. Born – 231. Died
– 251. Feastday - 5 February. Statue created - c.1667-1668
The statue is part of a group of 16 built between 29 June and 3 July.. Sculptor
- Giovanni Maria De Rossi. Height - 3.1 m. (10ft 4in) travertine. She is
holding the result of her torture, as her breasts were cut off. St Agatha was a
virgin martyr, born at Catania, Sicily. She is one of seven, who, along
with the Virgin Mary, are mentioned by name in the Canon of the Mass.
SAINT AGATHA was born in Sicily, of rich and noble parents—a child of
benediction from the first, for she was promised to her parents before her
birth, and consecrated from her earliest infancy to God. In the midst of
dangers and temptations she served Christ in purity of body and soul, and she
died for the love of chastity. Quintanus, who governed Sicily under the Emperor
Decius, had heard the rumor of her beauty and wealth, and he made the laws
against the Christians a pretext for summoning her from Palermo to Catania, where
he was at the time. "O Jesus Christ!" she cried, as she set out on
this dreaded journey, "all that I am is thine; preserve me against the
And our Lord did indeed preserve one who had given herself so utterly to Him.
He kept her pure and undefiled, while she was imprisoned for a whole month
under charge of an evil woman. He gave her strength to reply to the offer of
her life and safety, if but consent to sin, "Christ alone is my life and
my salvation. When Quintanus turned from passion to cruelty, and cut off her
breasts, Our Lord sent the Prince of His Apostles to heal her. And when, after
she had been rolled naked upon potsherds, she asked that her torments might be
ended, her Spouse heard her prayer, and took her to Himself.
St. Agatha gave herself without reserve to Jesus Christ; she followed Him in
virginal purity, and then looked to Him for protection. And down to this day
Christ has shown His tender regard for the very body of St. Agatha. Again and
again, during the eruption of Mount Etna, the people of Catania have exposed
for public veneration, and found safety by this means; and in modern times, on
opening the tomb in which her body lies waiting for the resurrection, they
beheld the skin still entire, and felt the sweet fragrance which issued from
this temple of the Holy Ghost .
REFLECTION: Purity is a gift of God: we can gain it and preserve it only by
care and diligence in avoiding all that may prove an incentive to sin.
SOURCE : http://jesus-passion.com/SAINT_AGATHA.htm
Gaspar de
Palencia (1531–1590), El martirio de Santa Águeda, circa 1578, 59 x
46, Bilbao Fine Arts Museum. La obra
representa el martirio de la virgen y mártir Santa Águeda, que murió en el siglo III por profesar
el cristianismo.
Agatha of Catania VM (RM)
Born at Palermo or Catania, Sicily; died at Catania, Sicily, c. 250 (?). There
certainly was a martyr named Agatha at Catania, who was venerated there from
very early times as demonstrated by her inclusion in Saint Jerome's
Martyrology, the calendar of Carthage (c. 530), the canon of the Roman Mass,
and Carmina by Venantius Fortunatus, but nothing else is known of her. There
are many versions of the basic legend included here. Agatha must have been
beautiful and wealthy for the Sicilian consul Quintinian tried to force her to
become his wife. When she refused because she had already dedicated herself to
God as a virgin, he turned against her and decided to punish her by installing
the pure girl in a brothel for a month. She resisted all attempts to shame her.
When this didn't work,
Quintinian, who did not believe in God, brought her before the courts on the
charge of belonging to the outlawed Christian sect. The accounts of her
tortures are frightful--racked, scourged, branded. Even her breasts were cut off,
and she was allowed no medicines or bandages or food when she was sent to a
dark dungeon. It is said that Saint Peter appeared to her in a vision
accompanied by a youth carrying a torch. He applied ointment and healed her
wounds. Four days later, unmoved my the miraculous cure of her wounds,
Quintinian caused her to be rolled naked over live coals mixed with potsherds.
Agatha would pray
passionately throughout all this: "Lord Jesus Christ: you know what is in
my heart and mind. Take me and all that I am and make me Your own."
Naturally Agatha believed that death would be a happy release from her
torturers into the arms of Jesus. They carried her broken body back to her
prison, while she prayed for release. At that moment, just after an earthquake,
Agatha died in prison of her injuries.
A saint who bore such
trials was greatly revered, and her tomb became a sacred spot for Christians.
Saint Gregory the Great, for example, took a church which the Goths used in
Rome, and reconsecrated it to the saint. The church of Sant'Agata dei Goti
still stands, preserving the memory of this virgin martyr.
In a later period
pictures of Saint Agatha carrying her severed breasts on a platter were
mistaken as bread, which led to the practice of blessing bread on Saint Agatha's
Her intercession as
patron of Malta is credited with preserving the island from the Turks in 1551.
Her prayers were also efficacious in preventing the eruption of Mt. Etna on
several occasions. Its torrent of burning sulphur and stones was averted from
the walls of Catania several times by the silken veil of Saint Agatha (taken
from her tomb), fixed on a lance, and carried in procession. As the sacred
relic met the lava, the flow would stop and the eruption end. Her name is found
in the litany of the saints and in all martyrologies:
Greek and Latin
(Attwater, Benedictines, Bentley, Delaney, Encyclopedia, Farmer, Husenbeth,
White). In art, Saint Agatha is a maiden martyr with a palm, two breasts held
on a platter, and either pincers or shears (Tabor). Sometimes she is shown (1)
with her breasts cut off or held in tongs; (2) crowned, with tongs and palms;
(3) covering her shorn breasts as an angel brings her the martyr's palm; (4)
holding a unicorn's horn; (5) with a torch and burning church in her hand
(Roeder), or with a long veil (Tabor). She is depicted in the mosaics of
Sant'Apolinare Nuovo in Ravenna, Italy (Farmer) and a picture of her martyrdom
by Sebastiano del Piombo at the Pitti Palace in Florence, Italy (Tabor).
Agatha is the patroness
of Catania, where she preserves Mt. Etna from erupting. She is also patroness
of bell-founders (shaped like her breasts, or possibly because bells are used
to warn of fire), firefighters, girdlers, jewellers, maltsters, nurses,
wet-nurses, weavers, and shepherdesses. Agatha is invoked against earthquake,
fire, lightning, storm, sterility, wolves, and diseases of the breast (Roeder,
Katherine I
Rabenstein. Saints of the Day, 1998. CatholicSaints.Info.
16 May 2020. Web. 27 November 2020.
SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/saints-of-the-day-agatha-of-catania/
Francisco de Osona (1465–15140, Santa Águeda, circa 1505, 199.2 x 52.4, (tabla
completa incluyendo a San Lorenzo), Museu de Belles Arts de València
/ Museu de Belles Arts de València..
La obra representa a la mártirSanta Águeda, que murió por profesar el
St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr
We have her panegyrics by St.
Aldhelm, in the seventh, and St. Methodius, patriarch of Constantinople, in the
ninth, centuries: also a hymn in her honour among the poems of Pope Damasus,
and another by St. Isidore of Seville, in Bollandus, p. 596. The Greeks have
interpolated her acts: but those in Latin are very ancient. They are abridged
by Tillemont, t. 3. p. 409. See also Rocci Pyrrho, in Sicilia Sacra, on
Palermo, Catana, and Malta.
A.D. 251.
THE CITIES of Palermo and
Catana, in Sicily, dispute the honour of her birth: but they do much better
who, by copying her virtues, and claiming her patronage, strive to become her
fellow-citizens in heaven. It is agreed that she received the crown of
martyrdom at Catana, in the persecution of Decius, in the third consulship of
that prince, in the year of our Lord 251. She was of a rich and illustrious
family, and having been consecrated to God from her tender years, triumphed
over many assaults upon her chastity. Quintianus, a man of consular dignity,
bent on gratifying both his lust and avarice, imagined he should easily compass
his wicked designs on Agatha’s person and estate, by means of the emperor’s
edict against the Christians. He therefore caused her to be apprehended and
brought before him at Catana. Seeing herself in the hands of the persecutors,
she made this prayer: “Jesus Christ, Lord of all things, you see my heart, you
know my desire: possess alone all that I am. I am your sheep, make me worthy to
overcome the devil.” She wept, and prayed for courage and strength all the way
she went. On her appearance, Quintianus gave orders for her being put into the
hands of Aphrodisia, a most wicked woman who with six daughters, all
prostitutes, kept a common stew. The saint suffered in this infamous place,
assaults and stratagems against her virtue, infinitely more terrible to her
than any tortures or death itself. But placing her confidence in God, she never
ceased with sighs and most earnest tears to implore his protection, and by it
was an overmatch for all their hellish attempts, the whole month she was there.
Quintianus being informed of her constancy after thirty days, ordered her to be
brought before him. The virgin, in her first interrogatory, told him, that to be
a servant of Jesus Christ was the most illustrious nobility, and true liberty.
The judge, offended at her resolute answers, commanded her to be buffeted, and
led to prison. She entered it with great joy, recommending her future conflict
to God. The next day she was arraigned a second time at the tribunal, and
answered with equal constancy that Jesus Christ was her life and her salvation.
Quintianus then ordered her to be stretched on the rack, which torment was
usually accompanied with stripes, the tearing of the sides with iron hooks, and
burning them with torches or matches. The governor, enraged to see her suffer
all this with cheerfulness, commanded her breast to be tortured, and afterwards
to be cut off. At which she made him this reproach: “Cruel tyrant, do you not
blush to torture this part of my body, you that sucked the breasts of a woman
yourself?” He remanded her to prison with a severe order, that neither salves
nor food should be allowed her. But God would be himself her physician, and the
apostle St. Peter in a vision comforted her, healed all her wounds, and filled
her dungeon with a heavenly light. Quintianus, four days after, not the least
moved at the miraculous cure of her wounds, caused her to be rolled naked over
live coals mixed with broken potsherds. Being carried back to prison, she made
this prayer; “Lord, my Creator, you have ever protected me from the cradle. You
have taken from me the love of the world, and given me patience to suffer:
receive now my soul.” After which words she sweetly gave up the ghost. Her name
is inserted in the canon of the mass, in the calendar of Carthage, as ancient
as the year 530, and in all martyrologies of the Latins and Greeks. Pope
Symmachus built a church in Rome on the Aurelian way, under her name, about the
year 500, which is fallen to decay. 1 St.
Gregory the Great enriched a church which he purged from the Arian impiety,
with her relics 2 which
it still possesses. This church had been rebuilt in her honour by Ricimer,
general of the western empire, in 460. Gregory II. built another famous church
at Rome, under her invocation, in 726, which Clement VIII. gave to the
congregation of the Christian doctrine. St. Gregory the Great, 3 ordered
some of her relics to be placed in the church of the monastery of St. Stephen,
in the Isle of Capreæ, now Capri. The chief part which remained at Catana, was
carried to Constantinople by the Greek general, who drove the Saracens out of
Sicily about the year 1040: these were brought back to Catana in 1127, a
relation of which translation, written by Mauritius, who was then bishop, is
recorded by Rocci Pyrrho, and Bollandus. 4 The
same authors relate in what manner the torrent of burning sulphur and stones
which issue from Mount Ætna, in great eruptions, was several times averted from
the walls of Catana by the veil of St. Agatha (taken out of her tomb) which was
carried in procession. Also that through her intercession Malta (where she is
honoured as patroness of the island) was preserved from the Turks who invaded
it in 1551. Small portions of relics of St. Agatha are said to be distributed
in many places.
The perfect purity of intention by
which St. Agatha was entirely dead to the world and herself, and sought only to
please God, is the circumstance which sanctified her sufferings, and rendered
her sacrifice complete. The least cross which we bear, the least action which
we perform in this disposition, will be a great holocaust, and a most
acceptable offering. We have frequently something to suffer, sometimes an
aching pain in the body, at other times some trouble of mind, often some
disappointment, some humbling rebuke, or reproach, or the like. If we only bear
these trials with patience, when others are witnesses, or if we often speak of
them, or are fretful under them, or if we bear patiently public affronts or
great trials, yet sink under those which are trifling, and are sensible to
small, or secret injuries, it is evident that we have not attained to true
purity of intention in our patience; that we are not dead to ourselves, and
love not to disappear to the eyes of creatures, but court them, and take a
secret complacency in things which appear great. We profess ourselves ready to
die for Christ; yet cannot bear the least cross or humiliation. How agreeable
to our divine spouse is the sacrifice of a soul which suffers in silence,
desiring to have no other witness of her patience than God alone, who sends her
trials; which shuns superiority and honours, but takes all care possible that
no one knows the humility or modesty of such a refusal; which suffers
humiliations, and seeks no comfort or reward but from God. This simplicity and
purity of heart; this love of being hidden in God, through Jesus Christ, is the
perfection of all our sacrifices, and the complete victory over self love,
which it attacks and forces out of its strongest intrenchments; this says to
Christ, with St. Agatha, “Possess alone all that I am.”
Note 1. Fronteau Cal. p. 25. [back]
2. Dial. l. 3. c. 30. [back]
Note 3. L. 1. ep. 52. [back]
4. Feb. t. 1. p. 647. [back]
Rev. Alban Butler
(1711–73). Volume I: January. The Lives of the Saints. 1866.
SOURCE : https://www.bartleby.com/lit-hub/lives-of-the-saints/volume-ii-february/st-agatha-virgin-and-martyr
Belgium. Wall paintings in the church of the beguinage (Begijnhofkerk
Book of
Saints – Agatha – 5 February – Martyr
AGATHA (Saint) Virgin
Martyr (February 5) (3rd century) Palermo and Catania both claim the honour of
being the birthplace of this famous Sicilian Saint, whose name, enshrined in
the Litany of the Saints and in the Canon of the Mass, appears in the old
Martyrology of Carthage and in all others, Greek and Latin. In the numerous
frescoes and sculptures which have come down to us from antiquity, she is
represented holding a pair of pincers or with other instruments of the tortures
to which she was subjected. The traditional details of her bitter Passion are given
in the Lections for her Feast in the Roman Breviary. After suffering exquisite
tortures, she died of her wounds in prison at Catania, during the persecution
under Decius (A.D. 250). The miracles by which her intercession has preserved
Catania in successive eruptions of Mount Etna are well authenticated. Her Acts
in Latin, alleged to be based on others from the pen of an eye-witness of her
martyr-dom, are substantially reliable.
Monks of Ramsgate.
“Agatha”. Book of Saints, 1921. CatholicSaints.Info. 9
May 2012.
Web. 23 December 2024.
SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/book-of-saints-agatha-5-february-martyr/
Lippi (1606–1665), Sant'Agata, circa 1638, Blanton Museum of Art, Austin, United
States of America
St. Agatha
Feastday: February 5
Patron: of Sicily, bellfounders, breast cancer, against fire, Palermo, rape victims, and wet nurses
Birth: 231
Death: 251
St. Agatha, also known as
Agatha of Sicily, is one of the most highly venerated virgin martyrs of the
Catholic Church. It is believed that she was born around 231 in either Catania
or Palermo, Sicily to a rich and noble family.
From her very early
years, the notably beautiful Agatha dedicated her life to God. She became a
consecrated virgin, a state in life where young women choose to remain celibate
and give themselves wholly to Jesus and the Church in a life of prayer and
service. That did not stop men from desiring her and making unwanted advances
toward her.
However, one of the men
who desired Agatha, whose name was Quintianus, because he was of a high
diplomatic ranking, thought he could force her to turn away from her vow and
force her to marry. His persistent proposals were consistently spurned by
Agatha, so Quintianus, knowing she was a Christian during the persecution of
Decius, had her arrested and brought before the judge. He was the Judge.
He expected her to give
in to his demands when she was faced with torture and possible death, but she
simply reaffirmed her belief in God by praying: "Jesus Christ, Lord of
all, you see my heart, you know my desires. Possess all that I am. I am your
sheep: make me worthy to overcome the devil." With tears falling from her
eyes, she prayed for courage.
To force her to change
her mind, Quintianus had her imprisoned - in a brothel. Agatha never lost her
confidence in God, even though she suffered a month of assaults and efforts to
get her to abandon her vow to God and go against her virtue. Quintianus heard
of her calm strength and ordered that she be brought before him once again.
During her interrogation, she told him that to be a servant of Jesus Christ was
her true freedom.
Enraged, Quintianus sent
her off to prison instead of back to the brothel -- a move intended to make her
even more afraid, but it was probably a great relief to her.
Agatha continued to
proclaim Jesus as her Savior, Lord, Life and Hope. Quintianus ordered her to be
tortured. He had her stretched on a rack to be torn with iron hooks, burned
with torches, and whipped. Noticing Agatha was enduring all the torture with a
sense of cheer, he commanded she be subjected to a worse form of torture ? this
evil man ordered that her breasts be cut off.
He then sent her back to
prison with an order of no food or medical attention. But the Lord gave her all
the care she needed. He was her Sacred Physician and protector. Agatha had a
vision of the apostle, St. Peter, who comforted her and healed her wounds through
his prayers.
After four days,
Quintianus ignored the miraculous cure of her wounds. He had her stripped naked
and rolled over naked over hot coals which were mixed with sharp shards. When
she was returned to prison, Agatha prayed, "Lord, my Creator, you have
ever protected me from the cradle; you have taken me from the love of the
world, and given me patience to suffer: receive now my soul."
Agatha is believed to
have passed into Heaven around the year 251.
She is commonly featured
in religious art with shears, tongs, or breasts on a plate.
St. Agatha is the patron
saint of Sicily, bellfounders, breast cancer patients, Palermo, rape victims,
and wet nurses. She is also considered to be a powerful intercessor when people
suffer from fires. Her feast day is celebrated on February 5.
Saint Agatha, you suffered sexual assault and indignity because of your faith
and purity. Help heal all those who are survivors of sexual assault and protect
those women who are in danger. Amen
SOURCE : https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=14
del fercolo di Sant'Agata sotto l'Arco di San Benedetto, dettaglio.
Buste de sainte Agathe dans le Fercoló (char en argent) lors de sa procession pour sa fête début février.
di Sant’Agata, ou Basilica Cattedrale metropolitana di Sant'Agata, / cathédrale sainte
Agathe, Catane,
di Sant’Agata, ou Basilica Cattedrale metropolitana di Sant'Agata, / cathédrale sainte
Agathe, Catane,
Sicile. Nef
Abside della Cattedrale di Sant'Agata a Catania
Agatha, virgin and martyr
– February 5th
St Agatha (d. 251,
Catania, Sicily) (Relics: Catania, Sicily)
First Class Relics
Duomo di Catania (Catania
Piazza del Duomo
95131 Catania, Sicily,
*The relics of St Agatha
are located within the apse of this church in the Chapel of St Agatha.
Unfortunately, this chapel is not accessible to the public. However,
every year on February 4th and 5th the relics are brought out and the faithful
are given the chance to participate in the procession of her relics through the
streets of Catania.
Churches of Honor
Chiesa di San Biagio /
Sant’Agata alla Fornace
(Church of St Blaise / St
Agatha at the Furnace)
Piazza Stesicoro
95124 Catania, Sicily,
*This church marks the
spot of St Agatha’s final suffering. It was here that she was placed into a
furnace and martyred.
Sant’Agata al Carcere (St
Agatha at the Prison)
Via del Colosseo
95124 Catania, Sicily,
*This church is just
behind the church of Sant’Agata alla Fornace (listed previously) and is
considered to be the site of St Agatha’s imprisonment. Also two lava slabs
within this church show the imprints of St Agatha’s little feet.
Churches of Honor in Rome
Sant'Agata dei Goti (St
Agatha of the Goths)
Via Mazzarino 16 / Via
Rome, Italy
*This church is west of
the Basilica of St Mary Major. It was originally an Arian church. However, in
593 after the Imperial forces defeated the Arian Goths the church was
reconsecrated to St Agatha.
Sant'Agata in Trastevere (St
Agatha in Trastevere)
Largo San Giovanni de
Matha 9
Rome, Italy
*This church is located
in Trastevere. It is not open often.
*A painting in the
sanctuary depicts the martyrdom of St Agatha.
SOURCE : http://www.saintsinrome.com/2013/08/st-agatha.html
Paolo Veronese (1528–1588) , Saint Peter appears to Agatha of Sicily in prison, circa 1566, San Pietro Martire, Foto Giovanni Dall'Orto Taken on 16 July 2008
Veronese. Sainte Agathe en prison visitée par Saint Pierre Apôtre, circa 1566
St. Agatha
St. Agatha died in
defense of her purity, in Catania, Sicily, where she was born. After Quintanus,
the governor of Sicily, tried in vain to force her to consent to sin, she was
imprisoned for a month with an evil woman. He then turned from sensuality to
cruelty and had her breasts cut off; but that night Agatha was healed by St.
Peter. She was then rolled over sharp stones and burning coals, and finally
taken to prison where she died while praying. Her name appears in the Roman
St. Agatha
It is impossible to write a historically reliable account of St. Agatha's life.
The "Acts" of her martyrdom are legendary, dating from the sixth
According to these
sources Agatha was a Sicilian virgin of noble extraction. Quintianus, governor
of Sicily, became deeply enamored of her; but she rejected his advances. As a
result she was charged with being a Christian and brought before his tribunal.
To the question concerning her origin she replied: "I am noble-born, of a
distinguished family, as all my relatives will attest." When asked why she
lived the servile life of a Christian, she answered: "I am a handmaid of
Christ, and that is why I bear the outward appearance of a slave; yet this is
the highest nobility, to be a slave to Christ." The governor threatened
her with the most dreadful tortures if she did not renounce Christ. Agatha
countered: "If you threaten me with wild beasts, know that at the Name of
Christ they grow tame; if you use fire, from heaven angels will drop healing
dew on me."
After being tortured,
"Agatha went to prison radiant with joy and with head held high as though
invited to a festive banquet. And she commended her agony to the Lord in
prayer." The next day, as she again stood before the judge, she declared:
"If you do not cause my body to be torn to pieces by the hangmen, my soul
cannot enter the Lord's paradise with the martyrs. She was then stretched on
the rack, burned with red-hot irons, and despoiled of her breasts. During these
tortures she prayed: "For love of chastity I am made to hang from a rack.
Help me, O Lord my God, as they knife my breasts. Agatha rebuked the governor
for his barbarity: "Godless, cruel, infamous tyrant, are you not ashamed
to despoil a woman of that by which your own mother nursed you?"
Returning to prison, she
prayed: "You have seen, O Lord, my struggle, how I fought in the place of
combat; but because I would not obey the commands of rulers, my breasts were
lacerated." In the night there appeared to her a venerable old man, the
apostle Peter, with healing remedies. Agatha, ever delicately modest, hesitated
to show him her wounds. "I am the apostle of Christ; distrust me not, my
daughter." To which she replied: "I have never used earthly medicines
on my body. I cling to the Lord Jesus Christ, who renews all things by His
word." She was miraculously healed by St. Peter: "Father of my Lord
Jesus Christ, I give you praise because by Your apostle You have restored my
breasts." Throughout the night a light illumined the dungeon. When the guards
fled in terror, her fellow prisoners urged her to escape but she refused:
"Having received help from the Lord, I will persevere in confessing Him
who healed me and comforted me."
Four days later she was
again led before the judge. He, of course, was amazed over her cure.
Nevertheless, he insisted that she worship the gods; which prompted another
confession of faith in Christ. Then by order of the governor, Agatha was rolled
over pieces of sharp glass and burning coals. At that moment the whole city was
rocked by a violent earthquake. Two walls collapsed, burying two of the
governor's friends in the debris. Fearing a popular uprising, he ordered
Agatha, half dead, to be returned to prison. Here she offered her dying prayer:
"Blessed Agatha stood in the midst of the prison and with outstretched
arms prayed to the Lord: O Lord Jesus Christ, good Master, I give You thanks
that You granted me victory over the executioners' tortures. Grant now that I
may happily dwell in Your never-ending glory." Thereupon she died.
A year after her death the city of Catania was in great peril from an eruption on Mount Etna. Pagans, too, were numbered among those who fled in terror to the saint's grave. Her veil was taken and held against the onrushing flames, and suddenly the danger ceased. Her grave is venerated at Catania in Sicily.
—The Church's Year of Grace, Pius Parsch
Patronage: Bell-founders;
breast cancer; breast disease; against fire; earthquakes; eruptions of Mount
Etna; fire; fire prevention; jewelers; martyrs; natural disasters; nurses; rape
victims; single laywomen; sterility; torture victims; volcanic eruptions;
wet-nurses. See CatholicSaints.info for
all the different locations that invoke St. Agatha as their patroness.
Symbols and
Representation: Breasts on a dish; embers; knife; loaves of bread on a
dish; pincers; shears; tongs; veil; virgin martyr wearing a veil and bearing
her severed breasts on a silver platter.
Highlights and Things to
Read more about St.
See her statue on St. Peter's Basilica Colonnade.
Iconography has some interesting images of St. Agatha.
St. Agatha is one of
seven women martyrs listed in the Roman Canon of the Mass: Saints Felicity,
Perpetual, Agatha, Lucy, Agnes, Cecilia and Anastasia.
According to Saints
in Rome and Beyond, St. Agatha's relics are located in Duomo di Catania
(Catania Cathedral) in Sicily, Italy. "The relics of St Agatha are located
within the apse of this church in the Chapel of St Agatha. Unfortunately, this
chapel is not accessible to the public. However, every year on February 4th and
5th the relics are brought out and the faithful are given the chance to
participate in the procession of her relics through the streets of
Bake an Agatha loaf! On
St. Agatha's feast day people would bake loaves attached to a picture of St.
Agatha and prayers for protection from fires. The parish priests would bless
the loaves, and people would keep them in their homes in case of a poor harvest
and famine. The prayers would then be hung above the main door of each home to
invoke St. Agatha's guardianship. Catholic Cuisine also has a suggestion
of St. Agatha Rolls.
Spanish tradition
associates this feast day with ancient fertility customs. Young men would visit
many farms throughout the countryside, singing songs of praise to St. Agatha
and invoking God's blessing upon people, animals, and fields. However, if they
did not receive the customary gifts of money or food for their services, they
would call down a 'quick old age' upon the ungrateful inhabitants of that farm.
Although most of us do not live in such communities where this kind of custom
would be practicable or even understood, we can pray to St. Agatha for a
greater openness to the transmission of new life in our culture, and actively
affirm and support young couples with children whenever possible.
St. Agatha is a patron
saint against fire. Take this day to establish a fire escape plan for the
family and to practice a family fire drill. Also check the smoke detectors,
fire alarms, and carbon monoxide detectors to see if they are all working.
Change the batteries on all the alarms! (Idea taken from A Treasure Chest
of Traditions for Catholic Families by Monica McConkey)
SOURCE : https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/liturgicalyear/calendar/day.cfm?date=2015-02-05
of Saintly Women – Saint Agatha (1)
February 5, Virgin,
Martyr, 251. Called in Norway Aagot; in Spain Agueda and Gadea; in different
parts of France, Apt, Aphte, Apthe, Chaphte, Chapthe, Chatte, Ye; in the
Ruthenean Calendar, Agata.
She is one of the great
patronesses of the Western Church; her name is in the canon of the Mass. She is
patron saint of the island and Order of Malta; of Scala near Amalfi, Gallipoli
in Italy, Capua, Messina, Catania, Mirandola; and of nurses. Her aid is
specially invoked against fire, colic, and diseases of the breast.
Represented in the midst
of flames, or with her breasts being cut off. Husenbeth says there is a picture
of her in the Pitti Palace at Florence, by Sebastian del Piombo, in which
executioners are cutting off her breasts, and that a representation of her was
formerly to be seen on the rood screen of Saint John’s Church in the
Maddermarket at Norwich, holding her left breast in pincers.
Palermo disputes with
Catania the honour of being her birthplace. She was living at Catania when
Quintianus, governor of Sicily, persecuted the Christians in the reign of the
Emperor Decius, in the seventh general persecution of the Church. He wished to
take Saint Agatha for himself, on account of her great beauty; but being unable
to make any impression on her, he gave her in charge to Frondisia, a wicked
woman with nine daughters worse than herself, promising them great rewards if
they could seduce Agatha from Christianity and virtue. As they failed to do so,
she was brought before the governor and tried as a Christian. Being asked who
she was, she answered, “I am a Christian, and the servant of Jesus Christ.”
“Abjure thy Master,” said Quintianus, “and serve our gods, or I will have thee
tortured.” She was then bound to a pillar, and her breast torn with iron
shears; she was rolled on potsherds, and after various other tortures, she was
cast into a dungeon. Saint Peter, attended by an angel carrying a torch,
appeared to her and healed her wounds with ointment. Quintianus, finding that
she was healed of the wounds inflicted by the torturers, ordered her to be
burnt alive; but no sooner was she placed in the fire than an earthquake shook
the city. The people, believing it to be on account of the Christian maiden,
insisted on her immediate release from the flames, and threatened to burn down
the governor’s palace if he did not comply with their demand. She was again put
in prison, but prayed that she might die at once, which she did, and was buried
by the Christians in a porphyry tomb. About a year afterwards the city was threatened
with destruction by an eruption of Mount Etna. All the inhabitants fled for
refuge to Saint Agatha’s tomb. They took her veil, which was kept there, fixed
it on a lance, and went in procession to meet the torrent of lava. The glowing
mass was coming close to the walls, but when confronted with the sacred relic
it turned aside. All the heathen who witnessed this miracle were converted and
baptized. Solomon’s Song 8:8 is supposed by some theologians to foretell the
tortures of Saint Agatha.
Her name is in the Roman
Martyrology, the Canon of the Mass, the Leggendario delle Sante Vergini,
and all the chief collections of lives or legends of saints. Her Acts are said
by Baillet to be of doubtful authenticity, especially those preserved in the
Greek Church. Her worship is undoubtedly very old. It was universal in Italy in
the 4th century, and in Africa in the 5th. Her commemoration by the Church has
this peculiarity, which it shares with that of Saint Agnes, that the psalms of
her office are taken from the “Common of Saints” of the male sex, to remind the
faithful of the super-feminine courage of the holy maiden. He adds that the
schismatic English, though they have expunged her name from their now liturgy,
have retained it in their calendars, that the people may not forget the virtues
of the early martyrs. Roman Martyrology. Golden Legend. Villegas,
from Bede, Usuard, and Metaphrastes. Mrs. Jameson, Sacred and Legendary
Art. AA.SS. Thiers, Traité des superstitions.
In Norway, the legend is
that she was brushed to death, wherefore girls abstain from brushing their hair
on her day. Another legend in that country is that a lady named Agathe, or
Aagot, had her nose and ears eaten off by mice. They only spared the rest of
her body on her vowing to keep Saint Agatha’s day holy ever after. This story
is told also of Saint Gertrude of Nivelle. The day is marked on the clogs
(runic calendars) by a mouse. Aagot’s Messa was the Norwegian name of
the day. Report xx. of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, “Description of a Norwegian
Calendar of the Fifteenth Century“.
Agnes Baillie Cunningham
Dunbar. “Saint Agatha (1)”. A
Dictionary of Saintly Women, 1904. CatholicSaints.Info.
8 December 2023. Web. 23 December 2024.
SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/dictionary-of-saintly-women-saint-agatha-1/
Guarino, Martirio di sant'Agata (taglio dei seni), circa 1640, Chiesa
parrocchiale di Sant'Agata Irpina, Solofra, Avellino
Golden Legend – Saint
Here followeth the Life
of Saint Agatha, and first the interpretation of her name.
Agatha is said of agios,
which is as much to say as holy, and theos, that is God, that is to say
the saint of God: and, as Chrysostom saith, three things make a man holy, which
three were perfectly in her; that is cleanness of heart, the presence of the
Holy Ghost, and plenty of good manners. Or she is said of A, which is to say
without, and of geos, earth, and of theos, God, as a goddess without earth,
that is without earthly love. Or she is said of aga, that is to say speaking,
and of thau, that is perfection, that is that she was speaking and
accomplishing much perfectly, and that appeareth well in her answers. Or she is
said of agath, that is service, and thaas, sovereign, which is as sovereign
service, and because she said that servage is sovereign noblesse. Or she is
said of aga, that is solemn, and of thau, that is perfection, for the
perfection was right solemn, like as it appeareth by the angels that buried
Of Saint Agatha.
Saint Agatha the virgin
was right fair, noble body and of heart, and was rich of goods. This glorious
virgin served God in the city of Catania, leading a pure and holy life.
Quintianus the provost of Sicily, being of a low lineage, was lecherous,
avaricious, and a miscreant and paynim, and for to accomplish his evil desires
fleshly, and to have riches, did do take Saint Agatha to be presented and
brought tofore him, and began to behold her with a lecherous sight; and for to
have her himself, he would have induced her to make sacrifice unto the idols.
And when he saw her firm in her purpose, he put her in the keeping of a woman
named Aphrodisia, which had nine daughters, over foul, like unto the mother.
This did he for to induce Saint Agatha to do his will within thirty days.
Aphrodisia and her daughters entreated the holy virgin to consent to the will
of the provost, and sometime they made to her great promises of temporal goods
and of great eases, and sometimes they made to her menaces of grievous torments
for to suffer, and great pains, to which Saint Agatha answered freely: My
courage and my thought be so firmly founded upon the firm stone of Jesu Christ,
that for no pain it may not be changed; your words be but wind, your promises
be but rain, and your menaces be as rivers that pass, and how well that all
these things hurtle at the foundement of my courage, yet for that it shall not
move. In this manner answered she, and alway wept in making her prayers, and
much great desire had she to come to Jesu Christ by martyrdom and by torments.
When Aphrodisia saw well that in no wise she would be moved, she went to the
provost Quintianus, and said to him: Sooner should the stones wax soft, and
iron turn to soft lead, than turn the courage of this maid, or to take from her
the christian faith. I and my daughters have done none other thing night ne
day, one after another, but to labour how we might turn her heart to your
consenting. I have promised her in your name your precious adornments, clothes
of gold, houses, lands, towns, servants, and great meinys, and all this she despiseth
and reputeth them at no value. When Quintianus heard this, anon he made her to
come tofore him in judgment, and demanded her of her lineage, and at the last
he would constrain her to make sacrifice unto the idols. And Saint Agatha
answered that they were no gods, but were devils that were in the idols made of
marble and of wood, and overgilt. Quintianus said: Choose one of two; or do
sacrifice to our gods, or thou shalt suffer pain and torments. Saint Agatha
said: Thou sayst that they be gods because thy wife was such an one as was
Venus, thy goddess, and thou thyself as Jupiter, which was an homicide and
evil. Quintianus said: It appeareth well that thou wilt suffer torments, in
that thou sayst to me villainy. Saint Agatha said: I marvel much that so wise a
man is become such a fool, that thou sayest of them to be thy gods, whose life
thou ne thy wife will follow. If they be good I would that thy life were like
unto theirs; and if thou refusest their life, then art thou of one accord with
me. Say then that they be evil and so foul, and forsake their living, and be
not of such life as thy gods were. Quintianus said: What goest thou thus vainly
speaking? make sacrifice unto the gods, or if thou do not I shall make thee to
die by divers torments. Saint Agatha abode firm and stable in the faith. Then
Quintianus did do put her in a dark prison, and she went also gladly, and with
as good will as she had been prayed to go to a wedding.
On the morning Quintianus
made her to be brought tofore him in judgment, and said to her: Agatha, how art
thou advised for thy health? She answered: Christ is mine health. Quintianus
said: Reny Christ thy God, by which thou mayest escape thy torments. Saint
Agatha answered: Nay, but reny thou thine idols which be of stones and of wood,
and adore thy maker, that made heaven and earth, and if thou do not thou shalt
be tormented in the perpetual fire in hell. Then in great ire Quintianus did
her to be drawn and stretched on a tree and tormented, and said to her: Refuse
thy vain opinion that thou hast, and thou shalt be eased of thy pain; and she
answered: I have as great dilection in these pains as he that saw come to him
that thing which he most coveteth to see, or as he that had found great
treasure. And like as the wheat may not be put in the garner unto the time that
the chaff be beaten off, in like wise my soul may not enter into the realm of
heaven, but if thou wilt torment my body by thy ministers. Then Quintianus did
her to be tormented in her breasts and paps, and commanded that her breasts and
mammels should be drawn and cut off. When the ministers had accomplished his
commandment, then said Saint Agatha: Over felon and cruel tyrant, hast thou no
shame to cut off that in a woman which thou didst suck in thy mother, and whereof
thou wert nourished? But I have my paps whole in my soul, of which I nourish
all my wits, the which I have ordained to serve our Lord Jesu Christ, sith the beginning of my youth. After,
Quintianus did do put her in prison, and commanded that none should enter for
to heal her, ne none should give to her meat ne drink. And when she was fast
closed in the prison, there came an ancient noble man, and tofore him a child
bearing a light, and divers ointments in his hand. This noble man said that he
was a surgeon, and in comforting her said: How well that the tyrant hath
tormented thee bodily, nevertheless thou hast more tormented him in his heart
by thy answers. I was there when he made thy paps to be cut off, and saw how I
might well heal them. Then said she: I knew never of medicine corporal, and it
were shame to me to take it now. That which I have avowed and kept to my
Lord, sith mine infancy, yet I shall keep it
if it please him. The ancient nobleman answered: I am also christian, and a
good master and leech, be not ashamed. She answered: Whereof should I be ashamed?
Thou art ancient and of great age, and how well that I be a young maid,
nevertheless my body is defeated by the torments, that the wounds suffer
nothing to enter into my thought whereof I should be ashamed, and not for but I
thank thee fair father that thou art so diligent to heal me, but know that my
body shall receive no medicine of no man. And this nobleman said: Wherefore
sufferest thou not me that I may heal and guerish thee? She said: Because I
have Jesu Christ, my Saviour, which with a word healeth all, and if he will he
may heal me. And the good man smiling said: And he hath sent me hither for to
heal thee; I am his apostle, and know verily that thou art whole in the name of
him, and anon the apostle vanished away. Then she fell down in prayers and
said: Lord Jesu Christ, I yield thee thankings that thou hast remembered me,
and hast sent thine apostle Saint Peter to me, which hath comforted me, and
healed my wounds. And after the orison made, she saw that her paps were again
restored to her and all her wounds healed. And all that night was the prison
fulfilled with great clearness and light, so that the keepers fled for the
great dread that they had, and left the prison all open. Then said to her the
other prisoners that were in the prison, that she should go their way, and she
said: That shall never happen that the keepers of the prison shall suffer any
harm for me, ne that I shall lose my crown; I shall abide in the faith of Jesu
Christ my Lord, which hath comforted and healed me.
After four days
Quintianus made her to be brought tofore him in judgment, and said to her that
she should do sacrifice to the idols. She answered: These words be vain, and
thy commandments evil, they make the air to stink, he is much mechant that
believeth in a stone without entendment, and leaveth our Lord the very God that
hath healed me, and hath restored to me again my paps. Quintianus demanded her:
Who is he that hath healed thee? She said: Jesu Christ. Quintianus said: Namest
thou yet Jesu Christ? She answered: I shall have in my heart Jesu Christ as
long as I shall live. Quintianus said: Yet shalt thou see if he may help and
heal thee. And then he made her, all naked, to be rolled upon burning brands,
and anon the ground where the holy virgin was rolled on, began to tremble like
an earthquave, and a part of the wall fell down upon Silvain, counsellor of
Quintianus, and upon Fastion his friend, by whose counsel she had been so
tormented. And then all the city of Catania was abashed, and the people came
running unto the house of Quintianus, saying, in a great bruit, that the city
was in a great peril for the torments that he did to Saint Agatha. Quintianus
redoubled the bruit of the people, and went out behind and commanded that she
should be remised in prison. When she came into the prison she joined her
hands, holding them up to heavenward, and said in praying: Lord God Jesu Christ
which hast created me of nought, and sith my youth hast kept me and hast
suffered me to live well in my youth, which hast taken from mine heart the love
of the world and hast made me to overcome the torments, and hast lent me
patience among the pains, I pray thee that thou take my spirit, for it is time
that thou make me to depart from this world and to come to thy mercy. This
orison and prayer made she on high tofore many persons. And anon after she gave
up the ghost, and rendered her soul, the year of our Lord two hundred and
fifty-three in the time of Decius, the emperor of Rome. After this the
Christian people took the body for to bury it worshipfully, and whiles they
arrayed it with ointments for to embalm the corpse, anon came a young man clad
in silk, and well an hundred that followed him, richly clothed, which were
never tofore seen in the city, ne never after also. This young man, whom
followed the fair company, set him on that one side of the tomb in which the
body should be put, and when the body was embalmed within the tomb, this young
man set, at the head of the body, a short table of marble stone, in which was
written this scripture: Mentem sanctam, spontaneam, honorem deo dedit et patriæ
liberationem fecit; which is as much to say: The holy saint Agatha had always
holy thought and pure, and gave honor to God with a free will in all her works,
and purchased by her prayers peace and deliverance to all the country. After
that the table containing this scripture was set at her head, the young man and
all his company departed from the tomb, being closed, without appearing any
more afterward, wherefore it is supposed that this young man was her good
angel. This was published over all, whereof the Jews and Saracens began to sing
and worship the sepulchre of the tomb of Saint Agatha. Quintianus, the provost,
died of an evil death in the way as he went for to seek the goods and riches of
Saint Agatha, and also for to have taken her parents, and never after could be
known where her body became. And for to prove that she had prayed for the salvation
of the country, at the beginning of February, the year after her martyrdom,
there arose a great fire, and came from the mountain toward the city of Catania
and burnt the earth and stones, it was so fervent. Then ran the paynims to the
sepulchre of Saint Agatha and took the cloth that lay upon her tomb, and held
it abroad against the fire, and anon on the ninth day after, which was the day
of her feast, ceased the fire as soon as it came to the cloth that they brought
from her tomb, showing that our Lord kept the city from the said fire by the
merits of Saint Agatha. To whom pray we that she by her prayers may get and
impetre grace of our Lord to be kept from all perils of fire in this world, and
when we shall depart hence to eschew the perpetual fire, and to come to the
glory and joy in heaven. Amen.
SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/golden-legend-saint-agatha/
Francisco de Zurbarán (1598–1664),
St. Agatha, circa 1635, 143 x 74, Musée Fabre, Montpellier
St. Agatha, Virgin and
In the Sicily of the 3rd
century, the story of Agatha descends between Catania and Palermo, the two
cities that contend the honor of being the martyr’s birthplace. Reading
her Passio, it seems it can be inferred that the girl was born in AD 235
at the foot of Mt. Etna, to a wealthy noble family. She is still an adolescent
when she manifests the will to consecrate herself to God, and with the ritual
of velatio (the “taking of the veil”) receives from her bishop
the flammeum, the red veil then worn by consecrated virgins. Tradition
also describes her as a deaconess (an office), dedicated to service in the
Christian community. In AD 250 the edict of Emperor Decius against Christians
opened a long persecution, and in Catania, the ruthless proconsul Quintian, who
was infatuated with Agatha, is given charge of the edict’s application.
Escape to Palermo and
The young woman fled to
Palermo, but was found and taken back to Catania, conducted by Quintian. She
refuses to abjure her faith. The proconsul, determined to attack the virginity
of the girl, entrusts her to a courtesan of easy habits, Aphrodisia, to educate
her in the arts of love. Agatha remained faithful to Christ, and kept her
virginity, so she was sent back to Quintian, who decided to submit her to
trial. The Acts of the Martyrdom of Saint Agatha report the
conversations. “What is your condition?” Asks Quintian. Agatha responds, “Not
only was I born free, but of noble family.” Quintian: “And if you claim to be
free and noble, why do you show yourself to live and dress like a slave?”
“Because I am a servant of Christ,” Agatha replies. Quintian again: “But
if you are really free and noble, why do you want to be a slave?” Agatha: “The
greatest freedom and nobility is here: to prove to be Christ's servants.”
Quintian replies: “And what about it? We who despise the servitude of Christ
and venerate the gods have no freedom?” “Your freedom draws you to such
slavery, which not only makes you servants of sin but also submits you to wood
and stones,” Agatha says. In the face of these words Quintian urges Agatha once
again to deny Christ, and to induce her to reflect, sends her to jail. The next
day, in the face of the young woman’s refusal, he decides that she is to be
subjected to torture. Furious to see her face the pain with courage, Quintian
commanded that her breasts be torn away. Agatha is brought back to prison sore
and bloody, but in the night St. Peter appears to her, and heals her wounded
breasts. Again before the court, Agatha again refuses to worship the gods and
claims to have been healed by Jesus Christ. Furious at the girl’s courage
despite torture, Quintian decides she is to be raked across hot coals, wrapped
only in her red veil, symbol of her betrothal to Christ.
Agatha’s death shakes
“As the order was
executed, immediately the place where the holy body was turned was shaken ...
even the whole city of Catania was shocked by the vexation of the earthquake.
So they all ran to the judge’s court and began to tumble greatly, because he
was tormenting the holy servant of God, and all of them were in grave danger.”
Agatha, with her veil intact, is taken from the brazier and, “[I]n jail
again, extended her arms to the Lord, and said, ‘You Lord, who have created and
guarded me from my childhood, and made me to act with manly strength, have
taken from me the love of the passing world, who kept my body from
contamination, who made me overcome the torments of the executioner, the iron,
the fire, and the chains, who gave me in torment the virtue of patience! Please
accept my spirit now, for it is already time that I should leave this world by
your command and reach your mercy.’ Having spoken these words in the presence
of many, she was silent, and gave up her spirit.” It was February 5 of the year
The miracle of the lava
Her Acts go on
to report: “After a year ... Mount Etna erupted a great fire, and like a fiery
river, so the fiery liquid, melting stones and earth, came to the city of
Catania.” Many went to Agatha's sepulcher to ask for her intercession, and her
veil was placed before the lava flow. Miraculously the lava stopped. The fame
of the prodigy is such that Agatha became the patron saint of Catania. Her cult
therefore began the year after her martyrdom and spread rapidly everywhere. Her
relics are preserved in Catania in the cathedral dedicated to her.
SOURCE : https://www.vaticannews.va/en/saints/02/05/st--agata--virgin-and-martyr.html
Giordano (–1705), Saint Peter healing Saint Agatha, 181 x 129
Saint Agatha of Catania,
Virgin, Martyr (235-250).
Feast Day: 05Feb.
The legend of St. Agatha
dates from about the sixth century and tells us she was a wealthy heiress who
turned down romantic advances from the Roman consul Quintianus because she had
consecrated her virginity to Jesus Christ. As the man who governed Sicily,
Quintianus could have whatever he wanted—and he wanted Agatha. Angry and
humiliated that he had been rejected, he had Agatha arrested and sent to
Aphrodisia, a madam who had turned her own six daughters into prostitutes.
Agatha spent a month in the brothel, but nobody could seduce her. Aphrodisia
complained that Agatha’s head was harder than the lava of Mount Etna and
predicted that the rocks there would soften before Agatha abandoned her
Christian faith.
Still enraged by the
rejection from Agatha, Quintianus had her tortured and stretched on the rack.
Despite excruciating pain, she refused to renounce her faith or accept him as a
lover. He then instructed the executioners that her breasts be removed with
pincers. She reproached him: “Cruel tyrant, do you not blush to torture my
breasts, you that sucked the breasts of a woman yourself?” Far from blushing,
he had her tortured and sent her back to the prison cell where he banned all
food and medication for her. Agatha was unconscious as the jailers carried her
to the cell and left her to die.
She was comforted by a
vision of St. Peter, descending from heaven, who restored her breasts. When the
jailers reported that Agatha was alive and healthy, Quintianus was furious and
had her ordered stripped and rolled over red hot coals. At this point an
earthquake shook Catania. The citizens blamed Quintianus and demanded that he
release Agatha. He sent her back to prison, where she surrenderedd her soul to
God and the earthquake stopped. Quintianus meanwhile fled the city, only to
drown in the Simeto River. Tradition also has it that on Agatha’s feast day his
cries can be heard on the water.
Many history textbooks
describe the ancient Romans as noble, enlightened, and civilized—even though
their judicial system perpetrated some of the most gruesome crimes imaginable.
The Romans believed that criminals (a category that included Christians) were
less than human, so brutalizing them was perfectly acceptable. This rationale
allowed them to crucify thousands of slaves who rebelled with Spartacus; it
also justified smearing pitch on dozens of Christian men, women, and children
before setting them ablaze to illuminate Nero’s garden. By these standards, the
agonies experienced by St. Agatha were just business as usual with the Romans.
Agatha is the patron
saint of bell-founders because of the shape of her severed breasts, and of
bakers, whose loaves were blessed on her feast day. In recent times, she has
been venerated as the patron saint of breast cancer patients.
Craughwell, Thomas J.
“Saints Preserved-An Encyclopedia of Relics.” New York, NY: Image Books, 2011.
Craughwell, Thomas J.
“This Saint Will Change Your Life.” Philadelphia: Quirk Books, 2007.
Gallick, Sarah. “The Big
Book of Women Saints.” New York, NY: HarperOne, 2007.
Saint Agatha
Saint Agatha. Virgin
martyr. Born in 231 AD at Catania or Palermo, Sicily, she was martyred in
approximately 251. She is one of seven women, who, along with the Blessed
Virgin Mary, are commemorated by name in the Canon of the Mass.
One of the most highly venerated virgin martyrs of Christian antiquity, Agatha
was put to death during the persecution of Decius in Catania, Sicily.
Although the martyrdom of St Agatha is authenticated, and her veneration as a
saint had spread beyond her native place even in antiquity, there is no
reliable information concerning the details of her death. There are many
stories of gruesome tortures that she suffered in prison, including having her
breasts cut off. St Peter the Apostle is said to have appeared to her and
healed her wounds.
According to Maltese tradition, some time during the persecution of Roman
Emperor Decius, Agatha, together with some friends, fled Sicily, and took
refuge in Malta where she lived in a cave at Rabat, praying and teaching the
Christian faith to children.
She eventually returned to Sicily, where she was arrested and brought before
Quintanus, praetor of Catania, who condemned her to torture and imprisonment.
The original crypt of St Agatha was made into an underground basilica, which
from early ages was venerated by the Maltese.
Agatha is buried at the Badia di Sant'Agata, Catania. Two early churches are
dedicated to her in Rome noteably the Church of Sant'Agata dei Goti in Via
Mazzarino, which has mosaics from 460 and traces of a fresco, overpainted by
Gismondo Cerrini in 1630. In the 6th century, the church was adapted to
Arianism, hence its name 'Saint Agatha of Goths', and later reconsecrated by
Gregory the Great, who confirmed her traditional sainthood.
Agatha is also depicted in the mosaics of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo in Ravenna,
where she appears, richly dressed, in the procession of female martyrs along
the north wall. Her image forms an initial I in the Sacramentary of Gellone,
which dates from the end of the 8th century.
Saint Agatha is often depicted carrying her excised breasts on a platter, as by
Bernardino Luini's Saint Agatha (1510-15) in the Galleria Borghese, Rome, in
which Agatha contemplates the breasts on a standing salver held in her hand.
Basques have a tradition of gathering on Saint Agatha's Eve and going round the
village visiting homes. People can choose to hear a song about her life,
accompanied by the beats of their walking sticks on the floor or a prayer for
the household's deceased. After that, the homeowner donates food to the chorus.
An annual festival to commemorate the life of Saint Agatha takes place in
Catania, Sicily, from February 3 to 5. The festival culminates in a great
all-night procession through the city for which hundreds of thousands of the
city's residents turn out.
Agatha is patron saint of Catania, Molise, Malta, San Marino, Zamarramala in
Spain, and Palermo where an eruption of Mount Etna stopped after the people
prayed for her intercession. She is also the patron saint of breast cancer
patients, martyrs, wet nurses, bell-founders, bakers, fire, earthquakes, and
eruptions of Mount Etna.
SOURCE : https://www.indcatholicnews.com/saint/038
Giovanni Lanfranco (1582–1647), Sant'Agata visitata in carcere da san Pietro e un angelo, circa 1613, 132.6 x 52.2, Galleria nazionale di Parma
Giovanni Lanfranco (1582–1647), Sant'Agata visitata in carcere da san Pietro e un angelo, circa 1613, 132.6 x 52.2, Galleria nazionale di Parma
Giovanni Lanfranco (1582–1647), Sant'Agata
visitata in carcere da san Pietro e un angelo, circa 1613, 132.6 x 52.2, Galleria nazionale di Parma
Saints of the
Canon – Saint Agatha
cities of Sicily, Palermo and Catania, contest the honour of her birthplace.
She was of noble parentage. Endowed with remarkable beauty, she had to resist
the solicitations of the Consul Quintianus, who, unable to attain his end by
persuasion, threw her into prison. Her breast was torn by his order, but was
healed the following night by the apostle Saint Peter, who appeared to her in
prison. In the proper of her Mass, the Communion commemorates that miracle:
“I invoke Him the living
God, who vouchsafed to cure me of every wound, and to restore my breast to my
The obvious miracle did
not impress Quintianus, who could not understand why she continued to remain a
Christian, for proud Rome considered the Christians as little better than
“I am the servant of
Christ,” she replied to her disappointed suitor. “The sovereign nobleness is to
be the slave of Christ,”
He had her body rolled on
pieces of broken pottery and on burning coals, and on being brought back to her
cell she expired. This happened at Catania, in 251, during the seventh
persecution. Decius was the Roman Emperor.
One year after her death
the neighbouring volcano, Mount Etna, erupted, and a river of burning lava
moved towards Catania. Rushing to her tomb, the people of Catania seized her
virginal veil, which was not burned, only crimsoned by the fire which had
caused her death, and holding it up before the oncoming stream, changed its
course to the ocean and the city was saved. This happened on February 5th, her
feast day.
Let us invoke Saint
Agatha to preserve our homes from fire, and to extinguish within our bodies the
impure flames of sensuality.
– from The Saints of the Canon, by Monsignor John T.
McMahon, M.A., Ph.D; Australian Catholic Truth Society, 1958
SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/saints-of-the-canon-saint-agatha/
Alessandro Turchi. Saint Agatha
Attended by Saint Peter and an Angel in Prison, 1640-1645, Walters Art Museum
St Agatha
Virgin and Martyr
Died: 251
This holy virgin and
martyr, St Agatha, is held in great veneration by the Greek as well as the
Latin Church; and although her original Acts have not been preserved, many
well-authenticated facts concerning her martyrdom are found in the Bollandists,
Surius, and others.
St Agatha was a native of
Sicily, and descended of a noble and opulent family. These circumstances, added
to her extraordinary beauty, inflamed Quintianus, a man of consular dignity,
with such love of her, that he resolved to compel her to become his wife. The
edicts of the emperor Decius against the Christians having been published, he
ordered Agatha to be arrested as a Christian, and conducted to Catania, where
he then resided.
The holy virgin, St
Agatha, having heard the proclamation against the Christians, retired to a
solitary place in order to avoid the snares of Quintinus, concerning which she
had received some intimation.
The emissaries of the
governor, however, discovered her place of concealment, and after having been
arrested, she prayed after the following manner: “O Jesus Christ, Lord of all
things, Thou seest my heart, and knowest my desire, which is to possess only Thee,
since I have consecrated myself entirely to Thee. Preserve me, dear Lord, from
this tyrant, and enable me to overcome the devil, who layeth snares for my
When St Agatha appeared
before Quintianus, in order the more easily to overcome her modesty, he gave
her up to Aphrodisia, an abominable woman, who, together with her daughters,
publicly professed immodesty. In her infamous house the saint suffered greater
torture than the darkest and most fetid dungeon could afford. All the arts of
Aphrodisia and her partners in crime were unceasingly applied, in order to
induce the saint to comply with the wishes of Quintianus; but Agatha, who from
her infancy had been consecrated to Jesus Christ, was enabled by his divine
grace to overcome all their attempts.
Quintianus, having been
informed that the efforts of Aphrodisia for an entire month had been employed
in vain, commanded that the saint should be again brought before him. He
upbraided her, that, being a free woman and noble, she had allowed herself to
be seduced into the humble servitude of the Christians.
The holy virgin
courageously confessed that she was a Christian, and that she knew of no
nobility more illustrious, nor liberty more real, than to be a servant of Jesus
Quintianus, irritated at
her rebuke, commanded her to be buffeted and led to prison. The following day
she was again summoned, and asked whether she had resolved to save her life.
St Agatha replied: “God
is my life and my salvation.” The governor then put her to the torture, which
was executed with barbarous cruelty.
Quintianus then remanded
the saint to prison, commanding that her wounds should be left undressed, in
order that she might expire under the torture.
But at midnight St. Peter
appeared to her in a vision, perfectly cured her wounds, and freed her from all
pain; during the entire of that night there appeared in the interior of the
prison so resplendent a light that the guards fled in terror, leaving the door
of her dungeon open, so that she could have escaped, as the other prisoners
advised her, but that she was unwilling, as she said, to lose by flight the
crown which was being prepared for her in heaven.
di Sant'Agata. Cappella di Sant'Agata. Duomo, Taormina
Statua di Sant'Agata. Cappella di Sant'Agata. Duomo, Taormina
St Agatha
Virgin and Martyr
Quintianus, nothing moved
by her miraculous cure, but on the contrary more irritated, after four days
devised new torments for the saint.
He commanded that she
should be rolled over broken tiles, mixed with burning coals; but she endured
all with constancy; and while the tyrant was planning fresh torments, the
saint, perceiving that her life was drawing to a close, made the following
“O Lord, my Creator, who
hast preserved me from infancy, hast given me strength to overcome these
torments, and hast taken from me the love of the world, receive now my soul. It
is time that I should at last pass from this miserable life to the fruition of
Thy glory.”
Just as she had finished
these words, she tranquilly expired, and went to be united to God, to praise
him and love him forever. This happened in 251. Her name is mentioned in the
Canon of the Mass.
*Story told by St. Alphonsus
de Liguori
The incorrupt body of St
Agatha was transferred to Constantinople in the 11th century, and then returned
to Catania. The body is now preserved in different reliquaries. "The arms,
legs, and breasts are preserved in a glass case in an incorrupt condition,
although rather dried and dark after more than 17 centuries. The skull and
principal relics are at Catania, enclosed in an effigy on which rests a costly
jeweled crown. The reliquary consists of the figure of the Saint from the head
to the waist and is situated in an upright position. The figure is entirely
covered with precious gems, rings, bracelets, pins, chains, and jeweled flowers
and crosses..."
* "The
Incorruptibles", Cruz
Continuously popular
since it first appeared in 1977, The Incorruptibles remains the
acknowledged classic on the bodies of saints that did not undergo decomposition
after death. Many remained fresh and flexible for years, or even centuries.
After explaining both natural and artificial mummification, the author shows
that the incorruption of the saints' bodies fits neither category but rather
constitutes a much greater phenomenon that is unexplained by modern science to
this day. The author presents 102 canonized saints, beati, and venerables,
summarizing their lives, the discovery of their incorruption, and
investigations by Church and medical authorities.
The incorruptible bodies
of saints are a consoling sign of Christ s victory over death, a confirmation of
the dogma of the Resurrection of the Body, a sign that the Saints are still
with us in the Mystical Body of Christ, and proof of the truth of the Catholic
Faith—for only in the Catholic Church do we find this phenomenon. Impr. 342 pgs
33 Illus, PB.
SOURCE : https://www.roman-catholic-saints.com/st-agatha.html
Francesco Guarino (1611–1654), Sant'Agata, circa 1637, 82 x 72, National Museum of Capodimonte
Sant' Agata Vergine
e martire
Catania, 235? - 5
febbraio 251
Nacque nei primi decenni
del III secolo a Catania in una ricca e nobile famiglia di fede cristiana.
Verso i 15 anni volle consacrarsi a Dio. Il vescovo di Catania accolse la sua
richiesta e le impose il velo rosso portato dalle vergini consacrate. Il proconsole
di Catania Quinziano, ebbe l'occasione di vederla, se ne invaghì, e in forza
dell'editto di persecuzione dell'imperatore Decio, l'accusò di vilipendio della
religione di Stato, quindi ordinò che la portassero al Palazzo pretorio. I
tentativi di seduzione da parte del proconsole non ebbero alcun risultato.
Furioso, l'uomo imbastì un processo contro di lei. Interrogata e torturata
Agata resisteva nella sua fede: Quinziano al colmo del furore le fece anche
strappare o tagliare i seni con enormi tenaglie. Ma la giovane, dopo una
visione, fu guarita. Fu ordinato allora che venisse bruciata, ma un forte
terremoto evitò l'esecuzione. Il proconsole fece togliere Agata dalla brace e
la fece riportare agonizzante in cella, dove morì qualche ora dopo. Era il 251. (Avvenire)
Patronato: Pompieri,
Catania, Repubblica di San Marino
Etimologia: Agata =
buona, virtuosa, dal greco
Emblema: Giglio, Palma,
Pinze, Seni (su di un piatto)
Martirologio Romano:
Memoria di sant’Agata, vergine e martire, che a Catania, ancora fanciulla,
nell’imperversare della persecuzione conservò nel martirio illibato il corpo e
integra la fede, offrendo la sua testimonianza per Cristo Signore.
Sant’Agata il cui nome in
greco Agathé, significava buona, fu martirizzata verso la metà del III secolo,
alcuni reperti archeologici risalenti a pochi decenni dalla morte, avvenuta
secondo la tradizione il 5 febbraio 251, attestano il suo antichissimo
Agata nacque nei primi
decenni del III secolo (235?) a Catania; la Sicilia, come l’intero immenso
Impero Romano era soggetta in quei tempi alle persecuzioni contro i cristiani,
che erano cominciate, sia pure occasionalmente, intorno al 40 d.C. con Nerone,
per proseguire più intense nel II secolo, giustificate da una legge che vietava
il culto cristiano.
Nel III secolo, l’editto
dell’imperatore Settimio Severo, stabilì che i cristiani potevano essere prima
denunciati alle autorità e poi invitati ad abiurare in pubblico la loro nuova
fede. Se essi accettavano di ritornare al paganesimo, ricevevano un attestato
(libellum), che confermava la loro appartenenza alla religione pagana, in caso
contrario se essi rifiutavano di sacrificare agli dei, venivano prima torturati
e poi uccisi.
Era un sistema spietato e
calcolato, perché l’imperatore tendeva a fare più apostati possibile che
martiri, i quali venivano considerati più pericolosi dei cristiani vivi. Nel
249 l’imperatore Decio, visto il diffondersi comunque del cristianesimo, fu
ancora più drastico; tutti i cristiani denunciati o no, dovevano essere
ricercati automaticamente dalle autorità locali, arrestati, torturati e poi
In quel periodo Catania
era una città fiorente e benestante, posta in ottima posizione geografica; il
suo grande porto, costituiva un vivace punto di scambio commerciale e culturale
dell’intero Mediterraneo.
E come per tutte le città
dell’Impero Romano, anche Catania aveva un proconsole o governatore, che
rappresentava il potere decentrato dell’impero, ormai troppo vasto; il suo nome
era Quinziano, uomo brusco, superbo e prepotente e circondato da una corte
numerosa, con i familiari, un numero enorme di schiavi e con le guardie
imperiali, dimorava nel ricco palazzo Pretorio con annessi altri edifici, in
cui si svolgevano tutte le attività pubbliche della città.
Secondo la ‘Passio
Sanctae Agathae’ risalente alla seconda metà del V secolo e di cui esistono due
traduzioni, una latina e due greche, Agata apparteneva ad una ricca e nobile
famiglia catanese, il padre Rao e la madre Apolla, proprietari di case e terreni
coltivati, sia in città che nei dintorni, essendo cristiani, educarono Agata
secondo la loro religione.
Cresciuta nella sua
fanciullezza e adolescenza in bellezza, candore e purezza verginale, sin da
piccola sentì nel suo cuore il desiderio di appartenere totalmente a Cristo e
quando giunse sui 15 anni, sentì che era giunto il momento di consacrarsi a
Dio. Nei primi tempi del cristianesimo le vergini consacrate, con il loro
nuovissimo stile di vita, costituivano un’irruzione del divino in un mondo ancora
pagano e in disfacimento.
Il vescovo di Catania
accolse la sua richiesta e durante una cerimonia ufficiale chiamata ‘velatio’,
le impose il ‘flammeum’, cioè il velo rosso portato dalle vergini
Nel mosaico di S.
Apollinare Nuovo in Ravenna del VI secolo, è raffigurata con la tunica lunga,
dalmatica e stola a tracolla, abbigliamento che lascia supporre che fosse
diventata diaconessa.
Il proconsole di Catania
Quinziano, ebbe l’occasione di vederla e se ne incapricciò, e in forza
dell’editto di persecuzione dell’imperatore Decio, l’accusò di vilipendio della
religione di Stato, accusa comune a tutti i cristiani, quindi ordinò che la catturassero
e la conducessero al Palazzo Pretorio.
Qui subentrano varie
tradizioni popolari, che indicano Agata che scappa per non farsi arrestare e si
rifugia in posti indicati dalla tradizione, in una contrada poco distante da
Catania, Galermo, oppure a Malta, oppure a Palermo; ma comunque ella viene
catturata e condotta da Quinziano.
Il proconsole quando la
vede davanti viene conquistato dalla sua bellezza e una passione ardente
s’impadronisce di lui, ma i suoi tentativi di seduzione non vanno in porto, per
la resistenza ferma della giovane Agata.
Egli allora mette in atto
un programma di rieducazione della ragazza affidandola ad una cortigiana di
facili costumi di nome Afrodisia, affinché la rendesse più disponibile.
Trascorse un mese, sottoposta a tentazioni immorali di ogni genere, con
festini, divertimenti osceni, banchetti; ma lei resistette indomita nel
proteggere la sua verginità consacrata al suo Sposo celeste, al quale volle
rimanere fedele ad ogni costo.
Sconfitta e delusa,
Afrodisia riconsegna a Quinziano Agata dicendo: “Ha la testa più dura della
lava dell’Etna”. Allora furioso, il proconsole imbastì un processo contro di
lei, che si presentò vestita da schiava come usavano le vergini consacrate a
Dio; “Se sei libera e nobile” le obiettò il proconsole, “perché ti comporti da
schiava?” e lei risponde “Perché la nobiltà suprema consiste nell’essere
schiavi del Cristo”.
Il giorno successivo
altro interrogatorio accompagnato da torture, tralasciamo i testi degli
interrogatori per motivo di spazio, del resto sono articolati diversamente da
una ‘passio’ all’altra. Ad Agata vengono stirate le membra, lacerata con
pettini di ferro, scottata con lamine infuocate, ma ogni tormento invece di
spezzarle la resistenza, sembrava darle nuova forza, allora Quinziano al colmo
del furore le fece strappare o tagliare i seni con enormi tenaglie.
Questo risvolto delle
torture, costituirà in seguito il segno distintivo del suo martirio, infatti
Agata viene rappresentata con i due seni posati su un piatto e con le tenaglie.
Riportata in cella sanguinante e ferita, soffriva molto per il bruciore e
dolore, ma sopportava tutto per l’amore di Dio; verso la mezzanotte mentre era
in preghiera nella cella, le appare s. Pietro apostolo, accompagnato da un
bambino porta lanterna, che la risana le mammelle amputate.
Trascorsi altri quattro
giorni nel carcere, viene riportata alla presenza del proconsole, il quale
visto le ferite rimarginate, domanda incredulo cosa fosse accaduto, allora la
vergine risponde: “Mi ha fatto guarire Cristo”. Ormai Agata costituiva una
sconfitta bruciante per Quinziano, che non poteva sopportare oltre, intanto il
suo amore si era tramutato in odio e allora ordina che venga bruciata su un
letto di carboni ardenti, con lamine arroventate e punte infuocate.
A questo punto, secondo
la tradizione, mentre il fuoco bruciava le sue carni, non brucia il velo che
lei portava; per questa ragione “il velo di sant’Agata” diventò da subito una
delle reliquie più preziose; esso è stato portato più volte in processione di
fronte alle colate della lava dell’Etna, avendo il potere di fermarla.
Mentre Agata spinta nella
fornace ardente muore bruciata, un forte terremoto scuote la città di Catania e
il Pretorio crolla parzialmente seppellendo due carnefici consiglieri di
Quinziano; la folla dei catanesi spaventata, si ribella all’atroce supplizio
della giovane vergine, allora il proconsole fa togliere Agata dalla brace e la
fa riportare agonizzante in cella, dove muore qualche ora dopo.
Dopo un anno esatto, il 5
febbraio 252, una violenta eruzione dell’Etna minacciava Catania, molti
cristiani e cittadini anche pagani, corsero al suo sepolcro, presero il
prodigioso velo che la ricopriva e lo opposero alla lava di fuoco che si
arrestò; da allora s. Agata divenne non soltanto la patrona di Catania, ma la
protettrice contro le eruzioni vulcaniche e poi contro gli incendi.
L’ultima volta che il suo
patrocinio si è rivelato valido, tramite il miracoloso velo, portato in
processione dall’arcivescovo di Catania, è stata nel 1886, quando una delle
ricorrenti eruzioni dell’Etna, minacciava la cittadina di Nicolosi, posta sulle
pendici del vulcano e che venne risparmiata dalla distruzione.
Nel 1040 le reliquie
della santa, furono trafugate dal generale bizantino Giorgio Maniace, che le
trasportò a Costantinopoli; ma nel 1126 due soldati della corte imperiale, il
provenzale Gilberto ed il pugliese Goselmo, le riportarono a Catania dopo
un’apparizione della stessa santa, che indicava la buona riuscita dell’impresa;
la nave approdò la notte del 7 agosto ad Aci Castello, tutti i catanesi
risvegliatisi e rivestitisi alla meglio, accorsero ad onorare la
Nei secoli le
manifestazioni popolari legate al culto della santa, richiamavano gli antichi
riti precristiani alla dea Iside, per questo s. Agata con il simbolismo delle
mammelle tagliate e poi risanate, assume una possibile trasfigurazione
cristiana del culto di Iside, la benefica Gran Madre, anche se era appena una
Ciò spiegherebbe anche il
patronato di s. Agata sui costruttori di campane, perché si sa, nei culti
precristiani la campana era simbolo del grembo della Mater Magna. Le sue reliquie
sono conservate nel duomo di Catania in una cassa argentea, opera di celebri
artisti catanesi; vi è anche il busto argenteo della “Santaituzza”, opera del
1376, che reca sul capo una corona, dono secondo la tradizione, di re Riccardo
Cuor di Leone.
Il culto per s. Agata fu
talmente grande, che fino al XVI secolo, essa era contesa come appartenenza
anche da Palermo, la questione è stata a lungo discussa, finché a Palermo il
culto per la santa, fu soppiantato da quello per s. Rosalia. Anche a Roma fu molto
venerata, papa Simmaco (498-514) eresse in suo onore una basilica sulla Via
Aurelia e un’altra le fu dedicata da S. Gregorio Magno nel 593.
Nel XIII secolo nella
sola diocesi di Milano si contavano ben 26 chiese a lei intitolate.
Celebrazioni e ricorrenze per la sua festa avvengono un po’ in tutta Italia,
perfino a San Marino, ma è Catania il centro più folcloristico e religioso del
suo culto, le feste sono due il 5 febbraio e il 17 agosto, con caratteristiche
processioni con il prezioso busto della santa, custodito nel Duomo.
Vi sono undici
Corporazioni di mestieri tradizionali, che sfilano in processione con le
cosiddette ‘Candelore’ fantasiose sculture verticali in legno, con scomparti
dove sono scolpiti gli episodi salienti della vita di s. Agata. Il busto
argenteo, preceduto dalle ‘Candelore’ è posto a sua volta sul “fercolo”, una
macchina trainata con due lunghe e robuste funi, da centinaia di giovani
vestiti dal caratteristico ‘sacco’.
Tante altre
manifestazioni popolari e folcloristiche, oggi non più in uso, accompagnavano
nei tempi trascorsi questi festeggiamenti, a cui partecipava tutto il popolo
con le Autorità di Catania, devotissimo alla sua ‘Santaituzza’.
Autore: Antonio
SOURCE : http://www.santiebeati.it/dettaglio/22650
Caravaggio-follower Giovanni Lanfranco, Saint Pierre guérissant
Sainte Agathe, 1614, 100 x 133, Galleria nazionale di Parma
Den hellige Agathe av
Catania (~225-~251)
5. februar
Den hellige Agathe
(Agatha; it: Agata) ble født rundt 225 i byen Catánia på Sicilia i Italia. I
området rundt Catánia ble hun svært tidlig dyrket som jomfrumartyr. Også
Palermo hevder å være hennes fødeby, men det kravet stammer først fra
500-tallet. Hun led sannsynligvis martyrdøden rundt 251 i kristenforfølgelsene
under keiser Decius (249-51), men det kan også ha vært rundt 300 under keiser
Diokletian (284-305).
Mer vet vi ikke sikkert
om henne. Til gjengjeld oppsto det tidlig en legende om henne med tallrike
variasjoner, både på gresk og latin. Den greske legenden er den eldste, mens
den latinske stammer fra begynnelsen av 500-tallet. Selv om de enkelte
detaljene i legenden er upålitelige, kan ikke Agathe avfeies som en oppdiktet
skikkelse. Legenden er mer enn noe annet en indikasjon på hvilken type kvinner
som ble holdt frem og æret i de første århundrene.
Det finnes også et
illustrert manuskript om hennes lidelse. Det stammer fra Burgund og daterer seg
fra 900-tallet eller tidlig 1000-tall. Det illustrerer det faktum at bare
biografier om kvinnelige helgener inneholder seksuell lemlestelse. Menn blir
torturert, men ikke seksuelt lemlestet som kvinner lik Agathe, ofte jomfruer
som nektet å gifte seg.
Legenden forteller at
Agathe ble født enten i Catánia eller Palermo på Sicilia i en adelig kristen
familie. Hun hadde som barn viet sin jomfruelighet og sitt liv til Kristus.
Stattholderen Quintian, som var en ond og lastefull mann av lav herkomst, forelsket
seg i den usedvanlig vakre og fornemme jomfruen, men ble avvist. Han benyttet
seg da av keiserens edikt mot de kristne, og fikk henne brakt for sin domstol.
Hun ble dømt som kristen,
og ble først plassert hos en kvinne med det passende navnet (eller muligens
tilnavnet) Afrodisia, som drev et bordell sammen med sine seks (muligens ni)
døtre eller assistenter. De forsøkte å forderve Agathe, men forgjeves. Hun var
der i tretti dager, men på mirakuløst vis bevarte hun sin jomfruelighet. (Denne
historien er en parallell til den om den hellige Agnes).
Da overlot Quintian henne
til torturistene, og legenden dveler så ved det noen har kalt «religiøs
pornografi» i detaljene ved torturen hun gjennomgikk. Hun ble lagt på
strekkbenken, armer og ben ble vridd ut av ledd og hun ble brent med fakler.
Til slutt skar torturistene brystene av jomfruen og la dem på et fat. (Samme
detalj opptrer i fortellingen om den hellige Eulalia av Méridas
Det fortelles at
apostelen Peter da
viste seg for henne i et syn og helbredet hennes sår. Men Quintian ble ikke
beveget av miraklet, så fire dager senere fortsatte torturen, hun ble og til
slutt ble hun rullet på glødende kull blandet med potteskår og stekt. Da Agathe
endelig døde av pinslene, fikk vulkanen Etna et voldsomt utbrudd. Jordskjelv
skremte stattholderens hester, og i redsel sparket de i hjel torturisten. Og
lavastrømmen ble stoppet ved at martyrens silkeslør ble holdt frem mot
vulkanen. (En annen versjon sier at vulkanutbruddet skjedde på dagen et år
etter Agathes død).
Agathes tidlige kult
bevitnes av at hun nevnes i den hellige Hieronymus'
martyrologium og kalenderen i Kartago (Martyrologium Carthaginiense) fra rundt
530. Den hellige Venantius
Fortunatus nevner henne i sitt dikt om jomfruelighet, Carmina,
som en av de feirede kristne jomfruer og martyrer. Den hellige pave Damasus I (366-84)
blir tilskrevet en hymne til hennes ære, men den ble skrevet av en ukjent poet
på et senere tidspunkt, og er åpenbart ment for den liturgiske feiringen på
hennes festdag. Innholdet i hymnen er tatt fra hennes legende, og den har
På slutten av Romerrikets
dager hadde paven enorme eiendommer på Sicilia, og de sicilianske martyrene
Lucia og Agathe ble tatt inn i Canon Romanus eller Den romerske kanon
(Eukaristisk bønn I) etter forvandlingen blant de syv kvinner som blir anropt
som forbedere i strofen Nobis quoque (Felicitas og
Perpetua, Agathe, Lucia, Agnes, Cecilia og Anastasia). Det
hevdes at det var den hellige pave Gregor I den Store (590-604)
som gjorde det.
To kirker ble viet til
Agathe i Roma på 500-tallet, en av dem ble bygd av den hellige pave Symmachus (498-514)
ved Via Appia, men den er nå i ruiner. En annen ble bygd til hennes ære av
Ricimer, general for det vestlige imperiet, i 460. Den ble brukt av de arianske
goterne. Denne kirken, Sant'Agata dei
Goti, eksisterer fortsatt. Pave Gregor I den Store fikk laget rike skrin
for noen av hennes relikvier og satte dem der. Senere fikk han dem flyttet til
klosteret San Stefano på øya Capreae, nå Capri. Den hellige pave Gregor II (715-31)
bygde en annen berømt kirke i Roma under hennes patronat i 726, som pave
Klemens VIII (1592-1605) ga til Kongregasjonen av kristen lære.
Størstedelen av Agathes
relikvier ble oppbevart i Catánia til 1040, da de ble flyttet til Konstantinopel
av den greske generalen som på den tiden drev sarasenerne ut av Sicilia.
(Sarasenere var middelalderens betegnelse på muslimer; det kommer antakelig av
et arabisk ord som betyr «de fra øst».) Relikviene ble et århundre senere i
1127 brakt tilbake til Catánia under omstendigheter som ikke er kjent. På den
tiden ble martyrens intakte legeme delt mellom dem som hadde stjålet det.
Hennes relikvier
oppbevares i dag i ulike relikvarer. Armene, beina og brystene oppbevares i et
glasskrin i bevart tilstand, om enn noe mørknet og tørre etter 1750 år.
Hodeskallen og store relikvier finnes i Catánia, oppbevart i en statue som
bærer en kostbar krone med edelstener. Relikvaret har form som en kvinnekropp
fra hode til midje og står oppreist. Relikvaret er utsmykket med utallige
edelstener som er gitt av personer som har mottatt tjenester på hennes forbønn.
Relikvaret vises frem for de troende ved tre anledninger: På minnedagen 5.
februar, på oktavdagen 12. februar og på translasjonsdagen den 17. august.
I korkapellet i domkirken
Duomo Sant'Agata i Catánia står et kostbart skrin fra 1500-tallet som har form
som et kvinnebryst. Der oppbevares også hennes slør. Relikvier oppbevares også
i domkirken i Verona. Små deler av hennes relikvier skal ha blitt distribuert til
mange kirker.
Agathes minnedag er 5.
februar, og hennes navn står i Martyrologium Romanum. Dagen er også avmerket på
den norske primstaven.
Agathe ble avbildet i
mosaikkene i Sant'Apollinare Nuovo i Ravenna. I kunsten fremstilles hun ofte
med sine avskårne bryster på et fat. De kan forveksles med klokker, og det har
ført til at hun ble skytshelgen for klokkestøpere. En annen forklaring på dette
patronatet er assosieringen med varselklokkene som det ble ringt med for å
varsle folk om brann eller vulkanutbrudd samtidig som man ropte på den hellige
Agathe etter hjelp, mens en tredje forklaring er at det flytende metallet som
ble helt ned i støpeformene, minnet om lava fra et vulkanutbrudd. Hun avbildes
i tillegg med martyrpalme eller sine torturredskaper knipetang, kniv eller
saks, og noen ganger bærer hun det sløret som er hennes mest berømte relikvie.
Hun har ofte et horn fra en enhjørning som tegn på jomfruelighet.
Brystenes likhet med
runde landbrød har også åpenbart forårsaket den skikk som noen steder
praktiseres med å velsigne brød i kirken på hennes festdag. Alle middelalderens
ammende mødre ba til henne, særlig hvis de hadde vondt. Fordi lavastrømmen fra
vulkanen stoppet da man holdt frem sløret hennes, mente man hun måtte være god
å be til når man ville ha slukket branner. Hennes slør ble siden brukt fot å
stoppe vulkanutbrudd fra Etna, det mest kjente var utbruddet i 1674. Siste gang
det skjedde, var i 1840-årene. Hennes slør bæres stadig i høytidelig prosesjon
på hennes festdag i Catánia. Gjennom hennes forbønn ble øya Malta reddet fra
tyrkerne som invaderte i 1551, så hun æres som Maltas skytshelgen.
Kilder: Attwater
(dk), Attwater/John, Attwater/Cumming, Farmer, Jones, Bentley, Hallam, Lodi,
Butler (II), Benedictines, Delaney, Bunson, Cruz (1), Cruz (2), Engelhart, Gad,
Schnitzler, Schauber/Schindler, Melchers, Gorys, Dammer/Adam, KIR, CE, CSO,
Patron Saints SQPN, Infocatho, Bautz, Heiligenlexikon, CIN, Vic, CB, Ecole,
Paróquia Santa Isabel - Kompilasjon og oversettelse: p. Per Einar Odden -
Opprettet: 2000-02-02 00:40 - Sist oppdatert: 2005-12-31 19:45
Linken er kopiert til
SOURCE : https://www.katolsk.no/biografier/historisk/agathe
Simon Vouet and
workshop (1590–1649). Saint Agatha in carcer visited by Saint
Peter, 1625, 145 x 194, Galleria Regionale della Sicilia (Palermo).
Provenienza: Palermo, ex Collegio dei Gesuiti al Cassaro
Agatha van
Catania (ook van Palermo), Sicilië, Italië; maagd & martelares; †
ca. 250.
Feest 5 februari
Agatha was, volgens de
legende, een beeldschone jonge christenvrouw uit Catania op Sicilië. Omdat ze
weigerde de minnares te worden van een landvoogd liet hij haar vreselijk
martelen. Zo meende hij haar te kunnen dwingen om haar geloof te verzaken. Toen
dat niet lukte sneed men haar de borsten af en toen ook dat niets hielp, liet
hij haar doden door haar over brandende kolen te trekken.
In zijn beroemde 'Legenda
Aurea' vertelt Jacobus de Voragine († 1298; feest 13 juli) haar verhaal als
Er woonde in de stad
Catania op Sicilië een christenmeisje Agatha genaamd. Het was in de dagen van
keizer Decius († 249-251), die zijn voorganger Filippus had laten wurgen.
Hij wilde aan ieder duidelijk laten merken dat hij hem had gedood uit jaloezie
en omdat Filippus een christen was. Vandaar dat deze Decius zijn mannetjes
uitzond over het gehele Romeinse Rijk met de opdracht alle christenen te
vervolgen. Velen vonden er dan ook de dood.
Naar Sicilië zond Decius
zijn vriendje Quintinianus; deze heerste als koning over het hele eiland. Zijn
regeringsperiode was nog maar net begonnen of hij hoorde al van de geweldige
schoonheid en volmaakte geest van het meisje Agatha. Hij liet haar dus voor
zich verschijnen. Met rijke geschenken, vleierijen en mooie beloften probeerde
hij haar te paaien, maar vol afschuw wierp zij dat alles ver van zich af. Toen
liet Quintinianus een vrouw van lichte zeden komen, Frondisia. Deze had negen
dochters, allemaal nog erger dan zijzelf al was. In hun handen leverde hij
Agatha over met de woorden: "Zorg dat dit mormel zich aan mij onderwerpt,
en ik zal je rijkelijk belonen." Daarop nam Frondisia Agatha bij zich in
huis, en hield haar 33 dagen lang bij zich. Ze probeerde haar te paaien met
prachtige beloften; ze vleide haar; kroop zowat in haar. Toen ze merkte dat ze
hiermee niet verder kwam, zaten ze dag en nacht achter haar aan. Maar met een
onwankelbaar hart hield ze vast aan haar geloof in Jezus Christus. Alle mooie
praatjes en alle dreigementen: ze waren voor haar als lucht.
Na 33 dagen ging
Frondisia terug naar Quintinianus en zwoer hem: "Dat zwaard dat je daar
opzij hebt zal eerder veranderen in vloeibaar metaal en de rotsen zullen eerder
als sneeuwwater wegsmelten, dan dat het hart van dit mormel zich zal
onderwerpen aan uw wil!"
Witheet van woede beval
Quintinianus dat zij bij hem gebracht moest worden, en hij zei haar: "Wie
en wat ben jij eigenlijk, hoogmoedig nest?" En Agatha antwoordde: "Ik
ben een vrije vrouw en een dienares van Jezus Christus."
En hij weer: "Hoe
kun je je nou vrij noemen wanneer je een dienares bent?"
En zij: "Ik ben het
dienstmeisje van Christus; hem dienen is volmaakte vrijheid."
Daarop zei Quintinianus:
"Zweer je meester af, en dien onze goden; zoniet dan zal ik je laten
Waarop Agatha reageerde:
"Al zou u me voor de wilde beesten gooien, dan zou de macht van Christus
er makke lammetjes van maken; en als u een vuur zou aanleggen om mij te doen
verteren, dan zouden engelen vanuit
de hemel het doven; en al zou u me uit elkaar rijten met raspen, dan zou de
Heilige Geest in mij ervoor zorgen dat het allemaal niets uithaalde."
Nu beval de tiran dat
Sint Agatha moest worden vastgebonden en met roeden gegeseld. En twee slaven
gaf hij bevel haar zachte borsten gruwelijk af te knijpen met ijzeren tangen.
Op het moment dat het bloed over haar lichaam gutste, zei ze hem: "Jij
tiran! Schaam jij je niet mij zo te behandelen; terwijl jezelf gevoed en
gezoogd bent aan de borst van je moeder?"
Dit was dan ook haar
enige klacht. Vervolgens werd ze van de folterplaats overgebracht naar een
donkere schuur. Rond middernacht was daar opeens een man met een eerlijk en
eerbiedwaardig uiterlijk; hij had een pot zalf in zijn handen. Voor hem uit
liep een jongen die een waskaars droeg. Het was de apostel Petrus, en de jongen
was een of andere engel van God. Maar dat wist Sint Agatha niet. En er scheen
opeens zulk een stralend licht in de gevangenis, dat de wachters van schrik
bevangen waren, en op de vlucht sloegen, terwijl ze de deur gewoon open lieten.
Toen kwam er iemand naar Sint Agatha toe en riep: "Sta op en vlucht!"
Maar ze zei: "God verhoede dat ik mijn martelaarskroon zou ontvluchten. Trouwens
stel je voor, dat de degenen die mij in de gaten moeten houden, martelingen en
doodstraf zouden moeten ondergaan, omdat ik zo nodig moest vluchten: nee, ik
vlucht niet!"
Toen sprak Sint Petrus
tot haar: "Ik ben gekomen om je wonden te genezen, mijn dochter."
Maar zij trok haar sjawl
vaster over haar gewonde boezem en antwoordde met de bescheidenheid van een
maagd: "Als mijn Verlosser Christus wilde dat ik zou genezen, dan zou Hij
daar ook zelf wel voor zorgen."
Sint Petrus antwoordde:
"Vrees niet, want juist Christus zond me naar je toe om je ten dienste te
staan." Zo bewees hij haar zijn diensten, terwijl hij met hemelse
geneesmiddelen haar boezem genas, alsmede haar gestriemde lichaam. En toen hij
klaar was, verdween hij uit het gezicht. En Sint Agatha knielde neer en zegende
de macht van Christus die haar met zulke grote genadegaven had bezocht.
Maar nog waren woede en
razernij bij Quintinianus niet tot bedaren gebracht. Vandaar, dat hij haar
wederom voor zich liet verschijnen.
Hij stond er versteld
van, dat zij genezen was, en hij zei: "Wie heeft je behandeld en
Zij antwoordde: "Hij
voor wie ik opkom en die ik aanbid met mijn hart en met mijn lippen, Hij heeft
zijn apostel tot mij gezonden om mij te genezen en op te beuren."
Toen liet Quintinianus
een groot vuur aanleggen; vervolgens bonden ze het meisje aan handen en voeten
en gooiden haar zo op de vuurhoop. Precies op datzelfde moment deed zich een
krachtige aardbeving voor; de stad schudde op haar grondvesten, de mensen
renden in paniek naar het paleis en gilden: "Dit overkomt ons vanwege de
folteringen van dat christelijke mormel."
En zij dreigden
Quintinianus, dat als hij er niet mee ophield, dat zij dan hem met heel zijn
familie in het paleis in het vuur zouden werpen. Toen gaf Quitinianus maar
opdracht haar uit de vlammen te halen, en haar weer op te sluiten in de schuur:
toegetakeld en misselijk van de pijn.
En ze bad: "Nu ik
zoveel voor u heb moeten lijden, laat mij dan ook uw glorie zien."
Haar gebed werd
onmiddellijk verhoord, want haar zuivere ziel steeg op tot voor Gods eeuwige
De christenen die
woonachtig waren in Catania, kwamen haar heilig stoffelijk overschot in de
gevangenis ophalen, balsemden haar en begroeven haar in een grafmonument van
zuiver porfier.
Nu moet je weten dat er
in de buurt van de stad Catania op Sicilië een geweldige berg ligt, en op de
top van die berg is een gapende krater, die vuur en rook spuwt. De heilige
Gregorius zegt dat het één van de muilen van de hel is, maar de mensen daar
zelf noemen hem Mongibello [bij ons beter bekend als De
Etna]. Nauwelijks een jaar na het martelaarschap van Agatha opende deze
berg zijn muil, en er kwam een stroom van vuur uit, die alles verteerde wat op
zijn weg lag. En de inwoners van Catania, zowel mannen als vrouwen, christenen
als heidenen, zochten een veilig heenkomen op het graf van de martelares Agatha.
Daar pakten ze haar zijden sjawl die nog altijd op het graf lag, bonden die aan
de spits van een lans en trokken toen in een lange processie het vuur tegemoet.
Dat had intussen al de muren van de stad bereikt. Maar het behaagde God om
krachtens deze heilige relikwie het vuur tot staan te brengen en het een
gunstiger wending te laten nemen. In het inwendige van de berg hield het
gerommel op en alles werd rustig. Door dit indrukwekkende wonder bekeerden zich
alle heidenen die nog in Catania woonden tot het geloof in Christus en lieten
zich dopen.
Verering & Cultuur
Zij is één van de
bekendste heiligen uit de oudheid en vooral in Catania erg populair. Deze stad
bleef verschillende keren gespaard bij een uitbarsting van de vulkaan de Etna;
telkens schreef men dat wonder toe aan de speciale bescherming van Sint Agatha
(met name bij de wonderlijke ontsnappingen één jaar na haar dood en
tijdens de grote uitbarsting van 1674). Haar stoffelijk overschot en haar
sluier worden bewaard in de Domkerk in Catania.
Zij is dan ook
beschermheilige van de stad Catania. In Italië is zij verder
(mede-)patrones van Mirandola en San Marino; daarnaast van de Romeinse vrouwen.
In België is
zij patrones van Sint-Agatha-Berchem en Sint-Agatha-Rode. In het Vlaamse
Oombergen wordt ter gelegenheid van haar feestdag een speciale broodverkoop
In het zuiden
van Duitsland zegende men brood ter ere van Sint Agatha, dat bij
brand in de vlammen geworpen werd. Vrouwen met pijn in de borst baden het
volgende gebedje:
'Agatha, frommes Mädchen
hast gelitten grosse Pein.
Opferst aller Frauen Zier.
Ach, Agatha, hilf auch mir!
Nimm den Schmerz aus meiner Brust
indem Du für much beten tust.
[Agatha, vroom meisje
Ach, jij leed ooit grote pijn;
Gaf het mooiste van een vrouw.
Kom toch hier en help mij nou.
Want mijn borst doet heel erg zeer.
Vraag verlossing aan de Heer.]
In Frankrijk, in het
Bourgondische plaatsje Curgy, vroegen moeders om voldoende moedermelk. Daartoe
offerden zij haar hun ceintuur (symbool van maagdelijkheid?) en hun
bruidsboeket. In Lotharingen is Sint Agatha ook patrones van de spinsters. Op
de vooravond van haar feest kwamen de spinsters bij elkaar, hielden een
avondwake, die besloten werd met een maaltijd van zoete gierstepap. Er werd bij
gezongen en gedanst. Jongens hadden geen toegang. In de Vogezen lieten de
vrouwen in de plaatsjes Arry-sur-Moselle, Vecoux en Thillot hun linnen weefsels
zegenen; naar het heet hadden ze een heilzame werking wanneer ze op een
pijnlijke borst werden gelegd.
Agatha is ook patrones
van het eiland Malta in de Middellandse Zee en zijn bewoners.
In Nederland is
zij patrones van het Zeeuwse plaatsje Aagtekerke en van het naar haar genoemde
St-Agatha bij Cuijk. De Prinsenhof te Delft, waar prins Willem van Oranje in
1584 werd vermoord was het voormalige St-Agathaklooster. Voorts is of was er
een Agathakerk of -kapel in Amersfoort (1410-1572), Beverwijk, Boekel,
Brongerga, Eys, Harreveld, Heeze (samen met Martinus), Lisse (sinds 1461),
Oudega-Smallingerland, Oudenbosch, St-Agatha en Zandvoort.
Zij is patrones van
voedsters en minnen. Omdat men op afbeeldingen haar borsten op een schaal soms
voor broodjes aanzag, wordt zij ook vereerd als patrones van de bakkers. Ook
zag men er klokken in: zo werd zij patrones van klokken- en meer in het algemeen
van ijzergieters en metaalarbeiders en zelfs mijnwerkers; van edelsmeden en
juweliers; vandaar ook van glasblazers. Omdat klokken geluid worden bij brand
en het vuur herinnerde aan de vulkaanuitbarstingen, werd zij ook patrones van
brandweerlieden en brandblussers en van vuurwerkmakers; tenslotte ook van
herderinnen (door veel meisjes uitgeoefend beroep op Sicilië), verpleegsters
(vanwege Petrus' verpleging) en wevers (omdat haar naaktheid bedekt werd in het
bordeel). Vanwege de woordgelijkenis is zij tegenwoordig ook patrones van de
Haar voorspraak wordt
ingeroepen tegen aardbevingen, bij brandgevaar en onweer. Daarnaast tegen
borstkwalen, doorliggen, kanker en pest; ook tegen hartstochten.
Zij wordt afgebeeld als
jong meisje in Romeinse kledij met martelaarspalm en -kroon en een tang. Op een
schaal of op een boek draagt ze haar beide afgesneden borsten.
Bei.1983; BjL.1986p:37-38; Bly.1986p:30; Boy.1986p:83; Bri.1953; Cal.0000;
CKl.z.j.p:150; Duc.1975p:150; Dz2.1896p:40; Frm.1996; Ggh.1973p:164(159);
Gri.1974p:; HA1.1838p:245; Hgl.1994p:112; Hlm.1994p:116;
Krt.1956; LAu.1979; Lor.1993:27.163.172; MeA.1958p:149(492).152(501);
Mel.1978p:87(vig); R-C.1893p:166; RR1.1640; S& G.1992:17.bo.6; S&
S.1989p:64.65; Set.1986p:23-24; SHC.1985; Stn.1987p:18; Zur.1987; Dries van den
Akker s.j./2008.01.12]
© A. van den Akker
SOURCE : http://heiligen-3s.nl/heiligen/02/05/02-05-0250-agatha.php
Votive Aedicules in honour of Saint Agata in Catania : https://gabrielediegobonsangue.netsons.org/en/projects/le-edicole-votive-dedicate-a-santagata-nella-citta-di-catania-the-votive-aedicules-in-honour-of-saint-agata-in-catania/
Saint Agatha: The
Iconography : https://www.christianiconography.info/agatha.html
Voir aussi : http://hicatholicmom.blogspot.com/2011/02/st-agatha-virgin-and-martyr.html