Saint Eucher d'Orléans
Évêque d'Orléans (+ 738)
Évêque et confesseur.
Depuis sept ans, il vivait heureux à l'abbaye de
Jumièges en Normandie, quand ses concitoyens obtinrent de Charles Martel qu'il
leur fût donné comme évêque. Il fit mine de ne rien savoir et ne bougea point.
Charles Martel lui écrivit qu'il le ferait transporter à Orléans par ses
soldats, s'il tardait à se mettre en route. Eucher dut s'incliner et quitta
Jumièges les larmes aux yeux. Tout alla bien jusqu'à la bataille de Poitiers
(732). Estimant que ses soldats avaient sauvé l'Église de l'Islam, Charles
décida de s'indemniser en s'emparant des vases d'or servant au culte. Tous les
évêques se turent, tant ils avaient peur, et seul Eucher protesta. Destitué et
exilé à Cologne, cette riche Église, déjà trop taxée, le reçut en héros, le
logea dans un palais et l'invita à présider les grandes cérémonies liturgiques.
Charles Martel se fâcha devant ce centre d'opposition. Il envoya le gouverneur
de Liège pour séquestrer saint Eucher. Robert de Liège se laissa convaincre par
saint Eucher qui lui demanda de redevenir moine à Saint-Trond comme jadis à
Jumièges dont il avait toujours le "vague-à-l'âme."
À Zerkingen dans le Brabant, vers 738, le trépas de
saint Eucher, évêque d’Orléans, qui fut forcé de s’exiler par le maire du
palais, Charles Martel, à la suite de calomnies d’ennemis envieux et trouva
chez les moines un refuge dans l’union à Dieu.
Martyrologe romain
Devance toujours et en tous lieux de ta céleste
lumière les fils suppliants des Francs. Qu’ils voient ce qu’il faut faire pour
établir ton Règne en ce monde. Que pour une telle tâche, leur charité et leur
courage aillent en s'affermissant.
Mort de Saint-Euchère, Vitrail, trésor de l'église
Notre-Dame à Saint-Trond
Saint Eucher d'Orléans, évêque
Tiré de force de l'abbaye de Jumièges en Normandie, où
il était entré sept ans plus tôt, il devint évêque d’Orléans en 717 ou 718 par
la volonté de ses habitants et l’autorité de Charles Martel. Il fit cependant
entendre sa voix pour protester contre les exactions de ce prince qui, bien que
défenseur de la foi face à l’islam, disposait des biens d’Eglise comme s’il en
était le maître et n’avait aucun égard pour sa liberté. Eucher fut alors par
lui destitué et exilé à Cologne. De là, il se retira au monastère de
Saint-Trond où il mourut en 738.
Saint Eucher, illustre par sa famille, et plus encore
par ses vertus, naquit près d'Orléans; sa mère eut, avant sa naissance,
révélation de son avenir: un Ange lui prédit qu'il serait évêque d'Orléans.
L'étudiant, le moine, l'évêque, sont également admirables en ce personnage
A mesure qu'il avançait dans la connaissance de la
parole de Dieu, son âme débordait du feu de la charité. La science, loin
d'enfler son coeur, n'était pour lui qu'un moyen de s'unir à Dieu davantage et
d'avancer de plus en plus dans le chemin de la vertu. Tous ses succès, il les
rapportait à la bonté céleste. Jésus-Christ étant la règle de son intelligence
et de sa volonté, les efforts de l'ennemi du salut pour perdre cette belle âme
par la fausse gloire n'aboutirent qu'à fortifier son espérance en Dieu et à lui
faire redoubler d'ardeur pour la prière et la mortification.
Il fut reçu à bras ouverts dans le couvent de
Jumièges, où il se présenta à l'âge de vingt-sept ans. Dès lors, son ardeur
pour la perfection ne connut plus de bornes, et il devint le modèle de ses
frères par sa ferveur aux offices divins et par son zèle dans la pratique de
tous les devoirs religieux.
Rempli de grâces extraordinaires dans la sainte
Communion, il aimait à rester au pied du Tabernacle et ne pouvait se résoudre à
interrompre ses douces communications avec Jésus-Hostie; l'obéissance seule
pouvait l'éloigner du pied des autels.
Sa dévotion spéciale à Marie fut pour lui la source
d'une angélique pureté; il demandait sans cesse à cette Mère céleste de lui
conserver cette vertu sublime qui nous rapproche de Dieu.
Le mérite d'Eucher ne pouvait demeurer le secret du
cloître; les honneurs vinrent chercher celui qui les avait fuis, et il dut
accepter le siège épiscopal d'Orléans.
Rarement évêque montra plus de vigueur à combattre le
mal et à défendre les droits de Dieu. A Charles Martel, roi de France, qui
s'emparait des biens des églises: "Comment, écrivait-il, osez-vous
opprimer l'Église, que Dieu vous a chargé de défendre? Sachez que Jésus-Christ
vous demandera compte des maux que vous aurez fait souffrir à Ses membres; en
touchant aux biens des églises, vous vous attaquez à Dieu Lui-même!"
Il mourut en se recommandant à la Très Sainte Trinité
et en disant: "Seigneur, je remets mon âme entre Vos mains."
Dieu a honoré son tombeau par de nombreux miracles.
Parmi d'autres merveilles, on rapporte que des cierges allumés près de son
corps vénéré, brûlèrent longtemps sans se consumer.
Abbé L. Jaud, Vie des Saints pour tous les jours de l'année, Tours, Mame, 1950.
Also known as
August (enshrinement of relics in
Sint-Truiden, Belgium)
Born to the nobility, Eucherius was a very pious
in youth,
and highly educated;
legend says that his pregnant mother had
a dream of an angel who
told her that her unborn son would be a holy bishop,
and blessed them
both. He took the cowl in
Jumièges, Normandy, France in 714.
When his uncle Suaveric, bishop of Orleans, France, died,
the clergy and faithful asked
for Eucherius as his replacement. Eucherius fought the appointment, but finally
agreed c.721.
He was an active, evangelizing bishop who
often visited the monasteries in
his diocese.
When Charles
Martel confiscated Church property
to finance his war against the Saracens, Eucherius protested. After his
victory, Martel exiled the
reluctant bishop to Cologne, Germany.
There he was greeted enthusiastically, even receiving the position of
distributor of the governor‘s alms. He
was then exiled to
Hesbaye in modern Belgium where
he retired to the monastery of
February 743 at
the monastery of
Sint-Tuiden in Belgium of
natural causes
relics enshrined on 11
August 880
relics re-enshrined on 11
August 1169
Additional Information
of Saints, by the Monks of
of the Saints, by Father Alban
Lives of the Saints, by John Dawson Gilmary Shea
of the Day, by Katherine Rabenstein
of the Order of Saint Benedict, by Father Aegedius
Ranbeck, O.S.B.
Lives of the Saints, by Eleanor Cecilia Donnelly
Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints
other sites in english
webseiten auf deutsch
sitios en español
Martirologio Romano, 2001 edición
fonti in italiano
websites in nederlandse
nettsteder i norsk
MLA Citation
“Saint Eucherius of Orléans“. CatholicSaints.Info.
25 October 2021. Web. 16 November 2021.
THIS Saint was horn at Orleans of a very illustrious
family. At his birth his parents dedicated him to God, and set him to study
when he was but seven years old, resolving to omit nothing that could be done
toward cultivating his mind or forming his heart. His improvement in virtue
kept pace with his progress in learning: he meditated assiduously on the sacred
writings, especially on St. Paul's manner of speaking on the world and its enjoyments,
as mere empty shadows that deceive us and vanish away. These reflections at
length sank so deep into his mind that he resolved to quit the world. To put
this design in execution, about the year 714, he retired to the abbey of
Jumiege, in Normandy, where he spent six or seven years in the practice of
penitential austerities and obedience. Suavaric, his uncle, bishop of Orleans,
having died, the senate and people, with the clergy of that city, begged
permission to elect Eucherius to the vacant see. The Saint entreated his monks
to screen him from the dangers that threatened him. But they preferred the
public good to their private inclinations, and resigned him up for that
important charge. He was consecrated with universal applause in 721. Charles
Martel, to defray the expenses of his wars and other undertakings, often
stripped the churches of their revenues. St. Eucherius reproved these
encroachments with so much zeal, that, in the year 737, Charles banished him to
Cologne. The extraordinary esteem which his virtue procured him in that city,
moved Charles to order him to be conveyed thence to a strong place in the
territory of Liege. Robert, the governor of that country, was so charmed with
his virtue, that he made him the distributer of his large alms, and allowed him
to retire to the monastery of Sarchinium, or St. Tron's. Here prayer and
contemplation were his whole employment till the year 743, in which he died on
the 20th of February.
REFLECTION.—Nothing softens the soul and weakens piety
so much as frivolous indulgence. God has revealed what high store he sets by
"retirement" in these words: "I will lead her into solitude, and
I will speak to her heart."
INTERCESSORY PRAYER: Today ask Saint Eucherius to help
you with the needs of your family.
He spent six or seven years here practicing
penitential austerities and obedience, until the senate, people, and clergy of
Orléans deputed persons to Charles Martel, mayor of the palace, to beg his permission
to elect Eucherius to the see vacated by the death of Eucherius's uncle, Bishop
Suavaric. Charles Martel agreed and sent one of his principal officers to
conduct Eucherius from his monastery to Orléans. Eucherius was horrified at the
notion of being consecrated bishop and sought the protection of his brother
monks. But they preferred the public good to their private inclinations, and
resigned him up for that important charge. Eucherius was received and
consecrated at Orléans with universal applause in 721.
Although he was apprehensive about assuming the
responsibilities of a see, his prayer life was vital. He found all the help and
encouragement he needed in his relationship with God. Eucherius devoted himself
entirely to the care of his church. He was indefatigable in instructing and
reforming his flock. His sweet spirit and charity were so genuine that, in
general, he was loved and obeyed even by those whom he reproved. Except
Charles Martel.
In order to finance his wars and reward his vassals, Charles
Martel often stripped the churches of their revenues, and encouraged others to
do the same. Eucherius, who reproved these encroachments, was represented to
the prince as offering a personal attack; therefore, in 737, Charles stopped in
Orléans on his return to Paris after having defeated the Saracens in Aquitaine.
He ordered Eucherius to follow him to Verneuil upon the Oise, in the diocese of
Beauvais, where he then kept his court. There Eucherius and all his relatives
were exiled to Cologne in 737 by Charles Martel.
Yet even in exile, Eucherius bloomed where God had
planted him. The citizens of Cologne soon highly esteemed his virtue. So
Charles Martel ordered him to move again, this time to a fortress in Hasbain
(Haspengaw) near Liège, where he was placed under house arrest. But the
governor, Robert, so charmed with his virtue, that he made him almoner, and
allowed him to retire to the monastery of Sarchinium, or Saint-Trond's near
Maastricht, where he spent his last years in prayer and contemplation. His life
was written by a contemporary (Benedictines, Encyclopedia, Husenbeth).
Bishop; b. late seventh century; d. abbey of Saint-Trond,
Belgium, 738. He belonged to an influential merovingian family and from his
earliest years was destined for the monastic life with the result that he was
professed at the benedictine abbey of jumiÈges c. 709. Seven years
later he was elected, against his will, bishop of Orlèans, where his uncle
Suavaric had occupied the episcopal see and where his relatives had powerful
support. charles martel, returning from his victory against the Saracens in
732, had him arrested and sent in exile to Cologne because his family was
hostile to the party of the mayor of the palace. Eucherius bore his disgrace
with great resignation and later obtained permission to retire to the Abbey of
saint–trond. He was venerated as a saint from the ninth century.
Feast: Feb. 20.
Bibliography: Acta Sanctorum Feb. 3:211–225. Monumenta
Germaniae Scriptores rerum Merovingicarum (Berlin 1825–) 7.1:41–53. L. Duchesne, Fastes épiscopaux de l'ancienne Gaule (Paris 1907–1915)
2:462–463. H. Leclercq, Dictionnaire d'archéologie chrétienne et de
liturgie, ed. F. Cabrol, H. Leclercq and H. I. Marrou (Paris 1907–1953)
12.2:2686. J. L. Baudot and L. Chaussin, Vies des saints et des bienheureux
selon l'ordre du calendrier avec l'historique des fêtes (Paris 1935–1956)
2:428–431. A. Dumas, Catholicisme 4:661. A. M.. Zimmermann, Kalendarium
Benedictinum: Die Heiligen und Seligen des Benediktinerorderns und seiner
Zweige (Metten 1933–1938) 1:234–236.
[É. Brouette]
Lives of the Saints – Saint Eucherius, Bishop of Orleans
This Saint was born at Orleans of a very illustrious
family. At his birth his parents dedicated him to God, for his mother had been
advised in a vision that he would some day be Bishop of the city of Orleans.
They took great care to form both his mind and his heart. His improvement in
virtue kept pace with his progress in learning; he meditated assiduously on the
sacred writings, especially on Saint Paul’s manner of speaking on the world and
its enjoyments, calling them mere empty shadows which deceive us and vanish
away. These reflections at length sank so deeply into his mind that he resolved
to leave the world. To put this design in execution, about the year 714 he
retired to the abbey of Jumiege in Normandy, where he spent six or seven years
in the practice of penitential austerities and obedience.
When his uncle, the bishop of Orleans, died, the
senate and people with the clergy of that city, begged permission to elect
Eucherius to the vacant see. The Saint entreated his monks to screen him from
the honors threatening him; but they preferred the public good to any private
inclinations, and resigned him to accept that important charge. He was
consecrated with universal applause in 721.
Charles Martel, to defray the expenses of his wars and
other undertakings, often stripped the churches of their revenues. Saint
Eucherius reproved these encroachments with so much zeal that in the year 737,
Charles banished him to Cologne. The extraordinary esteem which his virtue
procured him in that city caused Charles to have him taken to a fortress in the
territory of Liege. The governor of that country was so charmed with his virtue
that he made him the distributer of his large alms, and allowed him to retire
to the monastery of Sarchinium, or Saint Tron’s. Here prayer and contemplation
were his whole employment until the year 743, in which he died, on the 20th of
MLA Citation
John Dawson Gilmary Shea. “Saint Eucherius, Bishop of
Orleans”. Pictorial Lives of the Saints, 1889. CatholicSaints.Info.
20 February 2013. Web. 16 November 2021.
of the Order of Saint Benedict – Saint Eucherius, Bishop
The mother of
Saint Eucherius was no less distinguished for her piety than for her high rank.
was her daily custom to visit one of the churches; even at night-time,
accompanied by a female attendant bearing a torch, she made it her practice to
be present at the singing of the Holy Office. One night, after her usual visit
to the sacred edifice, an angel appeared to her in her sleep, and announced
that the child she was soon to give birth to would one day be the Bishop of a
great city. This vision she communicated to her husband, and it excited in him
great hopes of the future greatness of his offspring. As soon as the infant was
born he was taken to Autun, France, to be baptized by Ausbertus, one of the
holiest monks of his time. Our Saint’s boyhood was spent at home in assiduous
study and in improving himself in virtue. His favourite reading was the Holy
Scriptures; and the Epistles of Saint Paul especially brought home to his mind
the utter vanity of the pleasures and riches of this world. So he entered the
Monastery of Gemmeticus, and by piety, watching, and every kind of mortification
he strove to attain the ideal of the perfect Religious.
When Suavarius, the Bishop of Orleans and uncle of
Eucherius, died, the inhabitants of that city sent a deputation to Charles
Martel to beg that Eucherius, whose renown for sanctity was widespread, should
be appointed successor to his uncle. The prince granted their request; but,
apprehending that the Saint’s humility would cause some difficulty, he ordered
his officers, if necessary, to use force in bringing Eucherius to Orleans. The
exhortations of his brethren were added to the commands of the Mayor of the
Palace; so the Saint, with many misgivings, consented to undertake this
important charge. Neither the Bishop nor his subjects had reason to regret his
elevation. Endeared to his people on account of his zeal and solicitude for
their welfare, the good Bishop had his reward in the peace and happiness, the
piety and good morals, that reigned throughout his diocese.
Charles Martel at this time was in great straits for
money to maintain the armies he had raised to repel the Saracen invaders of
France, and in his necessity he did not scruple to strip the churches of their
sacred treasures. When the royal officers were proceeding to commit the same
sacrilege at Orleans, the Bishop denounced their conduct, and the flatterers of
the monarch represented this as a grievous insult to himself. For the present,
owing to the pressure of war, the Prince had to delay his vengeance, but after
his victory over the Saracens he summoned Eucherius to Paris. On the Bishop’s
arrival at Verneuil, where the court then was, he was immediately banished to
Cologne. The governor, the nobles, the clergy, and the burghers of that city
vied with one another in doing honour to the illustrious exile. The jealous
sovereign construed the Saint’s popularity into a fresh offence; so he was
removed from Cologne to Hasbania, there to be kept in stricter custody by Duke
Robert. The Duke, however, was charmed by our Saint’s virtues, and permitted
him to live the ascetic life – the life he loved best – within the walls of the
neighbouring Monastery of Saint Tron.
While Saint Eucherius lay on his deathbed, a light
brighter than the sun’s filled his cell, and did not fade away till he had
breathed his last, A.D. 743.
– text and illustration taken from Saints
of the Order of Saint Benedict by Father Aegedius
Ranbeck, O.S.B.
Eucherius, Bishop of Orleans, Confessor
OUR saint’s
mother who was a lady of eminent virtue, and of the first quality at Orleans,
while she was with child of him made a daily offering of him to God, and begged
nothing for him but divine grace. When he was born, his parents dedicated him
to God, and set him to study when he was but seven years old, resolving to omit
nothing that could be done towards cultivating his mind, or forming his heart.
His improvement in virtue kept pace with his progress in learning; he meditated
assiduously on the sacred writings, especially on St. Paul’s manner of speaking
on the world, and its enjoyments, as mere empty shadows, that deceive us and
vanish away; and took particular notice that that apostle says, the wisdom of
those who love the pleasures and riches of this life is no better than folly
before God. 1 These
reflections, at length, sunk so deeply into his mind, that he resolved to quit
the world. To put this design in execution, about the year 714, he retired to
the abbey of Jumiege, on the banks of the Seine, in the diocess of Rouen. When
he had spent six or seven years there in the practice of penitential
austerities and obedience, Suavaric, his uncle, bishop of Orleans, died: the
senate and people, with the clergy of that city, deputed persons to Charles
Martel, mayor of the palace, to beg his permission to elect Eucherius to the
vacant see. That prince granted their request, and sent with them one of his
principal officers of state to conduct him from his monastery to Orleans. The
saint’s affliction at their arrival was inexpressible, and he entreated the
monks to screen him from the dangers that threatened him. But they preferred
the public good to their private inclinations, and resigned him up for that
important charge. He was received at Orleans, and consecrated with universal
applause, in 721. Though he received the episcopal character with grievous
apprehensions of its obligations and dangers, he was not discouraged, but had
recourse to the supreme pastor for assistance in the discharge of his duties,
and devoted himself entirely to the care of his church. He was indefatigable in
instructing and reforming his flock, and his zeal and even reproofs were
attended with so much sweetness and charity, that it was impossible not to love
and obey him.
Martel, to defray the expenses of his wars and other undertakings, and to
recompense those that served him, often stripped the churches of their
revenues, and encouraged others to do the same. St. Eucherius reproved these
encroachments with so much zeal, that flatterers represented it to the prince,
as an insult offered to his person; therefore, in the year 737, Charles in his
return to Paris, after having defeated the Saracens in Aquitain, took Orleans
in his way, ordered Eucherius to follow him to Verneuil upon the Oise, in the
diocess of Beauvais, where he then kept his court, and banished him to Cologn.
The extraordinary esteem which his virtue procured him in that city, moved
Charles to order him to be conveyed thence to a strong place in Hasbain, now
called Haspengaw, in the territory of Liege, under the guard of Robert,
governor of that country. The governor was so charmed with his virtue, that he
made him the distributer of his large alms, and allowed him to retire to the
monastery of Sarchinium, or St. Tron’s. Here prayer and contemplation were his
whole employment, till the year 743, in which he died on the 20th of February.
He is named in the Roman, and other martyrologies. See his original life by one
of the same age, with the preliminary dissertation of Henschenius, and the
remarks of Mabillon, sæc. 3. Ben. The pretended vision of the damnation of
Charles Martel, is an evident interpolation, found only in later copies, and in
1. 1 Cor. vii. 31. iii. 19. [back]
Rev. Alban Butler (1711–73). Volume
II: February. The Lives of the Saints. 1866.
Sant' Eucherio di Orleans Vescovo
Emblema: Bastone pastorale
Martirologio Romano: A Sint-Truiden nel Brabante
in Austrasia, nell’odierno Belgio, transito di sant’Eucherio, vescovo di
Orléans, che, costretto all’esilio dal re Carlo Martello per le calunnie a lui
rivolte da uomini invidiosi, trovò pio rifugio tra i monaci.
Eucherio nacque a Orléans nel sec. VII da una potente famiglia merovingica. Sentendosi chiamato alla solitudine, chiese di essere ricevuto a Jumièges e vi passò sette anni. Ma a richiesta degli orleanesi e col consenso di Carlo Martello, successe, suo malgrado, a suo zio Savarico. Dopo sei anni di episcopato improntato a dolcezza, a benevolenza e insieme a fermezza dottrinale verso gli usurpatori di beni della Chiesa, divenne oggetto di gelosie. Carlo Martello, dinanzi al quale lo si era messo in cattiva luce, gli intimò di seguirlo a Parigi, poi lo esiliò a Colonia. Troppo ben ricevuto dalla comunità della città renana, egli si vide costretto a emigrare a Liegi, prima di ottenere finalmente il permesso di ritirarsi nell'abbazia di Saint-Trond nella diocesi di Maastricht. Ivi morì, secondo gli studi più recenti, nel 738. La leggenda gli attribuisce una visione in cui avrebbe avuto la rivelazione della dannazione di Carlo Martello. La sua festa è celebrata il 20 febbraio.
Autore: René Wasselynck
Eucherius von Orléans
bedeutet: der Freundliche (griech.)
Eucherius, Sohn einer sehr einflussreichen Familie,
war Benediktinermönch
in Jumièges,
gerühmt durch seine Frömmigkeit und Gelehrsamkeit. Im Alter von erst 25 Jahren
wurde er gegen seinen Willen zum Bischof von Orléans ernannt;
er befürchtete, durch Glanz und Lust der Welt die Krone des Heils zu
verlieren. Dort schreibt ihm die Legende eine Totenerweckung zu. Im Streit um
die Herausgabe von Kirchengütern verbannte ihn Karl Martell, der Herrscher im
Frankenreich, 732 erst nach Köln,
dann nach Sint-Truiden.
Eucherius van Orléans osb (ook van Jumièges of van
Sint-Truiden), Frankrijk; bisschop; † (738 of) 743.
Feest 20 februari & 11 (&12) augustus
(overbrenging of verheffing relieken).
Hij was afkomstig uit Orléans en genoot een
zorgvuldige opvoeding. Rond 714 trad hij in bij de benedictijnen van klooster
Jumièges aan de Seine in het bisdom Rouen. In 721 werd hij bisschop van zijn
geboortestad. Omdat hij zich te weer stelde tegen de wijze waarop Karel Martel
met kerkelijke goederen omsprong, werd hij in 737 naar Keulen verbannen. Daar
werd hij al gauw een geliefd man. Vervolgens werd hij naar Luik gestuurd en
bracht zijn laatste jaren door in de abdij van Sint-Truiden, België.
Hij stond in zo'n hoog aanzien, dat hij naast de
stichter van het klooster Sint Trudo, begraven werd.
Hun beider gebeente werd tot tweemaal toe verheven; de
eerste keer op 11 augustus 880, en voor de tweede keer op 11 augustus 1169.
Geschiedkundigen menen, dat zijn verering er de
oorzaak van is geworden, dat zijn naam terecht is gekomen op de lijst van
Maastrichtse bisschoppen, en dat hij sindsdien wordt aangezien voor achtste
bisschop van die stad.
© A. van den Akker s.j.
Den hellige Eucherius av Orléans (~694-743)
Minnedag: 20.
Den hellige
Eucherius (fr: Eucher) ble født rundt 694 (rundt 687?) i Orléans i Gallia. Han
kom fra en mektig merovingisk familie. Hans foreldre var kristne, og da sønnen
ble født, viet de ham til Gud. I ungdommen var han svært interessert i
vitenskapelige spørsmål og viste en høy intelligens, og han fikk en god
utdannelse. Da han rett etter leste i den hellige apostelen Paulus’ brev,
bestemte han seg for å velge det monastiske liv rundt 714. Han trakk seg
tilbake som munk i det store benediktinerklosteret (Ordo Sancti Benedicti –
OSB) Jumièges ved Seinen i bispedømmet Rouen i Normandie (da i kongeriket
Eucherius tilbrakte syv år i klosteret med å
praktisere botsøvelser og lydighet. Blant sine medbrødre var han høyt aktet.
Men jo mer de beundret ham, desto mer ydmyk ble han. Ryktet om hans høye
dannelse og fromhet spredte seg snart, til og med utenfor klostermurene. Hans
onkel Soavaric var på den tiden biskop av Orléans, og da han døde, forteller
biografien at senatet, folket og presteskapet i byen sendte en delegasjon til
frankernes hushovmester (major domus) og reelle hersker Karl Martell
(716-41) og ba om tillatelse til å velge Eucherius til det høye embetet. Karl
Martell var illegitim sønn av Pipin av Herstal (frankisk hushovmester 687-714),
og han ga sin tillatelse.
Men Eucherius forsøkte å unnvike denne æren og ba sine
medbrødre om å hjelpe ham å slippe, for som han sa: «Hvor lett skulle ikke
denne verdens glans og ære kunne berøve meg frelsens krone som jeg ville erobre
her blant dere?» Til slutt føyde han seg imidlertid og forlot Jumièges med
tårer i øynene, og i en alder av bare 25 år ble han i 719 biskop av Orléans
(noen kilder skriver 721). Det er imidlertid blitt påpekt at bispelistene i
Orléans viser to eller tre biskoper mellom Soavaric og Eucherius.
Eucherius viste seg å bli en eksemplarisk biskop, men
han hadde gjort rett i å frykte den verdslige verden. Karl Martell hadde satt i
gang en massiv erobringsbølge og hadde først nylig beseiret Neustria. Han
beseiret maurernes invasjonsstyrker nær Poitiers i 732, og deretter okkuperte
han Burgund og Provençe. Disse felttogene måtte finansieres, og da de
konfiskerte eiendommene til hans fiender viste seg ikke å være tilstrekkelig,
vendte han seg mot Kirkens eiendommer, som hadde vokst betraktelig på 500- og
I en «sekulariseringsprosess» enten konfiskerte han
eiendommer direkte eller utnevnte legmenn blant sine tjenestemenn som abbeder
og biskoper, som deretter stilte sine kirkers eiendommer til Karls disposisjon
for å utruste tropper. Han var ikke motivert av noen anti-religiøse følelser,
men så tvert imot sine seire som oppnådd med Kristi hjelp, spesielt den over
maurerne. Men konsekvensene for Kirken var katastrofale, og biskop Eucherius
motsatte seg konfiskasjonene på det sterkeste og forsvarte Kirkens rettigheter
med all sin energi.
Denne motstanden ble fremstilt for Karl Martell som en
personlig fornærmelse, så i 737, da hushovmesteren var på vei hjem til Paris
etter å ha beseiret sarasenerne i Aquitania, stanset han i Orléans (sarasenere
var middelalderens betegnelse på muslimer; det kommer antakelig av et arabisk
ord som betyr «de fra øst»). Han ga Eucherius ordre om å følge med ham til
Verneuil ved Oise i bispedømmet Beauvais, hvor han da hadde sitt hoff. Der
forviste han Eucherius og alle hans slektninger til Köln (noen kilder skriver
at det skjedde i 732).
Men også der ble den store biskopen snart beundret og
elsket av folket, og da Karl Martell fryktet at hans innflytelse skulle vokse,
forviste han ham en gang til, denne gangen til en festning i Hasbain
(Haspengaw) nær Liège/Luik i det nåværende Belgia. Men der spredte hans
popularitet seg også snart, og festningens kommandant Robert ga ham til slutt
lov til å trekke seg tilbake til benediktinerklosteret Sarchinium eller Saint-Trond
(Sint-Truiden) nær Maastricht vest for Brussel, der han var isolert fra folket.
Der heter det at
han tilbrakte resten av sine dager i bønn og kontemplasjon. Han
døde i klosteret Saint-Trond den 20. februar 743 (noen kilder skriver at nyere
studier sier 738) etter seks år i landsforvisning, uten noensinne å ha sett
sitt bispedømme igjen. Han var så høyt aktet at han ble gravlagt ved siden av
grunnleggeren av klosteret, den hellige Trudo. Begges relikvier ble skrinlagt
to ganger, første gang den 11. august 880, og andre gang den 11. august 1169.
En kult oppsto senest på 800-tallet. Hans minnedag i
Martyrologium Romanum er dødsdagen 20. februar, men han har også en
translasjonsfest den 11. august (eller 12.). Hans biografi virker å ha blitt
skrevet i hans egen tid. Hans relikvier oppbevares i Saint-Trond, og han står i
martyrologiene til de hellige Beda den ærverdige og Rabanus Maurus.
Historikere mener at hans kult gjorde at hans navn havnet på listen over
biskoper av Maastricht, hvor han siden ble angitt som byens åttende biskop, den
hellige Eucherius
I av Tongeren-Maastricht (d. 522?).
Erkebiskop Hinkmar av Reims fortalte til et konsil i
Quierzy i 858 om en visjon som biskop Eucherius av Orléans hadde sett i
regjeringstiden til kong Pipin den lille over hundre årtidligere. Mens
Eucherius ba, hadde han blitt tatt opp og fikk blant andre ting se lidelsene
til dem som var i helvete, og blant dem så han Karl Martell. Da visjonen
sluttet, tilkalte han Bonifatius og abbed Fulrad av Saint-Denis og sendte dem
for å se etter om Karl var i sin grav. Da de to åpnet graven, styrtet en drage
ut, og de fant gravens indre svertet som om den hadde brent. Disse to tegnene
ble tatt som bevis på at visjonen stemte og at Karl hadde blitt dømt til
helvete for sin plyndring av kirkelig eiendom.
Eucherius avbildes som biskop som blir drevet ut av
Orléans, eller når han vekker opp en død. Noen ganger avbildes han mens han ser
en visjon av Karl Martell i helvete, men denne legenden kommer ikke fra den
originale biografien. Han kalles Eucherius av Orléans, men også «av Jumièges»
eller «av Sint-Truiden».
Attwater/Cumming, Butler (II), Benedictines, Bunson, Engelhart, Kaas,
Schauber/Schindler, KIR, CSO, Patron Saints SQPN, Infocatho, Bautz,
Heiligenlexikon,,, - Kompilasjon
og oversettelse: p. Per Einar Odden
Opprettet: 10. april 2004
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