lundi 4 mai 2015

Saint ETHELRED de BARDNEY, roi, moine et abbé bénédictin

Fondation de l’église par Saint  Ethelred of Mercia en 689, Vitrail, 1890, église St John's Chester

Saint Ethelred

Roi de Mercie (Angleterre), il abdiqua pour devenir moine bénédictin à Bardney. Il y fut élu abbé et mourut en 716.

Saint Ethelred

( 716)

Fêté en Angleterre dont il fut l'un des premiers rois (roi de Mercie). Après avoir régné trente ans, en 704, il alla s'enfermer dans un monastère à Bardney et y vécut saintement les treize dernières années de sa vie.

Il est le frère des saintes Kineburge et Kineswide.

Roi de Mercie

Fête le 4 mai

† 716

Ethelred, roi de Mercie, abdiqua pour devenir moine à Bardney, où il fut élu plus tard abbé. Saint Ethelred est dépeint comme un abbé Bénédictin avec les insignes royaux à ses pieds. Il est vénéré à Leominster.

Ethelred of Bardney, OSB King (AC)

Died 716. Ethelred, king of Mercia, abdicated to become a monk at Bardney, where he was later elected abbot (Benedictines). Saint Ethelred is depicted as a Benedictine abbot with royal regalia at his feet. He is venerated at Leominster (Roeder).

Also known as

§  Ailred of Bardney

§  4 May


Born a prince, the son of King Penda of Mercia in England. Ethelred became king of Mercia himself in 674. Abdicated in 704 to become a monk at Bardney Abbey where he later became abbot.

§  716 at the at Bardney, England of natural causes

§  abbot with royal regalia (crown, sceptre, etc.) at his feet

Ethelred, son of Penda, succeeded his brother Wulfere as King of Mercia, A.D. 675. A year later he waged a cruel war against the kingdom of Kent, leading an undisciplined army, which destroyed churches and monasteries, and laid waste the city of Rochester. He had also a bitter feud with Egfrid, King of Northumbria, which was at length appeased through the mediation of St Theodore. After a victorious reign of thirty years, Ethelred desired to devote his thoughts exclusively to the kingdom of the life to come, and for this purpose renounced his earthly realm and retired to the Abbey of Bardney, to which place his wife Osthrytha had solemnly translated the relics of her martyred uncle Saint Oswald. In this monastery, for which he had a singular predilection, the king made his religious profession, leaving the cares of government entirely to his nephew and successor Coenred, and here he ended his days in peace.

Father Richard Stanton. “Ethelred, 716″. Menology of England and Wales, 1887. CatholicSaints.Info. 23 April 2015. Web. 3 May 2015. <>


Sant' Etelredo Re di Mercia, abate

† Monastero di Bardney, 716

Figlio del pagano Penda, re di Mercia, Etelredo succedette a Wulfhere nel 674. Durante la guerra contro il re del Kent, distrusse chiese, monasteri e la città di Rochester, ma in seguito, il leone, divenuto agnello, amaramente si pentì dei suoi eccessi. In seguito alla uccisione della moglie Osthryth, avvenuta nel 697, Etelredo, nel 704, dopo un regno di vent’anni, abdicò in favore del nipote Coenred ed entrò nel monastero di Bardney, dove divenne abate e morì nel 716. E’ ricordato il 4 maggio.

Autore: Edward I. Watkin