dimanche 12 avril 2015

Saint VICTOR de BRAGA, catéchumène et martyr

Igreja de São Vitor em Braga.

Église Saint-Victor (igreja de São Victor), Braga,

São Victor Church, Braga.

Igreja de São Vitor em Braga.

Saint Victor de Braga

Martyr (4ème s.)

Martyr. Encore catéchumène, il refusa d'adorer des idoles inanimées et confessa le Christ, Fils du Dieu vivant. Après de nombreux tourments, il eut la tête tranchée et mérita ainsi d'être baptisé dans son sang, à Braga au Portugal.

SOURCE : http://nominis.cef.fr/contenus/saint/960/Saint-Victor-de-Braga.html

Igreja de São Vitor em Braga.

Saint Victor de Braga

Martyr sous Dioclétien

Fête le 12 avril

† Braga, Portugal, v. 300

Dans sa chronique, Vasaeus mentionne que saint Victor fut baptisé dans son propre sang.  Catéchumène portugais, il fut décapité à Braga (Portugal), sous Dioclétien, pour avoir refuser de sacrifier aux idoles.

SOURCE : http://www.martyretsaint.com/victor-de-braga/

Igreja de São Vitor em Braga.

Interieur de l'église Saint Victor de Braga, à Braga au Portugal

Saint Victor of Braga


12 April


Catechumen martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian.


c.300 in Braga, Portugal



Additional Information

Book of Saints, by the Monks of Ramsgate

Lives of the Saints, by Father Alban Butler

Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints

Catholic Online

Martirologio Romano2005 edition

MLA Citation

“Saint Victor of Braga“. CatholicSaints.Info. 6 April 2017. Web. 11 April 2023. <https://catholicsaints.info/saint-victor-of-braga/>

SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/saint-victor-of-braga/

Igreja de São Vitor em Braga.

Chaire de l'église Saint Victor de Braga, à Braga au Portugal

Church of São Vítor in Braga, Portugal.

Book of Saints – Victor – 12 April


(SaintMartyr (April 12) (4th century) A victim of the persecution under Diocletian at Braga in Portugal. He was only a catechumen when arrested as a Christian, and, being almost at once beheaded, was baptised in his own blood (A.D. 300 about).

MLA Citation

Monks of Ramsgate. “Victor”. Book of Saints1921. CatholicSaints.Info. 6 April 2017. Web. 11 April 2023. <https://catholicsaints.info/book-of-saints-victor-12-april/>

SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/book-of-saints-victor-12-april/

Igreja de São Vitor em Braga.

Détail d'azulejos, église Saint Victor de Braga, à Braga au Portugal

Church of São Vítor in Braga, Portugal.

April 12

St. Victor of Braga, Martyr

THIS city was a populous resort of the Romans; on which account it was watered with the blood of many martyrs in the persecution of Dioclesian. The names only of SS. Victor, Sylvester, Cucufas, Susana, and Torquatus have reached us. Their triumphs are honoured in that church, and recorded by Vasæus in his chronicle, and other Spanish historians. St. Victor, who is mentioned in the Roman Martyrology on the 12th of April, was a catechumen, who, refusing to sacrifice to idols, was condemned to lose his head, and baptized in his own blood. See F. Thomas ab Incarnatione. Hist. Portug. Sæc. 4, c. 6, p. 218

Rev. Alban Butler (1711–73).  Volume IV: April. The Lives of the Saints.  1866.

SOURCE : http://www.bartleby.com/210/4/124.html

Igreja de São Vitor em Braga.

Détail d'azulejos, église Saint Victor de Braga, à Braga au Portugal

Victor of Braga M (RM)

Died c. 300. In his chronicle, Vasaeus records that Saint Victor was baptized by blood. The catechumen was beheaded at Braga, Portugal, under Diocletian for refusing to sacrifice to idols (Benedictines, Husenbeth).

SOURCE : http://www.saintpatrickdc.org/ss/0412.shtml


THIS city was a populous resort of the Romans; on which account it was watered with the blood of many martyrs in the persecution of Dioclesian. The names only of SS. Victor, Sylvester, Cucufas, Susana, and Torquatus, have reached us. Their triumphs are honored in that church, and recorded by Vasæus in his chronicle, and other Spanish historians. St. Victor, who is mentioned in the Roman Martyrology on the 12th of April, was a catechumen, who, refusing to sacrifice to idols, was condemned to lose his head, and baptized in his own blood. See F. Thomas ab Incarnatione. Hist Portug. Sæc. 4, c. 6, p. 218.

SOURCE : https://www.ecatholic2000.com/butler/vol4/april54.shtml

Igreja de São Vitor em Braga.

Détail d'azulejos, église Saint Victor de Braga, à Braga au Portugal

San Victor de Braga


Víctor de Braga, San. ?, m. s. III – Braga (Portugal), u. t. s. III. Mártir.

La existencia de un culto a san Víctor de Braga sólo está atestiguada a finales del siglo xi en un solo lugar, el Monasterio de Santo Domingo de Silos (Burgos), en cuyos calendarios figura; en un pasionario procedente de esta abadía castellana se halla también una brevísima pasión que más parece nota de martirologio y que por su concisión podría ser testigo de una antigua tradición. Por ella se sabe que Víctor se encontró un día con el cortejo que acompañaba la imagen de un dios pagano y que, confesándose cristiano, fue condenado a muerte y decapitado. Su fiesta se celebra el 12 de abril.

Bibl.: A. Fábrega Grau, Pasionario hispánico, vol. I, Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1953, pág. 227; R. Jiménez Pedrajas, “Vittore”, en VV. AA., Bibliotheca Sanctorum, vol. XII, Roma, Istituto Giovanni XXIII, 1969, cols. 1251-1252; P. Riesco Chueca, Pasionario hispánico. Introducción, edición crítica y traducción, Sevilla, Universidad, 1995, págs. 282-283.

Miguel C. Vivancos Gómez, OSB

SOURCE : https://dbe.rah.es/biografias/46924/san-victor-de-braga

S. Victor de Braga

Era catecúmeno, natural da aldeia de Paços, perto de Braga. Ainda antes de receber o Baptismo, já vivia como cristão, abominando os ídolos e a sua falsa divindade.

Numa manhã, Victor saíu para os campos e encontrou o cortejo que ía honrar a deusa Ceres. Quiseram que ele se associasse ao cortejo ou, pelo menos, se deixasse coroar de flores como estavam todos os jovens da sua idade. Como recusasse, foi levado a tribunal onde confessou seguir a lei de Cristo. Fê-lo com tal entusiasmo que calou os juizes.

Então o Governador mandou vir lâminas incandescentes que começaram a retalhar o seu corpo. Como nem assim deixasse de confessar a sua fé, levando alguns a questionar a sua própria consciência, o Governador mandou cortarem-lhe a cabeça.

SOURCE : https://evangelhoquotidiano.org/PT/display-saint/67a12c4a-e6fd-4fef-a525-48e8982dad4a

Voir aussi : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sktIoYfTDY&ab_channel=Hanburycross