of en:Pope Anastasius I in the en:Basilica of Saint Paul
Outside the Walls, Rome
San Paolo alle Tre Fontane Medaillon, um 1848, in der Kirche San Paolo fuori le Mura in Rom
Saint Anastase I
Il naquit à Rome.
Ce fut lui qui condamna
les œuvres d’Origène, les considérant hérétiques.
SOURCE : http://eglise.de.dieu.free.fr/liste_des_papes_03.htm
Saint Anastase Ier
Pape (39 ème) de 399 à
401 (+ 401)
Pape dont saint Jérôme loue l'esprit de pauvreté et la sollicitude apostolique.
Il fut un homme de conciliation en particulier au moment de la querelle avec Origène. Il était très attentif au retour paisible des chrétiens qui, devant la persécution, avaient cédé par faiblesse. Nous avons de lui quelques lettres qui témoignent de cette miséricorde très fraternelle.
À Rome, au cimetière de Pontien sur la voie de Porto, en 401, la mise au
tombeau de saint Anastase Ier, pape, homme de très riche pauvreté, dit saint
Jérôme, et d’ardeur apostolique, qui, dans un bref pontificat, s’opposa
fermement aux doctrines hérétiques.
Martyrologe romain
Saint Anastase Ier
39e pape de 399 à 401
Anastase, naît à Rome dans la famille des Massimi, est pape du 27-11-399 au 19-12-401.
Il condamne les doctrines d'Origène et les donatistes ; plus modéré que Jérôme contre Origène, il se montre plus ferme envers les donatistes de l'Église en Afrique.
Il censure les ouvrages qui ne correspondent pas à la cosmologie chrétienne (la censure chrétienne sera souvent appelée anastasie).
Cependant, il est un
homme de conciliation et se montre très attentif au retour paisible des
chrétiens qui, devant la persécution, ont cédé par faiblesse : il y a quelques
lettres qui témoignent de cette miséricorde très fraternelle. Il réconcilie les
Églises de Rome et d’Antioche.
Anastase combattit les disciples d'une secte qui pratiquait des rites hétérodoxes et décida que les prêtres devaient se lever et tenir la tête inclinée durant la lecture de l'Évangile.
Il meurt le 19 décembre 401. Il est enterré à Rome, sur la via Ostiense,
au-dessus des catacombes de Saint-Pontien. Son fils lui succède sur le trône de
Pierre : Innocent Ier.
Homme de très riche pauvreté, dit saint Jérôme, et d’ardeur apostolique, qui, dans un bref pontificat, s’opposa fermement aux doctrines hérétiques. (M.R.)
Saint Anastase Ier est fêté le 19 décembre.
Sources principales : wikipédia.org (« Rév. x gpm »).
©Evangelizo.org 2001-2015
- Saint Anastase Ier,
pape. 401.
Empereur d'Occident : Honorius. Empereur d'Orient : Arcadius.
" La patience, c'est le martyre."
Saint Bonaventure.
Saint Anastase, romain
d'origine, était fils de Maxime, et fut, après la mort de saint Sirice, ordonné
évêque de Rome. Pendant qu'il gouvernait avec éclat, l'hérésie, accréditée sous
le nom d'Origène, partie des régions de l'Orient, vint fondre sur l'Eglise
comme une violente tempête, et menaça de troubler la pure doctrine et
d'ébranler la vraie foi. Il était un homme " d'une très-riche pauvreté et
d'une sollicitude apostolique " (Saint Jérôme).
Saint Anastase, ayant vu
le monstre de l'erreur lever sa tête funeste, se hâta de lui porter un coup
mortel ; il fit taire tous les sifflements de l'hydre. Les hérétiques eurent
beau se cacher, il sut les faire sortir de leurs retraites obscures ; par ses
lettres, il condamna en Occident ce qui avait été déjà condamné en Orient. Le
zèle ne lui tit jamais défaut pour veiller à la garde de la foi de ses peuples.
Aucune province de son empire spirituel, en quelque lieu de la terre qu'elle
fût située, n'échappait à sa surveillance ses lettres avaient partout prévenir
les fausses doctrines, ou les anéantir.
Un concile de l'église d'Afrique lui envoya, ainsi qu'à Vénérius, évêque de Milan,
un évêque en députation pour obtenir du secours en faveur de cette Eglise alors
affligée d'une grave disette de ministres sacrés, et exposée à voir périr un
grand nombre d'âmes au milieu de populations plongées dans la misère, parmi
lesquelles on n'aurait pas trouvé même un diacre ou un homme lettré.
Saint Anastase écrivit à
ces mêmes évêques d'Afrique, les exhortant avec la sollicitude et la sincérité
d'une charité paternelle et fraternelle tout ensemble, s'opposer ouvertement et
avec vigueur aux piéges et aux fraudes perverses dont se servaient les
Donatistes pour faire la guerre à l'Eglise catholique. Ce fut par l'autorité de
ce Pontife que l'on décida que les évêques donatistes, et les clercs de tous
ordres seraient reçus dans l'unité catholique, pour y exercer les offices
ecclésiastiques selon qu'il paraitrait expédient à ceux qui avaient intérêt
pour leur salut à l'exercice ou à la suspension de leur ministère.
Il arrêta que nul homme d'outre-mer ne serait admis à l'honneur de la
déricature sans une lettre signée par cinq évêques. Il régla que la lecture des
saints évangiles serait faite par les prêtres, non pas assis, mais debout et
inclinés. Il construisit, dans la ville de Rome, la basilique Crescentienne,
située dans la deuxième région, sur la voie Mamertine.
En deux ordinations faites au mois de décembre, il créa huit prêtres, cinq
diacres et des éveqnes pour divers diocèses ; enfin il s'endormit en paix, et
fut enseveli dans le cimetière de l'Orso Pileato (ainsi nommé d'un joueur de
paume qui s'appelait Ursus Pileatus et qui avait son mausolée en cet endroit),
sous les empereurs Arcadius et Honorius.
Saint Jérôme écrit que
l'Eglise n'eut pas longtemps le bonheur de le posséder, de peur que Rome, la
tête du monde, ne tombât sous un si grand évêque il fut ravi et transporté dans
l'autre monde, le royaume de la vraie vie, afin qu'il n'entreprit pas de s'opposer
par ses prières à l'exécution d'une sentence irrévocable car, peu de temps
après sa mort, Rome fut prise par les Goths et saccagée.
formerly 27 April
All that is known of his
early life is that he was considered pious as a youth, and cared nothing for
material things as an adult. Pope.
Immediately involved in the turmoil resulting from the heretical writings of Origen.
Convened a synod to condemn the works. Fought against the heresy of Donatism.
Friend of Saint Augustine
of Hippo, Saint Jerome,
and Saint Paulinus
of Nola.
century in Rome, Italy
Papal Ascension
402 of
natural causes
of Saints, by the Monks of
of the Saints, by Father Alban
Martyrology, 1914 edition
Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints
sites in english
from Pope Anastasius to Simplicianus
Medieval Religion Listserv, by Terri Morgan
en español
Martirologio Romano, 2001 edición
in italiano
i norsk
“Pope Saint Anastasius
I“. CatholicSaints.Info. 28 September 2022. Web. 31 May 2024.
SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/pope-saint-anastasius-i/
Book of Saints
– Anastasius – 27 April
ANASTASIUS (Saint) Pope.
(April 27) (5th century) A Roman by birth, who became Pope in the year 398. He
is noted for the zeal with which he repressed the spreading errors of
Origenism. Saint Jerome describes him as “a man of holy life and rich in his
very poverty.” He passed away A.D. 402.
Monks of Ramsgate.
“Anastasius”. Book of Saints, 1921. CatholicSaints.Info. 16
June 2012.
Web. 31 May 2024.
SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/book-of-saints-anastasius-27-april/
Catholic Dictionary – Pope Saint Anastasius I
Reigned from 399 to 403.
Born in Rome, Italy; died there.
He was a friend of Saint Augustine, Saint Jerome, and Saint Paulinus. Chiefly
known for his condemnation of Origen and
the Donatists. Feast, 27
“Pope Saint Anastasius
I”. People of the Faith. CatholicSaints.Info. 18
December 2010.
Web. 31 May 2024.
SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/new-catholic-dictionary-pope-saint-anastasius-i/
St. Anastasius I
Feastday: December 19
Death: 401
Pope Anastasius I was
among the first to condemn the works of Origen. Elected to the papacy in 399,
Anastasius was a Roman by birth, and little is known of his early life. In 400,
he arranged a council to consider the writings of Origen, after receiving a letter
from Patriarch Theophilus of Alexandria expressing
strong doubt about
Origen's fidelity to Christian teaching.
The council condemned Origen's work as heterodox, and Rufinus of Aquiliea wrote
to the pope to defend his translation of Origen's First Principles, which St. Jerome had
attacked. Anastasius upheld the council's decision. He also urged the church in
North Africa to
continue its struggle against Donatism. He died in 401 and was buried in the
cemetary of Pontian.
SOURCE : https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=825
Pope St. Anastasius I
A pontiff who
is remembered chiefly for his condemnation of Origenism.
A Roman by
birth, he became pope in
399, and died within a little less than four years. Among his friends
were Augustine,
and Jerome,
and Paulinus. Jerome speaks of him as a man of great holiness who
was rich in his poverty. It was during the time of the barbarian
Acta SS., III, September;
BUTLER, Lives of the Saints. 27 September.
Campbell, Thomas.
"Pope St. Anastasius I." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 1. New York:
Robert Appleton Company, 1907. 27 Apr. 2015
Transcription. This article was transcribed for New Advent by W.S. French,
approbation. Nihil Obstat. March 1, 1907. Remy Lafort, S.T.D.,
Censor. Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York.
Copyright © 2023 by Kevin Knight.
Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
SOURCE : http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01454c.htm
St. Anastasius, Pope and
HE was by birth a Roman,
and had, by many combats and labours, acquired a high reputation for his
virtues and abilities. He succeeded Siricius in the papacy, in 398. St. Jerom
calls him 1 a
man of a holy life, of a most rich poverty, and endued with an apostolic
solicitude and zeal. He exerted himself in stopping the progress of Origenism.
When Rufinis had translated the dangerous books of Origen, On the Principles,
he condemned that translation as tending to weaken our faith, built on the
tradition of the apostles and our fathers, as he says in his letter on this
subject, to John, bishop of Jerusalem. 2 As
to Rufinus, he leaves to God his intention in translating this work. 3 In
this epistle he calls all people and nations scattered over the earth, the parts
of his body. 4 He
sat three years and ten days, dying on the 14th of December, 401. St. Jerom
says, 5 that
God took him out of this world lest Rome should be plundered under such a head:
for in 410, it fell into the hands of Alaric the Goth. The remains of this holy
pope have been often translated: the greater part now rest in the church of
Saint Praxedes. The Roman Martyrology commemorates his name on this day, which
is probably that of one of these translations; see Ceillier, t. 8, p. 556,
Note 1. S. Hier. Ep.
4, ad Demetriadem, t. 4, p. 793. [back]
Note 2. Epist. Decr.
t. 1, p. 739. [back]
Note 3. F. Gamier
published this letter in his edition of Marius Mercator, p. 3; but interpolated
in the end, where it is pretended that Anastasius declares Rufinus himself to
have been condemned by the holy see. This interpolation is omitted in the
accurate edition of Coutant, t. 1, p. 738. It is not found in the best
manuscripts; and is contrary to what this pope had said before in the same
epistle, that he leaves Rufinus’s conscience and intention to God his
judge. [back]
Note 4. Mihi cura
non deerit, evangelii fidem circa meos populos custodire, partesque corporis,
per spatia diversa terrarum diffusas, quantis possum litteris convenire, ne qua
profanæ interpretationis origo subrepat, quæ devotas immissâ sui caligine
mentes labefactare conetur. Anast. Papa, Ep. ad Jean. Hier. apud Coutant. Ep.
decretal, t. 1, p. 739. Pope Celestine afterwards, writing to the clergy and
people of Constantinople, uses the like phrase: Nos licet longe positi, ubi cognovimus
perversitate doctrinæ membra nostra lacerari, paternâ solicitudine nos urente,
pro vobis alieno flagravimus incendio.——Cum nostra viscera sitis, jure
trepidamus, &c. p. 1, Conc. Ephesin. cap. 19. [back]
Note 5. Ep. 96, ad
princip. p. 782. [back]
Rev. Alban
Butler (1711–73). Volume IV: April. The Lives of the Saints. 1866.
SOURCE : http://www.bartleby.com/210/4/272.html
Anastasius I, Pope (RM)
Born in Rome; died there
in 401. Anastasius, the son of Maximus, was elected pope on November 27, 399,
and ruled the Church for two years. His pontificate was marked by his
condemnation of Origen in order to stop the errors of those who followed and
expanded upon Origen's teachings, his urging the African bishops to continue
their opposition to Donatism, and his personal holiness and piety. Saint Jerome
helped him in his own way, and Saints Augustine and Paulinus of Nola praised
his model of sanctity. It is from Pope Anastasius that priests have the
instruction to read the Gospels standing and bowing their heads. The laus in
the Roman Martyrology reads: "At Rome, the death of Pope Saint Anastasius
I, a man of extreme poverty and apostolic solicitude. Saint Jerome in his
writings saith that Rome did not deserve to possess him for long. . .
." (Benedictines, Delaney, Encyclopedia).
SOURCE : http://www.saintpatrickdc.org/ss/1219.shtml
St. Anastasius I, Pope
Anastasius was born of a
Roman family sometime in the middle of the 4th century. He was elected pope
after the death of Pope Siricius in 399.The writings of St. Jerome, St.
Augustine and St. Paulinus of Nola provide us with some details of Anastasius'
He was described as a
very distinguished man of blameless character and was known for his holiness
and charity. According to St. Jerome, Anastasius was warned of the dangers of
the teachings of Origen. He wrote letters to Bishop Simplicianus of Milan and
to his successor Bishop Venerius prohibiting the spread of Origen's heresies by
the clergy.
Anastasius also wrote
letters to the Council of Carthage in 411, urging the African bishops to
continue to fight against the Donatists. This heresy developed during
persecutions by the Roman emperor, Diocletian. According to the Donatists, any
clergy who had handed over sacred scriptures to the Roman officials during
these persecutions were traitors and could no longer administer the sacraments.
St. Augustine in his refutations pointed out that Christ is the true minister
of the sacraments, therefore the efficacy of the sacrament was in no way
affected by the unworthiness of the human minister.
Pope Anastasius I died on
December 19, 401, so as you can see his pontificate was short. But in those two
years he made a strong impression of faithfulness to the doctrines of New
Testament teachings and a life of courage and love for all those he served, as
is attested to by the writings of three of the greatest saints of the 4th and
5th centuries, Jerome, Augustine and Paulinus.
© 1998 The Monastery of
Christ in the Desert
SOURCE : http://www.christdesert.org/cgi-bin/martyrology.dynamic.5.cgi?name=anastasius_i_pope
Pope St. Anastasius (399-401)
Although his pontificate
was brief, he gained notoriety as the one who condemned the famous theologian
Origen. When one thinks of a son taking over for his father, it hardly would be
imagined that it would be as pope. The son of Pope Anastasius would succeed him
as Pope Innocent I.
Pope Anastasius was
favored by Saint Jerome and Saint Paulinus of Nola for his tendency toward
asceticism. He held fast in his stand against Donatism which held that those
penitents returning to the Catholic Church had to be re-baptized if they had
been baptized by those in heresy or schism.
Pope Anastasius is buried
in the cemetery of Pontian.
Habemus papam
SOURCE : http://www.spirituality.org/is/172/pope_39.asp
Letter XCV. From Pope
Anastasius to Simplicianus.
At the request of
Theophilus Anastasius, bishop of Rome, writes to Simplicianus, bishop of Milan,
to inform him that he, like Theophilus, has condemned Origen whose blasphemies
have been brought under his notice by Eusebius of Cremona. This latter had
shown him a copy of the version by Rufinus of the treatise On First
Principles. The date of the letter is 400 a.d.
To his lord and brother
Simplicianus, Anastasius.
1. It is felt right that
a shepherd should bestow great care and watchfulness upon his flock. In like
manner too from his lofty tower the careful watchman keeps a lookout day and
night on behalf of the city. So also in the hour of tempest when the sea is
dangerous the shipmaster suffers keen anxiety2642 lest
the gale and the violence of the waves shall dash his vessel upon the rocks. It
is with similar feelings that the reverend and honourable Theophilus our
brother and fellow-bishop, ceases not to watch over the things that make for
salvation, that God’s people in the different churches may not by reading
Origen run into awful blasphemies.
2. Being informed, then,
by a letter of the aforesaid bishop, we inform your holiness that we in like
manner who are set in the city of Rome in which the prince of the apostles, the
glorious Peter, first founded the church and then by his faith strengthened it;
to the end that no man may contrary to the commandment read these books which
we have mentioned, have condemned the same; and have with earnest prayers urged
the strict observance of the precepts which God and Christ have inspired the
evangelists to teach. We have charged men to remember the words of the
venerable apostle Paul, prophetic and full of warning:—“if any than preach any
other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be
accursed.”2643 Holding
fast, therefore, this precept, we have intimated that everything written in
days gone by Origen that is contrary to our faith is even by us rejected and
3. I send this letter to
your holiness by the hand of the presbyter Eusebius,2644 a
man filled with a glowing faith and love for the Lord. He has shewn to me some
blasphemous chapters which made me shudder as I passed judgement on them. If
Origen has put forth any other writings, you are to know that they and their
author are alike condemned by me. The Lord have you in safe keeping, my lord
and brother deservedly held in honour.
Magister hactenus navis hora tempestatis æquoris et periculo magnam patitur
animi jactationem.
See the account of the meeting of Eusebius with Rufinus in the presence of
Simplicianus. Ruf. Apol. i. 19.
SOURCE : https://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/npnf206.v.XCV.html
Sant' Anastasio I Papa
m. 19 dicembre 401
(Papa dal 27/11/399 al
Il «Liber Pontificalis»
lo dice romano di origine. Edificò a Roma la basilica Crescenziana,
individuata, oggi, in San Sisto Vecchio. Combatté con energia il donatismo
nelle provincie settentrionali dell'Africa, ratificando le decisioni del
Concilio di Toledo del 400. Questo Pontefice è conosciuto specialmente per la
controversia origenista. Nel 399 gli amici di san Gerolamo si adoperarono per
ottenere da lui una formale condanna dell'origenismo. Sollecitato anche da
lettere e da ambasciatori di Teofilo, vescovo di Alessandria, per la
partecipazione dell'Occidente a questa lotta, condannò le proposizioni
presentategli. Fu in ottimi rapporti con Paolino, poi vescovo di Nola. Della
copiosa corrispondenza, che Anastasio dal Laterano indirizzò a personalità di
vari paesi, sono rimaste poche lettere. Dopo un pontificato breve (399-401) e
molto attivo, Anastasio morì il 19 dicembre 401. (Avvenire)
Etimologia: Anastasio =
risorto, dal greco
Martirologio Romano: A
Roma nel cimitero di Ponziano sulla via Portuense, deposizione di
sant’Anastasio I, papa, uomo ricco di povertà e di apostolica sollecitudine,
che si oppose fermamente alle dottrine ereticali.
Il Liber Pontificalis lo dice romano di origine; suo padre si chiamava Massimo. Edificò in Roma la basilica Crescenziana, ricordata anche nel sinodo del 499 e individuata, oggi, in S. Sisto Vecchio. Combatté con energia il donatismo nelle provincie settentrionali dell'Africa: ratificò le decisioni del Concilio di Toledo del 400, nel quale alcuni vescovi galiziani che avevano sconfessato Priscilliano, furono conservati nel loro ufficio, purché la reintegrazione fosse stata approvata da Anastasio. Il Liber Pontificalis ci informa come egli scoprisse a Roma un certo numero di manichei. Viveva in lui lo spirito dei difensori della Chiesa contro l'arianesimo; i diritti del patriarcato occidentale nell'Illirico trovarono in lui un coraggioso difensore.
Anastasio è conosciuto specialmente per la controversia origenista e per la severità dimostrata verso Rufino. Nel 399 gli amici di s. Gerolamo si adoperarono per ottenere da lui una formale condanna dell'origenismo. Sollecitato anche da lettere e da ambasciatori di Teofilo, vescovo di Alessandria, per la partecipazione dell'Occidente a questa lotta, condannò le «proposizioni blasfematorie presentategli». Rufino, profondamente irritato da questa campagna, gli fece presentare una sua Apologia, «per cancellare ogni traccia di sospetto e per rimettere al papa la dichiarazione di fede». Questa Apologia non produsse, però, su Anastasio alcun effetto ed egli evitò di dirimere la questione delle vere intenzioni di Rufino come traduttore del Periarchon. Sull'origenismo scrisse parecchie lettere, di cui una indirizzata a Venerio di Milano.
Fu in ottimi rapporti con s. Paolino, poi vescovo di Nola, anzi si credette obbligato a riparare i dispiaceri recatigli dal suo predecessore. Dopo avere, infatti, scritto ai vescovi della Campania, facendo loro i suoi elogi, lo invitò direttamente a Roma per prender parte alla festa anniversaria della sua consacrazione, festa cui i papi solevano invitare solamente i vescovi. L'eccezione costituiva per Paolino un favore specialissimo e anche una riparazione. Quantunque egli non potesse in questa occasione andarvi, il papa accettò la sua lettera di scusa. Della copiosa corrispondenza, che Anastasio dal Laterano indirizzò a personalità di vari paesi, sono rimaste poche lettere.
Dopo un pontificato breve (399-401) e molto attivo, Anastasio morì il 19 dicembre 401, come ha dimostrato il Duchesne nel suo commento al Liber Pontificalis. Fu sepolto sulla Via Portuense in un monumento sepolcrale posto fra le basiliche di S. Candida e dei SS. Abdon e Sennen. S. Gerolamo, che aveva avuto parole di alto elogio per Anastasio, giunse a scrivere che se egli morì così presto, fu per un riguardo della Provvidenza, la quale non volle che un simile vescovo fosse testimone della caduta di Roma (avvenuta nel 410 per opera di Alarico). Tale elogio è entrato nel Martirologio Romano.
Il culto reso al pontefice e ai suoi predecessori, ad eccezione di Zosimo, fiorì in breve tempo: il suo nome figura già nel Martirologio Geronimiano datato alla metà del sec. V. La sua festa ricorre il 27 apr., giorno errato tratto dal Liber Pontificalis, che qui richiede una revisione.
Autore: Filippo Caraffa
SOURCE : http://www.santiebeati.it/dettaglio/82250
Papa Anastasio I, Cromolitografia in L. Tripepi, Ritratti e biografie dei romani pontefici: da S. Pietro a Leone 13, Roma, Vaglimigli Davide, 1879. Municipal Library of Trento
Den hellige pave Anastasius I ( - 401)
Minnedag: 19. desember
Den hellige Anastasius I var i følge LP fra Roma og sønn av en Maximus.
Han hadde knapt blitt pave da han ble kastet ut i kontroversen som da pågikk om Origenes, den fremragende, men kontroversielle og eksentriske greske teologen fra 200-tallet.
Hieronymus (331-420), som selv var en streng vakthund for ortodoksien, hadde gitt ut en revidert utgave av Origenes' prekener. Men kjettere henviste nå til Origenes' autoritet, og det var uforskammet av Hieronymus' gamle venn Rufinus av Aquileia (ca 345-410) å velge dette øyeblikket for en renvaskende oversettelse av Origenes' filosofiske studier, Peri Archon (Hovedprinsipper). Rufinus forklarte imidlertid at siden et større navn hadde oversatt Origenes' prekener, følte han seg berettiget. Hieronymus, som nå bodde i Betlehem, angrep sin gamle venn bittert, og hans innflytelsesrike krets i Roma var rasende. Da ble Rufus sint og fortalte sitt lesende publikum rett ut at Hieronymus var en ærekrenker. Østen var lamslått over denne ordkrigen, og en appell ble sendt til paven.
Hieronymus' krets hadde hilst velkommen valget av Anastasius, fordi de regnet med at han var mer velvillig stemt enn Siricius til den strenge asketiske bevegelsen, og de la press på ham for å fordømme Origenes' skrifter. Siricius hadde nølt med å handle, sannsynligvis av hensyn til de personlighetene som var involvert.
Anastasius må ha vært svært forvirret, for Origenes var bare et navn for ham, og han hadde liten eller ingen forståelse av de temaene det gjaldt. Men da han våren 400 fikk et brev fra Theofilos, den mektige patriarken av Alexandria (død 412), som tok for seg alle ondene som Origenes' skrifter hadde forårsaket og rapporterte om at de nylig var fordømt i Egypt, innkalte han til en synode som fordømte den kontroversielle teologens feil, og frarådet innstendig Rufinus' oversettelse. Kort etter fordømte også den keiserlige regjeringen Origenes' verker.
Så skrev paven til biskop Simplician av Milano og ba om hans og de andre norditalienske biskopenes tilslutning til fordømmelsen. Da Rufinus nå følte seg truet, sendte han Anastasius et kort, men energisk forsvar både for sin oversettelse og sine egne teologiske syn. Paven, som fortsatt var under innflytelse av Hieronymus' venner, skrev i 410 til biskop Johannes av Jerusalem og gjorde det klart at selv om han fortsatt var skeptisk til Rufinus' motiver for å lage sin beryktede oversettelse, overlot han ham til Guds dom.
Som Siricius fortsatte Anastasius det spesielle forholdet til biskopen av Thessaloniki for å hindre at det østlige Illyria drev inn i Konstantinopels kirkelige sfære. Til forskjell fra Siricius var han imidlertid enormt beundret av Hieronymus, som hevdet at hans pontifikat ble så kort fordi Roma ikke fortjente en så edel biskop, en mann av apostolisk nidkjærhet. Anastasius hadde også et hjertelig forhold til Paulinus av Nola (død 431), som Siricius hadde irettesatt, og innbød ham til å delta på feiringen av årsdagen for sin konsekrasjon. De hadde et svært hyggelig møte. Anastasius var også en venn av St. Augustin.
Da de afrikanske biskopene, uroet over mangelen på geistlige, søkte om å få mildne bannlysningen av donatistiske geistlige som ville returnere til Kirken, svarte paven høsten 401 i utvetydige, lite hjelpsomme vendinger, og oppmuntret dem til å kjempe mot donatistene - et råd afrikanerne taktfullt ignorerte. Men igjen, som så mange paver, var han nådig overfor angrende kjettere.
Åpenbart var det i hans pontifikat noen uroligheter omkring uautoriserte prester som kom til Roma, for Anastasius beordret at ingen oversjøiske prester skulle mottas uten at de hadde med et brev signert av fem biskoper.
LP tilskriver ham (muligens korrekt) en konstitusjon som krevde at biskoper, prester og diakoner skulle stå med bøyde hoder under lesingen av Evangeliet i messen. Han fremholdt at guddommeligheten også var skjult i materielle ting. LP skriver også at han bygde Basilica Crescentiana, som vi ikke vet hvor lå.
Ved slutten av hans pontifikat var keiserriket på terskelen av en katastrofe.
Anastasius døde den 19. desember 401 og ble gravlagt i basilikaen over Pontian-katakomben ved Via Portuensis. Hans minnedag er 19. desember (tidligere 27. april).
Paverekken - Kildehenvisninger - Kompilasjon og oversettelse: p. Per Einar Odden - Sist oppdatert: 1998-02-03 11:00
SOURCE : http://www.katolsk.no/biografier/historisk/anastas1
Giovanni Battista de'Cavalieri (1525–),
Papa Anastasio I, Calcografia in Giovanni Battista
Cavalieri, Pontificum Romanorum effigie s, Roma, Basa Domenico\Zanetti
Francesco, 1580. Municipal Library of Trento
Anastasius I.
Gedenktag katholisch: 19. Dezember
Messe an einigen Orten: 27. April
Erste Erhebung der Gebeine: 18. April
Gedenktag orthodox: 19.
Name bedeutet: der
Auferstandene (griech.)
Bischof von Rom
* in Rom
† 19. (?) Dezember 402 daselbst
Anastasius, Sohn des
Maximus, wurde während der Invasion der Barbaren 399 Bischof von Rom.
Er verurteilte in der Gefolgschaft des Theophilos
I. von Alexandria und einer populistischen Strömung folgend die
theologischen Lehren des Origenes und
der Donatisten,
von denen man in Rom aber wenig wusste; er konnte deshalb in den
Auseiandersetzungen der Ostkirche keinen Einfluss erlangen. Verloren ist sein
Brief, mit dem er 401 das zum Kampf gegen die Anhänger des Donatismus einberufene Konzil in Karthago -
dem heutigen Vorort von Tunis - zu entschlossenem Vorgehen aufforderte. Er war
befreundet mit Hieronymus und Paulinus
von Nola, die mit Hochachtung über ihn urteilten.
Liudolf, der Stammvater
der Ottonen, gründete 852 das Benediktinerinnenkloster Gandersheim und
brachte aus diesem Anlass Reliquien von
Anastasius von einer Romreise
mit, die noch heute in der Krypta der Kirche ruhen.
von Anastasius und seine Lebensgeschichte gibt es online zu lesen in
den Documenta Catholica Omnia.
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Autor: Joachim
Schäfer - zuletzt aktualisiert am 11.11.2022
• Erhard Gorys: Lexikon der Heiligen. dtv, München 1997
• Karl Heussi: Kompendium der Kirchengeschichte. J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen 1976
• https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01454c.htm - abgerufen am 19.07.2023
• Charlotte Bretscher-Gisinger, Thomas Meier (Hg.): Lexikon des Mittelalters. CD-ROM-Ausgabe. J.B. Metzler, Stuttgart / Weimar 2000
• Friedrich Wilhelm Bautz. In: Friedrich-Wilhelm Bautz (Hg.): Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon, Bd. I, Hamm 1990
• Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, begr. von Michael Buchberger. Hrsg. von
Walter Kasper, 3., völlig neu bearb. Aufl., Bd. 1. Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau
korrekt zitieren: Joachim Schäfer: Artikel Anastasius I., aus dem Ökumenischen Heiligenlexikon - https://www.heiligenlexikon.de/BiographienA/Anastasius_I.html, abgerufen am 31. 5. 2024
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet das Ökumenische Heiligenlexikon in
der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im
Internet über https://d-nb.info/1175439177 und https://d-nb.info/969828497 abrufbar.
SOURCE : https://www.heiligenlexikon.de/BiographienA/Anastasius_I.html
Voir aussi : http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/npnf206.v.XCV.html