mardi 10 avril 2012

Saint MICHEL des SAINTS (MIGUEL de los SANTOS, MICHELE dei SANTI, MICHAEL de SANCTIS), prêtre trinitaire déchaussé et mystique

Església de Sant Miquel dels Sants (Vic)

Església de Sant Miquel dels Sants (Vic)

Saint Michel des Saints

Supérieur des Trinitaires (+ 1625)

Un jeune religieux de l'Ordre des Trinitaires qui fut rappelé à Dieu à l'âge de 33 ans.

À Valladolid en Espagne, l'an 1625, saint Michel des Saints, prêtre de l'Ordre de la Sainte Trinité, qui se donna tout entier aux exercices de charité et à la prédication de la parole de Dieu.

Martyrologe romain


St. Michael a Sanctis, painting in the Cathedral of Vic, 18th cent.


Trinitaire déchaussé


Il est né à Vich, en Catalogne (Espagne), le 29 septembre 1591. Cet enfant de bénédiction méprisa le monde avant de le connaître et dès sa plus tendre jeunesse, il fait le voeu de chasteté perpétuelle.

A l'âge de six ans, pressé du désir de marcher sur les traces des Saints, il courut se cacher dans une caverne. Il s'y livrait à de pieuses méditations sur les souffrances de Notre-Seigneur, lorsqu'il fut découvert et obligé à revenir chez lui. En rentrant sous le toit paternel, Michel ne diminua en rien la sévérité du genre de vie qu'il s'était proposé de suivre. Il jeûnait trois fois la semaine, couchait sur des sarments, n'avait qu'une pierre pour oreiller et prenait fréquemment la discipline. Ses mortifications étaient si rigoureuses qu'on a peine à comprendre comment un âge aussi tendre a pu les supporter.

Michel n'avait que douze ans lorsqu'il prit la ferme résolution d'embrasser l'état religieux. Il se rendit à Barcelone et se présenta chez les Trinitaires qui l'admirent au noviciat. Dès qu'il eut atteint l'âge fixé par les canons de l'Église, il fit ses voeux, le 30 septembre 1607.

Peu de mois après, il apprit que le bienheureux Jean-Baptiste de la Conception venait d'entreprendre la réforme de l'Ordre de la Sainte Trinité. Il se hâta d'aller se joindre aux fervents religieux qui secondaient le zélé réformateur. Il se distingua bientôt par son ardeur à pratiquer la Règle primitive de l'institut que les réformés observaient dans toute sa rigueur.

Sa fidélité aux moindres observances était si grande que jamais on ne put le trouver en défaut sur aucun point de la Règle. Il ne possédait qu'une seule tunique, ne buvait jamais de vin et passait quelquefois une semaine entière sans prendre aucune nourriture. Il donnait très peu de temps au sommeil, et passait le reste de la nuit dans la contemplation des choses célestes.

On a écrit qu'il passait des heures et des heures agenouillé devant le Saint Sacrement à la chapelle et qu'il fut souvent favorisé d'extases et de visions célestes pendant qu'il célébrait les saints mystères. Mais quelles que soient les consolations célestes que Saint Michel des Saints goûta dans les exercices de piété, il savait s'en arracher pour remplir les devoirs imposés par la charité. Il passait un temps considérable au confessionnal, dévoué tout entier au service des âmes.

Aux yeux de tous, de son vivant même, il a paru être un véritable Saint. On l'appelait: la fleur des Saints, d'où provient sans doute le nom de Michel des Saints que lui connaît la postérité. Son mérite le fit choisir par deux fois pour gouverner des maisons de son Ordre. Il est mort âgé de trente-trois ans, le 10 avril 1625.

Résumé o.d.m. d'après les Petits Bollandistes, Paris, 1874, tome VIII, p. 61-63


San Miguel de los Santos, Rome, Eglise Saint-Charles-des-Quatre-Fontaines

Prière à Saint Michel pour les malades du cancer et du sida

Très Sainte Trinité, Dieu vivant et vrai, nous Te louons: Tu nous a envoyé Saint Michel des Saints pour qu`il soit notre ami, notre intercesseur, dans la lutte contre le cancer et le sida.

Nous t'en supplions, accorde-nous par sa puissante intercession auprès de toi, la guérison des personnes atteintes de maladies cancéreuses ou du sida. Qu'elles trouvent ce cadeau précieux de la santé, si telle est ta volonté. Nous te confions cette personne (...nommer la personne...) qui souffre, afin que tu la soulages, tu la réconfortes. Bénis les efforts de ceux et celles qui font des recherches pour la guérir, donne-leur un coeur aimant et des mains secourables pour les soigner.

Nous t'en prions, Père Saint, par Jésus-Christ ton Fils qui vit et règne dans l'unité du Saint Esprit, pour les siècles des siècles. Amen.

Saint Michel des Saints, prie pour nous.

Neuvaine à Saint Michel des Saints

Très Sainte Trinité, Dieu vivant et vrai, nous Te louons: Tu nous a envoyé Saint Michel des Saints pour qu`il soit notre ami, notre intercesseur, dans la lutte contre le cancer et le sida.

Nous T`en supplions, accorde-nous une foi bien humble, et nous pourrons accepter Tes saintes volontés et croire, au-delà de tout doute, au don généreux de ma guérison, venant de Toi.

Avec une confiance toute simple d`enfant, je demande Ton secours divin, dans mon urgent besoin, par l`intermédiaire de Saint Michel des Saints.

Que ce cadeau de la santé de mon corps nous apporte cette paix et cette joie, qui sont un avant-goût du Paradis, et nous permettre, un jour, d`être comptés parmi les saints dans Ta gloire.

Père de toute bonté, notre société est éprouvée par le cancer et le sida, et elle en a bien peur. Nous t`en supplions, soulage les souffrances de tous ces malades, donne-leur des mains secourables pour les soigner, et bénis les efforts de ceux qui cherchent à les guérir.

Père de miséricorde, étends Ta main guérissante sur nous, et l`on pourra très bientôt s`écrier: " Plus besoin de traitement, maintenant ! ".

Au nom de Jésus, nous T'en prions: guéris-nous. AMEN !


Casa Domènech, pl. Canonge Collell 6 (Vic), plafó ceràmic de sant Miquel dels Sants i balcó

Saint Miguel de Sanctis

Also known as

Michael de Sanctis

Michael of the Saints

Michael the Ecstatic


10 April

formerly 5 July


Michael decided at age six that he wanted to be a monk, and imposed such austerities on himself as a child that he had to be restrained. Orphaned, he became the apprentice of a merchant. Tried to join the Trinitarian monastery in BarcelonaSpain at age 12. Took his vows at age 15 at the monastery of Saint Lambert at ZaragozaSpain on 5 September 1607. Later felt drawn to the more austere Discalced Trinitarians; began his novitiate at MadridSpainstudied in SevilleSpain and SalamancaSpain, and took vows at AlcaláSpainPriest. Twice elected superior of the monastery at ValladolidSpain. Lived a life of prayer and great mortification; especially devoted to the Holy Eucharist, and is said to have been rapt in ecstasy several times during Consecration. He was considered by his brothers to be a saint in life.


29 September 1591 at Vich, Catalonia, Spain


10 April 1625 at ValladolidSpain of natural causes


24 May 1779 by Pope Pius VI


8 June 1862 by Pope Pius IX


kneeling before an altar where the Blessed Sacrament is exposed

Additional Information

Catholic Encyclopedia


Book of Saints, by the Monks of Ramsgate

Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints

other sites in english

Catholic Fire

Catholic Online

Catholic Online

Katherine Rabenstein




Wikimedia Commons: Saint Miguel

Wikimedia Commons: Sepulchre of Saint Miguel

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Ökumenisches Heiligenlexikon

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Martirologio Romano2001 edición

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Santi e Beati


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Den katolske kirke

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MLA Citation

“Saint Miguel de Sanctis“. CatholicSaints.Info. 8 April 2020. Web. 10 April 2022. <>


Pedro de Raxis  (1555–1626). San Miguel de los Santos, circa 1600, 54 x 42, Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes, Retrato del religioso trinitario español Miguel de los Santos (1591-1625), que fue canonizado :  por el papa Pío IX en 1862

St. Michael of the Saints (1591-1625)

Patron Saint of Cancer Patients

Michael Argemir was born in Vich, Spain, on September 29, 1591. He became a Trinitarian in 1607, and took the name of Michael of the Saints. His brief life of thirty-three years was one of great love for Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. His generous service to the poor, the unfortunate, and the sick made him a compassionate priest and a faithful friend.

His ministry didn't end with his death. After eleven days of prayer, Frances Sanz was cured through his intercession. The cancerous tumors on her lip and tongue disappeared. No scars were left. Hers was one of many such cures and was presented as one of many miracles when Pius IX canonized Michael on June 8, 1862.


San Miguel de los Santos, cuadro del siglo XVIII, en el refectorio del convento de San Carlino alle Quattro Fontane, de los Trinitarios españoles en Roma.

St. Michael de Sanctis


Born at, Vich in Catalonia, 29 September, 1591; died at Valladolid, 10 April, 1625. At the age of twelve years he came to Barcelona, and asked to be received into the monastery of the Trinitarians, in which order, after a three years' novitiate, he took vows in the monastery of St. Lambert at Saragossa, 5 Sept., 1607. When one day a Discalced Trinitarian came to St. Lambert's to receive Holy orders, Michael felt himself drawn to this more austere congregation. After mature deliberation, and with the permission of his superior, he entered the novitiate of the Discalced Trinitarians at Madrid, and took vows at Alcalá; he became priest and was twice elected superior of the monastery at Valladolid. He lived a life of prayer and great mortification, was especially devout towards the Holy Eucharist, and is said to have been rapt inecstasy several times during Consecration. He was beatified by Pius VI, 24 May, 1779 and canonized byPius IX, 8 June, 1862. His feast is celebrated on 5 July. He is generally represented kneeling before analtar where the Blessed Sacrament is exposed.


Vita e miracoli di S. Michele dei Santi, published anonymously (Rome, 1862); CARMICHAEL, The Congregation of S. Michele dei Santi in The Catholic World, LXXIV (New York, 1902), 629- 41; GUERIN, Vies des Saints, 5 July; STADLER, Heiligen-Lexikon (Augsburg, 1858-82), 439-440.

Ott, Michael. "St. Michael de Sanctis." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 10. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1911. 10 Apr. 2016 <>.

Transcription. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Kenneth M. Caldwell. Dedicated to Blessed Jose Maria Escriva.

Ecclesiastical approbation. Nihil Obstat. October 1, 1911. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York.

Copyright © 2021 by Kevin Knight. Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


Sant Miquel dels Sants, Iglesia de Sant Jaume, Barcelona

Michael of Sanctis, O. Trin. (RM)

(also known as Michael of the Saints)

Born at Vich, Catalonia, Spain, in 1591; died at Valladolid, Spain, in 1625; canonized in 1862. Saint Michael joined the calced Trinitarians at Barcelona in 1603, and took his vows at Saragossa in 1607. That same year he migrated to the discalced branch of the order and renewed his vows at Alcalá. After his ordination he was twice superior at Valladolid. He was one of the greatest apostles of the order in the 17th century, and is often surnamed 'the Ecstatic One' (Benedictines, Encyclopedia).


Capella amb una imatge de Sant Miquel dels Sants, al carrer de Dalt de Badalona

Saint Michael de Sanctis was born in Catalonia, Spain around 1591. At the age of six he informed his parents that he was going to be a monk. Moreover, he imitated St. Francis of Assisi to such a great extent that he had to be restrained. 

After the death of his parents, Michael served as an apprentice to a merchant. However, he continued to lead a life of exemplary fervor and devotion, and in 1603, he joined the Trinitarian Friars at Barcelona, taking his vows at St. Lambert’s monastery in Saragosa in 1607.

Shortly thereafter, Michael expressed a desire to join the reformed group of Trinitarians and was given permission to do so. He went to the Novitiate at Madrid and, after studies at Seville and Salamanca, he was ordained a priest and twice served as Superior of the house in Valladolid.

His confreres considered him to be a saint, especially because of his devotion to the Most Blessed Sacrament and his ecstacies during Mass. After his death at the age of thirty-five on April 10, 1625 many miracles were attributed to him. He was canonized in 1862 by Pope Pius IX. 

St. Michael de Sanctis is noted in the Roman Martyrology as being “remarkable for innocence of life, wonderful penitence, and love for God.” He seemed from his earliest years to have been selected for a life of great holiness, and he never wavered in his great love of God or his vocation. As our young people look for direction in a world that seems not to care, St. Michael stands out as worthy of imitation as well as of the prayers of both young and old alike. His feast day is April 10.


Parroquia de San Miguel de Los Santos

On April 10, we celebrate the feast day of Saint Michael de Sanctis (1591-1625, Saint Michael of the Saints). Saint Michael, born and raised in Catalonia, Spain, is a saint who knew what he was called to do from an early age. Unlike many saints we read about, who struggle throughout their youth and only realize their holy call later in life, Michael felt drawn to the holy life even as a child. He announced to his parents at age six his intention to become a monk, and even at that young age modeled his life after Saint Francis of Assisi. Sometimes Michael imposed such austerities upon himself and engaged in such extreme mortification that his parents were forced to restrain him!

Saint Michael’s parents died when he was approximately ten years old, and he subsequently lived and apprenticed with a local merchant. During this apprenticeship, he continued his fervent devotion to the Lord, specifically to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and at age 12, was granted acceptance into the Order of the Trinitarian Friars at Barcelona. Michael took his vows at sixteen, embracing the religious life, but after meeting a member of the reformed (discalced) Trinitarian Order, he asked permission to join this reformed and more austere Order. His request was granted, and Michael went on to be ordained a priest, serving as the Superior of the house. While Superior, Michael set a high standard of holiness for the Order, stressing austerity and self-sacrifice, as well as devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.

While he was alive, his brothers viewed him as a saint, given his holy ways, leadership, devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, and the frequent ecstasies he experienced during the Consecration. He is noted in the Roman Martyrology as "remarkable for innocence of life, wonderful penitence, and love for God." Outside of the monastery, his preaching was recognized for its holiness, and the nearby royal court called upon him for spiritual and pastoral counseling.

Saint Michael de Sanctis died at the young age of 35, and multiple miracles were attributed to him at his tomb following his death. He is remembered for his mysticism, and practical and intimate love for the Lord.

Saint Michael demonstrated from a young age a love and yearning for God that was not to be swayed. His devotion to the Lord led him to commit his life in service and austerity, and he was rewarded with ecstatic experiences of our God during the Consecration in Mass. He never lost his direction, even in a world full of distractions and temptations. For those of us struggling to find our way in a difficult world, Saint Michael de Sanctis is worthy of our aspirations, and we pray that he may advocate for us in heaven with our Lord!


Right lateral altarpiece by Amalia de Angelis shows Saint Migeul de los Santos in ecstacy as Christ the Saviour exchanges His Heart.

Het zij-altaar rechts is gewijd aan Sint Migeul de los Santos. Het schilderij van Amalia de Angelis uit 1847 laat de heilige in extase zien als de Verlosser Zijn Hart uitwisselt.

San Michele dei Santi Sacerdote trinitario

10 aprile

Vich, Spagna, 1591 - Valladolid, Spagna, 1625

Nacque a Vich (Catalogna), non lontano da Barcellona, il 29 settembre 1591. Rimasto orfano di padre a 11 anni, si sentì chiamato a vita religiosa. Nel 1603 fu accolto nel convento dei Trínitari di Barcellona, dove ebbe a maestro il venerabile Paolo Aznar. Il 30 settembre 1607 emise la professione religiosa. Conosciuta la riforma compiuta nell'Ordine della Santissima Trinità dal beato Giovanni Battista della Concezione e approvata dal papa Clemente VIII, rifece l'anno di noviziato e la nuova professione tra i Trinitari Scalzi. Subito si manifestarono nel giovane religioso fenomeni mistici. Colto da fenomeni mistici, i superiori lo inviarono a Siviglia per farlo esaminare da sacerdoti esperti e il loro giudizio fu quanto mai favorevole. Fu prima eletto vicario del convento di Baeza e poi superiore di Valladolid, dove allora si trovava la corte del re di Spagna. Morí nel 1625. (Avvenire)

Martirologio Romano: A Valladolid in Spagna, san Michele dei Santi, sacerdote dell’Ordine della Santissima Trinità, che si dedicò interamente alle opere di carità e alla predicazione della parola di Dio.

Nacque a Vich (Catalogna), non lontano da Barcellona, il 29 settembre 1591, da Enrico Argemír e Margherita Monserrada.

Rimasto orfano di padre all'età di undici anni, sentendosi chiamato alla vita religiosa, dovette superare molte opposizioni familiari prima di poter realizzare le sue aspirazioni e solo nell'agosto 1603 fu accolto nel convento dei Trínitari di Barcellona, dove ebbe a maestro il venerabile Paolo Aznar. Il 30 settembre 1607 emise la professione religiosa.

Poco tempo dopo, conobbe la riforma compiuta nell'Ordine della Trinità dal b. Giovanni Battista della Concezione ed approvata dal papa Clemente VIII nell'anno 1599 e ottenne di potervisi trasferire; ripetuto l'anno di noviziato, fece la nuova professione tra i Trinitari Scalzi.

Subito si manifestarono nel giovane religioso fenomeni mistici. In Chiesa, nel coro e perfino nel refettorio, Michele era preso all'improvviso dallo Spirito del Signore e rapito in estasi. Una sola parola, un semplice sguardo al Crocifisso bastavano a farlo entrare in rapimento. I superiori lo inviarono a Siviglia per farlo esaminare da sacerdoti, esperti conoscitori di anime e il loro giudizio fu quanto mai favorevole.

I superiori, credettero giustamente, che un religioso cosí pieno d'amore di Dio avrebbe potuto fare un ottimo apostolato, dentro e fuori del convento. Fu prima eletto vicario del convento di Baeza e poi superiore di Valladolid, dove allora si trovava la corte del re di Spagna.

A Baeza Michele operò molte conversioni. La sua santa vita e le estasi davano alle parole che egli rivolgeva agli studenti dell'università, ai caballeros e ai pubblici peccatori nel confessionale e dal pulpito, il valore di messaggi di Dio.

Alla corte di Valladolid fu molto stimato e favorito dal re Filippo III, il quale, con tutta la sua famiglia, lo consultava sui problemi spirituali.

Morí il 10 aprile 1625, all'età di trentatrè anni. L'8 giugno 1862, nella festa di Pentecoste, fu canonizzato da Pio IX insieme con i martiri giapponesi.

Michele che aveva compiuto gli studi nelle celebri università di Baeza e Salamanca, sotto la direzione dei piú grandi teologi, scrisse anche un trattato intitolato La tranquillità dell'anima, ed un cantico spirituale in versi sulla via unitiva, giudicati assai positivamente dai maestri di spiritualità e dai letterati; la sua festa è stata fissata al 5 luglio.

Nell'ultima ed. del Martirologio Romano però, egli è iscritto nel suo dies natalis (10 aprile).

Autore: Giovanni del Sacro Cuore


Oratori de Sant Miquel Xic, prop de Vic (Osona), per commmemorar el pas de Sant Miquel dels Sants.

Den hellige Mikael de Sanctis (1591-1625)

Minnedag: 10. april

Den hellige Mikael Argemir (sp: Miguel) ble født den 29. september 1591 i Vich (nå Vic) i Catalonia i Spania. Som barn ble han inspirert av de historiene som moren fortalte om den hellige Frans av Assisi, og som seksåring informerte han sine foreldre om at han aktet å bli fransiskaner. Men da foreldrene døde, ble han lærling hos en kjøpmann og måtte være fornøyd med de stundene med andakt han kunne få tid til midt i et travelt arbeidsliv. Han deltok i tidebønnene så ofte han kunne og resiterte det lille Mariaofficiet daglig.

Til slutt tillot hans herre i 1603 at den 12-årige Mikael sluttet seg til trinitariene (Ordo Sanctissimae Trinitatis redemptionis captivorum – OST) i Barcelona. Mikael avla løftene i klosteret St. Lambert i Zaragoza den 5. september 1607 og tok da ordensnavnet Mikael de Sanctis («av Helgenene») (sp: Miguel de los Santos).

På denne tiden ledet den hellige Johannes Baptist av Unnfangelsen en reformbevegelse blant trinitariene og etablerte en ny kongregasjon med en strengere observans av regelen. Dermed var Trinitarierordenen blitt delt i «skodde» og «uskodde» eller barføtte trinitarier, (Ordo Sanctissimae Trinitatis Discalceatorum – OSTDisc) (de sistnevnte ble oppløst i 1894).

Mikael ble tiltrukket av de mulighetene dette ga for større askese, og senere i 1607 gikk han med sin overordnedes tillatelse over til de «uskodde» trinitariene i Pamplona. Han begynte på novisiatet i Madrid og fornyet sine løfter i Alcalá i 1609. Senere studerte han i Sevilla og Salamanca og ble viet til prest. Etter sin ordinasjon viet han hele livet til sjelesorgen i byene Madrid, Sevilla, Valladolid og Baëza. Han var en av ordenens største apostler på 1600-tallet, og til tross for sin unge alder var han to ganger superior i Valladolid. Der satte han en høy standard for religiøs observans, og fremmet særlig hengivenhet til Det hellige sakrament.

Mikaels korte liv var preget av «uskyld, bot og kjærlighet til Gud». Han hadde en sterk sans for det overnaturlige, og dette styrte alle hans handlinger som prest. Han var benådet med visjoner og opplevde så mange ekstaser hvor han fløy, at han ofte ble kalt El Extático, «den Ekstatiske». Han opplevde mange av ekstasene under messen og skal ha utført en rekke mirakler. Han ble holdt svært høyt av kong Filip III og hans hoff.

Han døde den 10. april 1625 i Valladolid, bare 33 år gammel. Han ble saligkåret den 2. mai 1779 av pave Pius VI (1775-99) og helligkåret den 8. juni 1862 av den salige pave Pius IX (1846-78). Hans minnedag er 10. april og hans navn står i Martyrologium Romanum. Han skrev en kort avhandling med tittelen «Sjelens fred», som ble utgitt etter hans død. Vi har også et dikt om det åndelige liv, noen få brev og noen korte skrifter av ham. Skrifter av ham ble gitt ut i Roma i 1910.

Kilder: Attwater/Cumming, Butler (IV), Benedictines, Bunson, Schauber/Schindler, Index99, KIR, CE, CSO, Patron Saints SQPN, Infocatho, Bautz, Heiligenlexikon - Kompilasjon og oversettelse: p. Per Einar Odden - Opprettet: 2000-05-14 14:42 - Sist oppdatert: 2005-12-24 16:24


Oratori de Mas Mitjà, prop de Vic, que commemora el pas de Sant Miquel dels Sants.

Michael von den Heiligen

spanischer Name: Miguel de los Santos

 Gedenktag katholisch: 10. April

Hochfest in der Stadt Vic Fest im Trinitarierorden: 8. Juni

gebotener Gedenktag im übrigen Bistum Vic und im Erzbistum Valladolid: 5. Juli

 Name bedeutet: Wer ist wie Gott? (hebr.)

Ordensmann, Mystiker

* 29. September 1591 in Vich, heute Vic in Spanien

† 10. April 1625 in Valladolid in Spanien

Michael wurde mit zwölf Jahren Trinitarier, mit 17 Jahren trat er den unbeschuhten Trinitariern bei und studierte an der 1539 gegründeten Universität im Baeza - Casa Acuna in Baeza und dann am Kloster in Salamanca. Er war dann in der Seelsorge tätig und hatte Leitungsämter in verschiedenen Klöstern. Er erlebte Ekstasen, darunter viele Flüge, wird deshalb auch El Extático, der Ekstatische, genannt, und wurde damit ein herausragender Vertreter der spanischen Mystik.

 Patron bei Krebskrankheiten; der Diözese Vic

 Kanonisation: Michael wurde 1779 selig- und 1862 durch Papst Pius IX. heiliggesprochen.

 Catholic Encyclopedia

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Autor: Joachim Schäfer - zuletzt aktualisiert am 17.04.2017


• Vera Schauber, Hanns Michael Schindler: Heilige und Patrone im Jahreslauf. Pattloch, München 2001
• Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, begr. von Michael Buchberger. Hrsg. von Walter Kasper, 3., völlig neu bearb. Aufl., Bd. 7., Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 1998

korrekt zitieren: Joachim Schäfer: Artikel Michael von den Heiligen, aus dem Ökumenischen Heiligenlexikon -, abgerufen am 10. 4. 2022

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Iglesia de San Miguel de los Santos (1950-1963), de Antoni Fisas y Eugenio Cendoya, Barcelona

10.4.   Svatý Michael de Sanctis (de Los Santos)

Žil v 17. století. Narodil se u Vichu v Katalánsku 29. září 1591. Už v šesti letech si umínil, že bude mnichem a mnoho si odříkal. Když osiřel, stal se učněm u jednoho obchodníka. Ve věku 12 let přišel do Barcelony a žádal, aby ho přijali do kláštera Trinitářů a v šestnácti letech složil v klášteře sv. Lamberta sliby. Jednoho dne přišli do kláštera sv. Lamberta bosí trinitáři a Michael cítil, jakoby spíše patřil k tomuto prostému společenství. Po zralé úvaze a s povolením představeného vstoupil do noviciátu řádu Bosých Trinitářů u Madridu a v Alcale obnovil své sliby. Stal se knězem a dvakrát byl zvolený představeným kláštera. Žil život modlitby a velkého pokořování. Byl zvláště oddaný Svaté Eucharistii a během Proměňování často upadal do extáze. Byl proto nazýván extaktik. Měl také dar nazírání. Jeho spolubratři ho už za života považovali za svatého. Zemřel 10. dubna 1625 ve věku 33 let.

je zobrazován, jak klečí před vystavenou monstrancí.

Podle 2. aj.