mercredi 14 décembre 2016

Saint NIMATULLAH YOUSSEF KASSAB AL-HARDINI, prêtre de l'Ordre libanais maronite

Saint Nimatullah (Joseph Kassab al-Hardini)

Prêtre de l'Ordre libanais maronite (+ 1858)

Béatifié en 1998, canonisé le 16 mai 2004 par Jean-Paul II.

"Homme de Dieu et homme de science, Al-Hardini passa toute sa vie comme pasteur d'âmes et professeur de théologie. Il fut reconnu dès son vivant comme le 'saint' de Kfifane. Durant les événements tourmentés du pays et le désordre dans l'Ordre, Nimatullah apprit patiemment à découvrir l'amour comme un don de soi dans la souffrance."

(biographie - site du Vatican Nimatullah Kassab Al-Hardini - 1808-1858)

"Homme de prière, amoureux de l'Eucharistie qu'il aimait adorer longuement, saint Nimatullah Kassab Al-Hardini est un exemple pour les moines de l'Ordre libanais maronite comme pour ses frères libanais et pour tous les chrétiens du monde. Il s'est donné totalement au Seigneur dans une vie de grand renoncement, montrant que l'amour de Dieu est la seule véritable source de joie et de bonheur pour l'homme. Il s'est attaché à chercher et à suivre le Christ, son Maître et Seigneur. Accueillant à ses frères, il a soulagé et guéri beaucoup de blessures dans les cœurs de ses contemporains, leur témoignant la miséricorde de Dieu. Puisse son exemple éclairer notre route, susciter chez les jeunes en particulier un vrai désir de Dieu et de la sainteté, pour annoncer à notre monde la lumière de l'Evangile!"

(Homélie du Pape Jean-Paul II )

À Klifane au Liban, en 1858, saint Nimatullah (Joseph Kassab al-Hardini), prêtre de l'Ordre libanais maronite, qui s'appliqua à la formation théologique, à l'éducation des jeunes et à l'action pastorale, avec un esprit d'oraison et de pénitence éminent.

Martyrologe romain


Nimatullah Kassab Al-Hardini (1808-1858)

Nimatullah Al-Hardini moine libanais maronite, est né en 1808 à Hardine, au Nord du Liban. Baptisé dans la même année, il reçoit le nom de Youssef. Fils de l'Église Maronite, Al-Hardini ressentit dès son enfance la tradition monastique de son Église, au cœur de la tradition syriaque du Patriarcat d'Antioche. Il est fils d'une famille maronite, composée de six enfants. Son père Girgis Kassab de Hardine et sa mère Mariam Raad de Tannourine éduquèrent leurs enfants selon une vive dévotion envers Dieu et son Église. À Hardine, le jeune Youssef passa ses premières années d'enfance entre les monastères et les ermitages de son village, à savoir St. Doumit, St. Georges.

Quatre enfants de sa famille adoptèrent la vie monastique ou sacerdotale comme moyen de concrétiser leur baptême. Tanios devint curé de paroisse, Élisée entra dans l'Ordre Libanais Maronite où il devint ermite pour 44 années, Msihieh adopta la vie monastique dans le monastère cloîtré de St. Jean Baptiste de Hrache et notre bienheureux Nimatullah entre en 1828 dans l'Ordre Libanais Maronite, à l'âge de vingt ans. Pendant son enfance, il avait fait connaissance des moines libanais maronites au monastère St. Antoine de Houb (appartenant au même Ordre) où il passa ses premières années d'études. L'exemple avéré de la vie monastique à Houb attira son attention pour un engagement strict et authentique de la vocation chrétienne. Après ses études au monastère, il retourna chez son grand-père maternel Youssef Raad, curé du village de Tannourine. L'exemple de son grand-père suscita dans son cœur l'amour du sacerdoce pour le bien de toute l'Église. À Tannourine, il récitait l'Office divin au monastère avec les moines et à la paroisse avec son grand-père et d'autres paroissiens.

Al-Hardini quitta sa maison paternelle pour choisir la vie monastique dans l'Ordre Libanais Maronite. Il fut envoyé au monastère St. Antoine de Qozhaya, à côté de la «Qadischa» ou Vallée Sainte, pour passer deux ans d'épreuve de sa vocation, comme novice parmi d'autres candidats à la vie monastique dans le même Ordre. Nimatullah fut rapidement connu pour son choix définitif et fut ainsi un modèle sérieux pour un enracinement décisif de la vie monastique. Au noviciat, il s'initia à la prière communautaire et au travail manuel. Selon les Constitutions de l'Ordre, le novice doit apprendre les moyens d'acquérir la perfection selon l'Évangile du Christ. Pour cela, Al-Hardini multipliait à l'église ses visites au Saint Sacrement où il passait la plupart de son temps. On le retrouvait dans l'église agenouillé, les mains levées au ciel en forme de croix, les yeux fixés au Tabernacle sans bouger.

Après sa profession monastique le 14 Novembre 1830, Al-Hardini fut envoyé au monastère SS. Cyprien et Justine à Kfifane pour étudier la philosophie et la théologie sans jamais être dispensé d'assister, au chœur, aux sept heures et de travailler dans les champs. Al-Hardini était connu en plus par son habileté dans la reliure des manuscrits et des livres, un métier qu'il avait appris durant son noviciat à Qozhaya. Durant ses études, à cause de l'ascétisme monastique et des études intensives, il tomba malade. Mais cela ne l'empêcha pas de résister pour manifester sa fidélité à son engagement. Pour éviter la fatigue énorme du travail des champs, son supérieur lui désigna le soin des habits de la communauté et il devint ainsi le tailleur de la communauté.

Au terme de ses études philosophiques et théologiques, il fut ordonné prêtre en 1835 et devint directeur du scolasticat et professeur de théologie morale jusqu'à ses dernières années. Sa journée était divisée en deux parties: la moitié pour se préparer à la célébration eucharistique et l'autre moitié pour en faire l'action de grâce. Cette dimension contemplative envers Dieu est vécue pratiquement dans son amour pour ses frères et pour la culture. Il fonda à Kfifane et plus tard à Bhersaf l'école appelée autrefois «École sous le chêne» pour instruire gratuitement les jeunes de l'entourage du monastère.

Al‑Hardini va souffrir avec son peuple durant les deux guerres civiles de 1840 et 1845 qui vont préparer les événements sanglants de 1860 où beaucoup de monastères vont être brûlés, des églises renversées et des chrétiens maronites massacrés. Ce fut une étape décisive pour sa spiritualité. La situation civile du Liban sous le régime turc a été aussi difficile que celle de l'Église maronite et de l'Ordre. Nimatullah s'était voué comme offrande d'holocauste pour son Liban et son Ordre. Il lança sa prodigieuse devise: «Le sage, c'est celui qui sauve son âme» qu'il ne cessa de répéter à ses confrères. Dans cette situation, sa prière devient un effort pour maintenir une fidélité à Dieu qui est toujours présent et qui ne cesse d'aimer. Il s'approcha de la mort dans la souffrance.

Dans ce contexte civil et religieux assez douloureux et bouleversant, son frère le Père Élisée, ermite, lui demanda de se retirer de la vie communautaire pour passer sa vie à l'ermitage. Il lui répondit: «Ceux qui luttent pour la vertu dans la vie communautaire, auront le majeur mérite».

D'après des témoignages authentiques, on lui reprocha d'être dur et sévère envers lui-même mais miséricordieux et indulgent envers ses confrères. Radical dans son choix, Al-Hardini conçoit la sainteté en termes de communion. Il ne cesse de trouver des occasions pour prouver son amour sans mesure. On lui attribue ces paroles: «Le premier souci d'un moine doit être, jour et nuit, de ne pas blesser ou affliger ses confrères».

Dans sa détresse, Al-Hardini demande l'intercession de la Vierge Marie - son unique soutien - pour le Liban et son Ordre. Il récitait le Rosaire chaque jour avec d'autres moines. Il ne se lassait pas de répéter son Nom béni, l'invoquant jour et nuit. Il pratiqua le jeûne en son honneur tous les samedis et les vigiles des fêtes mariales. Il aimait particulièrement la dévotion envers le mystère de son Immaculée Conception, un dogme que l'Église Catholique confirma en 1854. Après l'Angélus, il répétait souvent ces paroles: «Bénie soit la Conception Immaculée de la Très Sainte Vierge». Il encouragea les fidèles laïcs du voisinage à vénérer la Vierge en formant des confréries. Il fonda 16 autels consacrés à la Mère de Dieu; un des ces autels - au monastère de Kfifane - fut nommé après sa mort «Notre-Dame de Hardini».

Nimatullah âgé de 43 ans fut nommé par le Saint-Siège, en 1845, Assistant Général de l'Ordre pour un mandat de trois ans en raison de son zèle pour l'observance parfaite des Règles monastiques.

Homme de culture, Al-Hardini, comme Assistant, va supplier le Père Abbé Général d'envoyer des moines pour approfondir leurs études au nouveau collège des Jésuites fondé à Ghazir. Sept moines furent envoyés pour assurer la continuité d'un enseignement approfondi au Scolasticat de l'Ordre. Il passa deux années (1848-1849) de vie communautaire au monastère St. Maroun d'Annaya et à St. Antoine de Houb. En 1850, Al-Hardini fut nommé Assistant Général avec un deuxième mandat. En 1853, il retourna à Kfifane pour enseigner la théologie morale. En 1856, pour la troisième fois, il fut nommé Assistant Général. S'il a accepté par obéissance d'être Assistant, il refusa à tout prix d'être nommé Père Abbé de l'Ordre: «Plutôt la mort que d'être Père Général de l'Ordre». Son humilité se manifeste dans sa conviction d'être incapable de ce perpétuel contact avec Dieu qu'il retenait nécessaire pour le service des moines de son Ordre.

Comme responsable et malgré les honneurs de sa charge, il resta doux dans ses paroles et son agir. Il résida avec les autres assistants autour du Père Général au monastère Notre-Dame de Tamiche, la maison généralice de l'Ordre. Mais il ne cessa pas de se rendre au monastère de Kfifane soit pour l'enseignement soit pour le travail de reliure des livres dans un esprit de pauvreté, spécialement les manuscrits liturgiques. On conserve encore un témoignage de son activité dans le bréviaire syriaque dont il se servait et qu'il avait relié lui-même. Comme professeur, on reconnaît parmi ses élèves Saint Charbel qui fut au Scolasticat de 1853 jusqu'à 1859 et qui assista à la mort de son maître et à l'office funèbre dans une cérémonie très émouvante.

Durant le mois de Décembre, Al-Hardini était au monastère de Kfifane pour l'enseignement. Rentrant au monastère, il fut atteint par une pneumonie causée par le froid glacial et rigoureux de l'hiver de cette région. Sa maladie s'aggrava de jour en jour. Il demanda à un des moines de le transporter dans une cellule près de l'église pour entendre le chant de l'Office. Après dix jours d'agonie, Al-Hardini reçut l'extrême-onction tenant l'icône de la Vierge Marie entre ses mains en lui disant: «Ô Marie, je vous confie mon âme». Il mourut le 14 Décembre 1858, à l'âge de 50 ans. Ses confrères remarquèrent une lumière splendide dans sa cellule et un parfun qui l'embauma pour quelques jours.

Homme de Dieu et homme de science, Al-Hardini passa toute sa vie comme pasteur d'âmes et professeur de théologie. Il fut reconnu dès son vivant, comme le «saint» de Kfifane. Durant les événements tourmentés du pays et le désordre dans l'Ordre, Nimatullah apprit patiemment à découvrir l'amour comme un don de soi dans la souffrance.

Sa cause de béatification fut présentée à Rome en 1926, avec celle du moine Charbel (béatifié en 1965 et canonisé en 1977) et celle de la Sainte Rafqa, moniale libanaise maronite (béatifiée en 1985 et canonisée en 2001). Nimatullah fut proclamé Vénérable en 1989 et Bienheureux en 1998.




VI Dimanche de Pâques, 16 mai 2004 

1. "C'est ma paix que je vous donne" (Jn 14, 27). Au cours du temps pascal, nous entendons souvent cette promesse de Jésus à ses disciples. La paix véritable est le fruit de la victoire du Christ sur le pouvoir du mal, du péché et de la mort. Ceux qui le suivent fidèlement deviennent les témoins et les artisans de sa paix.

Sous cette lumière, j'ai plaisir à contempler les six nouveaux saints, que l'Eglise présente aujourd'hui à la vénération universelle:  Luigi OrioneHannibal Marie di FranciaJosep Manyanet y VivesNimatullah Kassab Al-HardiniPaola Elisabetta CerioliGianna Beretta Molla.

2. "Ces hommes qui ont voué leur vie au nom de notre Seigneur Jésus Christ" (Ac 15, 26). Ces paroles des Actes des Apôtres peuvent tout à fait s'appliquer à saint Luigi Orione, homme entièrement voué à la cause du Christ et de son Royaume. Des souffrances physiques et morales, des épreuves, des difficultés, des incompréhensions et des obstacles en tous genres ont marqué son ministère apostolique. "On aime et on sert le Christ, l'Eglise, les âmes - disait-il - si l'on est en croix et crucifié ou bien on ne les aime pas et on ne les sert pas du tout" (Ecrits, 68, 81).

Le coeur de ce stratège de la charité fut "sans frontières, car il était dilaté par la charité du Christ" (ibid., 102, 32). La passion pour le Christ fut l'âme de sa vie audacieuse, l'impulsion intérieure d'un altruisme sans réserve, la source toujours fraîche d'une inébranlable espérance.

Cet humble fils d'un paveur proclame que "seule la charité sauvera le monde" (ibid, 62, 13) et il répète à tous que "la joie parfaite ne peut se trouver que dans le parfait dévouement de soi- même à Dieu et aux hommes, à tous les hommes" (ibid.).

3. "Si quelqu'un m'aime, il gardera ma parole" (Jn 14, 23). Dans ces paroles évangéliques nous voyons se dessiner le profil spirituel d'Annibale Maria di Francia, que l'amour pour le Seigneur poussa à consacrer son existence tout entière au bien spirituel de son prochain. Dans cette perspective, il ressentit en particulier l'urgence de réaliser le commandement évangélique:  "Rogate ergo... - Priez donc le Maître de la moisson d'envoyer des ouvriers à sa moisson" (Mt 9, 38).

Il laissa aux Pères Rogationnistes et aux Soeurs Filles du Divin Zèle la tâche de se consacrer de toutes leurs forces à ce que la prière pour les vocations soit "incessante et universelle". C'est cette même invitation que le Père Annibale Maria Di Francia adresse aux jeunes de notre temps, en la résumant dans sa célèbre exhortation:  "Tombez amoureux de Jésus Christ".

De cette intuition providentielle est né dans l'Eglise un grand mouvement de prière pour les vocations. Je souhaite de tout coeur que l'exemple du Père Annibale Maria Di Francia guide et soutienne cette action pastorale également à notre époque.

4. "Mais le Paraclet, l'Esprit Saint, que le Père enverra en mon nom, lui, vous enseignera tout et vous rappellera tout ce que je vous ai dit" (Jn 14, 26). Depuis le début, le Paraclet a suscité des hommes et des femmes qui ont rappelé et diffusé la vérité révélée par Jésus. L'un d'entre eux fut Saint Josep Manyanet y Vives, véritable apôtre de la famille. S'inspirant de l'école de Nazareth, il réalisa son projet de sainteté personnelle et se consacra, avec un dévouement héroïque, à la mission que l'Esprit lui avait confiée. Il fonda à cette intention deux Congrégations religieuses. Un symbole visible de son aspiration apostolique est également la cathédrale de la "Sagrada Familia" à Barcelone.

Que saint José Manyanet bénisse toutes les familles et vous aide à apporter les exemples de la Sainte Famille dans vos foyers!

5. Homme de prière, amoureux de l'Eucharistie qu'il aimait adorer longuement, saint Nimatullah Kassab Al-Hardini est un exemple pour les moines de l'Ordre libanais maronite comme pour ses frères libanais et pour tous les chrétiens du monde. Il s'est donné totalement au Seigneur dans une vie de grand renoncement, montrant que l'amour de Dieu est la seule véritable source de joie et de bonheur pour l'homme. Il s'est attaché à chercher et à suivre le Christ, son Maître et Seigneur.

Accueillant à ses frères, il a soulagé et guéri beaucoup de blessures dans les coeurs de ses contemporains, leur témoignant la miséricorde de Dieu. Puisse son exemple éclairer notre route, susciter chez les jeunes en particulier un vrai désir de Dieu et de la sainteté, pour annoncer à notre monde la lumière de l'Evangile!

6. "L'ange... me montra la Cité sainte, Jérusalem, qui descendait du ciel" (Ap 21, 10). L'image splendide proposée par l'Apocalypse de Jean exalte la beauté et la fécondité spirituelle de l'Eglise, la nouvelle Jérusalem. Paola Elisabetta Cerioli, dont l'existence porta d'abondants fruits de biens, est un témoin singulier de cette fécondité spirituelle.

En contemplant la Sainte Famille, Paola Elisabetta eut l'intuition que les communautés familiales réussissent à rester solides lorsque les liens de parenté sont renforcés et cimentés par le partage des valeurs de la foi et de la culture chrétienne. Afin de diffuser ces valeurs, la nouvelle sainte fonda l'Institut de la Sainte-Famille. En effet, elle était convaincue que les enfants ont besoin d'une famille saine et unie, généreuse et stable pour grandir sûrs et forts. Que Dieu aide les familles chrétiennes à accueillir et à témoigner en toute circonstance l'amour de Dieu miséricordieux.

7. Gianna Beretta Molla fut une simple messagère de l'amour divin, mais elle le fut de façon profondément significative. Quelques jours avant son mariage, dans une lettre à son futur mari, elle écrivait:  "L'amour est le plus beau sentiment que le Seigneur ait placé dans l'âme des hommes".

A l'exemple du Christ, qui "ayant aimé les siens... les aima jusqu'à la fin" (Jn 13, 1), cette sainte mère de famille resta héroïquement fidèle à l'engagement pris le jour de son mariage. Le sacrifice extrême qui scella sa vie, témoigne que seul celui qui a le courage de se donner totalement à Dieu et à ses frères se réalise lui-même.

Puisse notre époque redécouvrir, à travers l'exemple de Gianna Beretta Molla, la beauté pure, chaste et féconde de l'amour conjugal, vécu comme une réponse à l'appel divin!

8. "Que votre coeur ne se trouble ni ne s'effraie" (Jn 14, 28). Les existences terrestres de ces six nouveaux saints nous poussent à persévérer sur notre propre voie, en nous en remettant à l'aide de Dieu et à la protection maternelle de Marie. Du ciel, puissent-ils à présent veiller sur nous et nous soutenir à travers leur puissante intercession.

© Copyright 2004 - Libreria Editrice Vaticana


Les Saints du Liban: Nimatullah Kassab Al-Hardini

Par François El Bacha -13 décembre 20191173

Nimatullah Kassab Al-Hardini est un saint du Liban qui est né en 1808 à Hardine au Nord du Liban et qui est décédé en 1858 dans une famille qui comptera 6 enfants. Son père Girgis (Georges) Kassab de Hardine et sa mère Mariam Raad de Tannourine, localité située non loin. Ils le nommeront Youssef, forme arabisée de Joseph.

À Hardine, le futur saint passa ses premières années d’enfance entre les monastères et les ermitages de son village, à savoir St. Doumit, St. Georges. L’aspect religieux était déjà très présent au sein de sa famille avec un grand-père maternel Youssef Raad déjà prêtre du village de Tannourine.

Le village de Hardine, qui signifie : “pieux et dévot”, est d’ailleurs connu pour la dévotion particulière de ses habitants. Il compte en effet, 30 églises et monastères.

Avec 4 de ses frères et soeurs, le jeune Youssef s’orientera vers une vie religieuse.

Un choix de vie monastique déjà précoce

En 1828, alors tout juste âgé de 20 ans, le jeune Youssef intégrera l’Ordre Libanais Maronite, où se trouvait déjà un de ses frères, Élisée. Ces derniers étaient déjà présents non loin, par le monastère que la congrégation possédait alors à Houb.

Il y recevra le nom de Nimatullah ou “Grâce de Dieu”.

Désormais appelé Nimatullah Kassab Al-Hardini, le jeune moine ira d’abord au monastère de Saint Antoine à Qozhaya à proximité de la vallée sainte de Qadisha. Il y passera ses 2 premières années de noviciat. Sur place, une de ses tâches sera de se former à la vie communautaire et à certains travaux manuels comme la reliure des manuscrits des livres saints.

Mais c’est à partir du 14 nombre 1830, que le futur Saint rejoindra le monastère de Cyprien et de Saint Justine à Kfifane. Il y recevra des cours de philosophie et de théologie et y perfectionnera son don de travailler sur les reliures, tout en travaillant dans les champs appartenant à l’ordre. Saint Hardini tombera malade. C’est alors que son supérieur le retire des travaux dans les champs pour lui demander de devenir le tailleur de sa communauté religieuse.

Nimatullah Kassab Al. Hardini, fondateur d’école et enseignant

Il finira par devenir prêtre en 1835, devient directeur du scolasticat et professeur de théologie morale jusqu’à ses dernières années. C’est, non-loin de là, au lieu-dit de Bhersaf, que Saint Hardini fondera une école dite “École sous le chêne” où les jeunes villageois apprendront gratuitement différentes matières dont la lecture et l’écriture.

Alors que le Liban traversera les périodes difficiles des guerres civiles de 1840 et de 1845, avec ses lots de destructions et de violences notamment vis-à-vis de la communauté chrétienne, Nimatullah Kassab Al-Hardini se révèlera notamment avec sa devise:

 “Le sage, c’est celui qui sauve son âme”

C’est dans ce contexte troublé, avec la destruction de nombreuses églises et monastères que Nimatullah Kassab Al-Hardini trouvera la force de fonder 16 autels dédiés à la Vierge Marie, dont celui qui se trouve au pied du Monastère de Kfifane.

Nimatullah Kassab Al. Hardini, Assistant Général

Il sera ensuite nommé en 1845 par le Vatican Assistant Général de l’Ordre Libanais Maronite pour un premier mandat de 3 ans. C’est à ce titre qu’il enverra les 7 nouveaux moines au collège Jésuite de Ghazir, tout juste fondé en 1843 et qui sera à l’origine de l’Université St Joseph (USJ) à la suite de son transfert à Beyrouth en 1870.

Ces derniers formeront à leur tour les leurs.

Entre 1848 et 1849, Nimatullah Kassab Al-Hardini se retrouvera au monastère St Maron d’Annaya puis à celui de Houb, à proximité de son village natal.

Son mandat d’Assistant Général sera reconduit en 1850 pour 3 années supplémentaires.

À l’issue de ce 2ème mandat, il retournera à Kfifan pour enseigner la théologie morale puis retrouvera son poste d’assistant général en 1856 pour un troisième mandat. Il devra alors résider au monastère de Tamiche tout en poursuivant sa carrière d’enseignant au monastère de Kfifan.

C’est durant cette période que se trouve à Kfifan entre 1853 et 1859, parmi les élèves de Saint Hardini, un certain Charbel Makhlouf qui deviendra Saint Charbel ensuite.

Quant à Saint Hardini, il décèdera le 14 décembre 1858, suite à une pneumonie contractée en raison du froid.

Parallèlement à celle de St Charbel et de Sainte Rafqa, la cause de béatification de Saint Hardini sera présenté devant le Pape en 1926. Il sera proclamé Vénérable en 1989, alors que s’achevait la guerre civile libanaise et bienheureux en 1998. Il sera canonisé par le pape Jean-Paul II, le 16 mai 2004.

Sa dépouille se repose désormais dans un cercueil de Cèdre au couvent de Kfifane, au milieu de ceux qu’il aimait tant.

François El Bacha

Expert économique, François el Bacha est l'un des membres fondateurs de Il a notamment travaillé pour des projets multiples, allant du secteur bancaire aux problèmes socio-économiques et plus spécifiquement en terme de diversité au sein des entreprises.

Lire la suite sur :

Lire la suite sur :

Saint Yusuf Jurj Kassab al-Hardini

Also known as

Nimatullah al-Hardini

Nimatullah Youssef Kassab Al-Hardini


14 December


Educated by the monks of San Antonio Aban. Lebanese Maronite monk in Batrun, Lebanon in 1828, taking the name Father Nimatullah. Worked as a bookbinder of religious works for his house. Ordained in 1833. Spiritual director and novice master in his house, and chosen to be part of the General Council of the Maronite Order. Spiritual teacher of Saint Charbel Mahklouf. Know for the zeal of his faith, his devotion to Christ and Mary, and his deep prayer life.


1808 in Hardine, Batrun, Ash Shamal, Lebanon


14 December 1858 in Kfifan, Batrun, Ash Shamal, Lebanon

incorrupt remains at the monastery at Kfifan


7 September 1989 by Pope John Paul II (decree of martyrdom)


10 May 1998 by Pope John Paul II


16 May 2004 by Pope John Paul II

Additional Information

other sites in english

Catholic Online

Hagiography Circle

L’Osservatore Romano


sitios en español

Martirologio Romano2001 edición

sites en français

Societas Laudis

fonti in italiano


Santi e Beati

MLA Citation

“Saint Yusuf Jurj Kassab al-Hardini“. CatholicSaints.Info. 12 August 2022. Web. 14 February 2023. <>


St Nimatullah Youssef Kassab Al-Hardini (1808-1858)

Youssef Kassab Al-Hardini was born in 1808 in Hardin, Lebanon. As a child, he was strongly influenced by the monastic tradition of the Maronite Church. Four of his brothers became priests or monks, and Youssef himself entered the Lebanese Maronite Order in 1828.

The young man began religious life at the monastery of St Anthony in Qozhaya, near the Qadisha (Holy Valley), where he remained for two years until he began his novitiate and was given the name "Nimatullah". During the novitiate, he deepened his life of personal and community prayer and dedicated time to manual labour, while also learning to bind books.

Love for the Blessed Sacrament

Nimatullah was especially noted for his love of the Blessed Sacrament. During his free time - frequently at the sacrifice of sleep - he was often found in the chapel on his knees, arms raised in the form of a cross and eyes fixed on the tabernacle.

On 14 November 1830 he made his religious profession and was sent to the monastery of Sts Cyprian and Justina in Kfifan to study philosophy and theology. On 25 December 1833 he was ordained a priest and became director of the scholasticate and a professor.

During the two civil wars of 1840 and 1845, he suffered greatly with his people. His brother, Fr Elisha, suggested he withdraw to a hermitage, but he replied:  "Those who struggle for virtue in community life will have greater merit".

He observed that the ordinary, everyday life is a continuous martyrdom, since the monk must always be a model to his brother monks, guarding himself from becoming a source of scandal; instead, the hermit lives alone, away from all external temptations.

It was also a decisive moment in his spiritual life, and he offered himself to God for Lebanon and his Order. His motto was:  "The greatest is he that can save his soul", and he would often repeat this to his brother monks.

The "first concern' of a monk

Fr Nimatullah was at times also reprimanded by his superiors for being too hard on himself and too merciful and indulgent towards his brothers. He understood holiness in terms of communion and fraternal charity and is said to have remarked:  "A monk's first concern, night and day, should be not to hurt or trouble his brother monks".

Throughout his life he had a special devotion to the Virgin Mary, his "source of strength". He never tired of repeating her holy name, and carried a special place in his heart for the mystery of the Immaculate Conception (a dogma proclaimed by the Church in 1854). After the Angelus he would often repeat:  "Blessed be the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin".

In 1845 the Holy See appointed him Assistant General of the order. A man of culture, Fr Nimatullah asked the Superior General to send monks to further their studies at the new college founded by the Jesuits in Ghazir.

A truly humble man of God

He served as Assistant General for two more terms, but refused to be appointed Abbot General:  "Better death than to be appointed Superior General", he is reported as saying.

His reluctance to assume positions of authority in his Order came from his deep humility and his earnest belief that he was far from living in continual contact with God, so necessary to properly serve the monks and the Order. Even when he was Assistant General, he remained humble, refusing to have a special servant accompany him and attend to his personal needs, as was the custom in the Order at the time.

"O Mary, I entrust my soul to you'

In December 1858, while teaching at the monastery of Kfifan, he became gravely ill, a result of the bitter cold in that region. His condition worsened, leading to his death on 14 December. He died holding an icon of the Blessed Virgin and saying:  "O Mary, to you I entrust my soul". He was 50 years old.

When the then Patriarch Boulos Massad heard of Fr Nimatullah's death, he commented:  "Congratulations to this monk who knew how to benefit from his monastic life".

While still alive, Fr Nimatullah was known as the "Saint of Kfifan", a monk who gave himself completely to his brother monks and neighbours during a time of suffering in his Land and difficulty within his Order.

Fr Nimatullah was beatified by Pope John Paul II on 10 May 1998.




Sixth Sunday of Easter, 16 May 2004

1. "Peace I leave with you" (Jn 14: 27). During the Easter season, we frequently hear this promise of Jesus to his disciples. True peace is the fruit of Christ's victory over the power of evil, sin and death. Those who follow him faithfully become witnesses and builders of his peace.

It is in this light that I wish to contemplate the six new Saints, offered to us today by the Church for universal veneration: Luigi OrioneHannibal Mary Di FranciaJosé Manyanet y VivesNimatullah Kassab Al-HardiniPaola Elisabetta CerioliGianna Beretta Molla.

2. "Men who have risked their lives for the sake of Our Lord Jesus Christ" (Acts 15: 26). These words taken from the Acts of the Apostles can be well-applied to St Luigi Orione, a man who gave himself entirely for the cause of Christ and his Kingdom. Physical and moral sufferings, fatigue, difficulty, misunderstandings and all kinds of obstacles characterized his apostolic ministry. "Christ, the Church, souls", he would say, "are loved and served on the cross and through crucifixion or they are not loved and served at all" (Writings, 68, 81).

The heart of this strategy of charity was "without limits because it was opened wide by the charity of Christ" (ibid., 102, 32). Passion for Christ was the soul of his bold life, the interior thrust of an altruism without reservations, the always fresh source of an indestructible hope.

This humble son of a man who repaired roads proclaimed that "only charity will save the world" (ibid., 62, 13), and to everyone he would often say that "perfect joy can only be found in perfect dedication of oneself to God and man, and to all mankind" (ibid.).

3. "Whoever loves me will keep my word" (Jn 14: 23). In these words of the Gospel we see illustrated the spiritual profile of Hannibal Mary Di Francia, whose love for the Lord moved him to dedicate his entire life to the spiritual well-being of others. In this perspective, he felt above all the urgency to carry out the Gospel command: "Rogate ergo... Pray then to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest!" (Mt 9: 38).

He left to the Rogationist Fathers and the Daughters of Divine Zeal the task to do their utmost with all their strength so that prayer for vocations would be "unceasing and universal". This same call of Fr Hannibal Mary Di Francia is directed to the young people of our times, summed up in his usual exhortation: "Fall in love with Jesus Christ".

From this providential intuition, a great movement of prayer for vocations rose up within the Church. I hope with all my heart that the example of Fr Hannibal Mary Di Francia will guide and sustain such pastoral work even in our times.

4. "The Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you" (Jn 14: 26). From the beginning, the Holy Spirit has brought forth men and women who have remembered and spread the truth revealed by Jesus. One of these was St José Manyanet, a true apostle of the family. Inspired by the school of Nazareth, he carried out his plan of personal sanctity and heroically devoted himself to the mission that the Spirit entrusted to him. He founded two religious congregations. A visible symbol of his apostolic zeal is also the temple of the Holy Family of Barcelona.

May St José Manyanet bless all families and help them follow the example of the Holy Family in their homes!

5. A man of prayer, in love with the Eucharist which he adored for long periods, St Nimatullah Kassab Al-Hardini is an example for the monks of the Order of Lebanese Maronites as he is for his Lebanese brothers and sisters and all Christians of the world. He gave himself completely to the Lord in a life full of great sacrifices, showing that God's love is the only true source of joy and happiness for man. He committed himself to searching for and following Christ, his Master and Lord.

Welcoming his brothers, he reassured and healed many wounds in the hearts of his contemporaries, witnessing to God's mercy. May his example enlighten our journey and bring forth, especially in young people, a true desire for God and for holiness to proclaim to our world the light of the Gospel!

6. "The Angel... showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven" (Rv 21: 10). This marvellous image in the Apocalypse of John exalts the beauty and spiritual fruitfulness of the Church, the new Jerusalem. A unique witness to this spiritual fruitfulness is Paola Elisabetta Cerioli, whose life was full of good fruits.

Contemplating the Holy Family, Paola Elisabetta understood that families remain strong when the bonds among their members are sustained and kept together by sharing the values of faith and a Christian way of life. To spread these values, the new Saint founded the Institute of the Holy Family. She was convinced that in order for children to grow up sure of themselves and strong, they needed a family that was healthy and united, generous and stable. May God help Christian families to welcome and witness in every situation to the love of the merciful God.

7. Gianna Beretta Molla was a simple, but more than ever, significant messenger of divine love. In a letter to her future husband a few days before their marriage, she wrote: "Love is the most beautiful sentiment the Lord has put into the soul of men and women".

Following the example of Christ, who "having loved his own... loved them to the end" (Jn 13: 1), this holy mother of a family remained heroically faithful to the commitment she made on the day of her marriage. The extreme sacrifice she sealed with her life testifies that only those who have the courage to give of themselves totally to God and to others are able to fulfil themselves.

Through the example of Gianna Beretta Molla, may our age rediscover the pure, chaste and fruitful beauty of conjugal love, lived as a response to the divine call!

8. "Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid" (Jn 14: 28). The earthly events of these six new Saints spur us to persevere on our own journey, confiding in the help of God and the maternal protection of Mary. From Heaven, may they now watch over us and support us with their powerful intercession.

© Copyright 2004 - Libreria Editrice Vaticana


02/19/2004, 00.00


Third Lebanese saint to be canonized, loved even by Druze and Muslim people

Beirut (AsiaNews) – John Paul II announced that the Lebanese Blessed Nimatullah al-Hardini (1808 – 1858) will be canonized next May 16 together with 5 other saints (Fr. Orione; Fr. Hannibal M. of France; Fr. Joseph Manyanet y Vives; Paola Elisabetta and Gianna Beretta Molla). Blessed al Hardini had the name Youssef  (Joseph) Kassab when he was born in Hardine (in Batrun county in north-central Lebanon). From  1816-1822 he attended Houb, the school belonging to the St. Anthony's Monastery of the Lebanese Maronite order.

In 1828 he became a seminarian at St. Anthony's Monastery in Kozhaya, choosing the name Br. Nimatullah ("Grace of God"). He took solemn vows on Nov. 14 1830. After he finished his religious studies, he was ordained a priest in Kfifane on Dec. 25 1833.      

He was three times the vice-superior of the Lebanese Maronite order (1845-1848; 1850-1853; e 1856-1858). He taught theology at the order's main seminary, with Lebanese saint Charbel Makhlouf being one of his students. He dedicated his life to teaching, binding books, tailoring clothes, pastoral work in parishes and to prayer.He spent many entire days and nights adoring the Blessed Sacrament, was devoted to Mary and constantly prayed the rosary.

He died of stomach cancer at the Monastery of Sts. Cyprian and Justin on 14 Dec. 1858 in Kfifane. 

Like Mother Teresa, Al Hardini was said to be a man of faith and miracles –even by non-Christians.

Among the miracles attributed to the future saint was one which happened to a Druze woman. Fr. Georges Rahme, a Maronite monk, professor of philosophy and eastern civilization at the University of Lebanon and author of several books, told AsiaNews the story: "Once a Druze woman went Al-Hardini's tomb and left the body of her third child atop his grave.  She was desperate since her children died just after they were born. After leaving the little corpse at the site of his tomb she went outside the monastery's church to cry. Before getting too far she heard one of the brothers shout that there was a new-bon left in the church and was crying. The Druze infant had resurrected from the dead!" 

Fr. George Rahme, who teaches also at Segesse University, explained further to AsiaNews:"Al-Hardini overcame the idea of saintliness which is far from the lives of ordinary people. Al-Hardini was a monk who lived among his fellow religious and in society. He was not a hermit like St. Charbel."

"He was rather like Mother Teresa of Calcutta, living among ordinary people and bearing witness to Christ's love for humanity. He was a teacher, a confessor and went out to visit people in the very homes. He was a person who sacrificed himself for others. He ate only one meal a day. He lived and became holy living in society and among people. Al-Hardini used to always say: 'Every time I meet someone I get ever closer to perfection' –and he said it because he saw Christ in them."  

Alecco Habib, a lay Catholic Lebanese man and professor of marketing at the University of Lebanon, told AsiaNews: "Faith means everything to us Christians in the East. Everything is unstable in life except faith. After have seeing all our hopes from earthly freedom, peace and justice crumble over the years, God sends us messages through the saints who have lived here on earth: they are people whom we've never met but nevertheless are examples of prayer and faith to us."

"Following the example of our saints we hope to reach at least a thousandth of their level of holiness. Each time the St. Peter's canonizes a Lebanese man or woman our faith is strengthened. To be saints in today's society is not impossible. And St. Al-Hardini is proof of this. He used to say 'He who is intelligent is he who saves his own soul'." (PB)


Saint Hardini, a Saint from Lebanon

Life of Saint Hardini

Father Hardini was born Joseph Kassab in the year 1808. His father was George Kassab and his mother Marium Raad, daughter of Reverend Yousef Yacoub. He had four brothers and two sisters, his brothers were 'Assaf, Elias, Tanious, Yacoub and his sisters Masihieh and Mariam. Joseph's brother Elias became Father Lesha', the Hermit at Qozhaya, and later at 'Annaya where he died. Father Charbel replaced the late Father Lesha' at the hermitage in 'Annaya. Joseph entered the school of the monks of St. Anthony at Houb from 1816 to 1822 and then entered the monastery of St. Anthony Ishaia and became a novice on November 1828. There he adopted the name Fr. Nimatullah Kassab Hardini, then he learned to bind books.

He professed his first vows on 14th of November 1830. After he finished his theological studies, he was ordained a priest under Bishop Seiman Zwain in the monastery at Kfifan on 25th of December 1833.

He became a member of the general council three times from 1845 to 1848, 1850 to 1853, 1856 to 1858. As a member of the council he continued to bind books. He taught in monastic schools, especially in Kfifan.

Father Nimatullah lived a very holy life. He was a man of prayer, totally "enraptured by God". He spent days and nights in meditation, prayer and adoration of the Eucharist. The Virgin Mary was his patron and Father Nimatullah prayed Her Rosary. He was also a very humble, sensitive and patient person who lived his monastic vows of "obedience, chastity and poverty" to perfection. His fellow brother Monks and the people who knew him called him "The Saint" while he was still alive. One of his students was Charbel Makhlouf (St. Charbel), 1853 to 1858.

Father Nimatullah Hardini died in the monastery of Kfifan on 14th December 1858. He passed away after struggling ten days with a high fever which he contracted from the cold winter wind characteristic of northern Lebanon. He was only then fifty years of age. He died holding a picture of the Virgin Mary, his last words being: "O Virgin Mary between your hands I submit my soul." People who were nearby at the moment of Father Nimatullah's death witnessed a heavenly light illuminating his room and an aromatic smell which remained in his room for a number of days afterwards. When the then Patriarch, Boulos Massad, heard of Father Nimatullah's death he commented: "Congratulations to this monk who knew how to benefit from his monastic life."

Some time later, the Monks opened Father Nimatullah's tomb and to their surprise they found his body had remained incorrupt. He was then removed and placed in a coffin near the church. After obtaining due permission from the local ecclesiastical authority, from 1864 visitors were allowed to see Father Neemtallah's intact body until 1927. In that same year the Committee of Inquiry set up to investigate the Cause of Father Nimatullah finalised its investigation. Father Nimatullah's body was then reburied in the curving wall of his monastic cell, before being transferred to a little Chapel where masses are celebrated for visitors.

He was declared Venerable on September 7, 1989. At the behest of his Beatitude Patriarch Nasrallah Peter Sfeir, his body was examined and placed in a new coffin on May 18, 1996. His body was recently transferred to a new coffin made of cedar and placed in the Monastery of Kfifan where people may visit.

Several cures have taken place through his intercession. These include the raising to life of a Muslim child whose mother claimed had died, the healing of a person with a neurological disease, the restoration of sight to a blind person and the curing of a person suffering from cancer.

The case of the curing of Andre Najm is of particular note due to its very recent occurance and thourough investigation by the international medical community that followed. Andre Najm, born on October 29, 1966 enjoyed excellent health for the first twenty years of his life. However in June of 1986 he began to experience a chronic fatigue and nervous breakdowns, unable to even walk a short distance. Many physicians in Lebanon and abroad treated him to no avail. He was suffering from a form of blood cancer and required frequent blood transfusions.

Miracles Performed by Father Nimatullah Kassab Hardini

During his life, Father Nimatullah performed many miracles due to his deep spirituality, his high virtues and his radiant soul that became united to its Creator through prayer. "The Saint of Kfifan" had the charism of prophesy and hence became known as "a man of vision." On one occasion when he was teaching his students and facing a large wall outside the monastery of Kfifan, he had a sense that the wall was suddenly going to fall. Thereupon, he asked his students to move away just before the wall fell down, sparing all present from injury.

On another occasion, Father Nimatullah was divinely made aware that the barn where the cows of the monastery of Kfifan were kept was going to collapse on them (cows were then considered to be vital assets of the monastery). Father Nimatullah asked the monk in charge to change the place of the cows. At first the monk hesitated, but Father Nimatullah insisted and urged him to do so. After the cows were removed the roof of the barn collapsed and then none of the cows were lost.

Healing of the Altar-boy

On another occasion, Father Nimatullah wanted to celebrate his daily mass but his usual altar-boy did not arrive to church on time. Father Nimatullah then went to the boy's room and asked him to get up and serve mass. The altar boy was not able to because he had a high fever. Father Nimatullah then requested the boy to stand up, whereupon he ordered the malady to "Leave him..." Immediately, the boy was cured and he went and served Father Nimatullah's mass with joy and liveliness.

Provisions Box

Father Nimatullah once prayed over and blessed the provisions' box (which contained wheat and other foodstuffs) at the monastery of El-Kattara which was very short. After a little while the box was filled and spilled over. Everyone was stunned and praised God at what they saw.

While still alive his fellow monks and the ordinary people who knew him considered Father Nimatullah to be a saint. Often they would come asking him to pray for them and even bless water to be used on their land and for their livestock. His presence always imposed a special respect, reverence and solemnity.

Moussa Saliba

After his death, God granted many healings and miracles through the intercession of the "Saint of Kfifan." One such healing was granted to an Orthodox blind man, Moussa Saliba, from the town of Btegrin (El- Maten). Moussa Saliba visited Nimatullah's tomb, praying and asking for his blessing. A deep sleep overcame Moussa Saliba, and then Father Nimatullah appeared to him and healed his eyes, enabling him to see clearly.

Mickael Kfoury

Another miracle occurred to a Melkite Catholic man, Mickael Kfoury from the town Watta El- Mrouge.  An incurable illness was attacking both of his legs, which rendered them dry, devoid of flesh, and twisted to the point of crippling him. His doctors had abandoned all hope of a cure. Having heard of the miracles that Father Nimatullah was performing this man decided to visit Father Nimatullah's tomb in Kfifan and ask for his healing. He slept the night at the monastery, and while he was in deep sleep an old monk appeared to him saying: "Stand up and go and help the Monks carry in the grapes from the vineyard." He immediately replied: "Don't you see me paralysed, how can I walk and carry the grapes?" The Monk answered: "Take this pair of shoes, wear them and walk." The sick man then took the shoes and tried to stretch out his right leg, and to his surprise he was able to do so! He woke up and started to feel both of his legs which were now full of blood and flesh, and after he stood up he found himself totally healed.

Andre Najm

On September 26, 1987 Andre accompanied family and friends to the monastery of Kfifane where he prayed fervently at the grave of Fr. Hardini. The people around him heard him say "I beg you, Fr. Al-Hardini, give me a drop of blood for I am so tired to the point where I can't even beg for blood on the street." He then asked to wear the monastic habit, moments later he was cured, and cried out with joy, "I wore the monastic habit, I am cured, I don't need blood anymore!" Andre has not required any blood transfusions since that day, and in 1991 he married Rola Salim Raad. They have two children, a son named Charbel and a daughter named Rafca. Today, Andre is in excellent health.

On May 2, 1996, His Excellency Bishop Khalil Abi-Nader, retired Bishop of the Maronite Diocese of Beirut, obtained the permission of His Beatitude Nasrallah Boutros Cardinal Sfeir to start the investigation of the miracle of Andre Najm. On September 26, 1996 the Congregation for the Causes of Saints began to study the miracle. On February 27, 1997 the five member medical team unanimously voted to accept the miraculous cure of Andre Najm, and on May 9, 1997, the seven member theological team also voted unanimously to accept the miracle. On July 1, 1997 the General Assembly of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, which includes twenty-four cardinals, accepted the miracle.

On July 7, 1997, and in the presence of the Holy Father Pope John Paul II, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints published a decree of accepting the miracle attributed to the intercession of the servant of God, Fr. Al-Hardini.

Nimutallah al-Hardini's Beatification by Pope John Paul II was held at Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome on Sunday May 10, 1998. The Maronite Church celebrates his feast day on the 14th of December.

The People

These are a few examples of Father Nimatullah's astonishing miracles. Father Nimatullah's life was a miracle in itself. However, the greatest miracles performed by Father Nimatullah are the many people who have returned back to God because of his intercession and his way of life. This is especially so of many Monks who, realising the full depth and richness of Father Nimatullah's example, have determined to walk on the same path of loyalty to their Lord Jesus Christ in order to be saved.

Chronological Time Chart on the Road to Beatification

May 1925: Pope Pius XI accepts the petitions for beatification of Father Charbel, Sister Rafca, and Father Neemtallah.

March 1926: The assigned Committee meets at Bkirky in order to investigate Father Neemtallah's cause for Sainthood.

September 1927: The Committee finalises its investigations.

13 June 1966: Pope Paul VI officially approves the furtherance of proceedings into Father Neemtallah's cause.

7 September 1989: Pope John Paul II declares Father Neemtallah Venerable

18 May 1996: After permission is given by His Eminence, Cardinal Nesrallah Sfeir, the tomb of Venerable Neemtallah is opened and his remains are transferred to a new coffin and his tomb sealed.

10 May 1998: The whole Catholic Church, and the Maronite Church in particular, celebrates the beatification of Venerable Neemtallah in St. Peter's Rome. This day is attended by thousands of Maronites from all over the world, coming to celebrate another blessed saint given to the world by the school of sanctity, the Lebanese Maronite Order.


St. Nimatullah Kassab Al-Hardini, "Enamored of the Eucharist"

VATICAN CITY, MAY 16, 2004 ( As he canonized Nimatullah Kassab Al-Hardini, John Paul II pointed to the Lebanese monk as a man “enamored of the Eucharist” and a witness of God’s mercy.


The priest of the Lebanese Maronite Order (1808-1858) is loved and remembered by Muslims and Druses as well as Christians.

During his homily at the canonization Mass today in St. Peter’s Square, the Pope referred to the monk as a “man of prayer, enamored of the Eucharist, which he adored for long periods.”

“He gave himself totally to the Lord in a life of great self-denial, showing that the love of God is the only source of joy and happiness for man,” the Holy Father said. “He was determined to seek and follow Christ, his teacher and Lord.”

“Welcoming his brothers, he soothed and healed many wounds in the hearts of his contemporaries, witnessing to them the mercy of God,” John Paul II continued.

Nimatullah Al-Hardini founded a school in Kifkan and later in Bhersaf to instruct youth for free.

With his people, he suffered through the civil wars of 1840 and 1845, which paved the way for the bloody events of 1860, when many monasteries and churches were destroyed and numerous Maronite Christians massacred.

As a theology professor in the major seminary, he had among his students Charbel Maklouf, who was also eventually canonized a saint.


San Nimatullah Youssef Kassab Al-Hardini Religioso maronita

14 dicembre

Beit Kassab, 1808 - Kfifane, 1858

E' figlio del Libano, al secolo: Giuseppe Kassab (1808-1858), sacerdote dell'Ordine Libanese Maronita. Nel nascondimento del monastero si dedicò alla preghiera, all'insegnamento della teologia e al lavoro manuale. Tra i suoi alunni ebbe San Charbel Maklouf. La Santa Sede lo nominò Assistente del Superiore Generale del suo Ordine. Fu beatificato nel 1998.

Martirologio Romano: In località Klifane nel territorio libanese, san Nimatullah al-Hardini (Giuseppe) Kassab, sacerdote dell’Ordine Libanese Maronita, che, uomo insigne per spirito di preghiera e penitenza, attese all’insegnamento della teologia, all’educazione dei giovani e all’impegno pastorale.

All’ombra dei cedri del Libano, in una terra travagliata ed al contempo meravigliosa, ricca di testimonianze storiche e cristiane, nel XIX secolo, sono vissute grandi figure di persone che si sono santificate mediante la preghiera e l’ascetismo, raggiungendo alte vette mistiche. Tra esse, accanto a San Charbel ed a Santa Rafqà, spicca quella del Beato Al-Hardini, al secolo Youssef Kassab. Si tratta di un’alta figura monastica, di una grande intransigenza, soprattutto con se stesso, dottrinaria e spirituale. 

Egli nacque nel 1808, da Girges (Giorgio) Salhab Kassab e Miryam Raad, sorella di un sacerdote, Yousef Yacoub, in Libano, in una terra che porta il nome della sua famiglia, Beit Kassab, nei pressi di Hardin. Quella regione era (ed è), in terra libanese, conosciuta per il gran fervore cristiano e per la forte presenza maronita. 

Il nostro Beato aveva quattro fratelli (‘Assaf, Elias, Tanious, Yacoub) e due sorelle (Masihieh e Miryam). Quattro prenderanno i voti. In particolare, il fratello di Youssef, Elias, consacrandosi a Dio con il nome di fratel Lesha, si dedicherà all’eremitaggio, dapprima a Qozhayya e più tardi ad ‘Annaya, dove morirà nel febbraio 1875 e dove, tempo dopo, sarà sostituito da quello che diverrà S. Charbel. ‘Assaf, invece, preferì il matrimonio, così come la sorella minore, Miryam. I loro discendenti sono tuttora viventi. 

Il giovane Youssef compì gli studi elementari presso la scuola monastica del convento di S. Antonio di Houb, dal 1816 al 1822. Dopo di ciò, si dedicò ai lavori agricoli con i suoi genitori. La vocazione religiosa, quasi naturale per un ragazzo pio che aveva studiato in una scuola monastica, nacque subito, ma il giovane dovette attendere i 20 anni per poterla dichiarare ai suoi. Entrò quindi come novizio, nel novembre 1828, nel convento maronita di S. Antonio in Qozhayya. Due anni più tardi, e precisamente il 14 novembre 1830, emise i suoi voti, assumendo il nome di Nimatullah, che significa "dono di Dio". Terminati gli studi teologici e filosofici, ricevette l’ordinazione sacerdotale, dal vescovo Seiman Zwain, nel monastero dei Santi Cipriano e Giustino in Kfifane, il giorno di Natale del 1833. 

A differenza del fratello Elias, Nimatullah non assumerà la vita eremitica a proprio cammino di perfezione. Tutta la sua esistenza la visse prevalentemente a Kfifane, nel convento maronita con annessa scuola di teologia, tanto da essere noto come il "Santo di Kfifane". 

La sua fu una vita trascorsa santamente nel rigore della disciplina. Era uomo di preghiera, totalmente immerso in Dio. Era solito, infatti, pregare per ore nella cappella del monastero dinanzi al SS. Sacramento, inginocchiato, con le braccia aperte a croce e lo sguardo fisso, rivolto al tabernacolo. Nutriva, altresì, una tenera devozione nei riguardi della Madre di Dio. Per questo, oltre alla recita quotidiana del Rosario e dopo la celebrazione della messa, aveva molta familiarità con le “Glorie di Maria” di S. Alfonso M. De Liguori, grande maestro di teologia morale. Non mancava di accostarsi quotidianamente all’Eucarestia ed al sacramento della penitenza, tanto che il suo confessore si trovava assai spesso in difficoltà nel dargli l’assoluzione, non avendo materia su cui accordargliela. 

Uomo di grande cultura, nel 1845, ricevette la nomina ad assistente generale dell’ordine. Ricoprì per obbedienza tale carica ritenendosene sempre indegno. Ciononostante svolse tale mandato complessivamente tre volte (dal 1845 al 1848; dal 1850 al 1853 e dal 1856 al 1858). Si rifiutò sempre e fermamente, però, di ricoprire la carica di abate generale, declinandone le responsabilità, in quanto la Vergine glielo avrebbe proibito. Durante l’espletamento dei tre mandati fu costretto a vivere presso il monastero di Nostra Signora di Tamish, dove era la casa generalizia dell’ordine maronita. Ciò lo obbligava a spostarsi di frequente a Kfifane, dove insegnava teologia morale. Tra i suoi allievi vi fu il già nominato S. Charbel Makhlouf. 

La sua sterminata preparazione teologica non gli impedirà di essere vicino alla comunità dei fratelli e dei fedeli (eccezion fatta per le donne che, secondo un’antica tradizione, era vietato ai monaci di frequentare). Quando non pregava o non insegnava, era immerso nello studio e nella rilegatura degli antichi incunaboli: arte trasmessagli dal padre che era stato rilegatore. 

Il Beato Nimatullah, nel 1858, ammalatosi gravemente di polmonite per l’inclemenza del clima, morì il 14 dicembre di quell’anno, nel monastero di Kfifane, invocando il nome della Vergine ed affidandosi a Lei. 

Al momento della morte una grande luce illuminò l’umile stanza in cui si era spento, ed un soave odore aromatico si sprigionò dal suo corpo, rimanendo in quel luogo per diversi giorni dopo. La sua fama di santità, già molto viva durante la sua esistenza, si consolidò dopo la morte, anche grazie ai molti miracoli, ottenuti per sua intercessione, che fiorirono e continuano a fiorire intorno alla sua tomba a Kfifane, dov’è conservato il suo corpo miracolosamente incorrotto. 

Il processo di beatificazione iniziò nel 1926. Fu dichiarato venerabile il 7 settembre 1989. L’accertata guarigione prodigiosa dalla leucemia di un giovane libanese fu il miracolo che fece proclamare Beato, dal papa Giovanni Paolo II, il venerabile Nimatullah il 10 maggio 1998, durante una solenne celebrazione in piazza S. Pietro.

E' stato proclamato santo da Giovanni Paolo II il 16 maggio 2004.

Autore: Francesco Patruno