Bienheureux Zénon Kovalyk
Prêtre martyr en
Ukraine (+ 1941)
Né en 1903, Zynovij entre
chez les rédemptoristes et fait des études de philosophie et de théologie en
Belgique. Ordonné prêtre en Ukraine en 1937, il est arrêté le 20 décembre 1940,
fête de l'Immaculée Conception et martyrisé en 1941 au cours d'un simulacre de
crucifixion sur le mur de la prison à Lviv. Il a été béatifié
par Jean-Paul II le 27 juin 2001 lors de son voyage en Ukraine.
"Le prêtre martyr Zénon Kovalyk est l’unique personnage peint avec un nimbe en forme de croix, car il est mort par crucifixion comme le Christ."
(source: Université
catholique d'Ukraine - Les nouveaux martyrs d’Ukraine)
Commémoraison du
bienheureux Zénon Kovalyk, prêtre rédemptoriste et martyr à Lvov en Ukraine. En
1941, sous le régime athée, il mérita de recevoir, un jour inconnu de ce mois,
la palme du martyre.
Martyrologe romain
Zynovij Kovalyk
Zynovij (Zénon) était né
le 18 août 1903 à Ivakhiv (Ternopil, Ukraine), dans une famille de rite
Il entra chez les
Rédemptoristes et émit les vœuxen 1926.
Il fit ses études de
philosophie et de théologie en Belgique.
Ordonné prêtre en 1937,
il exerça le saint ministère à Volyn.
Le jour où l’on fête
l’Immaculée Conception dans le calendrier gréco-catholique, il était en train
de prêcher dans son église, lorsqu’on vint l’arrêter, pour sa foi, le 20 décembre
Jeté en prison dans le
couvent des Brigittines, réquisitionné par l’armée, il y subit les horribles et
honteux mauvais traitements que les communistes réservaient aux prêtres,
jusqu’à être crucifié contre le mur de la prison, à Bryhidky (Lviv).
Ce martyre eut lieu un
certain jour de juin 1941.
Le Martyrologe l’a
inscrit au 30 juin, depuis qu’il fut béatifié parmi les Martyrs d’Ukraine en
Bienheureux Zénon KOVALYK
Prénom: Zénon (Zynovij)
Nom de religion: Zénon
Pays: Ukraine
18.08.1903 à Ivachev (Ternopil)
30.06.1941 à Bryhidky (Lviv)
Etat: Prêtre -
Rédemptoriste - Martyr du Groupe des 25
martyrs d'Ukraine 2
Note: Vœux chez les
Rédemptoriste en 1926. Prêtre en 1932. Ministère à Volyn. Arrêté le 21 décembre
1941. Torturé, il meurt en 1941.
27.06.2001 à Lviv (Ukraine) par Jean Paul II
Fête: 27 juin
Réf. dans l’Osservatore
Romano: 2001 n.26 p.1-5 - n.27
p.9-10 - n.28 p.12 - n.29 p.2.5
Réf. dans la Documentation
Catholique: 2001 n.15 p.747-749
Zynovij (Zénon) Kovalyk
naît le 18 août 1903 au village d'Ivachev non loin de Ternopil. Il entre dans
la Congrégation des Rédemptoristes où il fait ses vœux le 28 août 1926. Il
complète sa formation philosophique et théologique en Belgique. Après son
retour en Ukraine, il est ordonné prêtre le 4 septembre 1932. Il est nommé à
Volyn. Le 21 décembre 1940 il est arrêté par le KGB à cause des sermons qu'il
prêchait au monastère des rédemptoristes de Lviv où l'on célébrait une neuvaine
en l'honneur de L'Immaculée Conception. En 1941 il est martyrisé par les
communistes qui le crucifient par dérision contre un mur, dans la prison de
Bryhidky (autrefois couvent de Brigittines) à Lviv.
Zénon Kovalyk, la “bouche
d’or” des Ukrainiens contre le communisme
Goudet - publié le 29/06/22
Zénon Kovalyk
(1903-1941), rédemptoriste à l'éloquence hors du commun, s'est fait
porte-parole des Ukrainiens, opprimés par le régime soviétique contre les
injustices sociales. Il est fêté le 30 juin.
Au début du XXe siècle,
la Galicie autrichienne, ouest de l’Ukraine actuelle,
est peuplée de fervents chrétiens. C’est dans une famille de paysans de
Ternopil on ne peut plus pieuse que naît Zénon ou Zynovyi Kovalyk. Après une
brève carrière d’enseignant, il cède à l’appel de Dieu et rejoint la
congrégation du Très Saint Rédempteur avant d’être ordonné en 1932. Comme
lorsqu’il enseignait, ses talents d’orateur lui sont d’une aide précieuse. En effet,
Zénon possède un véritable don pour s’adresser aux autres. Lorsqu’il prêche,
les foules se rassemblent et personne n’ose l’interrompre. Son discours est une
véritable lumière pour son auditoire. Zénon est également doué pour le chant.
Pour cela, on le surnomme Chrysostome qui signifie “qui a une bouche d’or”.
Grâce à son éloquence, il
accompagne l’évêque Nicolas Carneckyj pour promouvoir l’œcuménisme avec
les nombreux chrétiens orthodoxes du pays. Puis il prend la charge d’économe à
Lviv. Hélas, l’époque s’assombrie lorsque l’Union soviétique envahit l’Ukraine
en 1939. À cause de la tyrannie du communisme, les ecclésiastes évitent à tout
prix le sujet de l’injustice sociale…
Sauf le père Zénon et sa
fameuse bouche d’or. On le supplie de mesurer ses propos, mais rien n’y fait.
Les pratiques imposées par les soviétiques sont imprégnées d’un athéisme qui
scandalise le rédemptoriste au plus haut point. Hors de question qu’il se
taise ! Ses sermons finissent inévitablement par le faire arrêter par la
police secrète en 1940. Malgré la torture et les interrogatoires interminables,
la bouche d’or continu de prêcher en prison. Zénon enseigne même les exercices
spirituels aux autres prisonniers. En 1941, l’Allemagne lance son offensive
contre les soviétiques. Ceux-ci exécutent 7.000 prisonniers avant de battre en
retraite. Le père Zénon se trouve parmi les victimes. Selon certains
témoignages, il aurait été crucifié contre un mur et éventré. Le pape Jean Paul II le
béatifie en 2001.
Lire aussi :Joseph Cafasso, le saint patron des condamnés à mort
Lire aussi :L’humilité de Jean Chrysostome contre le vice de Constantinople
30 juin :
Bienheureux Zénon Kovalyk
30 juin 2024 8 h 16 min
Il naquit à Ivachiv
Dolishniy, dans l’ouest de l’Ukraine actuelle, le 18 août 1903, dans une
famille paysanne catholique. Au terme de quelques années à enseigner, il entra
au noviciat des Rédemptoristes à l’âge de 25 ans ; après avoir étudié
la théologie et la philosophie en Belgique, il fut ordonné prêtre en Ukraine le
9 août 1932.
Il se rendit alors en
Volhynie (nord-ouest de l’Ukraine actuelle) afin d’y prêcher l’unité auprès des
orthodoxes. Chanteur de renom et grand prédicateur, il attirait les foules,
attisant leur dévotion pour Jésus-Christ et la Vierge Marie. Il fut ensuite
nommé économe provincial à Stanislaviv.
Après l’invasion
communiste de 1939, il devint économe au monastère rédemptoriste de Lviv ;
il n’hésitait pas dans ses prêches à condamner le communisme athée et
matérialiste. Ses amis lui ayant conseillé la prudence, il leur répondit :
« Si telle est la volonté de Dieu, je suis prêt à mourir, mais je ne peux
pas me taire face à une telle injustice. » Il attirait encore les fidèles
en très grand nombre.
Le 20 décembre 1940,
il fut arrêté par le NKVD, en raison d’un sermon prêché pour la fête de l’Immaculée
Conception. Accusé d’être un espion, il fut emprisonné à la prison de Brygidki,
où il fut torturé ; il n’en poursuivit pas moins son apostolat auprès des
autres prisonniers.
Le 30 juin 1941,
Zénon fut exécuté par ses bourreaux, alors que Lviv tombait aux mains des
nazis. Des témoins rapportèrent qu’il fut crucifié contre un mur, que son
abdomen fut ouvert, et qu’un fœtus humain y fut déposé.
Reconnu comme martyr par
l’Eglise, Zénon Kovalyk fut béatifié par Jean-Paul II le 27 juin 2001, en
compagnie de nombreux autres martyrs ukrainiens : « Les martyrs qui
sont aujourd’hui déclarés Bienheureux ont suivi le Bon Pasteur jusqu’à la fin.
Que leur témoignage ne soit pas simplement motif d’orgueil mais devienne plutôt
une invitation à les imiter. A travers le baptême, tout chrétien est appelé à
la sainteté. Il n’est pas demandé à tous, comme à ces nouveaux bienheureux, de subir
l’épreuve suprême de l’effusion du sang. A chacun cependant est confiée la
mission de suivre le Christ au quotidien et dans une générosité fidèle. »
Mercredi 27 juin 2001, Lviv
1. "Nul n'a de
plus grand amour que celui-ci: donner sa vie pour ses amis" (Jn 15,
Cette affirmation solennelle du Christ résonne parmi nous aujourd'hui avec une
éloquence particulière alors que nous proclamons Bienheureux un certain nombre
de frères de cette glorieuse Eglise de Lviv des Ukrainiens. La plus grande
partie de ceux-ci fut tuée en haine de la foi chrétienne. Certains subirent le
martyr en des temps qui nous sont proches et, parmi les participants à la
Divine Liturgie de ce jour, nombreux sont ceux qui les connurent
personnellement. Cette terre de Halytchyna, qui, au long de son histoire, a vu
le développement de l'Eglise grecque-catholique ukrainienne, a été couverte,
comme le disait l'inoubliable Archevêque métropolitain Józef Slipyj, "par
des montagnes de cadavres et des fleuves de sang".
Votre communauté est vivante et féconde et se rattache à la prédication des saints
Frères Cyrille et Méthode, à saint Vladimir et à sainte Olga. L'exemple des
martyrs appartenant à différentes périodes de l'histoire, mais surtout au
siècle passé, témoigne que le martyre est la mesure la plus élevée du service
de Dieu et de l'Eglise. Par la présente célébration, nous voulons leur rendre
hommage et remercier le Seigneur pour leur fidélité.
2. A travers ce rite suggestif de la béatification, mon désir est
également d'exprimer la reconnaissance de toute l'Eglise au Peuple de Dieu qui
est en Ukraine pour Mykola Carneckyj et ses 24 compagnons martyrs, ainsi que
pour les martyrs Teodor Romza et Omeljan Kovc et pour la Servante de Dieu
Josaphata Michaëlina Hordashevska. Comme le grain de blé tombé en terre pour
donner vie à l'épi (cf. Jn 12, 24), ainsi ils ont offert leur existence afin
que le champ de Dieu produise une nouvelle et plus abondante moisson.
En en faisant mémoire, je salue ceux qui participent à cette concélébration, à
commencer par MM. les Cardinaux Lubomyr Husar et Marian Jaworski, en même temps
que les Evêques et les prêtres des Eglises grecque-catholique et latine. En
saluant l'actuel Archevêque majeur de Lviv des Ukrainiens, ma
pensée va à ses prédécesseurs, le Serviteur de Dieu Andrej Septyckyj, l'héroïque
Cardinal Józef Slipyj, le regretté Cardinal Myroslav Lubachivskyj, disparu
depuis peu. Rappelant les pasteurs, mon coeur se tourne avec affection vers
tous les fils et les filles de l'Eglise grecque-catholique d'Ukraine, y compris
ceux qui sont présents avec nous à travers la radio et la télévision tout en se
trouvant dans d'autres villes ou d'autres nations.
3. Les serviteurs de Dieu, aujourd'hui inscrits dans l'Album des
Bienheureux, représentent toutes les composantes de la communauté
ecclésiale: il y a parmi eux des Evêques, des prêtres, des moines, des
moniales et des laïcs. Ils furent persécutés de nombreuses manières par les
partisans d'idéologies néfastes comme le nazisme et le communisme. Conscient
des souffrances auxquelles étaient soumis ces fidèles disciples du Christ, mon
prédecesseur Pie XII manifestait par une participation pleine de tristesse, sa
solidarité envers ceux qui "persévéraient dans la foi et résistaient aux
ennemis du christianisme avec la même force invincible avec laquelle
résistèrent un temps leurs ancêtres" et louait leur courage d'être restés
"fidèlement unis au Pontife romain et à leurs pasteurs" (Lett.
ap. Orientales Ecclesias, 15 décembre 1952: AAS 45 [1953], 8).
Soutenus par la grâce de Dieu, ils ont parcouru jusqu'au bout la route de la
victoire. C'est une route qui passe à travers le pardon et la réconciliation;
une route qui conduit à la lumière fulgurante de Pâques, après le sacrifice du
Calvaire. Nos frères et soeurs que voici sont les représentants connus d'une
multitude de héros anonymes - hommes et femmes, maris et femmes, prêtres et
consacrés, jeunes et vieux - qui, au cours du XXème siècle, le "siècle du
martyre", ont fait face à la persécution, à la violence et à la mort pour
ne pas renoncer à leur foi.
Comment ne pas se souvenir ici de l'action pastorale clairvoyante et solide du
Serviteur de Dieu, l'Archevêque métropolitain Andrej Septyckyj, dont la cause
de béatification est en cours et que nous espérons voir un jour dans la gloire
des Saints? Nous devons nous référer à son action apostolique héroïque pour
comprendre la fécondité humainement inexplicable de l'Eglise grecque-catholique
ukrainienne au cours des années sombres de la persécution.
4. J'ai moi-même été témoin, dans ma jeunesse, de cette sorte
d'"apocalypse". "Mon sacerdoce s'est inscrit, dès le début, dans
le grand sacrifice de tant d'hommes et de femmes de ma génération" (Don et
Mystère, p. 47). Leur mémoire ne doit pas être perdue puisqu'elle est une
bénédiction. Notre admiration et notre gratitude s'adressent à eux: comme
une icône de l'Evangile des Béatitudes, vécu jusqu'à l'effusion du sang, ils
constituent un signe d'espoir pour notre temps et pour ceux qui viendront. Ils
ont manifesté combien l'amour est plus fort que la mort.
Dans leur résistance au mystère de l'iniquité a pu resplendir, malgré la
fragilité humaine, la force de la foi et de la grâce du Christ (cf. 2 Co 12,
9-10). Leur témoignage invincible s'est révélé semence de nouveaux chrétiens
(cf. Tertullien, Apol. 50, 13: CCL 1, 171).
Avec eux furent aussi persécutés et tués à cause du Christ des chrétiens
d'autres confessions. Leur martyre commun est un appel puissant à la
réconciliation et à l'unité. C'est l'oecuménisme des martyrs et des témoins de
la foi qui indique la voie de l'unité des chrétiens du vingt-et-unième siècle.
Que leur sacrifice soit une leçon de vie concrète pour tous. Il ne s'agit
certes pas d'une entreprise facile. Au cours des derniers siècles se sont
accumulés trop de stéréotypes dans la façon de penser, trop de ressentiment
réciproque, trop d'intolérance. L'unique moyen pour dégager cette route est
d'oublier le passé, de demander et de s'offrir le pardon les uns aux autres
pour les offenses infligées et reçues, et compter sur l'action rénovatrice de
l'Esprit Saint.
Ces martyrs nous enseignent la fidélité au double commandement de
l'amour: amour de Dieu et amour de nos frères.
5. Chers prêtres, chers religieux et religieuses, chers séminaristes,
catéchistes et étudiants en Théologie! A vous, je voudrais indiquer en particulier
l'exemple lumineux de ces témoins de l'Evangile. Soyez comme eux fidèles au
Christ jusqu'à la mort! Si Dieu bénit votre terre par de nombreuses vocations,
si les séminaires sont pleins - et ceci est source d'espérance pour votre
Eglise - ceci est sûrement un des fruits de leur sacrifice. Mais cela constitue
pour vous une grande responsabilité.
Je dis donc aux responsables: prenez grand soin de la formation des
futurs prêtres et de ceux qui sont appelés à la vie consacrée, dans la droite
ligne de la tradition monastique orientale. D'une part, que soit exalté la
valeur du célibat pour le Royaume des cieux, et d'autre part, que l'importance
du Sacrement du mariage avec les engagements qui en dérivent soit elle aussi
illustrée. La famille chrétienne - ainsi que l'a rappelé le Concile - est comme
une "Eglise domestique", dans laquelle les parents doivent être les
premiers à faire connaître la foi à leurs enfants (cf. Lumen gentium, 11).
J'exhorte tous les fils et les filles de l'Eglise à rechercher, par
un effort constant, une connaissance du Christ toujours plus
authentique et plus profonde. Que la préoccupation constante du clergé soit
d'offrir aux laïcs une solide formation évangélique et ecclésiale. Que l'esprit
de sacrifice ne fasse pas défaut aux croyants. Que le courage de la communauté
chrétienne en faveur des opprimés et des persécutés ne faiblisse pas, mais que
la communauté soit attentive à déchiffrer les signes des temps, afin de
répondre ainsi aux défis sociaux et spirituels du moment.
Dans ce contexte, je vous confie que je suivrai avec intérêt le déroulement de
la troisième session du Synode de votre Eglise qui se tiendra en 2002 et sera
consacrée à la lecture ecclésiale des problèmes sociaux de l'Ukraine. L'Eglise
ne peut se taire quand la défense de la
dignité humaine et le bien commun sont en jeu.
6. "Nul n'a de plus grand amour que celui-ci: donner sa vie
pour ses amis" (Jn 15, 13). Les martyrs qui sont aujourd'hui déclarés
Bienheureux ont suivi le Bon Pasteur jusqu'à la fin. Que leur témoignage ne
soit pas simplement motif d'orgueil mais devienne plutôt une invitation à les
imiter. A travers le baptême, tout chrétien est appelé à la sainteté. Il n'est
pas demandé à tous, comme à ces nouveaux bienheureux, de subir l'épreuve
suprême de l'effusion du sang. A chacun cependant est confiée la mission de
suivre le Christ au quotidien et dans une générosité fidèle comme l'a fait la
bienheureuse Josaphata-Michaëlina Hordashevska, co-fondatrice des Servantes de
Marie Immaculée. Elle sut vivre de façon extraordinaire son adhésion
quotidienne à l'Evangile, en servant les enfants, les malades, les pauvres, les
analphabètes et les marginaux dans des situations souvent difficiles et
marquées par la souffrance.
Que la sainteté soit le désir ardent de vous tous, chers Frères et Soeurs de
l'Eglise grecque-catholique ukrainienne. Que Marie vous accompagne sur ce
chemin de sainteté et de renouveau, elle "qui nous précède tous à la tête
du long cortège des témoins de la foi en l'unique Seigneur" (Redemporis
Mater, n. 30).
Qu'intercèdent pour vous les saints et les bienheureux qui, sur cette terre
d'Ukraine, ont obtenu la couronne de la justice, et les bienheureux que nous
célébrons spécialement en ce jour. Leur exemple et leur protection vous aident
à suivre le Christ et à servir fidèlement son Corps mystique, l'Eglise. Que par
leur intercession, Dieu répande sur vos blessures l'huile de la miséricorde et
de la consolation afin que vous puissiez regarder avec confiance ce qui vous
attend, certains d'être les fils d'un Père qui vous aime
A la fin de la Divine
Liturgie, le Pape Jean-Paul II s'est adressé aux fidèles de langue polonaise
Je salue cordialement les fidèles venus de Pologne, en particulier les
grecs-catholiques venus à Lviv pour participer avec leurs frères ukrainiens à
cette Liturgie particulière. Je désire en outre exprimer mon souvenir cordial
et mon union spirituelle à votre Archevêque métropolitain Ivan Martyniak qui
n'a pu vous accompagner. Que Dieu vous bénisse.
Jean-Paul II saluait ensuite les fidèles de langue ukrainienne:
Dieu nous a donné aujourd'hui une très belle journée. Comment ne pas le
remercier? Chers frères et soeurs, au cours de cette dernière rencontre de ce
pèlerinage particulier et émouvant au sein du Peuple de Dieu qui est en
Ukraine, rassemblé si nombreux, je vous salue tous encore une fois de tout
Je vous remercie de vos prières, spécialement pour le chant de la chorale qui
est prière. Merci de votre bonté et de votre sincérité, merci de votre amour et
merci de votre fidélité au Siège apostolique. Je vous porte tous dans mon coeur
et vous accompagne tous, vous embrassant dans la prière. Que Dieu vous bénisse!
Enfin, le Saint-Père a adressé quelques paroles aux groupes de pèlerins de
langue hongroise, russe, slovaque, roumaine, biélorusse et anglaise.
Copyright © Dicastero per
la Comunicazione - Libreria Editrice Vaticana
known as
Catholic. Redemptorist,
making his vows on 28 August 1926. Studied philosophy and theology in Belgium. Ordained in Ukraine on 4
September 1937.
Worked in Volyn. Arrested for
his faith on 20
December 1940,
the Solemnity of the Immaculate
Conception, during Mass while
giving a homily, and imprisoned in
a converted Brigittine convent.
One of the Martyrs
Killed Under Communist Regimes in Eastern Europe.
18 August 1903 at
Ivakhiv, Ternopil’s’ka oblast’, Ukraine
crucified against
a wall by Communists in
June 1941 at
Bryhidky prison,
Zamarstynivska Street, Lviv, L’vivs’ka oblast’, Ukraine
24 April 2001 by Pope John
Paul II
27 June 2001 by Pope John
Paul II in Ukraine
sites in english
en español
Martirologio Romano, 2001 edición
in italiano
Dicastero delle Cause dei Santi
Martirologio Romano, 2005 edition
i norsk
“Blessed Zenon
Kovalyk“. CatholicSaints.Info. 12 August 2023. Web. 30 June 2024.
Lviv (Racecourse)
Wednesday 27 June 2001
1. "Greater love has
no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (Jn 15:13).
This solemn statement of
Christ echoes among us today with particular eloquence, as we proclaim
Blessed a group of sons and daughters of this glorious Church of Lviv of
the Ukrainians. Most of them were killed in hatred of the Christian faith. Some
underwent martyrdom in times close to us, and among those present at today’s
Divine Liturgy there are some who knew them personally. This land of
Halytchyna, which in the course of history has witnessed the growth of the
Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, has been covered, as the unforgettable
Metropolitan Yosyf Slipyi used to say, "with mountains of corpses and
rivers of blood".
Yours is a living
and fruitful community which goes back to the preaching of the holy
brothers Cyril and Methodius, to Saint Vladimir and Saint Olga. The example of
the martyrs from different periods of history, but especially from the past
century, testifies to the fact that martyrdom is the highest measure of
service of God and of the Church. With this celebration we wish to pay homage
to the martyrs and to thank the Lord for their fidelity.
2. With this evocative
rite of beatification, it is likewise my desire to express the whole Church’s
gratitude to the People of God in Ukraine for Mykola „arneckyj and his 24
companion Martyrs, as well as for the Martyrs Teodor Romóa and Omeljan Kov…,
and for the Servant of God Josaphata Michaëlina Hordashevska. Just as the grain
of wheat falls into the ground and dies in order to give life to the new plant
(cf. Jn 12:24), so too did the Blessed offer their lives so that the
field of God would bear fruit in a new and more abundant harvest.
As we remember them, I
greet all who are taking part in this concelebration: Cardinals Lubomyr Husar
and Marian Jaworski, with the Bishops and priests of the Greek-Catholic and
Latin Churches. As I greet the present Major Archbishop of Lviv of the
Ukrainians, I recall his predecessors, the Servant of God Andrey Sheptytskyi,
the heroic Cardinal Yosyf Slipyj, and the late lamented Cardinal Myroslav
Lubachivskyj, who died only recently. As I recall these Pastors, my heart turns
with affection to all the sons and daughters of the Greek-Catholic Church of
Ukraine, including those in other cities and countries who are following this
event by radio and television.
3. The Servants of God
who are today inscribed in the Book of the Blessed represent all
categories of the ecclesial community: among them are Bishops and priests,
monks, nuns, and lay people. They were tested in many ways by the followers of
the infamous Nazi and Communist ideologies. Aware of the sufferings which these
faithful disciples of Christ were undergoing, my Predecessor Pius XII, sharing
in their anguish, expressed his solidarity with those "who are persevering
in faith and resisting the enemies of Christianity with the same unswerving
fortitude with which their ancestors once resisted". He praised their
courage in remaining "faithfully joined to the Roman Pontiff and their
Pastors" (Apostolic Letter Orientales Ecclesias, 15 December
1952: AAS 45 [1953], 8).
Strengthened by God’s
grace they travelled the path of victory to the end. This is the path of
forgiveness and reconciliation, the path that leads to the brilliant light of
Easter, after the sacrifice of Calvary. These brothers and sisters of ours are
the representatives that are known out of a multitude of anonymous heroes
– men and women, husbands and wives, priests and consecrated men and women,
young people and old – who in the course of the twentieth century, the
"century of martyrdom", underwent persecution, violence and death
rather than renounce their faith.
How can we fail to recall
the far-sighted and solid pastoral activity of the Servant of God, Metropolitan
Andrey Sheptytskyi, whose cause of Beatification is proceeding and whom we hope
to see one day in the glory of the Saints? We must refer to his heroic
apostolic activity if we are to understand the humanly inexplicable
fruitfulness of the Greek-Catholic Church of Ukraine during the dark years of
4. In my youth I myself
was a witness of this kind of "apocalypse". "My priesthood, even
at its beginning, was in some way marked by the great sacrifice of countless
men and women of my generation" (Gift and Mystery, p. 39). Their memory
must not be lost, for it is a blessing. We admire them and we are grateful
to them: like an icon of the Gospel of the Beatitudes which they lived even to
the shedding of blood, they are a sign of hope for our times and for
the times to come. They have shown that love is stronger than death.
In their resistance to
the mystery of evil, the strength of faith and of the grace of Christ was able
to shine brightly, despite human weakness (cf. 2 Cor 12:9-10). Their
unconquered witness has shown itself to be the seed of new Christians (cf.
Tertullian, Apol., 50, 13: CCL 1, 171).
Together with them Christians
of other confessions were also persecuted and killed on account of Christ.
Their joint martyrdom is a pressing call for reconciliation and unity. This
is the ecumenism of the martyrs and witnesses to faith, which indicates
the path of unity to the Christians of the twenty-first century. May their
sacrifice be a practical lesson of life for all. This is certainly not an easy
task. During the last centuries too many stereotyped ways of thinking, too much
mutual resentment and too much intolerance have accumulated. The only way to
clear the path is to forget the past, ask forgiveness of one another and
forgive one another for the wounds inflicted and received, and
unreservedly trust the renewing action of the Holy Spirit.
These martyrs teach us to
be faithful to the twofold commandment of love: love of God, love of our
brothers and sisters.
5. Dear priests, religious, seminarians, catechists and students
of theology! For you in particular I wish to emphasize the shining example of
these heroic witnesses to the Gospel. Like them be faithful to Christ unto
death. If God blesses your land with many vocations and if the seminaries are
full – and this is a source of hope for your Church – that is surely one of the
fruits of their sacrifice. But it is a great responsibility for you.
For this reason I wish to
say to those in charge: give careful attention to the training of future
priests and of those called to the consecrated life, in line with the
principles of the Eastern monastic tradition. On the one hand the value of
celibacy for the Kingdom of Heaven ought to be emphasized, on the other the
importance of the Sacrament of Matrimony with its connected responsibilities
ought to be made clear. The Christian family – as the Council reminds us – is
like a "domestic church", in which parents must be the first
proclaimers of the faith to their children (cf. Lumen Gentium, 11).
I encourage all the
Church’s sons and daughters to seek with constant commitment an ever more
genuine and profound knowledge of Christ. May the clergy be always eager to
give serious evangelical and ecclesial formation to the laity. May the spirit
of sacrifice never fail among Christians. And may the courage of the Christian
community in the defence of those hurt and persecuted never grow weak, as it
pays great attention to discerning the signs of the times in order to respond
to the social and spiritual challenges of the moment.
In this context I wish to
assure you that I will follow with interest the development of the Third
Session of the Synod of your Church, which will take place in 2002 and will be
devoted to the Church’s reading of the social problems of Ukraine. The Church
cannot remain silent when the safeguarding of human dignity and the common good
are at stake.
6. "Greater love has
no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (Jn 15:13).
The martyrs declared Blessed today followed the Good Shepherd to the end. May
their witness not be simply a boast for you: rather, may it become an invitation
to imitate them. In Baptism, every Christian is called to holiness. Unlike
the newly beatified martyrs, not all are called to undergo the supreme trial of
shedding their blood. But everyone is entrusted with the task of following
Christ with daily and faithful generosity, as did Blessed Josaphata Michaëlina
Hordashevska, co-foundress of the Handmaids of Mary Immaculate. She lived her
daily dedication to the Gospel in an extraordinary way, in the service of
children, the sick, the poor, the illiterate and the marginalized, often in
difficult situations marked by suffering.
May holiness be the
desire of all of you, dear Brothers and Sisters of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic
Church. On this journey of holiness and renewal, may you be accompanied by Mary
"who ‘precedes’ us all at the head of the long line of witnesses of faith
in the one Lord" (Redemptoris Mater, 30).
The Saints and Beati, who
gained the crown of justice in this land of Ukraine, and the Beati whom we
celebrate in a particular way today, all intercede for you. May their example
and protection help you to follow Christ and faithfully serve his Mystical
Body, the Church. Through their intercession, may God pour upon your wounds the
oil of mercy and consolation, that you may be able to look with confidence to
what awaits you, knowing in your hearts that you are the children of a Father
who loves you tenderly.
At the end of the Mass,
the Holy Father thanked the faithful in Polish and in Ukrainian for participating
in the beautiful celebration. Here are his remarks in translation.
I cordially greet the
faithful who have come from Poland and particularly the Greek Catholics who
have come from Lviv to participate with their brothers
from Ukraine in this particular Liturgy. I also desire to express my
warm regards for and spiritual union with your Metropolitan Ivan Martyniak, who
was unable to join his people. May God bless you.
has given us a beautiful day. How can we not thank him?
Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you cordially, in this last event of my
particular and moving pilgrimage among the people of God in Ukraine who have
gathered in such great numbers. I thank you for your prayers, especially for
the choral chants which are also prayer. Thank you for your goodness and
sincerity, thank you for your love and fidelity to the Apostolic See. I carry
all of you in my heart and I am with you and embrace you in prayer. May God
bless you.
Copyright © Dicastero per
la Comunicazione - Libreria Editrice Vaticana
(Zenon) Kovalyk
posted on 02/09/10 12:29
am by Fr. Santo Arrigo C.Ss.R.
Zynovij (Zenon) Kovalyk,
priest, was born into a farming family at Ivatsciv Horiscnij (Ternopil) on
August 18, 1903. Before entering religious life he was a teacher in a rural
elementary school. On entry to the congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer he
made his profession on August 26, 1926. On completion of his studies in
philosophy and theology, in Belgium, he was ordained on August 9, 1932. From
1932 he was engaged in mission work in Volynia and in Stanislaviv. Summoned to
Lviv, he took on the duties of community and province bursar, without giving up
his mission preaching.
During the night of 20-21
December 1940 he was arrested by the Bolsheviks, because he was regarded as a
spy for the Archbishop and because he had preached the truth courageously to
the people. He underwent torture and brutal interrogation. His confreres learnt
he was in the notorious “Bryghidky” prison only in April 1941.
According to his fellow
prisoners, Father Zynovij never gave up for a moment on his pastoral work. In
cell no. 71, measuring 4 metres by 3, thirty-two people were confined, without
a bed, a chair or a bench. When they attempted to sleep, Zynovij tried to share
his blanket with his neighbours. Every day he led his companions in prayer
together, reciting the Rosary. He heard their confessions and gave them
instruction in the Faith. He was a jovial man so he tried to keep up the
spirits of his fellow prisoners by telling them amusing stories. During his six
months in prison he endured no less than twenty-eight interrogations, during
which he was always savagely beaten.
When, on June 29, 1941,
the city of Lviv was captured by the German forces and the soviet prisons were
opened to free the captives, heaps of corpses were found showing clear signs of
torture. According to witnesses, Blessed Zynovij was crucified against a
corridor wall in the prison. Soviet official documents claim however he was
shot in that same month of June.
© 2010 Congregation of
the Most Holy Redeemer
The Servant of God
Fr Zenobius Kovalyk was born on 18 August 1903 in the village of
Ivachev, not far from Ternopil. He entered the Congregation of the
Redemptorists, where on 28 August 1926, he made his religious vows. His
philosophical and theological education was completed in Belgium. After returning
to Ukraine he was ordained to the priesthood on 4 September 1932. He was
assigned to serve in Volyn. On 20 December 1940, he was arrested in a church
while preaching a sermon in honour of the Immaculate Conception of the Holy
Theotokos (Mother of God). In 1941, he was martyred by the Communists in a mock
crucifixion against a wall in the Bryhidky prison (formerly a convent of the
Sisters of St Bridgette), Lviv.
Blessed Zynoviy Kovalyk
Fr. Zynoviy Kovalyk was
born on 18 August 1903 in the village of Ivachiv Horishniy near Ternopil to a
poor peasant family. Before becoming a monk he worked as a primary school
teacher in his village. He had a strong character and never compromised his faith.
The dream of Zynoviy's childhood was to become a priest. Having discovered his
vocation to consecrated life, Zynoviy Kovalyk joined the Redemptorists. He
professed vows as a Redemptorist on 28 August 1926. Shortly after professing
his vows, Zynoviy was sent to Belgium for philosophical and Theological
After his return to
Ukraine, on 9 August 1932 Zynoviy Kovalyk was ordained a priest. On 4 September
1932 Fr. Kovalyk celebrated his first Liturgy in his home village of Ivachiv.
The little icons commemorating his ordination bore the following inscription:
"O Jesus, receive me [as a sacrifice] together with the Holy Sacrifice of
Thy Flesh and Blood. Receive it for the Holy Church, for my Congregation and
for my Motherland". Christ received these words as a most pure offering.
Little did Fr. Kovalyk know that those words were prophetic, and that soon - in
just nine years - they would come true in his martyrdom…
After his ordination Fr.
Kovalyk departed, together with bishop Mykolay Charnetskyi, to the Volhyn
region to serve the cause of reconciliation with Orthodox Ukrainians. The young
priest was a true joy to his confreres. Fr. Kovalyk had a good sense of humour,
beautiful voice and clear diction. He was a great singer and truly a preacher
with a "golden mouth". His apostolic devotion attracted thousands of
people. Fr. Kovalyk loved the Mother of God with all his heart, and always
displayed sincere piety towards her. These qualities of Fr. Kovalyk brought him
great success in his missionary activities.
Having spent several
years working in the Volhyn region, Fr. Kovalyk moved to Stanislaviv (now
Ivano-Frankivsk) to conduct missions there, both in town and in suburban
villages. Immediately before the Soviet invasion of 1939 he moved to Lviv, to
the Redemptorist monastery in Zyblykevycha (now Ivana Franka) street, and took
charge as economo of the monastery.
The courageous priest
continued preaching the Word of God even after the Soviet invasion had started.
An important field of Fr. Kovalyk's work was hearing confessions, and it is in
this field that he had particular success: he was always approached by a great
number of people seeking spiritual support.
While most of the
Galician Ukrainians were overpowered by terror, Fr. Zynoviy displayed admirable
courage. Most of the preachers were extremely cautious in their sermons. They
tried to avoid the burning issues of the day and concentrated on exhorting
people to be faithful to God. Fr. Kovalyk, on the contrary, was never afraid to
openly condemn the atheistic customs introduced by the Soviet regime. His
sermons had a great impact on the audience, but at the same time constituted no
small danger for the preacher. When advised by his friends of the possible
danger resulting from such manner of preaching, Fr. Kovalyk answered: "I
will receive death gladly if such be God's will, but I shall never compromise
my conscience as a preacher".
The last great sermon by
Fr. Kovalyk took place in Ternopil on 28 August 1940 on the occasion of the
feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God. That day, Fr. Kovalyk had some ten
thousand faithful in his audience. His old dream of martyrdom was to come true
in just a few months…
On the night of 20-21
December 1940 the agents of the Soviet secret police entered the Redemptorist
monastery to arrest Fr. Kovalyk for his sermons on the Novena of the Immaculate
Conception of the Mother of God, which he had been delivering in the
monastery's church. Before leaving his confreres, Fr. Kovalyk asked his
superior Fr. De Vocht for the last blessing and absolution.
Although the
Redemptorists had long tried to find out about their arrested confrere, it was
only in April 1941 that they received information about Fr. Kovalyk being kept
in prison in Zamarstynivska street (the so-called "Brygidky" prison).
During his six months long imprisonment, Fr. Kovalyk underwent 28 painful
interrogations; three times he was brought to other prisons and interrogated
there. After one such interrogation, which was accompanied by especially cruel
tortures, Fr. Kovalyk fell seriously ill due to considerable loss of blood.
While in prison, Fr.
Kovalyk continued his apostolic work. He shared a tiny (4,20 by 3,50 metres)
and unfurnished cell with 32 other inmates. Fr. Kovalyk together with the
prisoners went through a third of the rosary on weekdays and through the whole
rosary on Sundays. In addition, Fr. Kovalyk conducted liturgical prayers; in
May he organized prayers to the Mother of God, and on the feast of Epiphany he
treated the inmates to the liturgical consecration of water. Apart from
prayers, Fr. Kovalyk heard confessions, conducted spiritual exercises and
catechism, and consoled the inmates by narrating - in his peculiar humorous
manner - various religious stories. No wonder that the prisoners - people in
the greatest need of hope and consolation - truly loved Fr. Kovalyk for his
apostolic character.
In 1941, when German
troops started their offensive, the prison keepers, eager to flee but not able
to take the prisoners along, started shooting the inmates. However, it was not
enough for them just to shoot Fr. Kovalyk: reminding him of his sermons about
the crucified Christ, they nailed Fr. Kovalyk to the prison wall in full view
of his fellow prisoners.
When German troops
entered Lviv, they immediately opened the prisons to clean up the piles of
corpses that had already started to decay. The people rushed to the prisons
hoping to find their relatives. As the witnesses relate, the most horrible
sight was that of a priest crucified upon the prison wall, his abdomen cut open
and a dead human foetus pushed into the cut.
To characterize Fr.
Zynoviy Kovalyk, we can rightfully use the words from the vespers of Martyrs
regarding the glorious and invincible warrior, who armed himself with the
Cross, defeated the foe, and received the crown of victory from the only Victor
and Ruler who reigns forever. The blessed martyrdom of Fr. Zynoviy Kovalyk can
serve as a graphic representation of the following words from Scripture:
"The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, and the suffering
shall not meet them … For although the suffering has met them in the eyes of
men, their hope is filled with immortality; having suffered a little, they will
experience great blessings, for God has tried them and found them worthy of
Him"(Wisdom 3,1.4-5).
Taking into account the
testimonies of Fr. Zynoviy Kovalyk's virtuous life, and particularly his
endurance, courage and faithfulness to the Christ's Church during the period of
persecution, the beatification process was started on the occasion of the
Jubilee Year. On 2 March 2001 the process was completed on the level of eparchy,
and the case was handed over to the Apostolic See. On 6 April 2001 the
theological committee recognized the fact of Fr. Kovalyk's martyrdom; on 23
April his martyrdom was verified by the Assembly of Cardinals, and on 24 April
2001 Most Holy Father John Paul II signed a decree of beatification of Fr.
Zynoviy Kovalyk, a blessed martyr of Christian faith.
He was born August 18,
1903 in Ivanchiv Horishny (Ternopil). From childhood he was pious and had the
dream of being a priest.
He was accepted into the
Redemptorist Congregation and made his profession of vows on August 28, 1926.
He was ordained August 9, 1932.
He was gifted with a
clear, distinct singing voice. His joyful disposition was loved by the
confreres and the people. People listened to his homilies with admiration.
During the first
communist occupation in Halychyna, the Ukrainian Catholic Church was not openly
persecuted. Metropolitan Andrew Sheptytsky was in charge of the church and the
communists were afraid of him. However priests had to be very prudent in the
way that they preached because there were spies and informants everywhere.
In these circumstances,
Fr. Kowalyk courageously preached the Word of God and love for the Mother of
God. His preaching strengthened the faith of the people and encouraged them to
remain faithful to God and the Church. Because of this the communists detested
him. The confreres and his friends warned him of the danger and asked him to be
more cautious with his expressions, but he responded, saying: “If it is God’s
will, I am ready to die, but I cannot be quiet in the face of such injustice.”
His desire to become a
martyr for the faith was realized on December 20, 1940. On this day he was
arrested in church during the celebration of the novena to the Mother of
Perpetual Help. From here we lost track of him.
During the German
invasion of the Soviet Union (June 22, 1941), the communists left the territory
that they occupied in 1939. Before fleeing Lviv they massacred around 6000
prisoners in the prisons of the city. Fr. Zenon Kowalyk was among the victims.
This was testified by some of those fortunate to escape being massacred. They
recounted that Fr. Kowalyk was with them. In prison he continued his priestly
mission: preaching confessing, strengthening the prisoners. God chose him to be
there and help those people before their death. Witnesses claim that he died by
being crucified on the wall of the prison.
If you would like more
information about Blessed Nicholas, please contact our shrine office at:
204-338-7321 or
Blessed Zynoviy Kovalyk
Fr. Zynoviy Kovalyk was
born on 18 August 1903 in the village of Ivachiv Horishniy near Ternopil to a
poor peasant family. Before becoming a monk he worked as a primary school
teacher in his village. He had a strong character and never compromised his
faith. The dream of Zynoviy's childhood was to become a priest. Having
discovered his vocation to consecrated life, Zynoviy Kovalyk joined the
Redemptorists. He professed vows as a Redemptorist on 28 August 1926. Shortly
after professing his vows, Zynoviy was sent to Belgium for philosophical and
Theological studies.
After his return to
Ukraine, on 9 August 1932 Zynoviy Kovalyk was ordained a priest. On 4 September
1932 Fr. Kovalyk celebrated his first Liturgy in his home village of Ivachiv.
The little icons commemorating his ordination bore the following inscription:
"O Jesus, receive me [as a sacrifice] together with the Holy Sacrifice of
Thy Flesh and Blood. Receive it for the Holy Church, for my Congregation and
for my Motherland". Christ received these words as a most pure offering.
Little did Fr. Kovalyk know that those words were prophetic, and that soon - in
just nine years - they would come true in his martyrdom.
After his ordination Fr.
Kovalyk departed, together with Bishop Mykolay Charnetsky, to the Volyn region
to serve the cause of reconciliation with Orthodox Ukrainians. The young priest
was a true joy to his confreres. Fr. Kovalyk had a good sense of humour, beautiful
voice and clear diction. He was a great singer and truly a preacher with a
"golden mouth". His apostolic devotion attracted thousands of people.
Fr. Kovalyk loved the Mother of God with all his heart, and always displayed
sincere piety towards her. These qualities of Fr. Kovalyk brought him great
success in his missionary activities.
Having spent several
years working in the Volyn region, Fr. Kovalyk moved to Stanislaviv (now
Ivano-Frankivsk) to conduct missions there, both in town and in suburban
villages. Immediately before the Soviet invasion of 1939 he moved to Lviv, to
the Redemptorist monastery in Zyblykevycha (now Ivana Franka) street, and took
charge as econome of the monastery.
The courageous priest
continued preaching the Word of God even after the Soviet invasion had started.
An important field of Fr. Kovalyk's work was hearing confessions, and it is in
this field that he had particular success: he was always approached by a great
number of people seeking spiritual support.
While most of the
Galician Ukrainians were overpowered by terror, Fr. Zynoviy displayed admirable
courage. Most of the preachers were extremely cautious in their sermons. They
tried to avoid the burning issues of the day and concentrated on exhorting people
to be faithful to God. Fr. Kovalyk, on the contrary, was never afraid to openly
condemn the atheistic customs introduced by the Soviet regime. His sermons had
a great impact on the audience, but at the same time constituted no small
danger for the preacher. When advised by his friends of the possible danger
resulting from such manner of preaching, Fr. Kovalyk answered: "I will
receive death gladly if such be God's will, but I shall never compromise my
conscience as a preacher".
The last great sermon by
Fr. Kovalyk took place in Ternopil on 28 August 1940 on the occasion of the
feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God. That day, Fr. Kovalyk had some ten
thousand faithful in his audience. His old dream of martyrdom was to come true
in just a few months.
On the night of 20-21
December 1940 the agents of the Soviet secret police entered the Redemptorist
monastery to arrest Fr. Kovalyk for his sermons on the Novena of the Immaculate
Conception of the Mother of God, which he had been delivering in the monastery's
church. Before leaving his confreres, Fr. Kovalyk asked his superior Fr. De
Vocht for the last blessing and absolution.
Although the
Redemptorists had long tried to find out about their arrested confrere, it was
only in April 1941 that they received information about Fr. Kovalyk being kept
in prison in Zamarstynivska street (the so-called "Brygidky" prison).
During his six months long imprisonment, Fr. Kovalyk underwent 28 painful
interrogations; three times he was brought to other prisons and interrogated
there. After one such interrogation, which was accompanied by especially cruel
tortures, Fr. Kovalyk fell seriously ill due to considerable loss of blood.
While in prison, Fr.
Kovalyk continued his apostolic work. He shared a tiny (4.2 by 3.5 metres) and
unfurnished cell with 32 other inmates. Fr. Kovalyk together with the prisoners
went through a third of the rosary on weekdays and through the whole rosary on
Sundays. In addition, Fr. Kovalyk conducted liturgical prayers; in May he
organized prayers to the Mother of God, and on the feast of Epiphany he treated
the inmates to the liturgical consecration of water. Apart from prayers, Fr.
Kovalyk heard confessions, conducted spiritual exercises and catechism, and
consoled the inmates by narrating - in his peculiar humorous manner - various
religious stories. No wonder that the prisoners - people in the greatest need
of hope and consolation - truly loved Fr. Kovalyk for his apostolic character.
In 1941, when German
troops started their offensive, the prison keepers, eager to flee but not able
to take the prisoners along, started shooting the inmates. However, it was not
enough for them just to shoot Fr. Kovalyk: reminding him of his sermons about
the crucified Christ, they nailed Fr. Kovalyk to the prison wall in full view
of his fellow prisoners.
When German troops
entered Lviv, they immediately opened the prisons to clean up the piles of
corpses that had already started to decay. The people rushed to the prisons
hoping to find their relatives. As the witnesses relate, the most horrible
sight was that of a priest crucified upon the prison wall, his abdomen cut open
and a dead human fetus pushed into the cut.
To characterize Fr.
Zynoviy Kovalyk, we can rightfully use the words from the vespers of Martyrs
regarding the glorious and invincible warrior, who armed himself with the
Cross, defeated the foe, and received the crown of victory from the only Victor
and Ruler who reigns forever. The blessed martyrdom of Fr. Zynoviy Kovalyk can
serve as a graphic representation of the following words from Scripture: "The
souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, and the suffering shall not meet
them … For although the suffering has met them in the eyes of men, their hope
is filled with immortality; having suffered a little, they will experience great
blessings, for God has tried them and found them worthy of Him" (Wisdom
Taking into account the
testimonies of Fr. Zynoviy Kovalyk's virtuous life, and particularly his
endurance, courage and faithfulness to the Christ's Church during the period of
persecution, the beatification process was started on the occasion of the
Jubilee Year. On 2 March 2001 the process was completed on the level of
eparchy, and the case was handed over to the Apostolic See. On 6 April 2001 the
theological committee recognized the fact of Fr. Kovalyk's martyrdom; on 23
April his martyrdom was verified by the Assembly of Cardinals, and on 24 April
2001 Most Holy Father John Paul II signed a decree of beatification of Fr.
Zynoviy Kovalyk, a blessed martyr of Christian faith.
Beato Zenone (Zynovij)
Kovalyk Sacerdote e martire
Ivatsciv Horiscnij,
Ucraina, 18 agosto 1903 – Lviv (Leopoli), Ucraina, giugno 1941
Zynovij Kovalyk nacque
nel 1903 a Ivatsciv Horiscnij, in Ucraina. Entrò nella Congregazione del
Santissimo e, ordinato sacerdote nel 1932, svolse l'apostolato missionario tra
gli ortodossi in Volynia. Nella notte del 20 dicembre 1940 fu arrestato e
incarcerato dai bolscevichi a Lviv dove, in 6 mesi, subì ventotto brutali
interrogatori. Quando la città fu liberata dalle truppe tedesche nelle prigioni
fu rinvenuta una massa di cadaveri massacrati con i segni delle torture subite.
L'avanzato stato di decomposizione non permise ai confratelli di riconoscere il
corpo di padre Kovalyk. Secondo alcuni testimoni del processo di
beatificazione, il religioso fu crocifisso ad una parete della prigione, mentre
invecedai documenti ufficiali delle autorità sovietiche risulta che fu fucilato
insieme agli altri prigionieri nel giugno del 1941. Zynovij Kovalyk fu
beatificato da Giovanni Paolo II il 27 giugno 2001, insieme con altre 24
vittime del regime sovietico di nazionalità ucraina. (Avvenire)
Martirologio Romano: A
Leopoli in Ucraina, commemorazione del beato Zenone Kovalyk, sacerdote della
Congregazione del Santissimo Redentore e martire, che, sotto un regime ateo, in
un giorno sconosciuto di questo mese meritò di conseguire la palma del
Zynovij Kovalyk nacque il
18 agosto 1903 a Ivatsciv Horiscnij, nei pressi di Ternopil in Ucraina. Entrò
nella Congregazione del Santissimo Redentore ed il 28 agosto 1926 emise i voti
religiosi. Completati gli studi filosofici e teologici in Belgio, ricevette
l’ordinazione presbiterale il 9 agosto 1932. Da quell’anno svolse l’apostolato
missionario tra gli ortodossi in Volynia. Prima del 1939 fu inviato a Lviv, ove
ricoprì la carica di economo della sua comunità religiosa, nonchè della
metropolia di Lviv. Fu inoltre assiduo confessore e celebre predicatore.
Zynovij Kovalyk fu
arrestato dai bolscevichi nella notte del 20 dicembre 1940 ed incarcerato in
una prigione di Lviv. Durante i sei mesi di detenzione subì ben ventotto
brutali interrogatori. Quando, il 29 giugno 1941, la città di Lviv fu liberata
dalle truppe tedesche e vennero aperte le prigioni, in una di esse, quella di
Bryghidky, fu rinvenuta una massa di cadaveri massacrati con i segni delle
torture subite. L’avanzato stato di decomposizione non permise purtroppo ai
confratelli di ritrovare il corpo di Padre Kovalyk. Secondo alcuni testimoni
del processo di beatificazione, il religioso fu crocifisso alla parete del
corridoio della prigione, mentre invece dai documenti ufficiali delle autorità
sovietiche risulta che fu fucilato insieme agli altri prigionieri nel giugno
del 1941.
Zynovij Kovalyk fu
beatificato da Giovanni Paolo II il 27 giugno 2001, insieme con altre 24
vittime del regime sovietico di nazionalità ucraina, ed il Martyrologium
Romanum lo commemora in data 30 giugno.
Autore: Fabio Arduino
1. "Nessuno ha un
amore più grande di questo: dare la vita per i propri amici" (Gv 15,13).
Questa solenne
affermazione di Cristo risuona fra noi, oggi, con particolare eloquenza, mentre
proclamiamo Beati alcuni figli di questa gloriosa Chiesa di Leopoli degli
Ucraini. La maggior parte di essi fu uccisa in odio alla fede cristiana. Alcuni
subirono il martirio in tempi a noi vicini e, tra i presenti alla Divina
Liturgia odierna, non pochi sono coloro che li conobbero personalmente. Questa
terra di Halytchyna, che lungo la storia ha visto lo sviluppo della Chiesa
ucraina greco-cattolica, è stata coperta, come diceva l'indimenticabile
Metropolita Yosyf Slipyi, "da montagne di cadaveri e fiumi di
E', la vostra, una
comunità viva e feconda che si ricollega alla predicazione dei santi
Fratelli Cirillo e Metodio, a san Vladimiro e a santa Olga. L'esempio dei
martiri appartenenti a diversi periodi della storia, ma soprattutto al secolo
passato, testimonia che il martirio è la misura più alta del servizio di
Dio e della Chiesa. Con la presente celebrazione vogliamo rendere loro omaggio
e ringraziare il Signore per la loro fedeltà.
2. Con questo suggestivo
rito di beatificazione, è mio desiderio altresì esprimere la riconoscenza di
tutta la Chiesa al popolo di Dio in Ucraina per Mykola Carneckyj e i suoi 24
Compagni martiri, come pure per i martiri Teodor Romóa e Omeljan Kovc e per la
Serva di Dio Josaphata Michaëlina Hordashevska. Come il chicco di frumento
caduto in terra muore per dar vita alla spiga (cfr Gv 12,24), così
essi hanno offerto la loro esistenza, affinché il campo di Dio fosse fecondo di
nuova e più abbondante messe.
Nel loro ricordo, saluto
quanti partecipano a questa concelebrazione, a cominciare dai Signori Cardinali
Lubomyr Husar e Marian Jaworski, con i Vescovi e i sacerdoti delle Chiese
Greco-cattolica e Latina. Nel salutare l'attuale l'Arcivescovo Maggiore di Lviv
degli Ucraini, il mio pensiero va ai predecessori, il Servo di Dio Andrey
Sheptytskyj, l'eroico Cardinale Yosyf Slipyj, il compianto Cardinale Myroslav
Lubachivskyj, da poco scomparso. Ricordando i Pastori, il mio cuore si rivolge
con affetto a tutti i figli e le figlie della Chiesa Greco-cattolica Ucraina,
anche a quanti sono collegati con noi attraverso la radio e la televisione da
altre città e nazioni. Rivolgo uno speciale ringraziamento al Signor Presidente
dell'Ucraina, Leonid Kucma, per la sua partecipazione a questa solenne Divina
3. I servi di Dio, oggi
iscritti nell'Albo dei Beati, rappresentano tutte le componenti della
Comunità ecclesiale: ci sono tra loro Vescovi e sacerdoti, monaci, monache e
laici. Essi furono provati in molti modi da parte dei seguaci delle ideologie
nefaste del nazismo e del comunismo. Conscio delle sofferenze a cui erano
sottoposti questi fedeli discepoli di Cristo, il mio Predecessore Pio XII, con
accorata partecipazione, manifestava la propria solidarietà con coloro
"che perseverano nella fede e resistono ai nemici del cristianesimo con la
stessa invitta fortezza con cui resistettero un tempo i loro antenati" e
ne lodava il coraggio nell'essere restati "fedelmente congiunti col Romano
Pontefice e coi loro pastori" (Lett. ap. Orientales
Ecclesias, 15 dicembre 1952: AAS 45 [1953], 8).
Sostenuti dalla grazia
divina, essi hanno percorso sino in fondo la strada della vittoria. E' strada
che passa attraverso il perdono e la riconciliazione; strada che conduce alla
luce folgorante della Pasqua, dopo il sacrificio del Calvario. Questi nostri fratelli
e sorelle sono i rappresentanti conosciuti di una moltitudine di
eroi anonimi – uomini e donne, mariti e mogli, sacerdoti e
consacrati, giovani e anziani – che lungo il ventesimo secolo, il "secolo
del martirio", hanno affrontato la persecuzione, la violenza, la morte pur
di non rinunciare alla loro fede.
Come non ricordare qui la
lungimirante e solida azione pastorale del Servo di Dio, il Metropolita
Andrey Sheptytskyj, la cui causa di beatificazione è in corso e che speriamo di
vedere un giorno nella gloria dei Santi? Alla sua eroica azione apostolica
dobbiamo fare doveroso riferimento per comprendere l'umanamente inspiegabile
fecondità della Chiesa greco-cattolica ucraina negli anni bui della
4. Io stesso sono stato
testimone, nella mia giovinezza, di questa sorta di "apocalisse".
"Il mio sacerdozio, già al suo nascere, si è iscritto nel grande
sacrificio di tanti uomini e donne della mia generazione" (Dono
e mistero, p. 47). La loro memoria non deve andare perduta, poiché essa è
benedizione. A loro va la nostra ammirazione e la nostra gratitudine: come
un'icona del Vangelo delle Beatitudini, vissuto sino allo spargimento del
sangue, essi costituiscono un segno di speranza per i tempi nostri e
per quelli che verranno. Hanno manifestato come l'amore sia più forte della
Nella loro resistenza al
mistero dell'iniquità ha potuto rifulgere, nonostante l'umana fragilità, la
forza della fede e della grazia di Cristo (cfr 2 Cor 12,9-10). La
loro invitta testimonianza si è rivelata seme di nuovi cristiani (cfr
Tertulliano, Apol. 50,13: CCL 1, 171).
Con loro furono
perseguitati e uccisi a causa di Cristo anche cristiani di altre
Confessioni. Il loro comune martirio è un forte appello alla riconciliazione e
all'unità. E' l'ecumenismo dei martiri e dei testimoni della fede, che
indica la via dell'unità ai cristiani del ventunesimo secolo. Che il loro
sacrificio sia concreta lezione di vita per tutti. Non si tratta certo d'una
impresa facile. Nel corso degli ultimi secoli si sono accumulati troppi
stereotipi nel pensare, troppi risentimenti reciproci e troppa intolleranza.
L'unico mezzo per sgomberare questa strada è dimenticare il passato, chiedere
e offrire il perdono gli uni agli altri per le offese inflitte e ricevute,
e confidare senza riserve nell'azione rinnovatrice dello Spirito Santo.
Questi martiri ci
insegnano la fedeltà al duplice comandamento dell'amore: amore per Dio, amore
per i fratelli.
5. Cari sacerdoti,
cari religiosi e religiose, cari seminaristi, catechisti e studenti
di Teologia! Proprio a voi vorrei additare in modo particolare l'esempio
luminoso di questi eroici testimoni del Vangelo. Siate come loro fedeli a Cristo
sino alla morte! Se Iddio benedice la vostra Terra con numerose vocazioni, se i
seminari sono colmi - e questo è fonte di speranza per la vostra Chiesa - ciò è
sicuramente uno dei frutti del loro sacrificio. Ma questo costituisce per voi
una grande responsabilità.
Dico pertanto ai
responsabili: prestate attenta cura alla formazione dei futuri sacerdoti e
dei chiamati alla vita consacrata, nella linea tipica della tradizione
monastica orientale. Da una parte, sia posto in rilievo il valore del celibato per
il Regno dei Cieli, dall'altra sia illustrata anche l'importanza del Sacramento
del matrimonio con gli impegni ad esso connessi. La famiglia cristiana - ha
ricordato il Concilio - è come una "chiesa domestica", nella quale i
genitori devono essere per i figli i primi annunciatori della fede (cfr Lumen
gentium, 11).
Esorto tutti i figli e le
figlie della Chiesa a ricercare con impegno costante una sempre più autentica e
profonda conoscenza di Cristo. Sia costante preoccupazione del Clero di offrire
ai laici una seria formazione evangelica ed ecclesiale. Non venga meno nei
cristiani lo spirito di sacrificio. Né si indebolisca il coraggio della
comunità cristiana nella difesa degli offesi e dei perseguitati, ponendo grande
attenzione nel decifrare i segni dei tempi, per rispondere così alle sfide
sociali e spirituali del momento.
In questo contesto, vi
confido che seguirò con interesse lo svolgimento della terza sessione del
Sinodo della vostra Chiesa, che si terrà nel 2002 e sarà dedicata alla lettura
ecclesiale dei problemi sociali dell'Ucraina. La Chiesa non può tacere quando è
in gioco la tutela della dignità umana e il bene comune.
6. "Nessuno ha un
amore più grande di questo: dare la vita per i propri amici" (Gv 15,13).
I martiri che oggi vengono dichiarati Beati hanno seguito il Buon Pastore sino
alla fine. La loro testimonianza non rimanga per voi semplicemente un vanto: divenga
piuttosto un invito a imitarli. Con il Battesimo, ogni cristiano è
chiamato alla santità. Non a tutti è chiesta, come a questi nuovi beati
martiri, la prova suprema dell'effusione del sangue. Ad ognuno però è affidato
il compito di seguire Cristo con quotidiana e fedele generosità, come ha fatto
la beata Josaphata Michaëlina Hordashevska, co-fondatrice delle Ancelle di
Maria Immacolata. Ella seppe vivere in modo straordinario la sua quotidiana
adesione al Vangelo, servendo i bambini, gli ammalati, i poveri, gli analfabeti
e gli emarginati in situazioni spesso difficili e non prive di sofferenza.
Sia la santità l'anelito
di tutti voi, cari Fratelli e Sorelle della Chiesa greco-cattolica ucraina. In
questo cammino di santità e di rinnovamento vi accompagna Maria, "che
tutti precede alla testa del lungo corteo dei testimoni della fede nell'unico
Signore" (Redemptoris
Mater, 30).
Intercedono per voi i
Santi e i Beati, che in questa terra di Ucraina hanno raggiunto la corona della
giustizia, e i Beati che oggi specialmente celebriamo. Il loro esempio e la
loro protezione vi aiutino a seguire Cristo e a servire fedelmente il suo Corpo
mistico, la Chiesa. Per loro intercessione, Iddio versi sulle vostre ferite
l'olio della misericordia e della consolazione, perché possiate guardare con
fiducia a ciò che vi attende, certi nel cuore di essere figli di un Padre che
teneramente vi ama.
Traduzione italiana dei
saluti in lingua polacca
Saluto cordialmente i
fedeli giunti dalla Polonia, in modo particolare i Greco-cattolici venuti a
Leopoli per partecipare insieme ai loro fratelli dell’Ucraina a questa
particolare Liturgia. Desidero inoltre esprimere il mio cordiale ricordo e la
mia unione spirituale con il vostro Metropolita Ivan Martyniak, che non vi ha
potuto accompagnare. Che Dio vi benedica.
Traduzione italiana dei
saluti in lingua ucraina
Dio ci ha dato oggi una
bellissima giornata. Come non ringraziarlo? Cari fratelli e sorelle in questo
ultimo incontro nel corso del mio particolare e commovente Pellegrinaggio tra
il popolo di Dio che è in Ucraina, radunato cosí numeroso, vi saluto ancora
tutti di cuore.
Vi ringrazio per le
vostre preghiere, specialmente per il canto del coro, che è preghiera. Grazie
per la vostra bontà e sincerità, grazie per il vostro amore e fedeltà alla Sede
Apostolica. Tutti porto nel cuore e tutti accompagno e abbraccio nella
preghiera. Che Dio vi benedica.
Martiri Greco-Cattolici
- 27 giugno 2001
- Papa Giovanni
Paolo II
- 2 aprile
Mykola Čarneckyj (1884-1959), Vescovo di Lviv, che svolse il suo ministero di esarca apostolico di Volyn’ e Pidljashja in tempo di persecuzione contro la fede e, seguendo come pastore fedele le orme di Cristo, per sua grazia raggiunse il regno celeste; e 24 compagni, martiri
Nessuno ha un amore più grande di questo: dare la vita per i propri amici (Gv 15,13)
Mykola Čarneckyj, nacque
il 14 dicembre 1884 in Semakivtsi (Ucraina Occidentale). Nel 1903 entrò nel
Seminario di Stanislaviv. Negli anni 1903-1910 fu alunno del Collegio Ucraino a
Roma, coronando gli studi con il dottorato in teologia. Ordinato sacerdote nel
1909, insegnò nel seminario di Stanislaviv, dove era anche padre spirituale.
Nel 1919 entrò nella
Congregazione dei Missionari Redentoristi. Nel 1926 fu nominato Visitatore
Apostolico per i greco-cattolici in Volyn, dove le strutture della Chiesa
greco-cattolica furono distrutte dal regime zarista nel XIX secolo. Nel 1931 fu
nominato Ordinario dei cattolici di rito bizantino-slavo in Polonia e fu
ordinato Vescovo l'8 febbraio 1931 a Roma.
Fu arrestato l'11 aprile
a Lviv dagli agenti del KGB, insieme a tutti i Vescovi greco-cattolici.
Condannato inizialmente a cinque anni di lavori forzati, passò undici anni
nelle carceri. Subì continue torture ed umiliazioni. Accettava tutto questo e
sopportava con eroica pazienza e serenità, pregando per i persecutori e
confortando i suoi compagni di lager, per i quali era veramente un buon
pastore. Nel 1956 fu scarcerato e riportato a Lviv ormai moribondo. Ripresosi
continuò il suo ministero vescovile a Lviv: dal suo letto dirigeva la Chiesa
nelle catacombe.
Il Servo di Dio morì a
Lviv il 2 aprile 1959. Sin dall'inizio fu ritenuto dai fedeli ucraini un santo
vescovo e un martire della fede cattolica. Ogni giorno molti fedeli pregano
sulla sua tomba.
La schiera dei 24 Servi e
Serve di Dio, martiri della Chiesa greco-cattolica ucraina durante la II guerra
mondiale, eroici testimoni della fedeltà a Dio in un epoca di persecuzione per
la fede da parte del comunismo, si compone di 7 Vescovi, 6 sacerdoti diocesani,
7 sacerdoti regolari, 3 suore e un laico:
Ecco l’elenco completo
dei 25 martiri greco-cattolici ucraini beatificatida Giovanni Paolo II nel
2001, con i relativi collegamenti allesingole schede loro dedicate:
Mykolay Charneckyj, Vescovo, 2 aprile
Hryhorij Khomysyn, Vescovo, 28 dicembre
Josafat Kocylovskyj, Vescovo, 17 novembre
Symeon Lukac, Vescovo, 22 agosto
Vasyl Velyckovskyj, Vescovo, 30 giugno
Ivan Slezyuk, Vescovo, 2 dicembre
Mykyta Budka, Vescovo, 28 settembre
Hryhorij Lakota, Vescovo, 5 novembre
Leonid Fedorov, Sacerdote, 7 marzo
Mykola Konrad, Sacerdote, 26 giugno
Andrij Iscak, Sacerdote, 26 giugno
Roman Lysko, Sacerdote, 14 ottobre
Mykola Cehelskyj, Sacerdote, 25 maggio
Petro Verhun, Sacerdote, 7 febbraio
Oleksa Zaryckyj, Sacerdote, 30 ottobre
Klymentij Septyckyj, Sacerdote, 1 maggio
Severijan Baranyk, Sacerdote, 28 giugno
Jakym Senkivskyj, Sacerdote, 28 giugno
Zynovij Kovalyk, Sacerdote, 30 giugno
Vitalij Volodymyr Bajrak, Sacerdote, 16 maggio
Ivan Ziatyk, Sacerdote, 17 maggio
Tarsykia (Olha) Mackiv, Suora, 18 luglio
Olympia (Olha) Bidà, Suora, 28 gennaio
Laurentia (Leukadia) Harasymiv, Suora, 26 agosto
Volodymyr Pryjma, Laico, 26 giugno
Den salige Zenon Kovalyk
Minnedag: 2.
Den salige Zenon Kovalyk
(Zynovij, Zenoviy) ble født den 18. august 1903 i landsbyen Ivakhiv, ikke langt
fra Ternopil i Ukraina. Han tilhørte den gresk-katolske «unerte» Kirken i
landet. Han trådte inn hos redemptoristene (Congregatio Sanctissimi
Redemptoris – CSSR) og avla sine løfter den 28. august 1926.
Redemptoristene av bysantinsk ritus er en av de tre tradisjonelle bysantinske
(gresk-katolske; «unerte») munkeordenene ved siden av basilianerne og
Han fikk sin filosofiske
og teologiske utdannelse i Belgia. Etter hjemkomsten til Ukraina ble han
presteviet den 4. september 1937. Han arbeidet som misjonær i Volyn og den 20.
desember 1940 ble han arrestert i et sogn mens han holdt en preken til ære for
Guds Mors (Theotókos') uplettede unnfangelse. Etter fryktelig tortur ble han
martyrdrept av kommunistene i juni 1941 i Lviv i en narrekorsfestelse mot en
vegg i fengslet Bryhidky i Zamarstynivska-gaten, et tidligere kloster for
Den 24. april 2001 ble
dekretet som anerkjente hans og andre ukraineres martyrium (gruppen den
salige Nikolas
Carneckyj og hans 24 ledsagere) promulgert i Vatikanet av
Helligkåringskongregasjonen i nærvær av pave Johannes Paul II (1978-2005).
Dermed fikk de tittelen Venerabilis, «Ærverdige», og veien til saligkåring
var åpnet. Gruppen består av åtte biskoper, seks sekularprester, syv
ordensprester, tre ordenssøstre og en legmann.
De ble saligkåret den 27.
juni 2001 av pave Johannes Paul II under hans besøk i Ukraina. Deres minnedag
er 2. april, Nikolas Carneckyjs dødsdag. Samtidig ble to andre gresk-katolske
ukrainere, en rutensk biskop og to latinske katolikker også saligkåret.
Kilder: Patron
Saints SQPN,,, EWTN/OR - Kompilasjon og
oversettelse: p. Per Einar Odden -
Sist oppdatert: 2005-07-04 23:48
Zeno Kovalyk
polnischer Name: Zynoviy
Gedenktag katholisch: 30.
Ordensmann, Priester, Märtyrer
* 18. August 1903 in Ivachiv Horishniy bei Ternopil in der Ukraine
† im Juni 1941 in Lemberg, heute L'viv in
der Ukraine
Zynoviy Kovalyk wurde als
Sohn einer armen Bauernfamilie geboren. Er arbeitete zunächst als Lehrer in der
Elementarschule seines Dorfes, dann trat er in die Kongregation der Redemptoristen ein;
1928 legte er seine Ordensgelübde ab und wurde zum Studium der Philosophie und
Theologie nach Belgien gesandt. 1932 wurde er zum Priester geweiht.
Nach seiner Weihe reiste
Pater Kovalyk zusammen mit Bischof Mykolay
Charnetskyi nach Wolhynien zur
Mission unter den orthodoxen Ukrainern. Pater Kovalyk war ein guter Sänger und
als Prediger ein Goldmund, er zog tausende Menschen an; eine große
Verehrung brachte er Maria entgegen.
Nach mehreren Jahren ging er nach Stanislaviv - dem heutigen Ivano-Frankivsk -,
um dort zu missionieren. Unmittelbar vor dem sowjetischen Einmarsch 1939 reiste
er nach Lemberg ins Redemptoristenkloster
und übernahm das Amt des Ökonomen. Als Prediger zeigte er keine Scheu, die dann
von den Sowjets eingeführten atheistischen Bräuche öffentlich zu verurteilen.
Die letzte große Predigt hielt er am Fest Mariä
Himmelfahrt 1940 mit angeblich einigen zehntausend Gläubigen als
Im Dezember 1940 nahm die
Geheimpolizei Zynoviy Kovalyk im Redemptoristenkloster
in Lemberg fest
wegen seiner Predigt zum Fest der Unbefleckten
Empfängnis. Sechs Monate blieb er im Gefängnis, wurde 28 Verhören und
grausamen Folterungen unterzogen. In der Haft betete er mit den anderen
Gefangene, hörte Beichten, hielt geistliche Übungen und Katechesen und tröstete
mit religiöse Geschichten erzählte. Als die deutschen Truppen im Jahr 1941 ihre
Offensive begannen, bereitete die Gefängnisleitung die Flucht vor. Da sie aber
nicht imstande waren, alle Gefangenen mitzunehmen, wurden die Zurückbleibenden
erschossen; Pater Kovalyk aber wurde - in Erinnerung einer seiner Predigten
über den gekreuzigten Christus -
vor den Augen seiner Mitgefangenen an die Wand des Gefängnisses genagelt. Als
die deutschen Truppen Lemberg erobert hatte, eilte die Bevölkerung in die
Gefängnisse in der Hoffnung, Angehörigen zu finden. Nach Augenzeugenberichten
war der schrecklichste Anblick der eines an die Gefängniswand angenagelten
Priesters, in dessen aufgeschlitzten Bauch ein toter menschlicher Fötus
gesteckt worden war.
Kanonisation: Zynoviy
Kovalyk wurde am 27. Juni 2001 von Papst Johannes
Paul II. zusammen mit 25 Leidensgenossen in L'viv seliggesprochen.
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Autor: Joachim
Schäfer - zuletzt aktualisiert am 06.08.2019
• Pater Jürgen Langer, E-Mail vom 31. Juli 2007
korrekt zitieren: Joachim Schäfer: Artikel Zeno Kovalyk, aus dem Ökumenischen Heiligenlexikon -, abgerufen am 30. 6. 2024
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Beato Zenón
Kovalyk, presbítero y mártir
fecha de inscripción en el santoral: 30 de junio
n.: 1903 - †: 1941 - país: Ucrania
otras formas del nombre: Zynovij Kovalyk
canonización: B: Juan Pablo II 27 jun 2001
hagiografía: «Año Cristiano» - AAVV, BAC, 2003
Elogio: En Lviv, en
Ucrania, conmemoración del beato Zenón Kovalyk, presbítero de la Congregación
del Santísimo Redentor y mártir, que en tiempo de un régimen hostil a Dios,
alcanzó la palma gloriosa en un día no precisado.
Ver más información en: 25 mártires del
siglo XX en Ucrania
Al retirarse las tropas
soviéticas por el avance de las tropas alemanas, fueron asesinados por los
soviéticos los presos de la prisión de Bryghidki, en Lvov. Uno de los que
fueron encontrados muertos en uno de los calabozos fue el sacerdote
redentorista Zenón Kovalyk.
Había nacido el 18 de
agosto de 1903 en Ivachiv Horisnyl, en la región de Ternopol. Decidido por la
vida religiosa, ingresó en su juventud en la Congregación del Santísimo
Redentor, en la que profesó el 28 de agosto de 1926. Prosiguió los estudios
eclesiásticos y se ordenó sacerdote el 9 de agosto de 1932, ejerciendo desde
entonces provechosamente su ministerio. Como a tantos otros religiosos, le tocó
también a él ser arrestado en la madrugada del 21 de diciembre de 1940 y
llevado a la citada cárcel, donde pasó seis meses de dura prisión, llevada por
el religioso con paciencia y fe. Fue beatificado el 27 de junio de 2001.
fuente: «Año
Cristiano» - AAVV, BAC, 2003
accedido 2913 veces
ingreso o última
modificación relevante: ant 2012
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