samedi 22 avril 2017

Bienheureux FRANCESCO (FRANÇOIS, FRANCIS) VENIMBENI da FABRIANO, prêtre et prédicateur franciscain

Bienheureux François Venimbeni de Fabriano

Franciscain ( 1322)

Remarquable prédicateur de la parole de Dieu, disciple de saint Bonaventure il fonda la première bibliothèque franciscaine à Fabriano dans les Marches.


Blessed Francis Venimbene, OFM (AC)
(also known as Francis of Fabriano)

Born at Fabriano, Italy, in 1251; died c. 1322; cultus confirmed in 1775. Francis, the son of a doctor, joined the Franciscans in 1267. He was a disciple of Saint Bonaventure. He founded the first Franciscan library and wrote a defense of the Portiuncula indulgence (Attwater2, Benedictines).


Bl. Francis of Fabriano

Priest of the Order of Friars Minor; b. 2 Sept., 1251; d. 22 April, 1322. His birth and childhood were remarkable for evident signs of future sanctity. He was also gifted with rare talents. Having successfully completed the study of humanities and of philosophy, he asked for admission at a neighboring Franciscan convent, in 1267. Under the guidance of able masters he made rapid progress in religious perfection. Subsequently he applied himself to the study of theology, and devoted the remainder of his life to missionary labours in his native town and vicinity. As missionary Blessed Francis has become a shining example to the preachers of the Seraphic Order. He was a man of prayer and untiring study. In accordance with the words of the rule, "Ut sint examinate et casta eorum eloquia", he was deeply convinced that the friars must announce to the faithful only well-grounded and authentic doctrine, in unambiguous and carefully sifted language. Ever mindful of this principle, Francis logically took a further step which has signalized him as a far-sighted and truly progressive member of his order. As a consequence of the extensive proportions theological studies had assumed since the time of St. Francis, the humble collections of biblical and patristic works, which were found in the early Franciscan communities, no longer met the demands of the student and preacher. Hence, Francis, heedless of any disapproving voice, promptly purchased with his father's money a handsome library, the first on an extended scale established in the order. He loved to call it the "best workshop in the convent", and its catalogue, mentioned by Wadding, contains numerous works of the Fathers, the masters of theology, biblical commentators, philosophers, mathematicians, and preachers, which shows that Francis was indeed, in this respect, quite abreast of his time. No wonder, then that we find all his biographers in accord with Mark of Lisbon, who styles him a "most learned man and renowned preacher". Of the writings of Francis Venimbeni little has been published. His "Chronica Marchiæ et Fabriani", his "De veritate et excellentiâ Indulgentiæ S. Mariæde Portiuncula", and the "Opusculum de serie et gestis Ministrorum Generalium", all three probably forming one extensive chronicle, have unfortunately disappeared, save a few precious fragments bearing on the most salient questions of early Franciscan history. Besides several treatises of a philosophical, ascetical, and didactic character, he wrote an "Ars Prædicantium", numerous "Sermons", and a beautiful elegy on the death of St. Bonaventure. Despite his literary pursuits and manifold missionary occupations Francis found ample time for ascetical practices and works of an all-embracing charity. God testified to the sanctity of His servant by many signs and miracles. His cult was approved by Pius VI in 1775.


The biography of Blessed Francis was written by his nephew, DOMINIC FESSI, and other contemporary wrriters. WADDING has collected and utilized their accounts for his Annals. PULIGNANI, Miscell. Francesc., X, 69 sq. enumerates the more recent biographers of F., and recommends especially two books by LUIGI TASSO: Discorso laudatorio del B. Francesco Venimbeni da Fabriano (Fabriano, 1881), and Vita del B. Francesco da Fabriano dell' ordine dei Minori (Fabriano, 1893). The latter contains a brief treatise by Francis, and his elegy on St. Bonaventure. Extracts from his Chronicle have been edited by PULIGNANI, op. cit., 69-72. Cf. DE CLARY, L Aureole Seraph., tr. Lives of the Saints and Blessed of the three Orders of St. Francis (Taunton, 1882) II, 171-175; WADDING, Annales (Rome, 1731), III, 244, 245, IV, 276-278, 400, VI, 377-385; IDEM, Scriptores (Rome, 1659), 115; SBARALEA, Supplementum (Rome, 1806), 252; Acta SS. (Venice, 1734-), April, III, 88-94.

Plassmann, Thomas. "Bl. Francis of Fabriano." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 6. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1909. 23 Apr. 2017 <>.

Transcription. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Dana Howard. For an increase in Faith.

Ecclesiastical approbation. Nihil Obstat. September 1, 1909. Remy Lafort, Censor. Imprimatur. +John M. Farley, Archbishop of New York.

Copyright © 2020 by Kevin Knight. Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Beato Francesco da Fabriano

Fabriano, 1251 - Fabriano, 22 aprile 1322

Predicatore francescano della famiglia Venimbeni, soprattutto in Umbria e nel Piceno. Nella sua città eresse una chiesa e un convento con una notevole biblioteca.

Culto approvato nel 1775.

Martirologio Romano: A Fabriano nelle Marche, beato Francesco Venimbeni, sacerdote dell’Ordine dei Minori, insigne predicatore della parola di Dio.

Il Beato Francesco nacque a Fabriano (Ancona) da Compagno Venimbene, medico, e Margherita di Federico. Dopo aver compiuto gli studi di filosofia, all'età di 16 anni, entrò nell'Ordine Francescano. Mentre era novizio a Fabriano, ebbe il permesso di recarsi ad Assisi per lucrarvi l'indulgenza della Porziuncola. Qui incontrò frate Leone, uno dei primi compagni di San Francesco, e ne lesse gli "scritti". Per ben due volte, nel 1316 e nel 1318-21, fu superiore del nuovo convento costruito dai confratelli a Fabriano. L'eredità paterna gli permise di costruire una biblioteca dove raccolse una copiosa quantità di manoscritti e in seguito a ciò divenne il primo fondatore delle biblioteche in seno all'Ordine Francescano. 

Tutta la sua vita fu devoluta all'attenzione verso i poveri, gli emarginati e gli ammalati. Egli stesso si prendeva cura dei bisognosi a cui forniva il sostegno materiale e spirituale. Infaticabile era il suo zelo per le anime: trascorreva molte ore in confessionale o nell'annunzio della parola di Dio. Vestiva una rozza tunica, si flagellava con aspre discipline , dormiva poco per dedicare più tempo possibile alla preghiera. Argomento della sua contemplazione erano i misteri della Passione di Cristo, che lo commuovevano fino al pianto. Celebrava la santa Messa con fervore ed era devotissimo delle anime del Purgatorio. Morì, come aveva previsto il 22 aprile 1322, all'età di 61 anni. Il suo culto fu riconosciuto da Pio VI il 1 aprile 1775.

Autore: Elisabetta Nardi