jeudi 30 mars 2017

Saint ZOSIME de SYRACUSE, évêque

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Saint Zosime de Syracuse

Évêque de Syracuse ( 662)

Consacré à Dieu par ses parents comme le fut jadis le jeune Samuel, il entra dans le monastère de Sainte-Lucie à Syracuse à l'âge de sept ans. Quand il voulut revoir les siens, ses parents le ramenèrent de force au monastère. Dès lors, il accepta humblement cette condition monastique, l'assuma comme une volonté de Dieu et devint un exemple pour chacun des moines dans l'observance de la profession monastique. L'évêque le choisit plus tard comme higoumène. Quand l'évêque de Syracuse vint à mourir, les chrétiens de la ville demandèrent au Pape de le leur désigner comme pasteur. Il fut sacré évêque à Rome en 647, et plus pauvre que les pauvres, assidu à la prière et à la méditation, il remplit cette charge pendant treize ans. 

À Syracuse en Sicile, l’an 662, saint Zosime, évêque, qui fut d’abord l’humble gardien de la tombe de sainte Lucie, puis abbé du monastère de ce lieu, enfin évêque vigilant et charitable.

Martyrologe romain

Zozimus of Syracuse B (RM)
(also known as Zosimus)

Died c. 660. At the tender age of seven, Saint Zosimus was offered to the monastery of Santa Lucia, near Syracuse, Sicily, by his wealthy parents. As a child, he was deputed to watch over the relics of the virgin martyr--anathema to a boisterous country boy. He ran away from the monastery, back to his home. In disgrace, he was returned to Santa Lucia's, where he experienced a vision of the saint who seemed angry with him. She was appeased by Our Lady and accepted the boy's promise to diligently undertake his responsibility.

After that, he settled down and was a good and simple monk for thirty years, then quickly succeeded to the positions of abbot and bishop of Syracuse. The scene of his selection of abbot is reminiscent of the selection of the Old Testament King David: The uncertain monks sought the help of their bishop. After scrutinizing all the monks gathered, he asked if there was no other monk belonging to their number. Then they remembered Zosimus, whom they had left to guard the shrine and answer the door. The bishop sent for the missing monk. Immediately upon seeing him the bishop exclaimed: "Behold him whom the Lord has chosen." He appointed him abbot and ordained him priest.

His reputation as a wise and charitable abbot led him to be elected bishop by the people at the death of Peter in 649. He did not want the position and the clergy had elected another, Vanerius, a vain and ambitious man. Pope Theodore settled the question by appointing and consecrating Zosimus. He faithfully discharged all the duties of a worthy pastor and showed great liberality to the poor until his death at the age of 90. These details are drawn from a reputedly contemporary vita (Attwater2, Benedictines, Farmer, Husenbeth, Walsh).

Saint Zosimus of Syracuse

Also known as
  • Zozimus of Syracuse

Son of wealthy land owners. Dedicated to Saint Lucy of Syracuse. Entered the monastery of Saint Lucy near Syracuse, Sicily at age seven. At one point as a child, he was unable to bear the quiet of the monastery and the tedium of his chores, and he ran away. His family sent him back to the monastery. There he had a vision of Saint Lucy who seemed angry. In the vision, Our Lady appeared, calmed Lucy, and welcomed the boy back to the monastery.

Zosimus studied under Saint Faustus of Syracuse. Monk for thirty years. During one meeting to choose an abbot, Zozimus was left behind to watch the door and guard the church’s relics; the bishop decided this was a man humble enough to be trusted with the task, and made Zozimus abbot. Priest. Chosen the unwilling bishop of Syracuse in 649. Noted for his charity to the poor and his work to educate his parishioners.

  • 660 of natural causes
March 30
St. Zozimus, Bishop of Syracuse
HE was successor to the holy bishop Peter; and faithfully discharged all the duties of a worthy pastor until his death, which happened in 660. His name is mentioned in the Roman and Sicilian Martyrologies. See the Bollandists and Baillet.
Rev. Alban Butler (1711–73).  Volume III: March. The Lives of the Saints.  1866.

St. Zosimus the Bishop of Syracuse

Commemorated on March 30

Saint Zosimus, Bishop of Syracuse, was born in answer to the fervent prayers of his parents, who were childless for a long time. When their son reached the age of seven, his parents sent him to a monastery to be educated. When the holy ascetic became an adult, he received monastic tonsure, and governed the monastery for forty years. Pope Theodore (641-649) consecrated him Bishop of Syracuse.

Saint Zosimus was distinguished by his charity and lack of avarice, and led his flock by word and by example. Toward the end of his life Saint Zosimus fell grievously ill, but endured his suffering with magnanimity and humility. He died in the year 662, after he had led his flock for thirteen years. Later, many of the sick received healing by merely touching his tomb.

San Zosimo di Siracusa Vescovo

m. 600

Esercitava un'umile funzione nel monastero di Santa Lucia, a Siracusa, perchè considerato incapace di qualsiasi incombenza importante. Quando morì l'abate, il Vescovo, sorprendentemente, lo designò per la carica. Governò con tanta saggezza e virtù che finì per essere eletto Vescovo della città.

Emblema: Bastone pastorale

Martirologio Romano: A Siracusa, san Zosimo, vescovo, che fu dapprima umile custode della tomba di santa Lucia, poi abate del monastero del luogo.

Zosimo, vescovo (VII secolo) era un giovane monaco cui era stata affidata per la sua inettitudine la custodia della tomba di Santa Lucia a Siracusa. Un giorno, desideroso di rivedere i genitori, lasciò il monastero senza avvertire i superiori. I genitori, vedendolo arrivare con aria di fuggitivo, lo rimproverarono e lo riaccompagnarono al monastero. Venne perdonato dall'abate e riconsegnato al suo compito di "guardiano della tomba", che tenne a lungo perché considerato incapace di altre e più impegnative mansioni. 

Alla morte dell'abate, i monaci si recarono dal vescovo per conoscere il nome del successore. Fra loro non c'era Zosimo, rimasto a casa come "inutile". Quando il vescovo ebbe davanti i monaci, chiese: "Ci siete tutti?". "No, - risposero - a casa c'è il guardiano della tomba di santa Lucia, ma è di poco conto". "Fatelo venire" ingiunse il vescovo. E quando Zosimo arrivò: "Ecco il vostro abate" affermò solennemente il vescovo.

Così Zosimo, tra la sorpresa di tutti, divenne abate del monastero dimostrando presto di quanta saggezza e virtù fosse ricco, a tal punto che il popolo lo volle quale proprio vescovo. Confermato da papa Teodoro, egli rimase sulla cattedra episcopale siracusana dal 647 al 662 guidando la diocesi con bontà e saggezza.