lundi 27 février 2017

Sainte HONORINE, vierge et martyre

Statue de Sainte Honorine, église de Corbeil-Cerf

Sainte Honorine

Vénérée dans les évêchés de Bayeux et de Rouen (4ème s.)

On ne connaît d'elle que les reliques qui furent rapportées de Haute-Normandie jusqu'en Ile-de-France à Conflans-Saint-Honorine. Son culte en Normandie est très ancien et la tradition en fait une martyre gauloise.

Des internautes nous signalent

- la tradition rapporte qu'elle fut martyrisée en l'an 303 lors de la dernière persécution romaine. Sainte Honorine est également patronne des prisonniers.

- Honorine était originaire de la tribu gauloise des Calètes (actuellement pays de Caux). Vers 303, elle fut martyrisée par les Romains à Lillebonne et son corps jeté dans la Seine proche. 

Son corps fut recueilli à Graville (actuel quartier du Havre) et y fut enterré. 

Pour échapper aux invasions normandes, son corps est amené à Conflans (confluent de la Seine et de l'Oise). 

Le 27 février est la date actuellement retenue pour les cérémonies et processions et ce, depuis l'an 1080.

Site de la paroisse de Conflans-Sainte-Honorine où Vêpres et vénération des reliques sont organisés tous les ans pour sa fête.

Sur le territoire de Rouen, au IVe siècle, sainte Honorine, vierge et martyre.

Martyrologe romain

"Sainte Honorine, l’espérance des captifs et des matelots, obtenez-nous la délivrance de nos périls et de nos maux" (cantique composé vers 1875)


Sainte Honorine, vierge, martyre gauloise († 303)

Statue de sainte Honorine, plâtre moulée, 1866. Conflans-Sainte-Honorine (78), église Saint-Maclou

Sainte Honorine, vierge, martyre gauloise (+ 303)

On ne connaît d'elle que les reliques qui furent rapportées de Haute-Normandie jusqu'en Ile-de-France à Conflans-Saint-Honorine. Son culte en Normandie est très ancien et la tradition en fait une martyre gauloise.

- la tradition rapporte qu'elle fut martyrisée en l'an 303 lors de la dernière persécution romaine. Sainte Honorine est également patronne des prisonniers.

- Honorine était originaire de la tribu gauloise des Calètes (actuellement pays de Caux). Vers 303, elle fut martyrisée par les Romains à Lillebonne et son corps jeté dans la Seine proche.

Son corps fut recueilli à Graville (actuel quartier du Havre) et y fut enterré.

Pour échapper aux invasions normandes, son corps est transporté par des religieux jusqu'au castrum de Conflans près du confluent de la Seine et de l'Oise, en 876. Elles y restèrent la paix revenue. Un pèlerinage régional, le jour de l'Ascension, se développa sous l'impulsion des moines du prieuré de Conflans, dépendant de l'abbaye Notre-Dame du Bec, installés depuis 1080. De nos jours, ce pèlerinage a lieu le dimanche précédant ou suivant le 27 février.

Le 27 février est la date actuellement retenue pour les cérémonies et processions et ce, depuis l'an 1080. Voir le site de la paroisse de Conflans-Sainte-Honorine où Vêpres et vénération des reliques sont organisés tous les ans pour sa fête.

Certains auteurs localisent Honorine dans le pays d'Auge (diocèse de Bayeux) comme en témoignent les nombreux villages qui portent son nom. D'autres la situent dans le pays de Caux : c'est à Graville que se trouve son tombeau.

Sainte Honorine aurait fait partie du peuple gaulois des Calètes et aurait été martyrisée à Lillebonne (Juliobonna). Son corps jeté dans la Seine aurait été recueilli à Graville où il fut enterré (début du IVe siècle).

Sur le territoire de Rouen, au IVe siècle, sainte Honorine, vierge et martyre. 

Martyrologe romain


Statue en pierre polychrome de sainte Honorine dans l'église Saint-Hilaire du Neufbourg (France).

St Honorina

·         Century: 4th Century

·         Patronage: Boatmen, Sailors, Ships

·         Feast Day: February 27th

St. Honorina is from France, and is the oldest, most revered virgin martyr in the Normandy area of France.  Not much is really known about her.   Tradition from that area tells us that in the Diocese of Rouen, Honorina was a member of the Calates, who was martyred during the persecutions of Diocletian.  The spot of her martyrdom is said to have been Melamare, France.  Her body was thrown into the Seine and would have drifted to Graville-Sainte-Honorine, where it was collected by Christians and buried in a tomb. 

Another tradition holds that she was martyred at Coulonces.  Other traditions place Honorina’s martydom in the Pays d’ Auge, where several villages bear her name.  In 876 with the coast threatened by the Normans, the monks guarding her relics moved them closer to the interior, at the Confluence of the Seine and the Oise, placing them in the Chapel associated with a fortress.  In 1082, the castle of Conflans was destroyed during a siege.  The Monks therefore decided to build a Church outside of the town walls, dedicated to Honorina.  Her relics were transported solemnly in the presence of the Bishop of Paris.  The town to this day is called Conflans-Sante-Honorine.  

A Confraternity was founded in her honor in years later, and special indulgences were approved for those that venerate her.  St. Honorina is the Patron Saint of Boatmen, Sailors, and Ships, since Conflans-Sainte-Honorine became a port of arrival for the tugs that travel on the rivers and canals of northern France.  Prisoners who were liberated thanks to the intercession of St. Honorina brought their chains in thanksgiving.  There are several French towns that are named Sainte-Honorine to this day. 

Practical Take Away

St. Honorina was from France and died around 303.  Not much is known about her life, but tradition tells us that she was martyred under the persecution of Diocletian.  Many miracles were reported from Slaves that were freed from her intercession, and they would bring their chains to her tomb in thanksgiving.  She is the oldest, most revered virgin martyr in the Normandy area of France.  To this day, several towns in France are named in her honor, Sainte-Honorine. 


Sainte Honorine, dans Le Petit Livre des Saints, Éditions du Chêne, tome 2, 2011, p. 95.

Saint Honorina of Graville

Also known as






27 February


One of the earliest martyrs in Gaul (modern France). Her cultus in Normandy goes back to the beginning of the Church, but her Acts have been lost, and no details are known.


in Gaul (modern France)

relics transferred to Conflans-Sainte-Honorine near ParisFrance in the 9th century to protect them from Norse invaders

relics re-enshrined at the church of Saint Honorina c.1085

relics accorded formal recognition in 1250

relics re-enshrined in the chapel of Saint-Honorina at the church of Saint-Maclou in 1801







L'église à Sainte Honorine-du-Fay.

Feast Day of Saint Honorina

February 27 is honored to be the feast date of Saint Honorina, patron of boatmen (a field of metaphorical import to this site) as well as liberated prisoners (which is more literal import).

She’s a standard issue we-don’t-know-much-about-her Diocletian martyr, locally revered in Normandy where she was executed by the pagans and pitched into the Seine. Her significance in this area led her devotee monks to carry her relics further inland in 876 to protect them from Viking raiders; this established them at a town at the confluence of the Seine and Oise rivers, aptly named Conflans. There the valuable remains remain even though the piratical Norsemen do not; it’s now Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, a Paris suburb. (And only one of several French communes named for her.)

However, her spiritual import also remained in her original Norman haunts, even if her physical presence did not — as we discover in Architectural Antiquities of Normandy.

The church of Grâville [Graville-Sainte-Honrine, now a quarter of Le Havre -ed] was dedicated to St. Honorina, a virgin martyr, whose relics were preserved there in the times anterior to the Norman invasion; but were then transported to Conflans upon the Marne. Peter de Natalibus, copious as he is in his Hagiology, has no notice of Honorina, whose influence was nevertheless most extraordinary in releasing prisoners from fetters; and whose altars were accordingly hung round with an abundance of chains and instruments of torture. The author of theNeustria Pia, who attests many of her miracles of this description, relates, that her sanctity extended even to the horse which she rode, insomuch, that, when the body of the beast was thrown, after its death, as carrion to the dogs, they all refused to touch it; and the monks, in commemoration of the miracle, employed the skin for a covering to the church door, where it remained till the middle of the seventeenth century.

Although it was the Normans that cost this place its native holy bones, they made their amends to Graville and Honorina alike through doughty William the Conqueror crony William Malet de Graville, whose family’s largesse greatly aggrandized the still-extant abbey.


Sant' Onorina Martire

27 febbraio

Una tradizione conservata nella diocesi di Rouen, narra che Onorina detta di Normandia, subì il martirio per mano dei pagani, sotto Diocleziano (243-313) a Mélamare tra Lillebonne e Harfleur; il suo corpo fu gettato nella Senna e si sarebbe arenato a Graville.

Etimologia: Onorina = stimata, gloriosa, dal latino

Emblema: Palma

Martirologio Romano: Nel territorio di Rouen in Francia, santa Onorina, vergine e martire.

Non si hanno molte notizie, anzi quelle che esistono sono pure incerte. Una prima tradizione conservata nella diocesi di Rouen, narra che Onorina detta di Normandia, subì il martirio per mano dei pagani, sotto Diocleziano (243-313) a Mélamare tra Lillebonne e Harfleur; il suo corpo fu gettato nella Senna e si sarebbe arenato a Graville, dove venne raccolto dai cristiani e sepolto nella tomba, che divenne il punto di inizio del suo culto. 

Un’altra tradizione la dice martirizzata a Coulonces, vicino alle due odierne parrocchie a lei dedicate. Nell’876, sotto la minaccia delle invasioni normanne, i monaci che custodivano le reliquie della martire, le trasferirono più all’interno, alla confluenza della Senna con l’Oise, deponendole nella cappella della fortezza. 

Il 21 giugno 1082, dietro l’assedio di Conflans e distrutto il castello, i monaci decisero di costruire una chiesa fuori della cinta muraria, dedicata a santa Onorina, le cui reliquie vi furono trasportate solennemente alla presenza del vescovo di Parigi. 

Negli anni 1250, 1619 e 1752 vi furono effettuate altre ricognizioni delle stesse; una Confraternita, costituitasi in suo onore, ottenne nel 1690 speciali indulgenze. 

S. Onorina è patrona dei marinai battellieri, da quando Conflans è diventato il porto di arrivo dei rimorchiatori che lavorano sui fiumi e canali francesi e in cui è ancorato il rimorchiatore-cappella che è la base dei cappellani dei battellieri francesi. 

La festa di s. Onorina si celebra il 27 febbraio, in almeno sette diocesi francesi fra cui Versailles. 

Onorina è il diminutivo di Onorata ed ha lo stesso significato, deriva dal latino e significa “apprezzata, stimata”.

Autore: Antonio Borrelli