mardi 2 juillet 2013

Saint PROCESSUS et saint MARTINIEN de ROME, martyrs

Valentin de BoulogneMartirio dei santi Processo e Martiniano,

olio su tela, 308 x 165, 1629, Città del VaticanoPinacoteca vaticana.

Saints Processus et Martinien

Martyrs - 1er siècle

Martyrs romains, très vénérés à Rome, ils avaient leur tombe et leur basilique à la voie Aurélienne. Leur rencontre avec les apôtres Pierre et Paul, dans la prison n’est pas historique (St Martinien serait un des officiers romains qui auraient permis l’évasion de Pierre et de Paul des prisons de Rome, même si Pierre ne s’évada pas longtemps puisqu’il retourna à Rome ; il fut converti par ses prisonniers).

Tous deux furent arrêtés pour leur foi et furent mis à mort.

Leurs reliques reposent actuellement dans la basilique de Saint-Pierre à Rome. Leur culte a été confinés aux calendriers locaux en 1969.


Saints Processus et Martinien martyrs - 1er siècle

Martyrs romains, très vénérés à Rome, ils avaient leur tombe et leur basilique à la voie Aurélienne. Leur rencontre avec les apôtres Pierre et Paul, dans la prison n’est pas historique (St Martinien serait un des officiers romains qui auraient permis l’évasion de Pierre et de Paul des prisons de Rome, même si Pierre ne s’évada pas longtemps puisqu’il retourna à Rome ; il fut converti par ses prisonniers). Tous deux furent arrêtés pour leur foi et furent mis à mort.

Leurs reliques reposent actuellement dans la basilique de Saint-Pierre à Rome. Leur culte a été confinés aux calendriers locaux en 1969.

SOURCE :!/2012/07/fete-des-saints-es.html

Saint Martinien

Martyrisé au Ier siècle (1er s.)

Il aurait été le geôlier de saint Pierre. Avec son compagnon Processus, il n'hésita pas à donner sa vie au Christ qu'il avait découvert grâce à son prisonnier. C'est pourquoi le pape Pascal 1er fit transporter leurs cendres dans la basilique Saint Pierre de Rome où elles sont toujours.

Un tableau de Jean Valentin dit aussi Valentin de Boulogne représentant le Martyre de Saint Procès et Saint Martinien, 1629, se trouve à la Pinacothèque, salle XII, musée du Vatican.

À Rome au cimetière de Damase, au second mille de la voie Aurélienne, les saints Procès et Martinien, martyrs.

Martyrologe romain


S. Processus et S. Martinien

2 juillet


Saint Pierre et saint Paul, enfermés dans la prison Mamertine, convertirent leurs deux gardes saint Processus et saint Martinien, et les baptisèrent. Amenés devant la statue de Jupiter, ces deux nouveaux Chrétiens refusèrent de l’adorer, et furent mis à mort.

Saint Processus et saint Martinien étaient du nombre de ceux auxquels les prédications et les miracles de saint Pierre et de saint Paul firent embrasser le christianisme à Rome. La Foi pénétra jusque dans le palais de Néron, et plusieurs personnes attachées à son service crurent en Jésus-Christ. Saint Paul en parle dans son Épître aux Philippiens (IV, 20).

Ce fut en 64 que Néron arma la cruauté des bourreaux contre les fidèles, dont le nombre augmentait de jour en jour. Le voyage qu’il fit dans la Grèce en 67, laissa un peu respirer l’Église de Rome. Il parcourut les principales villes de cette province, suivi d’une armée de pantomimes et de chanteuses qui portaient des instruments de musiques, des masques et des habits de théâtre. Il se fit déclarer vainqueur dans tous les jeux publics, et on lui adjugea dix-huit cents couronnes différentes. Après avoir massacré la noblesse du pays, confisqué les biens des personnes riches, et pillé les temples, il revint à Rome pour y faire couler de nouveaux flots de sang. Saint Pierre et saint Paul scellèrent alors leur Foi par un glorieux martyre. Saint Processus et saint Martinien leurs disciples ne tardèrent pas à les suivre. Il avaient, suivant l’auteur de leurs actes, la garde de la prison Mamertine, où les deux Apôtres les instruisirent et baptisèrent pendant qu’ils furent détenus.

Saint Grégoire le Grand prêcha sa trente-deuxième homélie, sur leur fête, dans une église où reposaient leurs corps. Les malades, dit ce Père, reçoivent la santé à leur tombeau ; les énergumènes y sont délivrés, et les parjures y sont tourmentés par les démons. L’ancienne église dont nous venons de parler étant tombée en ruines, le Pape Pascal Ier transféra les reliques des deux Martyrs dans celle de Saint-Pierre sur le mont Vatican. On lit leur nom dans les martyrologes de la plus haute antiquité.


Saints Processus et Martinien, martyrs

Les deux martyrs reposèrent jusqu’au IXe siècle au 2ème mille de la via Aurélia. Au IVe siècle fut érigée une basilique sur leurs tombes. Leur culte est attesté par le martyrologe hiéronymien, par les Itinéraires, et les livres liturgiques romains du VIIe siècle. Il s’est maintenu par la suite.

Depuis le IXe siècle, les martyrs sont vénérés dans la basilique vaticane, où Pascal Ier transféra leurs corps.

Leçon des Matines avant 1960 (Cette leçon prenait normalement la 9ème place aux Matines de la Visitation pour commémorer les Sts Martyrs).

Neuvième leçon. Lorsque Pierre et Paul étaient retenus prisonniers dans la prison Mamertine, sur le mont Tarpéien, deux gardes nommés Processus et Martinien, avec quarante autres personnes, furent tellement touchés par la prédication et les miracles des Apôtres, qu’ils se convertirent à la foi de Jésus-Christ, et une source ayant jailli tout d’un coup d’un rocher, ils furent baptisés. Alors ils permirent aux Apôtres de s’en aller, si bon leur semblait. Mais Paulin, préfet militaire, ayant appris cela, s’efforça de détourner Processus et Martinien du parti qu’ils avaient pris. Voyant le temps s’écouler sans résultat, le préfet donna l’ordre de leur frapper le visage et de leur briser la mâchoire à coups de pierre. Amenés bientôt près de la statue de Jupiter, ils refusèrent avec la même constance d’adorer l’idole. Alors le préfet ordonna de les tourmenter sur le chevalet, d’appliquer sur leurs corps des lames rougies et de les battre avec des bâtons. Au milieu de leurs tourments, on ne leur entendait dire que cette parole : « Béni soit le nom du Seigneur ». Jetés enfin en prison, ils ne tardèrent pas à avoir la tête tranchée, en dehors de Rome, sur la voie Aurélienne. Lucine ensevelit leurs corps dans sa propriété, le six de nones de juillet ; ils furent dans la suite transportés dans la Ville et déposés dans la basilique du prince des Apôtres.

Dom Guéranger, l’Année Liturgique

En ce jour où Satan voit pour la première fois reculer son infernale milice devant l’arche sainte, deux combattants de l’armée des élus font cortège à leur Reine. Députés vers Marie par Pierre lui-même en son Octave glorieuse, ils ont dû cet honneur à la foi qui leur fit reconnaître dans le condamné de Néron le chef du peuple de Dieu.

Le prince des Apôtres attendait son martyre au fond de la prison Mamertine, lorsque la miséricorde divine amena près de lui deux soldats romains, ceux-là mêmes dont les noms sont devenus inséparables du sien dans la mémoire de l’Église. L’un se nommait Processus, et l’autre Martinien. Ils furent frappés de la dignité de ce vieillard confié à leur garde pour quelques heures, et qui ne devait remonter à la lumière que pour périr sur un gibet. Pierre leur parla de la vie éternelle et du Fils de Dieu qui a aimé les hommes jusqu’à donner son sang pour leur rachat. Processus et Martinien reçurent d’un cœur docile cet enseignement inattendu, ils l’acceptèrent avec une foi simple, et demandèrent la grâce de la régénération. Mais l’eau manquait dans le cachot, et Pierre dut faire appel au pouvoir de commander à la nature que le Rédempteur avait confié à ses Apôtres, en les envoyant dans le monde. A la parole du vieillard, une fontaine jaillit du sol, et les deux soldats furent baptisés dans l’eau miraculeuse. La piété chrétienne vénère encore aujourd’hui cette fontaine, qui ne diminue ni ne déborde jamais. Processus et Martinien ne tardèrent pas à payer de leur vie l’honneur qu’ils avaient reçu d’être initiés à la foi chrétienne par le prince des Apôtres, et ils sont honorés entre les martyrs [1].

Leur culte remonte aussi haut que celui de Pierre même. A l’âge de la paix, une basilique s’éleva sur leur tombe. Saint Grégoire y prononça, en la solennité anniversaire de leurs combats, la trente-deuxième de ses Homélies sur l’Évangile ; le grand Pape rend témoignage aux miracles qui s’opéraient dans ce lieu sacré, et il célèbre en particulier le pouvoir que les deux saints martyrs ont de protéger leurs dévots clients au jour des justices du Seigneur [2]. Plus tard, saint Paschal Ier enrichit de leurs corps la basilique du prince des Apôtres. Ils occupent aujourd’hui la place d’honneur dans le bras gauche de la croix latine formée par l’immense édifice, et donnent leur nom à tout ce côté du transept où le concile du Vatican a tenu ses sessions immortelles ; il convenait que l’auguste assemblée poursuivît ses travaux sous le patronage des deux vaillants soldats, gardiens de Pierre et sa conquête aux jours de sa glorieuse confession. N’oublions point ces illustres protecteurs de l’Église. La fête de la Visitation, d’institution plus récente que la leur, ne l’a cependant point amoindrie ; si maintenant leur gloire se perd, pour ainsi dire, en celle de Notre-Dame, leur puissance n’a pu que s’accroître à ce rapprochement avec la douce souveraine de la terre et des deux.

[1] Sainte Cécile et la société romaine aux deux premiers siècles.

[2] In Ev. Hom. XXXII, 7-9.

Bhx cardinal Schuster, Liber Sacramentorum

Les martyrs Processus et Martinien.

Station à leur basilique sépulcrale, sur la voie Aurélienne.

Rome est en fête, parce que l’octave des Apôtres se poursuit. Il faut donc aujourd’hui célébrer deux Saints qui représentent d’une certaine manière les premiers fruits du sang de leur martyre.

La station de ce jour sur la voie Aurélienne nous est connue par le témoignage de saint Grégoire le Grand qui, pour le natale des saints Processus et Martinien, y prononça sa XXXIIe homélie sur les Évangiles, où nous trouvons ces paroles : Ad San-ctorum Martyrum corpora consistimus, fratres mei [3].

Les Actes des deux Martyrs sont d’époque tardive et peu sûrs. D’après eux, Processus et Martinien seraient les geôliers de Pierre et de Paul, par eux convertis et baptisés dans la prison. Après la décapitation des deux soldats sur la voie Aurélia, une sainte femme nommée Lucine, qu’on a accoutumé de voir paraître en ces circonstances, aurait embaumé et enseveli leurs corps iuxta formam aquæductus, c’est-à-dire près de l’aqueduc de Trajan, qui côtoie maintenant la célèbre villa Pamphili. C’est, en effet, sous ces allées ombragées que se déroulent les galeries de leur cimetière, aujourd’hui en grande partie enterré et inexploré. Les reliques des deux Martyrs, durant la période des grandes translations, furent portées par Paschal Ier à Saint-Pierre, où on les vénère toujours.

Le biographe de ce Pontife nous décrit l’oratoire somptueux élevé par lui en l’honneur des Martyrs, les colonnes et les mosaïques qui l’ornaient. Il se trouvait près de la porte de bronze, par conséquent dans le voisinage de la rotonde de Sainte-Pétronille. Lors de la reconstruction de la basilique vaticane, la tombe des deux saints fut érigée dans l’abside gauche du transept, et au Concile du Vatican on pouvait voir Pie IX assis sur le trône papal établi à ce moment-là sur le tombeau de Processus et de Martinien, les anciens geôliers des deux Princes des Apôtres !

Dans le Missel, l’antienne pour l’introït est celle du 9 juin ; cependant, dans l’Antiphonaire, nous trouvons la suivante (Sap., XIII, 8) : « Les Saints sont devenus les juges du monde ; ils dominent sur les peuples parce que leur Seigneur régnera à jamais ». Cette antienne nous rappelle ce qu’on lit dans les Actes du martyre des saintes Perpétue et Félicité. La veille de leur passion, tandis que les païens se pressaient autour des victimes qui célébraient leur dernière agape, un des prisonniers dit aux curieux : « Regardez-nous bien, afin de pouvoir nous reconnaître au jour du jugement ».

Voici la collecte : « Seigneur qui nous mettez à couvert et nous protégez par les mérites du glorieux martyre de vos saints Processus et Martinien ; faites que nous profitions de leur exemple, pour que nous puissions aussi nous réjouir de leur patronage ». Le fondement théologique de cette consolante réversibilité des mérites surabondants des justes sur tous les membres du corps mystique de Jésus-Christ, est le dogme de la Communion des Saints et de notre unité avec le Divin Sauveur.

La première lecture est la même que pour le natale des martyrs Maris, Marthe, etc. le 19 janvier.

Le répons-graduel est identique à celui de la messe des saints Innocents, car ces deux soldats-martyrs représentent eux aussi, selon la tradition, des prémices, celles de la foi apostolique à Rome. Ps. 123 : « Notre âme a été soustraite, comme un passereau, au filet des chasseurs. Le lacs s’est brisé, et nous avons été délivrés. Notre aide est dans le nom du Seigneur qui a fait le ciel et la terre ». Le lacs s’est brisé, c’est-à-dire le corps sur lequel la Providence avait permis que s’exerçât la cruauté du bourreau ; il a défailli dans la douleur et il est demeuré entre les mains du persécuteur, mais l’âme libre s’est envolée au ciel.

Le verset alléluiatique est pris au psaume 67 qui chante les triomphes de Dieu sur ses ennemis. « Alléluia, alléluia. Que les justes se réjouissent et jubilent devant Dieu, qu’ils exultent d’allégresse. Alléluia ».

Le Missel assigne la même lecture évangélique que pour saint Eusèbe de Verceil le 16 décembre. Saint Grégoire le Grand la commenta aussi en effet dans la synaxe de ce jour.

Au contraire, le Lectionnaire de Würzbourg indique celle qui commence par ces mots : Sedente Iesu, comme pour le natale des martyrs Maris, Marthe, etc. Cette divergence, que nous avons déjà notée en d’autres cas, indique que, durant tout le haut moyen âge, la liste des lectures liturgiques de la messe et de l’office n’avait pas encore assumé un caractère absolu de stabilité. Il y avait des lectures de rechange, afin de rendre la liturgie plus variée et plus riche.

L’antienne pour l’offrande des oblations est identique à celle indiquée pour la messe de saint Basilide le 12 juin.

Voici la prière pour la présentation des offrandes : « Recevez, Seigneur, nos oblations et nos prières, rendues plus dignes de votre Majesté par l’intercession de vos saints ».

L’antienne durant la Communion des fidèles est commune au natale des saints Maris, Marthe, etc. ; quant à la prière d’action de grâces, en voici le texte : « Nous avons été rassasiés, Seigneur, par la participation au Sacrifice du saint Corps et du précieux Sang de votre Jésus ; faites que la promesse contenue dans le rite sacré se réalise pour nous au moyen du salut éternel ». Il faut remarquer le mot libamen employé aujourd’hui dans le Missel. Libamen, libamentum ou libum c’est, au sens classique, l’effusion d’un liquide quelconque en sacrifice à la divinité. Par la suite, libare ou prælibare signifia aussi goûter, ou participer au sacrifice en buvant du liquide offert. Transporté dans le langage liturgique, ce mot indique que la Communion des fidèles représente à la fois leur participation rituelle au Sacrifice eucharistique et le Banquet du Sacrifice.

[3] Mes Frères, nous nous tenons près des corps des Saints Martyrs.

Dom Pius Parsch, Le Guide dans l’année liturgique

Les saints Processus et Martinien. — Au temps où saint Pierre et saint Paul étaient enfermés dans la prison mamertine, sur la colline tarpéienne, les deux geôliers Processus et Martinien, touchés par la prédication et par les miracles des deux Apôtres, embrassèrent la foi chrétienne et furent baptisés aussitôt avec l’eau qui jaillit tout à coup d’une roche. Ils voulurent alors aider les apôtres à s’échapper de leur prison. Ils subirent le martyre pour leur foi (en 67 environ). Les reliques des deux martyrs sont actuellement à Saint-Pierre de Rome.


Saint Processus of Rome


2 July


Prison guard at the Mamertine prison in RomeItaly. Worked with Saint MartinianGuarded Saint Peter the Apostle and Saint Paul the Apostle when they were imprisoned in RomeConverted to Christianity and was baptized by them. Tortured and executed in the persecutions of NeroMartyr.


beheaded on the Aurelian road outside RomeItaly

relics in Saint Peter’s Basilica, Vatican, Rome


publicly venerated from the 4th century


Bagnolo MellaItaly

Additional Information

Book of Saints, by the Monks of Ramsgate

Catholic Encyclopedia

Lives of the Saints, by Father Alban Butler

New Catholic Dictionary

Roman Martyrology1914


Martyrologium Hieronymianum

Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints

other sites in english

Catholic Online

New Liturgical Movement

Serbian Orthodox Church

Web Gallery of Art


sitios en español

Martirologio Romano2001 edición

sites en français

Fête des prénoms

fonti in italiano

Martirologio Romano2005 edition

Santi e Beati


MLA CitatOion

“Saint Processus of Rome“. CatholicSaints.Info. 30 May 2023. Web. 1 July 2023. <>


Saint Martinian of Rome


2 July


Prison guard at the Mamertine prison in RomeItaly. Worked with Saint Processus. Guarded Saint Peter the Apostle and Saint Paul the Apostle when they were imprisoned in RomeConverted to Christianity and baptized by them. Tortured and executed in the persecutions of NeroMartyr.


beheaded on the Aurelian road outside RomeItaly

relics in Saint Peter’s Basilica, Vatican, Rome


publicly venerated from the 4th century


Bagnolo MellaItaly

Additional Information

Book of Saints, by the Monks of Ramsgate

Catholic Encyclopedia

Lives of the Saints, by Father Alban Butler

New Catholic Dictionary

Roman Martyrology1914


Martyrologium Hieronymianum

Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints

other sites in english

All Saints and Martyrs

Catholic Online

New Liturgical Movement

Serbian Orthodox Church

Web Gallery of Art


sitios en español

Martirologio Romano2001 edición

sites en français

Fête des prénoms

fonti in italiano

Martirologio Romano2005 edition

Santi e Beati


MLA Citation

“Saint Martinian of Rome“. CatholicSaints.Info. 30 May 2023. Web. 1 July 2023. <>


Book of Saints – Processus and Martinianus


(July 2) (SaintsMartyrs (1st century) Two of the warders of the Mamertine Prison in Rome in which Saints Peter and Paul were confined. A miracle, wrought by the two Apostles, converted them to Christianity and they were baptised by Saint Peter. They met with tranquil constancy the cruel death to which on that account they were sentenced, and have ever been in great veneration, not only in Rome, but throughout Christendom.

MLA Citation

Monks of Ramsgate. “Processus and Martinianus”. Book of Saints1921. CatholicSaints.Info. 30 June 2016. Web. 1 July 2023. <>


Sts. Processus and Martinian

The dates of these martyrs are unknown. The "Martyrologium Hieronymianum" (ed. De Rossi-Duchesne, 85) gives under 2 July their names. The Berne manuscript of the Martyrology also gives their burial-place, viz. at the second milestone of the Via Aurelia. The old catalogues of the burial places of the Roman martyrs likewise mention the graves of both these saints on this road (De Rossi, "Roma sotterranea", I, 182-3). They were publicly venerated in Rome from the fourth or perhaps the third century, although nothing further is known. Alegend makes them the keepers of the prison of Sts. Peter and Paul (Lipsius, "Apokryphe Apostelgeschich. u. Apostellegenden", II, Brunswick, 1887, 92, 105 sqq., 110 sq.). It cannot be shown how the legend came to give them this identification. Pope Paschal I (817-24) translated the bones of the two martyrs to a chapel in the old basilica of St. Peter; they still rest under the altar dedicated to them in the right transept of the present St. Peter's. Their feast is celebrated on 2 July.


Acta SS., July, I, 303-4; DUFOURCQ, Les Gesta martyrum romains, I (Paris, 1900), 170 sq., 233, 327 sqq.; MARUCCHI, Les catacombes romaines (2nd ed., Rome, 1903), 46 sqq.

Kirsch, Johann Peter. "Sts. Processus and Martinian." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 12. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1911. 2 Jul. 2020 <>.

Transcription. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Robert B. Olson. Offered to Almighty God for the gift of courage for all members of His Holy Catholic Church.

Ecclesiastical approbation. Nihil Obstat. June 1, 1911. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York.

Copyright © 2021 by Kevin Knight. Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


July 2

SS. Processus and Martinian, Martyrs

BY the preaching and miracles of SS. Peter and Paul at Rome, many were converted to the faith, and among others several servants and courtiers of the emperor Nero, of whom St. Paul 1 makes mention. 2 In the year 64 that tyrant first drew his sword against the Christians, who had in a very short time become very numerous and remarkable in Rome. A journey which he made into Greece in 67, seems to have given a short respite to the Church in Rome. He made a tour through the chief cities of that country, attended by a great army of singers, pantomimes, and musicians, carrying instead of arms, instruments of music, masks, and theatrical dresses. He was declared conqueror at all the public diversions over Greece, particularly at the Olympian, Isthmian, Pythian, and Nemæan games, and gained there one thousand eight hundred various sorts of crowns. Yet Greece saw its nobility murdered, the estates of its rich men confiscated, and its temples plundered by this progress of Nero. He returned to Rome only to make the streets of that great city again to stream with blood. The apostles SS. Peter and Paul, after a long imprisonment were crowned with martyrdom. And soon after them their two faithful disciples Processus and Martinian gained the same crown. Their acts tell us that they were the keepers of the Mamertine jail during the imprisonment of SS. Peter and Paul, by whom they were converted and baptized. St. Gregory the Great preached his thirty-second homily on their festival, in a church in which their bodies lay, at which he says, the sick recovered their health, those who were possessed by evil spirits were freed, and those who had foresworn themselves were tormented by the devils. Their ancient church on the Aurelian road being fallen to decay, Pope Paschal I. translated their relics to St. Peter’s church on the Vatican hill, as Anastasius informs us. Their names occur in the ancient Martyrologies. See Tillemont, Hist. Eccl. t. 1. p. 179. and Hist. des Emp. Crevier, &c. 1

Note 1. 1 Phil. iv. 20.

Note 2. Nero reigned the first five years with so much clemency, that once when he was to sign an order for the death of a condemned person, he said, “I wish I could not write.” But his master Seneca, and Burrhus, the prefect of the prætorium, to whom this his moderation was owing, even then discovered in him a bent to cruelty, to correct which they strove to give his passions another turn. With this view Seneca wrote and inscribed to him a treatise On Clemency, which we still have. But both Seneca and Burrhus connived at an adulterous intrigue in which he was engaged in his youth: so very defective was the virtue of the best among the heathen philosophers. If the tutors imagined that by giving up a part, they might save the rest, and by indulging him in the softer passions they might check those which seemed more fatal to the commonwealth, the event showed how much they were deceived by this false human prudence, and how much more glorious it would have been to have preferred death to the least moral evil, could paganism have produced any true martyrs of virtue. The passions are not to be stilled by being soothed: whatever is allowed them is but an allurement to go farther, and soon makes their tyranny uncontrollable. Of this Nero is an instance. For, availing himself of this indulgence, he soon gave an entire loose to all his desires, especially when he began to feel the dangerous pleasure of being master of his own person and actions. He plunged himself publicly, and without shame or constraint, into the most infamous debaucheries, in which such was the perversity of his heart, that, as Suetonius tells us, he believed nobody to be less voluptuous and abandoned than himself, though he said they were more private in their crimes, and greater hypocrites; notwithstanding, at that very time, Rome abounded with most perfect examples of virtue and chastity among the Christians.

There is a degree of folly inseparable from vice. But this in Nero seemed by superlative malice to degenerate into downright phrenzy. All his projects consisted in the extravagances of a madman; and nothing so much flattered his pride as to undertake things that seemed impossible. He forgot all common rules of decency, order, or justice. It was his greatest ambition to sing or perform the part of an actor on the stage, to play on musical instruments in the theatre, or to drive a chariot in the circus. And whoever did not applaud all his performances, or had not the complaisance to let him carry the prize at every race or public diversion, his throat was sure to be cut, or he was reserved for some more barbarous death; for cruelty was the vice which above all others has rendered his name detestable. At the instigation of Poppæa, a most infamous adulteress, he caused his mother Agrippina to be slain in the year 58, and from that time it seemed to be his chief delight to glut his savage mind with the slaughter of the bravest, the most virtuous, and the most noble persons of the universe, especially of those who were the nearest to him. He put to death his wife Octavia after many years ill-usage, and he cut off almost all the most illustrious heads of the empire.

Rev. Alban Butler (1711–73). Volume VII: July. The Lives of the Saints. 1866.


The Holy Martyrs Processus and Martinian were pagans and they served as guards at the Mamertine prison in Rome.

State criminals were held in this prison, among them some Christians. Watching the Christian prisoners and listening to their preaching, Processus and Martinian gradually came to the knowledge of the Savior. When the holy Apostle Peter was locked up at the Mamertine prison, Processus and Martinian came to believe in Christ. They accepted holy Baptism from the apostle and released him from prison.

The jailer Paulinus learned about this, and he demanded that Sts Processus and Martinian renounce Christ. But they fearlessly confessed Christ, and they spat at the golden statue of Jupiter. Paulinus ordered that they be slapped on the face, and then seeing the resolute stance of the holy martyrs, he subjected them to torture. The martyrs were beaten with iron rods, scorched with fire, and finally, thrown into prison.

A certain illustrious and pious woman, by the name of Lucina, visited them in prison and gave them help and encouragement. The torturer Paulinus was soon punished by God. He fell blind and died three days later. The son of Paulinus went to the city ruler demanding that the martyrs be put to death. Sts Processus and Martinian were beheaded by the sword (+ ca. 67).

Lucina buried the bodies of the martyrs. Today their tomb is in the south transept of St Peter’s Basilica in Rome.


St. Processus and Martinian

Feastday: July 2

Death: 65

Martyrs buried on the Aurelian Way. According to tradition, they were two Roman martyrs who were much venerated in the Eternal City, including having a basilica on the Aurelian. They joined the Apostles Peter and Paul in the Mamertine Prison in Rome before their executions. A spring flowed miraculously in the prison, and Processus and Martinian, both wardens, were baptized in the miraculous waters. Their relics are preserved in St. Peter's Basilica. Their cults have been limited to local calendars since 1969.


Saint Martinian of Rome - Martyr

Saint of the Day : July 2

Died :

• Beheaded on the Aurelian road outside Rome, Italy

• Relics in Saint Peter's Basilica, Vatican, Rome

By the preaching and miracles of Saints Peter and Paul at Rome, many were converted to the faith, and among others several servants and courtiers of the emperor Nero, of whom Saint Paul makes mention. In the year 64 that tyrant first drew his sword against the Christians, who had in a very short time become very numerous and remarkable in Rome. A journey which he made into Greece in 67, seems to have given a short respite to the Church in Rome. He made a tour through the chief cities of that country, attended by a great army of singers, pantomimes, and musicians, carrying instead of arms, instruments of music, masks, and theatrical dresses. He was declared conqueror at all the public diversions over Greece, particularly at the Olympian, Isthmian, Pythian, and Nemæan games, and gained there one thousand eight hundred various sorts of crowns. Yet Greece saw its nobility murdered, the estates of its rich men confiscated, and its temples plundered by this progress of Nero. He returned to Rome only to make the streets of that great city again to stream with blood. The apostles Saints Peter and Paul, after a long imprisonment were crowned with martyrdom. And soon after them their two faithful disciples Processus and Martinian gained the same crown. Their acts tell us that they were the keepers of the Mamertine jail during the imprisonment of Saints Peter and Paul, by whom they were converted and baptized. Saint Gregory the Great preached his thirty-second homily on their festival, in a church in which their bodies lay, at which he says, the sick recovered their health, those who were possessed by evil spirits were freed, and those who had foresworn themselves were tormented by the devils. Their ancient church on the Aurelian road being fallen to decay, Pope Paschal I translated their relics to Saint Peter’s church on the Vatican hill, as Anastasius informs us. Their names occur in the ancient Martyrologies.


Saturday, July 02, 2016

Saints Processus and Martinian


For many centuries before the feast of the Visitation was instituted, July 2nd was kept as the feast of the martyrs Ss Processus and Martinian, who remain as a commemoration on that day in the Extraordinary Form. According to a legend current since the sixth century, they were the jailers in charge of keeping Ss Peter and Paul in the Mamertine prison in Rome during the reign of the Emperor Nero, and having been converted by the Apostles, allowed them to escape. For this, they were put to death after a long series of torments, through which they simply said over and over again, “Blessed be the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, whom his blessed Apostles have preached!” Originally buried in a cemetery off the via Aurelia, their remains were transferred to the ancient Basilica of St Peter by Pope Paschal I in the early ninth century. The north transept of the new basilica is named for them, where their relics are kept under the middle of the three altars.

The central altar is where this painting of their martyrdom, by the French painter Valentin de Boulogne (1629) was originally displayed; it is now replaced by a mosaic copy.
Since the windows of St Peter’s Basilica are so high up, the marble walls are never exposed to direct sunlight for any great length of time, and generally remain cooler than the air. In the summertime, when Italy is often very hot and humid, a great deal of moisture comes into the building and condenses on the cooler marble. In the middle of the 18th century, it was realized that the paintings over the altars were being destroyed because they had a slick of condensation over them for several months of the year; there were therefore all taken down and replaced by mosaics. The original is now in the Painting Gallery of the Vatican Museums.

Valentin was an unabashed plagiarist of Caravaggio, in terms of both style and subject. One of the latter’s more prestigious commissions was a series of three paintings of the life of St Matthew in the Contarelli Chapel of the church of San Luigi dei Francesi. The angel whom Valentin shows here bringing the palm of victory to the martyrs is essentially a cross between the two angels painted by Caravaggio, one inspiring St Matthew in the writing of the Gospel, and the other bringing him the palm of martyrdom.


The Holy Martyrs Processus and Martinian

(April 11)

They were warders in the Roman prison where the Apostles Peter and Paul were held captive. Hearing the words and seeing the mira-cles of these apostles, they were baptised and released the apostles from prison. The apostles left Rome, but the Lord appeared to Peter on the Appian Way. 'Lord, whither goestThou?', asked Peter of Him, and the Lord replied: `I'm going to Rome, to be crucified afresh.' The apostles returned to Rome in shame, where they were arrested and killed; the two courageous martyrs, Processus and Martinian, being beheaded along with Paul.

* From "The Prologue from Ochrid", by Bishop Nikolai Velimirovic - Lazarica Press - Birmingham 1985

Four Book Edition - Translated by Mother Maria - Dates based on old church calendar.

Please see our calendar for conversion between old and new calendar dates


Martyrs Processus and Martinian of Rome

Commemorated on April 11

Troparion & Kontakion

The Holy Martyrs Processus and Martinian were pagans and they served as guards at the Mamertine prison in Rome.

State criminals were held in this prison, among them some Christians. Watching the Christian prisoners and listening to their preaching, Processus and Martinian gradually came to the knowledge of the Savior. When the holy Apostle Peter was locked up at the Mamertine prison, Processus and Martinian came to believe in Christ. They accepted holy Baptism from the apostle and released him from prison.

The jailer Paulinus learned about this, and he demanded that Saints Processus and Martinian renounce Christ. But they fearlessly confessed Christ, and they spat at the golden statue of Jupiter. Paulinus ordered that they be slapped on the face, and then seeing the resolute stance of the holy martyrs, he subjected them to torture. The martyrs were beaten with iron rods, scorched with fire, and finally, thrown into prison.

A certain illustrious and pious woman by the name of Lucina visited them in prison and gave them help and encouragement. The torturer Paulinus was soon punished by God. He fell blind and died three days later. The son of Paulinus went to the city ruler demanding that the martyrs be put to death. Saints Processus and Martinian were beheaded by the sword (+ ca. 67).

Lucina buried the bodies of the martyrs. Today their tomb is in the south transept of Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome.


The Mamertine Prison (Carcere Mamertinum) near the Forum Romanum, Rome, with an altar commemorating the imprisonment of Saints Peter and Paul there

The Mamertine Prison (Italian: Carcere Mamertino), in antiquity the Tullianum, was a prison (carcer) with a dungeon (oubliette) located in the Comitium in ancient RomeSaints Martinian and Processus, guards from the same prison. After being baptized by St. Peter, both were imprisoned awaiting execution.

Santi Processo e Martiniano Martiri

2 luglio

Martirologio Romano : A Roma nel cimetero di Damaso al secondo miglio della via Aurelia santi Processo e Martiniano, martiri.

Il Martirologio Geronimiano li commemora tre volte: al 31 magg., al 1° e al 2 lugl. indicando il loro sepolcro al II miglio della via Aurelia. L'ultima data è il vero dies natalis, che è anche attestato dai Sacramentari Gregoriano e Gelasiano di S. Gallo e dal Calendario marmoreo di Napoli. In loro onore fu edificata una chiesa, non lungi dall'attuale basilica di S. Pancrazio, efficiente e visitata dai pellegrini nel sec. VII come attestano gli Itinerari. Questa chiesa, secondo una notizia del Praedestinatus (PL, LIII, col. 616), alla fine del sec. IV fu occupata da un prete montanista con lo specioso pretesto che i due santi sarebbero stati di origine frigia e quindi appartenenti a quel­la setta; l'intruso però fu cacciato da un decreto imperiale e la chiesa ritornò ai cattolici, ed in essa il papa Gregorio Magno recitò un'omelia nel­l'anniversario della festa dei martiri (PL, LXXVI, coll. 1232-38). Il discorso del pontefice non dà notizie sui due santi, ma, dopo aver accennato che presso i loro sepolcri accorrevano molti malati, riferisce un episodio accaduto al tempo dei Goti e secondo il quale una donna avrebbe visto i due santi apparirle sub peregrino habitu, vestiti come monaci. Questo particolare è in forte contrasto con le fonti letterarie, che presentano i martiri come militari e custodi degli apostoli Pietro e Paolo nel carcere Mamertino e da loro convertiti. Natu­ralmente neanche le fonti letterarie sono di inec­cepibile valore storico, ma le accennate diver­genze suscitano dei problemi sulla consistenza del­la tradizione romana a proposito della esistenza e della cronologia dei martiri, come sulla mutua dipendenza delle stesse fonti letterarie.

Questi problemi sono stati studiati da Pio Franchi de' Cavalieri, ma tutte le sue conclusioni non sembrano inoppugnabili. Secondo il dotto agiografo, già nel sec. V fu composta una passio molto generica senza precise notizie crono­logiche (più o meno simile al cap. II dell'attuale redazione) in cui si narrava il loro martirio e la loro sepoltura sulla via Aurelia; poco dopo, al­l'inizio del sec. VI, fu composta una nuova passio (BHL, II, p. 1011, n. 6947) nella quale i due santi erano presentati come carcerieri degli apo­stoli e da loro convertiti e battezzati (attuale cap. I). Queste notizie deriverebbero dalla falsa interpretazione delle scene scolpite sul sarcofago che custodiva le spoglie dei martiri, o di un altro lì vicino, nelle quali erano rappresentati episodi del ciclo di s. Pietro e precisamente: 1) Mosè-Pietro che fa scaturire le acque dalla rupe da cui bevono due soldati ebrei; 2) Pietro col bastone tra due guardie; 3) Pietro in colloquio con Gesù Cristo. Infine l'episodio dei due carcerieri fu preso e di­vulgato anche dall'apocrifo Martirio di Pietro dello pseudo-Lino.

La genesi della leggenda, delineata da Franchi de' Cavalieri, ha molte probabilità di verosimi­glianza almeno in linea di massima; invece è da rivedere, forse, la questione dell'interdipendenza tra la Passio e il Martirio, dal momento che que­st'ultimo è attribuito al sec. IV. Comunque, quale che sia il giusto giudizio sulla dipendenza delle fonti, si può con certezza affermare che dei santi P. e M. niente si conosce di sicuro, né sulla loro identità, né sul tempo del loro martirio; ma ciò non pregiudica affatto la loro esistenza storica e il culto loro tributato fin dall'antichità e attestato da documenti degni di fede.

Autore: Agostino Amore



02 luglio

Processo e Martiniano, martiri. Sono sepolti al II miglio di via Aurelia a Roma, nei pressi dell’attuale basilica di san Pancrazio. Si ritiene che i due fossero i carcerieri dei santi Apostoli Pietro e Paolo, imprigionati presso il carcere Mamertino. La tradizione ritiene che Processo e Martiniano si convertirono, furono battezzati e successivamente martirizzati.

I dati storici lasciano però più di qualche perplessità, anche perché pare che tutto sia nato alla luce delle scene scolpite sul sarcofago che custodiva le spoglie dei martiri. Lì erano rappresentati episodi del ciclo di san Pietro che, come Mosè, fece scaturire le acque dalla rupe da cui bevono i due soldati ebrei; una seconda scena, Pietro col bastone tra le guardie; infine, Pietro in colloquio con Gesù.

Al di là delle incertezze storiche, la testimonianza dei santi Processo e Martiniano ha sostenuto e incoraggiato non pochi cristiani nel restare saldi nella fede, fino al dono della vita.

Il Carcere Mamertino (o Carcer Tullianum)

La tradizione li ritiene i due carcerieri dei santi apostoli Pietro e Paolo nel carcere Mamertino, anticamente conosciuto come il Carcer Tullianum, il più antico di Roma e quindi, molto probabilmente, luogo dove vissero gli ultimi giorni i santi Apostoli prima di essere martirizzati. Pare che il luogo risalga al VII secolo a.C., scavato nella cinta muraria che proteggeva il Campidoglio: ma la sua posizione – davanti al Foro dove si svolgeva in gran parte la vita pubblica – era anche un chiaro richiamo rivolto ai cittadini. 


Santi Processo e Martiniano


(† Secolo I)

Due convertiti di san Pietro. In questo giorno in cui Satana vede per la prima volta indietreggiare davanti all’arca santa la sua infernale milizia, due combattenti dell’esercito degli eletti fanno da corteo alla loro Regina. Inviati verso Maria da Pietro stesso , dovettero tale onore alla fede che fece loro riconoscere nel condannato da Nerone il capo del popolo di Dio. I loro Atti (di tarda epoca e sfortunatamente poco sicuri) ci riferiscono che il principe degli Apostoli aspettava il martirio in fondo al carcere Mamertino, quando la misericordia divina condusse accanto a lui due soldati romani. Uno si chiamava Processo, l’altro Martiniano. Essi furono colpiti dalla dignità di quel vecchio affidato per alcune ore alla loro custodia e che doveva risalire alla luce del sole unicamente per morire sul patibolo. Pietro parlò loro della vita eterna e del Figlio di Dio che ha amato gli uomini fino a dare il proprio sangue per il loro riscatto. Processo e Martiniano ricevettero con cuore docile quell’insegnamento inatteso, l’accettarono con iningenua fede, chiesero la grazia della rigenerazione e ricevettero il battesimo. Non tardarono a pagare con la vita l’onore di essere stati iniziati alla fede cristiana dal Principe degli Apostoli, e sono venerati fra i martiri.

Le reliquie dei due santi. Il loro culto risale tanto indietro quanto quello dello stesso san Pietro. Dopo l’èra delle persecuzioni, sulle loro tombe sorge una basilica. San Gregorio vi pronunciò nell’anniversario del loro martirio la sua trentaduesima omelia sul Vangelo. Il grande Papa rende testimonianza ai miracoli che avvenivano in quel sacro luogo e celebra in particolare il potere che hanno i due santi martiri di proteggere i loro devoti nel giorno della morte. Nel IX secolo san Pasquale I pose i loro corpi accanto a quello del Principe degli Apostoli nella basilica vaticana. Essi occupano oggi il posto d’onore, in fondo al transetto di destra al quale hanno dato il loro nome. Fu qui che si tenne il Concilio Vaticano. Non dimentichiamo questi insigni protettori della Chiesa. Se la loro gloria si perde ora in quella della Madonna della Visitazione, la loro potenza ha potuto tuttavia solo ingrandirsi in questo raccostamento con la dolce regina della terra e dei cieli.

Dom Prosper Guéranger, L’anno liturgico, II. Tempo Pasquale e dopo la Pentecoste, trad. it. L. Roberti, P. Graziani e P. Suffia, Alba, 1959


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