Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640). La délivrance des âmes du purgatoire / The issue of souls in purgatory, circa 1635, 350 x 258, Tournai Cathedral
Saint Aibert
Prêtre et moine, ermite
du Hainaut (+ 1140)
Natif d'un village près
de Tournai, il reçut une bonne éducation chrétienne de ses parents. Il
s'attache à un saint ermite et le suivit dans sa prière et ses austérités.
Entré dans un monastère, il continua cette mortification continuelle jusqu'au
jour où l'évêque de Cambrai l'ordonna prêtre. Il lui demanda plus spécialement
le ministère sacerdotal des sacrements de Pénitence et de l'Eucharistie. Il
devint ainsi le soutien de nombreux prêtres, évêques et religieux. Il mourut le
jour de Pâques.
Près du monastère de
Crespin dans le Hainaut, en 1140, saint Aibert, prêtre et moine, qui dans la
solitude récitait chaque jour le psautier en entier, en s’agenouillant ou en se
prosternant après chaque psaume et, pour les pénitents qui accouraient vers
lui, il était le ministre de la miséricorde divine.
Martyrologe romain
known as
Albert of Crespin
A pious youth, Albert
received a good education in the faith from
his parents, and preferred to spend his time alone and in prayer.
One day he heard a travelling musician sing
a hymn about
the holy hermit Theobald
of Provins, and was immediately taken with the idea of a life of prayer and
solitude. Spiritual student of a Father John
at the Saint-Crespina Monastery in
the diocese of Cambrai (in
modern France)
where he lived an extremely ascetic life. Benedictine monk at
Saint-Crespina where he worked as cellar
master for 23 years before retreating again to the life of a hermit.
His reputation for holiness spread, and he attacted so many would-be students
that Bishop Burchard
of Cambrai ordained him
and built a chapel in
his cell so
that Albert could hear confessions and
celebrate Mass. Known
for his devotion to the Eucharist and
for endlessly praying the Rosary.
c.1060 in
Espain (near Tournai), Flanders, Belgium
of Saints, by the Monks of
of the Saints, by Father Alban
of the Day, by Katherine Rabenstein
Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints
sites in english
en español
Martirologio Romano, 2001 edición
in italiano
i norsk
“Saint Albert of
Tournai“. CatholicSaints.Info. 30 May 2020. Web. 17 February 2023.
AIBERT (Saint) Confessor
(April 7) (12th century) A Benedictine monk in the north of France, who passed
to the life of a hermit. His long life of eighty years was, almost from
infancy, one of continuous prayer and penance. It is related of him that he
never missed saying two Masses daily, one for the Dead and one for the Living. He
died A.D 1140.
Monks of Ramsgate.
“Aibert”. Book of Saints, 1921. CatholicSaints.Info. 13 May 2012.
Web. 17 February 2023.
Aybert of Crespin, OSB (AC)
(also known as Aibert,
Born in the diocese of
Tournai, France; died 1140. A penitent recluse almost from childhood, Saint
Aybert spent most of his time in prayer. Even as a child he kept watch through
the night on his knees; when he was too tired to support himself, he would then
prostrate himself in prayer. But he always tried to hide his devotion from
others, so he would pray in the stable or in the fields. He was equally private
in his fasts; therefore, he also ate some morsel so that he could answer his
parents truthfully that he had eaten.
One day a poor minstrel
came to his father's door and sang a hymn about the virtues and recent death of
the hermit Saint Theobald. This inspired the young saint to imitate the faith
and action of his elder in faith. He immediately went to Father John at the
Benedictine monastery of Crespin in the diocese of Cambrai. The good father
lived as a recluse in a cell near the monastery and under its direction. John
accepted Aybert as his companion, but soon the student traded places with his master.
They rarely ate anything but wild herbs, rarely used a fire, and never cooked.
Eventually, Aybert was
received by Abbot Rainer at Crespin Abbey where he was provost and cellarer for
25 years. Yet he never let his exterior occupations interrupt his tears,
prayer, or penances. After receiving permission from Abbot Lambert, Aybert
spent the next 22 years as a recluse under the obedience of the abbey. But he
was never entirely alone; many flocked to him for spiritual advice--so many
that Bishop Burchard of Cambray promoted him to the priesthood and erected a
chapel near his cell. This gave Aybert the power to minister to his visitors in
the confessional and in the Eucharist. Each day he said two Masses: one for the
dead and the other for the living. His devotional practice of reciting the Ave
Maria 50 times in succession is connected with the origin of the rosary
(Benedictines, Encyclopedia, Husenbeth).
April 7
St. Albert, Recluse
HE was born at Espain, a
village in the diocess of Tourney, in 1060. From his infancy he so earnestly
applied himself to prayer, that he spent in that holy exercise the greater part
of his time, being always careful in it to shun, as much as possible, the eyes
of men. The earnestness with which he always attended all public devotions in
his parish church, and listened to the sermons of his curate, is not to be
expressed; much less the deep impressions which every instruction of piety made
upon his tender heart. He was discovered to watch a great part of the night
upon his knees, and when he was no longer able to support himself upright, to
pray prostrate on the ground. When he could not pray in his chamber, without
danger of being surprised by others, he retired into the stable or sheep-cot
for many hours together. His commerce with God in his heart was uninterrupted
while he was abroad in the fields with the cattle. He was no less private in
his fasts; and at the time of meals he usually took an apple, or a morsel of
bread, that he might tell his parents or the servants that he had eaten.
Happening one day to hear a poor man at his father’s door sing a hymn on the
virtues and death of St. Theobald, a hermit lately dead, he found himself
vehemently inflamed with a desire of imitating his solitary penitential life;
and without delay addressed himself to a priest of the monastery of Crepin or
Crespin, named John, who lived a recluse in a separate cell, with the leave of
his abbot. Being admitted by him as a companion, he soon surpassed his master
in the exercise and spirit of virtue. Bread they seldom tasted; wild herbs were
their ordinary food; they never saw any fire, nor ate anything that had been
dressed by it. The church of Crepin, ever since its foundation by St. Landelin,
in the seventh century, had been served by secular canons: in the eleventh it
had passed into the hands of monks of the Order of St. Benedict: and under the
first abbot, Rainer, St. Albert took the monastic habit. He still practised his
former austerities, slept on the ground, and in the night recited the whole
psalter privately before matins. He was chosen provost and cellerer; but the
exterior occupations of those offices did not interrupt his tears, nor hinder
the perpetual attention of his soul to God. After twenty-five years spent in
this community, with a fervour which was always uniform and constant, he
obtained leave of Lambert, the second abbot, to return to an eremitical life,
in 1115. He then built himself a cell in the midst of a barren wilderness,
contenting himself for his food with bread and herbs, and after the first three
years with herbs alone. Many flocking to him for spiritual advice, Burchard,
bishop of Cambray, his diocesan, promoted him to the priesthood, and erected
for him a chapel in his cell, giving him power to hear confessions and
administer the holy eucharist: which was confirmed to him by two popes, Paschal
II. and Innocent II. He said every day two masses, 1 one
for the living, and a second for the dead. God crowned his long penance with a
happy death about the year 1140, the eightieth of his age, on the 7th of April;
on which he is honoured in the Belgic and Gallican Martyrologies. See his life,
by Robert the archdeacon, his intimate friend, in Surius, Bollandus, &c.
Note 1. Except on
Christmas-day, priests are not allowed to say mass twice the same day, since
the prohibition of Honorius III. Cap. Te referente, De celebratione. [back]
Rev. Alban
Butler (1711–73). Volume IV: April. The Lives of the
Saints. 1866.
Sant' Aiberto di Crespin Monaco
m. 1140
Martirologio Romano:
Presso il monastero di Crespin nell’Hainault, nell’odierna Francia,
sant’Aiberto, sacerdote e monaco, che ogni giorno recitava in solitudine, in
ginocchio o prostrato a terra, tutto il Salterio e ai penitenti che accorrevano
a lui amministrava la divina misericordia.
Nato a Espain, a pochi chilometri da Tournai, nel 1060 da Albaldo, uomo d'armi, e da Elvide, mostrò fin da fanciullo una grande tendenza alla pietà, al punto di levarsi da letto la notte per poter pregare con maggior raccoglimento e di praticare spesso lunghi digiuni. L'esempio di penitenza di san Teobaldo, di cui venne a conoscenza per mezzo di un mendicante, lo spinse a ritirarsi a vita eremitica nei dintorni del monastero di Crespin, insieme con un monaco di nome Giovanni che già, col consenso dell'abate, serviva Dio in quei luoghi deserti.
Dopo vent'anni di dure penitenze e rigorosi digiuni, Aiberto si recò col suo compagno di solitudine e con l'abate in pellegrinaggio a Roma. Al suo ritorno entrò come monaco nel cenobio di Crespin, dove occupò gli uffici di preposito e di cellerario, senza peraltro abbandonare il rigore della vita fino ad allora condotta. Rimase nel chiostro venticinque anni, quindi, per poter attendere più liberamente alla preghiera e alla mortificazione del proprio corpo, chiese ed ottenne dall'abate il permesso di ritirarsi nuovamente nell'eremo; e poiché il popolo accorreva sempre più numeroso alla cella, che Aiberto si era fabbricata, il vescovo di Cambrai, Burcardo, «Ut populis ad se venientibus melius consuleret, et familiarius secreta confessionum audiret», lo ordinò sacerdote.
Aiberto ebbe dai papi Pasquale II e Innocenzo II facoltà e privilegi speciali e fu visitato da vescovi, arcidiaconi, abati, letterati e nobili; il popolo gli strappava le vesti che indossava e le portava via come preziose reliquie. Morì il 7 aprile 1140, giorno di Pasqua, dopo cinquanta anni di vita religiosa, e fu sepolto nel punto dove sorgeva la sua cella; anche dalla tomba il santo continuò a far miracoli.
I suoi resti furono, in seguito, traslati nell'abbazia di Crespin e collocati nella chiesa; nel 1303 e ancora nel 1464 essi furono messi in nuove e più ricche urne. Nel 1568, dopo essere stati tenuti nascosti due anni per timore che venissero bruciati dai calvinisti, furono sistemati definitivamente in una cappella intitolata alla Santa Croce della Vergine e a sant'Aiberto. La sua festa si celebra il 9 aprile oppure, a ricordo della traslazione del 1568, il 2 maggio. Aiberto è invocato soprattutto per guarire dalla febbre.
Autore: Charles Lefebvre
Den hellige Aibert av
Tournai (~1060-1140)
Minnedag: 7.
Den hellige Aibert
(Aybert, Albert) ble født rundt 1060 i landsbyen Espain like ved Tournai i
Flandern (det nåværende Belgia). Han fikk en god kristen utdannelse av sine
foreldre og var en botgjørende eneboer nesten helt fra barndommen og tilbrakte
det meste av tiden i bønn. Selv som barn våket han på sine knær om natten, og
når han ble for trett til å holde seg oppe, la han seg nesegrus i bønn (prostrasjon).
Men han prøvde alltid å skjule sine fromhetsøvelser for andre, så han pleide å
be i stallen eller på markene. Han var like privat i sin faste, og derfor
spiste han også noen biter slik at han kunne svare foreldrene sannferdig at han
hadde spist.
En dag kom en fattig
trubadur til hans fars dør og sang en hymne om den hellige eremitten Theobald av Provins'
dyder og nylige død. Dette inspirerte den unge mannen til å imitere Theobald i
tro og handling. Han dro straks til p. Johannes ved klosteret Saint-Crespin i
bispedømmet Cambrai, som levde som eremitt i en celle nær klosteret og under
dets veiledning. Johannes aksepterte Aibert som sin ledsager. De spiste knapt
annet enn ville urter, brukte sjelden ild og kokte aldr mat.
Til slutt ble Aibert
akseptert av abbed Rainer i klosteret Saint-Crespin som benediktinermunk (Ordo
Sancti Benedicti – OSB). Der var han i 23 år forstander og kjellermester,
men han lot aldri sine embeter avbryte tårene, bønnen eller botsøvelsene. Etter
å ha fått tillatelse fra abbed Lambert trakk han seg deretter tilbake for å
leve som eneboer under lydighet til klosteret, og slik levde han de siste 22
årene av sitt liv.
Men han var aldri helt
alene, for mange strømmet til for å få andelig rådgivning. De ble så mange at
biskop Burchard av Cambrai presteviet ham og bygde et kapell ved hans celle.
Dette ga Aibert mulighet til å høre skriftemål og feire messe. Hans hengivenhet
til eukaristien ga seg uttrykk i at han feiret den to ganger daglig, en gang
for de levende og en gang for de døde. Han hadde for vane å resitere Ave Maria
femti ganger på rad, og denne fromhetspraksisen er av betydning i debatten om
opprinnelsen til rosenkransen.
Aibert døde på påskedag i
1140. Hans minnedag er 7. april.
Attwater/Cumming, Benedictines, Bunson, KIR, CSO, Infocatho, - Kompilasjon og oversettelse: p. Per Einar Odden -
Sist oppdatert: 2006-07-16 14:59