vendredi 5 juin 2015


Blessed Giacomo Salomoni, Santi Giovanni e Paolo, Venice

Tombe de bienheureux Jacques Salomoni dans la basilique des Saints Jean et PaulVeniseItalie

Bienheureux Jacques Salomon

Religieux dominicain

Fête le 31 mai


Venise, Italie, 1231 – † Forli, Italie, 1314

Béatifié en 1526

Autre graphie : Jacopo Salomone

Né à Venise, il devint dominicain au couvent Sainte-Marie-Céleste dans sa ville. Ayant gouverné plusieurs maisons, il mourut d’un cancer à Forli. Son culte fut approuvé en 1526.


Bienheureux Jacques Salomoni

Dominicain (+ 1314)

Né à Venise en 1231, orphelin de père, élevé par sa mère qui le confia à sa grand'mère quand elle rejoignit les sœurs cisterciennes. Il devint moine à l'âge de 17 ans puis fut prieur de divers monastères jusqu'à son installation à Forlì où il resta 45 ans pour le reste de sa vie. Il est réputé pour ses dons de guérison, de prophéties et son écoute de confessions et également pour son attention aux pauvres. Ses reliques se trouvent maintenant dans la chapelle qui lui est consacrée dans la basilique Saint Jean et Saint Paul à Venise. 

Illustration: sculpture en bois polychrome, Jacques Salomoni  sa main gauche sur une tête d'enfant malade - Italie , fin XVIIIe (vente Damien Leclere - Marseille)

À Forlì en Émilie, l’an 1314, le bienheureux Jacques Salomoni, prêtre. Adolescent orphelin de père, sa mère étant reçue parmi les moniales cisterciennes, il distribua ses biens aux pauvres et, entrant dans l’Ordre des Prêcheurs, il y brilla durant quarante-cinq ans, doté de charismes étonnants, ami des pauvres et homme pacifique.

Martyrologe romain


Jacques Salomon naquit en 1231 d’une noble et ancienne famille vénitienne. Après la mort de son père et l’entrée de sa mère chez les moniales de l’Ordre des Chartreux, il prit l’habit des Prêcheurs à l’âge de dix-sept ans, ayant distribué ses biens aux pauvres. Il quitta Venise, il gagna Forli où il vécut quarante-cinq ans, gratifié de dons exceptionnels de l’Esprit-Saint. Il se signala par ses mérites et ses vertus, surtout par son humilité et sa charité, qui lui fit recevoir le nom de « père des pauvres ». Il mourut le 31 mai 1314. Son corps est vénéré à Venise.


Blessed James Salomone

Also known as

Father of the Poor

James of Salomonio

James Salomonelli

James Salomonio

James Salomonius

James the Venetian


31 May


Born to the nobility, and an only child. His father died when James was very small, his mother left the family to become a Cistercian nun, and James was raised by his grandmotherTutored by a Cistercian monk who taught the boy to meditate. When he came of age, he became a Dominican at Santa Maria Celeste in VeniceItaly. On his way to the monastery he gave away his money to the poor he met on the way, keeping only enough to buy books; on arrival, he found a lay-brother in need of clothes; he gave the man the rest of his money, and entered empty-handed. Dominican for 66 years, holding offices in several houses in and around Venice. When word got out about his gift for spiritual direction, he feared the notoriety, and tried to withdraw from public life, transferring to the house in ForliItaly, a place noted for its poverty and strict observance. Worked with the sick, heard confessions by the hour, and gave away everything that came to hand. Noted healer with hundreds of miraculous cures attributed to his intervention.


1231 at VeniceItaly


31 March 1314 of cancer at ForliItaly

buried in the chapel at Forli


1526 by Pope Clement VII


against cancer

cancer patients



Dominican surrounded by a horde of petitioners

Dominican with a staff and book and the Christ-child over his heart

Dominican holding a heart with the letters “IHS” on it


God of endless ages, in your providence you gave your people Blessed James to attain the mystery of salvation. By his life and prayers may we come to know your Son and so experience his presence more fully in our lives. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. – General Calendar of the Order of Preachers

Additional Information

Saints and Saintly Dominicans, by Blessed Hyacinthe-Marie CormierO.P.

Saints of the Day, by Katherine Rabenstein


Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints

sitios en español

Martirologio Romano2001 edición

fonti in italiano

Santi e Beati

nettsteder i norsk

Den katolske kirke

MLA Citation

“Blessed James Salomone“. CatholicSaints.Info. 22 November 2021. Web. 19 March 2022. <>


Blessed James Salomonio (Salomone), C.O.P. 

Memorial Day: June 5th


In a little chapel in Forli, built as a tomb for honored dead, there are three Dominicans laid in close proximity. One side is occupied by Blessed Marcolino of Forli. The center position is held by Carino of Balsamo, the assassin of saint Peter Martyr, whose long penance and popular holiness are now under consideration for his possible beatification; the third place is that of Blessed James of Saomomio, who was the spiritual director of Carino.

James was born in Venice, in 1231, the only child of noble parents. His father died when he was very small, and his mother became a Cistercian nun, leaving him to the care of his grandmother. She did well by her orphaned grandson, and James became a good and studious boy who responded eagerly to any spiritual suggestions. Under the direction of a Cistercian monk, he learned to meditate, and on the monk's counsel, James  became a Dominican at the convent of Sts. John and Paul, in Venice, as soon as he was old enough. He gave most of his money to the poor, and arrived at the convent with just enough left to buy a few books. Seeing that one of the lay brothers there was in need of clothing, he gave his small sum to the lay brother and entered empty-handed.

James wore the Dominican habit with dignity and piety, if not with any worldly distinction, for sixty-six years. he was humble and good and obedient, and there was nothing spectacular about his spirituality. He was well-known for his direction of souls, but he fled even from the distinction this work brought him.

Even his retiring habits did not protect him, for the people of Venice beat a path to his door. In self -defense, he transferred to another house, that of Forli. This was a house of strict observance and very poor. Nothing could suit him better. For the remainder of his life he worked and prayed in Forli, going out to visit the sick in the hospitals and spending long hours in the confessional. His charity to the poor and the sick gave him the name " Father of the Poor." He is represented in art surrounded by a horde of petitioners of this sort..

Born: 1231 at Venice, Italy

Died: March 31,1314 of cancer at Forli, Italy; buried in the chapel at Forli

Beatified: He was beatified in 1526 by Clement VII

Patronage: invoked against cancer

Representation: Dominican surrounded by a horde of petitioners; Dominican with a staff and book and the Christ-child over his heart; Dominican holding a heart with the letters "IHS" on it


First Vespers:

Ant. Strengthen by holy intercession, O James, Confessor of the Lord, those here present, that we who are burdened with the weight of our offenses may be relieved by the glory of thy blessedness, and may by thy guidance attain eternal rewards.

V. Pray for us, Blessed James.

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.


Ant. Well done, good and faithful servant, because Thou hast been faithful in a few things, I will set thee over many, sayeth the Lord.

V. The just man shall blossom like the lily.

R. And shall flourish forever before the Lord.

Second Vespers:

Ant. I will liken him unto a wise man, who built his house upon a rock..

V. Pray for us. Blessed James.

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.


Let us Pray: O God, who dost rejoice us on the annual festival of Blessed James, Thy Confessor, mercifully grant that we may imitate the deeds of him whose feast we celebrate. through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Pascal Time

First Vespers:

Ant.  Come, O daughters of Jerusalem, and behold a Martyr with a crown wherewith the Lord crowned him on the day of solemnity and rejoicing, alleluia, alleluia

V. Pray for us, Blessed James with thy companions, alleluia

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ, alleluia.


Ant. Perpetual light will shine upon Thy Saints, O Lord, alleluia, and an eternity of ages, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

V. The just man shall blossom like the lily, alleluia.

R. And shall flourish forever before the Lord, alleluia

Second Vespers:

Ant. In the city of the Lord the music of the Saints incessantly resounds: there the angels and archangels sing a canticle before the throne of God, alleluia.

V. Pray for us, Blessed James with thy companions, alleluia

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. alleluia


Let us Pray: O God, who dost rejoice us on the annual festival of Blessed James, Thy Confessor, mercifully grant that we may imitate the deeds of him whose feast we celebrate. through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Saints of the Day – Blessed James (Jacobo) Salomone


Born in Venice, Italy, 1231; died 1314; beatified in 1526. In a little chapel in Forli, built as a tomb for honored dead, there are three Dominicans laid in close proximity. One side is occupied by Blessed Marcolino of Forli. The center position is held by Carino of Balsamo, the assassin of Saint Peter Martyr, whose long penance and popular holiness are now under consideration for his possible beatification; the third place is that of Blessed James of Salomonio, who was the spiritual director of Carino.

James was the only child of noble parents. His father died when he was very small, and his mother became a Cistercian nun, leaving him to the care of his grandmother. She did well by her orphaned grandson, and James became a good and studious boy who responded eagerly to any spiritual suggestions. Under the direction of a Cistercian monk, he learned to meditate, and on the monk’s counsel, James became a Dominican at the convent of SS John and Paul (or Santa Maria Celeste) in Venice as soon as he was old enough. He gave most of his money to the poor, and arrived at the convent with just enough left to buy a few books. Seeing that one of the lay brothers there was in need of clothing, he gave his small sun to the lay brother and entered empty-handed.

James wore the Dominican habit with dignity and piety, if not with any worldly distinction, for 66 years. He was humble and good and obedient, and there was nothing spectacular about his spirituality. He was well-known for his direction of souls, but he fled even from the distinction this work brought him.

Even his retiring habits did not protect him, for the people of Venice beat a path to his door. In self-defense, he transferred to another house, that of Forli. This was a house of strict observance and very poor. Nothing could suit him better. For the remainder of his life he worked and prayed in Forli, going out to visit the sick in the hospitals and spending long hours in the confessional. His charity to the poor and the sick gave him the name “Father of the Poor” (Benedictines, Dorcy).

James is represented in art as surrounded by a horde of petitioners (Dorcy) or as a Dominican with a staff and book, the Christ-child is over his heart or he holds a heart with “IHS” (Roeder). He is especially invoked against cancer of which he died (Dorcy) and honored as the protector of Forli, Italy (Roeder).

MLA Citation

Katherine I Rabenstein. Saints of the Day1998. CatholicSaints.Info. 19 June 2020. Web. 19 March 2022. <>



Dominican, known also as James of Venice; b. Venice, Italy, 1231; d. there May 31, 1314. His parents were Adam and Marchinina of the patrician Salomonius family. After his father's death and his mother's profession as a Cistercian nun, he was reared by his grandmother. At 17 he joined the dominicans in the priory of SS. John and Paul, Venice, after distributing his patrimony to the poor. As his reputation for holiness grew, people became importunate, and at 21 he was sent to Forlì, but even there a grille had to be erected around his Mass-altar to restrain the devout. Except for periods when he was subprior at Faënza, San Severino, and Ravenna, he remained at Forlì until his death at 83 from a heart attack while in choir. A recollected and prayerful religious of a happy disposition, admired and respected by his brethren and by laymen alike, he showed a solicitous care for the poor, which won for him the title of "father of the poor." He inspired men by his words and is said to have worked miracles. His cult, tacitly approved by john xxii, was formally approved by clement vii, June 26, 1526; the observance of his feast was extended to the whole Dominican Order by gregory xi, 1622.

Feast: May 31 or June 5.

Bibliography: J. L. Baudot and L. Chaussin, Vies des saints et des bienheueux selon l'ordre du calendrier avec l'historique des fêtes, ed. by The Benedictines of Paris, 12 v. (Paris 1935–56) 1:763. Acta Sanctorum May 7:450–456. Année Dominicaine, May 2 (Lyons 1891) 815–824. Analecta Bollandiana 12:367–370. Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum 10 (1940) 109. C. Desmond, Blessed James Salomoni; Patron of Cancer Patients, Apostle of the Afflicted (Boston 1971).

[B. Cavanaugh]


Saints and Saintly Dominicans – 31 May

Blessed James SalomonConfessorO.P.

Blessed James was instructed in piety and taught the ceremonies and chant by a Cistercian, and, having heard that the Choral Office was held in high esteem among the Friars Preachers, he came to ask for the habit in their convent at Venice. The martyr ology read with faith, furnished him with many subjects for prayer, and not content with celebrating the various feasts in the Choir, he also kept them after a manner of his own in his cell. After Matins he used to hear the confessions of the religious who came to him, especially some of the younger Friars who were zealous for progress and eager to have his counsel. His gift of contemplation was so high and so continual that he often repeated the words of Saint Jerome: “Happy the tongue which can only speak of God.” But he carefully hid under a veil of humility the celestial favors he received. The Rosary was his favorite prayer; once during the cold of November, a beautiful rose grew up in his path, which he carried to the Friars, to increase their fervor in praising Mary, of whom it was a sweet and beautiful symbol. He foretold the day of his death and even after having received the last Sacraments, he continued to chant in the Choir with the others till his last breath. He died at the age of 83, having spent sixty-six years in religion. (1314)


O Blessed Mary, Mystic Rose, leave in my heart at the end of this month the sweet odor of thy virtues.


Recite the glorious mysteries of the Rosary before the altar of Mary.

– taken from the book Saints and Saintly Dominicans, by Blessed Hyacinthe-Marie CormierO.P.


Blessed James Salomoni

Friar and Priest

Blessed James Salomoni, patron of cancer patients, was born of noble parents in Venice in 1231. He first met the Dominicans in Castello, a city remembered for the heroic life of Blessed Margaret. In 1248, he entered the novitiate in Venice and had as a companion,

Nicolo Boccasini, the future Pope Blessed Benedict XIII. From Venice, James was transferred to Forli and remained there until his death. He progressed in intimate union with Christ by fastings, penances, works of mercy and exact observance of the Constitutions of the Order.

His infused gift of counsel drew many to his confessional and many were converted. A white dove was often seen over his head in the confessional. He was a father to the poor in whom he discerned the poor Christ. Even before entering the Order, he gave his considerable inheritance to the poor. He was noted for his devotion to the Eucharist and the Blessed Virgin Mary, and praying the rosary. In Ravenna, when he prayed the rosary outdoors in winter beautiful roses sprung up in his path. Sick and dying invalids in the hospital of Forli eagerly welcomed the tender-hearted man of God. In his latter years Blessed James endured a painful cancer which he concealed.

A certain Elena afflicted with cancer of the throat, knelt before the friar in the sacristy after Mass. Blessed James prayed over her and touched her throat. She left the church completely cured. A mother appealed to the holy friar: “My daughter Cristina is suffering from a horrible cancer, if you wish you can cure her!” Upon returning home she removed her daughter’s bandages and found no trace of cancer. James died in Forli, May 31, 1314, at age eighty-three. His body lies in the Dominican basilica of Saints John and Paul in Venice. More than 338 cures have since been authenticated at the shrine. He was beatified in 1526.


O God, who dost rejoice us on the annual festival of Blessed James, Thy Confessor, mercifully grant that we may imitate the deeds of him whose feast we celebrate. through Christ our Lord.

back to Calendar of Saints


Beato Giacomo (Salomoni) da Venezia Domenicano

31 maggio

Venezia, 1231 - Forlì, 31 maggio 1314

Morto suo padre, sua madre si fece monaca, e lui a 17 anni, dopo aver distribuito ai poveri tutti i beni della sua famiglia, entrò nel convento domenicano nella nativa Venezia. Esercitò il suo ministero per 45 anni a Forlì, dove per la sua carità fu chiamato 'Padre dei poveri'. Si distinse anche per il suo amore verso i malati, e per questo è invocato contro la malattia del cancro.

Martirologio Romano: A Forlì, beato Giacomo Salomoni, sacerdote, che, adolescente, morto il padre e entrata la madre tra le monache cistercensi, distribuì i suoi beni ai poveri e, accolto nell’Ordine dei Predicatori, vi rifulse per quarantacinque anni come amico dei poveri e uomo di pace, dotato di insigni carismi.

Giacomo Salomoni, di nobilissima famiglia veneziana, rimase assai presto orfano di padre. La madre allora lo affidò alla virtuosissima nonna, decidendo di prendere il velo monacale in un monastero della città, detto delle Celesti. Il bimbo spesso visitava sua madre, e fatto giovinetto, sentì anche lui l’attrattiva per le cose nobili e sante. Così, distribuito ai poveri un cospicuo patrimonio, si fece, a diciassette anni, Frate Predicatore. Ricevute con vivissima gioia le bianche lane, sua ambizione fu di seguire le orme del grande Patriarca Domenico. Ebbe il culto della Regola, che per sessantasei anni osservò con inviolabile fedeltà. Anima contemplativa e assetata di silenzio, ottenne, nel 1269, di passare al Convento di Forlì, per vivervi sconosciuto e lontano dalla sua Patria. Non ebbe il dono dell’eloquenza, ma sua cattedra fu il confessionale, dove svolse un fruttuosissimo apostolato per il quale aveva ricevuto da Dio doni veramente straordinari. Leggeva nelle anime, e per ognuna di loro le sue parole erano balsamo e vita. Spesso, quando era in confessionale, si vedeva una colomba misteriosa posarsi sulla sua spalla. La sua preghiera era taumaturga e otteneva miracoli d’ogni genere. Nella tarda età sopportò una crudele piaga al petto, senza concedersi, né riposo, né dispense. Fu Priore in diversi Conventi, ma mori in quello di Forlì nel giorno e nell’ora da lui predetti, il 31 maggio 1314, portando in cielo intatta la stola battesimale. I suoi funerali furono un trionfo e Forlì lo proclamò suo Patrono. Il culto fu approvato per Forlì nel 1526 e per Venezia nel 1617. Papa Gregorio XV il 22 settembre 1621 ha concesso a tutto l’Ordine la Messa e l’ufficio propri. La splendida chiesa dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo di Venezia, testimone della sua donazione giovanile al Signore, dal 1939 ne conserva gelosamente il corpo.

Autore: Franco Mariani


Den salige Jakob venetianeren ( -1413)

Minnedag: 31. mai

Den salige Jakob Salomonius var en bekjenner fra dominikanerordenen. Han var prior i en rekke ordenshus i Italia, og endte sitt liv i tilbaketrukkethet i Forlì. Kult anerkjent 1526. Minnedag 31. mai.

Kilder: Attwater/Cumming - Sist oppdatert: 1998-09-27 18:44