Beata Sibillina Biscossi, dettaglio della Pala Bottigella di Vincenzo Foppa 1480 ca.
Sibylle ou Sibylline
Jeune fille originaire de
Pavie. Peu de temps après avoir perdu son père et sa mère, elle devint aveugle,
à 12 ans. Elle est recueillie par les sœurs dominicaines, qui l’instruisent et
qu’elle rejoint quelques temps après comme Tertiaire dominicaine. Là, elle fait
la connaissance de la bienheureuse Marguerite de Metola, qui est affligée du
même handicap. Elles s’enferment ensuite toutes deux dans une étroite réclusion
où elles s’imposent une discipline très austère et s’infligent de terribles
mortifications ; au bout de trois ans, Marguerite succombe à ce régime.
Sybilline, quant à elle, demeure seule dans son étroite cellule, jusqu’à sa
mort qui survient à plus de 80 ans, en 1367.
Bienheureuse Sibylline
dominicaine (+ 1367)
Sibylline Biscossi,
vierge, sœur de la Pénitence de Saint Dominique.
Elle vécut toute sa vie à
Pavie en Lombardie (Italie du nord). Tertiaire dominicaine, elle était aveugle
depuis l'âge de douze ans; et se fit recluse à l'âge de quinze ans, près de
l'église des dominicains. Par l'une des lucarnes, elle devinait l'autel et
recevait l'Eucharistie. De l'autre, donnant sur l'extérieur, elle donnait des
conseils et faisait la catéchèse aux enfants. Sa charité inépuisable lui
faisait écouter les discoureurs intarissables sans se lasser ni même
À Pavie en Lombardie,
l’an 1367, la bienheureuse Sibylline Biscossi, vierge, sœur de la Pénitence de
Saint Dominique. Privée de la vue à l’âge de douze ans, elle vécut
soixante-cinq ans en recluse près de l’église des Prêcheurs, éclairant d’une
lumière intérieure des visiteurs de plus en plus nombreux qui avaient recours à
Martyrologe romain
La chiesa di San Tommaso è un ex edificio di culto della città di Pavia, sita all'interno del centro storico e appartenente all'Università degli Studi di Pavia.
Cappella Bottigella, fatta realizzare nella seconda metà del Quattrocento
da Giovanni Matteo Bottigella sia per
conservare le reliquie della beata Sibillina Biscossi sia come luogo di
sepoltura dei membri della famiglia.
chapelle Bottigella, chiesa di San Tommaso , Pavia. Construite
dans la seconde moitié du XVe siècle par Giovanni Matteo Bottigella pour
conserver les reliques de la bienheureuse beata Sibillina Biscossiet comme lieu de sépulture des
membres de la famille.
Bienheureuse Sibylle (+
ou Sibylline.
Elle vécut toute sa vie à
Pavie en Lombardie (Italie du nord). Tertiaire dominicaine, elle était aveugle
depuis l'âge de douze ans; et se fit recluse à l'âge de quinze ans, près de
l'église des dominicains. Par l'une des lucarnes, elle devinait l'autel et recevait
l'Eucharistie. De l'autre, donnant sur l'extérieur, elle donnait des conseils
et faisait la catéchèse aux enfants. Sa charité inépuisable lui faisait écouter
les discoureurs intarrisables sans se lasser ni même s'endormir.
Autre biographie:
Bienheureuse) Jeune fille
originaire de Pavie. Peu de temps après avoir perdu son père et sa mère, elle
devient aveugle. (à 12 ans). Elle est heureusement recueillie par les sœurs
dominicaines, qui l’instruisent et qu’elle rejoint quelques temps après. Là,
elle fait la connaissance de la bienheureuse Marguerite de Metola, qui est
affligée du même handicap. Elles s’enferment ensuite toutes deux dans une
étroite réclusion où elles s’imposent une discipline très austère et
s’infligent de terribles morficiations; au bout de trois ans, Marguerite
succombe à ce régime. Sybilline, quant à elle, demeure seule dans son étroite
cellule, jusqu’à sa mort qui survient à plus de 80 ans (+ 1367)
Sainte-Sibylline est
invoquée pour faire cesser les bourdonnements d’oreilles.
Bse Sibillina (Sibylline)
Vierge, aveugle,
tertiaire dominicaine
Commémoration :
Martyrologium Romanum le
19 mars (dies natalis).
Ordo Fratrum
Praedicatorum le 18 avril.
Sibylline Biscossi naît à
Pavie (Lombardie, Italie) en 1287.
D’origine modeste,
orpheline très jeune, elle était servante, mais devint aveugle à l'âge de douze
ans. Au début elle priait Dieu de lui rendre la vue, dont elle avait besoin
pour gagner sa vie ; puis une apparition de saint Dominique lui fit comprendre que
cette cécité pouvait être une lumière pour les autres.
À quinze ans elle entra
chez les sœurs de la Pénitence de Saint Dominique (Tertiaires dominicaines) et
se fit recluse près de l'église des dominicains. Par l'une des lucarnes, elle
devinait l'autel et recevait l'Eucharistie. Par l'autre, donnant sur
l'extérieur, elle donnait des conseils et faisait la catéchèse aux enfants.
Elle vécut là de 15 à 80 ans, dans la plus sévère pénitence, vêtue en toute saison du même vêtement, mangeant peu, dormant sur une planche sans matelas ni couverture, et éclairant les nombreux visiteurs qui venaient lui demander des conseils spirituels et qu’elle écoutait avec une charité inlassable.
Prélats et puissants, dévots et gens en recherche venaient la voir. Elle était
la sibylle chrétienne qui répondait à toutes les demandes de conseils et de
réconfort. Elle était l’œil lumineux de toute la ville de Pavie, qui
reconnaissait dans cette voyante aveugle une maîtresse spirituelle. Le secret
de tant de courage et de sagesse était puisé dans l’amoureuse contemplation de
la Croix.
Les dominicains l’entourèrent à ses derniers moments, dont l’heure lui avait été révélée : le 19 mars 1367.
Le Bx Pie IX (Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferretti, 1846-1878) confirma son culte en
En Italie, elle est la
sainte patronne des servantes et employées de maison.
Source principale :« Rév. x gpm »).
© 2001-2015
Religieuse dominicaine,
Sibillina naquit à Pavie,
et fut bien vite orpheline de père et mère, de sorte qu’elle n’eut d’autre
ressource que de se mettre en service toute gamine. A douze ans, elle était
Des tertiaires
dominicaines la recueillirent et lui apprirent à faire oraison, à réciter
l’office, pour la préparer à entrer en religion, selon le désir qu’elle leur
exprimait. La petite fille pria avec ferveur pour être guérie le jour de la
saint Dominique, mais elle comprit plutôt ce jour-là, dans une vision, qu’elle
ne guérirait pas, et qu’elle devrait acheter les clartés de l’éternelle vie au
prix de la cécité corporelle. Elle prit donc le parti de vivre en recluse dans
une cellule contiguë à l’église des Dominicains : elle n’avait que quinze ans.
On lui imposa pour compagne une sœur, Beatrice, qui vécut près d’elle un
certain temps, puis succomba aux rigueurs de son genre de vie.
Les pénitences de
Sibillina furent effroyables, surtout pendant les premières années : la plus
terrible venait du froid ; pendant les longs mois d’hiver où, dans les plaines
de la Lombardie, le ciel est gris, nuageux et bas, la cellule de la recluse
restait sans feu ; il n’y en avait pas davantage dans la vaste église de
briques dédiée à saint Thomas d’Aquin ; en toute saison, Sibillina portait les
mêmes vêtements grossiers. Les génuflexions et prostrations n’arrivaient pas à
réchauffer ses mains gelées, crevassées, pleines d’engelures. Elle y ajoutait
des flagellations très rudes. Son seul mobilier : une sorte de table étroite et
longue sous la fenêtre de sa cellule, où elle dormait, mangeait, s’agenouillait
ou s’asseyait pour s’entretenir avec ses visiteurs.
Ceux-ci vinrent en effet
la consulter, de plus en plus nombreux : habitants de Pavie, nobles ou petits,
évêques, religieux, elle avait un conseil autorisé pour chacun ; elle avait un
sens intime des choses cachées ; elle avait conscience même physiquement de la
présence réelle de Jésus-Christ dans l’Eucharistie.
Sa réclusion dura
soixante-sept ans. Deux fois seulement elle sortit par obéissance, dont une
fois pour recevoir l’eucharistie, sans qu’on s’explique d’ailleurs pourquoi
cette disposition.
Elle, si ignorante,
semblait connaître par-cœur les soliloques de saint Augustin ou les homélies de
saint Bernard. La Pentecôte était une période de grandes grâces, et elle eut
une profonde dévotion pour l’Esprit Saint.
Sibillina mourut le 19
mars 1367, son corps fut enseveli dans l’église des Dominicains, et Pie IX en a
confirmé le culte cinq siècles plus tard. En Italie, les servantes l’ont prise
pour patronne.
Le Martyrologe la
commémore le 19 mars, jour de sa naissance au ciel, tandis que l’ordre
dominicain la fête un peu plus tard, le 18 avril, une fois terminé le Carême.
Blessed Sybil Biscossis,
(also known as Sibyllina
Memorial Day: March 23rd
Sybillina's parents died when she was tiny and as soon as she was old enough to
be of use to anyone, the neighbors, who had taken her in at the time she was
orphaned, put her out to work. She must have been very young when she started to
work, because at the age of 12, when she became blind and could not work any
more, she already had several years of work behind her.
cause of her blindness is unknown, but the child was left doubly destitute with
the loss of her sight. The local chapter of the Dominican tertiary sisters took
compassion on the child and brought her home to live with them. After a little
while of experiencing their kind help, she wanted to join them. They accepted
her, young though she was, more out of pity than in any hope of her being able
to carry on their busy and varied apostolate.
were soon agreeably surprised to find out how much she could do. She learned to
chant the Office quickly and sweetly, and to absorb their teaching about mental
prayer as though she had been born for it. She imposed great obligations of
prayer on herself, since she could not help them in other ways. Her greatest
devotion was to Saint Dominic, and it was to him she addressed herself when she
finally became convinced that she simply must have her sight back so that she
could help the sisters with their work.
Praying earnestly for this intention, Sybillina waited for his feast day. Then,
she was certain, he would cure her. Matins came and went with no miracle;
little hours, Vespers--and she was still blind. With a sinking heart, Sybillina
knelt before Saint Dominic's statue and begged him to help her. Kneeling there,
she was rapt in ecstasy, and she saw him come out of the darkness and take her
by the hand.
took her to a dark tunnel entrance, and she went into the blackness at his
word. Terrified, but still clinging to his hand, she advanced past invisible
horrors, still guided and protected by his presence. Dawn came gradually, and
then light, then a blaze of glory. "In eternity, dear child," he
said. "Here, you must suffer darkness so that you may one day behold
eternal light."
Sybillina, the eager child, was replaced by a mature and thoughtful Sybillina
who knew that there would be no cure for her, that she must work her way to
heaven through the darkness. She decided to become a anchorite, and obtained
the necessary permission. In 1302, at the age of 15, she was sealed into a tiny
cell next to the Dominican church at Pavia. At first she had a companion, but
her fellow recluse soon gave up the life. Sybillina remained, now alone, as
well as blind.
first seven years were the worst, she later admitted. The cold was intense, and
she never permitted herself a fire. The church, of course, was not heated, and
she wore the same clothes winter and summer. In the winter there was only one
way to keep from freezing--keep moving--so she genuflected, and gave herself
the discipline. She slept on a board and ate practically nothing. To the tiny
window, that was her only communication with the outside world, came the
troubled and the sinful and the sick, all begging for her help. She prayed for
all of them, and worked many miracles in the lives of the people of Pavia.
One of
the more amusing requests came from a woman who was terrified of the dark.
Sybillina was praying for her when she saw her in a vision, and observed that
the woman--who thought she was hearing things--put on a fur hood to shut out
the noise. The next day the woman came to see her, and Sybillina laughed gaily.
"You were really scared last night, weren't you?" she asked. "I
laughed when I saw you pull that hood over your ears." The legend reports
that the woman was never frightened again.
Sybillina had a lively sense of the Real Presence and a deep devotion to the
Blessed Sacrament. One day a priest was going past her window with Viaticum for
the sick; she knew that the host was not consecrated, and told him so. He
investigated, and found he had indeed taken a host from the wrong container.
Sybillina lived as a recluse for 67 years. She followed all the Masses and
Offices in the church, spending what few spare minutes she had working with her
hands to earn a few alms for the poor (Attwater2, Benedictines, Dorcy).
Born: 1287 at Pavia,
Lombardy, Italy
Died: 1367 of
Natural Causes: Her body remains Incorrupt
Beatified: 1853
(Cultus confirmed); 1854 beautified
Patronage: Children
whose parents are not married, illegitimacy, loss of parents
First Vespers:
Ant. This is a wise
Virgin whom the Lord found watching, who took her lamp and oil, and when the
Lord came she entered with Him into the marriage feast. (P.T., Alleluia.)
V. Pray for us Blessed
Sibyllina. (P.T., Alleluia.)
R. That we may be made
worthy of the promises of Christ. (P.T., Alleluia.)
Ant. Come, O my chosen
one, and I will place my throne in thee, for the King hath exceedingly desired
thy beauty. (P.T., Alleluia.)
V. Virgins shall be led
to the King after her. (P.T., Alleluia.)
R. Her companions shall
be presented to Thee. (P.T., Alleluia.)
Second Vespers:
Ant. She has girded her
loins with courage and hath strengthened her arm; therefore shall her lamp not
be put out forever. (P.T., Alleluia.)
V. Pray for us blessed
Sibyllina. (P.T., Alleluia.)
R. That we may be made
worthy of the promises of Christ. (P.T., Alleluia.)
Let us Pray: O god,
who wast pleased to enlighten the soul of Blessed Sibyllina, Thy Virgin , with
admirable splendor, through she was deprived of bodily sight , grant, through
her intercession, that, enlightened with light from above, we may despise
earthly things and earnestly strive after those that are eternal. Through
Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer II:
O Lord, enkindle our
hearts with the fire of the Spirit, who wonderfully renewed Blessed Sibyllina.
Filled with that heavenly light may we come to know Jesus Christ crucified and
always grow in your love. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Ghost, one God, for ever and
ever. - General Calendar of the Order of Preachers
Blessed Sibyllina Biscossi, OP Tert. (AC)
(also known as Sybillina)
Born in Pavia, Italy, in 1287; died 1367; cultus approved in 1853; beatified in
"All things work for the good of those who love the Lord and are called
according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28). How many of us would have the
faith to trust in God's providence as did this holy woman? As Mother Angelica
has witnessed, true faith is knowing that when the Lord asks you to walk into
the void, He will place a rock beneath your feet. True faith is to be able to
praise God in all things; to say with Job, "The Lord gives and the Lord
takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord" (Job 1:21).
Sybillina's parents died when she was tiny and as soon as she was old enough to
be of use to anyone, the neighbors, who had taken her in at the time she was
orphaned, put her out to work. She must have been very young when she started
to work, because at the age of 12, when she became blind and could not work any
more, she already had several years of work behind her.
The cause of her blindness is unknown, but the child was left doubly destitute
with the loss of her sight. The local chapter of the Dominican tertiary sisters
took compassion on the child and brought her home to live with them. After a
little while of experiencing their kind help, she wanted to join them. They
accepted her, young though she was, more out of pity than in any hope of her
being able to carry on their busy and varied apostolate.
They were soon agreeably surprised to find out how much she could do. She
learned to chant the Office quickly and sweetly, and to absorb their teaching
about mental prayer as though she had been born for it. She imposed great
obligations of prayer on herself, since she could not help them in other ways.
Her greatest devotion was to Saint Dominic, and it was to him she addressed
herself when she finally became convinced that she simply must have her sight
back so that she could help the sisters with their work.
Praying earnestly for this intention, Sybillina waited for his feast day. Then,
she was certain, he would cure her. Matins came and went with no miracle;
little hours, Vespers--and she was still blind. With a sinking heart, Sybillina
knelt before Saint Dominic's statue and begged him to help her. Kneeling there,
she was rapt in ecstasy, and she saw him come out of the darkness and take her
by the hand.
He took her to a dark tunnel entrance, and she went into the blackness at his
word. Terrified, but still clinging to his hand, she advanced past invisible
horrors, still guided and protected by his presence. Dawn came gradually, and
then light, then a blaze of glory. "In eternity, dear child," he
said. "Here, you must suffer darkness so that you may one day behold
eternal light."
Sybillina, the eager child, was replaced by a mature and thoughtful Sybillina
who knew that there would be no cure for her, that she must work her way to
heaven through the darkness. She decided to become a anchorite, and obtained
the necessary permission. In 1302, at the age of 15, she was sealed into a tiny
cell next to the Dominican church at Pavia. At first she had a companion, but
her fellow recluse soon gave up the life. Sybillina remained, now alone, as
well as blind.
The first seven years were the worst, she later admitted. The cold was intense,
and she never permitted herself a fire. The church, of course, was not heated,
and she wore the same clothes winter and summer. In the winter there was only
one way to keep from freezing--keep moving--so she genuflected, and gave
herself the discipline. She slept on a board and ate practically nothing. To
the tiny window, that was her only communication with the outside world, came
the troubled and the sinful and the sick, all begging for her help. She prayed
for all of them, and worked many miracles in the lives of the people of Pavia.
One of the more amusing requests came from a woman who was terrified of the
dark. Sybillina was praying for her when she saw her in a vision, and observed
that the woman--who thought she was hearing things--put on a fur hood to shut
out the noise. The next day the woman came to see her, and Sybillina laughed
gaily. "You were really scared last night, weren't you?" she asked.
"I laughed when I saw you pull that hood over your ears." The legend
reports that the woman was never frightened again.
Sybillina had a lively sense of the Real Presence and a deep devotion to the
Blessed Sacrament. One day a priest was going past her window with Viaticum for
the sick; she knew that the host was not consecrated, and told him so. He
investigated, and found he had indeed taken a host from the wrong container.
Sybillina lived as a recluse for 67 years. She followed all the Masses and
Offices in the church, spending what few spare minutes she had working with her
hands to earn a few alms for the poor (Attwater2, Benedictines, Dorcy).
known as
Sibyllina of Pavia
23 March on
some calendars
Orphaned when
very young, she received no education and
was working as a domestic servant by
age 10. Blind by
age 12; the cause of her blindness has
not come down to us. Adopted by
a community of Dominican tertiaries at Pavia, Italy.
Sibyllina developed a
devotion to Saint Dominic in
hopes that his intervention would return her sight; when it did not, she came
to accept it as her lot in life. She received a vision of Saint Dominic as
confirmation of her desire to join the Order.
At age 15 she became a recluse,
living in a walled up cell.
She spent her time in prayer,
and her cell soon
became a point of pilgrimage for Pavians seeking
advice and healing;
she lived there for over 60 years, doing penance, performing miracles,
and spreading devotion to the Holy
Sybillina could sense the
Presence in the Blessed Sacrament. Once a priest passed
her window on his way to a sick call. She told him that the host was not
consecrated; he checked and found he had taken a host from the wrong container.
1287 in Pavia, Lombardy, Italy
19 March 1367 in Pavia, Italy of
natural causes
buried in
the Dominican church
in Pavia
1853 by Pope Pius
IX (cultus
August 1854 by Pope Pius
IX (beatified)
whose parents are not married
O Lord, enkindle our
hearts with the fire of the Spirit, who wonderfully renewed Blessed Sibyllina.
Filled with that heavenly light may we come to know Jesus Christ crucified and
always grow in your love. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy
Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. – General Calendar of the Order of
of the Day, by Katherine Rabenstein
Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints
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Martirologio Romano, 2001 edición
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“Blessed Sibyllina
Biscossi“. CatholicSaints.Info. 15 November 2021. Web. 5 February 2023.
Beata Sibillina Biscossi Domenicana
Pavia 1287 - 1367
La Beata Sibillina
Biscossi, nata a Pavia nel 1287 e morta nel 1367, era orfana di padre e di
madre. Appena ebbe la forza di sfaccendare, venne messa a servizio. Ma a 12
anni divenne cieca. Fu allora raccolta dalle Terziarie domenicane di Pavia. Nei
primi anni la bambina infelice pregò a lungo, con la speranza che san Domenico
le concedesse il miracolo della vista. Poi capì che la sua cecità poteva essere
luce e orientamento per gli altri. Accettò la privazione e si fece reclusa in
una celletta attigua alla chiesa, dove restò dai 15 agli 80 anni, nella più
severa penitenza, vestita d'estate e d'inverno col medesimo saio, mangiando
scarsamente e dormendo sopra una tavola di legno, senza né pagliericcio né
copertura. Visitata da prelati e da potenti, da devoti e da dubbiosi, ella fu
la Sibilla cristiana, che rispondeva a tutte le richieste di consiglio e di
conforto. Era l'occhio luminoso di tutta la città di Pavia, che riconosceva
nella cieca veggente una maestra di spirito. (Avvenire)
Etimologia: Sibillina
(diminut. di Sibilla) = che fa conoscere la volontà di Dio, dal greco
Romano: A Pavia, beata Sibillina Biscossi, vergine, che, rimasta cieca
dall’età di dodici anni, visse per sessantacinque anni in clausura presso la
chiesa dell’Ordine dei Predicatori, illuminando con la sua luce interiore i
molti che ricorrevano a lei.
La beata Sibilla Biscossi
nacque da una distinta e religiosa famiglia a Pavia verso il 1287, a soli
dodici anni perse completamente la vista, questa grande prova tuttavia la fece
ancora di più progredire nella sua già forte inclinazione alla vita spirituale
e alla pratica religiosa, tanto da entrare nel terz’ordine di San Domenico.
Desiderosa di una vita più austera a 15 anni si rifugiò in una cella più
appartata costruita presso la chiesa dei Frati Predicatori, dove dimorò
per tutto il resto della sua vita nella preghiera e con un intenso colloquio
interiore con Dio, completamente analfabeta fu dotata di singolari doni
mistici tanto da parlare con estrema facilità di Sacra Scrittura e di
questioni teologiche dibattute e controverse, adoperandosi in modo speciale
nella conversione dei peccatori sia con la preghiera sia con il dono del
consiglio. Si narra come inizialmente chiesto il dono della guarigione per il
recupero della vita ebbe in estasi la certezza dell’eterna Luce che supera ogni
vista umana e per questo da allora chiese la guarigione dello spirito e non del
corpo, per se e per quanti incontrava nella vita. Il giorno di san Giuseppe,
19 marzo 1367 morì già in fama di santità per la sua lunga vita dedicata al
Signore, alla conversione dei peccatori e alla luce di quella vista che lei
perse presto negli occhi ma tenne sempre nel cuore, le sue reliquie riposano
nella Cattedrale di Pavia.
Autore: Don Luca
Sibillina nacque dalla onorata famiglia Biscossi, e fin dai primissimi anni mostrò grande inclinazione alla pietà. A dodici anni, colpita da una dolorosa infermità, rimase del tutto cieca. Sebbene la santa fanciulla accettasse con rassegnazione la dolorosa prova, non cessò però di chiedere a Dio di volerle ridare la vista, tanto necessaria a lei che doveva trarre dal lavoro delle mani il pane d’ogni giorno. Un giorno, mentre così pregava, le apparve il Santo Patriarca Domenico, il quale le mostrò una luce tanto meravigliosa, che le tolse per sempre il desiderio della luce e d’ogni altra cosa di questo mondo. E così, a quindici anni, vestita dell’Abito del Terz’Ordine, e accesa da cosi santo amore, si ritirò in un angusto romitorio, accanto alla chiesa dei Frati Predicatori, iniziando una vita che possiamo definire eroica. Più eroico ancora fu il perseverarvi per 67 anni, senza mai abbandonare la sua cella. Con cuore di martire sopportò le tenebre della cecità, la solitudine completa, i rigori di una severa penitenza. Ma il segreto di tanto coraggio essa l’attinse nell’amorosa contemplazione del Crocifisso. Qui attinse anche la celeste sapienza che la rese maestra e consolatrice di innumerevoli anime che accorrevano a lei, riportandone luce e conforto. Le fu rivelata l’ora della sua morte, avvenuta il 19 marzo 1367, alla veneranda età di ottant'anni, attorniata dai religiosi dell’Ordine, che l’assistettero nell’ora suprema. Fu illustre per miracoli. Il suo corpo è sepolto nella cattedrale di Pavia. Papa Pio IX il 17 agosto 1854 ha confermato il culto.
L'Ordine Domenicano la ricorda il 18 aprile, mentre nella diocesi di Pavia la sua memoria si celebra il 23 marzo.
Autore: Franco Mariani
Den salige Sibyllina
Biscossi (1287-1367)
Minnedag: 23. mars
Skytshelgen for tjenestepiker (Italia)
Den salige Sibyllina
Biscossi (it: Sibillina) ble født i 1287 i Pavia i regionen Lombardia i
Nord-Italia. Hun kom fra den respekterte familien Biscossi, men ble tidlig
foreldreløs, og naboene tok seg av henne. Men straks hun ble gammel nok, ble
hun satt i arbeid som tjenestepike, og da hun i tolvårsalderen fikk en alvorlig
sykdom og ble blind, hadde hun allerede arbeidet i flere år. Hun ble da
adoptert av en kommunitet av legdominikanere (Tertius Ordo Sancti Dominici –
TOSD) i hjembyen, som ikledde henne sin drakt.
Hun lærte seg raskt å
synge officiet og hun absorberte deres lære om mental bønn som om hun var født
til det. Hun påla seg selv mye bønn, siden hun ikke kunne hjelpe søstrene på
annen måte. Hun var spesielt hengiven til den hellige Dominikus, og
det var til ham hun henvendte seg da hun til slutt ble overbevist om at hun
ganske enkelt måtte ha synet tilbake slik at hun kunne hjelpe de andre søstrene
i arbeidet.
Hun ba inderlig for denne
intensjonen og ventet på hans festdag. Da var hun sikker på at han ville
helbrede henne. Matutin kom og gikk uten noe mirakel, det samme gjorde de små
tidebønner og vesper, og hun var like blind. Med synkende hjerte knelte
Sibyllina foran statuen av Dominikus og tryglet ham om å hjelpe henne. Mens hun
knelte der ble hun rykket bort i ekstase, og hun så ham komme ut av mørket og
ta henne i hånden.
Han tok henne til en mørk
tunnelinngang, og hun gikk inn i mørket på hans ord. Hun var skrekkslagen, men
klamret seg til hånden hans, og hun passerte forbi usynlige redsler, fortsatt
ledet og beskyttet av hans nærvær. Det ble gradvis lysere og lysere, og han sa:
«I evigheten, kjære barn. Her må du leve i mørket slik at du en gang skal se
evig lys».
Etter denne opplevelsen
var det ivrige barnet erstattet av en moden og tankefull Sibyllina som visste
at det ikke fantes noen helbredelse for henne, og at hun måtte gå sin vei til
himmelen gjennom mørket. Da hun ble overbevist om at det var Guds vilje at hun
ikke skulle få synet tilbake, trakk hun seg som femtenåring i 1302 tilbake til
en liten celle rett ved dominikanerkirken i Pavia. Der levde hun som eneboer,
først sammen med en ledsager, men hun ga snart opp det livet og Sibyllina
fortsatte å bo der alene.
Senere innrømmet hun at
de første syv årene var de verste. Kulden var intens, men hun tillot seg ikke
noen varme. Kirken var selvfølgelig ikke oppvarmet, og hun bar de samme klærne
både sommer og vinter. Om vinteren kunne hun bare holde varmen ved å holde seg
i bevegelse. Hun sov på et bord og spiste praktisk talt ingen ting. Til hennes
lille vindu, som var hennes eneste kontakt med utenverdenen, kom de plagede og
syndige og syke, og alle tryglet om hans hjelp. Hun ba for dem alle og bevirket
mange undre i livene til folket i Pavia.
En av de mer muntre
fortellingene er om en kvinne som var livredd for mørket. Sibyllina ba for
henne da hun så henne i en visjon og observerte at kvinnen, som trodde hun
hørte ting, tullet hodet inn i en pels for å lukke lydene ute. Neste dag kom
kvinnen for å treffe henne, og Sibyllina lo muntert. Hun spurte: «Du var
skikkelig skremt i går kveld, var du ikke? Jeg lo da jeg så deg trekke den
hetten over ørene». Legenden forteller at kvinnen aldri var skremt igjen.
Sibyllina hadde en
levende sans for realpresensen og en dyp hengivenhet til Det hellige sakrament.
En dag gikk en prest forbi vinduet hennes med Viaticum til de syke. Hun visste
at hostien ikke var konsekrert, og sa det til ham. Han undersøkte, og fant ut
at han virkelig hadde tatt en hostie fra galt sted. Hun betraktet pinsen som
den største festen i Kirken.
Sibyllina levde som
inkluser (lat inclusio = innesperring), det vil si frivillig innemurt
nonne, i 67 år. Hun fulgte alle messene og tidebønnene i kirken, og de få
øyeblikkene hun hadde til overs, arbeidet hun med hendene for å tjene noen få
skillinger hun kunne gi til de fattige. Hun døde den 19. mars 1367 i Pavia og
ble gravlagt i dominikanerkirken der. Hun ble saligkåret den 17. august 1854
ved at hennes kult ble stadfestet av den salige pave Pius IX (1846-78).
Hennes minnedag er 23. mars.
Samme år som hun ble
saligkåret, ble hennes legeme gravd opp for å bli plassert på et mer passende
og hensiktsmessig sted, og da ble det funnet å være fullstendig intakt. Det er
nå skrinlagt i katedralen i Pavia under alteret i kapellet viet til den
hellige Lucia.
Legemet er tørt og hardt og huden er som pergament, og hodeskallen er synlig
gjennom den. Tennene i underkjeven er synlige, mens de i overkjeven er trukket
ut, trolig som relikvier. Hendene holder en rosenkrans og vakre kunstige
blomster. Legemet er ikledd den svarte og hvite drakten til en
dominikanertertiar, og det stilles ut for høytidelig venerasjon tre ganger
hvert år: 19. mars, festen for den hellige Josef og også
hennes dødsdag, 20. mars, den dagen hennes fest feires i Pavia, og på
Allehelgensdag den 1. november.
Attwater/Cumming, Benedictines, Schauber/Schindler, Cruz, Index99, KIR, Patron
Saints SQPN, Infocatho, Bautz, Heiligenlexikon, -
Kompilasjon og oversettelse: p. Per Einar Odden -
Opprettet: 2000-07-30 00:00 - Sist oppdatert: 2006-06-30 11:39
Sibylle Biscossi
italienischer Name:
Gedenktag katholisch: 19. März
nicht gebotener Gedenktag im Dominikanerorden: 19. April
Name bedeutet: aus
dem Ratschluss des Zeus (griech.)
Tertiarin, Reklusin
* 1287 in Pavia in Italien
† 19. März 1367 daselbst
Sibillina Biscossi wurde
schon früh Waise und arbeitete dann als Magd. Im Alter von 12 Jahren erblindete
sie, trat dem Dritten Orden der Dominikaner bei
und lebte ab 1302 neben der Dominikanerkirche in Pavia als Reklusin ein
strenges Leben in Buße. Viele ratsuchende Bürger der Stadt und von weither
kamen, suchten ihren charismatischen Rat und verehrten sie schon bald als
Kanonisation: Die Seligsprechung nahm Papst Pius IX. im Jahr 1854 vor.
Patronin der Mägde
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Sibylle Biscossi
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Sibylle Biscossi
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Autor: Joachim
Schäfer - zuletzt aktualisiert am 26.11.2014
• Vera Schauber, Hanns Michael Schindler: Heilige und Patrone im Jahreslauf. Pattloch, München 2001
• Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, begr. von Michael Buchberger. Hrsg. von
Walter Kasper, 3., völlig neu bearb. Aufl., Bd. 9. Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau
korrekt zitieren: Joachim Schäfer: Artikel Sibylle Biscossi, aus dem Ökumenischen Heiligenlexikon -, abgerufen am 5. 2. 2023
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