mercredi 31 octobre 2012


Saint Quentin


(IIIe siècle)

Saint Quentin fut un de ces jeunes Romains qui, comme saint Crépin et saint Crépinien, vinrent prêcher l'Évangile dans les Gaules et y communiquer le trésor de la foi qu'ils avaient reçu. Amiens fut le centre de son apostolat. Les miracles confirmaient son enseignement; il traçait le signe de la Croix sur les yeux des aveugles, et ils voyaient; il faisait parler les muets, entendre les sourds, marcher les paralytiques. Ces éclatants prodiges excitaient l'admiration des uns et la haine des autres.

Quentin fut bientôt dénoncé à ce monstre de cruauté qui avait nom Rictiovarus, gouverneur romain, et il comparut devant lui: "Comment t'appelles-tu? lui demande le tyran.

– Je m'appelle chrétien. Mon père est sénateur de Rome; j'ai reçu le nom de Quentin.

– Quoi! un homme de pareille noblesse est descendu à de si misérables superstitions!

– La vraie noblesse, c'est de servir Dieu; la religion chrétienne n'est pas une superstition, elle nous élève au bonheur parfait par la connaissance de Dieu le Père tout-puissant et de Son Fils, engendré avant tous les siècles.

– Quitte ces folies et sacrifie aux dieux.

– Jamais. Tes dieux sont des démons; la vraie folie, c'est de les adorer.

– Sacrifie, ou je te tourmenterai jusqu'à la mort.

– Je ne crains rien; tu as tout pouvoir sur mon corps, mais le Christ sauvera mon âme."

Une si généreuse confession est suivie d'une flagellation cruelle; mais Dieu soutient Son martyr, et l'on entend une voix céleste, disant: "Quentin, persévère jusqu'à la fin, Je serai toujours auprès de toi." En même temps, ses bourreaux tombent à la renverse. Jeté dans un sombre cachot, Quentin en est deux fois délivré par un Ange, va prêcher au milieu de la ville, et baptise six cents personnes.

Tous ces prodiges, au lieu de calmer le cruel Rictiovarus, ne servent qu'à allumer sa fureur. Il envoie reprendre le martyr et le fait passer successivement par les supplices des roues, des verges de fer, de l'huile bouillante, de la poix, des torches ardentes: "Juge inhumain, fils du démon, dit Quentin, tes tourments me sont comme un rafraîchissement." Le tyran invente alors un supplice d'une férocité inouïe et fait traverser le corps du martyr, de haut en bas, par deux broches de fer; on lui enfonce des clous entre la chair et les ongles. Enfin l'héroïque Quentin eut la tête tranchée. Les assistants virent son âme s'envoler au Ciel sous la forme d'une blanche colombe.

Abbé L. Jaud, Vie des Saints pour tous les jours de l'année, Tours, Mame, 1950



Quentin, noble citoyen romain, vint à Amiens où ayant fait beaucoup de miracles, il fut pris par l’ordre de Maximien, préfet de la ville, et battu de verges, jusqu'à l’entier épuisement des bourreaux; après quoi il fut jeté eu prison. Mais un ange l’ayant délivré, il alla au milieu de la ville prêcher le peuple. Pris une seconde fois, étiré du haut du chevalet jusqu'à ce que ses veines eussent été rompues, rudement battu à coups de nerfs de boeuf, il endura l’huile, la poix, la graisse bouillante; comme il se moquait du président, celui-ci irrité lui fit jeter dans la bouche de la chaux, du vinaigre et de la moutarde. Mais il demeurait encore inébranlable; alors il fut conduit à Vermand, où le président lui fit enfoncer deux broches qui allaient de sa tête à ses cuisses, et dix clous entre ses ongles et sa chair ; enfin il le fit décapiter. Son corps jeté dans un fleuve y resta caché 55 ans, et fut retrouvé ainsi qu'il suit par une noble dame romaine. Comme elle se livrait assidûment à l’oraison, une nuit, elle est avertie par un ange d'aller en toute hâte au camp de Vermand à l’effet d'y chercher en tel endroit le corps de saint Quentin et de l’ensevelir avec honneur. Elle se rendit donc, avec une grande suite, à l’endroit désigné, et y ayant fait sa prière, le corps de saint Quentin entier et sain, et répandant une odeur suave, surnagea aussitôt sur le fleuve. Elle l’ensevelit : et pour la récompenser de ce bon office, elle recouvra l’usage de la vue. Elle bâtit en cet endroit une église, après quoi elle se retira dans ses domaines.

La Légende dorée de Jacques de Voragine nouvellement traduite en français avec introduction, notices, notes et recherches sur les sources par l'abbé J.-B. M. Roze, chanoine honoraire de la Cathédrale d'Amiens, Édouard Rouveyre, éditeur, 76, rue de Seine, 76, Paris mdccccii


Saint Quentin


Quentin, dit-on, naquit à Rome d’un père idolâtre, Zénon, qui était sénateur de l’Empire. Converti au christianisme, Quentin aurait été baptisé par le pape Marcellin qui l’aurait envoyé prêcher dans les Gaules en compagnie de Lucius, Crépin, Crépinien, Rufin, Valère, Marcel, Eugène, Victoric, Fuscien, Rieul et Piat. Arrivés à Amiens, les douze missionnaires se seraient partagé, par la voie du sort, les pays qu’ils devaient évangéliser : Quentin resta à Samarobriva (Amiens) et Lucius partit pour Beauvais.

Menant une vie de pénitence, la mission de Quentin, ourlée de nombreux miracles opérés par un simple signe de crois, fut si fructueuse que Rictiovare, représentant dans les Gaules de Maximien Hercule que Dioclétien avait associé à l’Empire, en fut averti, alors qu’il était à Bâle. Rictiovare avait tant immolé de chrétiens à Trèves, sa résidence habituelle, que les flots de la Moselle s’étaient rougis de sang. Accouru à Amiens, Rictiovare fit arrêter Quentin qui, enchaîné, fut enfermé dans une maison de la ville. Le lendemain, Quentin comparut devant Rictiovare :

- Quel est ton nom ?

- Je porte le nom de chrétien parce que, en effet, je le suis, croyant de cœur en Jésus-Christ et le confessant de bouche. Toutefois mon nom propre est Quentin.

- Et quelle est ta famille, ta condition ?

- Je suis citoyen romain et fils du sénateur Zénon.

- Comment se fait-il donc que, étant d’une si haute noblesse et fils d’un père si distingué, tu te sois livré à une religion si superstitieuse et que tu adores un malheureux que des hommes ont crucifié ?

- C’est que la souveraine noblesse est d’adorer le Créateur du ciel et de la terre, et d’obéir de tout cœur à ses divins commandements.

- O Quentin, laisse-là cette folie qui t’aveugle et viens sacrifier aux dieux !

- Non, jamais je ne sacrifierai à vos dieux qui, en vérité, ne sont que des démons. Cette folie dont tu me dis aveuglé, ce n’est pas une folie, mais, au contraire, et je ne crains pas de le proclamer hautement, c’est une souveraine sagesse. Car quoi de plus sage que de reconnaître le Dieu unique et seul véritable, et de rejeter avec dédain des simulacres muets, faux et mensongers ? Oui, et ceux-là, assurément, sont des insensés qui leur sacrifient pour t’obéir.

- Si tu n’approches à l’instant et ne sacrifies à nos dieux, j’en jure par ces mêmes dieux et par les déesses, je te ferai torturer de toutes manières jusqu’à ce que tu en meures.

- Non, non, seigneur président, sache-le bien, ce que tu m’ordonnes je ne le ferai jamais, et tes menaces, je ne les crains nullement. Fais au plus tôt ce qui te plaira. Tout ce que Dieu te permettra de m’infliger, je suis prêt à le subir. Oui, par la permission de mon Dieu, tu peux soumettre ce corps à diverses tortures et à la mort même, mais mon âme demeure au pouvoir de Dieu seul, de qui je l’ai reçue.

Rictiovare ordonne à quatre soldats d’étendre Quentin sur un chevalet et de l’y déchirer à coups de fouets. Quentin, pendant cette effroyable torture dit : Seigneur, mon Dieu, je vous rends grâces de ce qu’il m’est donné de souffrir pour le saint nom de votre Fils, Jésus-Christ, mon Sauveur. En ce moment donc, ô mon Dieu, donnez-moi la force et le courage dont j’ai besoin. Tendez-moi une main secourable, afin que je puisse demeurer supérieur à tous les traits de mes ennemis et triompher de leur cruel préfet Rictiovare ; et cela pour l’honneur et la gloire de votre nom lequel est à jamais béni dans les siècles des siècles. Du ciel, une voix lui répond : Courage et constance, Quentin ! Je suis moi-même avec toi. Les bourreaux sont renversés et, sans pouvoir se relever, souffrent d’atroces douleurs au point de crier au préfet : Seigneur Rictiovare, prends pitié de nous ; nous sommes en proie à de cruelles souffrances ; des feux secrets nous dévorent ; impossible de nous tenir debout ; à peine pouvons-nous parler.

Au comble de la fureur, Rictiovare commande : J’en jure par les dieux et par les déesses, puisque de Quentin est un magicien et que ses maléfices ont ici le dessus, qu’on le jette à l’instant loin de ma présence et qu’on l’enferme dans le plus noir cachot où il ne puisse absolument ni voir le jour ni recevoir la visite d’aucun chrétien.

La nuit suivante, alors que Quentin est dans le noir cachot, un ange lui apparaît et lui dit : Quentin, serviteur de Dieu, lève-toi et vas sans crainte au milieu de la ville ; console et fortifie ses habitants dans la foi en Notre-Seigneur Jésus-Christ, afin qu’ils croient en lui et qu’ils se purifient par le saint baptême : car voici bientôt pour eux le jour de la délivrance ; les ennemis du nom de chrétien seront prochainement confondus, ainsi que leur préfet, l’impie Rictiovare. Les gardiens étant frappé d’un profond sommeil, l’ange le conduit hors de la prison, jusque sur la place de la ville où Quentin prêche et convertit six cents personnes. Les gardes, réveillés, rejoignent la place et s’y convertissent aussi puis, revenant chez Rictiovare pour témoigner de leur foi.

Rictiovare fait reprendre Quentin mais, comme malgré d’horribles tortures, il n’arrive ni à le faire abjurer, ni à le faire mourir, il décide de l’envoyer à Rome. Parvenus à Augusta Veromanduorum (aujourd’hui Saint-Quentin), les soldats reçoivent l’ordre d’y attendre Rictiovare qui, le lendemain, 31 octobre 303, fait reprendre les tortures au bout desquelles, de guerre lasse, il ordonne qu’on décapite Quentin. Alors que la tête de Quentin tombe, on entend une voix crier : Quentin, mon serviteur, viens et reçois la couronne que je t’ai préparée. Voici les chœurs des anges qui viennent te faire cortège pour te conduire triomphant dans la Jérusalem céleste.


Le reliquaire de la main de saint Quentin tel qu'on peut le voir dans la basilique de Saint-Quentin.

Quentin of Amiens M (RM)

(also known as Quintinus)

Died 287. When we read the lives of the martyrs who offered their lives as a testimony to a grateful heart--a heart that humbly acknowledges the sacrifice of our Lord for a sinner--we are forced to question our own lives. Are we witnesses to God's infinite love at least by lives of self-denial, humility, and self-giving? We may never be called to shed our blood, but what about our time, talent, and treasure?

According to legend Quentin was a Roman, the son of Zeno of senatorial rank. It is said that filled with apostolic zeal, Quentin travelled to Gaul as a missionary with Saint Lucian of Beauvais. Quentin settled at Amiens in Picardy, while Lucian continued to Beauvais, where he won the martyr's crown.

By his multitudinous prayers and continuous hounding of heaven, Quentin wrought many miracles that confirmed the truth of the Gospel he preached among the heathen. He was so successful in preaching that he was imprisoned by Prefect Rictovarus (Rictius Varus), who had travelled there from Trier. Quentin was manacled, tortured repeatedly, and thrown into a dungeon. When Rictovarus left Amiens, he commanded Quentin to be brought to Augusta Veromanduorum (later Somme, now St-Quentin), through which Rictovarus would pass upon his return to Trier. Here Quentin was again tortured, beheaded, and thrown into (or drowned in) the River Somme.

The body was recovered by Christians several days later and buried on a mountainside. One-half century later, it was discovered by a devout woman named Eusebia. A blind women recovered her sight by the sacred relics. During the reign of Julian the Apostate, the place of his burial was again lost to memory, though a chapel which was built near it remained. When Saint Eligius found the relics in 641 after a concerted effort, he distributed the nails with which Quentin's body had been pierced, as well as the saint's teeth and hair. The remainder Eligius placed in a rich shrine made by his own hands. This was placed behind the high altar at Noyon. The relics have been translated several times since then and are now kept in Laon.

There is no doubt that he is a historical person; however, his story has been much embellished (Benedictines, Delaney, Encyclopedia, Husenbeth).

He is shown as a young man with two spits (1) as a deacon; (2) with a broken wheel; (3) with a chair to which he is transfixed; (4) with a sword; or (5) beheaded, a dove flying from his severed head. He is venerated at Amiens. Patron of bombardiers, chaplains, locksmiths, porters, tailors, and surgeons. Invoked against coughs, sneezes, and dropsy (Roeder).


Relique du crâne de saint Quentin à la basilique de Saint-Quentin

October 31

St. Quintin, Martyr

From his Acts in Surius, written in a good style, before St. Eligius’s time, but later than Nestorius. The author assures us, that he compiled them from a history written by one who was present at the first translation of the martyr’s relics, fifty-five years after his death. But the author has added certain circumstances from popular traditions, with a fertur: which are not of equal authority. Other Acts of St. Quintin, but of an inferior stamp, are given us by Claude Hemere, in his History of the Town of St. Quintin’s. See Tillemont, t. 4, pp. 433, 436, 700.
A.D. 287.

ST. QUINTIN was a Roman, descended of a senatorian family, and is called by his historian the son of Zeno. Full of zeal for the kingdom of Jesus Christ, and burning with a holy desire to make his powerful name and the mysteries of his love and mercy known among the infidels, he left his country, renounced all prospects of preferment, and, attended by St. Lucian of Beauvais, made his way to Gaul. They preached the faith together in that country till they reached Amiens, in Picardy, where they parted. Lucian went to Beauvais, and having sown the seeds of divine faith in the hearts of many, received the crown of martyrdom in that city. St. Quintin staid at Amiens, endeavouring by his prayers and labours to make that country a portion of our Lord’s inheritance. Desiring nothing so earnestly as to destroy the kingdom of the devil, that the name of God might be glorified, he besought the Author of all good, without ceasing, that he would infuse his saving knowledge and holy love into the souls of those to whom he announced the divine law. God made him equally powerful in words and works, and his discourses were authorized and strongly recommended by great numbers of miracles, and illustrated and enforced by a most holy and mortified life. The reward of his charitable labours was the crown of martyrdom, which he received in the beginning of the reign of Maximian Herculeus, who was associated in the empire by Dioclesian, in the year 286. Maximian made Rictius Varus prefect of the prætorium; for though Augustus had appointed but one prætorian prefect to judge causes and receive appeals from all the provinces of the empire, in the reign of Dioclesian, each emperor appointed one, so that there were four prætorian prefects, according to the number of emperors who then reigned together; but Constantine the Great was the first who made this number regular, and determined the districts and jurisdiction of these supreme magistrates of the Roman empire. Rictius Varus, whose hatred of the Christian religion has stored the Martyrology with lists of many illustrious martyrs, seems to have resided at Triers, the metropolis of the Belgic Gaul; but, making a progress into the Second Gaul, when he was near Soissons, he had intelligence of the great progress the Christian faith had made at Amiens, and resolved to cut him off who was the author of this great change. When he arrived at Amiens, he ordered St. Quintin to be seized, thrown into prison, and loaded with chains. The next day the holy preacher was brought before the prefect, who assailed his constancy with promises and threats; and finding him proof against both, ordered him to be whipped unmercifully, and then confined to a close dungeon without the liberty of receiving either comfort or assistance from the faithful. In two other examinations before the same magistrate, his limbs were stretched with pulleys on the rack till his joints were dislocated; his body was torn with rods of iron wire; boiled pitch and oil were poured on his back, and lighted torches applied to his sides. The holy martyr, strengthened by Him whose cause he defended, remained superior to all the cruel arts of his barbarous persecutor, and preserved a perfect tranquillity of mind in the midst of such torments as filled the spectators with horror.

When Rictius Varus left Amiens, he commanded Quintin to be conducted to the territory of the Veromandui, whither he was directing his course in his return. The capital of that country was called Augusta Veromanduorum. In this city of the Veromandui the prefect made fresh attacks upon the champion of Christ, with threats and promises; and being ashamed to see himself vanquished by his courage and virtue, caused his body to be pierced with two iron wires from the neck to the thighs, and iron nails to be struck under his nails, and in his flesh in many places, particularly into his scull; and, lastly, his head to be cut off. This was executed on the 31st of October, in 287. The martyr’s body was watched by the soldiers till night, and then thrown into the river Somme; but it was recovered by the Christians some days after, and buried on a mountain near the town; fifty-five years after, it was discovered by Eusebia, a devout lady; and a certain blind woman recovered her sight by the sacred relics. 1 The knowledge of the place was again lost in the persecution of Julian the Apostate, though a chapel which was built near it remained, when in the beginning of the year 641, St. Eligius, bishop of Noyon and the Vermandois, caused the holy relics to be sought; and when they were discovered, together with the great nails with which the body had been pierced, he distributed these nails, the teeth, and hair, in other places, and inclosed the rest of the sacred treasure in a rich shrine of his own work, which he placed behind the high altar, as St. Owen relates in his life. A new stately church of St. Quintin was built in the reign of Lewis Debonnaire, and another translation of the relics was made on the 25th of October, 825. 2 They were removed to Laon for fear of the Normans, but brought back on the 30th of October, 885, and are still kept in the great church, which was in the hands of monks from the time of Ebertran, the first abbot, till these were afterwards dispersed by the inroads of the Normans. In the following age, secular canons were put in possession of this famous church. Another church was built here in the honour of St. Quintin, in the place where his body had been concealed during fifty-five years, in an island in a marsh formed by the river Somme. It became a famous monastery, now in the hands of the Benedictin monks of St. Maur: it is called St. Quintin’s in the Island. St. Quintin’s on the Mountain, a mile from Peronne, is another monastery of the same congregation, founded by Eilbert, brother to Herbert, count of Vermandois, in the seventh century. From the time of the translation of the martyr’s relics in the reign of Lewis le Debonnaire, the town has taken the name of St. Quintin’s. 3

Martyrdom, when we are called to it, is an homage we owe to God, and a debt due to faith and religion. Happy are they whom God, by a special grace, allows to seal their fidelity to him by their blood! How great is the honour and happiness for a poor mortal man, and a poor sinner, to lay down his mean, miserable life for Him, who, out of infinite love for us, gave his most precious life! Martyrs are holocausts offered to the divine love and glory. They are witnesses, as the word imports in the original Greek, bearing testimony to the infinite power and goodness of God, in which they place an entire confidence, and to the truth of his holy revealed faith, which they confirm with their blood. No testimony can be more authentic, more glorious to God, more edifying to the faithful, or more convincing to infidels. It is by the constancy of martyrs that our holy religion is established. God was pleased to choose it for one of the means by which he would accomplish this great work. Are we witnesses to God and his holy religion, at least by lives of self-denial, meekness, and sanctity? Or do we not rather by a contrary deportment disgrace his holy church, of which we have the honour to be members, and expose his adorable name to the blasphemies of infidels.

Note 1. Act. Mart. et St. Greg. Turon. de Gl. Mart. c. 73. [back]

Note 2. Hemerè, Hist. Aug. Verom. l. 2, pp. 72, 79. [back]

Note 3. Cluverius and Sanson think the great city called Augusta Veromanduorum was destroyed by the Barbarians in the fifth age, and that it stood where now the Premonstratensian abbey of Vermand is situate, three leagues from Noyon, and four from Peronne. But the Abbé de Longrue shows from the Acts of St. Quintin, St. Gregory of Tours, and several chronicles, that the body of St. Quintin was buried near Augusta Veromanduorum and always kept in that city. Consequently, the town of St. Quintin’s was rebuilt upon the spot where the old city stood: which also appears by the neighbourhood of the river Somme. [back]

Rev. Alban Butler (1711–73).  Volume X: October. The Lives of the Saints.  1866.

mardi 30 octobre 2012


Saint Alphonse Rodriguez

Frère coadjuteur de la Compagnie de Jésus


Saint Alphonse Rodriguez, fils d'un riche marchand drapier, naquit à Ségovie, en Espagne. Après avoir fait ses études au collège d'Alcala, sous la direction des Pères de la Compagnie de Jésus, il retourna à Ségovie à cause du décès de son père et dut s'occuper de l'administration des biens familiaux. Après avoir essuyé des revers de fortune, perdu sa femme et sa fille en l'espace de quelques mois, Alphonse Rodriguez abandonna le soin des affaires et se retira dans une chambre avec son fils à peine âgé de trois ans. Plein de sollicitude pour l'âme de son enfant, il pria Dieu de l'appeler à Lui s'il devait un jour L'offenser. Le Seigneur ravit ce petit ange à sa tendresse quelques jours après sa fervente prière.

Durant six ans, saint Alphonse pratiqua dans le monde toutes les vertus chrétiennes. A l'âge de trente-sept ans, de plus en plus absorbé dans la pensée de la mort et de son salut éternel, il ne songea plus qu'à entrer dans un Ordre religieux. Sur le conseil d'un Père de la Compagnie de Jésus, il commença à étudier le latin, mais le succès ne répondit pas à ses efforts. Laissant ce projet de côté, il pensa à se retirer auprès d'un ermite de Valence, mais son confesseur l'en dissuada.

Agé de trente-neuf ans, Alphonse entra au noviciat de la Compagnie de Jésus, au couvent de St-Paul de Valence où on l'admit en qualité de Frère coadjuteur. Ses premiers pas dans la vie religieuse révélèrent le haut degré de vertu où il était déjà parvenu. Son humilité que rien ne pouvait déconcerter, sa patience devant les exigences les plus indiscrètes ou les reproches les moins mérités, sa scrupuleuse obéissance, son oraison continuelle suscitaient l'admiration et l'édification de tous ses confrères.

Après six mois de noviciat, ses supérieurs l'envoyèrent sur l'île Majorque, au collège de la Ste Vierge du mont Sion où il prononça ses voeux simples et solennels le même jour. Pendant trente ans, saint Alphonse Rodriguez se sanctifiera dans le modeste emploi de portier, accueillant toutes les personnes qui se présentaient avec le même empressement que si c'eût été Notre-Seigneur. Le matin, au son de la cloche, il demandait à Dieu de le garder sans péché durant le jour, ensuite il se mettait sous la protection de la Très Sainte Vierge en récitant Ses Litanies.

A sa prière incessante, il joignait une mortification extraordinaire. "En toutes choses, témoigna son supérieur, Alphonse cherchait ce qui répugnait le plus à la nature." Ainsi, il ne voulait porter que des vêtements usés. Un crucifix et une image de la Très Sainte Vierge sans nulle valeur artistique ornait la cellule de ce pauvre de Jésus-Christ. Il couchait sur la dure et jeûnait souvent. Regardant le réfectoire comme un lieu de mortification, il offrait tous les sacrifices qu'il s'y imposait pour le soulagement et la délivrance des saintes âmes du purgatoire. Avant de sortir de la maison, saint Alphonse Rodriguez demandait à Notre-Seigneur de le faire mourir plutôt que de le voir consentir à aucun péché mortel. Pendant ses visites, il observait une modestie si exemplaire, parlait si peu et rarement, que cet empire acquis sur ses sens l'avait fait surnommer: le frère mort.

L'obéissance de saint Alphonse Rodriquez était aussi aveugle que parfaite, car ce bon Saint était convaincu qu'en accomplissant les ordres de son supérieur, il exécutait ceux du ciel même. Pour savoir jusqu'où sa sublime dépendance pouvait aller, le recteur du collège de Majorque lui commanda un jour de s'embarquer. Saint Alphonse partit aussitôt sans poser de question. Chemin faisant, un religieux vint lui dire que le supérieur le redemandait. "Où alliez-vous, lui demanda le recteur, puisque vous ignoriez le but du voyage et quel vaisseau vous deviez prendre? – J'allais faire l'obéissance, répondit le saint portier."

Alphonse Rodriguez reçut de Dieu le don de prophétie et celui des miracles. Après quarante-cinq années passées dans la pratique des plus admirables vertus, affligé depuis longtemps d'une douloureuse maladie, le saint religieux reçut le sacrement des infirmes. Ayant communié avec ferveur, l'agonisant ferma les yeux et entra dans un ravissement qui dura trois jours. Durant ce temps, son visage demeura tout rayonnant d'une céleste clarté. Le 31 octobre 1617, le saint Jésuite revint à lui, prononça distinctement le nom adorable de Jésus et Lui rendit son âme, à l'âge de quatre-vingt-six ans.

Il fut canonisé par Sa Sainteté Léon XIII, le 8 janvier 1888.

Résumé O.D.M.

Saint Alphonse Rodriguez

Jésuite à Palma de Majorque (+ 1617)

Comme il ignorait le latin, il ne fut que frère-coadjuteur et pendant plus de trente ans, simple frère portier. Il accomplissait cette tâche avec sourire et amabilité malgré les injures de certains importuns. Il sut obéir jusqu'à l'extrême abandon de sa volonté et ses supérieurs l'éprouvèrent souvent lui demandant des choses parfois impossibles auxquelles il se pliait avec humilité.

À Palma de Majorque, en 1617, saint Alphonse Rodriguez. Ayant perdu son épouse, ses enfants et toute sa fortune, il fut accepté comme religieux dans la Compagnie de Jésus et s’acquitta pendant de nombreuses années de la fonction de portier au Collège de la ville avec une humilité, une obéissance et une constance admirables comme une forme de mortification.

Martyrologe romain


31 octobre



Commun des religieux (p. 271).



Vie admirable de saint Alphonse Rodriguez, religieux

Je me comporte comme un petit enfant encore au sein, qui ne sait ni ne peut s’enorgueillir.

Très souvent, je ne m’entretiens et ne converse qu’avec Jésus et la sainte Vierge, sa très sainte Mère, les amours de mon âme. Je leur rends compte de ce qui me concerne, car je suis si nul, si grossier et si ignorant, que je ne suis absolument bon à rien. Je recours donc à eux, en leur racontant ce qui m’arrive, et je les prie de me venir en aide et de me protéger, afin que je fasse tout, suivant leur bon plaisir et non pas autrement. Mon cœur plein d’amour pour Dieu est extrêmement désireux de lui plaire ; et pour lui être agréable, je suis prêt à renoncer à tout en ce monde et à moi-même. Ayant égard à mes bons désirs, et voyant que je traite tout avec lui et avec la Sainte Vierge, que je ne veux que ce qu’ils veulent, et que, dans mon recours à eux, je me remets moi-même, mes intérêts et ceux du prochain entre leurs mains, Dieu fait que tout réussit et arrive selon ses desseins. C’est avec un certain élan d’amour que je vais trouver Jésus et Marie et converser avec eux ; ils me répondent avec une douce suavité et me font connaître leur sainte volonté, en m’apprenant en même temps comment l’exécuter.

Dans cette douce familiarité que j’ai avec Jésus et la sainte Vierge, je me comporte comme un enfant encore au sein. Celui-ci ne peut ni ne sait s’enorgueillir, parce qu’il est un enfant ; or, avec la grâce de Dieu, mon âme en vient dans ces entretiens, à cet état qu’elle ne saurait et ne pourrait s’enorgueillir plus qu’un petit enfant qui n’a pas encore été sevré.

(Mémoire écrit en juin 1615. Ed. esp. dans V. Segarra, s.j., San Alonso Rodriguez. Autobiografia o sea Memorial o Cuentas de la Consciencia , Barcelona, 1956, pp. 227-228 ; tr. fr. par P. de Bénazé, 1890, pp. 281-282).

R/ Je te rends grâce de tout mon cœur, Seigneur mon Dieu ;

* Il est grand ton amour pour moi.

V/ Tu es mon Dieu, je te rends grâce, mon Dieu, je t’exalte.

* Il est grand …

Tu nous a montré, Seigneur, dans la fidélité de notre frère Alphonse Rodriguez, le chemin de la joie et de la paix ; accorde-nous d’être toujours des compagnons de Jésus empressés à le servir, lui qui s’est fait le serviteur de tous et qui règne avec Toi et le Saint-Esprit.


St. Alphonsus Rodriguez

(Also Alonso).

Born at Segovia in Spain, 25 July, 1532; died at Majorca, 31 October, 1617. On account of the similarity of names he is often confounded with Father Rodriguez the author of "Christian Perfection", who though eminent in his holiness was never canonized. The Saint was a Jesuit lay-brother who entered the Society at the age of forty. He was the son of a wool merchant who had been reduced to poverty when Alfonso was still young. At the age of twenty-six he married Mary Francisco Suárez, a woman of his own station, and at thirty-one found himself a widower with one surviving child, the other two having died previously. From that time he began a life of prayer and mortification, although separated from the world around him. On the death of his third child his thoughts turned to a life in some religious order. Previous associations had brought him into contact with the first Jesuits who had come to Spain, Bl. Peter Faber among others, but it was apparently impossible to carry out his purpose of entering the Society, as he was without education, having only had an incomplete year at a new college begun at Alcalá by Francis Villanueva. At the age of thirty-nine he attempted to make up this deficiency by following the course at the College of Barcelona, but without success. His austerities had also undermined his health. After considerable delay he was finally admitted into the Society of Jesus as a lay-brother, 31 January, 1571. Distinct novitiates had not as yet been established in Spain, and Alfonso began his term of probation at Valencia or Gandia — this point is a subject of dispute — and after six months was sent to the recently-founded college at Majorca, where he remained in the humble position of porter for forty-six years, exercising a marvelous influence on the sanctification not only of the members of the household, but upon a great number of people who came to the porter's lodge for advice and direction. Among the distinguished Jesuits who came under his influence was St. Peter Clavier, who lived with him for some time at Majorca, and who followed his advice in asking for the missions of South America. The bodily mortifications which he imposed on himself were extreme, the scruples and mental agitation to which he was subject were of frequent occurrence, his obedience absolute, and his absorption in spiritual things even when engaged on most distracting employments, continual. It has often been said that he was the author of the well known "Little Office of the Immaculate Conception", and the claim is made by Alegambe, Southwell, and even by the Fathers de Backer in their Bibliothèque de la Compagnie de Jésus. Apart from the fact that the brother did not have the requisite education for such a task, Father Costurer says positively that the office he used was taken from an old copy printed out of Spain, and Father Colin asserts that it existed before the Saint's time. It may be admitted, however, that through him it was popularized. He left a considerable number of manuscripts after him, some of which have been published as "Obras Espirituales del B. Alonso Rodriguez" (Barcelona, 1885, 3 vols., octavo, complete edition, 8 vols. in quarto). They have no pretense to style; they are sometimes only reminiscences of domestic exhortations; the texts are often repeated; the illustrations are from every-day life; the treatment of one virtue occasionally trenches on another; but they are remarkable for the correctness and soundness of their doctrine and the profound spiritual knowledge which they reveal. They were not written with a view to publication, but put down by the Saint himself, or dictated to others, in obedience to a positive command of his superiors. He was declared Venerable in 1626. In 1633 he was chosen by the Council General of Majorca as one of the special patrons of the city and island. In 1760 Clement XIII decreed that "the virtues of the Venerable Alonso were proved to be of a heroic degree"; but the expulsion of the Society from Spain in 1773, and its suppression, delayed his beatification until 1825. His canonization took place 6 September, 1887. His remains are enshrined at Majorca.


Goldie, Life of St. Alfonso Rodriguez in Quarterly Series (London, 1889); Vie admirable de Alfonse d'après les Mémoires (Paris, 1890); Sommervogel, Bibliothèque de la C. de J., VI.

Campbell, Thomas. "St. Alphonsus Rodriguez." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 1. New York: Robert Appleton Company,1907. 30 Oct. 2016 <>.

Transcription. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Michael Donahue. A.M.D.G.

Ecclesiastical approbation. Nihil Obstat. March 1, 1907. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York.


Alphonsus Rodriguez, SJ (RM)
(also known as Alonso)

Born in Segovia, Spain, July 25, 1533; died at Palma de Majorca in 1617; beatified 1825; canonized 1888; feast formerly on October 31.

"The difference between adversity suffered for God and prosperity is greater than that between gold and a lump of lead." 

--Saint Alphonsus.

Brother Alphonsus proves Mother Teresa's axiom that small things done with great love is the call of the Christian. Every day Alphonsus Rodriguez prayed to more than 20 confessors, martyrs, and Church Fathers. He had a great veneration for Saint Ursula, and though modern scholarship has done much to revise and alter the story of her martyrdom, the fact remains that a liturgy might be clumsy and inaccurate and yet represent a far more fertile and living expression of religious life than one which has been cleaned and scoured to the point of rendering it sterile.

Surely the candor and devotion of Saint Alphonsus is of greater value than the scientific researches of our professors of liturgy. He was a bit mad perhaps--when he was told to eat his plate, he took his knife and tried to cut it into pieces and swallow them. Perhaps that sounds stupid, but it was he who was in the right for he had, on entering the Jesuits, made his vow of obedience, and his obedience was so perfect that he obeyed hasty or perhaps joking orders to the letter.

Alphonus was the third child of a large family of wool merchants. When Blessed Peter Favre and another Jesuit came to preach a mission at Segovia, they stayed with Alphonus's family and took up the invitation for a short holiday at their country house. Young Alphonsus, then about 10, went with them and was prepared for his First Communion by Blessed Peter.

When he was 14, Alphonsus was sent with his elder brother to study under the Jesuits at Alcala. Before the year was out, their father Diego was dead and it fell to Alphonsus interrupt his studies to manage the family business. When he was 23, his mother retired and Alphonus inherited his father's business. Like Saint Francis of Assisi, he sold cloth all day long, buying with one hand and selling with the other.

He married Maria Suarez when he was 27. Soon the business was failing due to hard economic times. Then his little daughter died. When he was about 35, his wife died shortly after giving birth to their only son. Two years later his mother died. The business didn't prosper either. This succession of misfortunes forced Alphonsus to seriously consider God's plan for his life. He began to realize that he was meant to do something different from the numerous businessmen who led exemplary but unheroic lives in Segovia. So he sold his business and took his son to live with the boy's two maiden aunts, Antonia and Juliana.

From these two ladies, Alphonsus learned to meditate for at least two hours a day. He was an assiduous communicant. His life was austere and happy, though he still longed to devote himself to God. So, after abandoning his business, he resumed his studies at the point where he had broken them off. He had always taken religion seriously so when his son died, Alphonsus decided it was finally time to become a Jesuit, if possible, as an ordained priest.

Alphonsus was nearly 40, barely literate, and his health tenuous. It's no wonder that the Jesuits of Segovia unhesitatingly refused him entry. Undaunted, Alphonsus presented himself to Father Luis Santander, SJ, at the novitiate of the Jesuits of Aragon at Valencia. Father Santander recommended him to be ordained as soon as possible, and requested that he learn Latin. He had given away most of his money by now, so he became a hired servant, hoping to pay for his necessary extra education by this and by begging. Thus, he put himself through school with the young boys.

Happily the provincial of the order spotted the saintliness of Alphonsus's life, and, in 1571, overruled those who had refused him permission to join them. He was admitted as a lay brother and six months later was sent to Palma de Majorca, where, after serving in various capacities, he became door-keeper at Montesión College.

He was diligent in carrying out his assignments, but every spare moment was given to prayer. Though he achieved a marvelous habitual recollection and union with god, his spiritual path was far from an easy one. Especially in his later years he suffered from long periods of aridity. Yet he never despaired, knowing that in God's own time he would be seized again in an ecstasy of love and spiritual delight. Persevering, Brother Alphonsus professed his final vows in 1585, at the age of 54.
Many of the varied people who were thus brought into contact with him learned to respect him and value his advice; in particular Saint Peter Claver as a student used to consult him frequently and received from Brother Alphonsus the impetus for his future work among the slaves of South America.

In May 1617, the rector of Montesión, Father Julian, was struck with rheumatic fever. Alphonsus spent the night interceding for the priest. In the morning, Father Julian was able to celebrate Mass.
After receiving Communion on October 29, Alphonsus lay as if dead, but he was in ecstasy. At midnight on October 31, the ecstasy ended and the final death pangs began. One-half hour later the brother regained his composure, lovingly looked at his brethren, and kissed the crucifix. Still a porter, he died in 1617, saying only one word: Jesus.

A collection of his notes, reflections, thoughts, which he wrote down at the request of his superiors, along with some quotations that he borrowed from the spiritual classics but which were mistakenly attributed to him, was frequently copied and widely circulated during his lifetime. Many people found true spiritual nourishment in them. There is a sonnet on Saint Alphonsus Rodriguez among Gerard Manley Hopkins' Poems (2nd ed., 1930).

Alphonsus bears considerable resemblance to the Carmelite Brother Lawrence, of the next generation. He was a man of practically no education, but he had deep religious sensibility of a mystical kind. His faith was uncomplicated and simple, untroubled either by Protestantism or the threat of Islam. He had cultivated the Spanish faith of his father and mother, he believed in Jesus Christ, the Holy Church, and in the communion of saints (Attwater, Benedictines, Bentley, Encyclopedia, Walsh, Yeomans).

This Alphonsus Rodriguez must not be confused with two Jesuit contemporaries of the same names, one a writer of well-known religious books, the other a martyr in Paraguay. Neither of these has been canonized, though the second is venerated as a beatus.

In art he is depicted as an old Jesuit with two hearts on his breast, connected by rays of light to Christ and the Virgin. Venerated at Majorca (Roeder).


St Alphonsus Rodriguez, Religious, SJ (Memorial)

Alphonsus Rodriguez was born in Segovia, Spain, on 25 July 1533. He was the son of a wool merchant, who failed in his business and which he handed over to his son who was still a young man of 23. At the age of 26 Alphonsus married Maria Suarez. Five years later, his wife and two of his three children had died. When his third child also died, he developed a desire to enter religious life. He had met some of the first Jesuits to come to Spain, including Blessed Peter Faber, but his lack of education was a major obstacle to his joining the Society. His penitential practices had also undermined his health. Eventually, on 31 January 1571, at the age of 38 he was accepted into the Jesuit novitiate as a brother. 

After just six months he was assigned to the College of Montesion in Palma de Mallorca where he served as porter or doorkeeper until the end of his life 46 years later. Over this long period he exerted an extraordinary spiritual influence not only on his community but on the students and all those who came to the porter’s lodge for advice and direction. 

He was already 72 when a young Jesus, Peter Claver, came to the college, filled with a desire to do something for God but uncertain how to do so. The two became friends and often discussed prayer and the spiritual life. The elderly Brother mentor encouraged the student to go to the American missions. Peter would become famous as the apostle to the thousands of slaves brought over from Africa and who landed in Cartagena.

Alphonsus practised very severe penances and suffered sometimes from scruples. His obedience was total and at all times he was steeped in prayer. He left behind quite an amount of writing, some of it simply notes from spiritual talks given to the community. He had no intention of making them public and some were written in obedience to superiors. 

He died on 31 October 1617 aged 84 at Palma, Mallorca and was declared Venerable in 1626. In 1633 he was chosen by the Council General of Majorca as one of the special patrons of the city and island.

In 1760 Pope Clement XIII decreed that “the virtues of the Venerable Alonso were proved to be of a heroic degree” but the expulsion of the Jesuits from Spain in 1773 and their suppression, delayed his beatification until 1825. He was canonised by Pope Leo XIII on 6 September, 1887. 

His remains are enshrined at Majorca.

Alphonsus is remembered for his fidelity, kindness, spiritual struggles, and widespread influence as a counsellor to the students and others who sought his advice. He features in a poem by the Jesuit poet, Gerard Manley Hopkins, who recalled his outstanding holiness in a singularly unspectacular and humdrum life:

Yet God (that hews mountain and continent, 

Earth, all, out; who, with trickling increment, 

Veins violets and tall trees makes more and more) 
Could crowd career with conquest while there went 
Those years and years by of world without event 
That in Majorca Alfonso watched the door.

St. Alphonsus Rodriguez, SJ (1533–1617) By Bert Ghezzi From Voices of the Saints Some saints attack the world head-on, like St. Peter Claver, the friend and disciple of St. Alphonsus Rodriguez. Others like Alphonsus himself fight personal battles against failure, loss, temptation, and disease. We tend to admire more activist champions such as Peter Claver, who worked among slaves for forty years. But why should we think any the less of saints such as Alphonsus, who was more like us in his ordinariness and suffering? And who showed us how to be faithful in long lasting spiritual and personal struggles? Alphonsus’s early years in Segovia, Spain, are a story of tragedies. When he was fourteen, his father died and he left school to help his mother run the family business. At twenty-three he married, but his wife died in childbirth three years later. Within a few years his mother and son also died. On top of this, his business was failing, so he sold it. Recognizing a late vocation to religious life, he applied for admission to the Jesuits at Segovia, but was refused because he was not educated. Undaunted, Alphonsus returned to Latin school, humbly bearing the ridicule of his adolescent classmates. Finally, in 1571, the Jesuit provincial accepted him as a lay brother. He was sent to Montesione College on Majorca, where he served as doorkeeper for forty-five years. His post allowed him to minister to many visitors. And he became the spiritual adviser to many students. He exerted wide-reaching influence, most notably in guiding St. Peter Claver into his mission to the slaves. Alphonsus adhered to a few simple spiritual guidelines that navigated him through his troubles and trials. For example, a method for finding joy in hardship: Another exercise is very valuable for the imitation of Christ—for love of him, taking the sweet for the bitter and the bitter for sweet. So, I put myself in spirit before our crucified Lord, looking at him full of sorrow, shedding his blood and bearing great bodily hardships for me. As love is paid for in love, I must imitate him, sharing in spirit all his sufferings. I must consider how much I owe him and what he has done for me. Putting these sufferings between God and my soul, I must say, “What does it matter, my God, that I should endure for your love these small hardships? For you, Lord, endured so many great hardships for me.” Amid the hardship and trial itself, I stimulate my heart with this exercise. Thus, I encourage myself to endure for love of the Lord who is before me, until I make what is bitter sweet. In this way learning from Christ our Lord, I take and convert the sweet into bitter, renouncing myself and all earthly and carnal pleasures, delights and honors of this life, so that my whole heart is centered solely on God. In his old age, Alphonsus experienced no relief from his trials. The more he mortified himself, the more he seemed to be subject to spiritual dryness, vigorous temptations, and even diabolical assaults. In 1617 his body was ravaged with disease and he died at midnight, October 30. Yet God (that hews mountain and continent, Earth, all, out; who, with trickling increment, Veins violets and tall trees makes more and more) Could crowd career with conquest while there went Those years and years by without event That in Majorca Alfonso watched the door.

—Gerard Manley Hopkins Excerpt from Voices of the Saints by Bert Ghezzi. –

See more at:

Sant' Alfonso Rodriguez Vedovo, Religioso gesuita

Segovia, Spagna, 25 luglio 1533 - Palma di Maiorca, 30 ottobre 1617

Alfonso era un mercante, nato a Segovia, in Spagna, nel 1533. Si era sposato e aveva avuto due figli ma fu sconvolto dalla perdita della moglie e dei beni. A 35 anni tornò a scuola, proseguendo faticosamente gli studi interrotti in gioventù. Si presentò, quasi vecchio, come novizio in un convento della Compagnia di Gesù. Venne accolto, ma volle restare fratello coadiutore, addetto al servizio materiale della comunità. Divenne così portinaio nel convento dell'isola di Maiorca, da dove passavano i missionari diretti in America. Per tutti l'incontro con il santo portinaio era un'esperienza illuminante e a volte decisiva, come nel caso di san Pietro Claver, l'«apostolo degli schiavi». I suoi scritti furono raccolti dopo la morte, avvenuta il 31 ottobre del 1617. (Avvenire)

Etimologia: Alfonso = valoroso e nobile, dal gotico

Martirologio Romano: Nell’isola di Palma di Maiorca, sant’Alfonso Rodríguez, che, perduti la moglie, i figli e tutti i suoi beni, fu accolto come religioso nella Compagnia di Gesù, dove svolse per molti anni la mansione di portinaio nel Collegio, divenendo un esempio di umiltà, obbedienza e costanza nel sacrificio.

Alfonso Rodriguez che la Chiesa ci fa festeggiare il 31 ottobre, nacque in Spagna, a Segovia nel 1531. Morì nel 1617, a Palma di Maiorca. E’ il patrono dei portieri e degli uscieri e patrono di Palma di Maiorca. Coltivò fin da giovane il desiderio di consacrarsi a Dio e di diventare sacerdote finchè entrò nella Compagnia di Gesù in Spagna. Veniva da una famiglia di mercanti di lana e tessitori di stoffe ed era molto applicato allo studio che seguiva con profitto nel collegio dei gesuiti di Alcalà. A ventitrè anni però, in seguito alla morte prematura del padre, Alfonso fu costretto a ritornare nella sua famiglia per dirigere la piccola impresa familiare ereditata dal padre. Gli affari però non andavano bene e non interessavano affatto il giovane Alfonso, che nel frattempo si era sposato e aveva avuto due bambini. Un’esperienza che gli procurò nuove sofferenze perché, pochi anni dopo, Alfonso perse drammaticamente anche la moglie. Un giorno Alfonso, provato dalle traversie della vita e dalla sofferenza, cedette tutti i suoi beni al fratello e si trasferì a Valencia, per entrare nuovamente nella Compagnia di Gesù.

I padri gesuiti lo accolsero e qualche anno dopo lo inviarono nel Collegio di Monte Sion di Palma di Maiorca dove Alfonso rimase per tutto il resto della sua vita. A Palma di Maiorca svolse, per oltre trent’anni, il compito di portinaio trovando in questa professione la pace dell’anima e anche la via che lo condusse alle vette della santità.

E come i custodi e gli uscieri vigilano sulle case e sui palazzi delle famiglie che vi abitano, così Alfonso Rodriguez vegliava sul Collegio e su quanti si affacciavano alla porta dei gesuiti in cerca di un aiuto, un consiglio, una preghiera. Per tutti aveva parole di incoraggiamento e di stimolo alla conversione del cuore e all’amore fraterno.

Uomo semplice e umile, straordinariamente servizievole, tanto rigido con se stesso quanto caritatevole con gli altri, trovò nel suo ufficio quotidiano l’occasione opportuna per esercitare un apostolato continuo ed efficace. A rendere più efficace il suo apostolato contribuivano anche i numerosi carismi dei quali il Signore lo aveva dotato, primo fra tutti quello delle visioni e poi della preveggenza e dei miracoli.

All’umile portinaio Dio aveva anche donato una intensa esperienza mistica che contribuì a svolgere con profitto, insieme a quello di portinaio, il compito anche di padre spirituale dei novizi che si rivolgevano a lui con sempre maggiore frequenza per essere illuminati sulle vie di Dio.

Tra i novizi ci fu anche Pietro Claver, il santo apostolo delle Indie che tanto stimava Alfonso Rodriguez per la sua santità, e al quale lo stesso Alfonso profetizzò la sua futura missione. Grande era la devozione che Alfonso nutriva per la Santissima Vergine che pregava soprattutto con il Rosario; grazie all’intercessione della Madre di Dio, infatti, si compirono eventi straordinari.

Ha scritto diversi insegnamenti  di carattere ascetico e mistico tra i quali le famose “ Memorie ” redatte per ordine dei suoi superiori, splendida manifestazione della santità e della sapienza interiore di una creatura straordinariamente plasmata da Dio. Il santo portinaio gesuita aveva una particolare riverenza per il suo angelo custode e ogni giorno, mattina e sera, sia nell’alzarsi da letto che nel coricarsi si raccomandava sempre alla celeste protezione che talvolta sperimentò in un modo anche sensibile.

Una sera fratel Alfonso con la mente rivolta a Dio, come era suo costume abituale, stava salendo per una scala interna del convento, quando da una finestra che dava nel cortile della cisterna sentì emanare un alito pestifero. Era il demonio che in tal modo voleva soffocarlo. Il santo gesuita svenne e sarebbe caduto per tutte le s cale se non fosse stato materialmente sorretto dal suo angelo custode che immediatamente purificò l’aria e lo accompagnò sano e salvo nella sua stanza.

Fratel Rodriguez ricavò da questo episodio uno scritto che poi fu stampato postumo insieme ad altri suoi documenti, in cui dichiarava quale effetto nefasto produca nell’anima il peccato.

Così scrisse: “ siccome quando taluno di repente venisse sorpreso da un soffio di aria pestilenziale, questa potrebbe con tal violenza colpirlo, da soffocargli in un momento tutta la virtù naturale, e la vita, opprimendolo ed uccidendolo subito,così l’anima perdendo l’amicizia e grazia di Dio viene infetta da quella corruzione pestifera e mortale del peccato, colla quale resta subitamente senza vita e spirito, e sepolta in eterna morte”.

Autore: Don Marcello Stanzione

Saint ANGELO d'ACRI (LUCANTONIO FALCONE) , prêtre capucin

Saint Ange

Prêtre capucin (+ 1739)

- trente martyrs brésiliens, trois jeunes Mexicains, martyrs également, le père piariste Faustino Miguez, et le père capucin Angelo da Acri canonisés à Rome le 15 octobre 2017. (vidéo: Messe et Canonisations)

Consistoire pour la canonisation de bienheureux le 20 avril 2017.

décret du 23 mars 2017 reconnaissant un miracle attribué au bienheureux Angelo da Acri (Luca Antonio Falcone) né le 19 octobre 1669 et mort le 30 octobre 1739, en italien.

Originaire de la Calabre, Luc Antoine Falcone hésita beaucoup avant de devenir religieux. Bel exemple de persévérance, par trois fois, il entra chez les Pères Capucins puis en sortit. Mais dès qu'il eût fait ses premiers vœux sous le nom de frère Ange, il se lança sur le chemin de la perfection. Prédicateur, il préparait ses sermons avec beaucoup de conscience dans les premiers temps, mais, au moment de les prononcer, il perdait la mémoire. Il comprit alors que c'était là volonté de Dieu et se mit à lire, relire et méditer les Saintes Écritures. Tout spontanément cette méditation incessante enflammait ses paroles, communiquant aux autres les sentiments spirituels dont il avait été pénétré par elle. Ses extases devinrent fréquentes et jusqu'à sa mort il répétait « Oh! qu'il est beau d'aimer Dieu! » et c'est ainsi qu'il rendit tranquillement son esprit.

Béatifié le 18 Décembre 1825 par le pape Léon XII.

À Acri en Calabre, l’an 1739, le bienheureux Ange, prêtre capucin, qui parcourut infatigablement le royaume de Naples en prêchant la parole de Dieu dans un langage accessible aux gens simples.

Martyrologe romain


Angelo d'Acri from Vita Del Beato Angelo Di Acri Missionario Cappuccino Della Provincia Di Calabria Citra Nel

Regno Di Napoli (1825)

Bienheureux Ange d'Acri



Le bienheureux Ange d'Acri, né dans la Calabre, de parents pauvres, eut le bonheur d'avoir pour maître, dans son enfance, un pieux capucin qui lui apprit à méditer chaque jour la Passion de Jésus-Christ et à s'approcher souvent du sacrement de Pénitence et de la Table Sainte. Quelle édification pour tous de voir cet enfant passer deux ou trois heures de suite dans la contemplation des souffrances du Sauveur!

A dix-huit ans, il entra chez les Capucins; mais il en sortit plusieurs fois par inconstance. La troisième fois il se mortifia si bien, il se mit à l'oeuvre avec tant de courage, qu'il obtint la grâce de la persévérance et même dépassa de beaucoup la mesure commune de la perfection des religieux. Au jour de sa première Messe, il tomba en extase après la consécration, ce qui lui arriva souvent dans la suite. Son désir était de passer sa vie dans le silence du couvent, tout occupé de Dieu et de son âme; mais le Ciel le destinait à de grandes oeuvres.

Ses premières prédications furent laborieuses, car la mémoire lui fit défaut, et il lui fut impossible de prêcher ses sermons comme il les avait écrits. Craignant de ne pas être appelé à la vie de missionnaire, il pria Dieu avec ferveur de lui manifester Sa Volonté. Il entendit un jour, pendant sa prière, une voix qui lui dit: "Ne crains rien, je te donnerai le don de la prédication, et désormais toutes tes fatigues seront bénies. Tu prêcheras à l'avenir dans un style familier, afin que tous puissent comprendre tes discours."

Désormais il abandonne ses écrits et ses livres, pour se borner à l'étude de l'Écriture Sainte et du grand livre du Crucifix. Son éloquence, puisée à ces sources, devint si chaude et si profonde, que les plus savants eux-mêmes en étaient ravis d'admiration. Pendant trente-huit années d'apostolat, malgré les efforts de l'enfer, il opéra un bien immense dans la Calabre. Sa grande force, son argument invincible, était surtout le souvenir de la Passion; il n'en parlait jamais sans faire pleurer son auditoire.

Abbé L. Jaud, Vie des Saints pour tous les jours de l'année, Tours, Mame, 1950


Antica stampa dei primi del 1800 che raffigura,il Miracolo delle Tre Croci avvenuto ad Amantea nel 1700.

Lucantonio Falcone, en français Luc Antoine Falcone, naquit le 19 octobre 1669 à Acri, ville de Calabre. Ses parents, Francesco Falcone et Diana Enrico étaient des pauvres, riches en vertus chrétiennes. Lucantonio eut le grand bonheur d'avoir, dès son jeune âge, un maître exceptionnel, un pieux capucin qui lui apprit à méditer, chaque jour, la Passion de Jésus-Christ. Puis, il demanda à Lucantonio de s'approcher souvent du sacrement de Pénitence et de la Table Sainte. Quelle surprise pour les personnes de son entourage, de pouvoir contempler un enfant qui méditait longuement chaque jour, les souffrances de Jésus.

Quand il eut 18 ans, Lucantonio entra chez les Frères mineurs capucins. Mais son inconstance, son manque d'attention et ses distractions le firent renvoyer de son couvent à plusieurs reprises. Enfin, après de longs et durs efforts, il put être accepté.  Lors de ses premiers vœux, il prit le nom de Frère Ange, et immédiatement voulut se lancer dans la perfection. Devenu prêtre, le jour de sa première Messe, il tomba en extase après la consécration; cela lui arriva souvent dans la suite. Pourtant il rencontrait  de très grandes difficultés pour prêcher. Comprenant que la volonté de Dieu l'appelait vers d'autres apostolats, il se mit à étudier longuement les saintes Écritures et à méditer sur la Passion de Jésus. Et il priait Dieu de lui manifester sa Volonté.

C'est alors qu'une voix intérieure lui dit un jour, pendant sa prière: "Ne crains rien, je te donnerai le don de la prédication, et désormais toutes tes fatigues seront bénies. Tu prêcheras à l'avenir dans un style familier, afin que tous puissent comprendre tes discours." Dès lors, comme il méditait constamment les Écritures, ses prédications enflammaient spirituellement tous ses auditeurs de la Calabre qu'il parcourait, et les conduisaient à se convertir. Son éloquence, puisée aux sources divines, devint d'une profondeur telle que même les plus grands théologiens étaient dans l'admiration. Son sujet favori était toujours le souvenir de la Passion de Jésus-Christ. Chaque fois qu'il en parlait, il faisait pleurer son auditoire.

Cet apostolat dura 38 ans, opérant un bien immense dans toute la Calabre.

Les extases de Frère Ange furent très fréquentes et jusqu'à sa mort il répétait constamment: "Oh! qu'il est beau d'aimer Dieu!" C'est en disant cela, alors qu'il était devenu aveugle, que Frère Ange d'Acri mourut, le 30 octobre 1739, à l'âge de 70 ans. Il fut béatifié le 18 Décembre 1825 par le pape Léon XII. Frère Ange est le saint-patron de la ville d'Acri.

Je vais maintenant vous donner quelques précisions sur la vie spirituelle du Bienheureux Ange d'Acri.

En 1714, Frère Ange avait quarante cinq ans, pendant qu'il méditait sur la passion de Jésus, il sentit tout à coup, dans tout son corps une intense douleur, comme si son corps était traversé par une épée. Soudain il vit Jésus couvert de sang après sa flagellation. Plein de compassion pour Jésus, Frère ange offrit sa propre douleur à Jésus. Le Seigneur accepta cette offrande et demanda:

– Que veux-tu?

– Seigneur, répondit Ange, je veux ce que vous voulez.

La vision disparut mais la douleur, sans être aussi violente que pendant cet instant, dura jusqu'à la mort du Bienheureux.

Ange fut un grand extatique et l'extase le prenait partout; mais l'obéissance dominait toujours et quand des évêques ou ses supérieurs lui intimaient l'ordre de revenir sur la terre, aussitôt l'extase cessait et Frère ange faisait ce qu'on lui demandait. On rapporte aussi que Frère Ange lévitait parfois, au cours, notamment, de ses homélies. Ainsi, en 1722, au cours d'une mission à Arpigliano il tomba en ravissement en tenant un crucifix. Son corps s'éleva au-dessus de l'estrade où il se trouvait et quoique sa main fut ouverte, le crucifix ne tomba pas. En 1725, à Monteleone, au cours d'une retraite qu'il prêchait, il fut élevé au-dessus de la chaire d'où il prêchait et resta ainsi au-dessus du sol, pendant une longue extase. Souvent, pendant ses sermons, on le voyait resplendissant de lumière.

Certes, ce ne sont pas ces phénomènes qui font la sainteté. Mais n'oublions jamais que lorsque Dieu favorise certains de ses saints de tels dons, c'est toujours pour accroître la foi parfois défaillante de ceux qui les entourent, et les conduire à l'Amour de Dieu et du prochain, par Jésus-Christ Notre Seigneur.

Paulette Leblanc


Bx Ange (Angelo) d’Acri 

Prêtre o.f.m. cap.


Angelo, au siècle Lucantonio, naît le 19 octobre 1669 à Acri, en Calabre, de Francesco Falcone et de Diana Enrico : parents pauvres mais riches en vertus chrétiennes.  Il eut le bonheur d'avoir pour maître, dans son enfance, un pieux capucin qui lui apprit à méditer chaque jour la Passion de Jésus-Christ et à s'approcher souvent du sacrement de Pénitence et de la Table Sainte. Quelle édification pour tous de voir cet enfant passer deux ou trois heures de suite dans la contemplation des souffrances du Sauveur !

À dix-huit ans, il entra chez les Capucins ; mais il en sortit plusieurs fois par inconstance. La troisième fois il se mortifia si bien, il se mit à l'œuvre avec tant de courage, qu'il obtint la grâce de la persévérance et même dépassa de beaucoup la mesure commune de la perfection des religieux. Au jour de sa première Messe, il tomba en extase après la consécration, ce qui lui arriva souvent dans la suite.

Son désir était de passer sa vie dans le silence du couvent, tout occupé de Dieu et de son âme ; mais le Ciel le destinait à de grandes œuvres. Ses premières prédications furent laborieuses, car la mémoire lui fit défaut, et il lui fut impossible de prêcher ses sermons comme il les avait écrits. Craignant de ne pas être appelé à la vie de missionnaire, il pria Dieu avec ferveur de lui manifester sa Volonté. Il entendit un jour, pendant sa prière, une voix qui lui dit :

« Ne crains rien, je te donnerai le don de la prédication, et désormais toutes tes fatigues seront bénies. Tu prêcheras à l'avenir dans un style familier, afin que tous puissent comprendre tes discours. »

Désormais il abandonne ses écrits et ses livres, pour se borner à l'étude de l'Écriture Sainte et du grand livre du Crucifix.

Son éloquence, puisée à ces sources, devint si chaude et si profonde, que les plus savants eux-mêmes en étaient ravis d'admiration. Pendant trente-huit années d'apostolat, malgré les efforts de l'enfer, il opéra un bien immense dans la Calabre. Sa grande force, son argument invincible, était surtout le souvenir de la Passion ; il n'en parlait jamais sans faire pleurer son auditoire.

Il passa de la terre au ciel le 30 octobre 1739.

Angelo d'Acri fut béatifié le 09 décembre 1825 par le pape Léon XII (Annibale Sermattei Della Genga, 1823-1829).


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Cause des Saints: un miracle attribué à la prière de Lucantonio Falcone, capucin italien

Surnommé « l’Ange de la Paix » pour sa façon de gouverner le monastère


Le Vatican reconnaît un miracle dû à la prière du bienheureux Lucantonio Falcone (1669-1739), capucin italien, connu en religion sous le nom d’Ange d’Acri, ce qui ouvre la voie à sa canonisation.

Lors d’une audience accordée au cardinal Angelo Amato, le pape François a autorisé la Congrégation pour les Causes des saints à publier un décret reconnaissant l’authenticité d’un miracle comme dû à son intercession.

Né le 19 octobre 1669 à Acri, dans la  province de Cosenza en Calabre,  Lucantonio Falcone entre chez les Frères mineurs capucins à l’âge de 18 ans, mais, « oppressé par des doutes et des incertitudes, il quittedeux fois le noviciat et dépose l’habit religieux ».

En rentrant au couvent pour la troisième fois, il prend le nom d’Angelo d’Acri et peu de temps après, le 10 avril 1700, il est ordonné prêtre dans l’ancienne cathédrale de Cassano Jonio.

Il est élu supérieur provincial des capucins et on le surnomme « l’Ange de la Paix », pour sa façon de gouverner. Cependant, il quitte le monastère pour devenir missionnaire. Sans se lasser, il prêche l’Évangile en parcourant l’Italie de sud.

Mort le 30 octobre 1739, Lucantonio Falcone est proclamé bienheureux le 18 décembre 1825, par le pape Léon XII.


Blessed Angelus of Acri

Also known as

Angelo of Acri

Anioł z Acri

Luca Antonio Falcone


30 October


Twice refused admission to the Capuchins, but was finally accepted in 1690Priest. His first sermons were miserable but he overcame that, too, and became a famous and sought after preacher. Sought after home missioner in the Italian regions of Calabria and Naples, performing miraculous healings and converting thousands. Had the gifts of prophecybi-locationvisions, and the ability to see into men’s souls in Confession.


19 October 1669 at Acri, Cosenza, Italy


30 October 1739 at the friary of Acri, Consenza, Italy


17 June 1821 by Pope Pius VII (decree of heroic virtues)


18 December 1825 by Pope Leo XII



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MLA Citation

“Blessed Angelus of Acri“. CatholicSaints.Info. 29 June 2022. Web. 29 October 2022. <>


Blessed Angelo d'Acri

31 October


Luca Antonio Falcone was born in Acri (Cosenza) on 19 October 1669. He was confirmed on 24 June 1674. He felt called to religious life during the preaching of Br. Antonio da Olivadi. At Dipignano he entered the Capuchin novitiate but then returned to his family Again he entered the Capuchins in the Friary at Belvedere, on 8 November 1689, but this time too he returned home. On returning to the Capuchins a third time on 12 November 1690 he began his novitiate year at Belvedere. He took vows on 12 November 1691.

From 1695 to 1700 he completed his theological studies in various friaries and on 10 April 1700 he was ordained priest int he Cathedral of Cassano Jonio.

From 1702 to 1739 he preached throughout Calabria and the best part of southern Italy. There were prodigious signs and gifts. In 1724 he began the construction of a convent of Cappuccinelle. This opened on 17 June 1726.

He was apoointed noive master a number of times and provincial superior between 1717 and 1720. He was general visitator in 1735. He died in Acri on 30 October 1739.

The cause of his beatification began on 10 October 1744, just five years after his death. The cause concluded on 17 June 1821 and Leo XII proclaimed him blessed on 18 December 1825.

His remains are now in the sanctuary in Acri bult between 1893 and 1896. The sanctuary was raised to the status of minor basilica by John Paul II.

Download his story here.


Acri, Basilica dedicata al Beato Angelo d'Acri XIX secolo, veduta della faccita centrale, e del portone in bronzo decorato.

Blessed Angelo of Acri

(Angelo Benedetto di Acri)

Feast Day – October 30

While St Leonard of Port Maurice was bringing about a remarkable change of morals in northern and central Italy, Blessed Angelo was equally successful in southern Italy among the peasant population of the province of Calabria.

Born in the little town of Acri, and having spent his youthful years in perfect innocence, Blessed Angelo of Acri entered the Capuchin convent, but he did not persevere. This rigorous life frightened him and he returned home. He asked to be re-admitted and his request was granted, but again he weakened and left the convent. Unable to find peace, he made a third attempt, and was again permitted to enter. When the enemy of souls tried anew to shake his resolution, he cast himself upon his knees before a crucifix and cried out: “O Lord, I cannot trust myself. You know my weakness. Assist me with Your grace!”

God gave him special graces and he came forth victorious from the struggle. He now resolved to consecrate each hour of the day to some special mystery of the Passion of Christ. This furnished him with such strength and joy in his vocation that henceforth everything seemed easy.

As a priest his fervor at Holy Mass was sometimes so great that he was rapt in ecstasy and would spend a long time in thanksgiving, crying out with our holy Father St Francis: “O Love that is not loved! O Love, O Love!”

Ordered to prepare himself to preach missions, Angelo did so with the greatest care. He was to begin his mission career with the Lenten sermons at Carigliano in 1702. He began by addressing the large congregation with much zeal, but he had not advanced far when his memory failed him. He stopped short and had to leave the pulpit in confusion.

Returning to his cell, Blessed Angelo of Acri cast himself on his knees, acknowledged his shortcomings, and pleaded with God to make His will known to him. Then he heard a voice saying: “Fear nothing, I will grant you the gift of preaching.” Angelus asked: “Who are you?” At that moment his cell shook and he heard the words: “I Am who Am. In future you will preach in a familiar and simple style, so that all may understand your words.”

Now Angelo understood what God wanted of him. He resolved at once to drop that artificial style of preaching which depends for its success on personal effort, and to prepare more by prayer and meditation, trusting in the help of God. The results were proof that God was working through him. In future Blessed Angelo of Acri spoke with such clarity, power, and heavenly unction that his hearers were deeply moved.

Father Angelo did untold good as he traveled from parish to parish, but once again a great humiliation awaited him. It was in Naples, where the cardinal-archbishop had urged him to preach. There were some who jeered and laughed at him because of his simple language. But when Angelo called upon the congregation at the next sermon to pray for an unfortunate soul that was going to meet with a sudden death, and the principal scoffer presently dropped death while leaving the church, the people recognized that they had mocked a saint. Now they listened to his lessons as to one sent by God, and God Himself confirmed his words by many miracles. Blessed Angelo also received the grace to read the hearts of men, so that he disclosed to them the sins they concealed or forgot in confession.

After laboring untiringly in the vineyard of the Lord for more than thirty-six years, Blessed Angelo of Acri died, worn out by work but rich in heavenly merits, on October 30, 1739. The many miracles that occurred even after his death induced Pope Leo XII to beatify him in the year 1825. The Franciscans and the Capuchins celebrate the feast of Blessed Angelo on October thiertieth.

From: The Franciscan Book of Saints, Marion A. Habig, OFM


Gambini, Macario Cavagna Sangiuliani di Gualdana, Antonio, conte, 1843-1913, former owner. IU-R,

Vita del gran servo di Dio Angelo d'Acri, missionario, exprovinciale cappuccino, della provincia di Cosenza,

1754 (1750s), Venezia : G. Tevernin

Sant' Angelo d’Acri (Lucantonio Falcone) Sacerdote cappuccino

30 ottobre

Acri, Cosenza, 19 ottobre 1669 - 30 ottobre 1739

Nato nel 1669 ad Acri (Cosenza), Lucantonio Falcone ebbe un cammino vocazionale singolarmente travagliato. Entrò e uscì dal noviziato cappuccino per ben due volte. Il terzo tentativo fu decisivo. Venne ordinato sacerdote nel 1700 nella cattedrale di Cassano. Esercitò il suo apostolato come padre provinciale e, soprattutto, come predicatore in tutto il Mezzogiorno per 40 anni. Era conosciuto come l'«Angelo della pace». In vita e dopo la morte, avvenuta nel 1739, compì numerosi miracoli. Il suo corpo è venerato nella basilica di Acri, che è a lui dedicata. È stato beatificato da Papa Leone XII nel 1825. (Avvenire)

Martirologio Romano: Ad Acri in Calabria, beato Angelo, sacerdote dell’Ordine dei Frati Minori Cappuccini, che, percorrendo instancabilmente il regno di Napoli, predicò la parola di Dio con un linguaggio adatto ai semplici.

Era il 19 ottobre 1669 quando ad Acri, in provincia di Cosenza, nasceva Lucantonio Falcone. Poveri i suoi genitori, ma ricchi di virtù cristiane.

Singolare, anzi forse unica, nella storia dei religiosi, fu la sua vocazione. A diciotto anni chiese ed ottenne di farsi frate cappuccino, ma oppresso da dubbi e incertezze per due volte lasciò il noviziato, depose l’abito religioso e ritornò a casa dove pensava di costruirsi una vita al pari degli altri.

Pur circondato dall’affetto della tenerissima madre, il suo cuore restava inquieto, perché i disegni di Dio su di lui erano diversi. Rientrò in convento per la terza volta: misticamente moriva Lucantonio Falcone e nasceva frate Angelo d’Acri. A passi da gigante percorse tutte le tappe di vita religiosa che lo portarono al Sacerdozio, il 10 Aprile del 1700, nell’antica Cattedrale di Cassano allo Jonio.

Sulle sue spalle montanare subito caddero pesanti responsabilità e delicati incarichi che assolse con impegno e successo: fu Superiore Provinciale dei Cappuccini e per il suo modo di governo venne chiamato «Angelo della pace».

Il suo principale servizio alla Chiesa e all’Ordine Cappuccino, tuttavia, consistette nella predicazione sistematica, per quarant’anni. Era divenuto il missionario più ricercato ed ascoltato dell’Italia meridionale, tanto che si diceva che, quando predicava, «nelle case non ci restavanu mancu li gatti».
La vita di padre Angelo d’Acri è stata una rappresentazione vivente di Gesù, non tanto esteriore, ma interiore. Le testimonianze giurate ricordano che recitava a memoria la Sacra Scrittura e che ne faceva sempre uso nell’evangelizzazione del popolo.

Il 30 ottobre 1739, fisicamente sfinito dalle fatiche apostoliche, se ne volava al Cielo. Il 18 dicembre 1825, papa Leone XII proclamò Beato il Cappuccino di Acri. Il suo corpo, ricomposto, divenne oggetto di quotidiana venerazione nella Basilica a lui dedicata.

Per la sua canonizzazione è stato riconosciuto un ulteriore miracolo: la guarigione di un giovane acrense, Salvatore Palumbo, rimasto vittima di un incidente nel marzo 2010, mentre guidava un quad. Condotto all’ospedale dell’Annunziata a Cosenza, versò presto in gravi condizioni: aveva perso il controllo del mezzo e si era scontrato con un palo della linea telefonica.

I parenti di Salvatore, allora, chiesero ai Cappuccini di Acri una reliquia del Beato Angelo: il cordone del suo saio fu posto accanto ai macchinari che tenevano in vita il giovane, che il giorno dopo ridiede segnali di ripresa e fu solo bisognoso di riabilitazione.

Il processo diocesano sul miracolo si svolse nel 2014 e fu convalidato il 20 marzo 2015. Il 23 marzo 2017, ricevendo in udienza il Prefetto della Congregazione delle Cause dei Santi, papa Francesco ha autorizzato la promulgazione del decreto con cui la guarigione di Salvatore poteva essere dichiarata inspiegabile, completa, duratura e ottenuta tramite l’intercessione di padre Angelo d’Acri. La sua canonizzazione, nel Concistoro del 20 aprile 2016, è stata fissata a domenica 15 ottobre 2017.

Autore: Carmelo Randello ed Emilia Flocchini

C’è chi si vede contrastare la vocazione in famiglia e c’è chi i maggiori contrasti li incontra nel suo cuore: a questi ultimi appartiene Lucantonio Falcone, nato ad Acri, provincia di Cosenza, il 19 ottobre 1669. La famiglia, religiosissima e di saldi principi, non si sarebbe mai sognata di contrastare la sua vocazione, ma il brutto è che Lucantonio i contrasti se li sente dentro. Quando a 15 anni incontra un cappuccino carismatico gli sembra di capire che solo tra i cappuccini potrà realizzare la sua vocazione. A 19 anni prende il saio, ma pochi mesi dopo se ne torna a casa perché gli sembra di sentirsi chiamato a formare una famiglia tutta sua. Si ripente e torna in convento, ma torna a deporre il saio perché non si sente all’altezza della vocazione religiosa. Non ci troviamo di fronte all’eterno indeciso o ad una vocazione fragile, ma semplicemente ad un giovane che con fatica ricerca la sua strada, certamente contrastato da colui che in seguito egli avrebbe sempre combattuto, il diavolo, che forse già prevede gli smacchi che quel cappuccino gli farà subire. Torna così di nuovo in convento, questa volta per sempre. Gli cambiano il nome in Fra Angelo e viene ordinato prete nel 1700: presto però lo soprannomineranno “angelo della pace” e “apostolo del Mezzogiorno”. Infatti, se sulle sue spalle vengono a ricadere i pesanti e gravosi incarichi che il suo Odine gli affida, la sua “professione” principale diventa ben presto la predicazione. Predica per quasi 40 anni: all’inizio come gli hanno insegnato e secondo l’uso del tempo, con ampollosità e retorica. Famosa è la predica “barocca”, preparata con tanta cura, che lo zelante predicatore impara a memoria prima di salire sul pulpito dove, appena giunto, perde subito il filo del discorso e fa scena muta, vergognandosene terribilmente. Cambia allora stile, impara a parlare in modo popolare e semplice, per farsi capire anche dai “cafoni” che apprezzano la sua oratoria spontanea e si convertono in massa, tanto che quando predica “nelle case nun ci restavanu mancu li gatti”. Non così a Napoli, dove giunge chiamato dal Cardinal Pignatelli e.. ”predica alle panche”, perché gli intellettuali, accorsi numerosi a sentire il famoso predicatore, rimangono delusi dalla sua oratoria scarna e senza fronzoli. Uno solo intuisce il “danno” che un simile predicatore può fare e inizia a temere e boicottare Padre Angelo: il demonio. Quasi anticipatore di Padre Pio, Padre Angelo intraprende una lunga lotta contro il maligno, ricevendone in cambio tentazioni e botte: come il santo di Pietrelcina, anche Padre Angelo si ritrova con la testa fracassata, il corpo flagellato, le gambe sanguinanti dopo aver sostenuto battaglia contro il demonio, che lo chiama “straccione” e “ladro” perché gli porta via le anime che già credeva sue per sempre. E come Padre Pio, contro il demonio, oltre l’arma della preghiera e della penitenza, sfodera quella dell’umorismo. Tutto contribuisce a sfinire questo predicatore e questo missionario, che se ne va il 30 ottobre 1739, poco più che settantenne e la Chiesa fa memoria oggi del Beato Angelo d’Acri, tale solennemente proclamato da Leone XII, nel 1825.

Autore: Gianpiero Pettiti


Chiesa del Monte dei Morti e della Misericordia, Catanzaro.

Angelus von Acri

italienischer Name: Angelo d'Acri

Taufname: Lucantonio Falcone

Gedenktag katholisch: 30. Oktober

nicht gebotener Gedenktag im Kapuzinerorden: 31. Oktober

Name bedeutet: L: aus Lukanien stammend (griech. - latein.) und

Ant: der kleine vorne Stehende (latein.: aus dem Geschlecht der Antonier)

Ang: der Engel (latein.)

Ordensmann, Priester

* 19. Oktober 1669 in Acri in Kalabrien in Italien

† 30. Oktober 1739 daselbst

Lucantonio Falcone entstammte bescheidenen Verhältnissen. Von seinem Onkel wurde er religiös erzogen. Nach einigem Zögern - beim ersten Anlauf mit 18 Jahren hatte er bereits nach wenigen Monaten genug vom strengen Ordensleben und ging wieder nach Hause, auch ein zweiter Anlauf endete ebenso - entschloss er sich Ende 1690 endgültig zum Einritt in den Kapuzinerorden im 1595 gegründeten Kloster in Belvedere Marittimo mit dem Ordensnamen Angelus, wo er 1691 seine Gelübde ablegte, und zur Ausbildung zum Priester. 1700 wurde er in der Kathedrale von Cosenza zum Priester geweiht.

Angelus wirkte dann als Volksprediger mit verständlicher Sprache und predigte in fast allen süditalienischen Städten wie SalernoCosenzaCatanzaroReggio di CalabriaMessina 1 und Neapel, auf dem Montecassino sowie in vielen Dörfern von Kalabrien und in Mittelitalien. Dabei stellte er in den Mittelpunkt seiner Botschaft das Leiden Christi, kritisierte Missbrauch und Arroganz der Mächtigen, forderte die Bestrafung der Korruption und prangerte soziale Ungerechtigkeit an.

Von 1717 bis 1720 wirkte Angelus als Provinzial seines Ordens. Ihm wurden göttliche Visionen zuteil und er verfügte über die Fähigkeit zur Bilokation, also der zeitgleichen Gegenwart an zwei verschiedenen Orten. 1724 begann er in Acri mit dem Bau eines Kapuzinerklosters, das 1726 eröffnet wurde. Die Schrift Gesù piissimo, frömmster Jesus, stammt aus seiner Feder.

Erzählt wird, dass der Teufel nach Angelus' Tod keck schreiend umherging, weil endlich der Dieb von Acri tot war, der ihm so viele Seelen geraubt habe, die früher seine gewesen waren.

1898 wurde in Acri die Angelus geweihte Basilika mit seinem Grab eröffnet.

 Kanonisation: Angelus wurde am 9. Dezember 1825 durch Papst Leo XII. seliggesprochen. Am 15. Oktober 2017 wurde er von Papst Franziskus heiliggesprochen.

 An der Stelle des damaligen Kapuzinerklosters steht heute das von Jesuiten geführte Kolleg Sant'Ignazio.

Worte des Heiligen

Aus einer Predigt zum 2. Sonntag in der Fastenzeit, zum Evangelium von der Verklärung Christi:

Ihr törichten und verrückten Weltleute, ihr hofft, dass es genügt, nur ein Christ zu sein, um einmal unsere vollkommene Heimat genießen zu können; ihr lasst ab, gut zu handeln und lebt wie solche Häretiker, die sich nur rühmen, Christen zu sein, und davon ablassen, gute Werke zu vollbringen, und fälschlicherweise behaupten, dass allein der Glaube genügt. … So handelst auch du, der du nur dem Namen nach ein Christ bist; und wenn du es auch nicht offen wagst, der Kirche den Gehorsam zu verweigern, so geschieht das nur aus Furcht, da du mit deinem Tun ihn nicht nur verweigerst, sondern ihn sogar ablehnst. So brichst du das Gesetz Gottes, das doch der Weg ist, der zur himmlischen Stadt führt, und lässt die Prinzipien der römischen katholischen Kirche außer Acht, die doch wie eine Hecke den schönen Weinberg des Gesetzes des Evangeliums schützen.

Hofft also nicht, dass es genügt nur ein Christ zu sein und dabei Werke vollbringt, die dem was ihr in der Taufe versprochen habt, völlig entgegengesetzt sind: Eure Taten sind völlig entgegengesetzt dem, was ihr versprochen habt, da ihr nicht dem Beispiel Christi folgt, der obwohl er ein gehorsamer Sohn war, die Ebene hinter sich lässt und sich auf die hohen Berge zurückzieht, um die [himmlische] Herrlichkeit zu genießen; das will nichts anderes besagen, als dass es nicht genügt, bloß ein Christ zu sein, sondern auch die guten Werke nötig sind, die man erwirbt durch die Beobachtung des Gesetzes des Evangeliums, was durch den sehr hohen Berg versinnbildlicht wird; und dazu nahm er auch PetrusJakobus und Johannes mit sich: Und er führte sie mit sich auf einen hohen Berg. So bezeugten sie der Welt, dass der, der aus einem Armen reich werden will, notwendigerweise Mühen auf sich nehmen muss: D. h. der Sünder, der arm ist an Tugend, aber zur himmlischen Heimat gelangen will, muss sich von den Ebenen der Gelegenheit zum Schlechten trennen, die ihn Gott beleidigen lässt, mit so vielen Schmähungen, mit Hass, Murren und Neid, auf dass er so ein guter Christ werde: Das bedeutet die Verklärung Christi: Und er wurde vor ihnen verklärt; d. h. nach dem Gesetz Gottes zu wandeln; so werden wir zu wahren Söhnen der Heiligen Römisch-Katholischen Kirche, so erreichen wir das himmlische Jerusalem, so kommen wir in sein Haus und treten vor sein Angesicht, bekleidet mit den Werken, die wir im gegenwärtigen Leben getan haben, … und so werden wir im Himmel ewig leuchten wie die Sonne, wenn wir neben Christus stehen: Und es leuchtete sein Antlitz wie die Sonne, seine Gewänder aber wurden weiß wie Schnee.

Quelle: Vincenzo Criscuolo: Gli scritti del Beato Angelo d'Acri. Istituto Storico dei Capuccini, Rom 2004, S. 149f; eigene Übersetzung

Zitat von Angelus von Acri:

Aus einem Brief an einen Mitbruder:

Wenn Sie ihren Geist dort beruhigen wollen, wo die wahre Demut herrscht, dann streben Sie ja nicht nach ihrer eigenen Ehre, sondern handeln in allem nach den Zehn Geboten Gottes, nach den Vorschriften unserer Mutter, der heiligen Kirche, nach den Versprechen, die Sie Gott mit Ihrem Gelübde gemacht haben, nach den Räten, die die Kirche uns nach dem heiligen Evangelium gibt. Im Übrigen gleichen Sie sich in allem dem an, was Gott will, und mit der Freude des Herzens und in Wahrheit werden Sie sagen: Vater unser, der du bist im Himmel; dein Wille geschehe wie im Himmel, so auf der Erde.

Quelle: Beati Angeli ab Acrio duae litterae ineditae cum aliis de eodem memoriis. In: Analecta Ordinis Minorum Capuccinorum, Rom 1904, S. 313ff; eigene Übersetzung

zusammengestellt von Abt em. Dr. Emmeram Kränkl OSB,
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Autor: Joachim Schäfer - zuletzt aktualisiert am 05.05.2022




• Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, begr. von Michael Buchberger. Hrsg. von Walter Kasper, 3., völlig neu bearb. Aufl., Bd. 1. Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 1993


korrekt zitieren: Joachim Schäfer: Artikel Angelus von Acri, aus dem Ökumenischen Heiligenlexikon -, abgerufen am 29. 10. 2022

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Błogosławiony Anioł z Acri

Błogosławiony Anioł z Acri urodził się 19 października 1669 roku w Acri (Cosenza) jako syn Franciszka Falcone i Diany Errico. Na chrzcie świętym nadano mu imiona Łukasz Antoni. Po śmierci ojca jego wychowaniem i wykształceniem zajął się brat jego matki, ks. Domenico Errico. Sądził, że po ukończeniu szkół Łukasz będzie podporą dla matki.

On jednak w wieku dziewiętnastu lat postanowił wstąpić do zakonu kapucynów. Wszedł na drogę, na której miał napotkać wiele trudności zewnętrznych i wewnętrznych, opór i sprzeciw bliskich, pokusy szatańskie, osobiste trudności. Po kilkunastu dniach przyszedł kryzys i rozczarowanie. Wydawało mu się, że nie znalazł w zakonie takiego ubóstwa, jakiego się spodziewał. Powrócił więc do domu. Nie odnalazł jednak pokoju.

Wobec tego, z pokorą i odwagą, przyszedł do klasztoru kapucyńskiego w Acri, by prosić o ponowne przyjęcie do zakonu. Ojciec prowincjał zgodził się i 8 listopada 1689 roku Łukasz Antoni został ponownie przyjęty do nowicjatu.

Ale i tym razem, ulegając pokusom, niepewności i zwątpieniom, opuścił nowicjat. Kiedy powrócił do domu zrozumiał, że się pomylił, i że nie powinien był tak łatwo poddawać się pokusom.

Zaczął więc gorąco modlić się i prosić Boga o łaskę rozeznania drogi. Zdobył się na odwagę i po raz trzeci poprosił o przyjęcie do zakonu. Potrzebował pozwolenia przełożonego generalnego. Stała się rzecz zdumiewająca - został przyjęty. Widocznie jednak przełożeni właściwie ocenili jego powołanie i osobiste wartości. Tak więc dnia 12 listopada 1690 roku, teraz już definitywnie, przywdział habit kapucyński.

Nie znaczy to, że odtąd nie miał już trudności, że był wolny od pokus, że nie stawał przed pytaniem o dalszą drogę. Pewnego dnia, podczas obiadu, czytano życiorys br. Bernarda z Corleone. Gdy bł. Anioł znękany trudnościami i pokusami znalazł się w swojej celi zakonnej, padł do stóp krzyża i zawołał: Panie, pomóż mi!, już nie mam sił. Usłyszał głos: Postępuj tak, jak brat Bernard z Corleone!

Był to moment zwrotny, początek nowego życia. Zaczął dokładnie czytać biografię Świętego Brata i naśladować go, zwłaszcza w modlitwie i pokucie.

Czymś zaskakującym w życiu bł. Anioła - takie imię nosił w zakonie - był długi okres formacji i studiów. W roku 1691 złożył pierwsze śluby, a dopiero 10 kwietnia 1700 roku, w wieku 31 lat, po odbyciu w latach 1695-1700 studiów, został wyświęcony na kapłana. Najprawdopodobniej potrzebował tyle czasu, by opanować pokusy i przygotować się do przyjęcia kapłaństwa. O. Anioł dał się poznać jako wybitny i charyzmatyczny kaznodzieja. Mówił językiem ewangelicznym, zrozumiałym dla prostego ludu. Był nie tylko kaznodzieją, ale także poszukiwanym spowiednikiem. Podczas misji czy rekolekcji wiele godzin spędzał w konfesjonale. Bardzo surowy na ambonie, w konfesjonale okazywał się łagodny i miłosierny. Był spowiednikiem nie tylko podczas misji, ale także kierownikiem duchowym kapłanów i osób zakonnych. Sam wiele skorzystał z kierownictwa duchowego, rozumiał więc dobrze jego znaczenie.

O. Anioł pełnił w zakonie wiele odpowiedzialnych funkcji. Był mistrzem nowicjatu, gwardianem, wizytatorem, członkiem zarządu prowincji, prowincjałem. Na tych stanowiskach odznaczał się gorliwością i miłością wobec braci. Zmarł 30 listopada 1739 roku. Papież Leon XII ogłosił go błogosławionym 18 grudnia 1825 roku.

Bł. Anioł może być patronem dla wszystkich, którzy z trudem rozpoznają swoje życiowe powołanie, patronem wytrwałości. Jego życie pokazuje, że do świętości dochodzi się dzięki łasce Bożej poprzez wytrwałą pracę nad sobą.

Wspomnienie bł. Anioła obchodzi się 31 października.

o. Andrzej Zębik OFMCap

tekst pochodzi z Dwumiesięcznika Głos Ojca Pio


Lettre à l'occasion de la canonisation du bienheureux Angelo d'Acri [archive]


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