dimanche 22 avril 2012

Saint SOTER, Pape et martyr

Saint Soter

Pape (12 ème) de 166 à 175 et martyr (+ 175)

Sa vie et son oeuvre ne nous sont pratiquement pas connues. Eusèbe de Césarée cite une lettre de lui aux chrétiens de Corinthe qui montre la sollicitude de la communauté romaine envers tous les chrétiens malheureux. Elle fut lue publiquement. Il fixa la fête de Pâques au dimanche suivant le 14ème jour du mois de Nisan, ce qui provoqua de nombreuses querelles. Il n'est pas sûr qu'il soit mort martyr.

SOURCE : http://nominis.cef.fr/contenus/saint/1021/Saint-Soter.html

Saint Soter (166-175)

Ce pape naquit à Fondi (Lacio). Il envoya de l’aide matérielle à l’Église et à la communauté chrétienne de Corinthe, victime d’une persécution violente.

Il fut le premier à imprimer le caractère du sacrement au mariage.

SOURCE : http://eglise.de.dieu.free.fr/liste_des_papes_01.htm


Papes et Martyrs

Saint Soter fut le successeur du Pape Anicet. Il naquit à Fundi, ville de l'Italie méridionale. On sait peu de chose sur sa vie.

Il déploya une ardente charité pour les Églises qui souffraient de la persécution. Il subvenait, par des aumônes, aux nécessités des chrétiens exilés pour la foi et n'oubliait pas les indigents des provinces. Il accueillait, avec la tendresse d'un père, les étrangers qui venaient à Rome, et leur prodiguait toutes les consolations qui étaient en son pouvoir.

Il se montra intrépide défenseur de la foi contre les hérésies, en particulier contre celle des Montanistes, qui se répandait alors partout. Il écrivit aux évêques d'Italie une lettre où il traite de la foi en Jésus-Christ. Il ordonna aussi que, le Jeudi Saint, tous les fidèles recevraient le corps du Christ, hors ceux qui en seraient empêchés par quelque grave péché, et déclara que les serments faits contre la justice ne devaient pas être gardés.

Il siégea sur la chaire pontificale trois ans, onze mois et dix-huit jours. Il fut enveloppé dans la cruelle persécution qui s'éleva sous Marc-Aurèle et reçut la couronne du martyre (177). Il fut enseveli dans le cimetière appelé plus tard de Calliste. Il avait, selon la coutume de ses prédécesseurs, ordonné, au mois de décembre, dix-huit prêtres, neuf diacres et onze évêques pour les divers lieux.

L'histoire nous a transmis peu de chose sur la vie du Pape Caïus. Il était né en Dalmatie et appartenait à la famille de Dioclétien. Ce fut un Pontife d'une rare prudence et d'une vertu courageuse.

La persécution contre les chrétiens sévissait alors dans toute sa fureur: les fidèles, pour s'y soustraire, étaient obligés de se tenir cachés dans les cavernes et les tombeaux. Saint Caïus mit tout son zèle à confirmer dans la foi les serviteurs de Jésus-Christ. Il conseilla au patricien Chromatius de recevoir dans sa villa les fidèles qui voudraient échapper aux bourreaux et alla les y visiter afin de soutenir leur courage. Ce fut alors qu'il fit diacres Marc et Marcellin, qu'il éleva leur père Tranquillin à la prêtrise et établit Sébastien défenseur de l'Église.

Il ordonna que, dans l'Église, avant de monter à l'épiscopat, on passerait par les degrés des ordres et rangs de portier, de lecteur, d'exorciste, d'acolyte, de sous-diacre, de diacre et de prêtre.

Afin d'éviter lui-même les cruautés de Dioclétien, il se tint caché quelques temps dans une caverne; mais, huit ans plus tard, il remporta la couronne du martyre avec son frère Gabinus, après avoir siégé douze ans, quatre mois et cinq jours. Il avait ordonné vingt-cinq prêtres, huit diacres et cinq évêques. Il fut enseveli au cimetière de Calliste.

D'après le P. Giry, Vie des Saints, Victor Palme, 1875, p. 203-205.

SOURCE : http://magnificat.ca/cal/fr/saints/saint_soter_et_saint_caius.html

Sts Soter et Caius, papes et martyrs

Selon le Liber Pontificalis, Soter mourut le 22 avril mais sans avoir subi le martyr. Tous les martyrologes maintiennent cette date, et à partir de celui de Sergius II (844-847), lui donne le titre de martyr.

L’Épitaphe du Pape Gaius indique sa déposition le 22 avril. Il est au martyrologe hiéronymien à cette date.

Leur fête n’apparaît qu’au XIIe siècle dans le calendrier.

Leçons des Matines avant 1960

Quatrième leçon. Soter, né à Fondi en Campanie, décréta que les vierges consacrées ne toucheraient pas les vases sacrés ni les pales, et qu’elles n’encenseraient pas dans l’Église. Il statua aussi qu’en la Cène du Seigneur, tous les fidèles recevraient le corps du Christ, excepté ceux qui en seraient empêchés pour une faute grave. Soter siégea sur la chaire "pontificale trois ans onze mois et dix-huit jours. Il reçut la couronne du martyre sous l’empereur Marc-Aurèle, et fut enseveli dans le cimetière appelé cimetière de Calixte, après avoir, selon la coutume de ses prédécesseurs, ordonné au mois de décembre dix-huit prêtres et neuf Diacres, et sacré onze Évêques pour divers lieux.

Cinquième leçon. Caïus était dalmate, et de la famille de l’empereur Dioclétien. Il ordonna que, dans l’Église, avant d’être élevé à l’épiscopat, on passerait par divers degrés d’ordre et d’honneur : ceux de Portier, de Lecteur, d’Exorciste, d’Acolyte, de Sous-Diacre, de Diacre et de Prêtre. Fuyant la cruauté dont Dioclétien usait envers les chrétiens, il se tint caché quelque temps dans une caverne ; mais huit ans plus tard, il parvint à la couronne du martyre avec son frère Gabinus, après avoir siégé douze ans quatre mois et cinq jours, et après avoir ordonné au mois de décembre, vingt-cinq Prêtres, huit Diacres et sacré cinq Évêques. Caïus fut enseveli dans le cimetière de- Calixte, le dix des calendes de mai. Urbain Villa fait revivre sa mémoire dans Rome, et réparer son église qui tombait en ruines, honorant cette église d’un Titre et d’une Station, et l’enrichissant des reliques du saint Pape.

Dom Guéranger, l’Année Liturgique

Deux Papes martyrs croisent aujourd’hui leurs palmes sur le Cycle. Soter souffrit pour le Christ au deuxième siècle, et Caïus au troisième ; cent années les séparent, et l’énergie de la foi, la fidélité au divin dépôt ; se retrouvent les mêmes. Quelle société humaine a jamais produit des siècles entiers de héros ? La nôtre est fondée sur ce dévouement traditionnel qui se prouve par le sang. Nos chefs n’ont pas voulu laisser aux soldats le monopole du sacrifice ; les trente premiers successeurs de Pierre ont payé de leur vie l’honneur du pontificat. Quel trône que celui de notre divin Ressuscité entouré de tous ces rois revêtus de la pourpre triomphale ! Soter fut le successeur immédiat d’Anicet, dont nous avons honoré la mémoire il y a peu de jours. Le temps nous a dérobé la connaissance de ses actions. Un trait seulement est arrivé jusqu’à nous. Eusèbe nous a conservé un fragment d’une lettre de saint Denys, évêque de Corinthe, dans laquelle il remercie notre saint pontife des largesses qu’il a envoyées aux fidèles de cette Église qui souffraient d’une famine. Une lettre apostolique accompagnait ces aumônes, et saint Denys atteste qu’on la lisait dans l’assemblée des fidèles, avec celle que saint Clément avait adressée à la môme Église au siècle précédent. La charité des pontifes romains s’est toujours unie à leur fidélité à conserver le dépôt de la foi. Quant à Caius. il fut enlevé dans la terrible tempête suscitée par Dioclétien contre l’Église, et ses gestes occupent à peine quelques lignes dans les annales de Rome chrétienne. Nous ne serons donc pas étonnés de trouver tant de concision dans le récit liturgique que l’Église consacre à ces deux Papes martyrs.

Saints Pontifes, vous êtes du nombre de ceux qui ont traversé la grande tribulation, et qui ont passé par l’eau et par le feu pour aborder au rivage de l’éternité. La pensée de Jésus vainqueur de la mort soutenait votre courage ; vous saviez que les gloires delà Résurrection ont succédé aux angoisses de la Passion. Immolés comme Jésus pour votre troupeau, vous nous avez appris par votre exemple que la vie et les intérêts de ce monde ne doivent compter pour rien, quand il s’agit de confesser la foi. Armez-nous de ce courage. Le Baptême nous a enrôlés dans la milice du Christ ; la Confirmation nous a donné l’Esprit de force : nous devons donc être prêts pour les combats. Saints Pontifes, nous ignorons si nos temps sont appelés à voir l’Église exposée à la persécution sanglante ; quoi qu’il advienne, nous avons à lutter avec nous-mêmes, avec l’esprit du monde, avec les démons ; soutenez-nous par vos prières. Vous avez été les pères de la chrétienté ; la charité pastorale qui vous anima ici-bas vit toujours dans vos cœurs. Protégez-nous, et rendez-nous fidèles à tous les devoirs qui nous lient au souverain Maître dont vous avez soutenu la cause.

Bhx Cardinal Schuster, Liber Sacramentorum

Station du « titulus Gaii »

Ces deux Papes furent inscrits fort tardivement dans le Calendrier romain. Cependant la mention du nom de saint Caïus (+ 22 avril 296) dans les Depositiones Episcoporum de Philocalus où il est inscrit à cette date, témoigne de la dévotion qu’avaient pour lui les fidèles.

Sous son vocable s’élevait autrefois un titulus fort célèbre, près de l’église de Sainte-Susanne et des Thermes de Dioclétien. Urbain VIII voulut en faire revivre le souvenir par la construction d’une autre petite église, détruite elle aussi aujourd’hui.

Une antique tradition à laquelle fait écho la Passion de sainte Susanne, veut que cette martyre ait été la nièce du pape Caïus et la fille du prêtre Gabin, frère du Pontife. Ce texte ajoute : Caii episcopi domus beati Gabini domui iuncta erat, atque ex illo tempore Christianorum statio deputata est in duabus aedibus, usque in hodiernum. Factum est hoc Romae, in regione sexta, apud Vicum Mamurri, ante Sallustii forum. Ainsi parlent les Actes, qui sont généralement exacts quant aux données topographiques.

Le pape Caïus ne mourut pas de mort violente — « confessor » dit la première rédaction du Liber Pontificalis — et il fut enseveli dans la nécropole de Callixte, en une crypte grandiose ornée de colonnes de marbre. De Rossi a retrouvé des fragments de son épitaphe :

Eusèbe mentionne une lettre écrite vers 170 par le pape Soter (166-175 ?) à Denis, évêque de Corinthe, et à laquelle celui-ci répondit par une missive où on lisait ces paroles mémorables : « Aujourd’hui nous avons célébré le saint jour du Seigneur, et nous y avons lu votre lettre que désormais nous lirons toujours pour notre édification, comme celle qui nous fut écrite précédemment par Clément [1]. »

Harnack a cru pouvoir reconnaître cette lettre du pape Soter dans ce qu’on appelle la deuxième épître aux Corinthiens, jadis attribuée à Clément, mais cette hypothèse n’a pas été admise.

Selon une notice de l’auteur du Praedestinatus (Ve siècle), le pape Soter aurait écrit aussi un ouvrage contre les Montanistes, mais ce témoignage est accueilli avec réserve. Le pape Soter fut enseveli au Vatican, selon l’usage de ses prédécesseurs.

La messe [2] est du Commun des Martyrs : Sancti tui, sauf la première lecture tirée de l’Apocalypse (XIX, 1-9), qui, avec ses Alléluia, s’adapte si bien au cycle pascal. Au ciel, les martyrs jouissent déjà des prémices du nouveau royaume messianique et, associés au Christ dans les triomphes, comme ils le furent dans les tourments, ils célèbrent la fête nuptiale de l’Agneau avec l’Église. Sans cesse ils répètent le cantique sacré : « Amen. Alléluia. » Amen se rapporte à la vision béatifique qui couronne leur foi ; Alléluia est l’hymne de leur cœur reconnaissant.

La collecte est celle du Commun de plusieurs Martyrs Pontifes : « Que les mérites de vos bienheureux martyrs et pontifes Soter et Caïus nous protègent, Seigneur, et que leur intercession accompagne nos humbles prières. »

Voilà ce qui se fait au ciel et ce que nous ferons nous aussi pendant toute l’éternité. Nous contemplerons ce que sur la terre nous avons cru, et par notre « Amen » dans la lumière de la gloire, nous scellerons la profession de foi que nous avons émise dans le temps. De cela nous exulterons et nous rendrons d’ardentes actions de grâces au Seigneur : Alléluia. Mais ce sera un remerciement éternel, comme éternelle sera également notre communion. Saint Jean compare cette vraie « Eucharistie » d’alléluia aux vapeurs d’un encens parfumé qui remplissent toute l’éternité : Et fumus eius ascendit in omnia saecula saeculorum, puisque dans le ciel la possession de Dieu ne nous manquera jamais, comme jamais ne cessera sa louange.

[1] Eus., Hist. Eccl., IV, 23, P. G., xx, col. 390.

[2] Avant 1942.

Dom Pius Parsch, le Guide dans l’année liturgique

Je suis la véritable vigne, vous êtes les sarments.

Saint Soter. -Il fut pape de 166-175. Il succéda à saint Anicet. Il mourut martyr. Il fut célèbre par sa bonté pour les confesseurs de la foi condamnés aux mines. Quand il fut monté sur la chaire de Saint-Pierre, il défendit aux vierges consacrées à Dieu de toucher aux vases sacrés et aux pales ; il leur défendit de porter les encensoirs dans l’église. C’est lui, aussi, qui prescrivit aux fidèles de recevoir le corps du Seigneur le Jeudi-Saint, à l’exception de ceux qui devaient s’abstenir de la communion à cause de péchés graves.

Saint Caius. — Il fut pape de 283-296. Il était proche parent de Dioclétien. Pour se conserver aux fidèles, il demeura longtemps caché, sans quitter Rome. D’ordinaire, il se cachait dans les catacombes où il célébrait les saints mystères et convertit beaucoup de païens. Il établit qu’on devait suivre les degrés suivants jusqu’à l’Ordre de l’épiscopat : l’Ordre des portiers, des lecteurs, des exorcistes, des acolytes, des sous-diacres, des diacres, des prêtres. Il ne mourut pas de mort violente. Il fut enterré dans la catacombe de saint Callixte, le 23 avril. Sainte Suzanne était sa nièce. Le pape Urbain VIII fit revivre son souvenir à Rome ; il restaura son église détruite, l’éleva à la dignité de station et l’enrichit de ses reliques.

La messe (Si diligis). — Nos deux papes ont vécu à l’ère des grandes persécutions. C’est en prévision de ces luttes et de celles qui devaient suivre jusqu’à la fin des temps que Jésus a promis à Pierre l’indéfectibilité de l’Église. Si le juste vit de la foi, les puissances de l’enfer chercheront, à toutes les époques, à ébranler cette foi. Il pourra y avoir des défections individuelles dans le troupeau, mais son pasteur et l’ensemble des brebis demeureront fidèles grâce à une assistance spéciale : le pasteur est assuré de l’infaillibilité dans la transmission de la doctrine ; quant aux brebis, elles ne pourront prétendre appartenir à l’Église que si elles adhèrent à son enseignement ; l’autorité du chef rejettera celles qui auront failli, de façon à maintenir toujours le corps sain. Merveilleuse disposition de la sagesse divine, dont notre messe répète comme à plaisir la formule : « Tu es Pierre et sur cette pierre je bâtirai mon Église et les puissances de l’enfer ne prévaudront pas contre elle ». En français, la correspondance des termes est moins nette qu’en araméen, où il est dit : « Tu es Képha et sur ce képha... ». A l’époque des persécutions, la tactique des Césars païens consistait à tenter d’obtenir un reniement de la foi. Nos deux papes ont « confessé » cette foi au prix de leur sang et ont ainsi contribué à confirmer leurs frères, selon la consigne du Sauveur à Pierre. Leur exemple continue à produire ses effets et maintenant encore il y a des chrétiens qui savent donner leur sang pour le Christ-Roi, comme on le voyait naguère au Mexique. Si nous ne sommes pas menacés par les pouvoirs publics, nous pouvons l’être par les puissances occultes de l’erreur dans l’intime de notre conscience. L’Église sollicite l’intercession de nos deux papes pour nous aider à demeurer fidèlement attachés à Pierre.


Giovan Battista Cavalieri  (1525–1601), Papa Sotero, 11,5 x 8, Calcografia in Giovanni Battista Cavalieri, Pontificum Romanorum effigies, Roma, Basa Domenico\Zanetti Francesco, 1580. Biblioteca comunale di Trento

Pope Saint Soter

Also known as

Pope of Charity






22 April


Nothing is known of his life before he was chosen 12th pope c.166, and not much is known of his pontificate. Forbade women to burn incense in services. Ratified that matrimony was a valid sacrament only if blessed by a priest. Inaugurated Easter as an annual festival in Rome.


at FondiItaly

Papal Ascension



tradition says he was martyred c.175, though no evidence has survived

buried in the Callistus cemetery in RomeItaly



Additional Information

Book of Saints, by the Monks of Ramsgate

Catholic Encyclopedia

Lives and Times of the Popes, by Alexis-François Artaud de Montor

Lives of the Saints, by Father Alban Butler

New Catholic Dictionary

Pictorial Lives of the Saints

Roman Martyrology1914 edition

Saints of the Day, by Katherine Rabenstein


Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints

other sites in english

Catholic Culture

Catholic News Agency

John Dillon

New Catholic Encyclopedia

Popes in a Year




Santi e Beati


Habemus Papem


YouTube PlayList

sitios en español

Martirologio Romano2001 edición

fonti in italiano


L’Enciclopedia Italiana

Santi e Beati



From the beginning it has been your custom to do good to all the brethren in many ways, and to send alms to many churches in every city, refreshing the poverty of those who sent requests, or giving aid to the brethren in the mines, by the alms which you have had the habit of giving from old, Romans keeping up the traditional custom of the Romans; which your blessed Bishop Soter has not only preserved, but has even increased, by providing the abundance which he has sent to the saints, and by further consoling with blessed words with brethren who came to him, as a loving father his children. – from a fragment of a letter to Pope Saint Soter from Saint Dionysius of Corinth

MLA Citation

“Pope Saint Soter“. CatholicSaints.Info. 28 July 2022. Web. 22 April 2023. <https://catholicsaints.info/pope-saint-soter/>

SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/pope-saint-soter/

Book of Saints – Soter


(SaintPopeMartyr (April 22) (2nd century) An Italian by birth, the successor of Pope Saint Anicetus. He lived in the time of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius. He was distinguished for charity to the poor and for watchfulness over the Churches, just then threatened by the rising heresy of Montanus. There is a dispute about the exact date of his death, which took place between A.D. 170 and A.D. 182. He is venerated as a Martyr.

MLA Citation

Monks of Ramsgate. “Soter”. Book of Saints1921. CatholicSaints.Info. 12 November 2017. Web. 22 April 2023. <https://catholicsaints.info/book-of-saints-soter/>

SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/book-of-saints-soter/

The Lives and Times of the Popes – Saint Soter – A.D. 168


Fondi, near Naples, was the native place of Saint Soter, also in his life called Concordius. He was created pontiff A.D. 168. Critics are not agreed as to the authenticity of the decretals published under his name. Novaes here repeats the warning which he had already given, that all the decretals up to those of Saint Siricius, the thirty-ninth pope, who was created A.D. 384, should be examined with the most scrupulous attention. By the testimony of Saint Denis, we know that Saint Soter fulfilled his duties with an unfailing zeal, and that he, like his predecessors, who had to use great circumspection, delighted in aiding distant and indigent Christians. He inquired into the sufferings and needs of those who were persecuted for the faith. He sent without delay consolation and provision to those whom the emperor’s orders condemned to work in the mines. The more prosperous Christians were called upon to give large alms, by means of which such sufferings of Christians in the most distant parts of the earth could be diminished and alleviated. At the same time, this pontiff opposed the heresies which gnawed the vitals of Christianity. By means of an affectation of extreme strictness of life, the heretics deluded the multitude: they pretended that the time had arrived which they called the millennium.

The zeal of the sovereign pontiff obtained the important concession that Christians, merely as Christians, should not be condemned – that unless charged with some distinct crime against the state, their Christian creed should not be imputed to them as a crime.

In five ordinations Saint Soter created eleven bishops, eighteen priests, and nine deacons. He governed the Church nine years and a few months. From the cemetery of Saint Calixtus, where his body was at first buried, it was removed by Sergius II, in 845, to the Church of Saints Sylvester and Martin a’ i Monti, and then to the Appian Way, to the Church of Saint Sixtus, belonging to the Dominican Fathers.

To this reign belongs the miracle of the thundering legion. The following account is given of it by Bossuet:

“In an extreme scarcity of water that was endured by the army of Marcus Aurelius in Germany, a Christian legion obtained rain sufficient to quench the thirst of all the troops, and accompanied by thunder that terrified the enemy. This miracle caused the legion to receive, or to have confirmed to it, the title of the thundering. The emperor was touched by that miracle, and wrote to the senate in favor of the Christians. Subsequently his false priests persuaded him to attribute to their prayers and to their false gods the miracle for which the pagans had not even presumed to express a wish.”

Evidence of this miracle is to be seen in the bas-reliefs of the Antonine column. The Romans are there represented with weapons in hand against the barbarians, who are seen extended upon the ground with their horses, while a torrent of rain is pouring upon them, and they seem to be prostrated by the thunderbolts. On that occasion, in fact, Marcus Aurelius, in his letter to the senate, declared that his army had been saved by the prayers of the Christian soldiers.

MLA Citation

Alexis-François Artaud de Montor. “Saint Soter – A.D. 168”. The Lives and Times of the Popes1911. CatholicSaints.Info. 28 July 2022. Web. 22 April 2023. <https://catholicsaints.info/the-lives-and-times-of-the-popes-saint-soter-a-d-168/>

SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/the-lives-and-times-of-the-popes-saint-soter-a-d-168/

Soter, Pope (RM)

Born at Fondi (near Gaeta), Italy; died 174. After the death of Pope Anicetus in the middle of the 2nd century, Soter was elected to this danger-fraught office about 166-167. His influence was widespread, partly because of his charity (known from a letter of Bishop Saint Dionysius of Corinth), his personal kindness, and especially his care for those who had been persecuted for their faith by being deported to the mines and prisons.

This kindliness did not mean that Pope Soter looked kindly on error. During his pontificate, a number of Christians, known as Montanists, were preaching that the heavenly Jerusalem would soon descend near Pepuza, a town in Phrygia. These Montanists condemned their fellow-Christians as far too lax: they did not fast enough, it was alleged; they should never marry again if one partner had died; they did not prophesy enough, for they lacked the gift of the Holy Spirit.

The movement was dividing the Church and causing violent quarrels among the faithful. Soter did not hesitate to condemn its leaders, sending round an encyclical outlining their errors.

Soter may have died a martyr's death (Benedictines, Bentley, Delaney, Encyclopedia).

SOURCE : http://www.saintpatrickdc.org/ss/0422.shtml

Pope Saint Soter (died 174) was the Bishop of Rome, succeeding Pope St. Anicetus, during the latter half of the 2nd Century with his pontificate, according to the Annuario Pontificio, beginning between 162 and 168 then ending between 170 and 177. Although his name is derived from the Greek word “σωτήρ” (sōtēr), meaning a “saviour” or “deliverer”, he was born in Fondi, Campania, Italy. Soter is known for declaring that marriage was valid only as a sacrament blessed by a priest and he also formally inaugurated Easter as an annual festival in Rome.

Saint Soter’s feast day is celebrated on 22 April, as is that of Saint Caius. The Roman Martyrology, the official list of recognized saints, references Soter: “At Rome, Saint Soter, Pope, whom Dionysius of Corinth praises for his outstanding charity towards needy exiled Christians who came to him, and towards those who had been condemned to the mines.”

SOURCE : http://www.ucatholic.com/saints/pope-st-soter/

Pictorial Lives of the Saints – Saint Soter, Pope, Martyr


Saint Soter was raised to the papacy upon the death of Saint Anicetus, in 173. By the sweetness of his discourses, he comforted all persons with the tenderness of a father, and assisted the indigent with liberal alms, especially those who suffered for the faith. He liberally extended his charities, according to the custom of his predecessors, to remote churches, particularly to that of Corinth, to which he addressed an excellent letter, as Saint Dionysius of Corinth testifies in his letter of thanks, who adds that his letter was found worthy to be read for their edification on Sundays at their assemblies to celebrate the divine mysteries, together with the letter of Saint Clement, pope. Saint Soter vigorously opposed the heresy of Montanus, and governed the Church to the year 177.

MLA Citation

John Dawson Gilmary Shea. “Saint Soter, Pope, Martyr”. Pictorial Lives of the Saints1889. CatholicSaints.Info. 7 March 2014. Web. 22 April 2023. <https://catholicsaints.info/pictorial-lives-of-the-saints-saint-soter-pope-martyr/>

SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/pictorial-lives-of-the-saints-saint-soter-pope-martyr/


Pontificate 162 or 168 to 170 or 177. Eusebius may have been mistaken when he placed Soter's accession in the eighth year of Marcus Aurelius, 168 (Chron.; Hist. Eccl. 4.21–23, 30; 5.1, 6, 24), and his dates are not certain. The Liber pontificalis states that Soter was a Campanian from Fondi (although he had a Greek name) and that he ordered non-ordained monks not to touch altar cloths or offer incense in church. It gives two accounts of his burial: one in the Vatican, which modern excavations have not borne out; and in the cemetery of Calixtus, which, at least in name, did not exist in Soter's time. Eusebius preserved a letter from dionysius of corinth to Soter stating that an earlier epistle of Soter's, which was read in the Church of Corinth for its wholesome consolation and advice, commended Rome for its charity to the needy everywhere and its solicitude for those laboring in the mines. This letter identifies Clement I as the author of the Roman letter to the Corinthian community, written some 75 years earlier. The fifth-century report (Praedestinatus 1.26) is not credible where it reports that Soter wrote against the heretic Montanus, who was then active in Asia Minor.

Feast: April 22.

Bibliography: Liber pontificalis, ed. L. Duchesne (Paris 1886–92, 1958) 1:58–59. É. Amann, Dictionnaire de théologie catholique, ed. A. Vacant et al., (Paris 1903–50) 14.2:2422–23. W. C. Van Unnik, Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart (Tübingen 1957–65) 6:148–149. E. Ferguson, Encyclopedia of Early Christianity (New York 1997), 2:1079. J. N. D. Kelly, Oxford Dictionary of Popes (New York 1986).

[E. G. Weltin]

New Catholic Encyclopedia

SOURCE : https://www.encyclopedia.com/religion/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/soter-pope-st

Pope St. Soter

Pope from 166-174 A.D.

Died: 174 A.D.

How do we know he was pope?

St. Irenaeus identifies St. Soter as the 12th pope and 11th successor of St. Peter in Adversus haeresis (Against Heresy).

Give me the scoop on St. Soter.

Likely born in Campania, Italy (southern Italy, the front part of the boot’s ankle, and the region that gave the world spaghetti), Soter’s name means “savior” or “deliverer”. The Roman Martyrology, a book of early martyrs, doesn’t list St. Soter as a martyr for the faith, but his feast day is celebrated April 22. Interestingly, Soter's feast is the same as St. Caius (or "Gaius"), who would become pope just over a century later.

What was he known for?

It’s generally thought that St. Soter was a 2nd Century version of Pope Francis -- as in, he had a huge love for the poor. He also wrote exhortations to various churches urging all bishops and priests to profess their faith boldly and joyfully. Like Evangelii Gaudium, just not on the Internet.

We know both of these things thanks to a fragment of a letter to Pope St. Soter from St. Dionysius, then bishop of Corinth, who wrote to thank the pope for his alms to needy churches in numerous cities.

Fun fact: The letters of St. Soter were so solid, they were apparently read at Mass in many places as a teaching document, along with the Pope St. Clement's Epistle to the Corinthians.

What else was going on in the world at the time?

Around the end of Soter’s pontificate, Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius suppressed a revolt by Avidius Cassius, the governor of Syria, after Avidius declared himself emperor. Apparently that was a big no-no, since shortly thereafter Avidius was assassinated by Roman officers.

Coming tomorrow....Pope St. Eleutherius


- John, E. (1964). The Popes: A concise biographical history. New York: Hawthorn Books.





SOURCE : https://projects.flocknote.com/note/2736763

Caius and Soter, Saints and Popes

They have their feast together on 22 April, on which day they appear in most of the martyrologies, though Notker and a few others give Soter on the 21st and Caius on the 19th or 21st.

Soter was pope for eight years, c. 167 to 175 (Harnack prefers 166-174). We possess a fragment of an interesting letter addressed to him by St. Dionysius of Corinth, who writes: "From the beginning it has been your custom to do good to all the brethren in many ways, and to send alms to many churches in every city, refreshing the poverty of those who sent requests, or giving aid to the brethren in the mines, by the almswhich you have had the habit of giving from old, Romans keeping up the traditional custom of the Romans; which your blessed Bishop Soter has not only preserved, but has even increased, by providing the abundance which he has sent to the saints, and by further consoling with blessed words with brethren who came to him, as a loving father his children." "Today, therefore, we have kept the holy Lord's day, on which we have read your letter, which we shall always have to read and be admonished, even as the former letter which was written to us by the ministry of Clement." (EusebiusChurch History IV.24) The letter which Soter had written in the name of his church is lost, though Harnack and others have attempted to identify it with the so-called"Second Epistle of Clement" (see CLEMENT OF ROME). The reverence for the pope's paternal letter is to be noticed. The traditional generosity of the Roman Church is again referred to by St. Dionysius of Alexandria to Pope Dionysius in the middle of the third century, and Eusebius says it still continued in his time. Nothing further is known of this pope.

Caius was pope for twelve years, four months, and seven days, from 17 December, 283, to 22 April, 296, according to the Liberian catalogue (Harnack, Chronol., I, 155, after Lipsius and Lightfoot); Eusebius is wrong in giving him fifteen years. He is mentioned in the fourth-century "Depositio Episcoporum" (therefore not as amartyr): X kl maii Caii in Callisti. He was buried in the chapel of the popes in that cemetary. Nothing whatever is known of his life. He lived in the time of peace before the last great persecution.


Soter is said by the fifth-century writer known as PRÆDESTINATUS (c. xxvi) to have written a book against the Montanists; he adds that Tertullian wrote against Pope Soter and Apollonius. As we know (JEROME, Illustrious Men 40) that Tertullian wrote against Apollonius in his lost De Ecstasi, this may be true; see HARNACK, Gesch. der altchristlich. Lit., I, 589; ZAHN, Forschungen (1893), V, 49. On Caius in later Acts of Saints see TILLEMONT, IV; Acta SS., 14 April; BECILLUS, Acta S. Caii P. et M. (Rome, 1628). The false decretals attributed to these two popes will be found in the collections of councils, in COUSTANT, MIGNE, HINSCHIUS, etc. On a lette attributed to Caius by the Malabar Christians, see ROUTH, Reliq. Sacrae, II, 158, and HARNACK, op. cit., 777.

Chapman, John. "Caius and Soter, Saints and Popes." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 3. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1908. 23 Apr. 2016 <http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03144c.htm>.

Transcription. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Matthew Reak.

Ecclesiastical approbation. Nihil Obstat. November 1, 1908. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York.

Copyright © 2021 by Kevin Knight. Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

SOURCE : http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03144c.htm

April 22

St. Soter, Pope and Martyr

ST. SOTER was raised to the papacy upon the death of St. Anicetus, in 173. By the sweetness of his discourses, he comforted all persons with the tenderness of a father, and assisted the indigent with liberal alms, especially those who suffered for the faith. He liberally extended his charities, according to the custom of his predecessors, to remote churches, particularly to that of Corinth, to which he addressed an excellent letter, as St. Dionysius of Corinth testifies in his letter of thanks, who adds that his letter was found worthy to be read for their edification on Sundays at their assemblies to celebrate the divine mysteries, together with the letter of St. Clement, pope. St. Soter vigorously opposed the heresy of Montanus, and governed the church to the year 177. See Eusebius, from whose ecclesiastical history these few circumstances are gleaned. In the Martyrologies this pope is styled a martyr.

Rev. Alban Butler (1711–73).  Volume IV: April. The Lives of the Saints.  1866.

SOURCE : http://www.bartleby.com/210/4/221.html

Sts. Caius and Soter

Feast day: Apr 22

Cauis and Soter, Popes of the early Church, are both venerated in tradition as martyrs, though no reliable account of their martyrdom survives today.

St. Soter was born in Fundi, in Italy. The date of his birth is unknown but we know that he was Pope for eight years from 166 until his death in 174.

Soter´s papacy was an example of what seems to have been the remarkable tradition of generosity exercised by the bishop of Rome. This tradition and Soter´s personal charity and paternal love for his universal flock can be evidenced from a letter to Pope Soter by Bishop St. Dionysus of Corinth, quoted in the 4th century “Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius”:

“This has been your custom from the beginning, to do good in manifold ways to all Christians, and to send contributions to the many churches in every city, in some places relieving the poverty of the needy and ministering to the Christians in the mines, by the contribution which you have sent from the beginning, preserving the ancestral custom of the Romans, true Romans as you are. Your blessed bishop Soter has not only carried on the habit but has even increased it, by administering the bounty distributed to the saints and by exhorting with his blessed words the brethren who come to Rome, as a loving father would his children." (IV, xxiii, 9- 15)

In the same letter of Dionysus we learn that Pope Soter had written a letter to the Corinthians which was read in the Church alongside the epistle of St. Clement and was held in high esteem.

Though his kindness extended to all persons, he was a fierce opponent of heresy, having been said to have written an encyclical against Montanism – the teachings of a heretical sect which believed that a Christian who had sinned gravely could never be redeemed.

Pope St. Caius reigned for 13 years from 283 until his death in 296 just before the Diocletian persecution. He was a relative of the Emperor Diocletian – instigator of one of the last great persecution of Christians in the early years of the Church. Early in his papacy Caius decreed that a man must be a priest before he could be ordained a bishop.

He is said to have been driven into hiding in the catacombs for eight years whence he died a confessor, however the source from which this information is gleaned is considered unreliable by most historians.

Both St. Soter and St. Caius are buried in the cemetery of St. Calixtus and are venerated on the date of the death of Pope St. Caius.

SOURCE : https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/saint/sts-caius-and-soter-449

San Sotere (o Sotero) Papa

22 aprile

m. 175

Fu Papa dal 166 al 175. Nato a Fondi, in Campania ma attualmente in provincia di Latina, da famiglia di origine greca, fu sempre molto attento nel mantenere stretti rapporti con i cristiani residenti al di là del mare Adriatico. Non è escluso che già all'epoca si fosse presentata la possibilità di una opinione diversa circa l'interpretazione del pensiero teologico di Cristo, ovvero l'embrione di uno scisma, che purtroppo accadrà successivamente. Sotere (o Sotero), cercò comunque di mantenere unita la comunione della fede cristiana, nonostante il tallone di un imperatore come Marco Aurelio. Sotto il suo pontificato emersero idee eretiche montaniste. Il pontefice costituì per contro un ordine diaconale femminile, anche per rispettare riti greci di più antica memoria e con essi salvaguardare il pensiero cristiano. Le sue spoglie sembra siano state dapprima sepolte accanto alle spoglie di Pietro, poi trasportate nelle catacombe di San Callisto e, sotto il papato di Sergio II, traslate nella chiesa di San Silvestro a Roma. Successivamente da San Silvestro alla chiesa di San Sisto e poi in parte disperse fino a finire a Toledo. (Avvenire)

Martirologio Romano: A Roma, san Sotéro, papa, del quale san Dionigi di Corinto celebra l’egregia carità per i fratelli, poveri pellegrini, afflitti dalla miseria o condannati ai lavori forzati.

Proclamato santo in qualche epoca, ora il suo nome non compare più nel Calendario Universale.

Nato a Fondi, in Campania ma attualmente in provincia di Latina, da famiglia di origine greca, fu sempre molto attento nel mantenere stretti rapporti con i cristiani residenti al di là del mare Adriatico (nda : già considerata Chiesa Cristiana d'Oriente), anche attraverso opere caritatevoli. 

Non è escluso che già all'epoca si fosse presentata la possibilità di una opinione diversa circa l'interpretazione del pensiero teologico di Cristo, ovvero l'embrione di uno scisma.... che purtroppo accadrà successivamente. 

Sotero, cercò comunque di mantenere unita la comunione della fede cristiana, nonostante il tallone di un imperatore come Marco Aurelio. 

Sotto il suo pontificato emersero idee eretiche "montaniste" (nda: eresia frigia, di radice gallica che ricondussero il pensiero al suo precursore - Montano, di origine ebraica ... e quindi alla nuova Gerusalemme che discesa dal cielo si sarebbe dovuta insediare ad oriente di "filadelfia" ... - palestina - . Prime predicatrici di questo pensiero furono Masimilla e Priscilla/Prisca).

Il pontefice costituì per contro un ordine diaconale femminile, anche per rispettare riti greci di più antica memoria e con essi salvaguardare il pensiero cristiano.

Le sue spoglie sembra siano state dapprima sepolte accanto alle spoglie di Pietro, poi trasportate nelle catacombe di San Callisto, sotto il papato di Sergio II traslate nella chiesa di San Silvestro a Roma. Successivamente da San Silvestro alla chiesa di San Sisto e poi in parte disperse fino a finire a Toledo.

Autore: Franco Prevato

SOURCE : http://www.santiebeati.it/dettaglio/50450

SOTERO, santo

di Francesco Scorza Barcellona - Enciclopedia dei Papi (2000)

Secondo Eusebio di Cesarea, S. succedette ad Aniceto nel 168 e tenne l'episcopato fino al 177 (Historia ecclesiastica IV, 19; 22, 3; 30, 3; V, prologo, 1; Chronicon, ad aa. 168, 177). Eusebio ricorda una lettera ai Romani di Dionigi, vescovo di Corinto (Historia ecclesiastica IV, 23, 9-12), da cui risulta che S. aveva indirizzato una lettera alla Chiesa di Corinto: questa era stata letta durante una celebrazione domenicale e nelle intenzioni di Dionigi sarebbe stata conservata per essere letta come un avvertimento al pari della lettera di Clemente ai Corinzi (ibid. IV, 23, 11). La lettera di S. ai Corinzi non è, come pure si è pensato, la cosiddetta II Clementis, indebitamente considerata opera di Clemente I, e che non ha nulla del genere epistolare. Dal primo frammento della lettera di Dionigi a S. si è informati che la Chiesa di Roma aveva inviato aiuti ai Corinzi, in particolare per i poveri e per i cristiani mandati ai lavori forzati (ibid. IV, 23, 10). In base a un altro frammento di questa lettera (ibid. IV, 23, 12), in cui Dionigi lamenta che alcuni hanno manipolato il testo di una sua precedente lettera, P. Nautin ricostruisce la vicenda supponendo che il vescovo Palmas di Amastris avesse inviato a S. la lettera scritta da Dionigi alla Chiesa di Amastris e alle Chiese del Ponto, in cui Dionigi si pronunciava sul matrimonio e sulla continenza, esortando ad accogliere chiunque si convertisse da qualunque errore, fosse solo di negligenza o di eresia (ibid. IV, 23, 6). L'intervento di S. a Corinto, forse sollecitato da una richiesta di aiuto, avrebbe fornito a quest'ultimo l'occasione di manifestare il suo dissenso sulle opinioni espresse da Dionigi nella lettera alle Chiese di Amastris e del Ponto, e ciò spiegherebbe le precisazioni di Dionigi. Da un altro frammento della stessa lettera (ibid. II, 25, 8) si ricava che Dionigi rivendicava nei confronti di S. l'autonomia della Chiesa di Corinto, che poteva rifarsi quanto quella di Roma all'autorità di Pietro e Paolo. Eusebio cita anche il passo di una lettera di Ireneo di Lione a papa Vittore, in cui Ireneo ricordava al vescovo di Roma, suo contemporaneo, che i predecessori di S., da Sisto I ad Aniceto, non avevano imposto gli usi liturgici della Chiesa di Roma e delle altre Chiese a quelle di Asia, che celebravano la Pasqua il 14 di nis¯an secondo il calendario giudaico (ibid. V, 24, 14), e avevano mantenuto con esse la pace. Non è chiaro se da tanto si può inferire che con S. la posizione del vescovo di Roma sulla questione quartodecimana sia cambiata rispetto a quella dei suoi predecessori. Di fatto Ireneo nella lettera in questione non fa nemmeno il nome di Eleuterio, successore di S. e predecessore di Vittore: di quest'ultimo è nota la posizione intransigente sulla questione della Pasqua. Secondo l'interpretazione di K. Holl, poi ripresa da M. Richard, dal passo della lettera di Ireneo citata da Eusebio si ricaverebbe che a Roma la festa della Pasqua si sarebbe cominciata a celebrare sotto S.; l'interpretazione tradizionale, sostenuta più di recente da Chr. Mohrmann, è quella secondo cui nel frammento di Ireneo l'espressione τηρεῖν ("osservare"), con cui si esprime la tradizione liturgica delle Chiese d'Asia, non indicherebbe la celebrazione della Pasqua in quanto tale, ma precisamente la sua celebrazione secondo l'uso quartodecimano, cioè nel quattordicesimo giorno del mese lunare primaverile di nis¯an: per cui a proposito della Chiesa di Roma e delle altre Chiese l'espressione "οὐ/μὴ τηρεῖν" non indicherebbe l'assenza della celebrazione pasquale, ma un diverso tipo di osservanza della Pasqua, quella cioè in un giorno fisso della settimana, la domenica, anziché a una data precisa corrispondente al 14 di nis¯an. Non hanno riscontri le notizie che si leggono nel Praedestinatus, attribuito ad Arnobio il Giovane, in cui si afferma che S., come Apollonio vescovo di Efeso, scrisse un libro contro i montanisti che suscitò una risposta di Tertulliano, e che S. condannò i tertullianisti: quest'ultimo dato si esclude per ragioni cronologiche, in quanto Tertulliano fondò la sua Chiesa negli ultimi anni della sua vita, vari decenni dopo l'epoca in cui le fonti pongono l'episcopato di Sotero. Il Catalogo Liberiano, in una notizia lacunosa, pone il pontificato di S. dal 162 al 170, ma dopo quello di Pio I, in quanto in esso si trova invertita la successione Pio I-Aniceto, attestata dalla maggior parte delle liste episcopali e considerata più verosimile. Lo stesso posto dopo Pio I, e un episcopato della durata di nove anni, sei mesi e ventuno giorni, si legge nella prima redazione del Liber pontificalis come è stata ricostruita dal Duchesne sulla base dei compendi feliciano e cononiano, mentre nella seconda redazione, con la stessa durata dell'episcopato di S. e le stesse date di accesso e di morte, è ristabilita la serie Pio I-Aniceto-Sotero. Alla cronologia dell'episcopato di S. il Liber pontificalis aggiunge altre notizie della cui storicità si può dubitare in mancanza di altri riscontri e conoscendo il modo fantasioso con cui esso si esprime per i primi vescovi di Roma: S. sarebbe stato campano, di Fondi, suo padre si sarebbe chiamato Concordio; avrebbe disposto che nessun "monachus" toccasse la tovaglia d'altare (o il corporale: "sacratam pallam") o procedesse alle incensazioni in chiesa; avrebbe ordinato diciotto presbiteri, nove diaconi e undici vescovi, sarebbe stato sepolto il 22 aprile "in cymiterio Calisti, via Appia" (nella prima redazione: "iuxta corpus beati Petri", cioè nel cimitero vaticano), e alla sua morte sarebbe seguito un periodo di sede vacante di ventuno giorni. Le restrizioni alle funzioni liturgiche del "monachus" rappresentano una situazione propria dell'epoca di composizione del Liber pontificalis: al tempo di S. non esistevano monaci, e l'uso dell'incenso in chiesa è sicuramente più tardivo. Quanto al luogo della sepoltura di S. è preferibile la lezione della prima redazione del Liber pontificalis, poiché all'epoca di S. il cimitero di Callisto ancora non esisteva. Sono attribuite a S. due delle decretali pseudoisidoriane. La commemorazione di S. compare per la prima volta nel Martyrologium di Adone alla data del 21 aprile, ma nel Martyrologium Romanum è spostata al 22 aprile. Essa è stata espunta dal Calendarium Romanum del 1969, in quanto non risulta che S. sia stato martire, e si ignora il giorno della sua morte. 

Fonti e Bibl.: Ireneo di Lione, Adversus haereses III, 3, 3, a cura di A. Rousseau-L. Doutreleau, Paris 1974 (Sources Chrétiennes, 211), pp. 36-8; Eusebio di Cesarea, Historia ecclesiastica II, 25, 8; IV, 19; 22, 2-3; 23, 6, 9-12; 30, 3; V, prologo, 1; 24, 14, a cura di E. Schwartz, Leipzig 1903 (Die Griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller. Eusebius Werke, II, 1), pp. 178, 364-66, 368-70, 374-76, 376-78, 400, 494-96; Id., Chronicon, ad aa. 168, 177, a cura di R. Helm, Berlin 1956 (Die Griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller. Eusebius Werke, VII), pp. 205, 207; Le Liber pontificalis, a cura di L. Duchesne, I, Paris 1886, pp. 58-9, 35; Catalogo Liberiano, ibid., pp. 4-5; Arnobio il Giovane [?], Praedestinatus I, 26, 86, in P.L., LIII, coll. 596, 616-17; J. Dubois-G. Renaud, Le Martyrologe d'Adon. Ses deux familles. Ses trois recensions. Texte et commentaire, Paris 1984, p. 130; Martyrologium Romanum [...] scholiis historicis instructum, in Propylaeum ad Acta Sanctorum Decembris, Bruxellis 1940, p. 150; Calendarium Romanum ex decreto sacrosancti oecumenici concilii Vaticani II instauratum auctoritate Pauli PP. VI promulgatum, In Civitate Vaticana 1969, p. 120. 

Fonti agiografiche: cfr. Bibliotheca Hagiographica Latina [...], II, Bruxellis 1900-01, p. 1132. Decretali attribuite a S.: cfr. P. Hinschius, Decretales pseudo-Isidorianae et Capitula Angilramni […], Lipsiae 1863, pp. 122-25. Studi: Ecclesiastica Historia [..] per aliquot studiosos et pios viros in urbe Magdeburgica, Centuria II, Caput X, Basileae 1562, col. 214; C. Baronio, Annales ecclesiastici, II, Romae 1590, pp. 182-83, 216-17; Acta Sanctorum [...], Aprilis, III, Antverpiae 1675, pp. 5-7; [L.-S.] Lenain de Tillemont, Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire ecclésiastique des six premiers siècles, t. II, Venise 1732, pp. 459-61, 677; K. Holl, Gesammelte Aufsätze für Kirchengeschichte, Tübingen 1928, pp. 204-24; P. Nautin, Lettres et écrivains chrétiens des IIe et IIIe siècles, Paris 1961, pp. 13-31; M. Richard, La question pascale au IIe siècle, "L'Orient Syrien", 6, 1961, pp. 179-212; Chr. Mohrmann, Le conflit pascal au IIe siècle, "Vigiliae Christianae", 16, 1962, pp. 154-71; P. Lampe, Die stadtrömischen Christen in den ersten beiden Jahrhunderten, Tübingen 1989², pp. 338-43. A Dictionary of Christian Biography, IV, London 1887, s.v., pp. 721-22; Dictionnaire de théologie catholique, XIV, 2, Paris 1941, s.v., coll. 2422-23; Vies des Saints et des Bienheureux, IV, ivi 1946, s.v., pp. 557-58; E.C., XI, s.v., coll. 1001-02; Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, IX, Freiburg 1964², s.v., coll. 893-94; New Catholic Encyclopaedia, XIII, Washington 1967, s.v., p. 444; A. Amore, Sotere, in B.S., XI, coll. 1327-28; Lexikon der christlichen Ikonographie, VIII, Rom 1976, s.v., col. 386; Il grande libro dei Santi. Dizionario enciclopedico, III, Cinisello Balsamo 1998, s.v., p. 1815.

SOURCE : https://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/santo-sotero_(Enciclopedia-dei-Papi)/