Kirche St. Georg in Fritzdorf,
Bleiglasfenster (Ausschnitt), Darstellung: hl. Hermann Joseph von Steinfeld
Saint Hermann-Joseph
Prêtre prémontré (+ 1241)
Né de parents pauvres, il entra chez les Prémontrés de Steinfeld en Rhénanie. Ceux-ci l'envoyèrent d'abord faire des études en Frise. Devenu sacristain, il en profitait pour passer ses journées en prière dans l'église. Ordonné prêtre, il fut l'aumônier de plusieurs couvents de religieuses contemplatives pour lesquelles il composa divers traités de piété et même, à la lumière de ses expériences mystiques, un commentaire du "Cantique des Cantiques". Il sortait peu. Il pensait tellement à Dieu qu'il ignorait ce qui se passait hors de son couvent, mais son cœur était comme un vaste hôpital où venaient se refaire les âmes en difficultés qui y trouvaient un tendre accueil et un refuge assuré.
Hermann naquit à Cologne vers 1150. Il se distingua dès sa tendre enfance par une dévotion à Notre-Dame. C’était une âme privilégiée. Son prieur raconte qu’il entrait quotidiennement à l’église Sainte-Marie du Capitole pour prier. Un jour qu’il tendait une pomme à la Vierge, celle-ci s’inclina afin que l’Enfant-Jésus puisse la prendre. A 12 ans, il entra à l’abbaye de Steinfeld. Il étudia ensuite à l’abbaye prémontrée de Mariëngaarde en Frise où, encore jeune clerc, il s’adonnait à la pratique d’une austère pénitence. De retour à Steinfeld, il fut ordonné prêtre et remplit les fonctions de sacriste et de réfectorier. Il cultivait une vie intérieure exceptionnelle pendant le travail manuel et reçut des grâces mystiques. On ajouta le nom de Joseph au sien car il avait eu une vision où la Vierge l’avait reconnu comme son fiancé spirituel. Mais ses nombreuses extases furent la cause de l’incompréhension de quelques frères qui le considérèrent comme simple d’esprit. Humble et pauvre en toute occasion, patient et bienveillant pour tous et plus particulièrement envers ceux qui le comprenaient le moins, obéissant à ses supérieurs, prompt à satisfaire ses confrères dans le souci de les rendre bien heureux, Hermann-Joseph représente le modèle achevé du religieux augustinien.
Il composa plusieurs chants à la Vierge, ainsi qu’un commentaire sur le Cantique des Cantiques et des poèmes sur les «Dix-mille vierges», une dévotion très répandue à Cologne. Autant d’œuvres qui témoignent de sa sensibilité et révèlent ses talents poétiques. Il est un des premiers à mentionner explicitement le Cœur de Jésus. Authentique mystique nourri de la Sainte Écriture, sa «conversation était dans les cieux», mais on vantait aussi sa dextérité dans la fabrication et la réparation des horloges. Chapelain des Cisterciennes, il était un directeur spirituel recherché et entretenait de nombreuses relations avec elles. Au cours d’un Carême, il se rendit chez les Cisterciennes de Hove, à quelques kilomètres de Steinfeld et tomba malade. Il mourut le 4 avril 1241, âgé de 91 ans.
Son corps fut solennellement ramené à Steinfeld où il est conservé dans un tombeau monumental au milieu de l’église. Les témoignages de considération et de vénération se multiplièrent. Son prieur écrivit sa Vita. Le pape Benoît XIII reconnut son culte le 22 janvier/8 mars 1728 et il consacra un autel en son honneur dans le «Collegio san Norberto» à Rome. Le 11 août 1958, le Pape Pie XII lui attribuait officiellement le titre de «saint». On le vénère en Rhénanie comme patron de la jeunesse et des étudiants.
Vie des Saints et Bienheureux - Postulator Generalis Ordinis Praemonstratensis
Au monastère prémontré de Steinfeld en Allemagne, entre 1241 et 1252, saint
Hermann-Joseph, prêtre, qui brilla d’un amour très suave envers la Vierge Marie
et célébra dans des hymnes et des louanges sa dévotion envers le divin Cœur de
Martyrologe romain
SOURCE : http://nominis.cef.fr/contenus/saint/930/Saint-Hermann-Joseph.html
Anthony van Dyck (1599–1641), The
Vision of the Blessed Hermann Joseph, 1629-1630, 160 x 128, Kunsthistorisches Museum
(mort en 1230)
Le bienheureux Hermann de Steinfeld, dit Hermann-Joseph, à cause de sa
chasteté, eut pour patrie la ville de Cologne.
Son enfance fut remarquable par une piété vraiment angélique; il passait de
longs moments chaque jour dans les églises, devant l'image de Marie, à laquelle
il confiait, ainsi qu'à Son divin Enfant, avec une naïveté charmante, tous ses
petits secrets, ses petits chagrins, ses désirs. Il disait souvent, en
terminant sa visite: "Mon cher petit Jésus, je resterais bien avec Vous et
avec Votre Sainte Mère; mais il faut que j'aille à l'école; bénissez-moi et
pensez à moi en attendant mon retour!" Un jour, il présenta une pomme à la
Sainte Vierge, et la statue étendit sa main pour la recevoir. Tout enfant, il
jouissait déjà de visions et de révélations célestes, et une fois il passa
plusieurs heures dans un pieux entretien avec Jésus et Marie.
Dès l'âge de douze ans, Hermann se présenta aux Prémontrés, qui l'acceptèrent
dans leur Ordre. Après ses études, il remplit successivement avec régularité et
charité les offices de réfectorier et de sacristain.
Les grâces extraordinaires étaient pour lui quotidiennes; il était sans cesse
embaumé de parfums célestes; Marie lui apparut et mit l'Enfant Jésus dans ses
bras; une autre fois Elle lui fit savoir qu'Elle était très heureuse qu'on lui
donnât le surnom de Joseph, qu'il n'osait accepter par humilité. Cette humilité
était si parfaite, qu'il se croyait digne de l'anathème éternel, qu'il
s'appelait un zéro, une pomme pourrie, un poids inutile sur la terre; il ne se
plaisait qu'à porter des habits usés et des chaussures rapiécées.
Dieu lui envoya des Croix si terribles et des souffrances si aiguës, qu'il
devint comme une image vivante de Jésus crucifié. Jamais une plainte ne sortit
de sa bouche; il souffrit tout, le sourire sur son visage; il ajoutait même à
ces Croix des sacrifices volontaires et de terribles mortifications. Son
historien, voulant donner une idée de sa charité, dit que son coeur était comme
un hôpital général où tous les affligés et les misérables trouvaient place.
Abbé L. Jaud, Vie des Saints pour tous les jours de l'année, Tours, Mame,
SOURCE : http://www.catholique-larochelle.cef.fr/Bienheureux-Hermann-Joseph
Paulus Pontius (1603–1658),
d’après Anthony van Dyck (1599–1641), Visioen
van Maria van de H. Herman Joseph, vers 1650, Print Room (University of Antwerp)
Le bienheureux
Hermann de Steinfeld, dit Joseph, à cause de sa chasteté, eut pour patrie
la ville de Cologne. Il y naquit en 1150.
Ses parents étaient de bonne condition et vivaient dans la plus extrême
pauvreté après quelque revers de fortune. Il nommèrent leurs fils Hermann qui
signifie homme d'arme mais aussi homme d'honneur, comme pour marquer qu'il
ferait une guerre continuelle au démon et que les victoires qu'il remporterait
lui vaudrait un honneur éternel dans le ciel.
En plus de son inclination précoce pour les sciences, son enfance fut
remarquable par une piété vraiment angélique. Il passait de longs moments
chaque jour dans les églises, devant l'image de Marie, à laquelle il confiait,
ainsi qu'à Son divin Enfant, avec une naïveté charmante, tous ses petits
secrets, ses petits chagrins, ses désirs. Il disait souvent, en terminant sa
visite :
“Mon cher petit Jésus, je resterais bien avec Vous et avec Votre Sainte Mère ;
mais il faut que j'aille à l'école ; bénissez-moi et pensez à moi en attendant
mon retour !”
Un jour, il présenta une pomme à la Sainte Vierge, et la statue tendit sa main
pour la recevoir. Tout enfant, il jouissait déjà de visions et de révélations
célestes, et une fois il passa plusieurs heures dans un pieux entretien avec
Jésus et Marie.
C'est pour lui, et à l'occasion d'une oraison, que Notre Dame a composé le Sub
tuum praesidium confuginus, Sancta Dei Genitrix ; cette prière aujourd'hui
encore si répandue dans l'Église catholique.
Dès l'âge de douze ans, Hermann se présenta aux Prémontrés, qui, ravis par la
maturité et la douceur de cet humble et si jeune homme, l'acceptèrent dans leur
Ordre. Après ses études, il remplit successivement avec régularité et charité
les offices de réfectoirier et de sacristain.
Les grâces extraordinaires étaient pour lui quotidiennes ; il était sans cesse
embaumé de parfums célestes ; Marie lui apparut et mit l'Enfant Jésus dans ses
bras. Une autre fois Elle lui fit savoir qu'Elle était très heureuse qu'on lui
donnât le surnom de Joseph, qu'il n'osait accepter par humilité. Cette humilité
était si parfaite, qu'il se croyait digne de l'anathème éternel, qu'il
s'appelait un zéro, une pomme pourrie, un poids inutile sur la terre ; il ne se
plaisait qu'à porter des habits usés et des chaussures rapiécées.
Dieu lui envoya des Croix si terribles et des souffrances si aiguës, qu'il
devint comme une image vivante de Jésus crucifié. Jamais une plainte ne sortit
de sa bouche ; il souffrit tout, le sourire sur son visage ; il ajoutait même à
ces Croix des sacrifices volontaires et de terribles mortifications. Son
historien (religieux prémontré contemporain de notre Bienheureux, du même
monastère, de sorte qu'il le connut intimement, et le premier de soixante-douze
biographes selon Pierre de Waghenaer qui composa sa vire en vers et la dédia au
pape Alexandre VII), voulant donner une idée de sa charité, dit que “son cœur
était comme un hôpital général où tous les affligés et les misérables
trouvaient place”.
C'est au monastère d'Holfen, de l'Ordre de Cîteaux, où ses supérieurs l'avaient
envoyé pour y célébrer les divins Mystères aux religieuses qui y demeuraient,
que notre Saint acheva son pèlerinage ici-bas, le 7 avril 1230.
Les Prémontrés de Steinfeld obtinrent de l'archevêque de Cologne de lever son
corps quelques mois plus tard et de le rapporter avec eux.
SOURCE : http://saints-et-bienheureux.blogspot.ca/2011/04/hermann-joseph.html
Prière du Bienheureux
Hermann Joseph
Voici l’Hymne au Cœur de
Jésus « Ô Cœur du Souverain Roi, je Vous salue d'un cœur joyeux » du
Bienheureux Hermann Joseph (1150-1242), Chanoine régulier Prémontré de l'Abbaye
de Steinfeld en Westphalie (Allemagne) qui favorisé de Grâces mystiques et
d'Apparitions fréquentes de la Vierge Marie lui firent donner le nom de Joseph.
Le Poème liturgique
d’Hermann Joseph « Ô Cœur du Souverain Roi, je Vous salue d'un cœur
joyeux » :
« Cœur du Souverain Roi, Salut. Je Vous salue d'un cœur joyeux, il me
plaît de Vous embrasser et c'est le désir de mon cœur. Permettez-moi de Vous
parler à cause de la mort que Vous avez soufferte quand pour moi Vous avez
défailli. De votre Cœur, ô Cœur bien-aimé, portez sur moi tout l'Amour :
c'est là mon désir le plus vif. Par la moëlle de mon cœur, pécheur que je suis
et coupable, que votre Amour pénètre à fond, cet Amour qui blesse puissamment
quiconque sait s'unir à Vous ... Je Vous crie : « Vivat, vivat »
! Doux cœur, je Vous aime, inclinez-Vous vers mon cœur afin qu'il puisse s'unir
à Vous dévotement cœur à Cœur. Rose du cœur, ouvrez-Vous, Vous dont le parfum
est si doux : daignez Vous dilater, que mon cœur aspire à Vous, qu'il
goûte Votre doux Parfum ... Attirez mon cœur à Vous, ne méprisez pas ce
coupable ; pour qu'il soit toujours près de Vous, portez-le dans votre
Sein, pour qu'il se retrouve en Vous. Ainsi soit-il. »
Bienheureux Hermann Joseph (1150-1242)
SOURCE : http://site-catholique.fr/index.php?post/Priere-du-Bienheureux-Hermann-Joseph
Carlier (1638-1675). Vision of the Premonstratensian saint Hermann-Joseph of
Steinfeld, former collection of the Musée de l'Art wallon, now in La Boverie,
Liège, Belgium
known as
Hermann Joseph
24 May (translation
of relics;
21 May (diocese of Cologne, Germany
Son of Saint Hildegund.
Had a great devotion to Mary from
an early age, and as a child would spend his free time in prayer at
the nearby church of Saint Mary. Mystic whose
otherwordly experiences made him famous throughout the areas of modern Germany. Premonstratensian monk at
Steinfeld, Germany;
cared for the refectory and sacristy in
the house, and could build or repair clocks. Priest. Mystical writer of prayers, hymns, and
bible studies; his visions and
ecstacies continued throughout his life. Spiritual director of a group of Cistercian nuns at
Hoven, Germany.
7 April 1241 in
Hoven, Germany of
natural causes
buried at
the Cistercian convent at
relics transferred
to a marble tomb at Steinfeld, Germany
some relics in Cologne, Germany
some relics in Antwerp, Belgium
1958 by Pope Pius
XII (cultus
monk or boy offering
an apple to
a statue of the Virgin Mary and Infant
Jesus; legend says that he did that one day, and the Christ
Child took it
of Saints, by the Monks of
of the Saints, by Father Alban
of the Day, by Katherine Rabenstein
Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints
sites in english
auf deutsch
en español
Martirologio Romano, 2001 edición
di indonesia
in italiano
“Blessed Herman
Joseph“. CatholicSaints.Info. 27 March 2022. Web. 20 September 2023.
SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/blessed-herman-joseph/
Maria und Potentinus (Steinfeld), Hermann-Josef-Altar (1693) mit dem Altarblatt
die „Mystische Vermählung“ („Verlobung“) des hl. Hermann Josef mit Maria,
Widmung des Stifters „Dem Dreieinigen Gott, der Allerseligsten Jungfrau Maria
und ihrem Bräutigam, dem Seligen Joseph, widmet Reiner Kuell, Pastor von St.
Marien in Zülpich,“ [dieses Altarbild]
Hermann Joseph, O. Praem.
Born in Cologne, Germany, in 1150; died in Steinfeld, April 7, 1241;
equivalently canonized by Pope John XXIII in 1960. His baptismal name, Hermann,
was apt for it means 'vir honorabilis, vir exercitus.' Early in life Hermann
pictured himself as a handsome knight and the Virgin was to be his lady fair.
He had the physical strength of a knight and his capacity for work was
Hermann was reportedly as handsome and charming as Saint Norbert, who founded
the order Hermann entered. He was of noble bearing, calm appearance, dignified
and reserved--master of himself. Yet his face betrayed his extreme sensibility.
His gentle eyes gave off 'little sparks' according to those who knew him. He
treated his body as a knight does his horse: he mastered it without brutality.
And his mind was as solid as his body. Hermann was of moderate intelligence but
he cultivated his mind methodically. At age 7 he began to study literature and
gained an appreciation for ancient writers. Nevertheless, he felt his time was
better occupied. As severe as he could be with himself, Hermann preserved a
courteousness towards others that gave irrefutable evidence that he remained in
the presence of his Lady.
Hermann was both an ascetic and a poet. His precocious devotion to the Virgin
was inspired by poetry and courtliness. The child was frequently seen absorbed
in meditation before the image of Mary; he spoke to her Son spontaneously.
Perhaps God blessed him so because his soul would melt in tender love when he
remembered the incarnation, and he went into raptures whenever he recited the
canticle Benedictus at Lauds. One day he brought some food to symbolize an
offering and the image of the Virgin extended her hand to accept his gift. On
another occasion this familiarity permitted him to play with Jesus and Saint
John. Young Hermann's mental balance forbids us to reject these charming
visions. These continuing visions that he experienced made him famous
throughout Germany.
At age 12, Hermann decided to abandon the world and enter the monastery of
Steinfeld, which had been founded in 920. Between 1121 and 1126, it was
occupied by Premonstratensian canons. The monastery authorities decided that
Hermann should complete his studies at the order's school in Friesland prior to
admittance. With his education completed Hermann returned to Steinfeld and was
assigned menial duties, such as serving at table.
Soon Hermann received an assignment that delighted him: He was named sacristan
which allowed him to reconcile art and piety. The community soon employed him
also to minister to the Cistercian nuns at a nearby convent. Up to the day of
his death, he was to have a particular fondness for this ministry.
But Hermann was also an ascetic. He subjected himself to mortifications that
his artist's temperament could not properly endure. The slackening of his
muscles was accompanied by a weakening of his nerves.
Hermann slept on a hard couch for only a short time each night. After
But Hermann's spiritual
balance preserved its stability despite his physical disturbances. The wounded
knight was to preserve his soul intact at the center of the marvels, the course
of which was to continue without interruption.
Hermann Joseph underwent
a final ordeal before he was to be delivered from his tortured body. No doubt
it was the only spiritual ordeal of this kind that he had ever experienced:
frightful spiders and flies seemed to invade his cell. The presence of a priest
dispelled the nightmare, and Hermann Joseph died in peace.
In accordance with his wishes, he was buried in the Cistercian convent at
Hoven. His body was exhumed after seven weeks and returned to Steinfeld. An
inquisitorial investigation was ordered in 1628, and the body was found to be
in a state of perfect preservation. The process of Hermann's canonization was
never brought to completion, but he was beatified.
Hermann Joseph's spiritual exercises, as he called them, were surprisingly
modern. The five poems he dedicated to the Virgin and Jesus, which seem to have
belonged to a private devotion, have been preserved. He also wrote a commentary
on the "Song of Songs," which is the only courtly romance read by
mystics. He also had a special devotion to Saint Ursula.
Should we be surprised that the monk who sang the praises of the Rose was also
the first to sing the praises of the Sacred Heart? In singing the praises of
the Sacred Heart, Hermann Joseph did not separate the heart of Mary and that of
her Son, the uncreated Wisdom of which she was the Vase of honor and its most
perfect receptacle. Just as the Crusade had established the cult of the Holy
Sepulchre, that is, of the empty tomb and the Risen Christ, likewise Hermann
Joseph did not propose the adoration of the bleeding internal organ which was
to mark, in a sometimes disquieting manner, the private revelations of
Margaret-Mary Alacoque. The singer of the Sacred Heart honored the organ of
tenderness, the Holy Grail.
Most of Hermann's relics rest in a titular altar at Steinfeld, where pilgrim
priests say a votive Mass in his honor. Small portions of his relics have been
given to several other churches. Some are enshrined and exposed to public
veneration Antwerp, Louvain, and Cologne. Emperor Ferdinand II solicited his
canonization at Rome, and offered several proofs of miracles for that purpose
(Benedictines, Encyclopedia, Husenbeth).
In art, Saint Hermann is
depicted as a young Premonstratensian (white habit) with three roses. At times
he may be shown (1) carrying the Child Jesus and a branch of roses; (2) with a
chalice from which roses spring; (3) kneeling before the Virgin, who touches
his hand and gives him an apple; or (4) as a schoolboy with a pen, book, and
inkpot (Roeder). He is still venerated in Cologne, Steinfeld, and the Low
Countries (Husenbeth, Roeder).
SOURCE : http://www.saintpatrickdc.org/ss/0407.shtml
des Heiligen Hermann Joseph von Steinfeld in der Pfarrkirche Stainz,
Steiermark, Österreich
April 7
B. Herman Joseph,
HE was born at Cologne,
and at twelve years of age entered the monastery of Steinfeldt of regular
canons of the Premonstratensian Order in the dutchy of Juliers, and diocess of
Cologne. His incredible fasts and other austerities, and his extraordinary
humility, joined with assiduous prayer and meditation, raised him to an eminent
gift of contemplation, which replenished his soul with the most profound
sentiments of all virtues, and was attended with many heavenly favours: but, as
it is usual, this grace was often accompanied with severe interior trials. He
was singularly devoted to the Blessed Virgin. At the very remembrance of the
mystery of the incarnation, his soul seemed to melt in tender love; and he
seemed in raptures whenever he recited the canticle Benedictus at Lauds. Such
was his desire of contempt, that he one day desired a peasant to strike him on
the face. The other in surprise asked the reason: “On account,” said he, “of my
being a most filthy and abominable creature, and because I cannot meet with so
much contempt as I deserve.” He died on the 7th of April in 1226. He wrote a
commentary on the book of Canticles, or Song of Solomon, and some other
treatises on sublime contemplation, which may be ranked with those of other
great masters in the contemplative way, as Thomas à Kempis, St. Theresa,
Thauler, Harphius, Blosius, Lanspergius, Hilton, &c. B. Herman is honoured
among the saints in his Order, and in some churches in the Low Countries. In
the abbey church of Steinfeldt he is titular saint of an altar, at which the
priests who visit that church out of devotion to him, say a votive mass in his
honour before his relics, with proper prayers of the saint used in that abbey
from time immemorial. Small portions of his relics have been given to several
other churches. Some are enshrined and exposed to public veneration in the
abbey of Premontré at Antwerp; a portion is kept in the abbey of Parc, at
Louvain; another in the parish church of St. Christopher, at Cologne, and
another at the Chartreuse in the same city. The Emperor Ferdinand II. solicited
his canonization at Rome, and several proofs of miracles and other particulars
have been given in for that purpose. His name is inserted on the 7th of April,
in the martyrology of the regular canons of St. Austin, approved by Benedict
XIV. p. 275. See his life by a fellow canon of great virtue in the Bollandists
on the 7th of April, t. 1, p. 682; also two other lives, and several acts,
collected in order to pursue the process for his canonization.
Rev. Alban Butler (1711–73). Volume IV: April. The Lives of the Saints. 1866.
SOURCE : http://www.bartleby.com/210/4/074.html
Kloster Steinfeld, Inneres Tor des Klosters, Torbogen mit Agraffe und Wappen, Statue St. Hermann Josef
Bl. Hermann Joseph
Premonstratensian monk and
mystic; b. at Cologne about 1150; d. at Hoven, 7 April, 1241. According to the
biography by Razo Bonvisinus, contemporary prior of
Steinfeld (Acta SS., 7 April, I, 679), Hermann was the son of poor parents who
had once been rich. At the age of seven he attended school and
very early he began the tender devotion
to the Blessed Virgin for which he was known during his entire life.
At every available moment he could be found at the church of
St. Mary on the Capitol, where he would kneel wrapt in prayer and
child-like appeal to Mary.
One day he is said to have presented an apple, saved from his own scanty
repast, to the Child Who accepted it. According to still another legend, on
another occasion, when on a bitter cold day he made his appearance with bare
feet, Mary procured
him the means of getting shoes. At the age of twelve he entered the monastery of
the Norbertine or Premonstratensian Canons
at Steinfeld, in the present Rhenish
Prussia, made his studies in the Netherlands,
and on his return was entrusted with the service of the refectory and later of
the sacristy.
After he had been ordained priest,
it was remarkable with what reverence and devotion he offered the Holy
Sacrifice. He was known for his gentle demeanour and affability, his humility,
his extraordinary mortifications,
but, above all, for his affection for the Mother
of God, before whose altar he remained for hours in pious
intercourse and ecstatic
visions, and in whose honour he
composed wonderful prayers and hymns. Mary,
in turn, showed him her predilection, called him her chaplain and
her spouse, and confirmed his surname Joseph, given to him by his brothers in
religion. Hermann was sometimes sent out to perform pastoral duties and
was in frequent demand for the making and repairing of clocks. He had under his
charge the spiritual welfare of the Cistercian nuns at
Hoven near Zulpich. Here he died and was buried in the cloister.
His body was later transferred to Steinfeld, where his marble tomb and
large picture may be seen to the present day; portions of his relics are
at Cologne and at Antwerp.
He is represented in art as kneeling before a statue of
the Virgin and Child and offering an apple. The process of his canonization was
begun in 1626, at the request of Archbishop Ferdinand of Cologne and the
Emperor Ferdinand II, but was interrupted. His feast was, however, celebrated
on 7 April, and the name of Blessed Hermann is in the Premonstratensian supplement
to the Roman Martyrology. They also celebrate the translation of his relics on
24 May. His works are: "A Commentary on the Canticle of Canticles",
which is lost; "Opuscula" (new edition, Namur, 1899), including:
"Duodecim gratiarum actiones"; "Jubilus seu Hymnus de SS.
undecim millibus Virginibus"; "Oratio ad Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum",
taken to a great extent from the Canticle of Canticles; "Alia
Oratio"; "Precula de quinque Gaudiis B. Mariae V." It is not
quite certain whether the last three are the works of Hermann, though they are
generally ascribed to him.
[Note: Hermann
Joseph was canonized by
Pope Pius XII in 1958.]
b. Herman Joseph (Lille and Paris, 1900); KAULEN, Legende von dem
sel. Hermann Joseph (Mainz, 1880); MICHAEL, Geschichte des deutsch.
Volkes, III,211; POSL, Leben des sel. Hermann Joseph (Ratisbon,
1862); DEISSEL, Gesch. der Verehr. Mariens in Deutschl. (Freiburg im
Br., 1909); GOOVAERTS, Écriv. de l'Ordre des Prémontrés (Brussels,
Francis. "Bl. Hermann Joseph." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol.
7. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910. 7 Apr.
2019 <http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07266b.htm>.
Transcription. This
article was transcribed for New Advent by Herman F. Holbrook.
approbation. Nihil Obstat. June 1, 1910. Remy Lafort, S.T.D.,
Censor. Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York.
Copyright © 2021 by Kevin Knight.
Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
SOURCE : http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07266b.htm
Schussenried, Pfarrkirche St. Magnus (ehemalige Klosterkirche); Chorgestühl von
Georg Anton Machein (und Werkstatt), 1715–1717
Statuen von Seligen und Heiligen des Prämonstratenserordens: Hermann Joseph von
St. Herman Joseph
Feastday: April 7
Birth: 1150
Death: 1241
German Praemonstratensian
and mystic. Born in Cologne, he demonstrated at an early age a tendency toward
mystical experiences, episodes which made him well known and deeply respected
through much of Germany. He subsequently entered the Praemonstratensians at
Steinfeld, Germany, where he was ordained. Herman experienced visions of
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, and authored a number of mystical writings. Long
considered a saint, he was given an equivalent canonization by Pope Pius XII in
SOURCE : https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=227
Lives of the Saints – Blessed Herman Joseph of Steinfeld
Herman from his earliest
years was a devoted client of the Mother of God. As a little child he used to
spend all his play-time in the church at Cologne before an image of Mary, where
he received many favors. One bitter winter day, as little Herman was coming
barefooted into church, his heavenly Mother appearing to him, asked him
lovingly why his feet were bare in such cold weather. ” Alas! dear Lady,” he
said, “it is because my parents are so poor.” She pointed to a stone, telling
him to look beneath it; there he found four silver pieces wherewith to buy
shoes; he did not forget to return and thank her. She enjoined him to go to the
same spot in all his wants, and disappeared. Never did the supply fail him; but
his comrades, moved by a different spirit, could find nothing. Once Our Lady
stretched out her hand and took an apple which the boy offered her in pledge of
his love. Another time he saw her high up in the tribune, with the Holy Child
and Saint John; he longed to join them, but saw no way of doing so; suddenly he
found himself placed by their side, and holding sweet converse with the Infant
Jesus. At the age of twelve he entered the Premonstratensian house at
Steinfeld, and there led an angelic life of purity and prayer. His
fellow-novices, seeing what graces he received from Mary, called him Joseph;
and when he shrank from so high an honor, Our Lady in a vision took him as her
spouse, and bade him bear the name. Jealously she reproved the smallest faults
in her betrothed, and once appeared to him as an old woman to upbraid him for
some slight want of devotion. As her dowry, she conferred on him the most cruel
sufferings of mind and body, which were especially severe on the great feasts
of the Church. But with the cross Mary brought him the grace to bear it
bravely, and thus his heart was weaned from earthly things, and he was made
ready lor his early and saintly death, which took place about the year 1230.
Reflection – Do not
approach our Blessed Mother with set prayers only. Be intimate with her;
confide in her; commend to her every want and every project, small as well as
great. It is a childlike reliance and a trustful appeal which she delights to
John Dawson Gilmary Shea.
“Blessed Herman Joseph of Steinfeld”. Pictorial
Lives of the Saints, 1889. CatholicSaints.Info.
6 March 2014. Web. 20 September 2023.
SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/pictorial-lives-of-the-saints-blessed-herman-joseph-of-steinfeld/
St. Andreas (Glehn), Fenster im Seitenschiff, St. Hermann Josef von Steinfeld, Fa. Dr. Heinrich Oidtmann, um 1920
Andreas (Glehn), Fenster im Seitenschiff, St. Hermann Josef von Steinfeld, Fa.
Dr. Heinrich Oidtmann, um 1920
Herman Josef of Steinfeld
Hermann was born into an
impoverished family in Cologne in 1150. At the age of 12 he entered the
monastery of Steinfeld of the Premonstratensian Canons. He probably completed
his studies in Mariengaarde at Hallum in Friesland. After his return to
Steinfeld, he was ordained priest and was at first assigned the service in the
refectory (dining hall). The abbot afterwards entrusted him with the office of
sacristan at the Abbey Church. He also cared for nun’s convents, especially in
the region.
He was particularly known
for his "mystical marriage with the Mother of God", which goes back
to his deep devotion to Mary and to which he owes his byname Joseph. Even as a
child he is reported to had intimately turned to Mary.According to the legend,
he presented the Marian statue in the Cologne church “Maria im Kapitol” an
apple. Therefore he is also called "Apfelheilger". As at the Madonna
in Cologne as fresh apples also are laid on his sarcophagus in the basilica of
Steinfeld monastery still today.
Anthony van Dyck created
a painting of the mystical marriage of Hermann Joseph with Mary by order of the
Brotherhood of unmarried in 1630, which is located in the “Kunsthistorisches
Museum” in Vienna today. Following this example, the altarpiece of the
Hermann-Josef-altar in the Basilica Steinfeld was created in 1698. Other famous
plastic figures are his marble grave sculpture from 1732 on the sarcophagus and
the wooden sculpture from the early 16th Century at a rear right pillar in the
Basilica Steinfeld.
Hermann Josef died in the
Cistercian convent at Hoven Zülpich during a supply work on the Thursday of the
Easter week around 1241. He immediately was buried there at a place designated
by him shortly before his death.
Only after calling in the
Archbishop of Cologne, the Steinfeld confreres succeeded in exhuming Hermann
Josef and transferring him to his home monastery in a triumphal procession on
Whit Tuesday.
A never interrupted
veneration of Hermann Josef began immediately after his death. Pope Benedict
XIII consecrated an altar in honor of the Blessed Hermann Joseph in the Roman
College of the Norbertines in 1728, and allowed to celebrate Mass at this
altar. For the contemporaries, this action was comparable to a formal
beatification. Only in 1958, the official cult was confirmed in a decree of the
Congregation of Rites that Hermann Josef can be venerated as a saint. This
"canonization" was celebrated in a great festive octave at Steinfeld
in 1960. The feast of this Saint is the 21st May. The great Hermann-Josef
feast is celebrated on the Sunday before Pentecost with the participation of
the entire region.
SOURCE : https://web.archive.org/web/20211023035717/http://www.kloster-steinfeld.de/en/Hermann_Josef
Sant' Ermanno Giuseppe di
Colonia Premostratense
Colonia, 1150/1160 -
Ermanno nacque a Colonia
tra il 1150 e il 1160. Entrato giovanissimo nel monastero premostratense di
Steinfeld, che allora si trovava nella diocesi di Colonia (oggi dipende da
Aachen), fu ordinato sacerdote e da premostratense si trovò spesso a svolgere il
suo ministero nei monasteri delle religiose cistercensi e premostratensi della
sua regione. Morì nel 1241 o 1252, a Hoven, il giovedì dopo Pasqua. Il martedì
dopo Pentecoste le sue spoglie furono portate a Steinfeld dove si trovano ancor
oggi. Compose molti scritti ma di lui conserviamo solo «Duodecim gratiarum
actiones» e «Precula de quinque gaudiis Beatae Mariae Virginis». Già nel 1339
gli fu dedicata una chiesa a Ubbergen. L'iconografia lo ritrae con un calice
ornato di tre rose e con le vesti corali. (Avvenire)
Etimologia: Ermanno
= variante di Armando
Romano: Nel monastero premostratense di Steinfeld in Germania,
sant’Ermanno Giuseppe, sacerdote, che rifulse di tenero amore per la Vergine
Maria e celebrò con inni e lodi la devozione verso il Sacro Cuore di
Nato a Colonia tra il 1150 e il 1160, fin dalla infanzia si distinse per la devozione verso la Madre di Dio. A dodici anni entrò nel monastero premostratense di Steinfeld, allora nella diocesi di Colonia (da cui dista sessanta chilometri), oggi in quella di Aachen. Per ragioni di studio dimorò alcuni anni nel monastero di Mariengaarde, in Olanda, fondato dal beato Federico. Tornato a Steinfeld, fu addetto al servizio del refettorio e poi alla sagrestia. Divenuto sacerdote premostratense in un anno indeterminato, esercitò spesso il suo ministero nei monasteri delle religiose cistercensi e premostratensi della sua regione. Infine, nel 1241 o 1252, in Quaresima, essendo andato a esercitare il suo ministero a Hoven, assalito dalla febbre alcuni giorni prima di Pasqua, rese l'anima a Dio il giovedì entro l'ottava. Sepolto ad Hoven, le sue reliquie, il martedì dopo Pentecoste, furono portate con una solenne processione in Steinfeld e deposte nella chiesa, dove ancor oggi sono devotamente conservate e venerate dai fedeli.
E. si distinse per la sua tenera devozione verso il Bambino Gesù e verso la Vergine, che era solito invocare col nome di "Rosa". Compose molti scritti, fra cui Orationes et gratiarum action; Commentarium in Cantica Canticorum; Officium S. Ursulae et Sociorum, ecc. La maggior parte di queste opere è andata perduta, ad eccezione di Duodecim gratiarum actiones e di Precula de quinque gaudiis B. M. V.. Il famosissimo inno Summi regis cor aveto in onore del Salvatore, si disputa se sia da attribuirsi a Ermanno Alcuni gliene attribuiscono la paternità, altri lo giudicano di Arnolfo di Lovanio. La storia del culto reso a Ermanno è descritta accuratamente nella Positio super casu excepto (Roma 1954, pp. 68-177). Già nel 1339 gli fu dedicata una chiesa in Ubbergen, allora nella diocesi di Colonia; nel 1628 fu compilato a Steinfeld il processo super fama sanctitatis; le sue reliquie erano esposte alla venerazione del popolo con indulgenze in occasione della sua festa; gli erano dedicati altari e cappelle; lo stesso Benedetto XIII, nel 1728, consacrò a Roma un altare e lo dedicò ad Ermanno.
Finalmente, l'11 agosto 1958, fu pubblicato il decreto della S. Congregazione dei Riti con cui è stato confermato il culto a lui attribuito. Il 15 maggio 1960 la stessa Congregazione stabilì che Ermanno si può invocare come santo e che questo titolo può essere stampato nei calendari liturgici della diocesi di Aachen. Inoltre, Ia chiesa di Steinfeld, dove si conserva il corpo del santo, è stata dichiarata basilica minore. Con decreto del 7 gennaio 1961 è stato concesso che la sua festa si celebri in tutte le diocesi della Germania il 7 aprile.
L'arte raffigura il santo con un calice ornato di tre rose e con le vesti corali dell'Ordine Premostratense. Questo modo di rappresentarlo deriva dalle apparizioni di cui egli godette durante la sua vita terrena. E' notissima la pittura di A. Van Dyck, conservata nel museo di Vienna, in cui è ritratto lo sposalizio di Ermanno con la S.ma Vergine.
Autore: Giovanni Battista Valvekens
SOURCE : http://www.santiebeati.it/dettaglio/48750
hl. Pankratius, Kirchenweg 1, Kirnberg an der Mank, Niederösterreich -
Glasfenster hl. Hermann Josef in der südlichen Seitenkapelle
Hermann Joseph von
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Hermann Joseph von
Steinfeld (* um 1150 in Köln, † 7. April (?) 1241 (oder 1252) in Hoven bei
Zülpich in Nordrhein-Westfalen) war Priester, Ordensmann und Mystiker.
Hermann stammte
aus einer verarmten Kölner Bürgerfamilie. Er wurde als 12-Jähriger ins Prämonstratenserkloster Steinfeld
in der Eifel (heute: Bistum Aachen) aufgenommen, diente als Sakristan und
wurde später Priester.
Bald wurden Hermann
mystische Erfahrungen zuteil, so auch die mystische Vermählung mit der Gottesmutter Maria (daher
auch der Beiname "Joseph").
Neben den zahlreichen
Liedern und Hymnen für Maria,
schrieb er den Hymnus "Summi regis cor", das ersten Herz-Jesu-Lied.
Hermann wurde schon bald als Heiliger verehrt, aber sein Kult wurde erst 1958
von Rom bestätigt.
Hermann Joseph ist seit
Anfang des 18. Jahrhunderts in einem Sarkophag in der Basilika in
Steinfeld beigesetzt. Gewöhnlich liegen frische Äpfel auf seinem Grab, da er
der Legende nach vor seinem Eintritt ins Kloster dem Jesuskind der Muttergottes
in der Kirche St. Maria im Kapitol in seiner Heimatstadt Köln einen Apfel
geschenkt haben. Daher rührt auch seine Bezeichnung als
Eintrag in der Catholic Encyclopedia (engl.)
Dieser Artikel ist
ursprünglich der Sektion Tagesheiliger bei
www.kath.net entnommen.
SOURCE : https://www.kathpedia.com/index.php?title=Hermann_Joseph_von_Steinfeld
Hermann Joseph von
heilig, Prämonstratenser,
Mystiker, † 7.4.1241 (1252?) Hoven bei Zülpich, Steinfeld
Aus Kölner Bürgerfam.
Mit zwölf Jahren
wurde H. in die Prämonstratenserabtei Steinfeld¶ aufgenommen.
Lernjahre folgten im fries. Kloster des gleichen Ordens, Mariengarten bei
Zurückgekehrt und zum Priester geweiht, war er längere Zeit Sakristan. Auch
außerhalb des Klosters war er seelsorglich tätig, vor allem in Frauenklöstern
des Eifelgebietes. Er beendete sein an äußeren Ereignissen armes Leben – nach
einer späteren Überlieferung hochbetagt. – Neben praktischen Kenntnissen
(Uhrmacher) besaß er auch dichterisches Talent: er verfaßte geistliche Lieder,
darunter ein Offizium mit musikalischen Noten. – H.s|Bedeutung liegt
jedoch auf dem Gebiet der praktischen Mystik. Sein Leben ist eine Illustration
der durch Bernhard von Clairvaux in die Wege geleiteten Beschäftigung des
„liebenden Herzens“ mit den menschlichen Gestalten der Heilsgeschichte, einer
Mystik des Innig-Gemüthaften, die stark im Zeichen der „Frau“ steht: Mariens
vor allem, aber auch der im Rheinland sehr verehrten heilig Ursula und ihrer
Gefährtinnen. Auch H.s persönliche Freundschaft mit mystisch lebenden
Nonnen gehört in diesen Zusammenhang. Die auf das Hohelied gegründete
Brautmystik des Mittelalters ist bei H. auf das Verhältnis Maria –
Einzelseele gewendet. Die Vision der mystischen Hochzeit ist der Höhepunkt
in H.s Erleben (daher der Beiname „Joseph“). Es ist eine Mystik des
„schlichten Frommen“ von kindlicher, ja spielerischer Artung (Spiel mit dem
Jesukind, Darreichung eines Apfels). Neben lateinischen Hymnen auf Maria und
die heilig Ursula schuf H. mit aller Wahrscheinlichkeit auch den
ältesten Herz-Jesu-Hymnus („Summi regis cor aveto“), worin „zum ersten Mal die
Personifikation des Herzens voll durchgeführt“ (K. Richstätter) wurde. Ein
antihumanistischer Zug ließ ihn (als Schüler) die heidnischen Klassiker
ablehnen. Durch rücksichtslose Askese erschütterte er seine Gesundheit. Sein
Grab in Steinfeld¶ wurde
Pilgerziel. Im Mittelalter besonders von den Müttern, in der Neuzeit von
Kindern und Schülern verehrt, wurde die H. erwiesene Verehrung als
Heiligen erst 1958 von Rom bestätigt.
AA SS April I,
S. 682-723;
Vita ed. b. J. C. van d. Sterre, Lilium inter spinas, Vita B.
Josephi Presbyteri et Canonici Steinveldensis Ordinis Praemonstratensis,
Antwerpen 1627 (dort auch d. erhalten geblichenen W);
J. Brosch, Hymnen u. Gebete d. sel. H. J. (lat. u. dt.) = Veröff, d. Bischöfl. Diözesanarchivs Aachen 9, 1950;
J. Ramackers, Btr. z. Gesch. d. Abtei Steinfeld, in: Zs.
d. Aachener Gesch.ver. 64/65, 1952, S. 176-81;
K. Koch u. E. Hegel, Die Vita d. Prämonstratensers H. J. v. St.,
= Colonia sacra 3, 1958 (L);
LThK² (L);
Lit.-Lex. (unter Hermann, Joseph).
Huber, Augustinus Kurt,
"Hermann Joseph von Steinfeld" in: Neue Deutsche Biographie 8 (1969),
S. 651-652 [Online-Version]; URL:
SOURCE : https://www.deutsche-biographie.de/sfz30130.html
Beato Herman Yoseph
Herman Kecil, Santo
pelindung pengelola website ini :)
Diterbitkan :
10 Mei 2014
Diperbaharui :
07 April 2017
Beato Herman Yosef lahir
di Cologna pada tahun 1150. Walau ayahnya masih berdarah bangsawan, namun
keluarga mereka hidup dalam kemisikinan. Ayahnya bernama Lothair, masih
keturunan dari para bangsawan Kota
Meer (sekarang Meerbusch), dan ibunya adalah Santa Hildegund/Hilda (Perayaan :
6 Februari). Pola hidupnya yang saleh diwarisi dari kedua orangtuanya. Semenjak
kecil Herman menaruh cinta yang luar biasa kepada Bunda Maria dan Yesus. Setiap
hari ia selalu menyempatkan dirinya untuk bercakap-cakap dengan Bunda Maria dan
Yesus di dalam Gereja.
Suatu saat sebelum pergi
ke sekolah, ia menyempatkan diri untuk singgah dan berdoa kepada Bunda Maria
dan kanak-kanak Yesus di dalam Gereja. Kepada Bunda Maria dan kanak-kanak
Yesus, ia mempersembahkan sebuah apel yang diberikan oleh ayahnya sebagai bekal
ke sekolah. Ia mengulurkan apel itu kepada kanak-kanak Yesus. Tetapi ia tidak
cukup tinggi untuk bisa mencapai tangan Yesus. Ia ingin memanjat, namun
diurungkannya karena merasa tidak sopan. Lalu dengan ajaib tiba-tiba saja Bunda
Maria tersenyum lalu membungkuk menerima pemberian Herman. Herman tertawa
ceria. Sesudah itu ia berpamitan keluar dari gereja karena takut terlambat ke
Herman menganggap Bunda
Maria dan kanak-kanak Yesus sebagai teman akrabnya. Setiap kali ia selalu
singgah di gereja untuk membisikkan isi hatinya dan menceritakan semua
pengalamannya. Pernah sekali ia datang tanpa bersepatu, padahal pagi itu udara
sangat dingin. Bunda Maria menunjuk ke sebuah ubin yang terlepas. Herman
membalik ubin itu dan mendapati sejumlah uang yang cukup untuk membeli sepatu.
Setelah itu, setiap kali Herman memerlukan sesuatu, di tempat itulah selalu
tersedia apa yang diperlukannya.
Ketika ia berumur 12
tahun, Bunda Maria memintanya agar masuk biara. Herman merasa heran karena ia
masih terlalu kecil. Namun ia patuh pada permintaan Bunda Maria. Ia lalu
melamar pada Biara Premonstratensian ( Biara Norbertine )
di Steinfeld. Dan ternyata ia diterima juga sebagai postulan dan kemudian
novis. Atas permintaan Bunda Maria, pada saat ia ditahbiskan menjadi imam
ia menambah namanya menjadi “Herman Yosef”.
Sebagai seorang imam dan
biarawan, Herman Yosef menjalani pola hidup asketis yang keras sesuai dengan
peraturan biara Nobertine. Setiap pagi Ia rajin melatih dirinya dengan berbagai
latihan rohani. Cintanya kepada Bunda Maria dan Kanak-kanak Yesus serta rasa
hormatnya pada Sakramen MahaKudus semakin meluap. Setiap pagi saat merayakan
Ekaristi matanya selalu basah dengan linangan air mata. Setiap kali ia mengalami
kekacauan batin, Bunda Maria datang menghiburnya. Kepadanya Bunda Maria selalu
berkata: “Tidak ada yang lebih berkenan kepada Allah daripada melayani
saudara-saudara karena cinta kepada Allah.”
Herman Yoseph memperoleh
karunia penglihatan dan sering mengalami ekstase pada waktu mempersembahkan
Kurban Misa. Namun ia tetap rendah hati dan menjalani hidup sebagai seorang
biarawan yang biasa-biasa saja. Karena kesuciaan hidup dan kesederhanaannya,
Herman Yoseph sangat dicintai oleh banyak orang teristimewa
rekan-rekannya sebiara.
Selain sebagai seorang
mistik, Herman Yoseph juga dikenal sebagai seorang penyair dan pencipta lagu
rohani. Banyak syair dan lagu yang dikarangnya untuk meluhurkan Sakramen Maha
Kudus dan menghormati Bunda Maria.
Pada tahun-tahun terakhir
dalam hidupnya, Herman ditugaskan untuk menjadi pembimbing spiritual bagi para
biarawati Cistercian di
Kota Hoven, dekat Zulpich. Ditempat inilah Herman Yoseph tutup usia pada tahun
1241 dalam usia 90 tahun. Jenazahnya mula-mula dikuburkan di biara tersebut;
lalu dipindahkan ke kota Steinfeld sampai hari ini.
Proses kanonisasi Beato
Herman Joseph dimulai sejak tahun 1626, atas permintaan dari Uskup Agung
Ferdinand dari Cologne dan Kaisar Ferdinand II, tapi proses ini tidak
berlanjut. Walau demikian, perayaan untuk menghormati kekudusan Herman Joseph
terus dirayakan pada setiap tanggal 7 April oleh biara Nobertine. Nama Herman
Joseph juga telah tercantum dalam “Martyrologium Romanum” sebagai orang kudus
walaupun ia belum secara resmi dimaklumkan kudus. Statusnya sebagai
seorang kudus baru secara resmi dikukuhkan oleh gereja setelah ia dibeatifikasi
oleh Paus Pius
XII pada tahun 1958.
Arti nama
Herman berarti : Tentara. Berasal dari kata Jermanik : Hari yang berarti : "tentara", dan kata "man" yang berati : "Orang" atau "Manusia" (maskulin).
Yoseph Berasal dari bahasa Latin : Ioseph, yang diambill dari bahasa
Yunani Ιωσηφ (Ioseph), yang aslinya dari bahasa Ibrani יוֹסֵף
(Yosef) yang berarti "Yang ditambahkan Tuhan".
Variasi Nama
Hermann Joseph(English),
Hermann Joseph (Deutsch), Ermanno Giuseppe (Italian), Herman
Jozef (Dutch)
SOURCE : https://katakombe.org/para-kudus/item/herman-yoseph.html