de Saint Modeste, Évêque de Trèves, Église
de Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours, L'Islet,
of Saint Modestus, Bishop of Trier, Notre-Dame-de-Bonsecours Church,
L’Islet, Québec
Saint Modeste
Évêque de Trèves et confesseur (+ v. 480)
Martyrologe romain
Saint Modeste
Date : 24/02
Epoque : Vème s.
Pays : Rhénanie
Modeste est un prénom abandonné, qu'on aurait bien besoin de retrouver au moins comme adjectif qualificatif.
Il signifie en latin "mesure". Dans un récent colloque, le thème
débattu était "le savant et la foi". La conclusion de ces
scientifiques fut la suivante : "soyons modestes : nous sommes
d'abord des chercheurs, plutôt que des savants possédant la science".
Des calendriers régionaux
présentent divers saints Modeste. On en sait peu de détails, sauf l'essentiel :
leur renom de sainteté à travers leur fidélité au Christ maître de leur vie. Le
saint Modeste mentionné au calendrier civil était évêque de Trêves en Rhénanie
au Ve siècle, période très difficile pour l'évangélisation. C'était au temps du
roi Clovis et de l'invasion des Francs sur le Rhin, avant que Clovis et ses
compagnons n'aient été gagnés à la foi au Christ par saint Remi et la reine
Clotilde et baptisés le jour de Noël 496.
Documentation. Des demandes parviennent sur le sens de prénoms actuellement
donnés.Un coup d'oeil sur l'Etat-civil publié dans nos journaux nous éclaire
sur cette complexité. Ainsi, dans la presse de la ville de Tours, sans prétendre
opérer un sondage, on remarque par exemple :. En tête, apparaissent des noms
anciens, comme Camille, Marie, Alexis, Clément, Axel (et : elle), Emeline, ou
encore Lucas et aussi Chloé. Viennent après : Hugo, Emma, Baptiste, Emilie,
Romain, Soléne, Erwann, Zoé. Et aussi des noms bibliques: Sarah, Jérém(y),
Mikaël, Myriam, Joseph.... Prolongez cette enquête. Vous pouvez communiquer
lumières et questions au rédacteur de cette chronique : (P. Bernard Pineau.
Dominicains. 12 Rue du Général Meusnier 37000 Tours). Il se fera une joie de
vous répondre dans la mesure de son temps et de ses archives. Récemment, il
avait à répondre à des questions provenant de sa famille : sens de Davy, de
Yanis et surtout le plus beau nom, après Marie, celui de Eve la vivante !
église Saint-Matthias à Trèves où sont
vénérées les reliques de saint Modeste
Matthias' Abbey is a Benedictine monastery
in Trier, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.
known as
Bishop of Trier, Germany in 486 during
a period of great political turmoil when the city came under the rule of the
489 of
natural causes
relics enshrined
in the church Saint Matthias, Trier, Germany
of Saints, by the Monks of
of the Day, by Katherine Rabenstein
Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints
sites in english
en español
Martirologio Romano, 2001 edición
en français
in italiano
“Saint Modestus of
Trier“. CatholicSaints.Info. 19 February 2023. Web. 24 February 2025.
Book of
Saints – Modestus – 24 February
(Saint) Bishop (February
24) (5th
century) The successor of Saint Miletus
in the See of
Treves (A.D. 486).
He had a difficult task to perform in restoring the discipline and morals of
his flock, which had been utterly disorganised by the incursions of the Pagan Franks.
His zeal and success are subjects of admiration among contemporary historians.
He passed away A.D. 489.
Monks of Ramsgate.
“Modestus”. Book of Saints, 1921. CatholicSaints.Info.
9 January 2016. Web. 24 February 2025.
of the Day – Modestus of Trèves, Bishop
Died 489. Bishop of
Trier, Germany, from 486 to 489, during the difficult period when the city came
under Frankish rule. Saint Modestus’s relics are venerated in the church of
Saint Matthias in Trier (Benedictines).
Katherine I
Rabenstein. Saints of the Day, 1998. CatholicSaints.Info.
11 July 2022. Web. 24 February 2025. <>
St. Modestus
Feastday: February 24
Death: 489
Bishop of Trier during
the period of Frankish rule over the area from 486. His relics are
enshrined in St. Matthias, Trier. Modestus suffered much during that difficult
St Modeste de Trèves
by Ratovoarivelo Ndrasantsoa Marie Frédeline
February 24 — The Modeste
that we talk is the Bishop of Trèves in Rhénanie, Germany, in Fifth century,
under the reign of Clovis, king of the Franks.
Modest is a monk famous
for his virtue and deep knowledge of true wisdom. This is probably why he was
appointed spiritual director of the monastery founded by Saint Theodosius in
the 6th century. In the year 614, when the Persian king Chosroes led his army
to Jerusalem, Patriarch Zechariah sent Modest to the Emperor of Antioch to ask
for support. But within three weeks the Persians succeeded in conquering the
Holy Land and in just three days they finished pillaging and sacking the city.
Modest was appointed in
lieu of the patriarch Zachary that we sent in exile in Persia with tens of
thousands of Christians and the Holy Cross. Modeste had the burning city
cleaned up and organized the burial of thousands of corpses. He renovated the
city and had the places of worship rebuilt as much as possible and other sacred
places ransacked by the attackers. Modest gathered and encouraged the
survivors. With the help of the patriarch of Alexandria. He succeeded to make
normal the life of Church of Sion.
of the Day – 24 February – Saint Modestus (Died c486) Bishop and Confessor
Posted on February
24, 2025
Saint of the Day – 24
February – Saint Modestus (Died c486) Bishop and Confessor. Modestus was the
19th Bishop of Trier. In the official records of Bishops, he succeeds Saint
Miletus and precedes Maximian. Died in c486 in Trier of natural causes.
Tradition remembers him as a tireless Preacher in the streets of the City. He
was a man assiduous in prayer who systematically practiced fasting. Modestus
fought against the discouragement and poverty of all his people. He was also
tireless in the fight against the indiscipline of the Clergy and in the fight
against all forms of corruption. Also known as – Modest, Modeste, Modesto.
The Roman Martyrology
reads today: “At Treves, Sy Modestus, Bishop and Confessor.”
Of his birth, youth and
education nothing is known. That which we do know is but a few details of his
Episcopate which are derived from brief mentions in various martyrologies from
Germany and the Netherlands. From these sources, the information was later
inserted into the Roman Martyrology.
As the Bishop, Modestus
governed the Diocese of Trier in the last quarter of the 5th Century, that is,
in the difficult times of the Frankish incursions and the devastation of the
City and the Diocese.
Modestus died, according
to the Florarium Sanctorum manuscript, in 489. Today, after historical
investigations, 486 is considered rather the year of his death. He was buried
in the church of Saint Eucharist which, since the 12th Century has borne the
name of Saint Matthias, Apostle, whose Feastday we appropriately celebrate
today too. St Matthias Tomb is enshrined here as are those of Sts Eucharius and
Valerius and our St Modestus, although I can find no images of the latter.
San Modesto di
Treviri Vescovo
Festa: 24 febbraio
Della sua vita non conosciamo altro che brevi menzioni in vari martirologi mss.
provenienti dalla Germania e dai Paesi Bassi, donde poi la notizia è stata
inserita nel Martirologio Romano. Come vescovo Modesto governò la diocesi di
Treviri nell'ultimo quarto del secolo V, cioè nei tempi difficili delle
incursioni dei Franchi e delle devastazioni della città e della diocesi. Morì,
secondo il ms. Florarium Sanctorum, nel 499; oggi, dopo le investigazioni
storiche, si considera piuttosto il 486 come anno della sua morte. Fu sepolto
nella chiesa di sant'Eucario che dal secolo XII porta il nome di san Mattia.
Romano: A Treviri in Gallia belgica, nell’odierna Germania, san Modesto,
San Modesto è il diciannovesimo vescovo di Treviri. Nella cronotasasi ufficiale dei vescovi succede a San Mileto e precede Massimiano.
San Modesto fu governò la diocesi di Treviri nel difficile periodo in cui la città passò sotto il dominio dei Franchi.
Egli era vescovo durante l'invasione effettuata dai re franchi Meroveo e Childerico I.
Sulla vita di questo vescovo sappiamo ben poco.
La tradizione lo ricorda come predicatore instancabile per le vie della città. Fu un uomo assiduo nella preghiera che praticava sistematicamente la pratica del digiuno.
San Modesto ha combattuto contro lo scoraggiamento e la povertà di tutto il suo popolo. Fu inoltre instancabile nella lotta all'indisciplina del clero e nella lotta alla corruzione.
Si pensa morì intorno al 486.
Le sue reliquie sono venerate nella chiesa di San Mattia a Treviri.
La sua festa secondo il Martirologio Romano è stata fissata il giorno 24 febbraio.
Autore: Mauro Bonato