Bienheureuse Elena Aiello
Fondatrice des Minimes de
la Passion (+ 1961)
Née à Montalto Uffugo en 1895, près de Cosenza, en Italie du Sud, Elena est entrée en 1920 chez les Sœurs de la Charité du Précieux-Sang mais de graves problèmes de santé l'obligent à retourner chez elle. Guérie par l'intercession de sainte Rita, elle a ensuite des visions du Christ et de la Vierge qui développent chez elle une profonde dévotion pour la Passion du Christ.
En 1928, elle fonde une œuvre pour les orphelines et obtient, au lendemain de la Seconde guerre mondiale, la création de la congrégation des Minimes de la Passion qui sera définitivement approuvée en 1949 et qui compte aujourd'hui des maisons en Italie, en Suisse, au Canada, en Colombie et au Brésil. (d'après: La Croix du 14/09/2011)
Béatifiée le 14 septembre 2011, elle est la première bienheureuse de la Calabre.
Sœur Elena Aiello, fondatrice des sœurs minimes de la Passion de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ, est béatifiée aujourd'hui à Cosenza... Remarquable fille de la région de Calabre, Sœur Elena aimait dire: 'L'eucharistie est la nourriture essentielle de ma vie, la respiration profonde de mon âme, le sacrement qui donne sens à ma vie, à toutes les actions de la journée'. Que l'exemple de la nouvelle bienheureuse et son intercession augmente en chacun l'amour de ce sacrement merveilleux.
(d'après Benoît XVI à l'audience du 14 septembre 2011 - texte en anglais)
Video de
la béatification - en italien.
Source :
Italie : Elena
Aiello, première bienheureuse de Calabre
Pour Benoît XVI une
« âme eucharistique »
ROME, Mercredi 14 septembre
2011 ( – Le pape Benoît XVI
a salué en la bienheureuse Elena Aiello(1895-1961)une « âme
eucharistique » : elle est la première bienheureuse de la région italienne
de Calabre. Elle avait écrit à Mussolini de ne pas entrer en guerre.
Elena Aiello a en effet
été béatifiée cet après-midi à Cosenza : cette mystique, fondatrice des
sœurs Minimes de la Passion de Notre-Seigneur Jésus-Christ avait écrit à
Mussolini de la part du Christ pour lui demander de ne pas s’engager dans la
guerre, puis de se retirer du conflit.
La célébration a été présidée au nom du pape par le cardinal Angelo Amato, préfet de la Congrégation pour les causes des saints, au stade communal San Vito de Cosenza, accompagné de Mgr Salvatore Nunnari, évêque de Cosenza, et du nonce apostolique en Turquie, Mgr Antonio Lucibello.
A l’audience générale de
ce matin, Benoît XVI a salué cette béatification en disant : « En
Italie, l’Eglise se réjouit de l’élévation à la gloire des autels d’une âme
éminemment eucharistique ».
Elena Aiello a vécu dans
une famille chrétienne exemplaire de 8 enfants. Elle entra en 1920 chez les
Sœurs du très Précieux Sang.
Mais elle dut quitter la
communauté en raison d’une gangrène de l’épaule gauche, qui fut mal opérée,
sans anesthésie : elle resta paralysée, et la plaie ne se refermait pas.
Le Christ lui révéla
qu’elle était associée de façon spéciale à sa Passion et elle consentit.
Puis on lui diagnostiqua
un cancer de l’estomac, réputé incurable aujourd’hui encore. Mais elle fut
guérie par l’intercession de sainte Rita, qui la favorisa d’apparitions, en
Le 2 mars 1923, premier
vendredi du mois, elle commença à porter des stigmates de la Passion du
Christ qui lui dit un jour : « Toi aussi, tu dois me ressembler, car
tu dois être la victime pour tant de pécheurs et satisfaire à la justice de mon
Père pour qu’ils soient sauvés ».
Ces manifestations de son
union profonde au Christ n’affectaient cependant pas sa vie quotidienne et
elle fonda ainsi une nouvelle congrégation. Sa réputation de sainteté se
répandit et le peuple accourait pour lui demander conseil.
Puis elle reçut la
révélation que sa plaie purulente à l’épaule allait aussi être guérie, après
trois ans de souffrance : dans la nuit du 21 mai 1924, elle entendit en
songe sainte Rita lui annoncer qu’elle serait guérie le lendemain à 15 heures.
Elle fonda l’Ordre des
Sœurs Minimes de la Passion de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ en 1928 : elle
avait 33 ans. Mais la communauté ne reçut un décret de reconnaissance juridique
qu’en 1949 : elle avait ainsi 54 ans lorsqu’elle prononça ses vœux
Les sœurs se consacraient
à l’éducation des enfants du peuple et elles les préparaient pour la Première
communion : au bout d’un ans, elles en avaient hébergé 24. Les enfants et
la fondatrice seront aussi favorisés d’une « visite » de sainte
Thérèse de Lisieux. La fondation grandira avec l’aide de la Providence :
Sœur Elena ouvrira 18 maisons en Italie.
Sa réputation de sainteté
ne se démentait pas et parvint aux oreilles de Benito Mussolini, qui fit
parvenir un don à la maison généralice de Cosenza. La fondatrice lui écrivit à
son tour une lettre, en date du 23 Avril 1940, mais publiée le 19 Mars 1956.
Elle avait l’audace d’écrire : « Je viens à Vous au nom de Dieu pour
vous dire ce que le Seigneur m’a révélé et qu’il veut de vous » :
elle demande à Mussolini de « maintenir l’Italie hors de la guerre ».
Le 15 mai 1943, elle
s’adressera à son intermédiaire pour la première lettre, Edwige Mancini
Mussolini, sœur du Duce, en disant : « Je vous demande de dire en mon
nom au Duce que celui-ci est le dernier avertissement que le Seigneur lui
envoie. (…) Si le Duce ne sauve pas l’Italie en se remettant à ce que lui
conseillera et dira de faire le Saint-Père, bien vite il tombera ».
Hospitalisée à Rome le 12
juin 1961, Mère Elena s’éteignit le 19 juin à l’âge de 66 ans. La nouvelle
bienheureuse repose à Cosenza.
Anita S. Bourdin
Bse Elena Aiello
Vierge, mystique et fondatrice des :
“Suore Minime della Passione di N.S.G.C.” « Sœurs Minimes de la Passion de N.S.J.C.) »
Elle entra en 1920 chez
les Sœurs du très Précieux Sang. Mais elle dut quitter la communauté en raison
d’une gangrène de l’épaule gauche, qui fut mal opérée, sans anesthésie : elle
resta paralysée, et la plaie ne se refermait pas.
Le Christ lui révéla
qu’elle était associée de façon spéciale à sa Passion et elle consentit.
Puis on lui diagnostiqua
un cancer de l’estomac, réputé incurable (aujourd’hui encore). Mais elle fut
guérie par l’intercession de sainte Rita, qui la favorisa d’apparitions, en
Le 2 mars 1923, premier
vendredi du mois, elle commença à porter des stigmates de la Passion du Christ
qui lui dit un jour : « Toi aussi, tu dois me ressembler, car tu dois être
la victime pour tant de pécheurs et satisfaire à la justice de mon Père pour
qu'ils soient sauvés ».
Ces manifestations de son
union profonde au Christ n’affectaient cependant pas sa vie quotidienne et elle
fonda ainsi une nouvelle congrégation. Sa réputation de sainteté se répandit et
le peuple accourait pour lui demander conseil.
Puis elle reçut la
révélation que sa plaie purulente à l’épaule allait aussi être guérie, après
trois ans de souffrance : dans la nuit du 21 mai 1924, elle entendit en songe
sainte Rita lui annoncer qu’elle serait guérie le lendemain à 15 heures.
Elle fonda l’Ordre des
« Sœurs Minimes de la Passion de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ » en
1928 : elle avait 33 ans. Mais la communauté ne reçut un décret de
reconnaissance juridique qu’en 1949 : elle avait ainsi 54 ans lorsqu’elle
prononça ses vœux perpétuels.
Les sœurs se consacraient
à l’éducation des enfants du peuple et elles les préparaient pour la Première
communion : au bout d’un an, elles en avaient hébergé 24. Les enfants et la
fondatrice seront aussi favorisés d’une « visite » de sainte Thérèse
de Lisieux. La fondation grandira avec l’aide de la Providence : Sœur Elena
ouvrira 18 maisons en Italie.
Sa réputation de sainteté
ne se démentait pas et parvint aux oreilles de Benito Mussolini, qui fit
parvenir un don à la maison généralice de Cosenza. La fondatrice lui écrivit à
son tour une lettre, en date du 23 Avril 1940, mais publiée le 19 Mars 1956.
Elle avait l’audace d’écrire : « Je viens à Vous au nom de Dieu pour vous
dire ce que le Seigneur m'a révélé et qu'il veut de vous » : elle demande
à Mussolini de « maintenir l’Italie hors de la guerre ».
Le 15 mai 1943 elle
s’adressera à son intermédiaire, Edwige Mancini Mussolini, sœur du Duce, en
disant : « Je vous demande de dire en mon nom au Duce que celui-ci est le
dernier avertissement que le Seigneur lui envoie. (…) Si le Duce ne
sauve pas l'Italie en se remettant à ce que lui conseillera et dira de faire le
Saint-Père, bien vite il tombera ».
Hospitalisée à Rome, où
elle s’était rendue pour l’ouverture d’une nouvelle maison, le 12
juin 1961, Mère Elena s’éteignit le 19 juin à 6h19, à l’âge de 66 ans ;
elle repose dans la chapelle de la maison généralice à Cosenza.
Elena Aiello a été
béatifiée le 14 septembre 2011 au stade communal San Vito de
Cosenza ; elle est la première bienheureuse de la région italienne de
La célébration a été
présidée, au nom du pape Benoît XVI, par le card. Angelo Amato s.d.b., Préfet
de la Congrégation pour les causes des saints, accompagné de Mgr Salvatore
Nunnari, évêque de Cosenza, et du nonce apostolique en Turquie, Mgr Antonio
Pour un approfondissement biographique :
Vénérable Mère ELENA AIELLO
Religieuse, fondatrice, stigmatisée
Elena Aiello naquit à
Montalto Uffugo, province de Cosenza, le 10 avril 1895, mercredi de la Semaine
Sainte. Elle était la fille de Pasquale Aiello et de Teresa Paglilla.
La petite Elena vécut
dans un milieu familial très chrétien et exemplaire. Pasquale Aiello était
considéré comme l’un des meilleures couturiers de la région. Il était décrit
comme un homme d'une honnêteté exceptionnelle, exquise dans les modalités,
apparaissait et était un parfait gentilhomme, respectait et était respecté. Il
mourut en 1905, encore jeune, laissant à sa bonne épouse huit enfants :
Emma, Ida, Elena, Evangelina, Elisa, Riccardo, Giovannina et Francesco ;
une autre fille prénommée Maria Elena était morte, un an avant son père, âgée
d’à peine un an. Chacun, selon son âge, aidait aux travaux de la maison et aux
affaires des parents.
Elena avait bien vite
démontré une vive intelligence : âgé de quatre ans, elle répondait déjà à
un certain nombre de questions de catéchisme.
En 1901, alors qu’elle
n’avait que six ans, elle fut envoyée chez les Sœurs du Très Précieux Sang,
pour y fréquenter l’école élémentaire et continuer son instruction religieuse.
A l’Institut des Soeurs, la petite, après la prière, exprimait toujours le
désir de vouloir assister à la sainte Messe ; mais à l’Institut la Messe
n'était pas célébrée chaque matin, alors la petite Elena, lorsqu’elle le
pouvait, allait dans l'église voisine pour satisfaire son ardent désir.
Rentrée à la maison,
après l’école, elle aidait encore, sous la surveillance de la sœur, à préparer
le repas. Les sœurs de l’Institut, constatant son progrès et avancement dans la
connaissance du catéchisme, commencèrent ― et cela pendant huit ans ― à la
prendre avec elles, pour l'habituer à enseigner à de plus petits la doctrine
chrétienne. Ses temps libres elle les consacrait aux autres travaux domestiques
et aux immanquables prières quotidiennes.
La Calabre, pendant la
Première Guerre Mondiale, subit, comme et peut-être plus les autres régions,
des carences hygiéniques et sanitaires, ce qui favorisa la propagation de la
« grippe espagnole », laquelle sema sur son passage, dans la région
calabraise et dans tout le pays, désolation et mort.
Elena, en cette période,
passait sa journée à assister les infirmes, s'occupant même de la confection de
caisses en bois pour enterrer « chrétiennement » ― comme
elle-même disait ― les malheureuses victimes de l’épidémie.
Pendant la période de
l'épidémie, maître Pasquale permit même qu'Elena passa la nuit à l’Institut avec
les Soeurs, par crainte qu’elle puisse transmette l’épidémie à toute la
famille. Et les Soeurs commencèrent à la considérer comme une des leurs,
caressant l’idée de l'accueillir au plus vite dans leur congrégation. Et le
père, vu la décision et l'insistance d'Elena, maintenant que la tempête de
l'après-guerre était finie, lui accorda la permission d’embrasser la vie
religieuse. Et ce fut ainsi que le 18 août 1920, Elena fit son entrée
officielle chez les Sœur du très Précieux Sang.
Mais le séjour d’Elena à
l’Institut des sœurs fut de courte durée. En effet, un jour la Mère Générale,
alors qu’elle descendait les escaliers, aperçut Elena étendue par terre dans la
laverie. Vite on la souleva et on la mit au lit. On constata ensuite que
l’épaule gauche était noire jusqu’au cou. Le médecin fut appelé et celui-ci
suggéra une intervention chirurgicale. Mais on tarda à l’opérer, à cause d’une
fièvre persistante. Les sœurs décidèrent alors de faire intervenir le médecin
de la Communauté, en assumant toute responsabilité.
Le 25 mars 1921 (mardi
saint), dans le dortoir même, attachée à une chaise, Elena subit, sans
anesthésie, pas même locale, l’ablation de la chaire noircie, tenant dans ses
mains, pour garder le courage, un crucifix en bois et sur son front une image
de la Vierge des Douleurs.
En même temps que de la
chair noircie, le médecin coupa aussi des nerfs, ce qui eut pour résultat de
paralyser l’épaule ainsi que la bouche qui restait serrée. L'impression laissée
sur la patiente fut terrible ; pendant environ quarante jours elle fut
tourmentée par des vomissements.
Mais le temps de la prise
d’habits approchait et Elena, au prix d’un grand effort et la blessure encore
ouverte, voulut se lever afin de suivre les exercices spirituels, dans l'espoir
de vêtir l’habit religieux.
Pour corriger le défaut
de l’épaule, elle réussi à se mettre un bustier qui lui permettait de se
redresser. Mais, vu sa condition physique déplorable, le Père Directeur ne rien
faire d’autre que de lui conseiller de rentrer chez elle, au sein de sa
famille, afin de se soigner convenablement, avant de revenir dans la
Pendant cette période
Elena nota dans son cahier avoir reçu deux fois, peu de jours avant de quitter
le monastère, de la part du Seigneur, une invitation à la résignation, et
d’accepter ce que Lui, Il avait disposé pour elle, ainsi qu’une invitation à
embrasser fermement la croix qu’Il lui préparait.
Elena, entre-temps, avait
grandement dépérit, au point d’être méconnaissable. Elle ne pouvait ni se laver,
ni se coiffer : son bras gauche était paralysé et sur son épaule il y
avait une plaie qui bien vite commença à se remplir de vermine. Le père, très
préoccupé de l’état de sa fille, la conduisit à Cosenza chez un spécialiste. Le
professeur qui l'examina dit alors à la jeune demoiselle :
« Je ne peux rien
faire, ma fille, parce que tu as été saccagée : le médical qui t'a
opérée... n'est pas un chirurgien ; il t’a coupé des nerfs... ; seul
un miracle pourra résoudre ton état de santé ; maintenant ta plaie risque
d’être atteinte par la gangrène ! »
Quelque temps après, les médecins imposèrent à Elena une visite soignée et une radiographie pour vérifier la cause des graves dérangements gastriques qui continuaient à tourmenter la pauvre fille. Elle fut reconduite par conséquent à l’Hôpital Civil de Cosenza, où un cancer à l'estomac fut diagnostiqué.
Intervention de
sainte Rita
Elena adressa alors une
fervente prière à sainte Rita ― la sainte des impossibles ! ― lui
demandant la guérison de cette nouvelle maladie qui avait frappé son l'estomac.
Pendant qu’elle priait, elle vit la statue de la Sainte s’entourer d’une
éblouissante lumière. Dans la nuit, la Sainte lui apparut pour lui dire qu’elle
aimerait que l’on institue son culte pour raviver la foi des gens et demanda à
Elena de commencer un triduum en son honneur. Le lendemain, Elena revint
à Montalto et commença un triduum à sainte Rita. Celui-ci terminé, la vision se
renouvela : le triduum, disait la Sainte, devait être répété et qu’alors
elle serait guérie de son mal d’estomac. Pour ce qui était de l’épaule, elle
devait garde ce mal et souffrir pour réparer pour les péchés des hommes.
En effet, le 21 octobre
1921, Elena eut la grâce de la guérison complète de sa tumeur gastrique.
Evangelina, la sœur, couchée dans la chambre contiguë, vit, pendant cette
nuit-là, par la fente de la porte entrouverte, s’échapper une lumière
éclatante. Croyant qu’il s’agissait d’un incendie, elle accourut aussitôt dans
la chambre d’Elena. Elle s’assit sur le bord du lit et remarqua que sa sœur qui
paraissait assoupie, s’était plutôt évanouie. Alors, affligée, elle appela les
autres membres de la famille, car elle craint aussi qu’elle ne soit morte.
Lorsque les autres
membres de la famille entrèrent dans la chambre, Elena avait complètement
éveillée et en pleine santé. Elle leur raconta alors la visite de sainte Rita,
la guérison, les paroles de la vision ; ensuite, elle leur demanda quelque
chose à manger.
Premiers stigmates
Le 2 Mars 1923, premier
vendredi du mois, se produisit, pour la première fois, ce phénomène
extraordinaire qui attraira sur Elena l'attention de tant de gens, de régions
même très lointaines, et qu'il se répétera tous les ans, jusqu'à sa mort. Le
matin, après la communion, une voix interne lui annonçait à l'avance
l’imminence d’un nouveau genre de souffrance choisi pour elle par le Seigneur.
Vers quinze heures, elle
était au lit souffrant beaucoup à cause de la plaie carcinomateuse de son
épaule gauche ; le Seigneur, vêtu de blanc et portant la couronne d'épines
lui apparut. L’ayant invitée à participer à ses souffrances, Elena répondit
affirmativement ; alors le Seigneur enleva de son Chef la couronne et la
posa sur la tête d’Elena. À son contacte, une abondante effusion de sang
sortit. Le Seigneur lui indiqua qu'Il avait besoin de cette souffrance pour
convertir les pécheurs ; pour beaucoup de péchés d'impureté, et qu’elle
devait être victime pour satisfaire la Divine Justice.
Une certaine femme nommée
Rosaria, domestique de la famille, après avoir terminé son service s’apprêtait
à partir ; ayant entendu des bruits suspects qui venaient de la chambrette
d'Elena, elle monta prudemment pour se rendre compte de ce qui se passait.
Surprise, à la vision de tant de sang, elle partit de suite prévenir la
famille, croyant qu'Elena avait été tuée.
Dès leur arrivée dans la
chambre, et devant ce spectacle étonnant, ils purent constaté la véracité des
dires de la domestique. Ils appelèrent alors les médecins et les prêtres du
Le docteur Adolfo Turano
essaya des lavages, mais le sang continuait de couler de la tête d’Elena. Après
trois heures de saignements continus, le phénomène s’arrêta de lui-même. Tous
restèrent surpris, confondus, impressionnés parce qu'ils ne savaient pas
expliquer, d’aucune manière ce qui s'était produit.
Le deuxième vendredi de
mars avant quinze heures on fit venir le docteur Turano à la maison, ainsi que
d’autres personnes, afin de constater si le même phénomène allait se répéter.
Et en effet, exactement à la même heure le même phénomène se reproduisit.
Alors, le Docteur chercha à arrêter le sang avec un mouchoir, mais à ce
contacte, la peau de la partie blessée s’irritait au point de faire grossir et
s’élargir les pores, ce qui causait de grandes douleurs à Elena.
Le troisième vendredi du
même mois, une dame de San Benedetto Ullano (D. Virginia Manes), mère du
docteur Aristodemo Milano, fut envoyé par son fils pour constater le fait et
tremper un mouchoir dans le sang. La femme, restée seule dans la petite cellule
d'Elena, lui sécha le front avec un mouchoir, qu’elle plia ensuite et conserva.
Revenue à San Bénedetto elle trouva inexplicablement le mouchoir complètement
propre et sans la moindre trace de sang. Le fils, après avoir écouté le récit
de sa maman se convertit et demanda à recevoir le baptême.
Dans une vision, le
Seigneur, répondant aux plaintes d'Elena pour tout ce qu’on lui faisait subir à
cause de la sueur de sang, lui expliqua que c’était Lui que la faisait
souffrir ; qu’elle devait être sa victime pour le monde ; qu'elle ne
devait pas s’affliger à cause du crucifix qui lui avait été enlevé et que de
toute manière elle l’avait toujours présent en son cœur et que pour le confirmer
Il lui donnerait les plaies de sa Passion, qui seraient visibles aux yeux de
La stigmatisation
En effet, lors du
quatrième vendredi du mois de mars, Elena retrouva dans son corps ces mêmes
plaies. Jésus lui dit alors :
« Toi aussi, tu dois
me ressembler, car tu dois être la victime pour tant de pécheurs et satisfaire
à la justice de mon Père pour qu'ils soient sauvés ».
Vers cinq heures
(dix-sept heures), Jésus lui dit :
« Ma fille, regarde
comme je souffre ! J'ai versé tout mon sang pour le monde et maintenant il
s’en va en ruine ; personne ne se rend compte des perfidies dont il est
recouvert. Considère l'acerbité de ma douleur causée par un si grand nombre
d’injures et de mépris que je reçois de tant de provocateurs et de libertins... ».
Le vendredi suivant, à
toutes les autres plaies des mains et des pieds s'ajouta la blessure du côté.
Le jour du Corpus Domini la douleur aux plaies se renouvela avec une nouvelle
effusion de sang et, chose remarquable, les plaies, à la fin de l’extase, se
cicatrisaient parfaitement.
Les phénomènes cités
ci-dessus, n’affectaient en rien l’extraordinaire activité d’Elena, ni la
normalité de sa vie religieuse, ni l’accomplissement de ses fonctions de
fondatrice et de supérieure d’une nouvelle congrégation.
Les souffrances du
vendredi saint se produisaient habituellement avec l'absolue exclusion de tout
curieux : les portes de la maison restaient complètement closes. Le matin
du samedi saint sœur Elena était déjà, comme d’habitude, à sa place de prière,
de travail, de responsabilité, comme si rien n’était arrivé.
Il faut dire que ces
phénomènes ne facilitèrent en rien ses rapports avec les autorités
ecclésiastiques, bien au contraire, ils furent parfois source de chagrins et
d’humiliations. Mais, les gens du peuple — et pas seulement du peuple —
venaient vers elle pour lui demander de l’aide dans leurs tribulations et lui
demander conseil avant des décisions importantes.
Quand quelqu’un demandait
après « Sœur Elena Aiello », pour en demander l’adresse, voyait sur
le visage de l’interpellé comme une expression de méconnaisse, comme quelqu’un
qui entend un tel nom pour la première fois. Par contre, quand on demandait où
habitait la « sœur qui sue du sang », s’entendait répondre bien vite :
« Ah ! oui, vous cherchez la sainte moniale ? » Alors, la
réponse était immédiate et précise. Et les années durant, jusqu’à sa mort, elle
fut connu sous ce nom : “la sainte moniale“.
Guérison annoncée…
Elena annonça plusieurs
fois qu’elle serait guérie de son mal d’épaule. Dans une lettre datée du 10 mai
1924 et adressée à Monseigneur Mauro, elle disait :
« Révérend Père,
hier vers quinze heures, Jésus m’est apparu et m’a dit : “Ma chère fille,
veux-tu guérir ou bien veux-tu souffrir ?” Alors j’ai répondu :
“Souffrant avec vous, mon Jésus, on peut tout souffrir”. Et Jésus me dit
encore : “Eh ! bien, je te guérirai, mais chaque vendredi, je te
ferai entrer dans les ténèbres ; tu me seras ainsi plus proche”. Après
m’avoir dit cela, Il disparu.
De même au docteur Adolfo
Turano appelé par la famille suite à l’aggravation de l’état de l’infirme,
Elena raconta que quelques jours auparavant, lors d’une vision où elle vit
saint Rita, celle-ci lui annonçait sa guérison pour le 22 mai, dans le courrant
de l’après-midi.
Le Docteur, étant donné
l’état de sa patiente, pensa qu’elle délirait, et en fit part de ses doutes à
la famille réunie.
Le 22, alors qu'Elena
avec grande force d'esprit, essayait, s’aidant d’un miroir, d’enlever la
vermine qui fourmillait dans la plaie de son épaule gauche, le miracle se
produisit. Voici la description qu’en fit Emma, la sœur d’Elena :
« … Quand j’ai
entrepris d’extraire [la vermine de son épaule], j’ai utilisé la même méthode
qu’Elena : le cure-dents. J’écartais la peau qui entourait les plaies profondes
et je les faisais sauter avec le cure-dents, mais plus j'en enlevais, plus il y
en avait ! Ensuite je vous déposais une poudre jaune que l’on m'avaient
conseillée, mais sans aucun résultat.
Elena supportait avec
résignation ce tourment, mais sa foi en sainte Rita était incalculable. Elle
avait la certitude de guérir ; mais tous n’étaient pas prêts à le croire.
Cela faisait déjà trois ans ! Dans la nuit du 21 mai 1924, Elena rêva que
sainte Rita lui disait qu’elle serait guérie le lendemain à quinze 15 heures.
En ce mois de Marie-là,
comme dans les précédents jours nous récitions le Rosaire… Le Rosaire terminé,
Elena commença à prier devant la statue dont la porte qui la protégeait était
ouverte. Aidée par moi, elle se leva et s’approcha de la statue. Nous eûmes
l'impression que la main tendue de sainte Rita – celle qui tenait le crucifix –
s'était écartée pour rejoindre la main du côté blessé d'Elena et la lui
soulever, et qu'une vibration secouait la statue et sa protection. Elena,
devant notre étonnement et notre incrédulité, répétait : « Je suis
guérie ! Je suis guérie ! »… Lorsque je me suis penchée pour
voir la plaie, elle était fermée, ne restant plus qu’une simple cicatrice.
En 1926 les souffrances
des vendredis du mois de mars et du vendredi saint se répétèrent régulièrement.
Le Seigneur, dans les visions, manifestait clairement à Elena qu’Il voulait que
l’Oeuvre soit commencée.
Fondation de l’Ordre
En 1928, âgée alors de 33
ans, elle fonda l’Ordre des Sœurs Minimes de la Passion de Notre
Seigneur Jésus-Christ. A ce temps-là, même si tous l’appelaient sœur, elle
ne l’était pas encore canoniquement. Mère Elena n’a pas connut les étapes
canoniques qui aujourd'hui règlent le chemin de la formation à la vie
religieuse. Ce ne fut que 3 octobre 1949, alors qu’elle comptait déjà 54 ans,
qu’elle fit les vœux perpétuels, entre les mains de Monseigneur Aniello
Chaufour, Archevêque de Cosenza.
Le premier travail fut
celui de l’éducation des enfants du peuple. On en recueillit une centaine, que
l’on instruisit, éduqua à l’asile ou à l’école de broderie et que l’on prépara
pour la première Communion.
Dans un premier temps,
sœur Elena, aidée par sœur Gigia, ramassaient dans les maisons les enfants et
les jeunes filles, les rassemblaient dans l’église de Notre-Dame de Lorette et
les instruisaient des vérités religieuses et les préparaient pour la Première
L’œuvre, bénie par Dieu
et encouragée par les autorités ecclésiastiques, fut applaudie par toute la
ville de Cosenza qui ne manqua pas de l'encourager et de la soutenir avec la
coopération de la charité chrétienne. Un an plus tard, 24 enfants étaient déjà
Ce fut ainsi que, faisant
confiance à la Providence, Elena fonda l’ordre demandée par le Seigneur et,
avec la plus grande tranquillité, elle s’occupait, jour après jour à accomplir
ses devoirs de religieuse et de Supérieure, vis-à-vis des petits et de la
communauté. Toute la vie d'Elena fut une démonstration continue de cette foi
ardente, de cette tranquillité inaltérable de caractère, qui provenaient de
l’abandon complet à Dieu. Foi opérante et continuellement encrée sur la charité
du Christ. Sainte Thérèse de l’Enfant-Jésus montra parfois sa complaisance
envers la petite communauté qui lui était confiée. Elle se montra même un jour,
toute souriante, à toutes les petites qui travaillaient dans l’atelier, tout en
récitant des prières. Le tapage qui s’en suivi fit accourir sœur Elena qui se
trouvait alors à l’étage. Les fillettes étaient toutes excitées parce qu’elles
« avaient vu » la sainte Carmélite. Remontant à l’étage, Elena reçut
la grâce d’un sourire tendre et céleste de la part de sainte Thérèse de
La pauvreté de la maison
et son délabrement n’était pas chose indifférente à Elena ; mais là
encore, une aide inattendue vint récompenser son indéfectible confiance en la
divine Miséricorde.
En effet, le fondateur et
directeur de la Caisse Rurale locale, mit à sa disposition les vieux locaux de
sa banque. Sœur Elena et sœur Gigia, transférèrent alors leur l’Institut dans
ces locaux, beaucoup plus vastes, ce qui leur permit d’accueillir, par la même
occasion, un plus grand nombre d’orphelins et de sœurs.
Mais ce qui est le plus
frappant, c’est l’aide apportée à l’œuvre par les petites gens, c’est-à-dire,
les plus pauvres. Toutefois, il en fallait d’avantage pour équilibrer et
assurer un budget malgré tout insuffisant pour couvrir les charges
incompressibles et quotidiennes ; mais la Providence veillait et, rien de
ce qui était indispensable au besoins quotidiens n’a jamais manqué.
Les billets de cinquante
Le 11 septembre 1935, il
n'y avait vraiment rien en cuisine pour le déjeuner…
Pendant que sœur Angéla
venait demander de l’argent à la Supérieure, un prêtre entra dans la maison et
demanda à célébrer la Messe, se rendant de suite dans la sacristie. Sœur Elena
qui n’avait pas le moindre sou, demanda à sœur Angéla d’aller assister à la
Messe, que le Seigneur, de quelque façon que ce soit, pourvoirait à ce problème
du moment.
La prière fervente
d’Elena, des sœurs et des orphelins fut vite exaucée par le Seigneur :
après l’élévation, un parfum exquis se répandit dans toute la chapelle, comme
si le bon Dieu voulait ainsi signaler l’obtention de la grâce demandée.
Elena récitait alors
l’Office de la Vierge et dans son livret, entre deux images pieuses ―
celle de la Madone des Douleurs et celle de saint Thérèse de l’Enfant-Jésus ―,
elle trouva un billet de 50 lires. Or, elle était sûre qu’elle ne l’y avait
jamais placé elle-même, depuis qu’elle s’en était servie le soir précédent.
La Messe terminée, elle
remis à sœur Angéla les 50 lires, pour les dépenses de la journée. Puis, elle
retourna dans la chapelle, avec les sœurs et les enfants, pour remercier le
Seigneur de les avoir exaucé et de « refaire le même prodige le lendemain,
afin de prouver qu’il ne s’agissait aucunement d’un oubli, mais d’une vraie
grâce accordée et, que les 50 lires avaient été réellement envoyées par la
Providence ».
Le soir même, lorsque la
Communauté se réuni pour les dernières prières, le même parfum se répandit dans
la chapelle. Les sœurs ― avec foi, mais aussi quelque curieusité naturelle
― ouvrirent de nouveau le livret et entre les deux images pieuses elles
trouvèrent un autre billet de cinquante lires, avec un petit message, écrit au
crayon vert dans le rond blanc : « 50+50=100 » et quelques
lettres de l'alphabet grec.
Le lendemain matin, Elena
raconta l’épisode à son confesseur, le chanoine Mazzuca, lequel voulut examiner
le billet de cinquante lires, mais le message de la veille avait disparu.
En 1934, à la veille de
la fête de saint Joseph, on devait payer l’achat d’un quintal d’huile. Sœur
Elena ― qui n’avait pas la somme requise pour cet achat ― rassembla
ses orphelins autour de l’autel et, ensemble, ils prièrent ce grand Saint, Chef
de la Sainte Famille de Nazareth, de venir à leur aide. Et, cette foi ―
qui « ferait déplacer les montagnes» ― fut exaucée.
En effet, le soir même,
un bienfaiteur se présenta à l’Institut et offrit à Elena la somme exacte dont
elle avait besoin pour s’acquitter de sa dette.
Mais, ces faits sont
courants au sein de cette « Maison demandée par le Seigneur ».
Un jour ― cela se
passa dans l’actuelle Maison Généralice, en 1937 ― Elena se rendit
compte qu’il manquait du pain et, mentalement elle adressa une prière fervente
au Seigneur : au même moment un garde municipal frappa à la porte et remit
gracieusement à l’Institut 36 kg de pain, réquisitionné le matin même.
La reconnaissance
En janvier 1948, par un
décret émanant du Secrétariat de la Sacrée Congrégation pour les Religieux,
l’Institut des Sœurs Minimes de la Passion de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ fut
élevé au rang de Congrégation de Droit Pontifical. L’Institut obtînt ainsi la
reconnaissance juridique, par un Décret Présidentiel du 8 juillet 1949.
Sœur Elena ouvrit ―
à divers endroits, en Italie ― dix-huit maisons.
Pendant plusieurs années
les Sœurs eurent une Maison à Pentone (Catanzaro), ouverte le 10 février 1952,
avec asile enfantin et laboratoire de coupe, couture et broderie.
Elles en eurent une
autre ― pendant peu de temps ― à Pietrapaola, qu’elles quittèrent le
31 août 1953.
Partout, aux activités
spécifiques de la Congrégation (éducation des enfants), les Sœurs, toujours
unies à la Maison Généralice, oeuvraient dans les paroisses, enseignant le
catéchisme, participant à l’action catholique et favorisant la « Messe de
l’enfant ».
La renommée de sainteté
de la « sainte moniale » était telle que le Préfet Guido Palmardita
parla de sœur Elena à Benito Mussolini, qui s'en intéressa vivement et
envoya même une aide sensible à la Maison de Cosenza. Ceci est un précédent qui
explique la perplexité créée chez le Duce par la lettre que sœur Elena lui fit
parvenir à la veille de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Cette lettre fut publiée le
19 Mars 1956 par le « Journal d'Italie ». « Cosenza, 23 Avril
« Au Chef du
Gouvernement Benito Mussolini, Duce,
Je viens à Vous au nom de
Dieu pour vous dire ce que le Seigneur m'a révélé et qu'il veut de vous. Je ne
voulais pas écrire, mais hier, 22, le Seigneur m'est apparu de nouveau en
m'imposant de vous faire savoir ce qui suit :
“Le monde est en ruine à
cause du grand nombre de péchés et particulièrement ceux d’impureté qui sont
arrivés à leur comble devant la Justice de mon Père céleste.
Donc, tu devras souffrir
et être victime expiatrice pour le monde et particulièrement pour l’Italie, où
se trouve le siège de mon Vicaire. Mon Règne est un règne de paix ; le
monde, quant à lui, est en guerre.
Ceux qui gouvernent les
peuples sont obnubilés par l’acquisition de nouveaux territoires ! Pauvres
aveugles !... Ils ne savent pas que là où Dieu est mise à l’écart il ne
peut y avoir de conquête ! Dans leur cœur il n’y a que méchanceté et ils
ne font que m’outrager et me mépriser ! Ils sont des démons de discorde, des
destructeurs des peuples et cherchent à renverser, dans ce terrible flagelle
l’Italie, où Dieu se trouve au milieu de tant d’âmes et où réside son Vicaire,
le Pasteur Angélique.
La France, très chère à
mon Cœur, à cause de ses si nombreux péchés, tombera vite en ruines et sera à
son tour ravagée comme Jérusalem ingrate. En Italie, parce que le siège de mon
Vicaire s’y trouve, j’ai envoyé Benito Mussolini, pour la sauver de l’abîme
vers lequel elle se précipitait, autrement, elle se trouverait dans les mêmes
conditions que la Russie. Au milieu de tant de dangers je l’ai toujours
sauvé ; maintenant il doit maintenir l’Italie hors de la guerre, parce que
l'Italie est civile et est le siège de mon Vicaire sur la terre. S’il fait cela
je lui accorderai des faveurs extraordinaires et je ferai que toutes les autres
Nations s’allient à lui. Il a par contre décidé de déclarer la guerre, mais il
faut qu’il sache que s’il ne l’empêche pas, il sera puni par ma
Justice !”.
Voilà ce que m’a dit le
Seigneur. Ne pensez surtout pas, ô Duce, que je m’occupe de politique. Je ne
suis qu’une pauvre sœur occupée à l’éducation des petits abandonnés et qui prie
beaucoup pour votre salut et le salut de notre Patrie.
Je suis, avec une sincère
Sœur Elena Aiello ».
La lettre fut remise à la
sœur du Duce, Edwige Mancin Mussolini, le 6 mai 1940 ; et elle-même la remit à
Mussolini quelques jours plus tard.
Le 15 mai 1943, Mère
Elena envoya à Edwige Mussolini la lettre suivante :
« Excellence,
Mon long silence vous a
peut-être fait penser que je vous avais oubliée, alors que je pense à vous
chaque jour dans mes pauvres prières, en suivant toujours les douloureux
événements de notre belle Italie.
Nous nous trouvons hors
de Cosenza, à cause des bombardements. La barbarie ennemie a épanché sa haine,
en lâchant des bombes sur la ville de Cosenza, causant dévastation, douleur et
morts parmi la population civile.
Je me trouvais au lit,
prise de souffrances : trois bombes sont tombées près de notre Institut,
mais le Seigneur, par son infinie bonté et par sa miséricorde, nous a sauvées.
Afin de tenir les enfants
éloignés du danger de nouvelles incursions, nous nous sommes réfugiés à
Montalto Uffugo, mon pays natal, où nous ne sommes certes pas à l’aise, mais
nous offrons tout cela au Seigneur, pour le salut de l’Italie.
La raison de cette lettre
et celle de me tourner une nouvelle fois vers vous, comme au mois de mai 1940,
lorsque lors ce que je vins à Rome, présentée par la Baronne Ruggi, pour vous
délivrer, dans un écrit, les révélations que j’ai eues du Seigneur, en ce qui
concerne le Duce.
Rappelez-vous, quand le 6
mai de 1940 nous disions que le Duce avait prit la décision de faire la guerre,
alors que le Seigneur, par ma lettre, lui faisait savoir qu’il devait sauver
l’Italie de la guerre, autrement il subirait les rigueurs de la divine
Justice ?
“Au milieu de tant de
dangers ― disait Jésus ― je l’ai toujours sauvé ;
maintenant il doit maintenir l’Italie hors de la guerre, parce que l'Italie est
civile et est le siège de mon Vicaire sur la terre. S’il fait cela je lui
accorderai des faveurs extraordinaires et je ferai que toutes les autres
Nations s’allient à lui. Il a par contre décidé de déclarer la guerre, mais il
faut qu’il sache que s’il ne l’empêche pas, il sera puni par ma Justice !”
Ah !... si le Duce
avait écouté les mots de Jésus, l'Italie ne se serait pas trouvée maintenant
dans une aussi triste situation ! ... Je pense que le Duce doit être très
attristé de voir l’Italie, un jardin fleuri, transformée en désert, bondé de
souffrances et de morts
Mais pourquoi continuer
cette guerre terriblement cruelle, si Jésus a dit que personne n’aurait la
vraie victoire ?
C’est pourquoi, ma très
chère Donna Edwige, je vous demande de dire en mon nom au Duce que celui-ci est
le dernier avertissement que le Seigneur lui envoie. Il pourra encore se sauver
s’il met tout entre les mains du Saint-Père. S’il ne fait pas cela ― disait
le Seigneur ― bientôt la divine Justice tombera sur lui. Même les
autres Chefs d’État qui n'écouteront pas les avis et les directives de mon
Vicaire seront atteints et punis de ma Justice. Vous souvenez-vous, quand le 7
juillet de l’année dernière vous me demandiez ce qu’il adviendrait au Duce. Et
je vous ai répondu que s’il ne se maintenait pas allié au Pape, il finirait
pire encore que Napoléon ? Maintenant je vous répète les mêmes mots :
Si le Duce ne sauve pas l'Italie en se remettant à ce que lui conseillera et
dira de faire le Saint-Père, bien vite il tombera. Même Bruno demande le salut
de l’Italie et celui de votre frère.
Le Seigneur dit souvent
que l'Italie sera sauvée par le Pape, victime expiatrice de ce flagelle, et
qu’il n’y aura pas d’autre voie pour la paix et le salut des peuples en dehors
de ce qui sera tracé par le Saint-Père.
Chère Donna Edwige,
réfléchissez bien à tout ce qu’a dit le Seigneur et qui s’est parfaitement
réalisé. Qui a causé la ruine de l’Italie ? N’est-ce pas le Duce qui n’a
pas voulu écouter les paroles de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ ?
Il pourra encore y
remédier, en faisant ce que dit le Seigneur. Quant à moi, je continuerai de
prier ».
Les visiteurs… vivants et
Les personnes qui
venaient voir Mère Elena, étaient de plus en plus nombreuses et venaient de
plus en plus loin. Elles venait cherchez auprès d’elle un rayon de lumière à
leurs angoisses, un soulagement à leurs douleurs, une parole de foi à leur
abattement apparemment sans issu.
Elle savait écouter silencieuse
la manifestation des âmes en peine, et savait à quel moment et comment leur
parler. Elle ne cherchait point à enfermer ou à noyer la peine dans l’oubli,
mais plutôt à lui donner une assise et à l'anoblir par la foi et par
l'espérance. Le plus souvent on recourait à sœur Elena alors que la mésaventure
n’était encore qu’une menace. Alors elle priait et promettait les prières de
ses enfants, disposant les esprits tourmentés à l’espérance ou à la
Voilà pourquoi les
bienfaiteurs se sentaient toujours des débiteurs envers « 'la sainte
moniale » : ils recevaient d’elle bien plus qu’ils ne pourraient
jamais lui offrir, ou offrir à l’Institut.
Combien de familles
confiaient à sœur Elena, comme s’il s’agissait d’un paratonnerre, leurs
souffrances et leurs problèmes ! Combien grande était la confiance qu’ils
déposaient en elle et dans la valeur inestimable de ses humbles prières !
Il n’était pas rare
qu’elle parle des visites, des entretiens ou des colloques qu’elle avait eus
pendant la nuit, avec des défunts qui de leur vivant avaient eu des rapports
particuliers avec elle ou avec l’Institut.
Ce fut ainsi que, vingt
jours après le décès d’une personne de sa connaissance ― la mère du prêtre
don Franco ― et qu’elle trouva assise dans sa chambre, elle
parla tranquillement pendant environ une vingtaine de minutes.
Un matin, très tôt, toute
la Maison Mère fut réveillée par un grand bruit, comme un grand coup qui aurait
ouvert la porte de la chambre de sœur Elena. Accourus en hâte, ils trouvèrent
la mère très calme, comme habituellement qui se mit à leur raconter la visite
qu’elle venait de recevoir :
Il s’agissait de feu don
Vincenzo Donnarumma, ex-directeur spirituel de la Congrégation, qui était venu
la remercier, ainsi que toute la Communauté, pour les intenses prières
adressées à Dieu pour le salut de son âme.
La pensée de la patrie
céleste était continue chez sœur Elena qui parlait souvent de sa propre mort.
En 1961 aux habituelles souffrances physiques vint s’ajouter une forte fièvre
continue, que les médecins ne réussirent pas à expliquer et à éliminer.
Le 12 juin 1961 Mère
Elena fut transportée à l’Hôpital San Giovanni, à Rome. Dans la nuit du 12 au
13 juin, les infirmières remarquèrent une forte odeur parfumée dans la chambre
où elle était internée. Alors on lui dit : « Mère, demain c’est la
fête de saint Antoine et, certainement obtiendra-t-il votre guérison ».
Avec une grande sérénité, la malade répondit : « Demain, ni saint
Antoine ni sainte Rita ni même la Madone ne feront de miracle.
Dimanche, 18 juin, vers
deux heures environ, le Curé assisté de don Franco administra à sœur Elena
l’Onction des infirmes, et ensemble récitèrent les prières pour les moribonds.
Vers 5 heures 30 don Franco célébra la sainte Messe dans la Chapelle qui se
trouvait presque face de la chambre de la Mère. La sainte Messe terminée, sœur
Elena cessa de souffrir. Il était alors six heures dix-neuf du lundi 19 juin
Elle avait alors soixante-six
ans et sa mort surprit tout le monde. Le dépouille mortelle fut affectueusement
transféré dans la Chapelle, toute ornée de fleurs blanches. Puis, le 21 juin le
corps arriva à Cosenza.
La nouvelle de la mort
d’Elena s’était très vite répandue et la foule nombreuse vint rendre un dernier
hommage à celle qu’ils aimaient si tendrement et la prier, car ils savaient
bien que son intercession trouvait toujours auprès du Seigneur une issue
Beata Elena Aiello in preghiera con alcuni bambini
This saint bore the
stigmata every Good Friday for 38 years
Larry Peterson - published
on 07/06/18
Blessed Elena Aiello was
cured of stomach cancer by St. Rita's prayers.
Elena Aiello was born in
Cosenza, Italy, on April 10, 1895. She was the third of eight children born to
Pasquale Aiello, a tailor by trade, and Tereseina Pagilla. Sadly and
unexpectedly, Tereseina died at an early age, leaving her husband with eight
children in his care.
Pasquale was a man of
great faith, and he imparted this to his children. In fact, he must have been
one special man because his one-year-old child died after his wife’s passing
and while carrying the extra grief, Pasquale diligently plied his trade and did
his best to care for the kids.
Even as a young child,
Elena was devout. She practiced penance on a daily basis and offered prayers
for the souls in Purgatory. She received her First Holy Communion when she was
only nine (at the time the customary age to receive was 12 to 14) and received
her Confirmation when she was 11 years old.
She already was feeling a
call to religious life, but her father asked her to put her plans on hold
because of the war (World War I began in 1915). During these war years, Elena helped
refugees, assisted prisoners, nursed invalids and tended to the dying.
She never worried about
the possible dangers to herself or of catching some contagious illness (this
was before the age of antibiotics). She, in effect, had begun her earthly ministry
on her own, before entering the convent.
After the war, Elena’s
father gave her permission to enter the convent but insisted she join the Sisters of
the Most Precious Blood; he gave no reason. Soon after joining the sisters,
Elena was forced to leave because of a diseased shoulder that had been operated
on improperly and had turned necrotic. Also, she now had stomach
cancer and could not even hold down liquids.
When her doctor said she
was incurable, Elena decided to turn to St. Rita for help. She told the doctor, “I
will not die from this disease because St.Rita is going to make me well.”
Elena and her cousin went to a church and prayed to St. Rita begging her for a cure. Elena wrote in her notebook of how she saw flames all around St. Rita’s statue, while her cousin saw nothing. That night she dreamt of St. Rita who told her she wanted devotions held in Montalto in her honor to help rekindle the lost faith of the people.
Read more:
These astonishing miracles led to St. Rita’s canonization
Elena started a Triduum to St.
Rita. St. Rita appeared to her and asked her to do a second triduum,
telling her she would be cured. However, she also told her the pain in her
shoulder would not go away because she had to suffer for the sins in the world.
(Her spiritual director documented all these facts.) One night Elena went to
bed as usual. When she awoke in the morning, she was (except for the painful
shoulder) completely cured. The year was 1921.
Elena Aiello was lying in
bed on Good Friday in 1923. The time was 3 p.m. Her left shoulder was screaming
in pain as she prayed her devotions. Suddenly, Our Lord appeared to her dressed
in a white garment and wearing a crown of thorns. Jesus asked for her consent
and then removed the crown from His head and placed it on hers. Blood began to
flow, and Jesus told her He wanted her to be a victim soul, asking her to
suffer for the many sins committed in the world.
Elena Aiello experienced the Stigmata each Good Friday until right before her death in 1961, a period of 38 years. Doctors tried to stop the bleeding; tried to understand the bleeding; tried to diagnose the bleeding; there just was no explanation known to modern medicine.
Read more:
5 Stigmatics you might not know about
During this time Elena
began having visions. Not only Jesus, but the Blessed Mother, St. Therese of
Lisieux, and St. Francesco Paola also appeared to her. In 1928 she
founded a new religious order and named it Minim Sisters of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Pope
Pius XII, who knew of Elena, gave pontifical approval for the order in 1949.
Lastly, the many prophecies
of Elena Aiello have been documented.
Pope Benedict XVI
recognized the second miracle attributable to Elena Aiello on April 2, 2011.
Her beatification was in September 2011.
Blessed Elena Aiello,
please pray for us.
Italian mystic who
predicted fall of Mussolini beatified
Sr. Elena Aiello
Rome, Italy, Sep 16, 2011
/ 16:01 pm
Cardinal Angelo Amato,
prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, recently beatified
Elena Aiello, an Italian religious woman who bore the stigmata and
foretold the fall of Benito Mussolini.
The beatification Mass
took place Sept. 14 in Calabria, Italy, the hometown of Sister Aiello,
During the celebration,
Cardinal Amato said the heroic testimony of her life and work helped shape the
According to L’Osservatore Romano, Cardinal Amato noted that Sr. Elena, who
died at age 66, taught Catholics that “it is possible to live the Gospel to a
heroic degree, it is possible then to be saints … because this land needs the
spiritual beauty of the saints.”
He recalled that Sr. Elena founded the congregation of the Little Sisters of
the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ with her philosophy of the “little way”
toward holiness and her mystical participation in the Paschal mystery, with
“her eyes always fixed on the crucifix.”
To those who said her charity toward the needy and the handicapped was
“exaggerated,” Sr. Elena said, “The poor, the handicapped and the suffering are
the best friends of Jesus, and in doing good to them, we are specifically
loving the Lord.”
Her life
In March of 1922, while
she was practicing the devotion of the “13 Fridays” of St. Francis of Paula in
private, she received the stigmata.
From then on her stigmata bled every Friday in March, especially on Good
Friday. She also experienced great pain and the gift of prophecy.
In 1928, together with Gina Mazza, she founded the Little Sisters of the
Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, to honor the passion of the Lord and to offer
spiritual and material help to the poor.
Among her many prophecies, Sr. Elena foretold the tragic end of Mussolini, the
Italian dictator who was executed by firing squad on April 28, 1945, after he
was caught trying to escape Italy disguised as a German soldier.
“Do you remember when you asked me last July 7 what would happen to the Duce,
and I told you that if he did not remain united to the Pope, he would have a
worse end than that of Napoleon? I repeat the same words to you now: If
the Duce does not save Italy by doing everything that the Holy Father says and
does, he will soon fall,” Sr. Elena said.
Sr. Elena Aiello died in
Speaking to pilgrims on
Sept. 14 after his weekly general audience, Benedict XVI said that “the Church
in Italy rejoices at the elevation to the altars of such an eminently
Eucharistic soul.”
“May the example and
intercession of the new blessed increase everyone’s love for the Sacrament of
the altar,” he concluded.
Blessed Elena Aiello -Mystic, Stigmatic & Foundress
Blessed Elena Aiello (1895-1961) -Mystic, Stigmatic, Victim Soul, Prophet &
Foundress of the Minim Tertiaries of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
(Venerable Elena Aiello was declared Blessed on September 14, 2011 -Feast of
the Exaultation of the Holy Cross. Because there is currently not much
information in english on the Internet about her extraordinary holy life and
prophecies, the webmaster was very happy when Elizabeth, a friend in Jesus,
offered to write this excellent Biography. I am therefore very grateful to her
for providing these edifying details of her life. May God bless and reward her
for her efforts. -Editor)
The information contained in this abbreviated biography was taken from the
book "The Incredible Life Story of Sister Elena Aiello, The Calabrian
Holy Nun (1895-1961)". It was written by Monsignor Francesco Spadafora in
Italian and was translated into English by Monsignor Angelo R. Cioffi.
Published in 1964 by Theo Gaus Sons. (Those interested in obtaining this
book should email the webmaster) Fr. Spadafora was a renowned biblical
scholar from the Pontifical University of the Lateran in Rome. He opposed
modernism and while writing this book he was also battling the modernist
approach to scripture that started to gain ground at the biblical institute.
-Early life
Some saints live a heroic holy life in an ordinary way and some in an
extraordinary way. Sister Elena Aiello, who was the Foundress of the Minim
Tertiaries of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and a contemplative soul
and a martyr to suffering, was called to live both and it is through her
charity that her true greatness is achieved. She was well known in Italy and
much of Europe and had many visitors comparable to the crowds that visited
Theresa Neumann and St. (Padre) Pio.
Elena Aiello was born in
Montalto Uffugo (Consenza), Italy on Holy Wednesday during Holy Week on April
10, 1895. Her parents were Pasquale Aiello and Teresa Paglilla. During the
Procession of Rogations her mother prayed for the grace of having a baby girl and if she did, she would name her Elena and consecrate her to the Cross of Our Lord in memory of the Empress, St. Elena.
Elena lived in an exemplary Christian family. Her extremely devout family, never were given over to the practice of any vanity or entertained anything of a worldly fashion. Her mother unfortunately died at an early age and her father, now a widower and a tailor by trade was left with the care of 8 children one of which also soon died at age one.
At a very young age, Elena lived a devout life and performed penances. An
incident at the age of 9 illustrates her inclination to penance. After having
received her first communion and attending a retreat, she and several other
girls obtained permission to wear a penitential belt. On the way to getting the
belt, she had an accident which caused her to lose her two front teeth. She put
her bleeding teeth in a handkerchief and continued on in haste to get her
penitential belt regardless of the blood and pain.
Another time she
accidentally inhaled some water she was drinking from a glass while laughing.
As a result, she
experienced a constant cough for a year and a half except at night and the
volume of her voice became lowered. She was given some treatments by a doctor
but this caused her more pain. Eventually she prayed to Our Lady of Pompei,
promising her that she would become a nun if cured. And in fact, Our Lady of
Pompei appeared to her during the night and assured her that she would be
healed –which she was.
Her Extraordinary Charity
Her desire to be a nun was now her goal but was forced by her father to delay
it due to foreign complications which led to the 1915 World War. During this
fruitful delay, she helped refugees, prisoners and nursed invalids and the
dying heedless of the dangers to herself in catching any
contagious illnesses. Thus began her journey on the road to a life of charity. She particularly often hurried to the bedside of the dying who refused the sacraments. One day she met a man named Alessandro, a freemason. She tried gently to persuade him to receive the Sacraments but he firmly said, “No.” She continued to plead with him and his response was to take a bottle and fling it at her. It struck her in the neck and while holding her bleeding neck with a cloth she told him that “his soul was hanging on the edge of a precipice” and that she would not leave the room until he called for a Priest to come in. Finally the freemason became so moved by her charity, that he promised her that he would receive the Sacraments on the one condition, that she herself would assist him every day. He repented, received the Sacraments from the Priest, and she cared for him for 3 months. He died a fervent Christian bearing his sufferings with patience and resignation.
Her reputation for her charitable activity became so well known that she was
called to the bedside of another freemason dying of cancer who was in great
fear for having betrayed God by becoming a freemason in order to support his family. She helped him to prepare
for the worthy reception of the Sacraments such as Confession and Communion.
Her desire to become a religious sister
Her father gave his consent for her to be a religious on the condition - that
she join the Sisters of the Most Precious Blood. Before entering, she was prophetically told that she
would not last in this Order because God had other plans in store for her. While in the Order she
was put in charge of sixteen postulants. But suffering took hold of her life almost
immediately which was intestinal pain and a severe pain on the left shoulder.
Eventually her shoulder became one solid black mass. She was eventually
operated on without any anesthetic while holding a small wooden cross and
looking at a picture of Our Lady of Sorrows. The physician, good intentioned
but inept, in addition to cutting flesh also cut nerves that caused her lockjaw
and a vomiting spell for 40 days.
Despite the pain, Elena’s intent was to take part in the upcoming religious
clothing ceremony through sheer will-power but when the Father Director
saw her in such a deplorable state, he couldn’t let her go through with
it. What she feared would happen, did, she was asked to leave the convent and
return home. However, Elena wrote in her notebook that Our Lord asked her on
two occasions to accept His own designs with complete resignation and embrace
His cross. Elena left in tears not realizing the great esteem in which she was
held by everyone when they observed her good-nature and patience in suffering.
Elena’s shoulder was
getting worse. In fact, the doctor told her that gangrene was already setting
in. The doctor advised her father to demand compensation from the Institute, in other words, sue them. But Elena pleaded with her father to do nothing of the kind especially since she also had hopes to return to it.
Her long period of suffering began and her dream of being a sister was fading
away since now she couldn’t even retain liquid food. The doctor diagnosed
her with stomach cancer and told her there was no cure and that she was
going to die. Her characteristic frank response to him was, “My dear
doctor, it is you, who are going to die: I will not die from this disease,
because St.Rita is going to make me well”.
Called to suffer in
reparation for the sins of the world
On the way home, Elena stopped in a church where St. Rita was venerated to beg her for a cure. In her notebook she writes that she saw dazzling flames all around the statue and told her cousin who was next to her. Her cousin didn’t see anything. Then that night she had a dream of St. Rita who told her that she wanted devotional exercises to be held in Montalto in her honor in order to rekindle the faith of the people. You see, the saints do not want honor for themselves but always for the glory of God. Elena started a triduum and St. Rita told her to say a second one and that she would be cured but the pain in her shoulder would remain because she had to suffer for the sins of the world. Elena’s confessor and spiritual director carefully documented all of these facts.
In the process of trying to fulfill her promises to St. Rita, she experienced
other spiritual phenomena. She told her confessor that Our Lord frequently
admonished her to accept a new way of suffering and that He said “You are
going to suffer. But fear not. Yours shall not be a malady but only the
symbol of charity. I shall permit you to experience My very sadness and on
Friday you will be more united to Me.” During that winter she attended a
Passionist retreat which appealed to her because she was drawn to the
Passion of Our Lord. She disclosed some of the instructions from Our Lord and St. Rita to the priest who gave the
retreat and he enlightened and encouraged her.
As more of the news of what was happening to Elena spread, people began to
discuss differing opinions about them. During this time, an extraordinary
event took place which caused Elena to be known to many people far and
wide. This phenomenon was to occur every year until her death.
Elena receives the Crown
of Thorns and the Stigmata
On the First Friday in
March about 3:00 pm in the afternoon, while lying in bed due to the cancerous
pain in her left shoulder, and while reading the ninth Friday in honor of St.
Francis of Paola, Our Lord appeared to her in a white garment and wearing a
crown of thorns. On being assured of her consent, Our Lord removed the crown
from His Head and placed it on Elena’s head. Then a large quantity of blood
started to flow. Our Lord told her that He wished her to suffer for the conversion
of sinners and for the many sins of impurity. He wanted her to be a victim in
order to appease Divine Justice.
One day, a family servant named Rosaria was about to leave the house when she heard wailing from Elena’s room. When she went into the room she saw Elena covered in blood and thought that someone had killed Elena. She ran to tell the family. The family, on seeing so much blood but Elena still alive, called the Doctors and several Priests. Upon arriving, the doctor tried to stop the blood, but it kept oozing out of her head. Then at last, after three hours it suddenly stopped.
Everyone was confused and badly shaken. The next Friday the doctor came again
and saw the exact same thing take place. Her Confessor thinking it might
be religious obsession took her Crucifix away from her and forbade her to
read any books about the Passion of Jesus. Despite this it occurred again.
The mother, at the request of her son a doctor, came to visit Elena
and wiped some blood from her forehead with a handkerchief. She folded it
because she thought it was contagious and presented it to him so for
examination. When the doctor opened it, the handkerchief was completely clean and the doctor converted and was baptized as
a result.
Elena complained to Our Lord on account of the bleeding but Our Lord told her
in a vision that it was He who wished her to suffer as a victim for the
sins of the world. She shouldn’t resent the fact that her crucifix was
taken away from her because it was present in her heart. As a proof of this,
He would give her a visible sign by making the wounds of His Passion to appear
in her body. Elena, whose body became one mass of wounds, was told by Our
Lord on another Friday, “You too must be like Me, because you are to be
the victim for many a sinner and you must appease My Father’s Justice for
their salvation.”
About five o’clock Jesus greeted her: “My child, behold how much I suffer. I have shed all my blood for the world and yet everything goes to ruin. Nobody pays any attention to its countless crimes. See how bitterly I suffer for the wrongs and contempt I receive from so many wicked and immoral people.” Elena replied: “And what can I do, my Jesus? Unless You come in person, no one will believe me.” Jesus replied: “There are so many sinners whose obstinacy is the determinant cause for My Justice. But, my child, don’t feel discouraged, because you will see Me again about one o’clock, and tell your Confessor I will give him a sign on Friday at 2 o’clock.” Having said this, He disappeared. Her Confessor finally became convinced that the mystical phenomena was from Our Lord.
On the following Friday, in addition to the other wounds on her hands and feet,
the wound on her side appeared. On Good Friday at noon the phenomenon commenced
and at six o’clock a procession of the Passion was passing under her balcony.
Elena was able to perfectly get up from her bed and view the procession in the
sight of her Confessor which was the sign Our Lord gave to him. When the statue
of the Corpus of Jesus was being carried under the balcony, Elena became once
again unconscious with tears of blood dripping from her eyes. Some of the blood
fell on the head of her sister Ida who then complained to Jesus about the heavy
cross He had given to her family on account of the large amount of people
calling on them and upsetting the peace of their home. The next night Ida had a
dream in which Our Lord told her not to complain further because Elena was
bound to suffer for many sinners. Ida understood that this was Elena’s mission
and obeyed Our Lord’s wishes.
All of the extraordinary activity didn’t interfere with her duties as the new
Foundress and Superior General of a new Religious Community. No one was permitted to view her
Good Friday agony out of curiosity and on Holy Saturday, she resumed her work and
responsibilities as if nothing happened to her.
In addition to her physical sufferings she endured the bitter experience of
humiliation because people kept calling on “the holy nun who sweats blood” to help them with their
important business decisions.
Several times Elena foretold that she was going to be cured of the painful
wound on her shoulder. She told her Confessor, “…Jesus appeared to me saying: “My beloved daughter, do
you wish to get well or to go on suffering?” “My Jesus,” I replied, “one feels so good when
suffering with You. However, do whatever You wish.” “Well,” Jesus went on, “You shall recover,
but I want you to know that every Friday I shall permit you to be in a state of
depression, so that you may stay closer to Me.” So saying, He disappeared.
One day she was being helped to pull out the worms from her shoulder wound with
splinters. She endured the torture with great faith in St. Rita who she believed, without
a doubt, would cure her. But few people could believe it with her; after all she suffered this
for three long years.
That night, St. Rita told her in a dream that she would be cured the next day
at 3:00 pm. The next day she was much weakened and had to be helped to be seated on the sofa in
front of St. Rita’s statue along with some other people. The people began the Rosary in
front of the statue and Elena could be heard in a voice hardly audible: “From your sanctuary of
mercy, oh saint of the impossible, and patron of desperate cases, do turn your eyes of mercy on
me, and behold the anguish overwhelming me, the misfortune and misery gripping me: for there is no
other one I may turn to. Withered is the source of my tears; even prayer is dying on my
poor lips. Hope is all that is left to me. O Saint Rita, powerful and glorious, come to my aid, and,
in this direst need, grant me the grace I beg of you! You have promised it to me: You must grant it
to me. You must not permit that I be called a liar!”
All of a sudden, Elena cried out, “I am cured, I am cured.” She showed the
astonished but skeptical people her shoulder and it was perfectly sealed with
only a scar remaining. St. Rita had kept her promise that she would be cured
but that the pain would remain for the salvation of souls.
Becomes a Foundress
Elena eventually would meet a woman named Gigia who had come to seek her advice
about a religious vocation. She too had been discharged from an order because of an
illness. They talked and become close and Elena realized that Gigia would be called to assist her in
the charitable work she was beginning. At first Gigia was doubtful that Elena, an invalid
herself would even be capable to help others.
The miraculous intercession of St Therese of Lisieux
One day Elena went on a bus and was pondering where she was going to find the
house she need for her work. She had beseeched her patron saints and particularly St. Therese
of the Infant Jesus. A young Carmelite nun walked on the bus and the two struck
up a conversation. The nun asked her if she was looking for a house. Elena,
thinking it was one of the sisters in the area, kissed her hand and told her
how hard it was to find one. The nun smiled sweetly and said, “Come, I will
show you the house.”
When they got off the bus, the nun pointed to a balcony and said the woman has
an offer of 260 lire but will take 250 from you. When Elena looked back at the
nun, she noticed there was an unusual glow around her and then saw a bouquet of
roses cascading from the crucifix in her hand. Suddenly the nun faded away and
Elena recognized that she was speaking to St. Therese of Lisieux and full of
excitement went to speak to the landlady. Everything was exactly as St. Therese
had said. The landlady accepted the 250 lire. Elena told the Archbishop and he
suggested that Elena name their first house in Cosenza after St. Therese.
It is not clear exactly when Elena officially became as religious sister but
from this point on we refer to Elena as Sister Elena. Sister Elena and Sister Gigia settled into
their new house. They began their apostolate which was to offer religious instruction to the children
in their district who had been neglected. Their zeal was great to extend their work everywhere and so
one day Sister Elena went into a protestant church assembly and in the presence of the minister
exhorted the people to return to the Catholic Church. They sisters’ zeal resulted in having
sinful marriages validated, children baptized and older people were helped to finally receive
Holy Communion.
Together they succeeded in converting a 14--old rascal who was reputed to be
known as “Ciccio the Thief” to become converted, live a fervent life and to die
a holy death at a young age.
Their work was developing so rapidly that they were forced to look for a new
home. The sufferings of Sister Elena continued and Sister Gigia had no choice
but to lock Sister Elena in the attic at times to keep her away from the
attention of the people who knew about her extraordinary happenings. Even the
police, after pleading with the Archbishop, were not permitted entry.
It was suggested to the
nuns that it might be to their advantage to move to another larger house. The
house was poor and only had one piece of furniture.
During this time they
were pondering what kind of work of charity they should start with. One day a
man came with a little orphan girl, presented her to the sisters and pledged a
monthly sum for her room and board. A day after this Sister Elena had a dream
that she saw a man in black holding three girls and looking for a nun. When he
saw Sister Elena he begged her to take the girls. The next morning she saw the
man with the three girls asking for help exactly as in her dream. Deeply moved,
Sister Elena embraced the three little girls and took them home with her.
Gradually another little mentally handicapped girl was brought to her and the
Monsignor expressed his satisfaction with the sisters’ activities and blessed
their work and holy desires in the name of the Archbishop. The sisters’ mission
was now officially to take abandoned orphan girls.
Sister Elena fulfilled her duties calmly and with great faith, supernatural
charity and complete trust in God’s providence. Sister trained the ladies who were to join her
community and selected, as the distinguishing mark, the charity of St. Francis of Paola, with the
emblem of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and named her Institute “Sister Minims of the
Passion of Our Lord.”
The number of little orphans climbed to 26 and two more aspirants came to the
order. A woman doctor demanded that an investigation be made of the “woman with TB who was
boarding old people and little abandoned girls”. Upon examination of the situation, the
accusations were found to be without warrant and completely false.
St Therese makes more appearences
One time St. Therese of the Infant Jesus appeared to several of the little ones
who were praying while sewing in the work room. Sister Elena rushed downstairs to the shouts,
“We have seen the Carmelite Saint!” Upon arriving, Sister Elena too saw the saint smiling at her.
The third intercession of
St Therese was in fact a double miracle. God's Divine Providence never failed
to take care of what was needed for the orphanage, even by means of
extraordinary interventions. On September 11, 1935, Sister Elena spent a
painful night. It so happened that there was no food on hand in the kitchen for
the noon meal. Sister Angela asked Mother Elena for some money to purchase
food, and Elena replied that she had none, but encouraged Sister Angela to
trust in God and that He would surely provide for His children. In the meantime
a Priest came in, requested to say Mass and walked to the Sacristy right away.
Not having anything on hand, Sister Elena told Sister Angela to first go and
hear Mass and that somehow the Lord would provide. Elena's prayer in union with
that of the Sisters and of the orphan girls, was quickly heard. For right after
the Elevation, a strong fragrance spread through the Chapel.
Sister Elena was at the
time reciting the Office of the Blessed Virgin from the second page of her
prayer book. Suddenly she spotted a 50 lire bill between the prayer card of Our
Lady of Sorrows and that of St. Teresa. She was positive that nothing of the
kind had previously been in her prayer book as she had recited the very same
prayer, on that very same page, on the previous evening.
Anyway, after Mass and
after handing the 50 lire bill for the day's needs, Sister Elena with all the
girls went back to the Chapel, and there within earshot, she prayed to God to
let her find another 50 lire in her prayer book at the same place as an
unquestionable proof that the first 50 lire had not been forgotten by someone,
but that they were actually the gift of Divine Providence. During the day,
some of the bigger girls and even one or two of the Sisters went searching through
that prayer book which had been left at its place. In the evening, when the
Community assembled in the Chapel for the evening prayers, while the "Confiteor"
was being recited, the same kind of a fragrance as in the morning was felt.
Elena got greatly excited. She didn't dare open her prayer book, but passed it
on to Sister Teresa to do so. Sister obeyed and there were the additional 50
lire between the two prayer cards, at the same place. In the white circle there
was a green handwriting, 50 + 50 = 100 with some letters of the Greek alphabet.
The following morning
Elena related the incident to her Confessor, Canon Mazzuca, who insisted on
looking at the 50 lire banknotes-No. 01670 and 0039. However, the inscription
on the white circle had completely disappeared. Father Benjamin Mazza, who
wished to retain those banknotes, exchanged them with one for 100 lire, which
is now in the possession of Blessed Elena’s Community.
God protects His children
A man was peddling cheese as usual and was accompanied by his little daughter
who was in rags and forced her to go begging through the town. One day this scoundrel was just
about to sell his own daughter for 30 lire when Sister Elena overheard them bargaining and
notified the Counselor across the street to ask for his help. The two
bargaining men suddenly vanished leaving the little girl alone. Sister Elena
promptly took her home and was ordered by the district attorney to keep the
girl despite any possible protest from her father which in fact did happen when
he tried to forcibly abduct the little girl. Sister Elena however was
successful in wresting her from his hands.
The sisters endured many trials which is the lot of all saints-in-the-making.
Once again Sister Elena dreamed of her house being quarantined during an epidemic and it
happened. However, everyone was eventually able to return to the house and resume their routine
Sister Elena’s order admitted more aspirants and after having gone to Rome she
obtained the necessary approvals for her Order according to the steps required for the
process. Her sufferings increased with greater intensity. During that time people succeeded in getting
into Elena’s room to uncover her “occult powers”, “diabolical plots”, and “fake events”. People,
the kind you never find inside a church or never praying before the altar, often met in the
sacristies for the sole purpose of spreading gossip and detraction to try and belittle her
Institute and to connect her to some sad incidents that had caused pain to the
Monsignor and Archbishop. The Archbishop advised Sister Elena to file a lawsuit
against the lead defamer. But the defamer made a full confession to the
Archbishop and asked for Sister Elena’s forgiveness who withdrew the lawsuit.
However, afterward another Shepherd was confronted with more grievances and
accusations against that “encroaching Nun who loved to pass as a saint and preyed on the
people’s good faith to the harm of other Institutes as well as by her phenomena by the
distribution of St. Rita’s concoctions and by her subterfuge of so-called girls’ welfare”. The
Archbishop listened benevolently to Sister Elena and decisively put an end to the stealthy
maneuvers and upheld the rights of truth and justice.
The Graces of God -Miracles of Divine Providence
Divine Providence always came to the aid of Sister Elena who often did not have
the money to pay for things. She humbled herself and sought help from benevolent persons and
begged of her creditors to be patient and understanding. One time the electricity was cut
off due to lack of employment. Elena went to the company’s office and asked for understanding
and the director ordered the current to be restored with an order that Sister Elena “was not to
be disturbed” anymore due to lack of payment.
The donations that that she did receive were unfortunately disproportionate to
the daily expenses necessary to run their Order. Once when they ran out of
food, Sister Elena’s sisters and the orphans prayed for help and after the
elevation of the Blessed Sacrament they smelled a strong fragrance throughout
the church. Sister Elena knew that their prayer was answered. While reciting
the Office of the Blessed Virgin she suddenly spotted a 50 lire bill between
the prayer card of Our Lady of Sorrows and that of St. Therese. The amazing
thing was that she had been on the same page the previous evening and it wasn’t
there before.
Sister Elena used the money for the day’s needs and then went back into the
chapel and prayed aloud in front of everyone for another 50 lire as a sign that
it was indeed from Divine Providence and not left by someone else and it
happened again in the same book.
Another time they prayed to the great saint St. Joseph for assistance; for a
payment was due for some oil. The exact amount arrived needed to pay for the oil. On another
day bread was needed for the Institute. It was suggested to sister to buy it on credit.
Sister already had credit on the books for a long time and didn’t have the courage to do it. She came
home empty handed.
At mealtime there was no bread and so she prayed. Suddenly there was a knock at
the door. A municipal guard delivered 36 kilograms of bread to them that had been picked up
as a result of a violation that morning.
On another occasion the little orphans told her that pasta was the only food in
the kitchen. Sister Elena caressed them and led them to the chapel saying, “Just pray and you will
see that God will provide.” Within a few minutes Sister Elena was sent for because the City
Questor had just brought in 18 kilograms of fish. On the way back to the Institute, Sister Elena
told the officer the story who was amazed and even more so when he saw the little orphans in the
chapel still praying for the same intention.
All through the years the Institute continued to experience a mingling of
setbacks, hardships, triumphs, uncertainty, growth and trials of all kinds that
besets the life of any new community but it was all sustained by God and the
leadership of that “extraordinarily suffering but dynamic woman.” Finally after
interminable waiting, Sister Elena received the joyful news from
Rome that her Institute of Sister Minims of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus
Christ was now a Congregation of Pontifical Right. But the trials still didn’t
end here. There was an attempt to undermine Sister Elena’s authority as Mother
General and to get her into early retirement and replace her with an
inexperienced nun. The sisters were deeply hurt by manifold indignities heaped
upon Sister Elena. Despite Sister Elena’s own hurt, she continued to maintain
her virtue and the discipline and harmony of the community.
There was also an attempt to deny that their official recognition had any
importance. The greatly distressed, bedridden Mother General arose with
difficulty and on behalf of her community strenuously fought back against the
constant barrage of absurd defamations campaigning against the community. She
expressed her desire to journey to Rome to inform the Holy Father himself of
what was happening. She was able to meet with Cardinal Montini, the Vatican
Secretariat of State who was to become Pope Paul VI. He graciously listened to
her appeal at her bedside in Rome and he promised to present her petition to
the Holy Father himself and encouraged her “to trust in God and patiently
endure whatever He disposes for her sanctification and the performance of His
Work”. It was determined that the Institute was far more than a simple
congregation of diocese right.
Prophecies revealed to Elena
In 1940, Sister Elena was directed by Our Lord to take a more public role and
to deliver a message to Premier Benito Mussolini, telling him not to join with Hitler in
World War II. Otherwise, Italy would suffer a terrible defeat and Mussolini would be punished
by Divine Justice and have a speedy downfall. But he ignored the warning, and
all that was foretold came to pass.
To the Head of the Government, Benito Mussolini
I come to you in God’s Name to tell you what God has revealed to me and what He
wants from you. I was hesitating to write, but yesterday, April 22, the Lord
appeared to me again, and bid me to tell you what follows:
“The world is going to ruin because of its many sins, particularly the sins of
impurity, which have presently exceeded the very limits before the Justice of My Heavenly
father. Therefore, you shall suffer and shall become an atoning victim for the
world, especially for Italy where My Vicar on earth resides. My Kingdom is a
Kingdom of peace: whereas the whole world is entangled in war. The Nations’
Rulers are bent on acquiring new possessions: Poor fools! They don’t know that, when there is no God, there is no victory either. Their hearts are filled
with wickedness. All they do is to outrage, ridicule and despise Me. They are like devils sowing
dissension, subverting people and seeking to drive into the sinful scourge of war even Italy, where
God is pleased with many souls, and where My Vicar on earth, the Pastor Angelicas, resides. France,
so dear to My Heart, shall soon fall to ruin on account of her many sins, and shall be
overthrown and ravaged like the ungrateful Jerusalem. I sent Benito Mussolini to preserve Italy from
the precipice because of My Vicar on earth: otherwise, by now, she would be worse off than
“I have always shielded him from many dangers. He must now keep Italy out of
war, because Italy is a civilized country and it is the dwelling place of My Vicar on earth.
If he is willing to do this, he shall receive many favors and I shall make all Nations respect him.
But since he has made up his mind to go to war, tell him that, if he doesn’t prevent it, he will
be punished by My Divine Justice”.
It is the Lord who has told me all this. Please, Duce, do not think for a
moment that I am interested in politics. I am just an ordinary Nun looking after the welfare of
abandoned little girls, and I am earnestly praying for your safety as well as the safety of our
Sister Elena Aiello
My dear Donna Edvige:
“You may have thought that, on account of my long silence, I may have forgotten
you, whereas I remember you every day in my prayers. I am following the painful
events now taking place in our beautiful Italy. We have left Cosenza on account of the
The enemy’s barbarity has vented all its hatred by bombing the City of Cosenza
thus bringing desolation and death to the population. I was bedridden because of my illness:
three bombs fell close to our Institute, but the Lord, in His infinite goodness and mercy, has
protected us. We have taken refuge at Montalto Uffugo, my native town, in order to protect the
little girls from the danger of new raids.
Naturally, we are far from comfortable, but we are offering up all to God for
the preservation of Italy. The purpose of this letter is that I wish to make another appeal to
you, just as I did in the month of May 1940, when I was introduced to you in
Rome by Baroness Ruggi for the purpose of giving you in writing whatever God
had revealed to me concerning the Duce.
If you recall, on May 6, 1940, we were saying that the Duce had made up his
mind to go to war, whereas, the Lord had warned him in my letter to keep Italy out of war,
otherwise His Divine Justice would strike him. “I have always rescued him -said Jesus- from
many a danger: now it is up to him to save Italy from the scourge of war because Italy is the
dwelling place of My Vicar on earth. If he complies with My request, I will bestow great blessings
on him and I shall cause all Nations to respect him, but, since he is determined to go to ward, I
want him to know
that, if he persists, he will be severely punished by My Justice.”
Ah! Had the duce only listened to Jesus’ words, Italy wouldn’t be in such a
terrible plight now…I know that the Duce must feel quite dejected on seeing Italy, once a
flourishing garden, now a barren field filled with diseases and deaths. But, why persist in this
terribly cruel ward, when Jesus has stated that no one is going to achieve true victory?
Therefore, my dear Donna Edvige, please tell the Duce, in my name, that this is
God’s last warning to him. He is still in time to save himself by leaving all things in
the hands of the Holy Father. Should be unwilling to do so – said the Lord – divine Justice shall
quickly reach him.
The other rulers also, who play deaf to the counsel and directives of My Vicar,
shall be overtaken and punished by My Justice.
Do you recall that, on July 7th of last year, you asked me what was in store
for the Duce?
Didn’t I reply that, if he didn’t listen to the Pope, he would wind up worse
than Napoleon? Now I am going to repeat the very same words, “If the Duce is unwilling to rescue
Italy and ignore the Holy Father, he will have a speedy downfall.” Even Bruno is begging his
father from the other world to save both Italy and himself. Quite often Our Lord says that
Italy will be protected on account of the Pope, who is the atoning victim for this disaster. Therefore,
the only way to achieve true peace in the world is the one that the Holy Father shall indicate.
My dear Donna Edvige, please remember that whatever Our Lord revealed to me has
been perfectly fulfilled. Who has been the cause of all this ruin to Italy? Is it
not the Duce’s fault?
Didn’t he refuse to listen to the warnings of Our Lord Jesus Christ? Even now,
he could somehow counteract the evil done provided he be willing to do what God wants of
him. As for me I shall continue to pray for that intention.
Sister Elena Aiello
The losses during the war and bombardments were heavy. Many of the sewing and
knitting machines that the orphan girls were trained to use and had won prizes at
several exhibitions were destroyed in the war. The reconstruction period was
slow but benefactors helped by making generous donations.
One day Sister Elena was crossing the street with a little girl and was hit by
a bus barely saving the little girl. Sister sustained several fractures and could hardly stand and
was in a great deal of pain. She was unable to retain any food again but longed for Holy Communion
daily. She wasn’t able to get to the Mass chapel and had to have communion brought to her. On
feast days Mass was celebrated in her cell.
She continued to conduct the business of the house from her bed dictating
letters and responding to correspondence from all over Italy and even North America. Many people
begged for her prayers and sought advice. She was particularly noted for her charity in her
letters that brought consolation to the downhearted. She was always available to all those who came
to see her about the important business of the Institute or who were seeking relief in
their trials or hopeless situation. When people ran to her when in misfortune,
like a good mother, she never minded the time: she aimed only at preparing
people to accept suffering and misfortune in a spirit of resignation to the
loving Will of God. She knew how to listen and when to speak. She was a truly
compassionate soul. She kindled the flame of resignation and hope in anguished
Many families also believed that she acted as a lightening rod for their
safety, so great was their confidence in her.
Visit from a soul in Purgatory
Sister confided to her director that she had visits at night from faithful departed souls who had association with her and the Institute. One time the door of sister’s cell blasted open with a loud explosion that was heard by everyone. When they rushed upstairs Sister told them it was just Father P.D. who had come up to thank her and the community for the fervent prayers said for the repose of his soul.
On one occasion an orphan boy was about to be transferred by a Monsignor to
another Institute. A lady whose son Franco had died dreamed about her late
mother who told her not to weep but to go to Sister’s Institute where there was
another boy named Franco. The couple came and made legal arrangements to adopt
him. Years later Franco came back to visit Sister Elena who remarked how he
grew up to look like a real gentleman.
The Holy Face of Jesus appears in blood on a wall panel next to Elena
It was damp and cold in the bedroom where the mystical phenomenon of Sister Elena occurred. A masonite panel was put on the wall to protect her from it. On Good Friday drops of blood squirted from her face onto the panel then dried up. One day after praying for St. Michael’s intercession, suddenly a flash of light appeared on the panel with more blood. Blood also soaked the coverlet close to the panel. They were astonished to see the forms of a cross, a crown and a heart form on the linen. Blood continued to flow from the panel and even though Sister Elena washed the panel with water seven times the blood continued to flow during the day especially on Feast days of Our Lord such as the Holy Cross, the Sacred Heart, the Most Precious Blood of Jesus etc.
Gradually the features of a face started to appear clearer and more distinctly
on the panel. It was the rough image of Jesus’ Holy Face during His Passion with blood
flowing from His eyes. Many tests were made by physicians, chemists and others. All agreed
it was human blood that formed the image and there was no possible human explanation for
what was taking place. This phenomenon continued at intervals during the succeeding years up to
Sister Elena’s death.
Messages from the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sister Elena’s spiritual advisors wondered why there was so much blood involved
in her mystical phenomena. It was concluded that future events were very serious based on the
messages that Sister Elena was receiving from Heaven. Sister Elena herself felt that the
blood indicated the need for more reparation for the crimes of our day and tied it in with the
grave messages she was receiving. Here are some notable excerpts of a message
from the Blessed Virgin Mary to Sister Elena:
“People are offending God too much. Were I to show you all the sins committed
on a single day, you would surely die of grief. These are grave times. The world is
thoroughly upset because it is in a worse condition than at the time of the deluge.
Materialism marches on ever fomenting bloody strifes and fratricidal struggles. Clear signs portend
that peace is in danger. That scourge, like the shadow of a dark cloud, is now moving across
mankind: only my power, as Mother of God, is preventing the outbreak of the storm. All
is hanging on a slender thread. When that thread shall snap, Divine Justice shall pounce
upon the world and execute its dreadful, purging designs. All the nations shall be
punished because sins, like a muddy river, are now covering all the earth.
“The powers of evil are getting ready to strike furiously in every part of the
globe. Tragic events are in store for the future. For quite a while, and in many a
way, I have warned the world. The nation’s rulers do indeed understand the gravity of these
dangers, but they refuse to acknowledge that it is necessary for all people to practice
a truly Christian life to counteract that scourge. Oh, what torture I feel in my heart,
on beholding mankind so engrossed in all kinds of things and completely ignoring the most
important duty of their reconciliation with God. The time is not far off now when the
whole world shall be greatly disturbed. A great deal of blood of just and innocent people
as well as saintly priests will be poured out. The Church shall suffer very much and
hatred will be at its very peak”.
“Italy shall be humiliated and purged in her blood. She shall suffer very much
indeed on account of the multitude of sins committed in this privileged nation, the abode
of the Vicar of Christ”.
“You cannot possibly imagine what is going to happen. A great revolution shall
break out and the streets shall be stained with blood. The Pope’s sufferings on this
occasion may well be compared to the agony that will shorten his pilgrimage on earth. His
successor shall pilot the boat during the storm. But the punishment of the wicked shall
not be slow. That will be an exceedingly dreadful day. The earth shall quake so violently as
to scare all mankind. And so, the wicked shall perish according to the inexorably severity
of Divine Justice. If possible, publish this message throughout the world, and admonish
all the people to do penance and to return right away to God”.
There are so many other things that could and should be said about Sister Elena
and the reader will please forgive any omissions because the information was gathered in the
best way available.
In the future, it is hoped that a more thorough source of information will be
put together to give a more adequate account of the wonderful and amazing
spiritual life of Sister Elena.
Her Holy Death
In the eyes of God her mission was completed and so Sister Elena Aiello was
called to God on June 19, 1961. She flew to Heaven at dawn when everyone was at
rest. Her soul went to meet her Divine Spouse, holding in her hand, the
oil-filled brightly burning lamp. In life she was heard saying more than once:
“Even from my tomb I shall raised my voice against anyone daring to oppose the
charitable goal of my Community.”
She acted toward God with complete surrender, childlike abandon and spoke with
sincerity, candor and simplicity. She denounced injustice and exploiters even at the cost
of humiliations and misunderstandings. She was a strong woman of the Baptist and Catherine
type. She kept her rosary beads wrapped around her wrists so as to be able to say it at any
free moment. She kept the church beautiful with fresh flowers and observed the solemnities and
sacred functions with fervor. The only thing she really dreaded and abhorred was the evil of sin
which she fought wherever she found it. She had a motherly compassion for sinners and for their
salvation and never spared prayers tears or pains.
In her houses even during working hours, the Holy Rosary and other prayers were
frequently said and everyone directed their work to and kept in the continual
presence of God.
Finally it should be noted that Sister Elena fasted daily on a diet of
vegetables and water but was always able to fulfill her duties with a robust constitution in spite of her
Her life can be summed up in this - that she always was concerned for the
welfare of others spiritually or physically over her own, and even of her God since she was heard
to cry out several times: “How light is this crown of thorns on my head! How
small, O my God is this torture compared to Yours!”
Blessed Elena Aiello, pray for us!
April 15, 1938
(Jesus) - “Do you wish to come with Me to Gethsemane? You shall have to suffer
for sinners. The sin of impurity makes man loathsome…Blessed are the clean of heart, because
they shall see God…
(Vera, friend of Elena & the community who died) …If you wish to be perfect
you must cross the desert before reaching the promised land…Have courage! Each pain is like a
flame scorching you, but some day Jesus will take you up to His Heavenly glory. ….. (Jesus) ….Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. Look at the
ears stained with blood, bruised by blows, rent by thorns. Yet, souls are stubbornly deaf to the
voice of grace…it is impurity that pierces the Heart of Jesus.
Monsignor Cioffi, the translator of her biography and friend of Sister Elena,
sent these previously unpublished prophecies of Sister Elena to the late Steven Oraze, Editor of the
edifying Catholic newspaper, "Divine Love" which was
produced by the Apostolate of Christian Action in Fresno, California. At first
Monsignor Cioffi was nervous about publishing the messages because they were so
strong and thought that people wouldn’t accept them. Mr. Oraze took them to his
Bishop who gave them the Imprimatur and he published them. At that
time, "Divine Love" contained the only public printing of
these messages. The "Divine Love" staff received direct
confirmations from Heaven that they were to publish the messages more than once
for all the world to see. It is now clear that they are more relevant now than
ever before. Here they are taken directly from this newspaper.
“Upon initiating the usual sufferings, about the hour of 1:00 p.m., Jesus
appeared to me, covered with wounds and bleeding, saying to me:
‘Behold my child, see to what ends the sins of man have reduced me. The world
has lowered itself in overflowing corruption. The governments of the peop1e
have risen like demons incarnated, and, while they speak of peace they prepare
for war with the most devastating implements to destroy peoples and nations.
Men have become ungrateful to My Sacred Heart, and abusing My Mercy, have
transformed the earth into a scene of crime’.
‘Numerous scandals are bringing souls to ruin particularly through the
corruption of youth. Stirred up, and unrestrained in the enjoyment of the
pleasures of the world, they have degraded their spirit in corruption and sin.
The bad example of parents trains the family in scandal and infidelity, instead
of virtue and prayer, which is almost dead on the lips of many. Stained and
withered is the fountain of faith and sanctity the home’.
‘The wills of men do not change. They live in their obstinacy of sin. More
severe are the scourges and plagues to recall them to the way of God; but men
still become furious, like wounded beasts (and harden their hearts against the
Grace of God). The world is no longer worthy of pardon, but only of fire,
destruction and death’.
‘There must be more prayers and penances from the souls faithful to Me, in
order to appease the just wrath of God, and to temperate the just sentence of
punishment, SUSPENDED on earth by the intercession of My Beloved Mother, who is
also the Mother of all men’.
‘Oh! how sad is My Heart to see that men do not convert (or respond) to so many
calls of love and grief, manifested by My Beloved Mother to errant men. Roaming
in darkness, they continue to live in sin, and further away from God! But the
scourge of fire is near, to purify the earth of the iniquities of the wicked.
The justice of God requires reparation for the many offenses and misdeeds that
cover the earth, and which can no longer be compromised. Men are obstinate in
their guilt, and do not return to God’.
‘The Church is opposed, and the priests are despised because of the bad ones
who give scandal. Help Me, by suffering, to repair for so many offenses, and
thus save AT LEAST IN PART, humanity precipitated in a slough of corruption and
‘Make it known to all men that, repentant, they must return to God, and, in
doing so, may hope for pardon, and be saved from the just vengeance of a
scorned God’.
“In so saying Our Lord God disappeared. Then the Madonna appeared to me. She
was dressed in black, with seven swords piercing Her Immaculate Heart. Coming
closer, with an expression of profound sorrow, and with tears on her cheeks,
she spoke to me, saying: ‘Listen attentively, and reveal to all:
‘My Heart is sad for so many sufferings in an impending world in ruin. The
justice of Our Father is most offended. Men live in their obstinacy of sin. The
wrath of God is near. Soon the world will be afflicted with great calamities,
bloody revolutions, frightful hurricanes, and the overflowing of streams and
the seas’.
‘Cry out until the priests of God lend their ears to my voice, to advise men
that the time is near at hand, and if men do not return to God with prayers and
penances, the world will be overturned in a new and more terrible war. Arms
most deadly will destroy peoples and nations! The dictators of the earth,
specimens infernal, will demolish the churches and desecrate the Holy
Eucharist, and will destroy things most dear. In this impious war, much will be
destroyed of that which has been built by the hands of man’.
‘Be not silent, my daughter, because the hours of darkness, of abandonment, are
near. ‘I am bending over the world, holding in suspension the justice of God.
are necessary because men MUST RETURN TO GOD and to My Immaculate Heart—the
Mediatrix of men to God, and thus THE WORLD WILL BE AT LEAST IN PART SAVED’.
‘Cry out these things to all, like the very echo of my voice. Let this be known
to all, because it will help save many souls, and prevent much destruction in
the Church and in the world’.
“The Blessed Mother, lovely and majestic, but with tears on her cheeks, spoke:
‘My daughter, it is thy Mother speaking to thee, Listen attentively, and make
known all that I tell thee, because men, in spite of repeated warnings, are not
returning to God. They refuse grace, and are not listening to my voice. You
must have no doubt about what I am making known to you, because my words are
very clear, and you must transmit them to all.’
‘DARK AND FRIGHTFUL DAYS ARE APPROACHING! Mankind is obscured by a thick fog,
as a result of the many grievous sins, which are well nigh covering the whole earth.
Today, more than ever, men are, resisting the calls from Heaven, and are
blaspheming God, while wallowing in the mire of sin’.
‘My daughter, look upon my Heart pierced by the thorns of so many sins; my
face, disfigured by sorrow; my eyes, filled with tears. The cause of such great
sadness is the sight of so many souls going to Hell, and because the Church is
wounded – inwardly and outwardly’.
‘The rulers of nations make so much ado and speak of peace. But instead, the
whole world will soon be at war, and all mankind will he plunged into sorrow,
be cause the justice of God will not be delayed in fulfilling its course, and
these events are near. Tremendous will be the upheaval of the whole world,
because men — as at the time of the Deluge — have lost God’s way, and are ruled
by the spirit of Satan’.
‘Priests must unite by prayers and penance. They must hasten to spread the
devotion to the Two Hearts. The hour of my triumph is close at hand. The
victory will be accomplished through the love and mercy of the Heart of My Son,
and of My Immaculate Heart the Mediatrix between men and God, By accepting this
invitation, and by uniting their tears to those of My Sorrowful Heart, priests
and religious will obtain great graces for the salvation of poor sinners’.
Mankind, defiled in the mire, soon will be washed in its own blood, by disease;
by famine; by earthquakes; by cloudbursts, tornadoes, floods, and terrible storms;
and by war. But men ignore all these warnings, and are unwilling to be
convinced that my tears (Weeping Madonna of Sicily?), are plain signs to serve
notice that tragic events are hanging over the world, and that the hours of
great trials are at hand’.
‘If men do not amend their ways, a terrifying scourge of fire will come down
from Heaven upon all the nations of the world, and men will be punished
according to the debts contracted with Divine justice. There will be frightful
moments for all, because Heaven will be joined with the earth, and all the
un-Godly people will be destroyed, SOME NATIONS WILL BE PURIFIED, WHILE OTHERS
You are to transmit these warnings to all, in order that the new generation
will know that men had been warned in time to turn to God by doing penance, and
thus could have avoided these punishments’.
But when will all this come about?’ I asked Our Lady.” ‘My daughter,’ answered
the Blessed Mother, ‘the time is not far off. When men least expect it, the
course of Divine Justice will be accomplished’.
‘My Heart is so big for poor sinners, and I make use of every possible means
that they may be saved. Look at this mantle, how big it is. If I were not bent
over the earth to cover all with my maternal love, the tempest of fire would
have already broken upon the nations of the world!’
“Then I exclaimed, ‘My lovely Mother, never before have I seen thee with such a
large mantle.’ The Blessed Virgin, holding her arms wide, answered:”
‘This is the mantle of mercy for all those who, having repented, come back to
My Immaculate Heart. See? The right hand holds the mantle to cover and to save
poor sinners, while with the left hand I hold back the Divine Justice, so that
the time of Mercy may still be prolonged.’
‘To help me in this, I ask that the prayer, MATERNAL REFUGE, be spread as a
most useful means to obtain graces and salvation for poor sinners, Say often
with your arms crossed:
Sister Elena Aiello asked Our Blessed Mother: “What will become of Italy? Will Rome be saved?”
“The Madonna answered:” ‘In part, by the Pope. The Church will be in travail,
but the forces of Hell cannot prevail! You must suffer for the Pope and Christ,
and thus Christ will be safe on earth; and the Pope, with his redemptive word,
will, in part, save the world.’
“The Madonna then came closer, and with a sad expression, showed me the flames
of Hell. She said:” ‘Satan reigns and triumphs on earth! See how the souls are
falling into Hell. See how high the flames are, and the souls who fall into
them like flakes of snow, looking like transparent embers! How many sparks! How
many cries of hate, and of despair! How much pain!’
‘See how many priestly souls! Look at the sign of their consecration in their
transparent hands! (In the palms of their hands the sign of the cross, in more
vivid fire, could clearly be seen!) What torture, my daughter, in my maternal
Heart! Great is my sorrow to see that men do not change! The justice of the
Father requires reparation — otherwise many will be lost!’
“See how Russia will burn!” Before my eyes there extended an immense field
covered with flames and smoke, in which souls were submerged as if in a sea of
“And all this fire,” concluded the Madonna, “is not that which will fall from
the hands of men, but will be hurled directly from the Angels (at the time of
the great chastisement or purification that will come upon the earth). Therefore
I ask prayers, penance and sacrifice, so I may act as Mediatrix for my Son in
order to save souls.”
GOOD FRIDAY (March 23) 1961
The Madonna speaks: “My daughter, the scourge is near. Much is spoken of peace,
but all the world will soon be at war, and the streets will be stained with
blood! No gleam of light is seen in the world, because men live in the darkness
of error, and the enormous weight of sin angers the justice of God.”
“All nations will be punished, because sin has spread all over the world!
Tremendous will be the punishments, because man has arrived at an insupportable contest with his God
and Father, and has exasperated His infinite Goodness!”
“My heart bleeds for
Italy also, which will be safe only in part for the Pope! Oh!, what grief to
see the representative of Christ on earth hated, persecuted, outraged!”
“He, who is the Spiritual Father of the people, the defender of the Faith and
of truth, whose face, radiant with light, shines upon the world, is greatly
“He, who personifies Christ on earth, doing good for all, becomes thus outraged
with impunity!”
“Many iniquitous and wicked leaders of the people, who live and drag along with
them their people outside the laws of God, showing themselves in sheep’s’
clothing, while being rapacious wolves, have ruined society, stirring it up
against God and His Church.”
“How can the world be saved, from the disaster that is about to crash down upon
the misleading nations, if man does not repent of his errors and failings? The
only salvation is a complete repentance and return to God, and a true devotion
to my Immaculate Heart, particularly in the daily recitation of my Rosary.”
“Once there was the chastisement by water, but if there is not a returning to
God, there will come the chastisement by fire, which will cover the streets of
the world with blood.”
"My daughter, cry out loudly, and let it be known to all, that, if they do
not return to God, Italy too, will only in part be safe for the Pope.”
“My heart of Mother, and Mediatrix of men, close to the mercy of God, invites,
with many manifestations and many signs, the people to penance and to pardon.
But they respond with a storm of hate, blasphemies and sacrilegious
profanations, as if blinded by an infernal rage. I wish prayers and penance, in
order that I may again obtain mercy and salvation for many souls — otherwise
they will be lost.”
Our Blessed Mother speaks: “The world today is honoring me, but my Motherly
Heart is bleeding, because the enemy is at our doors! Men are offending God too
much! If I were to show you the number of sins committed in a single day, you
would die of horror and sorrow! The sins that distress God the most, are those
of the souls who should perfume the air with the fragrance of their virtues.
Instead, they contaminate (by their sinful lives) those who come near them.”
“The times are grievous. The whole world is in turmoil, because IT HAS BECOME
“Everything is in
suspense, like a thread; when this thread breaks, the justice of God will fall
like a thunderbolt and will complete its terrible course of purification.”
Sister Elena asked, “What will become of Italy?”
The Virgin Mary answered: “Italy, my daughter, will be humiliated, purified in
blood, and must suffer much, because many are the sins of this beloved country,
seat of the Vicar of Christ. You cannot imagine what will happen! In those sad
days there will be much anguish and weeping. There will be a great revolution,
and streets will be red with blood.”
“The Pope will suffer much, and all this suffering will be like an agony, which
will shorten his earthly pilgrimage. His successor will guide the boat in the
“However the punishment of the impious will not be delayed. That day will be
most fearful in the world! The earth will tremble, all humanity will be shaken!
The wicked and the obstinate will perish in the tremendous severity of the
justice of the Lord.”
“Launch at once a message into the world, to advise men to return to God by
prayers and penances, and to come with confidence to my Immaculate Heart. My
intercession must be shown, because I am the Mother of God, of the just, and of
sinners. Through prayer and penance, my mercy will be able to hold back the
hand of God’s justice.”
Jesus, dripping with blood and with painful and suffering look, said: “Do you
wish to unite with Me in My agony? See how much I suffer! The sins of men have
reduced me to this! What bitterness is poured into this Heart, pierced by many
souls, who instead of loving me with sacrifices, and in flight from sinful
vanities of the corrupt world, commit much iniquity.”
“Help me to suffer by consoling my grieved Heart, and make reparation for the
many sins. Oh my beloved bride, if you knew the pain that my Heart suffers from
the loss of so many souls! Satan travels victorious over all the sinful earth.
I need generous souls to appease the outraged justice of the Father, because
the world is headed for imminent ruin. The hours of darkness are near!”
“Then, the Madonna appeared to me, sad and shedding tears. She said”: ‘This
great mantle which you see, is the expression of my mercy for covering sinners
and for saving them. Men, instead, cover themselves with even more filth, and
do not want to confess their real faults. Therefore, the justice of God will
pass over the sinful world to purify humanity for so many sins, openly
committed and hidden, especially those which corrupt youth.’
‘In order to save souls, I wish that there be propagated in the world the
consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mediatrix of men, devoted to the
Mercy of God, and to the Queen of the Universe.’
‘The world will be once more afflicted with great calamity; with bloody
revolutions; with great earthquakes; with famines; with epidemics; with fearful
hurricanes; and with floods from rivers and seas. But if men do not return to
God, purifying fire will fall from the Heavens, like snowstorms, on all
peoples, and a great part of humanity will be destroyed!’
‘No longer do men speak according to the true spirit of the Gospel. The
immorality of the times has ‘reached a peak. But men do not listen to my
motherly warnings, so the world must soon be purified.’
RAISE HER FLAG OVER THE DOME OF ST. PETER’S. Italy will be severely tried by a
great revolution, and Rome will be purified in blood for its many sins,
especially those of impurity! The flock is about to be dispersed and the Pope
must suffer greatly.’
‘The only valid means for placating Divine Justice is to pray and do penance,
returning to God with sincere sorrow for the faults committed, and then the
chastisement of Divine Justice will be mitigated by mercy. Humanity will never
find peace, if it does not return to my Immaculate Heart as Mother of Mercy,
and Mediatrix of men; and to the Heart of my Son Jesus!’
The Madonna speaks: “How youth lives in perdition! How many innocent souls find
themselves enwrapped in a chain of scandals. The world has become as a flooded
valley, overflowing with filth and mud. Some of the most difficult trials of
Divine Justice are yet to come, before the deluge of fire.”
“I, for a long time, have advised men in many ways, but they do not listen to
my maternal appeals, and they continue to walk the paths of perdition. But soon
terrifying manifestations will be seen, which will make even the most obdurate
sinners tremble!”
“Great calamities will come upon the world, which will bring confusion, tears,
struggles and pain. Great earthquakes will swallow up entire cities and
countries, and will bring epidemics, famine, and terrible destruction
ESPECIALLY WHERE THE SONS OF DARKNESS ARE, (pagan or anti-God nations).”
"In these tragic hours, the world has need of prayers and penance, because
the Pope, the priests, and the Church are in danger. If we do not pray, Russia
will march upon all of Europe, and particularly upon Italy, bringing much more
ruin and havoc! Hence the priests must be in the front line of defense of the
Church, by example and sanctity in life, for materialism is breaking forth in
all nations and evil prevails over good.”
“The rulers of the people do not understand this, because they do not have the
Christian spirit; in their blindness, do not see the truth.”
“In Italy, some leaders like rapacious wolves in sheep’s’ clothing, while
calling themselves Christians — open the door to materialism, and, fostering
dishonest actions, will bring Italy to ruin; but many of them, too, will fall
in confusion.”
“Propagate the devotions to my Immaculate Heart, of Mother of Mercy, Mediatrix
of men, who believe in the mercy of God, and of the Queen of the Universe.”
“I will manifest my partiality for Italy, which will be preserved from the
fire, but the skies will be covered with dense darkness, and the earth will be
shaken by fearful earthquakes which will open deep abysses. Provinces and
cities will be destroyed, and all will cry out that the end of the world has
come! Even Rome will be punished according to justice for its many and serious
sins, because here sin has reached its peak.”
“Pray, and lose no time, lest it be too late; since dense darkness surrounds
the earth and the enemy is at the doors!”
The Madonna speaks: “The hour of the justice of God is close, and will be
“Tremendous scourges are impending over the world, and various nations are
struck by epidemics, famines, great earthquakes, terrific hurricanes, with
overflowing rivers and seas, which bring ruin and death.”
“If the people do not recognize in these scourges (of nature) the warnings of
Divine Mercy, and do not return to God with truly Christian living, ANOTHER
The river Rhine will be overflowing with corpses and blood. Italy, also, will
be harassed by a great revolution, and the Pope will suffer terribly.”
“Spread the devotion to my Immaculate Heart, in order that many souls maybe
conquered by my love and that many sinners may return to my Maternal Heart. Do
not fear, for I will accompany with my maternal protection my faithful ones,
and all those who accept my urgent warnings, and they — especially by the
recitations of my Rosary — will be saved.”
“Satan goes furiously through this disordered world, and soon will show all his
might. But, because of my Immaculate Heart, the triumph of Light will not delay
in its triumph over the power of darkness, and the world, finally, will have
tranquility and peace.”
The Sorrowful Madonna speaks: “People pay no attention to my motherly warnings,
and thus the world is falling headlong evermore into an abyss of iniquity.
Nations shall be convulsed by terrible disasters, causing destruction and
“Russia, spurred on by Satan, will seek to dominate the whole world and, by
bloody revolutions, will propagate her false teachings throughout all the
nations, especially in Italy. The Church will be persecuted and the Pope and
the priests shall suffer much.”
Sister Elena Aiello speaks: “Oh, what a horrible vision I see! A great
revolution is going on in Rome ! They are entering the Vatican. The Pope is all
alone; he s praying. They are holding the Pope. They take him by force. They
knock him down to the floor. They are tying him. Oh, God! Oh God! They are
kicking him. What a horrible scene! How dreadful!”
“Our Blessed Mother is drawing near. Like corpses those evil men fall down to
the floor. Our Lady helps the Pope to his feet and, taking him by the arm, she
covers him with her mantle saying: ‘Fear not!’
“Flagstaffs (flying the Red flag over St. Peter’s dome and elsewhere) collapse,
and power is gone out of the clubs of those evil brutes. These atheists are
ever shouting: ‘We don’t want God to rule over us; we want Satan to be our
Our Blessed Mother speaks again: “My daughter, Rome will not be saved, because
the Italian rulers have forsaken the Divine Light and because only a few people
really love the Church. But the day is not far off when all the wicked shall
perish, under the tremendous blows of Divine Justice.”
In April 2011, Pope Benedict XVI approved the petition allowing for the
Beatification of Venerable Elena Aiello. She was declared Blessed on September
14, 2011 (Feast of the Exaultation of the Holy Cross) at 17.30 in Piazza dei
Bruzi in Cosenza, Italy. The proclamation of the Blessed was made by Cardinal
Angelo Amato, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, along with
Archbishop of Cosenza/Bisignano, His Excellency Salvatore Nunnari.
For those interested, the Italian website of the Minim Sisters of the Passion of our
Lord Jesus Christ can be found here.
Webmasters note:
As a layman who endeavors
to always be faithful to the teachings of the Catholic church I feel duty-bound
to comment on the prophecies of Blessed Elena. Firstly it should be noted that
when the Catholic church Beatifies or Canonizes a person, it is done so
strictly on the basis of the sanctity and heroic virtue of the person, and not
for any mystical graces, revelations or prophesies that they may have allegedly
received. In other words, by Beatifying Mother Elena Aiello, the Church is
recognizing her extraordinary virtue alone, and not any of the heavenly graces,
revelations or prophecies that she may have been given.
With this said, given
that the Church HAS RECOGNISED Bl. Elena's virtue as being extraordinary and
thereby setting her sanctity as one that we should strive to imitate, this does
give us some basis to investigate also the extraordinary prophecies that she
was allegedly given.
Upon reading Blessed
Elena's prophecies, one quickly notes that many of them are quite severe.
We must, however, keep in
MITIGATED through the right actions of humanity, especially through the prayers
of the faithful. One need only read Chapter 3 of the Old Testament Book of
Jonah to see how a prophesy can be completely mitigated through right actions,
repentance and prayer. "“Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and preach
to it the message that I tell you.” The message of God, of course, was
that in 40 days the great city of Nineveh would be destroyed. Yet, we all know
what happened...the whole people of Nineveh, led by their king, repented and
prayed for God's forgiveness and they were speared the horrible chastisement
prophesied through Jonah.
Now, for those who think
that Bl. Elena's prophesies of a worldwide warning and even a worldwide
chastisement are too severe to be true, one should consider some of the other
recent prophets and revelations with similar messages for our times, such as
the messages given to Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, Josefa Manendez, Blessed
Anna-Katarina Emmerick, St Louis de Montfort, Blessed Sister Mary of Jesus
Crucified and many others, along with the warnings to humanity given at Church
approved Marian apparition sites of Our Lady of La Salette, Fatima, Akita,
Kibeho, all of which have been approved by the Church.
For example, the third
message of Akita given by the Blessed Virgin to Sister Agnes Sasagawa on
October 13, 1973 stated:
"As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father
will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment
greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will
fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well
as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find
themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms which will
remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by my Son. Each day, recite
the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and
the priests."
"The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way
that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, and bishops against other
bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their
Confreres. The Church and altars will be vandalized. The Church will be full of
those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and
consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.
"The demon will rage especially against souls consecrated to God. The
thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sadness. If sins
increase in number and gravity, there will no longer be pardon for them."
Certainly similar prophesies of a worldwide warning followed perhaps by a worldwide chastisement have been given to other modern day mystics, some of whom are found elsewhere on this website. Let us hope and pray then, that if such prophecies are indeed from God, that they will be mitigated by the repentance, prayer and right actions of humanity, just like the people of Nineveh who repented through the preaching of Jonah.
And let us remember that perhaps our greatest advocate is the Blessed Virgin
Mary---for it is She who more than any other pleads for mercy and forgiveness
on behalf of all of humanity.
***The primary source for this article is the book "The Incredible
Life Story of Sister Elena Aiello- The Calabrian Holy Nun" by Rt.
Reverend Francisco Spadafora, Published by Theo Gaus Inc., 1964.
Those interested in obtaining this book can email the webmaster at
Beata Elena
Aiello Fondatrice
Montalto Uffugo, Cosenza,
10 aprile 1895 – Roma, 19 giugno 1961
Fondatrice delle Suore
Minime della Passione di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo. Nacque a Montalto Uffugo
nel 1895 e fin da piccolissima mostrò un’attenzione particolare per il
messaggio evangelico. Rimasta orfana di madre si diede da fare per aiutare la
famiglia, ma la sua chiamata sembrava essere quella alla vita religiosa nelle
Suore del Preziosissimo Sangue. Entratavi come novizia, però, si ammalò
gravemente tanto che la congregazione non la ritenne più idonea e la rimandò a
casa pensandola prossima alla morte. Invece Elena ebbe un’apparizione di Gesù:
le disse che sarebbe stata risanata, ma il Venerdì Santo di ogni anno avrebbe
portato sul suo corpo i segni della Passione. E così avvenne: per il resto
della vita nel giorno della morte di Gesù avrebbe sudato sangue e sperimentato
le stigmate; segni che poi puntualmente scomparivano ogni Sabato Santo. Questa
esperienza la spinse a dare vita a Cosenza a una nuova congregazione religiosa,
l’Istituto delle Suore Minime della Passione di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo.
Nelle regole indicò la Passione di Gesù come riferimento spirituale e la carità
testimoniata nella sua terra da san Francesco da Paola come orizzonte
quotidiano. Aprì alcuni istituti per gli orfani, ma anche un istituto
magistrale per garantire un futuro alle ragazze uscite dall’orfanotrofio. Morì
nel 1961 a Roma dove si era recata per aprire una nuova casa.
Nata a Montalto Uffugo, nel Cosentino, il 10 aprile 1895, Elena Emilia Aiello, cresce in un ambiente familiare esemplarmente cristiano. I suoi genitori, Pasquale e Teresa gestivano una sartoria ed erano buoni e onesti, sempre disponibili ad aiutare gli otto figli.
Buona e sveglia, a 4 anni ripeteva le formule del Catechismo e viene mandata presso le Suore del Preziosissimo Sangue per frequentare la scuola e seguire i corsi di Catechismo. Apprendeva con gioia la Parola di Dio tanto che le Suore, quando aveva 8 anni la facevano insegnare la Dottrina ai più piccoli.
Dopo la morte della mamma avvenuta nel 1905, Elena si adopera in famiglia come può, aiuta il papà nella sartoria, compie i lavori domestici e inoltre soccorre i poveri e gli ammalati.
Vuole diventare Religiosa e amare Dio nella sofferenza. Sceglie l'Istituto delle Suore Del Preziosissimo Sangue, ma cade ammalata grave, subisce dolorose operazioni senza anestesia che sopporta con fede eroica, viene espulsa dalla congregazione e rimandata a morire a casa, ma è miracolata, e Gesù le dice che sarebbe guarita, ma il venerdì santo di ogni anno avrebbe sofferto le pene della croce. E' stato così ogni anno. Elena sudava Sangue e sul suo corpo si formavano le stigmate che il sabato santo scomparivano miracolosamente.
Un'amica, Luigia Mazza, detta Gigia, era anch'essa desiderosa di farsi religiosa, e si consiglia con Elena. Le due si trasferiscono a Cosenza e fondano l'Istituto delle Suore Minime della Passione di N. S. Gesù Cristo.
Suor Elena sceglie per sè e le sue figlie come modello di vita la Passione di Gesù e il primato della carità testimoniato da S. Francesco da Paola.
Umiltà, carità e sacrificio sono le basi su cui Madre Elena edifica la sua famiglia religiosa che, si inserisce nella missione della Chiesa per risanare il tessuto sociale del suo tempo e soccorrere i fratelli più deboli e disagiati, in modo specifico l'infanzia bisognosa.
Infatti Madre Elena, istituisce per gli orfani alcuni istituti e, apre un Istituto Magistrale per garantire un futuro alle ragazze che devono abbandonare l'orfanotrofio.
Recatasi a Roma per l'apertura di una nuova casa, in via Dei Baldassini, vi muore il 19 giugno 1961.
Strepitosi miracoli e conversioni si verificano a partire dal giorno dopo la sua morte fino ad oggi. Madre Elena riposa nella Cappella di Casa Madre, in via dei Martiri 9 a Cosenza.
Giovanni Paolo II l'ha dichiarata Venerabile il 22 gennaio 1991.
Per informazioni, richieste di immagini o biografie rivolgersi a:
Istituto Suore Minime della Passione
Via dei Martiri 9 - 87100 Cosenza
Passione per
Cristo, Passione per l’umanità a cura di Don Enzo Gabrieli
Con la pubblicazione di
questa relazione di Don Enzo Gabrieli, vice Postulatore della Causa di
Canonizzazione della Venerabile Madre Elena, diamo il via a una serie di
quaderni informativi per allargare e far giungere a più persone il Messaggio
della nostra Fondatrice. Questa relazione è stata offerta durante un convegno,
a noi suore e molti laici, in occasione del 77° di fondazione della
Congregazione “Minime della Passione di N.S.G.C.” Cosenza, Casa Madre 16
gennaio 2005. Alla fine di questo libretto abbiamo raccolto alcune informazioni
che il vice Postulatore ha dato ai presenti relativamente alla Causa di
Canonizzazione della Nostra Suor Elena. Nella speranza che questo sia un
servizio ulteriore per vivere in comunione l’attesa della Canonizzazione di
Madre Elena Aiello, Via saluto e Vi auguro un Santa Pasqua.
Madre Generale Suor M.
Paola Pennini
Quando ho pensato a
questo incontro celebrativo e di riflessione per i 77 anni di fondazione
dell’Istituto delle Suore Minime della Passione di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo,
la mia mente è andata subito al 17 gennaio del 1928, quando con il minimo
indispensabile Elena (Montalto Uffugo 1895 – Roma 1961), senza avvisare
nessuno, di buon mattino, lascia Montalto Uffugo, il suo paese natale e
si lancia nell’avventura dello Spirito “che la condurrà nella vicina
città di Cosenza”. Un intenso momento di risposta vocazionale viene celebrato in
questo giorno. Viene celebrata la risposta della giovane Elena ad un progetto
che Dio ha su di Lei, sulle sue figlie, su quanti riceveranno amore, attenzione
e contestualmente l’annuncio del Vangelo attraverso la piccola opera delle
Minime della Passione. Il “Si” di Elena è stato dirompente, la sua decisione
hai coinvolto, coinvolge oggi e coinvolgerà ancora tantissime persone in un
progetto d’amore inaugurato all’alba di settantasette anni fa. Pensando
contestualmente alla tematica da proporre questa sera, mi è venuta in mente
quella proposta per il Congresso della vita consacrata che si è svolto nel
novembre del 2004 a Roma: Passione per Cristo, passione per l’umanità.
Alla luce di questa frase, con tutti i limiti che uno slogan porta con sé,
vorrei affacciarmi sulla vita, l’opera e il messaggio della nostra Venerabile
Elena Aiello ed offrire con molto rispetto un piccolo contributo alla vostra
meditazione. Ciascuna di voi, in modo particolare, è legata all’alba di questo
giorno, con un filo d’oro che ha segnato la vostra vocazione; una vocazione di
innamorate, di appassionate di Dio e dell’uomo, nella sintesi del carisma della
Monaca Santa. Un carisma che ha trovato, nell’epoca in cui Elena ha spiegato le
vele per la sua traversata, il terreno fertile, lo spazio giusto dove alzarsi
in volo con coraggio per amare di più il Signore ed amarlo particolarmente
attraverso le sue creature: gli ultimi, i soli, gli indifesi, chi non ha
nessuno, l’infanzia abbandonata. Il tema della Passione accompagnerà
a diversi livelli tutta la vita di Elena, come accompagna la vita dei Santi;
essi sono uomini e donne caparbi, appassionati di Dio e dell’uomo, della Chiesa
e della storia, a tal punto da lasciare tutto sulla promessa di Dio, fino a
creare visibili e significative fratture profetiche nella vita, nella famiglia,
nella società. La Venerabile sarà toccata dal mistero della Passione, per oltre
24 anni, con i nobili segni della crocifissione di Cristo, portandoli nella
carne con la stessa dignità, la stessa forza, la stessa fede dell’apostolo
Paolo: “Quanto a me non ci sia altro vanto che nella Croce del Signore
nostro Gesù Cristo, per mezzo del quale il mondo per me è stato Crocifisso,
come io per il mondo…porto nella mia carne le stigmate di Cristo”.
Passione per Cristo
Una grande passione
d’amore per il Signore Gesù che diventava nell’Eucarestia centro della
giornata, riferimento di ogni scelta spirituale o materiale. Dalla sua voce
ascoltiamo il trasporto, (oserei dire la passione) con il quale ella ci
accostava all’augusto Sacramento: “L’Eucarestia è l’alimento essenziale
della mia vita, il respiro profondo della mia anima” ed ancora “questo
Sacramento dà senso alla mia vita, a tutte le azioni della giornata”.
Dall’Eucarestia Suor Elena si lasciava formare ed educare al senso del mistero,
della Provvidenza, della gratuità, all’adorazione, al dono di se ed a tutte
quelle virtù, proprie delle persone semplici e senza cultura, che non mancano
però, di un profondissimo senso religioso. In questo Anno Internazionale dell’Eucarestia,
dovrebbe tornare spesso nella vostra mente, nel vostro cuore, quasi a mò di
giaculatoria l’appello accorato, da vera amante di Cristo, che faceva la
Fondatrice” “Se vogliamo giovare alla salvezza dei fratelli dobbiamo
essere anime eucaristiche”. Solo un costante nutrimento eucaristico può
trasformare il cuore fino alla donazione completa, alla accettazione piena
della volontà del Padre. Lo stesso Si di Cristo alla suprema volontà del Padre
si colloca in un contesto strettamente pasquale tra la Cena e la Croce. La
misura della Passione per Cristo, in ogni credente, esercitata in modo mirabile
da Suor Elena, si verifica nella costanza tra questi due poli: l’Eucarestia che
trasforma, la croce che perfeziona l’amore. L’opera della Monaca Santa si può capire,
conoscere ed apprezzare solo nella misura in cui si scopre che questa
donna, semplice ma forte, coraggiosa e prudente, come dice il libro della
Sapienza, è preziosa come una perla perché ha saputo ben amministrare la sua
casa. E qui per “casa” intendiamo la sua opera che da Cosenza si è irradiata
anche fuori dai confini nazionali. La radice della sua vocazione, come della
vostra che ne avete abbracciato il Carisma, si trova ben innestata nel terreno
dell’Amore di Dio e dell’Amore per Dio. E’ bene però ricordare che l’amore non
è fatto solo di sentimentalismi, ma anche di grandi progetti e di grandi sogni.
Amore è sognare con e come sogna l’amato. Amore è attesa paziente e silenziosa
come quella della madre. Amore è condivisione fino al sacrificio che trova
nella Croce la sua più preziosa icona. Amore è consacrazione silenziosa
per essere come un città posta a segnale sul monte. Amore è anche grande sforzo
di volontà e coraggio di buttarsi nella mischia per fare si che il progetto di
Dio si realizzi, senza compromessi, senza mezze misure, senza
mercanteggiamenti. L’Amore quando è vero è profetico, quando è vero si celebra
sia nella dolcezza della vita che nell’aridità della Croce. In Suor Elena,
scorrendo come un film i fotogrammi della vita, troviamo sintetizzata la logica
d’amore. Passione in fondo è uno dei nomi dell’amore. Il Signore stesso
rendendosi presente a Lei più volte le ribadirà il senso della sua sofferenza
fisica: “Tu soffrirai, ma non temere; non è una malattia, ma espressione
di carità ti farò entrare in tristezza con me e il venerdì sarai unita alla mia
sofferenza”. Al suo rapporto con Cristo si può ben applicare questo versetto
del Cantico dei cantici: “trovai l’amato del mio cuore. Lo strinsi
fortemente, non lo lascerò”. La giornata di cui oggi fate memoria, dunque, può
essere ben rappresentata dal vagare e dall’incontro con l’Amato dell’innamorata
cantato nel libro biblico. La ricerca dell’amato del suo cuore l’aveva condotta
su altre strade, prima in convento, poi a casa per la malattia, fino alla
decisione ultima di lasciare nuovamente Montalto, e su indicazione spirituale
di Santa Teresa apparsale in visione, individuando a Cosenza il primo luogo
dove iniziare il cammino del suo istituto. Non è troppo casuale la devozione
per questa Santa che scelse di essere al momento della sua risposta
vocazionale, il cuore. “Ho trovato il mio posto nella Chiesa, mia madre,
io sarò l’Amore”. Elena fu una donna che non si diede per vinta tutt’altro. Da
buona calabrese qual era seppe combattere per il suo Amato, fino a decidere di
non tornare indietro nemmeno dopo il preoccupato consiglio del Decano Mauro
quando a mattino inoltrato del 17 gennaio 1928, dopo la sua spirituale fuga, la
raggiunse davanti alla Chiesa di San Nicola a Cosenza. “Cercava di
persuadere Elena a ritornare in famiglia – si legge nella Positio – sforzandosi
di dimostrare la stoltezza del passo compiuto. Suor Elena risoluta, rispondeva:
Se mi troverò bene continuerò, altrimenti ritornerò in famiglia. Il Decano
deluso dovette cedere e abbandonare l’idea di farla ritornare a Montalto”. La
Passione d’amore della giovinetta ebbe la meglio anche sull’austera e forte
figura del Decano, oltre che sulla sua famiglia che più volte aveva tentato di
convincerla a restare a casa dopo la lunga malattia che l’aveva debilitata e le
aveva fatto lasciare finanche il convento. Molto spesso alle Congregazioni che
iniziano ad avere una lunga storia alle spalle, dopo la morte della fondatrice,
viene consigliato di rivedere il carisma, di autorizzarlo nei linguaggi, nei
metodi, secondo le nuove esigenze del mondo che cambia. Personalmente ritengo
che dobbiate custodire profondamente il concetto duplice di passione di cui
Elena Aiello ha voluto riempire la sua vita, il suo carisma, il suo
messaggio, il suo servizio agli ultimi. Passione d’amore, passione per l’uomo e
per il sofferente. Sono queste le caratteristiche che potete ancora vivere,
alle quali come consacrate dovete richiamare la Chiesa e gli uomini che sono i
ricerca di Dio. La stessa esperienza del dolore fisico, “è una occasione
privilegiata di maggiore intimità col Signore, anche se tali fenomeni
straordinari le procurano una sofferenza così intensa da farla cadere in uno
stato di profonda prostrazione ed abbattimento…”. Le dirà il Signore, il venerdì
16 marzo del 1923: “Non affliggerti se ti hanno tolto il crocifisso perché
io sono sempre presente nel tuo cuore; anzi a conferma di ciò ti darò un segno
ancora più visibile, perché voglio che tu porti nel tuo corpo le piaghe della
mia Passione”.
Passione per
In una recente intervista
Dominique Lapierre, scrittore francese impegnato in molti progetti umanitari,
parlando delle Suore di Madre Teresa di Calcutta così si è espresso: “Dopo
la morte di Madre Teresa non è cambiato assolutamente nulla. Le Missionarie
della carità continuano a svolgere il loro lavoro come quando c’era Madre
Teresa. Anzi il loro è l’unico Istituto nella Chiesa che non può accogliere
tutte le ragazze che chiedono di entrare. C’è un eccesso di vocazioni”. Lui
l’aveva incontrata mentre serviva gioiosamente, e con apprensione di madre, i
suoi poveri e quell’incontro gli cambiò la vita. Sono state tante le persone
che hanno incrociato il cammino di Elena Aiello dopo quel 17 gennaio 1928.
Nella Positio sulle virtù sono riportate solo alcune delle tante testimonianze;
fra le tante vorrei riproporvi le parole di Suor Angela Padula che racconta
alcuni casi di gravi malattie delle ragazze: “L’amore che Suor Elena aveva
per le bambine era indescrivibile. Se qualcuna di esse si ammalava, vegliava
giorno e notte al capezzale e non si dava pace… sono sicura che le cure e le
lacrime di Suor Elena attiravano sempre lo sguardo del Signore”. Una passione
d’amore per l’uomo che la vedeva investita anche della responsabilità di tenere
per se il giusto e far sperimentare anche ad altri la misteriosa Provvidenza
del Padre: “Suor Elena nel vedere la grazia di Dio tratteneva soli il
necessario per le bambine e la comunità delle suore, il resto voleva che
venisse subito distribuito ai poveri del quartiere e mandava noi stesse a
portare la roba”. Questa immagine di Suor Elena mi ha richiamato alla memoria
il Cottolengo che, alla sera, dopo aver pagato i debiti dei creditori bruciava
i soldi che gli restavano perché era “farina del diavolo”. La passione per
l’uomo si manifestò anche nella particolare accoglienza che la Fondatrice volle
riservare a don Michele Rinaldi, sacerdote anziano e ammalato ed in pessime
condizioni, malconcio, pieno di insetti. Disse alle Suore: “Accoglietelo
come se accoglieste Cristo”. Quanti slanci potreste raccontare voi suore che
l’avete conosciuta ed amata, più di quanti ne potrei richiamare io attraverso
le testimonianze scritte ed orali di cui sto facendo tesoro: l’accoglienza dei
bambini profughi di Cassino bombardata dall’aviazione americana, il bambino di
Rose ammalato di una malattia contagiosa che ospitò nella sua camera per
evitare il propagarsi del male, il neonato mandato a Cosenza dal capostazione
delle ferrovie… “A queste piccole testimoniò Suor Cecilia Bevivino
parlando di alcune bambine, Suor Melena dedicò tutta se stessa realizzando un
vasto programma di carità, vivendo la Passione di Cristo e rivestendosi delle
sue sofferenze si prodigò in mille modi, perché fossero allevate e sanate le
ferite di tanti piccoli innocenti”.
La sua opera
appassionata, di donna forte ed umile, coraggiosa e saggia, l’ha resa segno
profetico per la città e per i luoghi dove le sue figlie hanno portato e
portano il suo messaggio, riuscendo a testimoniare con la vita e il suo impegno
personale il Vangelo della Carità nel suo ambiente, nella società a cavallo dei
due conflitti mondiali, con tutti i drammi che essi hanno portato ed inflitto
nel cuore dell’uomo: “Gli uomini offendono troppo Dio. Il mondo è tutto
sconvolto perché è diventato peggiore che ai tempi del diluvio. Il
materialismo avanza e continua la sua marcia segnata di sangue, di lotte
fratricide… Tutte le nazioni saranno punite perché molti sono i peccati che,
come una marea di fango, hanno ricoperto la terra. Le forze del male sono
preparate a scatenarsi in ogni parte del mondo, come aspra violenza. Tremendo
sarà il coinvolgimento per quello che avverrà. Già da tempo, ho avvisato gli
uomini, in tanti modi. I governanti dei popoli avvertono il pericolo gravissimo,
ma non vogliono riconoscere che, per evitare il flagello è necessario far
ritornare la società ad una vita veramente cristiana…”. In questo messaggio che
la Venerabile ha ricevuto l’8 dicembre del 1956, quanto mai attuale, che
prosegue con l’elenco delle sofferenze del Papa, della Chiesa, della società,
c’è un quadro chiaro nel quale Elena si muove con la sua opera. Mancano ancora
cinque anni alla sua morte e l’opera da Lei fondata si pone come roccia in
questi sconvolgimenti sociali e morali. Il dono di portare nella carne i segni
della Passione ne richiamano invece nel mistero, tutto il profondo ed
innegabile amore che la vede tuffata nel sogno di Dio, donna infaticabile
perché profondamente tesa alla sua volontà: “non sono più io che
vivo, ma è Cristo che vive in me”. Gal 2,20 scrive S. Paolo. “Accoglieva
maternamente, gratuitamente, le sofferenze proprie e quelle degli altri nella
consapevolezza che tutto serve a completare quello che manca ai patimenti di
Cristo. Il nome stesso dell’Istituto da Lei fondato, Minime della Passione di
N. Signore Gesù Cristo; è un invito a vivere nella propria carne le sofferenze
di Cristo, ma può anche significare che ogni minima circostanza della vita è
preziosa perché appartiene a Cristo, al mistero della sua morte e resurrezione.
La prova più grande dell’amore si manifesta nell’accogliere la sofferenza, le
prove della vita senza ribellioni, nella certezza che Dio è fedele”. Avete,
care suore, nelle mani il testimone della carità che Madre Elena ha portato e
fatto suo nella vita. La sintesi di questa sua opera e del suo messaggio si
trova nel profondo amore per Cristo cuore del mondo, cuore di ogni sforzo per
l’uomo e verso l’uomo, soprattutto se sofferente ed ultimo nella classifica
della dignità e povertà. Non avete che da trasformare ancora in carne quanto
Madre Elena vi ha lasciato come sua testimonianza di vita e di virtù cristiane
esercitate eroicamente e con passione. Vi si richiede solo una fedeltà creativa
per continuare a restare nella Chiesa spose conformate sempre di più allo
sposo, spendendo le vostre forze – come è stato detto al Congresso sulla vita
religiosa – con amore in una umile, totale, disinteressata passione per
l’umanità. Le consacrate dovete essere per noi gente che hanno il sapore della
Provvidenza, persone che hanno trovato i pozzi con l’acqua viva, persone che
hanno saputo imboccare la strada verso Gerico e si accorgono degli uomini
incappati nei briganti della storia. In un momento di caos generazionale
insegnateci, come faceva la vostra Fondatrice “ad aggrapparci alla fede,
ma soprattutto alla certezza che, dal vuoto, dal caos, dalla notte il Signore
saprà ancora far sorgere la creazione nuova, la donna rinnovata, il Samaritano,
carico di passione per il debole”. Le due icone della Samaritana al pozzo e del
Samaritano lungo la strada, possono essere sintetizzate in quella sfida
profetica, ricca di speranza che Suor Elena ha lanciato nel cuore del secolo
scorso, guardando una fredda ma solare alba invernale che sorgeva sulla nostra
terra. Vi sia di conforto e di stimolo la sua testimonianza affinché possiate
far echeggiare ancora nel mondo la sua piccola grande figura di donna
innamorata di Dio e dell’uomo. Guardando la sua vita possiamo dire che si
realizza ancora la profezia del magnificat di Maria: “Ha spiegato la
potenza del suo braccio, ha disperso i superbi nei pensieri del loro cuore, ha
rovesciato i potenti dai troni, ha innalzato gli umili, ha ricolmato di beni
gli affamati, ha rimandato a mani vuote i ricchi”. Si realizza nella vita di
Elena Aiello l’opera di Dio; in Lei, donna forte, e attraverso di Lei il
Signore spiega il suo braccio, ricolma di beni e di grazie gli affamati e gli
ultimi della storia. Chiediamo al Signore che questa donna possa essere presto
elevata agli onori degli altari affinché tanti possano guardare alla sua
testimonianza d’amore per Dio e per l’uomo come ad una perfetta sintesi per
vivere autenticamente la vita cristiana.
Il Vice Postulatore
Sac. Don Enzo Gabrieli
Note sulla Causa di
A che punto siamo con il
lavoro della Causa di Canonizzazione
1. Dopo un decennio di
rallentamento, seguito alla Dichiarazione della Venerabilità della Serva di
Dio, il lavoro per la Causa è ripreso con vigore. E’ stato nominato un nuovo
Postulatore, frate Paolo Lombardo, della Provincia Romana dei frati Minori, ed
è stata eretta qui nella Casa Madre, una vice Postulazione. Si è proceduto
speditamente alla ricostituzione dell’Archivio della causa che era un po’
sparso e alla raccolta di tutta la documentazione esistente: fotografie,
materiale, reliquie, videocassette, filmati e bobine audio. Si sta procedendo
su questo versante all’archiviazione.
2. Inoltre la
Postulazione fa un appello a tutti coloro che hanno ancora in possesso scritti
della Madre o materiale vario, anche donato da Lei stessa in vita. E’ bene che
esso sia fotografato, fotocopiato o almeno censito. Per restare comunque in
custodia privata.
3. Nessuno è autorizzato
a distribuire reliquie della Venerabile Madre Elena Aiello e per nessun motivo
senza esplicito permesso.
4. Nei mesi scorsi, come
sapete, è stata fatta la Ricognizione Canonica sui resto mortali di Suor Elena
e ci è giunta in questi giorni la relazione medica dell’equipe nominata a
quest’incarico. Il tribunale appositamente costituito provvederà ad informarmi
con una relazione dei risultati.
5. Per quanto riguarda il
miracolo atteso e ricercato per la Beatificazione, come richiesto dalla legge
della Chiesa, posso informarvi che sono in esame alcuni casi specifici. Uno in
particolare verrà studiato dai nostri periti in questi giorni. Affidiamo alle
vostre preghiere, e all’intercessione di Suor Elena, questa presunta guarigione
affinché essa possa essere celermente presentata a Roma dal Tribunale
costituito da Mons. Agostino alcuni mesi fa.