photograph of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński
Bienheureux Stefan Wyszyński
Cardinal polonais (+ 1981)
- Le 3 octobre 2019, décret (en italien) de reconnaissance d'un miracle attribué au cardinal polonais Stefan Wyszyński 'Le cardinal polonais Stefan Wyszyński futur bienheureux'
- Le 18 décembre 2017, le Pape François autorise la Congrégation pour les Causes des Saints à promulguer les décrets reconnaissant les vertus héroïques de huit Serviteurs de Dieu, dont celles du cardinal polonais Stefan Wyszyński.
Primat de Pologne entre 1948 et 1981, il fut nommé, pour ses mérites pour le pays et pour l'Eglise catholique, le Primat du millénaire par saint Jean-Paul II. Selon le Pape polonais 'un primat tel que Wyszyński apparaît une fois tous les mille ans'.
«Un primat tel que Wyszyński apparaît une fois tous
les mille ans» affirma saint Jean-Paul II qui avait surnommé son ami et
concitoyen de «Primat du millénaire», en raison de ses mérites et de son
engagement pour l’Église et pour son pays.
SOURCE : https://nominis.cef.fr/contenus/saint/13239/Bienheureux-Stefan-Wyszynski.html
Le cardinal polonais
Stefan Wyszyński est désormais Vénérable
Le Pape François autorise
la Congrégation pour les Causes des Saints à promulguer douze décrets
reconnaissant quatre miracles et les vertus héroïques de huit Serviteurs de
Dieu, dont celles du cardinal polonais Stefan Wyszyński.
Marie Duhamel
Primat de Pologne entre
1952 et 1981, fut nommé, pour ses mérites pour le pays et pour l'église
catholique, le Primat du millénaire par saint Jean-Paul II. Selon le Pape
polonais «un primat tel que Wyszyński apparaît une fois tous les mille ans».
Stefan Wyszyński est né
en 1901 dans un village situé sur le territoire de l'Empire russe, dans une
famille catholique modeste. Formé au séminaire de Wloclawek, à 160 km de
Varsovie, il sera ordonnée prêtre en 1924. Lors de l’occupation allemande de la
Pologne, son évêque le contraint à abandonner ses études de droit canonique, et
à excercer son ministère dans la clandestinité. La gestapo avait inscrit son
nom sur la liste des religieux polonais considérés comme dangereux, au même
titre que saint Maximilien Kolbe. Lors de l’insurrection de Varsovie, en 1944,
le père Wyszyński sert comme aumônier militaire. Il recueille la confession et
donne les derniers sacrements aux mourants, qu’ils soient polonais ou
Fin de la Seconde
guerre mondiale, le Comité de libération nationale, sous contrôle de l’Union
soviétique, dirige le pays. A cette époque, le père Wyszyński est ordonné
évêque de Lublin, puis nommé archevêque de Gniezno et de Varsovie. Il préside
la conférence épiscopale à partir de 1948 à 1981, défendant la liberté
religieuse et paix, réclamant un désarmement dans le pays.
Lutte contre les
autorités communistes
En 1952, une nouvelle
Constitution est adoptée. Avec l’avènement de la République populaire de
Pologne, le clergé est dans la ligne de mire des autorités qui instaurent une
propagande marxiste et athée. Malgré la récurrence d’articles virulents de la
Pravda à son encontre, Mgr Wyszyński signe une lettre ouverte au gouvernement
polonais, intitulée « Non possumus ». Les évêques polonais en sont
tous signataires. Ils refusent de collaborer avec le régime communiste. Le 25
septembre 1953, il est interpellé et incarcéré pendant trois ans, n’emportant
avec lui que son bréviaire et son rosaire. Alors qu’il est en prison, le Pape
Pie XII le créé cardinal lors du consistoire du 12 janvier 1953. A sa
libération, à la faveur de l’Octobre polonais, il reprend son ministère, mais
ne pourra se rendre à Rome qu’un an plus tard, en 1957, pour recevoir sa
Cardinal électeur lors du
conclave de 1978, on perçoit son émotion intense lorsqu’il s’agenouillera et
tombera dans les bras de son ami Karol Wojtyla, nommé évêque de Cracovie en
1958 et tout juste élu au siège de Pierre. Le Pape Jean-Paul II le prit alors
dans ses bras avant de l’embrasser sur le front.
Les deux hommes restent
des figures nationales majeures aujourd’hui en Pologne. Côte à côte face aux
communistes, leur position divergèrent en août 1980. Il choisit de mettre en
garde les grévistes de Gdansk contre une intervention soviétique, quand
Jean-Paul II choisira lui de soutenir le mouvement.
Le cardinal Stefan
Wyszyński décède le 28 mai 1981, quinze jours après la tentative d’assassinat
infructueuse visant Jean-Paul II. Le procès en béatification du Primat fut
ouvert en 1989, à l’initiative du Pape polonais.
Sept autres Vénérables
Ce mardi 18 décembre, le
Pape François a également reconnu les vertus héroïques de trois autres
Serviteurs de Dieu : un père polonais du XIX ème siècle Paolo
Smolikowski, profès de la Congrégation de la Résurrection de Notre Seigneur
Jésus Christ ; un missionnaire espagnol du XVIème siècle, le père
Alfonso Barzana, et un missionnaire irlandais prêtre profès de la
Congrégation de la Sainte Croix, le père Patrick Peyton décédé aux Etats-Unis
en 1992.
Le Saint-Père a aussi
fait vénérables quatre Servantes de Dieu. Il s’agit de Maria Anna de Saint
Joseph, la fondatrice espagnole des Monastères de sœurs augustiniennes
Recollette au XVI ème siècle, de Luisa Maria Langstroth Figuera De
Sousa Vadre Santa Marta Mesquita e Melo, la fondatrice de la Congrégation des
Servantes de Notre Dame de Fatima au XXème siècle, de l’Italienne Anna del
Salvatore, sœur de la Congrégation des Sœurs filles de Sainte Anne décédée à la
fin du XI Xème siècle, et d’une laïque italienne paralysée à 22 ans, Maria
Antonia Samá, décédée à Sant’Andrea Jonio en 1953.
19 décembre 2017, 10:07
Antoni Porębski podczas odwiedzin internowanego kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego
w Komańczy (1956)
Le cardinal polonais
Stefan Wyszyński futur bienheureux
Le Pape François autorise
la Congrégation pour les Causes des Saints à promulguer huit décrets
reconnaissant notamment trois miracles, dont un attribué à l’ancien Primat de
Pologne entre 1952 et 1981.
Marie Duhamel - Cité du
Mercredi 2 octobre, le
Pape a reçu en audience le préfet de la Congrégation pour les Causes des
saints, autorisant la promulgation de ces décrets. L’Eglise aura bientôt cinq
nouveaux bienheureux, dont l’ancien Primat de Pologne et ex-archevêque de
Gniezno et de Varsovie, un témoin courageux de la foi lors de la période
communiste. Un miracle a été attribué à son intercession.
Malade d’une tumeur
incurable à la thyroïde, une jeune femme âgée de 19 ans en 1988 a été guérie
l’année suivante grâce à l’intercession du serviteur de Dieu. Son cancer n’est
jamais réapparu depuis.
«Primat du
«Un primat tel que
Wyszyński apparaît une fois tous les mille ans» affirma saint Jean-Paul II qui
avait surnommé son ami et concitoyen de «Primat du millénaire», en raison de
ses mérites et de son engagement pour l’Église et pour son pays.
Stefan Wyszyński est né
dans une famille catholique modeste, en 1901, dans un village de l'Empire
russe. Formé au séminaire de Wloclawek, à 160 km de Varsovie, il sera ordonnée
prêtre en 1924.
Lors de l’occupation
allemande de la Pologne, son évêque le contraint à abandonner ses études de
droit canonique, et à exercer son ministère dans la clandestinité. La Gestapo
avait inscrit son nom sur la liste des religieux polonais considérés comme
dangereux, au même titre que saint Maximilien Kolbe. Lors de l’insurrection de
Varsovie, en 1944, le père Wyszyński sert comme aumônier militaire. Il
recueille la confession et donne les derniers sacrements aux mourants, qu’ils
soient Polonais ou Allemands.
A la fin de la
Seconde guerre mondiale, le Comité de libération nationale, sous contrôle de
l’Union soviétique, dirige le pays. A cette époque, le père Wyszyński est
ordonné évêque de Lublin, puis nommé archevêque de Gniezno et de Varsovie. Il
préside la conférence épiscopale à partir de 1948 et jusqu’en 1981, défendant
la liberté religieuse et paix, réclamant un désarmement dans le pays.
Lutte contre les
autorités communistes
En 1952, une nouvelle
Constitution est adoptée. Avec l’avènement de la République populaire de
Pologne, le clergé est dans la ligne de mire des autorités qui instaurent une
propagande marxiste et athée. Malgré la récurrence d’articles virulents de la
Pravda à son encontre, Mgr Wyszyński signe une lettre ouverte au gouvernement
polonais, intitulée «Non possumus». Les évêques polonais en sont tous
signataires. Ils refusent de collaborer avec le régime communiste.
Le 25 septembre 1953, il
est interpellé et incarcéré pendant trois ans, n’emportant avec lui que son
bréviaire et son rosaire. Alors qu’il est en prison, le Pape Pie XII le créé
cardinal lors du consistoire du 12 janvier 1953. À sa libération, à la faveur
de l’Octobre polonais, il reprend son ministère, mais ne pourra se rendre à
Rome qu’un an plus tard, en 1957, pour recevoir sa barrette.
Cardinal électeur lors du
conclave de 1978, on perçoit son émotion intense lorsqu’il s’agenouillera et
tombera dans les bras de son ami Karol Wojtyla, nommé évêque de Cracovie en
1958 et tout juste élu au siège de Pierre. Le Pape Jean-Paul II le prit alors
dans ses bras avant de l’embrasser sur le front.
Les deux hommes restent
des figures nationales majeures aujourd’hui en Pologne. Côte à côte face aux
communistes, leur position divergèrent en août 1980. Il choisit de mettre en
garde les grévistes de Gdansk contre une intervention soviétique, quand
Jean-Paul II choisira lui de soutenir le mouvement.
Le cardinal Stefan
Wyszyński décède le 28 mai 1981, quinze jours après la tentative d’assassinat
infructueuse visant Jean-Paul II. Le procès en béatification du Primat fut
ouvert en 1989, à l’initiative du Pape polonais.
La joie de l’épiscopat
A l’annonce de la
prochaine béatification du cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, le président de la
conférence épiscopale polonaise a communiqué «la grande joie de l’Église
polonaise» et exprimé leur gratitude au Pape François.
Un message du Saint-Siège
devra prochainement dévoiler la date et le lieu de la béatification.
Parmi les autres futurs
bienheureux se trouvent un prêtre italien, le père calabrais don Francesco
Mottola, le fondateur de l’Institut séculier des Oblates du Sacré Cœur (1901-1969),
et trois laïcs: une jeune italienne Alessandra Sabattini de la Communauté Papa
Giovanni XXIII (1961-1984), et deux martyrs, Giovanni Roig y Diggle tué à 19
ans lors de la guerre civile espagnole et la laïque brésilienne Benigna Cardoso
da Silva, tuée à 33 ans au Brésil en 1941.
Avec la reconnaissance de
leurs vertus héroïques, deviennent également Vénérables serviteurs de
Dieu : Augusto Cesare Bertazzoni, l’archevêque titulaire de Temuniana
(1876-1972); la religieuse espagnole Maria Francesca del Bambino Gesù (alors:
Maria Natividad Sánchez Villoria), moine professe de l’Ordre de Sainte Claire
(1905-1991) et le prêtre français Louis Querbes, fondateur de la Congrégation
des clercs de Saint-Viateur (1793-1859), voir article ci-joint.
03 octobre 2019, 17:16
Statue of Wyszyński near the Visitationist Church in Warsaw.
Denkmal Stefan Kardinal Wyszynski, Warschau
Pomnik kard. Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Krakowskie Przedmieście, Warszawa
Statue of Wyszyński near the Visitationist Church in Warsaw.
Denkmal Stefan Kardinal Wyszynski, Warschau
Pomnik kard. Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Krakowskie Przedmieście, Warszawa
Pologne: béatification du
cardinal Wyszyński le 12 septembre
L’ancien primat de
Pologne sera élevé à la gloire des autels le 12 septembre prochain. L’accès à
la célébration sera limitée en raison de la crise sanitaire. Les évêques du
pays appellent à l’union spirituelle et à a la prière.
Dans moins d'un mois, la
Pologne vivra la béatification du cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, qui fut le primat
du pays. La cérémonie se déroulera à Varsovie, la ville qui abrite sa tombe, à
midi, au Temple de la Divine Providence. Le cardinal Wyszyński, mort il y a
quarante ans, le 28 mai 1981, a toujours été considéré à la fois comme un saint
et un père de la patrie polonaise qu'il a défendue à la fois contre le nazisme
et le communisme. Son amour pour l'Église lui valut la prison où, de 1953 à
1956, il fut soumis à la torture et à de nombreuses vexations. Le 19 décembre
2017, ses vertus héroïques ont été reconnues par le Pape François : deux
ans plus tard, en 2019, un miracle dû à son intercession a été constaté, à
savoir la guérison d'une jeune femme atteinte d'un cancer de la thyroïde.
Au regard des
restrictions liées à la pandémie de Covid-19, le comité organisateur de la
béatification a fait savoir que seules les personnes munies d’une carte d’accès
pourront assister à la cérémonie. La participation sera donc limitée aux
«délégations diocésaines, groupes et institutions» associés au défunt cardinal.
Le cardinal
polonais Stefan Wyszyński futur bienheureux
Le Pape François autorise
la Congrégation pour les Causes des Saints à promulguer huit décrets
reconnaissant notamment trois miracles, dont un attribué à l’ancien Primat de Pologne
Soulignant donc que «le
processus d'enregistrement des participants est terminé» et que «les différents
diocèses ont déjà distribué les cartes d'inscription à la disposition des
fidèles», le comité appelle à «ne pas organiser de groupes de paroisse pour
participer à la béatification sans consulter les organisateurs». Il invite
plutôt les fidèles «à l'union spirituelle et à la prière commune», précisant
que, de toute façon, la célébration sera transmise en direct à la télévision, à
la radio et en streaming sur internet.
Le programme du 12
septembre prévoit l'ouverture du Temple de la Divine Providence aux fidèles à
9h, le début de la préparation spirituelle à 10h30, suivie de la Sainte Messe à
12h, présidée par le cardinal Marcello Semeraro, Préfet de la Congrégation pour
les Causes des Saints et légat du Pape, avec la participation de l'épiscopat
polonais et des prêtres représentant les différents diocèses. Enfin, le comité
d'organisation demande à tous les participants à la fête de respecter scrupuleusement
les règles d'hygiène anti-Covid.
Avec le cardinal
Wyszyński, sera également béatifiée Mère Elżbieta Róża Czacka (1876-1961),
fondatrice de la Congrégation des Sœurs franciscaines Servantes de la Croix qui
se consacrent particulièrement au service des malvoyants.
Vatican News Service – IP
16 août 2021, 10:53
SOURCE : https://www.vaticannews.va/fr/eglise/news/2021-08/beatification-cardinal-wyczcynski-pologne.html
Béatification du cardinal
Wyszyński et de Mère Czacka: deux miraculées témoignent
Une religieuse et une
jeune femme laïque, toutes deux polonaises, ont témoigné de leur guérison ce
jeudi 2 septembre, à 10 jours de la béatification de l’archevêque de Varsovie
qui avait résisté au communisme et de la fondatrice des Sœurs franciscaines
Servantes de la Croix.
Sœur Nulla et Karolina
Gawrych sont les deux femmes polonaises guéries par l'intercession du cardinal
Stefan Wyszyński (1901-1981) et de Mère Róża Czacka (1876-1961), qui seront
béatifiés ensemble le 12 septembre à Varsovie, lors d’une messe célébrée dans
le sanctuaire de la Divine Providence. Leur témoignage, présenté ce jeudi 2
septembre, lors d'une conférence de presse, fait état de deux guérisons miraculeuses,
qui se sont produites au-delà de toute explication médico-scientifique.
Le premier cas, celui de
Sœur Nulla, appartenant à la Congrégation des Sœurs des Disciples de la Croix,
remonte à 1988: cette année-là, la religieuse a subi une longue opération pour
une tumeur de la thyroïde. Mais la maladie ne s'est pas arrêtée, elle a même
progressé et a également attaqué sa gorge.
«Le médecin a dit que
j'avais tout au plus trois mois à vivre». Mais les Sœurs des Disciples de la
Croix croyaient au pouvoir de la prière et c'est ainsi que, neuf fois par jour,
pendant de nombreuses semaines, elles ont invoqué la guérison de Sœur Nulla par
l'intercession du cardinal Wyszyński.
Le 21 mars 1989, Sœur
Nulla quitte l'hôpital et poursuit sa vie et sa mission au sein de la
Congrégation.«Je suis témoin du fait que les miracles se produisent et que les
croyants n'ont pas besoin de beaucoup d'explications», a déclaré la
religieuse aux journalistes. En novembre 2018, son histoire a été
jugée «médicalement inexplicable» par le Conseil médical de la
Congrégation pour les Causes des Saints, et elle est devenue la base du décret
sur la reconnaissance du miracle qui porte désormais le cardinal aux honneurs
des autels.
Une sortie miraculeuse du
coma en 2010
Tout aussi intense est
l'histoire de Karolina Gawrych, guérie par l'intercession de Mère Róża Elżbieta
Czacka: le 29 août 2010, alors qu'elle n'avait que 7 ans, Karolina est tombée
de la balançoire et a subi de graves blessures à la tête. Les médecins lui ont
prédit la mort ou une vie dans un état végétatif. Mais la Congrégation des
Sœurs Franciscaines Servantes de la Croix a mis sa confiance dans
l'intercession de leur fondatrice, Mère Czacka, et le 13 septembre Karolina est
revenue à la vie. Deux mois plus tard, elle a quitté l'hôpital sur ses deux
Aujourd'hui, la jeune
femme est en parfaite santé; elle s'est inscrite à l'université, choisissant la
faculté de psychologie, et se consacre au bénévolat et aux soins de ses jeunes
frères et sœurs. «Je leur raconte ce qui s'est passé et pourquoi je suis
ici et vis normalement, afin qu'ils comprennent le pouvoir de la
prière», a expliqué Karolina lors de la conférence de presse.
La béatification de deux
figures importantes de l’histoire polonaise
La Pologne s'apprête donc
à célébrer deux nouveaux bienheureux, figures importantes de son histoire:
Primat du pays, décédé il y a 40 ans alors que son compatriote Jean-Paul II
venait de subir l'attentat du 13 mai 1981, le cardinal Wyszyński a toujours été
considéré comme un saint par sa nation et un père de la patrie, qu'il a
défendue tant contre le nazisme que contre le communisme. Son amour pour
l'Église lui a coûté la prison où, de 1953 à 1956, il a été soumis à la torture
et à la violence.
Décédée en 1961, Mère
Elżbieta Róża Czacka a été la fondatrice de la Congrégation des Sœurs
Franciscaines Servantes de la Croix, qui aujourd'hui se consacre
particulièrement au service des malvoyants.
Vatican News Service – IP
03 septembre 2021, 17:53
Wyszyński - fragment płaskorzeźby w kościele pw. Wszystkich Świętych w
10 septembre 2021
Le 12 septembre prochain
à Varsovie, le cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, Primat de Pologne de 1948 à 1981, le
pasteur qui a sauvé la foi des Polonais dans les temps difficiles du
communisme, et la Mère Elżbieta Róża Czacka, religieuse aveugle, qui a fondé la
Congrégation des Sœurs franciscaines servantes de la Croix et créé l’Œuvre de
Laski, centre d’éducation des enfants aveugles et de dialogue avec les
non-croyants, seront élevés à la gloire des autels.
La cérémonie de
béatification dans le Temple de la Divine Providence à Varsovie sera présidée
par le préfet de la Congrégation pour les causes des saints, le cardinal
Marcello Semeraro, et les profils des bienheureux seront présentés par
l’archevêque métropolitain de Varsovie, le cardinal Kazimierz Nycz.
Le cardinal Stefan
Wyszyński (né en 1901), jeune prêtre déjà avant la guerre, s’est fait connaître
comme un militant social hors pair, un expert de l’enseignement social
catholique, le fondateur, entre autres, de l’Université des travailleurs chrétiens
de Włocławek et l’éditeur de l’« Ateneum Kapłański », une revue de très haut
niveau. Grâce à ces réalisations, Pie XII le nomma évêque de Lublin en 1946.
Wyszyński fut nommé
Primat de Pologne, Archevêque métropolite de Gniezno et de Varsovie, en novembre
1948. Outre la fonction de Président de la Conférence des évêques, il était
légat du pape (en l’absence du nonce) et disposait de pouvoirs spéciaux qu’il
avait reçus du Saint-Siège, à la suite de son prédécesseur, le cardinal August
Hlond, décédé en 1948. Celles-ci lui permettaient d’exercer sa juridiction sur
les territoires rétrocédés à la Pologne par l’Allemagne et de s’occuper des
catholiques en Union soviétique. En janvier 1953, il fut créé cardinal.
Emprisonnement malgré une ligne flexible
Dans le cadre de la confrontation croissante avec le régime communiste, en
avril 1950, le primat Wyszyński décida de signer un « accord » avec le
gouvernement. Le Saint-Siège le jugea négativement, comme trop conciliante. En
signant ce document, le Primat voulait protéger l’Église en Pologne contre une
attaque frontale de la part des communistes, comme cela arrivait dans les
autres pays du bloc socialiste. Grâce à sa flexibilité, l’Église en Pologne a
été sauvée dans la période la plus difficile, celle du stalinisme. Cependant,
face à la tentative des communistes de prendre le contrôle des nominations dans
l’Église, il a prononcé le catégorique : « Non possumus ! » Le 25 septembre
1953, il fut arrêté. Sans inculpation, ni jugement, ni condamnation, il fut
emprisonné dans divers lieux de détention pendant trois ans, jusqu’au 28
octobre 1956.
Pour le renouveau moral
de la nation, une confrontation victorieuse avec le régime
Le cardinal Wyszyński utilisa la période de son emprisonnement pour élaborer un
programme de renouvellement moral pour la nation. Il était convaincu que la
condition pour retrouver la liberté nationale était une renaissance morale et
spirituelle. Les piliers de ce programme étaient la consécration de la société
à la Mère de Dieu (les Vœux de la Nation de Jasna Góra, en 1956), puis le
programme de la Grande Neuvaine, un travail pastoral et de prière de 9 ans
avant le millénaire du Baptême de la Pologne en 1966.
À la suite de ces
manifestations de milliers de personnes, qui ont aussi plus tard accompagné les
célébrations du millénaire du Baptême de la Pologne, les Polonais éprouvaient
un sentiment de liberté dont ils ne pouvaient pas jouir en dehors de l’Église.
Ainsi, l’Église devint une autorité de plus en plus forte, voire un guide
informel pour la nation. Cela conduisit à un approfondissement de la
religiosité, non seulement au sein du peuple mais aussi parmi l’intelligentsia.
L’Église sortit victorieuse de la confrontation avec le régime athée. Il
s’agissait d’un phénomène unique en son genre en Europe.
En outre, le cardinal
Wyszynski aidait l’Église catholique en URSS à survivre. Il ordonnait
secrètement des prêtres pour y travailler et leur fournissait de l’aide. Grâce
à ses soins, l’Église gréco-catholique, qui fut liquidée et brutalement persécutée
dans l’État de Staline, survécut en Pologne.
Introduction sage de Vatican II
Un autre de ses mérites fut l’introduction sage et calme du renouveau
liturgique conciliaire, qui ne provoqua pas la « sécularisation »
caractéristique dans nombreuses églises en Occident. Le cardinal Wyszyński
avait pris une part active aux travaux du concile Vatican II, participant aux
quatre sessions. Paul VI le nomma membre du Présidium du Concile et, à
l’initiative notamment des évêques polonais, le Pape proclame Marie Mère de
Réconciliation entre la
Pologne et l’Allemagne
Sur le plan international, le cardinal Wyszyński a été l’un des pères de la
réconciliation germano-polonaise de l’après-guerre, lancée par la célèbre
lettre de 1965 des évêques polonais aux évêques allemands. Ce rôle de
Wyszyński, ainsi que l’autorité acquise par l’Église depuis la Pologne, ont
ouvert la voie à l’élection du cardinal Karol Wojtyła au siège de Saint-Pierre.
La spiritualité du Cardinal
L’un des traits les plus caractéristiques de la spiritualité du cardinal
Wyszyński était son caractère marial, définitivement christologique, qu’il
exprimait, entre autres, dans sa devise fréquemment répétée : « Soli Deo per
Mariam ». Il avait repris du mystique français S. Louis Grignion de Montfort
l’idée de « l’esclavage à la Sainte Vierge Marie », se donnant personnellement
à Marie alors qu’il était encore emprisonné. Le point culminant de ce concept a
été la consécration par l’épiscopat de toute la Pologne à l’esclavage maternel
de Marie pour la liberté de l’Eglise dans la patrie et dans le monde, qui eut
lieu à Jasna Gora le 3 mai 1966, à l’occasion du Millénaire du Baptême de la
Pologne, avec la participation de près d’un million de croyants.
Un autre trait
caractéristique du cardinal Wyszyński était sa promptitude à pardonner, même à
ses persécuteurs. Lorsque Bolesław Bierut, le président communiste et
persécuteur de l’Église, est décédé, Wyszyński a immédiatement célébré une
messe pour son âme dans sa chapelle privée. Dans son testament, il écrivit ces
paroles : « Je considère comme une grâce pour moi-même le fait d’avoir pu
témoigner de la vérité en tant que prisonnier politique à travers un
emprisonnement de trois ans et d’avoir pu me garder de haïr mes compatriotes au
pouvoir dans l’État. Conscient des torts qui m’ont été causés, je leur pardonne
de tout cœur toutes les calomnies dont ils m’ont honoré ».
Il se caractérisait par
un grand respect envers chaque personne, notamment envers les femmes, ce qui
était rare dans l’Église à l’époque. Lorsqu’une femme entrait dans son bureau,
même une femme de ménage, il se levait pour lui montrer son respect. Il
témoignait des valeurs familiales. Il était un défenseur de la vie et
considérait l’avortement comme l’un des fléaux les plus dangereux. Il était un
défenseur imparable des droits de l’homme face à un régime oppressif.
Un soutien prudent de « Solidarité »
Lorsque des grèves éclatèrent sur la côte, en août 1980, il appela à la
prudence par crainte d’une intervention soviétique, tout en soutenant les
revendications des grévistes. Il soutenait le nouveau syndicat indépendant et
autonome « Solidarité », tout en appelant ses dirigeants à faire preuve de
Il mourut le 28 mai 1981.
Ses funérailles, auxquelles étaient présents le secrétaire d’État du
Saint-Siège, le cardinal Agostino Casaroli (qui remplaça Jean-Paul II,
hospitalisé après l’attentat) et les représentants de nombreuses Conférences
épiscopales, sont une grande manifestation à laquelle plusieurs centaines de
milliers de personnes participèrent.
Vers la béatification
Le procès de béatification du cardinal Wyszyński au niveau diocésain commença
le 20 mai 1989 et se termina le 6 février 2001. Ses dossiers furent ensuite
envoyés à la Congrégation pour les causes des saints. Le 18 décembre 2017, le
pape François signa le décret sur l’héroïcité des vertus. Le 29 novembre 2018,
le conseil médical de la Congrégation déclara une guérison miraculeuse grâce à
l’intercession du Cardinal, confirmée le 2 octobre 2019 par le Saint-Père. Ce
fut la guérison d’une jeune une jeune religieuse de 19 ans, qui souffrait d’un
cancer de la thyroïde. Ce fait ouvrit la voie vers la béatification. La
cérémonie était programmée pour le 7 juin 2020 mais elle a dû reportée en
raison de la pandémie.
KAI – Agence de presse
kard. Stefana Wyszyńskiego w budynku przy klasztorze Sióstr Nazaretanek w
of Stefan Wyszyński at Monastery of Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth in
Stéphane le Grand (*)
Par José Luis Restán
02/06/2011 (original ici www.paginasdigital.es.. )
Trente ans, un arc immense pour l’histoire de l’Europe, bien qu’ils aient passé
le temps d’un soupir.
Il y a trente ans Stefan Wyszynski, héroïque Primat de Pologne, rendait son âme
à Dieu sans savoir quel serait le destin de sa patrie et de l’Europe entière.
Quelques heures après avoir eu une conversation téléphonique avec son ami et
frère Karol Wojtyla, lui aussi de retour de l’hôpital après l’attentat d’Ali
Agca. "Bénis-moi, Père", lui demanda-t-il d’une voix entrecoupée.
Tous deux savaient que le destin du monde était en bonnes mains même si
apparemment tout paraissait s’écrouler.
La Pologne l’a pleuré dans une plainte longue et profonde. Cet homme avait été
le père de la nation dans les heures obscures, il avait représenté non
seulement la résistance face au totalitarisme, mais aussi la démonstration que
malgré la carcasse du pouvoir communiste la société polonaise pouvait continuer
à vivre de sa tradition chrétienne. L’on peut dire que Wyszynski est l’un des
ces hommes que la Providence de Dieu fait surgir juste au bon moment pour que
l’espérance se maintienne dans les temps d’obscurité. Il était fort de corps et
d’esprit, d’une apparence sévère mais une secrète douceur, toujours attentif
aux problèmes sociaux, fortement ancré dans la tradition mais ouvert aux
changements nécessaires. Durant l’occupation nazie il dut se jouer de la
Gestapo et durant le soulèvement de Varsovie il agit comme aumônier des
insurgés. Alors qu’il était âgé de 47 ans, Pie XII le choisit comme nouveau
Primat d’une Pologne sous le contrôle direct de l’URSS.
Commence alors une histoire presque unique. Avec un mélange de fermeté et de
flexibilité, de résistance et de créativité, Wyszynski réussit le miracle d’une
Église qui se maintient vivante et puissante dans un pays gouverné par les
communistes. Eux, maintiennent tous les ressorts du pouvoir : les lois, la
planification, l’appareil de la répression. Mais l’Église maintient vivante
l’âme chrétienne de la nation, son lien avec le peuple esquive et dépasse le
licou de l’idéologie, l’asphyxiant filet du nouveau pouvoir totalitaire. Il y a
des périodes de tranquilité et d’autres de confrontation ouverte. Après les
premières mesures, en 1953, le Primat Wyszynski est arrêté de nuit et déplacé
de prisons en prisons. Durant trois ans le régime essaiera par tous les moyens
de se débarrasser de cet adversaire incommode, avec des menaces et des
flatteries ; en lui offrant de fausses possibilités de sorties que le Primat
écartera une après l’autre, sereinement.
Ces trois années durant lesquelles il lui fuit interdit de réaliser sa mission
ont été concrétisées dans le singulier « Notes de prison » (Ndt j’ai donné le
titre de sa parution en français: www.editionsducerf.fr..) . Dans ce journal nous sont
révélées l’angoisse et la faiblesse d’un homme qui cependant, confie la
totalité de son sort dans les mains de Dieu. Nous avons ainsi su que sous sa
cuirasse, le Primat Wyszynski a eu peur d’être soumis à la torture, ou pire
encore, d’être l’objet d’une opération de discrédit comme celles dont
souffrirent d’autres évêques et cardinaux dans les pays de l’Est, dans le but
de le séparer de son peuple. Mais la Pologne était différente aussi en cela et
les pantins moscovites avaient bien plus peur de leur prisonnier que de ce
qu’il pouvait craindre de leur violence et de leurs mensonges. Et en 1956 le
Primat s’installa de nouveau dans son siège épiscopal et récupéra la plénitude
de ses fonctions sans avoir renoncé à la moindre chose.
J’ai eu le privilège de contempler la dévotion du peuple polonais pour Stéphane
Wyszynski aux portes du Sanctuaire de Czhestokowa, alors que la nuit tombait.
Une statue de marbre noir le représente à genou en train de prier, face à une
plaine immense, la même qui a vu durant des siècles s’abattrent d’innombrables
armées qui prétendaient non seulement conquérir la Pologne, mais extirper sa
fibre catholique. Jusqu’à ce lieu étaient arrivés des paysans et des étudiants,
des vieillards ridés et des jeunes de la nouvelle époque marquée par les
libertés politiques et la tentation d’un nouveau scepticisme ; ils venaient par
centaine à n’importe quelle heure, pour déposer des fleurs et des cierges
allumés. Et ainsi, comme dans un foyer bien chaud au milieu de la nuit, la
mémoire de Wyszynski éclaire le pèlerinage de son peuple jusqu’aux pieds de la
Mère de Jasna Gora, devant laquelle le Primat a déposé en son temps les
Promesses de fidélité qui exprimaient la conscience des catholiques polonais.
Cette conscience qui avait donné au monde et à l’Église le premier Pape slave
de l’histoire et avec lui un tournant décisif et providentiel, comme l’a
souligné Benoît XVI.
Trente ans après, comme l’Europe a changé ! Je ne sais pas très bien que pourra
signifier une figure comme celle de Stéphane Wyszynski pour les dirigeants
politique d’aujourd’hui (si rachitiques), pour les grands médias (si communs),
pour les jeunes qui campent entre apathie et protestation. Mais je sais qu’il
n’est pas seulement le témoin d’une époque dramatique et à la fois belle. Il
n’est pas un héros qui rentre dans la légende. Tout au moins pour l’Église : il
est la preuve palpable de ce que Dieu peut faire avec la fragile créature
humaine. Il est la vérification de la foi qui vainc le monde, non pas par la
violence et en imposant, mais à travers la souffrance et l’amour. Comme il
l’écrivit le 4 octobre 1956: "le futur n’appartient pas à ceux qui
haïssent mais à ceux qui aiment, la mission de l’Église dans ce monde est loin
de s’accomplir, c’est pourquoi ses serviteurs sont appelés aux épreuves et à
entreprendre des actions nouvelles ». Cela a été dit comme si c’était pour
l’instant présent même.
Note de Carlota:
(*) Je ne sais pas si le rapprochement est voulu, mais le titre évoque aussi pour les roumanophones un autre champion de la chrétienté, Stéphane le grand (ou Étienne) prince moldave du XVème siècle, qui résista pendant près d’un demi-siècle à l’Empire Ottoman et fut appelé par le Pape Sixte IV "Athleta Christi"
SOURCE : http://benoit-et-moi.fr/2011-II/0455009ed20de650f/0455009ef911f4013.html
Baraniak and Stefan Wyszyński are leaving Poznañ to Rome, 1957
Baraniak metropolita érsek és Stefan Wyszyński bíboros-hercegprímás Rómába
indulnak Poznañban, 1957
known as
Primate of the Millennium
Radwan II (nickname used
during World War II)
Born to a poor member
of the Polish nobility,
Stefan’s mother died when
the boy was
nine years old. Ordained a priest of Wloclawek,
Kujawy, Kalisze, Poland on 3 August 1924.
He received a doctorate in canon law from
Catholic University of Lublin,
and then taught at
the seminary in Wloclawek.
Father Stefan
spent World War II hiding from Nazis,
minstering to members of the Polish resistance,
and helping Jews escape persecution. After the War he became rector of
the re-built Wloclawek seminary and editor of
a Catholic weekly
publication. Chosen bishop of Lublin, Poland on 25 March 1946 by Pope Pius
XII. Chosen Metropolitan Archbishop of Gniezno, Poland and
of Warsaw, Poland on 12
November 1948,
and served as primate of Poland.
Known for his opposition to Nazism and Communism,
many considered him the leader of the Polish nation
when the country was under the control of totalitarian governments; he spent
three years, from 25
September 1953 till 26
October 1956 in prison for
his opposition to them. Elevated to Cardinal by Pope Pius
XII on 12
January 1953,
a few months before his imprisonment,
he was installed as Cardinal–Priest of
Santa Maria in Trastevere on 18 May 1957 following
his release. He helped to celebrate the Millennium of
Christianity in Poland in 1966. Cardinal Stefan
supported Pope Saint John
Paul II, and was key to getting him to accept when chosen pope in
the conclave of October 1978.
3 August 1901 in
Zuzela, Ostrów Mazowiecka, Russian Empire
(in modern Poland)
28 May 1981 in Warsaw, Poland of
abdominal cancer
buried at
Saint John’s Cathedral, Warsaw,
Miasto Warszawa, Mazowieckie, Poland
December 2017 by Pope Francis (decree
of heroic
September 2021 by Pope Francis
beatification celebrated
in Warsaw, Poland presided
by Cardinal Marcello
the beatification miracle involves
the healing of
a 19 year-old woman from
thyroid cancer in 1989
sites in english
Wyszynski University in Warsaw
of the Holy Roman Church
Exchange: Index of Writings by Blessed Stefan on the site
Zenit: The Unknown Side of Cardinal Wyszynski
Zenit: Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski to Be Beatified
en français
in italiano
Congregazione delle Cause dei Santi
Sala Stampa della Santa Sede (2017)
Sala Stampa della Santa Sede (2019)
i norsk
w jezyku polskim
Instytut Prymasowski Stefana
Kardynala Wyszynskiego
The lack of courage is
the beginning of defeat for a bishop. – Blessed Stefan
“Blessed Stefan Wyszyński“. CatholicSaints.Info.
1 November 2021. Web. 27 May 2022.
SOURCE : https://catholicsaints.info/blessed-stefan-wyszynski/
August 3, 1901, Zuzela, diocese of Lomza, Poland. He was the second of the six
children of Stanisław Wyszyński, an organist and writer of his parish, and
Julianna Karp; following her early death at the age of 33 in 1910, having had
already six children, Stanisław married his second wife, Eugenia Godlewska,
having two more children. The other siblings from the first marriage were
Stanisław, Wacław, Anastazja, Janina and Zofia. Baptized on August 5, 1901, in
the parish church St. Nicholas, by Canon Aleksander Lipowski.
Studied at Pius X Lyceum, a minor seminary, Włocławek; at the Seminary of
Włocławek, 1920-1924 (philosophy and theology); at the University of Lublin,
1924-1929 (doctorate in canon law; dissertation: The Rights of the Family,
the Church, and the State in Relation to Schools, June 1929; habilitacja, The
moral environment of factory work). Received the subdiaconate on March 15,
1924, from Bishop Stanisław Zdzitowiecki; and the diaconate on April 5, 1924,
also from Bishop Zdzitowiecki.
Ordained, August 3, 1924, his 23th birthday, Włocławek, by Wojciech Owczarek,
auxiliary bishop of Włocławek. He celebrated his first Solemn High Mass of
Thanksgiving at the Jasna Gora Shrine in Czestochowa, where the image of the
Black Madonna resides. Further studies, 1924-1929. Pastoral ministry in the
diocese of Lomza, 1927-1930. Received a traveling scholarship to study the
state of the Christian social sciences in Austria, Italy, France, Belgium,
Holland, and Germany, 1929-1930. Vicar at Przedcz, 1930. Vicar at the cathedral
of Włocławek, fall 1930. Secretary of the Pius X Lyceum, Włocławek, 1931.
Director of the diocesan missions office, 1931-1932. Faculty member of the
Seminary of Włocławek, 1931-1939. Between 1931 and 1939, he brought out 106
publications mainly on the economic crisis, unemployment, and social justice.
Director of the journal Atenaeum Kaplanskie, 1932-1939. Promoter of
justice and defender of the matrimonial bond in the diocesan curia, 1932-1938.
Head of the Christian Worker's University. From 1932, he was active in the
Christian trade unions and organized the Catholic Union of Young Workers.
Actively worked in the Marian Society of Landowners. Member of the Primate's
Social Council, 1937. Judge in the episcopal tribunal, from 1938. Clandestine
pastoral ministry during the Second World War, 1939-1945; briefly arrested by
the Gestapo in October 1941; lived in Zulow from November 1941 until June 1942;
chaplain of the Laski Institute for the Blind, June 1942; pastoral and
educational work in Warsaw, 1942-1945. Canon capitular of the cathedral of
Włocławek, August 15, 1945.
Elected bishop of Lublin, March 4, 1946. Consecrated, May 12, 1946, Jasna Góra,
by Cardinal August Hlond, S.D.B., archbishop of Gniezno and Posnań, assisted by
Karol Radoński, bishop of Włocławek, and by Stanisław Czajka, titular bishop of
Centuria. His episcopal motto was Soli Deo. Promoted to the metropolitan
see of Gniezno, with the see of Warsaw united ad personam, November 12,
1948 (1). Imprisoned by the Communist regime, 1953-October 26, 1956.
Created cardinal priest in the consistory of January 12, 1953; impeded from
attending the consistory. Received the red hat and the title of S. Maria in
Trastevere, May 18, 1957. Participated in the conclave of 1958,
which elected Pope John XXIII. Attended the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965.
Participated in the conclave of 1963,
which elected Pope Paul VI. Prohibited from attending the First Ordinary
Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, 1967 by the Communist regime. Attended the
First Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, October 11
to 28, 1969; the Second Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican
City, September 30 to November 6, 1971; the Third Ordinary Assembly of the
Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 27 to October 26, 1974; the Fourth
Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 30 to
October 29, 1977. Participated in the conclave of August 25
to 26, 1978, which elected Pope John Paul I. Participated in the conclave of October 14
to 16, 1978, which elected Pope John Paul II. Attended the First Plenary
Assembly of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Vatican City, November 5 to 9,
Death. May 28, 1981, of
abdominal cancer, in Warsaw. Buried in the metropolitan cathedral of
Warsaw (2).
Beatification. The
diocesan process for his beatification started
on May 20, 1989; it was completed on February 6, 2001; and it is now in Rome,
in the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. On December 18, 2017, Pope
Francis authorized the promulgation of the decree recognizing his heroic
virtues. On October 2, 2019, Pope Francis authorized the promulgation of the
decree concerning a miracle attributed to his intercesion. The beatification
ceremony which was programmed for June 7, 2020 at Piłsudski Square, Warsaw, had
to be postponed due to the covid-19 pandemic. On January 4, 2021, the Polish
Parliament declared 2021 the Year of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, in honor of the
churchman who helped to preserve and strengthen Christianity under Communist
rule. He was beatified on September 12, 2021.
Bibliography. Micewski,
Andrzej. Cardinal Wyszynski : a biography. Translated from Polish by
William A. Brand and Katarzyna Mroczkowska-Brand. San Diego : Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, 1984. Translation of : Kardynal Wyszynski, primas I maz stanu;
Nitecki, Piotr. Biskupi Kościoła w Polsce w latach 965-1999. Słownik
biograficzny. Przedmowa Henryk Gulbinowicz. Warszawa : Instytut Wydawniczy
"Pax", Warszawa 2000, col. 500; Prokop, Krzysztof Rafał. Polscy
kardynałowie. Kraków : Wydawnictwo WAM, 2001, pp. 265-279; Prymas Wyszyński a
kultura katolicka. Redakcja Krzysztof Dybciak. Warszawa : Wydawn. Uniwersytetu
Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, 2002; Raina, Peter. Stefan Kardynal
Wyszynski Prymas Polski. 3 vols. Londyn [i.e. London] : Oficyna Poetów i
Malarzy, 1979-1988; Wyszynski, Stefan. A freedom within : the prison notes
of Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski. Trans. By Barbara Krzywicki-Herburt and Walter J.
Ziemba; foreword by John Cardinal Krol. San Diego : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,
1983. Translation of : Zpiski wiezienne.
Webgraphy. His photograph and
biography, in Polish, archdiocese of Warsaw; Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego,
Warsaw, in Polish; biographical data,
in English, Infoplease; photographs, arms,
statue and biographical data, in Polish, Wikipedia; photographs, arms, statue
and biography, in English, Wikipedia; photograph,
biography and bibliography, in Polish; his
bust at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa, Poland,
flickr; catalog
of archbishops of Gniezno and primates of Poland, in English, Wikipedia;
and images
and arms, Araldica Vaticana; Papa
Francisco reconoce virtudes heroicas de cardenal polaco perseguido por
comunistas, ACI Prensa, Vaticano, 19 Dic. 17 / 05:27 am; Polish
cardinal, "Rosary Priest" among sainthood causes moving forward by
Hannah Brockhaus, The Pilot, CNA/EWTN News, Vatican City, Dec 19, 2017; San
Juan Pablo II al Cardenal Wyszynski: No sería Papa si no fuera por tu ejemplo
de fe, ACI Prensa, Roma, 20 Dic. 17 / 01:26 pm; Promulgazione
di Decreti della Congregazione delle Cause dei Santi, Sala Stampa della
Santa Sede, 03.10.2019; Card.
Stefan Wyszynski: vescovi polacchi per la beatificazione, “testimone di fede
coraggioso e retto”, Servizio Informazione Religiosa, 3 ottobre 2019 @
18:43; Presto
Beato il cardinale polacco Stefan Wyszyński by Alessandro De Carolis,
Vatican News, Città del Vaticano, 03 ottobre 2019, 16:04; Le
cardinal polonais Stefan Wyszyński futur bienheureux by Marie Duhamel,
Vatican News, Cité du Vatican, 03 octobre 2019, 17:16; Le
jour où le bienheureux Stefan Wyszyński a confié Jean Paul II à la Vierge by
Marzena Devoud, Aleteia, 09 octobre 2019; Il
cardinale Stefan Wyszyński sarà beatificato a Varsavia il 7 giugno 2020,
Vatican News, 22 ottobre 2019, 12:40; Polonia:
Plenaria dei vescovi su Papa Wojtyla e Wyszyński by Isabella Piro,
Vatican News, Città del Vaticano, 25 novembre 2019, 07:42; Pandemic
delays beatification of Cardinal Wyszynski, Catholic News Agency, Apr 28,
2020 / 07:30 am MT; C'era
anche Stefan Wyszynski tra i sacerdoti che sostenevano la rivolta di Varsavia,
ACI Stampa, Varsavia, 10 agosto, 2020 / 12:30 AM; La
fiera testimonianza del primate del Millennio. Il 25 settembre 1953 l’arresto
del cardinale polacco Stefan Wyszyński by Massimiliano Signifredi,
L'Osservatore Romano, 25 settembre 2020; Polish
Parliament Declares 2021 the Year of Cardinal Wyszynski, National Catholic
Register, Warsaw, Poland, January 4, 2021; Polish
parliament declares 2021 the Year of Cardinal Wyszynski, The Catholic World
Report, Jan 4, 2021 / 04:00 am; Theologian:
Polish cardinal's beatification reminder of tests of communism by
Jonathan Luxmoore, The Boston Pilot, CNS, Oxford, England, 4/27/2021; Theologian:
Polish cardinal’s beatification reminder of tests of communism The
Catholic Universe, May 3, 2021; La
Polonia ricorda il card. Wyszynski, “eroe” della fede. A settembre sarà beato by
Anna T. Kowalewska, Servizio Informazione Religiosa, 28 maggio 2021; La
Polonia rende omaggio al cardinale Wyszynski by Deborah Castellano
Lubov, Exaudi, Maggio 28, 2021 16:42; Polonia:
il Primate del millennio, Settimana, 1 giugno 2021; Polish
Catholics mark 100 days to beatification of Cardinal Wyszynski, Catholic
News Agency, Warsaw, Poland, Jun 4, 2021 / 13:00 pm; Polonia:
plenaria dei vescovi l’11-12 giugno a Kalwaria Zebrzydowska e a Cracovia. Fra i
temi pastorale familiare e beatificazione card. Wyszynski, Servizio
Informazione Religiosa, 10 giugno 2021 @ 18:43; Polonia:
Wyszynski e i successori, Settimana, 3 luglio 2021; Poland
prepares for beatification of mentor to John Paul II by Paulina Guzik,
Crux, Kraków, Poland, Aug 14, 2021; 12
settembre, beatificazione Wyszyński. Appello dei vescovi polacchi by
Isabella Piro, Vatican News, Città del Vaticano, 16 agosto 2021, 07:54; Pologne:
béatification du cardinal Wyszyński le 12 septembre, Vatican News, 16 août
2021, 10:53; Cardeal
Wyszyński e madre Czacka eram unidos pela santidade, dizem bispos poloneses,
Vatican News, 27 agosto 2021, 13:10; Concerns
grow in Poland at low Catholic turn-out, The Tablet, 31 August 2021; Wyszyński,
“il primate del millennio”, Settimana News, 4 settembre 2021; Il
Papa sulla beatificazione domenica prossima del Cardinale Stefano Wyszyński e
Madre Elisabetta Rosa Czacka, Il Sismografo, mercoledì 8 settembre
2021; Cardinal
Stefan Wyszyński: ‘The Primate of the Millennium’ by Father Raymond J.
de Souza, National Catholic Register, September 9, 2021; Elevati
agli altari il card. Stefan Wyszyński e Madre Elżbieta Róża Czacka, che “hanno
permesso a Dio di compiere grandi cose” by Anna T. Kowalewska,
Servizio Informazione Religiosa, 10 Settembre 2021; Conoce
la historia del Cardenal Wyszynski, mentor de Juan Pablo II que será beatificado by
Diego López Marina, ACI Prensa, 10 de setiembre de 2021 - 10:09 PM; L’Arcivescovo
Muszyński: il Card. Wyszyński, nonostante le difficoltà, è riuscito a
realizzare con coerenza la sua visione della vita cristiana, Konferencja
Episcopatu Polski, 10-09-2021; La
beatificazione del cardinale Wyszyński, la chiave di volta della Chiesa polacca by
Benedetta Capelli, Vatican News, Città del Vaticano, 11 settembre 2021,
09:00; Varsavia.
È beato Il cardinale Wyszynski, padre della Polonia e argine dei totalitarism by
Laura Delsere, Avvenire, Varsavia, sabato 11 settembre 2021; La
dernière conversation du cardinal Wyszynski avec son ami Jean Paul II by
Marzena Devoud, Aleteia, 12/09/21; Polish
priest and political scientist from Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University Father
Piotr Mazurkiewicz speaks about legacy of brave Polish primate who was symbol
of the anticommunist struggle, Il Sismografo, domenica 12 settembre 2021; interview in
Glas Koncila, in Polish; Beatyfikacja
kard. Wyszyńskiego i Matki Elżbiety Czackiej by Stanisław Tasiemski
OP, Vatican News, Polska, 12 września 2021, 13:46; <=""
strong="">Was Cardinal Wyszyński’s Approach to Communism a
Guide About How the Vatican Should Engage With China?" by Father Raymond
J. de Souza, National Catholic Register, September 11, 2021; Cardinal
Wyszyński and Mother Elżbieta Beatified in Poland, by Luke Coppen, Catholic
News Agency, Warsaw, Poland, Sep 12, 2021 / 07:00 am; Beatyfikacja kard.
Wyszyńskiego i matki Czackiej, Archidiecezja Warszawska, YouTube,
12.09.2021; Polonia
in festa: beatificati il Cardinale Wyszyński e Madre Elisabetta Róża Czacka by
Marco Mancini, ACI Stampa, Varsavia, 12 settembre, 2021 / 3:00 PM; Thousands
– including president and PM – attend beatification of Cardinal Wyszyński in
Warsaw, Notes from Poland, Sep 13, 2021; Wyszynski:
la difficile eredità, Settimana News, 14 settembre 2021; San
Giovanni Paolo II e l'amicizia con il Beato Cardinale Wyszyński, ACI
Stampa, Varsavia, 22 ottobre, 2021 / 3:00 PM.
(1) As he was dying, Cardinal Hlond suggested to the pope to name Bishop Wyszyński as his successor. The Polish episcopate, not knowing this, had also forwarded his name to Rome.
(2) This is the inscription on his marble sarcophagus, kindly provided by Mr.
Eman Bonnici, from Malta:
SOURCE : https://cardinals.fiu.edu/bios1953.htm#Wyszynski
Wysokie Mazowieckie - mozaika na kościele św. Jana
Chrzciciela. Na
fasadzie kościoła znajduje się mozaika: Kardynał Stefan Wyszyński, Matka Boska
Częstochowska z polskim orłem w koronie, pod orłem wstęga z napisem POD TWOJĄ
OBRONĘ UCIEKAMY SIĘ oraz wizerunkiem papieża Jan Paweł II. Mozaika została
wykonana przez osoby z Białorusi i była gotowa na 1 listopada.
Wysokie Mazowieckie - mosaïque sur l'église de Saint Jean le Baptiste. Mosaïque
sur la façade de l'église : le Bienheureux Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński,
Notre-Dame de Częstochowa avec un aigle couronné polonais, sous l'aigle un
ruban avec l'inscription NOUS COURONS POUR VOTRE DÉFENSE et le pape Saint Jean-Paul
Blessed Stefan Wyszyński
Roman Catholic Cardinal.
Born in the small village of Zuzela in present day Poland, which back then
formed part of the Russian Empire, Stefan Wyszyński remains one of the most
renowned religious leaders and statesmen in Eastern Europe during the Communist
bloc. Receiving his education at the Pius X Lyceum, the seminaries of
Wloclaweck, and at the University of Lublin, from where he obtained his
doctorate in canon law, Wyszyński was ordained priest in August 1924. Named
vicar at Przedcz in 1930, he was assigned to numerous offices in Wloclawek,
including those of cathedral vicar, secretary of the Pius X lyceum, director of
the diocesan missions office and member of the seminary teaching staff. Between
1931 and 1939, he gave light to 106 publications focusing on the subjects of on
the economic cataclysm, unemployment and social Justice. Director of the
"Atenaeum Kaplanskie" journal from 1932 until 1939, Wyszynski served
furthermore as justice promoter and defender of the matrimonial bond at the diocesan
curia and head of the Christian Worker's University. Active in christian trade
unions since 1932, he organized the Catholic Union of Young Workers and labored
within the Marian society of landowners and the primate's social council.
Appointed judge of the episcopal tribunal in 1938, he performed clandestine
pastoral work during the Second World War and was briefly arrested by the
Gestapo in October 1941. Moving to Zulow the following month, in June of the
following year he was appointed chaplain of the Laski Institute for the Blind.
Appointed bishop of the diocese of Lublin in 1946, he received his episcopal
consecration on May 12 of that year in Jasna Góra. Promoted to the metropolitan
see of Gniezno, with the see of Warsaw united "ad personam" on November
12, 1948, he was imprisoned by the Communist regime between 1953 and October
26, 1956, at Grudziądz, and later placed under house arrest in the monastery in
Prudnik near Opole and in Komańcza, in the Bieszczady mountains. Pope John
XXIII created him cardinal priest in the consistory of January 12, 1953,
however he was impeded from attending the named consistory by the Communists.
He ultimately received the red hat and the title of Santa Maria in Trastevere
on May 18, 1957. Often called the "Primate of the Millennium", the
Cardinal was a staunch warrior for the faith who at the helm of the Catholic
Church in Poland as primate for over three decades was indefatigable combatant
of Communism, guiding the Church through periods of persecution through which
he emerged as a national hero. Wyszyński died of abdominal cancer and was
buried inside the metropolitan cathedral of Warsaw following the celebration of
a funeral which saw the participation of over half a million people. Three days
before his death, he had a telephone conversation with Pope John Paul II, who
was undergoing treatment in Rome after an assassination attempt on his life.
His cause of beatification was introduced in 1989 while a "Year of
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński" was celebrated in 2001. Several areas and edifices
across Poland and other countries carry his name.∼He was born in Zuzela,, Lomza, northeast
Poland under Russia Rule.
Primate of Poland.
par : Eman
SOURCE : https://fr.findagrave.com/memorial/28047506/stefan-wyszy_ski
Primate Wyszynski - why a
Milena Kindziuk
There were two sheets of paper in the yellowed breviary of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski. One page contained the names of all the priests who left the priesthood. The other one contained the name of his persecutor: Boleslaw Bierut. Cardinal Wyszynski said, 'I pray for them every day.'
Saints smile. And have a fantastic sense of humour. And Primate Wyszynski had
such sense of humour.
In his residence during meals he never used to speak about professional matters
and sad things.
- The Primate tried to make it a time of relax and he could make us laugh - recollected Fr Hieronim Gozdziewicz.
Cardinal Wyszynski often told us jokes during meals: Jewish jokes, highlanders' jokes and he could even speak the dialect, especially during his holiday. His favourite joke was about a dog called Nerus:
'A gent returns from a visit abroad and his coachman arrives to meet him and helps him get in the carriage. The gent asks:
- Well, Jozef, how are things?
- Nothing new, sir, only Nerus died.
- Nerus died? What happened?
- This stupid dog ate some carrion and died.
- Carrion?
- Yes, sir. When the stable was burning some cows ran way and some did not. Everything was burning and this bad dog ate carrion and died.
- What did you say, Jozef, the stable was burnt?
- Yes, when the barn was burning, the stable caught fire, then the cattle was burnt and Nerus ate carrion and died.
- Did the barn burn?
- Yes, sir. When the house was burning the barn caught fire and then the stable burnt and then the cattle and Nerus died after having eaten carrion.
- Did you say, Jozef, that the house burnt?
- Yes, a candle caused the curtain to catch fire and from the curtain the house was burnt.
- The curtain caught fire?
- Yes, sir since there was a candle at the coffin of our lady and the curtain caught fire..."
Once when the Primate was just to end this story he added, 'Do not worry. All those events were true but they concerned the neighbours!'
This anecdote was told so jokingly, in actor's manner, that all people laughed each time they heard it.
On holiday or feasts the Primate used to amuse people sitting at the table by telling sketches. Barbara Dembinska from the Primate's Institute recollects:
- I remember such an event: the Primate had an anecdote written on a piece of
paper. It was on a half of the page. But he read it and read it. Finally,
someone looked at the page through his arm and said, 'Father, there is nothing
here.' And he answered, 'O son, you cannot read between the lines!' I remember
perfectly well how he laughed till tears came when two girls, sing very badly,
'Lord my God, I am Your ox…!'
When a woman enters,
stand up!
The Primate was so easy-going that during meals he could stand up and approach someone saying, 'Well, brother, why aren't you eating?' Or he could put some cold meats on someone's plate. He never began eating before his guests had food on their plates.
His respect for women was meaningful. 'Whenever a woman enters your room stand up regardless how busy you are,' he wrote in his 'Prison memoirs.'
- Indeed, he always stood up when a woman came in - recollects Barbara Dembinska. Anna Rastawicka adds that sometimes the Primate, thanking for something, could kiss a woman's hand. And when she was confused, he asked smiling, 'Well, am I not worthy?'
One of Cardinal Wyszynski's doctors Prof. Zdzislaw Lapinski, recollects, 'Once I was in the Primate's study. He lay on his bed to be examined by the doctor. I came to the bed and sat by him. We began speaking about something. The Primate interrupted me, 'Brother, how can I thank you for what you are doing for me?' He caught my hand and kissed it!'
Undoubtedly, Cardinal Wyszynski was a man of love. Firstly, love of man. He simply loved each man since 'God loves him,' he used to say. That's why when some priest confessed to the Primate that his parish priest bore a grudge against him and mentioned what it was, Cardinal Wyszynski answered, 'Then it was my fault and mistake. But so, do not worry! Poland's Primate has many ways to solve such situations!' And when the rector expelled four seminarians from the major seminary because they drank beer in their free time, Primate Wyszynski devoted time to each of them. He spoke to each of them and asked about the circumstances of that event and motivations of their vocations. Then he hugged them and… ordered the rector to accept them again. Today all of them are zealous, outstanding and publically known priests!
When one reads the Primate's texts, his books, speeches, notes one is struck by
one thing: great love and respect for others. His life creed summarises the
Social Crusade of Love in which he reminded people, 'Respect other people since
Christ lives in them; be sensitive to other people, Your brothers!'
School of highest
The attitude of Cardinal Wyszynski towards those who imprisoned him or harmed him was extraordinary.
A classical example is his reaction to the death of Boleslaw Bierut who ordered to arrest the Primate. When Wyszynski learnt that Bierut had died he prayed for him at once. In his 'Zapiski' he wrote, 'I want to pray for God's mercy for the man who harmed me. Tomorrow I am going to celebrate Mass for the dead. Now I forgive the one that sinned against me, being confident that just God will find fairer deeds in this life that would bring the Divine Mercy on it.'
The Primate did not forget Bierut till the end of his life. Fr Andrzej Galka, now a judge in the cause for beatification of Cardinal Wyszynski, speaks about it:
- I do remember that when just after my ordination I had the occasion to be in the private chapel of the Primate he opened his yellowed breviary and took two sheets of paper out of it. One contained the list of all priests who left the priesthood. He told me that he prayed for them every day. And the other one had the name of Boleslaw Bierut. 'I pray for him daily since he was a man who made wrong choices in his life. But in fact he was not a bad man' I heard from him and I was astonished.'
In his opinion it was a clear feature of the Primate holiness. It was revealed expressly when he was in prison.
- By his attitude he showed how to love all people, including those who harmed, betrayed and cheated others. It is a great school of love, school of Christ, of highest standards. And this is what Christianity is about.
Cardinal Wyszynski prayed for all his persecutors: for the 'men in plastic robes' that came to arrest him, for those who watched him in the places of his internment. His Mass intentions embraced those who harmed the nation: state services that made the celebrations of the anniversary of Poland's baptism difficult and 'arrested' the picture of Our Lady. As he wrote, 'there is no harm that cannot be forgiven.'
- Wyszynski's sanctity is characterised first of all by his ability to
forgive,' says Rev. Dr. Janusz Zawadka from the Congregation of Marians of the
Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary.
Like an early martyr
Primate Wyszynski was faithful to the appeal of St Paul 'to overcome evil with good.' It was the principle of all his life. Others admired that. Fr Jerzy Popieluszko tried to realise it in his activities, being influenced by the Primate's example.
Forgiving enemies and overcoming evil with good are the quintessence of the Good News. Only a great, unique man can follow such principles. And Primate Wyszynski did so. And perhaps it is the biggest evidence of his sanctity.
He could also be generous and forgive those who failed, betrayed, showed their weaknesses. And he was extremely loyal towards his collaborators. Before his death he said to the bishops, 'To all I am leaving my heart that does not take any reservations towards any bishop.'
- The life of Primate Wyszynski in Stalin's and Gomulka's times, especially his
imprisonment, reminds us of the attitudes of the martyrs in the first centuries
of the Church. They also could find strength in their faith to accept
sufferings in the way that cannot be explained from the human perspective, but
they could also forgive their persecutors and even sacrificed their hardships for
them. These are the attitudes of saints. Hence the principle that persecutions
do not destroy the Church but can strengthen her came true in Cardinal
Wyszynski's life,' explains Rev. Prof. Jozef Naumowicz, an expert in early
Do I have to understand
He could find hidden sense of events he neither wanted nor understood. 'Thy will be done in heaven and in Komancza,' he noted in his 'Zapiski.' He wrote at another place, 'Best Father, even if you did not have for me anything more than a stone thrown by an evil hand I would desire to accept it as Your greatest grace; I want to kiss it.'
'I do not believe in God so much as I am sure he is,' the Primate used to say. He was also fully convinced that God is the Lord of history. He wanted to serve only him, which he stressed by his bishop's motto 'Soli Deo.' He also reminded people that 'God is Love' and 'he is not so much concerned that we fear him but that we fall in love with him.'
His strong faith was full of humility towards God's economy. Wyszynski realised very well that although many affairs seemed illogical and unnecessary from the human perspective they had sense from God's perspective. 'Do I have to know and understand everything? He asked rhetorically. And he advised others, 'You don't have to understand all things. It is sufficient that you love all that God gives.' And 'It is not enough to believe in God; one should trust in God.'
Towards the end of his life he accepted God's will although it was hard for him. As Fr Bronislaw Piasecki, the chaplain of the Primate, recollects Cardinal Wyszynski spoke to his collaborators, 'During these two weeks of lying in bed I had time to reflect how great God's gift - time - is; I had plenty of time, almost 80 years. I cannot ask God and his Son for anything more. I cannot ask him for recovery, full strength because I have been at the See of the Warsaw and Gniezno bishops for almost 33 years. It is a long period. For many reasons this period deserves some decision of Christ who appoints shepherds and calls them off. I am fully peaceful in this field.'
- Primate Wyszynski was a man of great trust. He was most of all a trusting disciple of Christ who courageously followed him on his way of vocation,' states Fr Dr. Janusz Zawadka.
John Paul II was convinced about this extraordinary power of trust and he
inspired the idea of the process of beatification of Cardinal Wyszynski. He
also encouraged us to reflect on his teaching. 'Make the figure of the
unforgettable Primate, late Cardinal Wyszynski, his personality, his teaching,
a special subject of meditation. May this work be undertaken with the greatest
responsibility by the shepherds of the Church. May the clergy reflect on it,'
the Pope asked.
My life - Good Friday
Cardinal Wyszynski was taking notes throughout all his life. Almost every day, in the evening, even if he returned late, he found time to write about the main events of that day. He also wrote his reflections on various topics and, what is perhaps the most valuable thing, spiritual meditations. So far his 'Zapiski wiezienne' [Prison Memoirs] and 'Zapiski milenijne' [Millennium Notes] were published. They clearly prove that the Primate saw all events in the light of faith and referred them to God.
The Primate entitled his daily notes 'Pro memoria.' But they create a specific diary of the soul, like great mystics wrote. They confirm his unshakable faith, confidence. But they also speak about difficulties and sufferings as well as endurance in suffering, insult or persecution.
'My life was Good Friday,' he used to say many a time. But he added that 'every true love must have its Good Friday.'
He also spoke about himself, 'I am going through my life full of poverty, weakness and hurts on the way. A true worm, not a man.' And on his death bed, in May 1981, he stated, 'My way was always the way of Good Friday during 35 years of bishop's service. I am very thankful to God for my way.'
However, all his life shows that he was a big athlete of God, a man of unique
depth of spirit, attaching extreme importance to prayer and leading an
authentic spiritual life. As he said himself his dedication to God helped him,
'One should see traces of God's love in all things that happen in man's life.
Then joy enters his heart.'
Soon raised to the
He was characterised by great love of the Church. That's why he kept claiming the rights of the Church in social life and did his best to preserve her identity and vividness. He also believed that no threats could destroy the Church. 'One can speak about a crisis in the Church if Christ stopped working in the Church,' he stressed.
Finally, Primate Wyszynski loved Poland with unlimited love. And he worked for her. 'It is an art to die for your homeland but the biggest art is to lead a good life for her.' His love resulted from his faith as he emphasized, 'Everything I do for my Homeland I do for God.'
Primate Wyszynski's great faith and his great love of man, the nation and the Church made him a candidate for the altars.
The process of Stefan Wyszynski's beatification began in Warsaw on 29 May 1989. Since that moment he has been entitled to be called 'Servant of God.' 289 sessions have been held during which 59 witnesses of the Primate's life have been heard.
- Hearing them we had no doubts that Wyszynski was a saint - Fr Andrzej Galka, a judge in the process, admits.
The diocesan stage of the process ended on 6 February 2001. Then the acts were sent to the Vatican. The Congregation for the Causes of Saints issued a decree confirming the validity of the beatification process.
Currently, the second stage of the process is being conducted. The 'positio,' special document including the Primate's life, especially his heroic virtues, is being prepared. It is to contain the testimonies of Wyszynski's sanctity, gathered on the diocesan level.
- The work has been partly done - Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz reveals.
He is convinced that the 'positio' can be completed in ca. 2013 and then in the Roman Congregation for the Causes of Saints there will be a discussion on the issuing of the decree concerning the heroic virtues of Cardinal Wyszynski.
A miracle through his intercession, confirmed by doctors and theologians, is also needed to raise the Primate to the altars.
- I trust that Primate Wyszynski will be announced Blessed soon - the
Metropolitan of Warsaw says.
Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: redakcja@niedziela.pl
SOURCE : http://sunday.niedziela.pl/artykul.php?dz=wiara&id_art=00147
Prymas Stefan Wyszyński na spotkaniu z wiernymi.
August 1966
Everything points to the
fact that on 28 May 2013 there is going to be a message about the end of the
investigation of a miracle through the intercession of the Primate of
Millenium. Undoubtedly, it is an important step, which can be significant for
the beatification process of God's servant cardinal Stefan Wyszyński
One of the essential
requirements necessary for announcing God's servant the blessed, is a miracle
through his intercession.
-This requirement in the
case of the primate Wyszyński has already been met - says Father dr. Gabriel
Bartoszewski OFMCap from the Warsaw curia, who is a promoter of justice in many
beatification and canonization processes. - For, the process of an alleged
miraculous healing has already finished and on 28 May a message about it is
going to be given.
It means that all
documents concerning the miracle were gathered, as well as testimonies of
witnesses, medical statements. Now everything will be sent to the Vatican
congregation and will wait for a decision of the Holy See.
-The miraculous healing
through the intercession of the Primate concerns a young woman, a resident of
Szczecin, who suffered from thyroid cancer 24 years ago - says Father
Bartoszewski. After an operation it turned out that there were metastasis.
Doctors did not assure about any chances to live. Then her despaired family
started praying for her health, through the intercession of cardinal Wyszyński.
And, unexpectedly, the woman recovered. She has been alive now. The tumor
disappeared, although from the medical point of view, the improvement of her
health did not seem to happen.
The healing was examined
by a special ecclesiastical commission. In March 2012 the metropolitan of
Szczecin-Kamieńska diocese, archbishop Andrzej Dzięga opened the process of the
alleged healing through the intercession of God's servant cardinal Stefan
Wyszyński. Now the process has been finished. The healing was confirmed.
Whereas the works are being done on the preparation of 'Positio', which is
essential in the beatification process, which is going to end with a decree
about the heroism of virtues.
Forgiveness instead of
A miracle is necessary -
it is obvious. These are ecclesiastical procedures on the way to holiness. The
one which is announced publically. But in fact, the whole life matters.
Everyday choices, behaviour, motivation and faith.
How is it in the case of
the primate Wyszyński?
The greatness of the
Primate Wyszyński appeared especially during his stay in a prison. Since the
very beginning, that is, since the year 1953, he had showed the heroism of his
spirit, when he wrote in the 'Prison notes': most priests and bishops, with
whom I worked, experienced prisons. There would be something immature in it if
I had not experienced a prison. So, something appropriate is happening: I
cannot feel grudge to anybody. Christ called Judah his 'friend'. I cannot feel
grudge to those people who are around me…'
The primate did not feel
grudge for all years of the 'isolative stay' in Polish communist prisons.
Because, after all, he writes: 'Poles cannot hate: thanks to God and His
Gospel'. And he was a Pole.
When in the beginning of
his imprisonment the Primate found out that polish bishops had signed a
declaration of loyalty with the communist authority (for this purpose he was
given a fragment of a newspaper with an article about it), he reacted in
evangelical way. And although cardinal Wyszyński was humanly hurt by the
attitude of bishops, he transformed everything into the supernatural order. He
wrote in the 'Prison notes': 'I thank you, Master, that you made my fate
similar to yours, that You left a good example of my suffering in your Passion.
Your Apostles left you, like bishops left me; disciples left you, like my
priests left me…'
- The Primate worked out
a skill of forgiveness in himself - emphasizes Fr. Andrzej Gałka - He could
forgive bishops, who had left him during his custody. Not only did cardinal
Wyszyński forgive them, but he did not deprive anyone of them of his function
either. It proves his greatness and holiness.
In fact Wyszyński did not
feel any hatred to anybody; even to those who had imprisoned him, kept him in
difficult conditions, like in Stoczek Warmiński, where during a strong winter
he overstrained his health. Ice and frost were everywhere at that time: in a
corridor, in a prison cell and on windows. Rooms were not heated at all, walls
were mouldy. In order to go out into a garden, the Primate had to shovel snow
from stairs. Snowdrifts often made it impossible to leave the building at all.
As the Primate wrote, Stoczek was a place in which he could not 'warm his feet'
at all. He even had to wash himself in icy water. It happened that water got
frozen. There were also days that the Primate could not write at all, because
his frozen hands refused to obey him. His hands often got swollen, he had
headaches, his kidneys and stomach often hurt him. Despite many requests, he
could not have any medicine, even a painkiller. To his complaints, he heard
from a commander that it was the very prisoner who was to be blamed for being
in the prison.
Nevertheless he wrote in
the 'Prison notes': 'I do not feel unfriendly emotions to anybody of these
people. I would not be able to bring them any harm. It seems to me that I am in
a full truth, that I am still full of love, that I am a Christian and a child
of my Church, who taught me to love people, even those who want to consider me
as their enemy'. He treated 'men in raincoats' as kings. Because, according to
the Primate 'a man is a king of creation' and he deserves respect. Therefore he
wanted his wrongdoers to feel that being a man means something great.
- In the prison the
holiness of the primate Wyszyński appeared for good. For, he showed through his
attitude how to love enemies, that is, those who did harm to us, betrayed us or
deceived us. It is a great school of love, Christ's school of the highest
level. But Christianity looks so - concludes Fr. Gałka.
Be Your will in Komańcza
- The primate Wyszyński
spent the years in the prison as best as he could, still deepening his
spiritual life. These were belief in God, full of trustfulness and a systematic
prayer which kept him alive and protecting him from his breakdown. He could
find a hidden sense of the events which he did not want or understand. 'Be Your
will, as in the Heaven, so in Komańcza'…. and he added: 'Your will is so
powerful, that it prompts me to accept this fact fully, that it gains my full
submission. I feel Your power over me and I am becoming humble towards it'.
In another place he
wrote: 'Even if you, my Best Father, did not have anything for me, than a stone
thrown by a bad hand, I want to accept it with your greatest grace: I want to
kiss it'.
It was an evident sign of
his holiness. Only a saint could react so like cardinal Wyszyński to the death
of his wrongdoer - Bolesław Bierut.
Wyszyński had the
following dream just in Komańcza - He was going along the street, with the
president Bierut and was talking to him. When they parted, Bierut crossed the
street, not looking at road signs. 'He is even allowed to breach traffic rules'
- thought the Primate. Later he was looking for Bierut but he had disappeared
somewhere. And then the Primate woke up….The same day he found out that Bierut
had died. He died in Moscow, charged with ecclesiastical excommunication. How
did the primate Wyszyński react to it? At once he started praying for him. In
the 'Prison notes' he wrote: 'I want to pray for God's mercifulness for the man
who did a harm to me. Tomorrow I will celebrate the Holy Mass for the deceased.
Now I forgive my culprit, trusting that fair God will find brighter deeds in
this life which will conciliate God's Mercifulness'.
In the evening Wyszyński
was thinking about his dream. He was sure: 'In the world there is communication
of human souls'. He wrote: 'I have prayed for Bolesław Bierut in prison so many
times. Maybe this prayer joined us together so much that he came for help. I
was looking for him in the dream - and I will not forget the prayer for help.
Maybe everyone will forget him quickly, but I will not. Christianity requires
it from me'.
The Primate did not
forget Bierut till the end of his life. As Fr. Andrzej Gałka says, cardinal
Wyszyński was supplicating to the throne of God for mercifulness for him.
I remember till today
when - soon after my ordination - I was in a private chapel of the Primate, he
opened his half-yellow breviary, and took out two sheets of paper from it. On
one of them he had written surnames of all priests, who had resigned from
priesthood. He said that every day he prayed for them. And on another sheet
there was the name of Bolesław Bierut. 'Every day I pray for him, because he
was a man who made wrong choices in his life. But in fact he was not a bad
man'. - I heard. I was surprised. It is just a real Christianity! And this is
what holiness looks like.
Today it is seen that in
the prison the holiness of Wyszyński appeared for good. The Primate stated that
he would have never considered the three years of the imprisonment as the lost
ones and the prison is for him 'the most suitable place for the present moment
of the existence of the Church'.
- The stay in the prison
clearly shows how the Primate was getting prepared for holiness - says Fr.
Gałka - It was the time of a close friendship with Lord Jesus and Our Lady for
him. He could trust God's Providence, notice God's will in his life. Therefore
he left the prison as a completely a different man. It was also the time when
he fell in love with Mary for good.
The feature of the
holiness of Cardinal Wyszyński is undoubtedly his immense entrustment to Mary.
According to the bishop's motto: 'Soli Deo' - For the very God' - 'Per Mariam'
- Through Mary'. He felt he was her slave and considered Her as the best
Advocate on the way to Heaven.
So, the Primate Wyszyński
is not only a great patriot and a statesman. It is a great man of God, a man of
unusual deepness of spirit, paying much attention to a prayer and leading a
deep spiritual life.
Editor: Tygodnik Katolicki "Niedziela", ul. 3 Maja 12, 42-200 Czestochowa, Polska
Editor-in-chief: Fr Jaroslaw Grabowski • E-mail: redakcja@niedziela.pl
SOURCE : http://sunday.niedziela.pl/artykul.php?dz=spoleczenstwo&id_art=00666
Góra, 3 maj 1966, zdjęcie pamiątkowe z wystawy Tysiąclecia Chrztu Polski
Góra, 3 mai 1966, une photo commémorative de l'exposition du millénaire du
baptême de la Pologne
MAY 28, 2012
Poland’s Warrior for the
Faith: Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński
On June 1st, 1961, the
feast of Corpus Christi, the Cardinal Primate of Poland, Stefan Wyszyński stood
at St. Anne’s Church in Warsaw, his archiepiscopal see. The baroque and
neoclassical-style church was still not fully rebuilt from Hitler’s systematic
destruction visited on Warsaw for having dared to rise against his rule.
Outside the church, well over 100,000 men, women, and children had gathered to
hear the Cardinal speak. They crowded the square in front, where they
were able to hear him on loudspeakers set up outdoors, despite a state
prohibition on the practice. The crowds, it was said, were larger than
ever before for any gathering of that sort. The day was hot, and the
people had been standing for hours, but this was not the reason for the unusual
tension in the air, in contrast to the normal festive atmosphere of the feast
day. Taking advantage of the recent abolition of the octave of Corpus
Christi by the Vatican, Poland’s Communist authorities had banned religious
processions on those days, despite the fact they were traditional in
Poland. They had even forbidden all morning processions on Corpus Christi
itself, a ban which the Church and populace had ignored.
Although he spoke for
only a few minutes, Wyszyński took the time to review and strengthen several of
his major pastoral themes. Building on traditional piety, he
dedicated Warsaw to Our Lady of Częstochowa, the favored title of the Blessed
Virgin Mary in Poland, thanks to the great pilgrimage to the shrine at
Częstochowa. The Polish bishops had recently been encouraging a
renewal of this traditional Marian devotion to encourage Catholic identity,
including pilgrimages by members of different professions and social groups,
and this despite harassment, or even violence from the state security
apparatus. The archbishop’s talk also sharply protested the state
decision to forbid the traditional Corpus Christi processions. He now
used publically terms he had once used privately to protest his three-year
imprisonment by the regime less than a decade before, at the height of
Stalinism in Poland: his rights as a citizen were being violated. The
state was usurping a right he should have as Poland’s primate in a free
society. All the same, he urged prayers for the persecutors of the
Church, and their intentions. “With full hearts we forgive our enemies—we
forgive the enemies of God.” As again and again the crowd shouted back
“we forgive,” even grown men broke down in tears. Then, according to one
press report, “the cardinal cut short the growing demonstration with a wave of
his hand.”
This incident, a
relatively small one, stood toward the beginning what would prove a nearly
decade long struggle between Wyszyński (1901-81) and the Communist State over
things as basic as the right of the Church alone to define the contents of
seminary and religious education, and the ability of sisters to teach it.
In this contest, the regime would use propaganda, law, control of education and
the media, local ordinances, taxation, intimidation, harassment, and
occasionally violence, to undermine the role of the Church in Polish society,
and Wyszyński in particular. Yet none of it worked, and the stature of
Wyszyński and the Polish Church grew both at home and abroad. He
had won the virtue of courage not only from his own powers of self-command, but
by hard trials. Whipped by Imperial German authorities as a minor
seminarian for joining an illegal Polish-language scouting troop, too ill to be
ordained with his seminary class, and barely able to stand through his first
Mass, marked for deportation to a concentration camp by Nazi authorities during
WWII, forced to live in hiding, and serving as a chaplain to wounded members of
the Polish underground during the brutal suppression of the Warsaw Uprising by
the Nazis in 1944, he knew his share of trials even before facing the Communist
order imposed on Poland by the Soviets after the war.
There is another facet of
Wyszyński that is important to note alongside his fortitude: his generous and
broad understanding which allowed him to negotiate with and engage the world
when necessary and appropriate. Still, this prudent moderation took
nothing away from his passion for justice and the good of the Church and his
These traits can be seen,
for instance, in his work with the Polish labor movement and poor as a priest
in the interwar period. On one hand, this involvement led him to call on
those who had an abundance of possessions to be willing to sacrifice for the
poor. Along these lines, he also came out for the redistribution of
property, arguing, rather like G. K. Chesterton, that it would strengthen
rather than weaken the principle of private ownership, since it would give the
poor a stake in the security of property. Poland of the 1920s and 1930s,
with many landless or marginal peasants, had a great need for creating such a
stake. When the Communists took control after World War II, this stand made
it harder for the authorities to allege his indifference to the poor.
Moreover, his experience as a labor priest encouraged Wyszyński to take a close
interest in Catholic Social Doctrine, and to formulate a theology of work,
which stressed the role of man as a “coworker” of God. Later, as a
bishop, his addresses to workers in various professions and walks of life would
become famous. In them, he suggested to groups as varied as housewives
and taxi-drivers the ways in which their endeavors were uniquely important to
society and the Church, and how they can and should imitate Christ, the
incarnate Word, in their particular kind of working lives. These themes
would later be important to Bl. John-Paul II’s great encyclical on work, Laborem
Other examples of the
judiciousness and balance of Wyszyński’s engagement with the world can be seen
in his willingness to come to a modus vivendi with the Communist
regime in order to spare the Church another decimation of clergy and faithful,
such as had happened under the Nazi persecution. The Church would not
openly commit herself on purely political matters, while the regime would
continue to let the Church operate in its own sphere. This approach was
not appreciated by some in the Western Church, even in the Vatican, who
regarded it as too accomodationist with what was, after all, a repressive and
atheist regime—but the popes from Pius XII to Paul VI trusted Wyszyński’s
judgment in the matter, and time would prove them right. He knew
well that the regime could be counted on to honor its commitments to the Church
only when it was in its own interests to do so, and that when it came to
shaping the heart and minds of Poles, especially the youth, the Church and
Communist state could only be enemies. It was a fight he intended to
win—but on the Church’s terms, and using its own unique spiritual and cultural
armaments. To use them to the full, as much toleration from the
authorities of the Church’s internal operations as could be had was
vital. He was thus able to preserve, for instance, Catholic religious
orders for the Polish Church—often the first Catholic institutions targeted for
curtailment or liquidation by Communist governments.
Wyszyński was certainly a
Polish patriot, in some respects an ardent one. Nevertheless, he
consciously endeavored to avoid the excesses of nationalism, which looked upon
Catholicism more as an instrument of Polish nationality rather than an
international faith that commanded assent on its own terms. The
Christian measure of his patriotism can be seen in his role in helping organize
the mutual statement of forgiveness on the part of the German and Polish
bishops in the context of the Second Vatican Council. For taking this venture
of national reconciliation, he and the Polish episcopate were savaged by
Communist propaganda, which sought thereby to enlist ungenerous nationalist
sentiment for its own purposes. But, as is shown by his Corpus Christi
statement in 1961, he extended his program of forgiveness to members of the
Party as well.
Wyszyński’s influence
was, of course, greatest in Poland. But it should not be forgotten he
also had a role in the history of the universal Church. Together with the
rest of the Polish episcopate, he helped to ensure that the Marian element was
strong in the Vatican II constitution of the Church, Lumen Gentium, with
special emphasis on her role as Mother of the Church. Indeed, this old
Marian title was nevertheless officially added for the first time to the Litany
of Loretto by Paul VI in 1968, thanks in part to insistent requests of
Wyszyński and other Poles. Wyszyński’s appeals to his rights as a
citizen in the face of abuse he suffered from the Communist regime were
certainly not insincere, for he was definitely a supporter of a moderate, Christian
idea of human rights, as reflected by his support for Dignitatis Humanae.
Yet, he, and other bishops who experienced Communist rule, also warned
westerners who were overly enthusiastic about the prospects for the spread of
human rights, that enemies of the Church such as the Communists would never
interpret the language contained in Dignitatis Humanae in the same
way the Church would, and, indeed, were quite capable of twisting its meaning
against the Church.
Lastly, the influence of
Wyszyński can be seen on the pastoral approach of Bl. John-Paul II, who was his
junior colleague in the Polish episcopate prior to his election as pope in
1978. The future pope indeed learned much from Wyszyński, despite some
initial tensions between the two, in part due to differences in personal
style. For instance, the use of mass pilgrimage to build Catholic
identity and win the youth away from secular models of culture, the careful
respect for the national and folk dimensions of piety, and the need to engage
the world, but cautiously and prudently, all mark ways in which John-Paul II
was in continuity with Wyszyński.
The example of Stefan
Cardinal Wyszyński remains vital today. Above all, he shows Catholics
that the warrior for the faith is first of all a man of peace who deals with
the world, and yet for all that, is not—and cannot be—of it: he was as wise as
a serpent, and as simple as a dove.
Tagged as Bishop, Częstochowa, Poland
Paul Radzilowski teaches
history at Madonna University in Livonia, Michigan.
SOURCE : https://www.crisismagazine.com/2012/stefan-cardinal-wyszynski
- mural ze Stefanem Wyszyńskim na budynku szkoły
- Stefan Wyszyński mural on a school building
The Unknown Side of Cardinal
Documents Reveal Polish
Prelate Helped Jewish People During Holocaust
Documents gathered at Yad
Vashem in Jerusalem, as well as testimonies of eyewitnesses to Fr. Stefan
Wyszynski’s activities, reveal that he was directly involved in helping the
Jewish people during the Holocaust.
During World War II, Fr.
Stefan Wyszynski had to hide from the German occupants. Between October 1941
and June 1942, he was staying in Żułów (District of Krasnystaw) at the center
for aid to the blind, which was run by the Franciscan Sisters convent from Laski.
At that time he was already involved in his pastoral care for the people
staying at the Center, and for inhabitants of the surrounding villages,
teaching children in secrecy and supporting the Home Army (AK) soldiers. In his
free time, he helped on the farm. Jadwiga Karwowska (née Zalewska), whose
parents worked at the aid Center, was a witness to the help Father Wyszyński
gave to the Jewish family of three: a father and two of his children, named
Gołda (born 1928) and Szmulek (born 1930).
Years later Karwowska
recalls: “Fr. Wyszynski came to us constantly, literally each night, and we hid
them [the Jewish family] at our attic. He helped my dad put a ladder and take
it back to the garden so that there were no traces of anybody’s presence at the
attic.” Franciscan Sisters, priests, and some workers at the aid center in
Żułów knew that Gołda and Szmulka were Jewish, yet despite the danger they
decided to help them.
Esther Grinberg
(Morgenstern) reveals other, previously unknown, facts about Fr. Stefan Wyszyński.
The interview with her has been kept at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem (ref.
In her testimony she
mentions the tragic history of her family. Born in 1918 in Międzyrzec Podlaski,
she lost her parents, brother, and sister in the Holocaust. She survived thanks
to the help of many people in various places, including some from the capital
city, where she arrived during the Warsaw ghetto uprising in 1943. She was
concealed by Grażyna Winiarska, among others. In her memoirs she refers twice
to the fact that Father Stefan Wyszyński, who at that time moved from Żułów to
Laski (near Warsaw), was well known as he encouraged the faithful at his church
to help all those who were escaping from the fire of war.
As Esther Grinberg
mentioned, he did not specify exactly whom to help, mainly for safety reasons,
but everyone knew he meant Jews who were at that time massively fleeing the
ghetto and seeking refuge on the “Aryan” side.
Years later, Father
Stefan Wyszyński became bishop of Lublin and Primate of Poland. He
has always been close with the people of Laski, who are known for their
support for Catholic-Jewish dialogue. Documents and testimonies found recently
at Yad Vashem that mention help given to the Jewish people by a young priest,
reveal a previously unknown side of Cardinal Wyszyński.
JANUARY 20, 2015 00:00ARCHIVES
Paweł Rytel-Andrianik
SOURCE : https://zenit.org/2015/01/20/the-unknown-side-of-cardinal-wyszynski/
Antoni Baraniak's Solemn Funeral in Poznań. Seen Karol Wojtyla Archbishop of
Kraków, future Pope John Paul II over the coffin. 1977
Baraniak érsek temetése Poznańban. A koporsó túloldalán Karol Wojtyła bíboros
krakkói érsek, későbbi II. János Pál látható. 1977
ks.abp. Antoniego Baraniaka. Na końcu trumny stoi abp. Karol kardynał Wojtyła. 1977
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński
to Be Beatified
On October 3,
Pope Francis Approved Decree on the Beatification
A longtime
President of the Polish Bishops’ Conference, Primate of the
Millennium, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński is to be beatified. On
October 3, Pope Francis approved a decree on the beatification of Cardinal
Stefan Wyszyński.
Pope Francis approved the
decrees of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. One of them officially
recognizes the miracle through the intercession of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński,
Primate of Poland. In this way, the last requirement for beatification
was fulfilled.
As reported by the Press
Office of the Holy See, Pope received yesterday in audience the
Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Cardinal Angelo Becciu
and authorized this dicastery to publish eight decrees. One of
them concerns a miracle through the intercession of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński.
The miracle concerns a
19-old woman who got sick in 1988 with an incurable thyroid cancer. She was
completely healed through the intercession of ven. Cardinal Wyszyński in 1989
and she had no tumor remission within the next 30 years.
It is expected a message
from the Holy See soon, which will give the date of the beatification and its
place. The beatification process began in 1989 and ended in 2019. The
general postulator of the process was Fr. Zbigniew Suchecki, OFM Conv. and a
relator in the Congregation for the Causes of Saints Fr. Zdzisław Kijas
OFM Conv.
The President of the
Polish Bishops’ Conference, Archbishop Gądecki commented: “Great joy for the
Church in Poland! We are grateful to Pope for approving the miracle
through the intercession of Card. Stefan Wyszyński. We are glad that the
beatification of the Primate of the Millennium will be soon”.
Press Office of the
Polish Bishops’ Conference
OCTOBER 03, 2019 18:23MEETINGS
Paweł Rytel-Andrianik
SOURCE : https://zenit.org/2019/10/03/cardinal-stefan-wyszynski-to-be-beatified/
Paweł II i kardynał Stefan Wyszyński, olej na płótnie, obraz Małgorzaty Wrochny
Paul II and Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, oil on canvas by Małgorzata Wrochna
John Paul II’s Hero:
Stefan Wyszyński Faced Communism With Clear Eyes and a Steel Spine
The ‘Primate of the
Millennium,’ Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, will be beatified in Warsaw on Sept.
Monika Jablonska BlogsMay 18, 2021
“The modern world needs
to be reminded of the great truth that men are called for eternal life and that
their life does not end here, on earth. Our faith in eternal life has a very
important meaning: it teaches us to respect men. We must always remember that
man is the most important, most precious, most splendid work of God.” —Cardinal
Stefan Wyszyński, Primate of Poland, May 24, 1964
“The Primate of the
Millennium. A great Primate. I was witness to the mission, to his total
entrusting of himself, to his struggles, to his victory” —Pope St. John Paul II
on Cardinal Wyszyński
In his times, Cardinal
Stefan Wyszyński was the soul of Poland. He was the “Primate of the Millennium”
because he oversaw a nine-year program of preparation culminating in a
nationwide celebration of the Millennium of Poland’s Baptism (966-1966). The
nationwide commemorative events made clear that Communism was unwelcome in a
faithfully Catholic country.
The Millennium marked the
beginning of a road to the Polish Catholic triumph over Communism. The Primate
of the Millennium was its principal architect. He was one of the key figures in
Poland’s 20th-century history.
The victory would be,
first and foremost, spiritual. However, devoted as he was to the Church,
Wyszyński was also quite enmeshed in the Polish social and political life. He
was an unshakable man who helped save the Church in Poland during the Soviet
occupation. He defended the Polish people from the Communists. And he brooked
no opposition. Once, in a pastoral letter, he preached: “I am your spiritual
father, your shepherd, and the bishop of your souls; I am the apostle of Jesus
Christ.” He was a role model for the Catholic elites.
Stefan Wyszyński was born
in the village of Zuzela in Russian-occupied Poland in 1901. He lost his mother
at an early age. He had a special bond with his father, whom he greatly
respected. Wyszyński attended high school in Warsaw and Łomża. He enrolled at a
seminary in Włocławek and was ordained priest in 1924. Soon, Father Wyszyński
also graduated from the Faculty of Canon Law at the Catholic University in
Lublin. Simultaneously, he was involved intellectually in a massive
anti-Communist endeavor.
During the Second World
War, he had to flee from the Germans. He went into hiding and eventually
settled in Laski, where he ministered to the blind. Simultaneously, he served
as a clandestine chaplain for the Underground, including during the Warsaw
Uprising of 1944.
In 1946, Pope Pius XII
appointed Father Wyszyński bishop of Lublin. In 1948, he was elevated to the
archbishoprics of Gniezno and Warsaw. Ultimately, he became the Primate of
Poland. In 1953, Poland’s Primate was awarded a cardinal’s hat. The
Communist authorities barred him from traveling to Rome to receive the insignia
of the Cardinal.
At the time, the
relations between the Church and Communist state were at their nadir. The Red
rulers tried to deprive the Church of its autonomy. Priests and bishops were
arrested. In 1953, Cardinal Wyszyński and the Polish episcopate dispatched a
letter to government authorities stating that they could compromise no
more: Non possumus!
Consequently, soon after,
the Primate was arrested and deported from Warsaw to the remote countryside,
where he was interned in a monastery.
He was released three
years later, when Poland came to a boiling point in 1956. Wyszyński’s public
appeals helped to calm the situation down. He spared his nation more bloodshed,
as the Communists temporarily liberalized.
In 1957 he finally
traveled to Rome to receive the insignia of the cardinalate from Pope Pius XII
and take possession of the titular church of Santa Maria in Trastevere.
Although a known opponent
of liberal innovation, Cardinal Wyszyński actively participated in the work of
Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). He personally handed to Pope Paul VI the
letter of the Polish Bishops’ Conference asking that Mary be declared
officially the Mother of the Church. In 1964, the Pope duly proclaimed her
Mother of the Church.
Stefan Wyszyński was a
friend and mentor to Karol Wojtyła, future John Paul II. As Cardinal Stanisław
Dziwisz, in A Life with Karol, recalls:
“The most obvious proof
of their excellent relations was the fact the archbishop of Krakow (Wojtyła)
never failed to demonstrate his great respect for, and transparent loyalty to,
the primate. … In addition, the two cardinals had found a way of dividing up
their roles and tasks that made it extremely easy for them to work together as
pastors. The primate set the direction, the overall strategy, while Wojtyla
articulated the theory behind it.”
One of the greatest
moments in the life of the primate, and of the entire Polish Church, was the
election of Cardinal Karol Wojtyła as pope on Oct. 16, 1978. Cardinal
Wyszyński’s mission was fulfilled: “If the Lord has called you, you must take
the Church into the third millennium!” he told the newly elected pope. In his
speech of Oct. 23, 1978, John Paul II lionized Wyszyński:
“Venerable and beloved
Cardinal Primate, allow me to tell you just what I think. This Polish pope,
full of the fear of God, but also of trust, is beginning a new pontificate, and
would not be on Peter’s chair were it not for your faith which did not retreat
before prison and suffering. Were it not for your heroic hope, your unlimited
trust in the Mother of the Church! Were it not for Jasna Góra [a famous Marian
sanctuary], and the whole period of the history of the Church in our country,
together with your ministry as bishop and primate!”
Thanks to Cardinal
Wyszyński’s leadership, Poland’s Catholics enjoyed freedom of religion, the
freedom of their Church, and justice at a level unmatched anywhere else in the
Soviet Bloc. Their Primate defended life and human rights as well. Finally, he
constantly praised and supported the maternal vocation of women.
Cardinal Dziwisz
witnessed the last, short telephone conversation between the Primate and the
Pope. The Primate was on his death bed. The Pope was still recovering in a
hospital after the failed assassination attempt:
“You could hear the
cardinal’s feeble voice saying, ‘We’re united in suffering … but you’re okay.’
And then: ‘Holy Father, give me your blessing.’ And Wojtyla, though reluctant
to pronounce the blessing, because he knew it would be their last goodbye,
said, ‘Yes, of course. I bless your mouth … I bless your hands.’”
Cardinal Primate Stefan
Wyszyński died May 28, 1981. Unable to attend the cardinal’s funeral, John Paul
II wrote in his letter to the people of Poland: “Meditate particularly on the
figure of the unforgettable primate, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński of venerated
memory — his person, his teaching, his role in such a difficult period of our
St. John Paul II and
soon-to-be Blessed Stefan Wyszyński are no longer with us but they both remain
an example of moral clarity and moral leadership in the fight against communism
and atheism.
Monika Jablonska Monika
Jablonska is a consultant with expertise in international business transactions
and NGOs, lawyer and philanthropist. Currently, Ms. Jablonska is working on her
Ph.D thesis in political science. She is the author of Wind from Heaven:
John Paul II, The Poet Who Became Pope. Her second book about St. John Paul II
will be released in 2021. She also writes for various magazine and newspapers
in the United States and Europe.
SOURCE : https://www.ncregister.com/blog/prime-of-the-millennium
obrazu Matki Bożej Gdowskiej z adoratorami Papieżem Janem Pawłem II i
kardynałem Stefanem Wyszyńskim. Strona Parafii Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi
Panny w Gdowie – Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Gdowskiej.
copying image of our Lady of Gdów with the adoration of Pope John Paul II &
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, at the site of the Parish of the Nativity of the
Blessed Virgin Mary in Gdów - shrine of our Lady of Gdów. The Church
("Kościół") of Gdów is on a site located close to where the
historic Battle of Gdów took place in 1846 and in
which Polish 'insurgents', under the command of the absent Colonel Suchorzewski,
fought for independence from Austria in the only battle of the Kraków Uprising.
Cardinal Stefan
Wyszyński: ‘The Primate of the Millennium’
leader, who will be beatified Sept. 12 in Warsaw, was the living incarnation of
Poland’s 20th-century experience.
Raymond J. de Souza CommentariesSeptember
9, 2021
Forty years ago, the
massive funeral procession of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński was led by a banner
that read, “God gives us such a father and shepherd once in a thousand years.”
He will be beatified on
Sept. 12 in Warsaw and known henceforth as “Blessed Stefan Wyszyński.”
But in Poland he will
remain always the “Primate of the Millennium,” as that processional banner
Imprisoned for three
years (1953-1956) by the communist regime, he emerged a cultural colossus who
conducted a nationwide “Great Novena,” nine years of spiritual, cultural and
social preparation for the 1,000th anniversary of the baptism of Poland in 966.
The Great Novena revealed the true character of the Polish nation,
notwithstanding its communist regime.
Cardinal Wyszyński
emerged at the millennium as the undisputed leader of the Polish people. His
invitation to Pope St. Paul VI to attend the millennial celebrations was
blocked by the communists. When Pope St. John Paul II came to Poland in 1979,
he began by speaking of his presence as the surprising providential answer to
the great primate’s invitation. The Pope was indeed in Poland, but one far more
fearsome than the communists could have imagined.
Primate Wyszyński was
Moses to the communist pharaoh for 33 years as head of the Church in Poland.
Named primate of Poland in 1948, then the youngest bishop in Poland, he served
simultaneously as archbishop of Gniezno (the ancient primatial see) and Warsaw
(the political capital).
His beatification takes
place during what has been declared by the Polish parliament as the “Year of
Stefan Wyszyński,” marking the 120th anniversary of his birth in 1901 and the
40th anniversary of his death in 1981. It is the crowning of a remarkable
Polish life, a living incarnation of Poland’s 20th-century experience.
Wyszyński was born on
Aug. 3, 1901, without a country. Poland had been eliminated from the map of
Europe in 1795, carved up and occupied by the three neighboring powers, Russia,
Prussia (Germany) and the Austro-Hungarian empire.
Young Stefan would attend
primary school taught in Russian, something that would become useful in later
life when reading clandestine documents from the Soviet Union. He would lose
his mother early, at 9 years of age, a similar experience to that of John Paul.
Like him, his spirituality was marked by an intense devotion to the Blessed
Virgin Mary, the “new” mother in his life. He would offer his first Mass as a
newly ordained priest in the chapel of the miraculous image of Our Lady of
Jasna Gora at Czestochowa, Poland’s national shrine.
Poland regained its
independence at the end of the Great War (1918) and immediately had to fight
off the Bolshevik Red Army to preserve it. Wyszyński was ordained a priest — on
his 23rd birthday in 1924 — during this brief respite from foreign occupation.
He studied at the newly
established Catholic University of Lublin, completing his doctoral dissertation
on “The Rights of the Family, the Church and the State With Regard to Schools.”
It was another preparation for the battles he would later fight.
The 1930s were
(relatively) tranquil for Father Wyszyński, teaching in the seminary. At this
time his friendship grew with Róza Czacka, foundress of the Congregation of
Franciscan Sisters Servants of the Cross. Blind herself, Róza — Mother Elzbieta
in religion — founded her congregation to care for the blind, at that time
consigned to a life of dependence and often misery. Father Wyszyński would
spend much time with the sisters and the blind children in their care. He would
teach them catechism, but he said later that they taught him much more than he
taught them.
In marvelous Providence,
Mother Elzbieta Czacka will be beatified in the same ceremony as the primate,
two friends elevated to the altars together.
World War II saw the brutalization
of Poland and the Polish clergy. Some 6 million Poles were killed — 20% of the
population. Similarly, 20% of the Polish clergy, some 2,000 out of 10,000
diocesan priests, were killed during the war.
In his own Diocese of
Włocławek all of the priests were rounded up; Father Wyszyński escaped only
because his bishop had sent him away as a precaution. In one of Father
Wyszyński’s notebooks, he lists the names of priests of his diocese who were
killed: The list fills an entire page.
Upon his imprisonment as
primate in 1953, Cardinal Wyszyński would write:
“I had feared that I
would never share this honor, which had befallen all of my seminary colleagues.
They had all experienced concentration camps and prisons. The majority of them
had lost their lives there. … Most of the priests and bishops with whom I had
worked had experienced prisons. Something would have been wrong if I had not
experienced imprisonment. What was happening to me was very appropriate.”
The lethal persecution of
the Polish Church under Nazi Germany shaped the new primate’s approach to the
communist regime imposed by Stalin at the end of World War II. He would write
in his prison diary:
“From the very beginning
of my work, I had taken the stand that the Church in Poland had already shed
too much blood in German concentration camps to afford to squander the lives of
its surviving priests. Martyrdom is undoubtedly an honorable thing, but God
leads His Church not only along an extraordinary way, that of martyrdom, but
also along an ordinary way, that of apostolic work.
Indeed, I was of the
opinion that the modern world needed another kind of martyrdom — the martyrdom
of work, not of blood.” Thus Cardinal Wyszyński set about his apostolic work,
carrying the immense burden of the entire Polish Church upon his shoulders.
That burden was especially grave for the cardinal, given that Pope Pius XII
gave him special powers in Poland. In particular, he largely exercised the
authority of the Holy See in regard to the appointment of bishops.
This “martyrdom of work”
was his life’s calling, carrying on his pastoral ministry knowing that he was
under constant surveillance and subject to betrayal from even those in the
That he did not falter is
a remarkable human achievement. That he provided spiritual freedom to a people
under totalitarian oppression is a remarkable supernatural achievement.
Like Moses, Stefan
Wyszyński did not live to see his people enter the promised land of liberation.
But the Lord granted him his Mount Nebo moment, the triumphant, history-making
pilgrimage of John Paul to Poland in June 1979. After that visit, it was over.
Like Moses, Cardinal Wyszyński had seen the promised land.
It would take 10 years —
sometimes bloody, as in the martyrdom of a priest that Cardinal Wyszyński
himself ordained, Blessed Jerzy Popiełuszko — to work out the dénouement, but
when Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński died on the feast of the Ascension in May 1981,
he knew that the victory had been won.
Raymond J. de Souza Father Raymond J. de Souza is the founding editor
of Convivium magazine.
SOURCE : https://www.ncregister.com/commentaries/cardinal-stefan-wyszynski-the-primate-of-the-millennium
Jan Paweł II i kardynał Stefan kardynał Wyszyński w drodze na plac Zwycięstwa w
Warszawie w dniu 2 czerwca 1979
pape Jean-Paul II et le cardinal Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński en route vers la
place de la Victoire à Varsovie le 2 juin 1979
Beato Stefano
Wyszyński Cardinale, Primate di Polonia
Zuzela, Polonia, 3 agosto
1901 - Varsavia, Polonia, 28 maggio 1981
Stefan Wyszyński nacque a
Zuzela in Polonia, all’epoca parte dell’Impero russo, il 3 agosto 1901, in una
famiglia contadina. Fin dall’infanzia avvertì la vocazione al sacerdozio: fu
ordinato sacerdote il 3 agosto 1924, giorno del suo ventitreesimo compleanno.
Eletto vescovo di Lublino, fu ordinato il 12 maggio 1946. Alla morte del
cardinal August Hlond (Venerabile dal 2018), il 22 ottobre 1948, gli succedette
come arcivescovo metropolita di Gniezno e Varsavia, nonché Primate di Polonia.
Sopportò l’offensiva anticattolica delle autorità comuniste polacche, le quali
però, il 25 settembre 1953, lo privarono della libertà. Anche se sorvegliato a
vista, continuò a pregare e a progettare il cammino della sua diocesi e della
Chiesa polacca intera. Dopo la sua liberazione, avvenuta il 26 ottobre 1956,
riuscì a recarsi a Roma per ricevere la berretta cardinalizia: era infatti
stato creato cardinale il 12 gennaio 1953. Continuò la sua opera religiosa e
civile per il rinnovamento della Polonia e gioì quando apprese dell’elezione
del cardinal Karol Wojtyła, arcivescovo di Cracovia, come papa Giovanni Paolo
II. Morì per un tumore allo stomaco a Varsavia il 28 maggio 1981, quell’anno
solennità dell’Ascensione. Fu beatificato il 12 settembre 2021 presso il Tempio
della Divina Provvidenza a Varsavia-Wilanów, sotto il pontificato di papa
Francesco. Nella stessa celebrazione fu elevata agli onori degli altari anche
madre Elisabetta Czazka, fondatrice delle Suore Francescane Ancelle della
Croce, delle quali lui era stato cappellano e con le quali aveva mantenuto
ottimi rapporti. I suoi resti mortali sono venerati nella cripta della
cattedrale di San Giovanni Battista a Varsavia, mentre la sua memoria liturgica
cade il 28 maggio, giorno della sua nascita al Cielo.
Infanzia e famiglia
Stefan Wyszyński nacque a Zuzela, un villaggio della diocesi di Łomża in Polonia, all’epoca parte dell’Impero russo, il 3 agosto 1901, giorno in cui fu anche battezzato.
Era il secondogenito di una coppia di contadini: Stanisław Wyszyński, che era anche organista in un paio di chiese, e Julianna Karp. La famiglia, ambiente nel quale assimilò i principi della cultura e della fede, contava in tutto quattro figli: la maggiore Anastazja, poi Stefan, Stanisława e Janina.
Iniziò a fare il chierichetto quand’era ancora molto piccolo. A nove anni,
però, perse la madre, morta il 31 ottobre 1910, poco dopo aver dato alla luce
la quinta figlia, Zofia, che visse appena un paio di settimane. Il padre si
risposò con Eugenia Godlewska, da cui ebbe Julia e Tadeusz.
Per due anni, Stefan studiò nella scuola del suo villaggio, ma a nove anni venne ritirato: l’insegnamento era infatti impartito in russo, fatto che il padre, sostenitore dell’indipendenza polacca, non apprezzava. Fu lui stesso a insegnargli la storia e la lingua della sua patria, anche portandolo nella foresta di Biała, a seppellire i morti dell’insurrezione di gennaio.
Nel 1912 superò gli esami e iniziò a studiare a Varsavia, presso il ginnasio
privato di Wojciech Górski, dove la lingua di insegnamento era il polacco.
Proseguì, dal settembre 1915, nella più vicina Łomża, perché il fronte
russo-tedesco bloccava la strada per Varsavia.
La vocazione
Sin dall’infanzia aveva avvertito la vocazione al sacerdozio, ma decise di seguirla mentre i trovava a Łomża. Nell’autunno 1917 entrò in Seminario Minore a Włocławek; tre anni dopo, passò al Seminario Maggiore. Una grave malattia rischiò d’impedire la sua ordinazione sacerdotale: quando ne fu guarito, poté riprendere con impegno gli studi teologici.
Venne ordinato nella cattedrale di Włocławek da monsignor Wojciech Owczarek il
3 agosto 1924, giorno del suo compleanno e del suo Battesimo. Era da solo: i
suoi compagni erano infatti stati ordinati a giugno, quando lui non aveva ancora
compiuto i ventitré anni prescritti dal Diritto Canonico come età minima.
Celebrò la Prima Messa il 5 agosto, nel santuario della Madonna di Jasna Góra a
I primi incarichi e l’attenzione alla dottrina sociale della Chiesa
La sua salute cagionevole non fu di ostacolo perché svolgesse gli incarichi che gli vennero affidati: viceparroco della cattedrale di Włocławek, redattore del giornale diocesano «Słowo Kujawskie» e prefetto dei corsi serali per adulti, presso una fabbrica di cellulosa, organizzati dall’amministrazione comunale.
Dal 1925 al 1929 studiò Diritto canonico e scienze storico-economiche all’Università Cattolica di Lublino, sostenendo la tesi di dottorato sul rapporto tra Chiesa e scuola: del resto, aveva difeso l’affermazione e il riconoscimento civile della stessa Università, del cui convitto era vicerettore.
Nel 1929, grazie a una borsa di studio, compì un viaggio che toccò Austria,
Italia, Francia, Belgio, Olanda e Germania. In quel modo poté conoscere
associazioni e movimenti impegnati nell’attuazione della dottrina sociale della
Chiesa, come la Gioventù Femminile Italiana di Azione Cattolica, la Gioventù
Operaia Cristiana nata in Francia e la Cristliche Gesellenvereine tedesca.
Queste ultime due associazioni furono da lui tradotte nell’esperienza polacca,
a partire dal 1932, con l’organizzazione di una realtà analoga.
Nuove attività pastorali e sociali
Tornato in patria nel 1930, don Stefan si dedicò a numerose attività pastorali e sociali. Divenne infatti professore di Scienze sociali nel Seminario di Włocławek, direttore dell’opera missionaria diocesana, ma anche dell’università cristiana dei lavoratori e del sodalizio mariano. Sostenne anche i sindacati cristiani e l’associazione accademica «Odrodzenie» («Rinascita»).
Il suo impegno non sfuggì al cardinal August Hlond, Primate di Polonia, che dal
1937 lo volle nel Consiglio Sociale del Primate di Polonia. Continuò anche
l’attività giornalistica: su «Ateneum Kapłańskie» («Ateneo Sacerdotale»),
rivista specializzata per il clero, pubblicò circa centosei tra articoli e
lavori più ampi, su temi sociali.
Durante la seconda guerra mondiale
Nel 1939, allo scoppio della seconda guerra mondiale, divenne ricercato dai nazisti. Monsignor Michał Kozal, vescovo ausiliare di Włocławek (beatificato nel 1987), gli ordinò allora di lasciare la città. Si rifugiò quindi a Wrociszew, vicino a Warka, insieme a suo padre.
Dal luglio 1940 divenne cappellano del centro per i non vedenti di Laski: era un’opera seguita dalle Suore Francescane Ancelle della Croce, congregazione fondata da madre Elisabetta (al secolo Róża) Czazka. A causa della guerra, suore e ospiti avevano dovuto sfollare a Kozłówka, quindi a Żułów.
Don Stefan fu accanto a loro in quei trasferimenti e nel ritorno a Laski, avvenuto nel 1942, quando divenne ufficialmente il loro cappellano. In aperto contrasto con gli occupanti tedeschi, organizzò circoli di spiritualità per gli intellettuali e guidò gli Esercizi spirituali per le suore. Insegnò anche dottrina sociale, catechetica e psicologia in un’università clandestina.
Il 26 agosto 1942, insieme a Maria Okońska, diede vita, a Szymanów,
all’Istituto Secolare delle Ausiliarie di Maria di Jasna Góra, Madre della
Chiesa, dal 2006 chiamato Istituto del Primate Wyszyński. Uno degli scopi era la
collaborazione per lo sviluppo delle istituzioni e delle comunità ecclesiali.
L’insurrezione di Varsavia
Per sessantatré giorni, dal 1° agosto al 2 ottobre 1944, gli abitanti di Varsavia insorsero contro gli occupanti. Molti religiosi e sacerdoti curavano i feriti, battezzavano i bambini o impartivano l’assoluzione “in articulo mortis”. Don Stefan si prestava per le confessioni anche dei tedeschi feriti, perché conosceva bene la loro lingua.
La sua esperienza come cappellano degli insorti della zona operativa
“Żoliborz-Kampinos” e dell’ospedale approntato a Laski fu la fonte per uno dei
suoi libri, «Lo spirito del lavoro umano», pubblicato nel 1946. In esso
osservava come l’uomo del secondo dopoguerra intendesse, anche tramite il
lavoro, risollevarsi e riparare il male che era accaduto.
Ritorno a Włocławek
Nel febbraio 1945, sul finire della guerra, tornò nella sua diocesi. Molti sacerdoti erano stati uccisi dai nazisti, i quali avevano anche chiuso il Seminario diocesano. Il primo impegno di don Stefan fu quindi quello di riaprirlo: il 19 marzo 1945 ne divenne rettore. Dovette poi occuparsi di entrambe le parrocchie di Włocławek, proprio a causa della morte dei rispettivi parroci.
Il 15 agosto venne nominato canonico della cattedrale. Continuò a interessarsi
alla stampa cattolica, assumendo la direzione del settimanale diocesano «Ład
Boży» (“L’Ordine Divino»). Quel periodico, insieme al già citato «Ateneum
Kapłańskie» e all’organo ufficiale «Kronika Diecezji Włocławskiej», era
stampato nella tipografia diocesana, che lui volle riattivare.
Vescovo di Lublino
Il 4 marzo 1946 fu nominato da papa Pio XII vescovo di Lublino; fu ordinato il 12 maggio seguente, nel santuario di Jasna Góra. Il giorno del suo ingresso solenne, il 26 maggio 1946, dichiarò, durante la Messa nella cattedrale di Lublino: «La saggezza politica non consiste nel distruggere le differenze, ma nel riconciliarle per il bene comune». Il suo motto episcopale, invece, fu «Soli Deo» («A Dio solo»).
Avviò con decisione la ricostruzione del Seminario e della cattedrale e ravvivò
il culto dell’Eucaristia. Riorganizzò la struttura della Curia e istituì la
Caritas diocesana. Infine, favorì la rinascita dell’università cattolica del
luogo, di cui fu gran cancelliere e dove insegnò dottrina sociale della Chiesa;
istituì anche la facoltà di Filosofia cristiana.
Successore del cardinal Hlond come Primate di Polonia
Il suo episcopato a Lublino, però, durò solo due anni. Il cardinal Hlond, infatti, poco prima di morire il 22 ottobre 1948 (è Venerabile dal 2018), l’aveva designato come suo successore. Il 12 novembre 1948 Pio XII lo nominò arcivescovo di Gniezno e Varsavia, firmando la bolla della nomina il 16.
Il giorno prima, però, la Conferenza Episcopale Polacca si era riunita e aveva stabilito di domandare al Papa la separazione di Gniezno da Varsavia e la nomina a Primate dell’arcivescovo Walenty Dymek di Poznań, mentre monsignor Wyszyński sarebbe diventato arcivescovo della sola Varsavia. Quest’ultimo, inizialmente, aveva esitato nell’accettare la nomina: pensava, tra le altre cose, che andasse oltre le sue possibilità; alla fine, il 31 dicembre 1948, accettò.
Il 2 febbraio compì la presa di possesso nella cattedrale di Gniezno, mentre quattro giorni dopo si svolse quella a Varsavia, nella cattedrale provinciale (la cattedrale di San Giovanni era ancora semidistrutta a causa della guerra).
Nella Lettera pastorale per l’ingresso, tracciò il suo programma: «Non sono né
un politico né un diplomatico né un riformatore. Sono invece il vostro padre
spirituale, pastore e vescovo delle vostre anime. Sono apostolo di Gesù Cristo.
La mia missione è sacerdotale, pastorale, apostolica, sgorgata dall’eterno
pensiero di Dio, dalla volontà salvifica del Padre, che con gioia condivide la
sua felicità all’uomo. Il mio compito è: battezzare, confermare, consacrare,
santificare, offrire, insegnare e giudicare. Vi porto il “Lumen Christi” – la
luce di Cristo...».
La ricostruzione a Varsavia
Monsignor Wyszyński si adoperò subito, con prudenza e coraggio, per confermare nella fede il popolo che gli era stato affidato. In un tempo in cui i danni della guerra, morali e spirituali, erano stati accresciuti dal nuovo ordinamento socialista, mentre le relazioni internazionali si svolgevano nel clima di “guerra fredda”, la Chiesa era osteggiata e minacciata, mentre il clero era stato praticamente sterminato.
Capì quindi di dover anzitutto formare i sacerdoti nello spirito del vero
magistero della Chiesa e della pietà, certo com’era che solo sacerdoti santi
avrebbero contribuito a far crescere la religiosità del popolo. Fece anche
ricostruire i luoghi di culto, a Varsavia e in altre zone, perché costituivano
l’urgenza maggiore.
I contrasti col governo
Poco dopo l’insediamento, promosse la creazione della commissione mista, composta da rappresentanti del governo e dell’episcopato, per affrontare i problemi causati dal corso seguito dal nuovo regime. Il 14 aprile 1950 si pervenne a un accordo: era la prima volta che accadeva in un Paese a regime socialista.
Recatosi per la prima volta in visita “ad limina” nel 1951, chiarì i punti
controversi dell’accordo, che tuttavia era stato immediatamente violato dalle
autorità, e ottenne poteri speciali per regolare i problemi ecclesiastici, date
le difficoltà, per quei tempi, di entrare in contatto con Roma. Il clima,
infatti, era sempre più teso: il regime interveniva in modo pesante per frenare
la vita della Chiesa, unica istituzione rimasta indipendente dallo Stato.
La nomina cardinalizia e il Movimento Apostolico della Famiglia delle Famiglie
Il 29 novembre 1952 venne resa pubblica la nomina di monsignor Wyszyński a membro, uno dei più giovani, del Collegio Cardinalizio. Fu creato cardinale nel Concistoro del 12 gennaio 1953, col titolo di Santa Maria in Trastevere, lo stesso di un altro polacco, Stanislaw Hosjusz, uno dei protagonisti del Concilio di Trento. Tuttavia, non poté recarsi a Roma: il governo gli aveva infatti negato il passaporto necessario per la partenza.
Nel 1952, insieme a Maria Okońska e Maria Wantowska, due delle “Piccole Otto”,
come chiamava le prime aderenti all’Istituto Secolare delle Ausiliarie di Maria
di Jasna Góra, Madre della Chiesa, diede vita al Movimento Apostolico della
Famiglia delle Famiglie, con quattro capisaldi: Ecclesialità, Maria,
Patriottismo e Familiarità.
L’opposizione definitiva al governo
Il colpo decisivo nella persecuzione avvenne col decreto del Consiglio di Stato, annunciato il 9 febbraio 1953: con esso, l’autorità statale aveva pieno potere di decidere sulle cariche ecclesiastiche, dai vicari ai parroci fino ai vescovi. Se il Primate e gli altri vescovi si fossero dichiarati d’accordo, avrebbero portato a una rottura con la Santa Sede.
I vescovi polacchi, insieme al Primate, tentarono il dialogo e, alla fine, si
opposero con la lettera dell’8 maggio 1953, conosciuto come «Non possumus».
Dichiararono di essere disposti a seguire la voce della loro coscienza, non di
sacrificare «le cose di Dio sugli altari di Cesare».
Un isolamento fecondo
Quattro mesi dopo, il 25 settembre 1953, il cardinal Wyszyński venne privato della libertà. Fu portato via di notte e condotto inizialmente a Rywałd presso Grudziądz, poi a Stoczek Warmiński, a Prudnik Śląski e a Komańcza. Non fu mai sottoposto a un pubblico processo e fu tenuto costantemente sotto sorveglianza.
Sopportò le sue sofferenze con pazienza e in spirito di affidamento a Dio e alla Vergine Maria. L’8 dicembre 1953, mentre si trovava a Stoczek Warmiński, compì la propria consacrazione a Gesù per mezzo di Maria, seguendo l’itinerario indicato da san Luigi Maria Grignion de Montfort nel «Trattato della vera devozione a Maria». Sempre nel periodo d’isolamento, scrisse numerose lettere ai sacerdoti, poi raccolte in tre volumi.
Progettò anche un piano per il rinnovamento spirituale del suo Paese,
nell’imminenza di due anniversari significativi: i mille anni dal Battesimo di
re Miecislao I, che sarebbero caduti nel 1966, e il quarto centenario dei voti
emessi nel 1656 da re Giovanni II Casimiro a Leopoli, durante l’occupazione
svedese. Preparò quindi il testo dei “Voti della Nazione” e il programma
pastorale della celebrazione del “Santo Millennio del Battesimo della Polonia”,
prevedendo la “Grande Novena” per gli anni 1957-1965.
La liberazione
Il 28 ottobre 1956, tre anni dopo la cattura, fu rimesso in libertà dopo essere stato rassicurato che i fedeli, i quali aspettavano il suo ritorno pregando soprattutto nel santuario di Częstochowa, sarebbero stati rispettati nei loro diritti fondamentali.
Riprese subito il suo servizio anche come presidente della Conferenza Episcopale Polacca, impegnandosi anzitutto nella pacificazione del Paese. Come aveva sperato, avviò le celebrazioni della “Grande Novena” il 3 maggio 1957: a ciascuno dei nove anni che avrebbero seguito quello del quarto centenario dei Voti della Nazione doveva corrispondere un motto e un aspetto particolare da approfondire.
Il 26 agosto 1957, a Jasna Góra, presiedette la cerimonia con cui veniva avviata una peregrinazione nazionale di una copia dell'immagine della Madonna lì venerata. Il percorso durò fino al settembre 1966, quando le restrizioni da parte delle autorità civili toccarono il culmine con l’interruzione forzata dove tutto era cominciato.
Il 3 maggio dello stesso anno, sempre nel santuario di Częstochowa, al culmine
delle celebrazioni per il millennio del Battesimo della Polonia, il cardinal
Wyszyński compì, alla presenza di oltre un milione di pellegrini, l’Atto di
Consacrazione del Popolo alla Madre di Dio per la libertà della Chiesa.
La cura per gli emigrati polacchi
Il cardinale prese poi sul serio uno dei compiti che gli spettavano come Primate di Polonia. Dopo la seconda guerra mondiale, infatti, molti polacchi erano emigrati all’estero, particolarmente in Inghilterra, Francia, Germania, Stati Uniti d’America e Canada. Fu aiutato in questo dal Centro Pastorale per l’Emigrazione Polacca a Roma, a partire dal 1964, e dai contatti che aveva con sacerdoti ed esponenti di varie associazioni e gruppi.
Avrebbe dovuto recarsi negli Stati Uniti nel 1967, sempre per le celebrazioni
del millennio, ma gli venne di nuovo rifiutato il passaporto. In compenso, le
dodici università cattoliche statunitensi gli conferirono altrettante lauree
“honoris causa”, a cui si unì l’Università di Lovanio in Belgio.
A Roma per la berretta cardinalizia e per il Concilio Vaticano II
Il 18 maggio 1957, nel suo primo viaggio a Roma dopo la liberazione, poté ricevere da Pio XII la berretta cardinalizia. I successori e futuri Santi, Giovanni XXIII e Paolo VI, gli rinnovarono i poteri speciali per dirimere le questioni ecclesiastiche: in quel modo, poté continuare a sostenere le Chiese dei paesi orientali sotto il dominio comunista.
Nell’imminenza del Concilio Vaticano II, volle preparare i fedeli attraverso una serie di veglie e di opere caritative. Più direttamente, partecipò alla Commissione Centrale Preparatoria e a tutti i lavori conciliari: nella prima sessione, come membro della Commissione per gli affari straordinari; a partire dalla seconda, invece, nel Consiglio di presidenza del Concilio.
Prese la parola dieci volte in tutto, incidendo in particolare nella redazione della Dichiarazione sulla libertà religiosa «Nostra aetate» e sulla Costituzione Dogmatica «Lumen gentium» con il suo intervento del 15 ottobre 1963: parlò di come la Chiesa, anche in condizioni di oppressione e di difficoltà esterne, debba più che mai far risplendere la propria natura interiore.
Insieme agli altri vescovi polacchi, stese un memoriale teologico relativo al
titolo di Maria Madre della Chiesa. La proclamazione avvenne a opera di san
Paolo VI il 21 novembre 1964, durante la terza sessione.
Dopo il Concilio
Il tempo del Concilio vide anche un riavvicinamento tra l’episcopato polacco e quello tedesco, con scambi di lettere in cui invocavano il perdono reciproco. Questi tentativi di rappacificazione furono malvisti dal governo, che promosse una campagna denigratoria contro il Primate e i confratelli, appena lui fu tornato da Roma.
Dal canto suo, restò sempre unito alla Sede di Pietro, partecipando anche ai
primi lavori del Sinodo dei Vescovi: partecipò a tutte le prime assemblee
tranne a quella del 1967 perché, ancora una volta, non gli era stato concesso
il passaporto.
Le nuove battaglie del “Primate del Millennio”
Le tensioni sociali degli anni seguenti furono seguite dal cardinale, ormai noto come il “Primate del Millennio” con particolare interesse. Cercò di esprimersi con prudenza e moderazione, invitando a favorire le riforme sociali, evitando però scontri e spargimento di sangue. Nelle «Prediche di Santa Croce», tenute nel gennaio degli anni 1974, 1975 e 1976 nella chiesa di Santa Croce a Varsavia, si concentrò proprio su quei problemi.
Poiché l’insegnamento del catechismo era stato eliminato dalle scuole pubbliche, fece in modo che nelle parrocchie venissero istituiti degli appositi punti catechetici. Mise in campo tutto il suo equilibrio in altre questioni, come quelle seguite alla liquidazione delle facoltà teologiche presso le Università di Cracovia e Varsavia.
Non dimenticò neppure la realtà della stampa cattolica: libri e periodici dovevano non solo creare cultura, ma essere anche un argine alla propaganda diffusa dai mezzi di comunicazione controllati dallo Stato.
Il 3 agosto 1976, al compimento dei settantacinque anni, secondo le disposizioni del Decreto Conciliare «Christus Dominus», il cardinale presentò le proprie dimissioni. Svariati esponenti del mondo ecclesiale, della società e perfino alcune autorità, invece, domandarono di poterlo avere ancora in carica. Paolo VI, alla fine, decise di lasciarlo al suo posto.
Dal 20 al 25 settembre 1978, il cardinal Wyszyński si recò nella Germania
Federale per una nuova missione pacificatrice: fu il suo unico viaggio, da
Primate, al di fuori dei confini polacchi, esclusi quelli a Roma per motivi
L’elezione di Giovanni Paolo II
Della delegazione dei vescovi polacchi partecipanti a quel viaggio faceva parte anche il cardinale arcivescovo di Cracovia, Karol Wojtyła. Il cardinal Wyszyński partecipò al Conclave (era stato parte anche dei tre precedenti) da cui quest’ultimo venne eletto Papa, col nome di Giovanni Paolo II, anche lui futuro Santo.
Nella Lettera ai connazionali polacchi, datata 23 ottobre 1978, gli si rivolse
con queste parole: «Venerabile e diletto Cardinale Primate, permetti che Ti
dica semplicemente ciò che penso. Non ci sarebbe sulla cattedra di Pietro
questo papa polacco, che oggi pieno di timore di Dio, ma anche di fiducia,
inizia un nuovo pontificato, se non ci fosse la tua fede, che non ha
indietreggiato dinanzi al carcere e alla sofferenza. Se non ci fosse la tua
eroica speranza, la tua fiducia senza limiti nella Madre della Chiesa. Se non
ci fosse Jasna Gora, e tutto il periodo della storia della Chiesa nella nostra
Patria, unito al tuo ministero di vescovo e di Primate».
Il rapporto con Solidarność
Il Primate gli espresse la propria gratitudine organizzando il suo primo viaggio apostolico in patria, dal 2 al 10 giugno 1979. La Chiesa polacca, intanto, continuava a subire persecuzioni e limitazioni, mentre crescevano anche movimenti tra i lavoratori, come il sindacato indipendente Solidarność.
Il 26 agosto 1980, a Jasna Góra, pronunciò un’omelia nella quale sosteneva, di nuovo, sia il riconoscimento del diritto di associazione, sia la necessità di attendere per l’attuazione di richieste pur legittime come quelle emerse, ad esempio, nello sciopero dei cantieri di Danzica.
Inviò personalmente consiglieri e cappellani che raccogliessero la voce dei
lavoratori. Il 7 settembre 1980 ricevette in udienza Lech Wałęsa, il fondatore
di Solidarność: da allora ne divenne, per certi versi, il consigliere
informale, per via della sua capacità di mantenersi al di sopra delle parti.
Il suo carattere e la sua spiritualità
Il cardinale aveva modi signorili e affabili, con i quali cercava di entrare subito in contatto con i suoi interlocutori. Anche quando la sua fermezza e la sua onestà sembravano messe alla prova, non venivano comunque mai meno.
Nelle sue omelie, anche quando erano a sfondo sociale, radicava costantemente la sua esposizione sul Vangelo, così da illuminare le situazioni concrete della vita. Del resto, la fede e la dedizione alla Chiesa erano i motivi fondamentali del suo agire.
La connotazione mariana della sua spiritualità era tale che a volte completava
il motto episcopale aggiungendo, a «Soli Deo», «et Mariae». Il 14 febbraio 1953
aveva espresso la sua fiducia nella Madre di Dio in questi termini: «Ho trovato
mani nelle quali assicurare le sorti della Chiesa e della Nazione. Tutto affido
a Maria!».
La morte
Dall'inizio del 1981, precisamente dalla metà di marzo, la salute del cardinal Wyszyński iniziò a deteriorarsi: ben presto, gli furono trovate cellule cancerose nel liquido addominale. Nonostante questo, continuò a lavorare e a tenere udienze, compresa quella al generale Wojciech Jaruzelski.
Il 13 maggio gli arrivò da Roma la notizia dell’attentato al Papa; tre giorni dopo, ricevette l’Unzione degli Infermi. Rinnovò quindi la sua professione di fede, affidò la Chiesa alla Madonna di Częstochowa e, ringraziando i suoi collaboratori, diede loro la sua benedizione.
Tramite un messaggio registrato per i fedeli di Varsavia, fatto ascoltare in una celebrazione eucaristica svolta in una piazza il 14 maggio, domandò che essi pregassero non per la sua salute, ma per il Papa. Parlò per l’ultima volta con lui, convalescente al Policlinico Gemelli, per telefono, il 25 maggio.
Il cardinale morì tre giorni dopo, alle 4.40 del 28 maggio 1981, quell’anno
festa dell’Ascensione del Signore. Aveva quasi ottant’anni, di cui
cinquantasette di sacerdozio e trentacinque trascorsi da vescovo.
I suoi funerali furono celebrati il 31 maggio in piazza Zwycięstwa a Varsavia,
presieduti dal cardinal Agostino Casaroli come inviato del Santo Padre:
parteciparono centinaia di migliaia di fedeli, insieme a esponenti del mondo
del lavoro e delle istituzioni. Il suo corpo venne sepolto nella cripta della
cattedrale di San Giovanni Battista a Varsavia.
La fama di santità e l’avvio della causa di beatificazione e canonizzazione
La sua fama di santità, sia in vita che dopo la morte, fu di tale portata da condurre all’apertura della sua causa di beatificazione e canonizzazione, per la verifica dell’esercizio in grado eroico delle virtù cristiane.
Il 3 aprile 1988, la Conferenza Episcopale Polacca, su istanza del cardinal Józef Glemp, nuovo Primate, diede parere favorevole per l’inizio della causa. La Congregazione delle Cause dei Santi rilasciò invece il nulla osta il 26 aprile 1989.
L’inchiesta informativa presso la diocesi di Varsavia si svolse dal 20 maggio
1989 al 6 febbraio 2001. In parallelo si svolsero due inchieste rogatorie: a
Gniezno, dal 17 novembre 1989 al 22 settembre 1992, e a Parigi, dal 25
gennaio 1990 al 2 ottobre 1990. La validità giuridica degli atti di tutte le
inchieste fu confermata col decreto della Congregazione delle Cause dei Santi
l’8 febbraio 2002.
Il decreto sulle virtù eroiche
Dopo la consegna dei tre volumi della “Positio super virtutibus”, avvenuta il 24 novembre 2015, si tenne il Congresso dei Consultori teologi, il 25 aprile 2016, con esito positivo. I cardinali e i vescovi membri della Congregazione delle Cause dei Santi, nella Sessione Ordinaria del 12 dicembre 2017, riconobbero che il candidato aveva praticato eroicamente le virtù teologali, cardinali e annesse.
Il 18 dicembre 2017, ricevendo in udienza il cardinal Angelo Amato, Prefetto
della Congregazione delle Cause dei Santi, papa Francesco autorizzò quindi la
promulgazione del decreto con cui il cardinal Wyszyński veniva dichiarato
Il miracolo per la beatificazione
Tra le grazie a lui attribuite venne preso in esame, in vista della beatificazione, il presunto miracolo avvenuto a suor Nulla (al secolo Lucyna) Garlińska, religiosa delle Suore Discepole della Croce. Nel 1986, poco tempo dopo essere diventata una delle prime novizie della congregazione, si accorse di avere un nodulo sul collo: dopo successivi esami, le venne diagnosticato un adenocarcinoma papillare della tiroide con metastasi.
Il febbraio 1988 fu operata per la rimozione delle lesioni neoplastiche e dei linfonodi metastatici, quindi fu sottoposta a radioterapia e iodioterapia. Durante una visita di controllo nel dicembre successivo, le venne riscontrata una metastasi nel campo polmonare sinistro: se fosse stata operata per l’asportazione, sarebbe stata in grave pericolo di vita.
Suor Nulla rifiutò l’intervento, sottoponendosi invece a un nuovo ciclo di iodioterapia, ma non ebbe successo. Nel frattempo si era formato un tumore di cinque centimetri, che provocò un’insufficienza respiratoria acuta di tipo asfittico: per la novizia, ogni respiro poteva essere l’ultimo.
A quel punto, la fondatrice delle Suore Discepole della Croce, suor Krystiana Mickiewicz, prese l’iniziativa d’invocare l’intercessione del cardinal Wyszyński. Aveva infatti fondato la congregazione dopo essere entrata in contatto con l’Istituto Secolare da lui promosso e ne aveva accolto la spiritualità, uscendo dalla congregazione a cui apparteneva e radunando, col permesso dell’autorità ecclesiastica, le prime postulanti, compresa la futura suor Nulla. Si unirono quindi in preghiera le consorelle, la madre della malata e diverse altre persone.
Tra il 14 e il 15 marzo 1989, proprio mentre la paziente rischiava di morire,
il tumore cominciò a ritirarsi. Tre settimane dopo, la novizia lasciò
l’ospedale: completò poi il noviziato ed emise regolarmente i voti, anche se le
era stato concesso, se si fosse aggravata, di professarli “in articulo mortis”.
Il processo sul miracolo
Nel 2011 il cappuccino padre Gabriel Bartoszewski fu chiamato a preparare la stesura delle Costituzioni delle Suore Discepole della Croce. Un anno dopo, terminato il lavoro, mentre salutava le suore, queste gli chiesero a che punto fosse la causa del cardinale, di cui lui era vicepostulatore. Rispose che era in corso, però mancava il miracolo per la beatificazione. A quel punto, dopo oltre vent’anni, emerse il caso di suor Nulla.
Vennero quindi richiesti i documenti necessari dagli ospedali di Stettino e Gliwice, dov’era stata in cura; il vicepostulatore si rivolse poi al vescovo di Stettino, Andrzej Dzięga, per avviare il processo sul presunto miracolo, dopo aver richiesto una perizia a due medici. Il Tribunale ecclesiastico fu istituito il 27 marzo 2012 e concluse i lavori il 28 maggio 2013; gli atti relativi vennero convalidati il 10 ottobre 2014.
Il 29 novembre 2018, la Consulta Medica della Congregazione delle Cause dei Santi fu unanimemente favorevole all’impossibilità di spiegare scientificamente l’accaduto. I Consultori teologi, il 21 marzo 2019, emisero giudizio positivo, riscontrando il collegamento tra l’asserita guarigione e l’invocazione a Dio per mezzo del Primate. Nella Sessione plenaria del 24 settembre 2019, i cardinali e i vescovi membri della stessa Congregazione confermarono l’autenticità della guarigione e dell’intercessione.
Il 2 ottobre 2019, ricevendo in udienza il cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu,
Prefetto della Congregazione delle Cause dei Santi, papa Francesco autorizzò la
promulgazione del decreto sul miracolo, aprendo la via alla beatificazione del
cardinal Wyszyński.
La beatificazione
La sua beatificazione, inizialmente prevista per il 7 giugno 2020, fu rinviata a causa della pandemia da coronavirus. La nuova data venne quindi fissata al 12 settembre 2021. Venne contestualmente stabilito che, nella medesima celebrazione, sarebbe stata beatificata anche madre Elisabetta Czazka, che lui aveva conosciuto e apprezzato per la sua opera a favore dei non vedenti.
La Messa con il Rito della Beatificazione, presso il Tempio della Divina Provvidenza a Varsavia-Wilanów, fu presieduta dal cardinal Marcello Semeraro, Prefetto della Congregazione delle Cause dei Santi, come delegato del Santo Padre. La memoria liturgica del Beato Stefan Wyszyński venne quindi fissata al 28 maggio, giorno della sua nascita al Cielo.
Autore: Emilia Flocchini
SOURCE : http://www.santiebeati.it/dettaglio/93623
św. Jana Chrzciciela w Szczecinie - pomnik prymasa Stefana Wyszyńskiego
La beatificazione del
cardinale Wyszyński, la chiave di volta della Chiesa polacca
Questa domenica a
Varsavia il rito presieduto dal cardinale Marcello Semeraro, Prefetto della
Congregazione delle Cause dei Santi, in rappresentanza del Papa. San Giovanni
Paolo II era stato suo amico, "un pastore buono": così lo aveva
Benedetta Capelli - Città
del Vaticano
La vita del cardinale
Stefan Wyszyński si intreccia con la storia travagliata e difficile della
Polonia degli anni del comunismo e della fioritura del sindacato dei
lavoratori "Solidarność". La sua beatificazione, inizialmente
prevista il 7 giugno 2020, è slittata a causa della pandemia a domani. Il
processo per la sua causa ha avuto una svolta nel 2018 quando il consiglio
medico della Congregazione delle Cause dei Santi ha riconosciuto
la guarigione miracolosa di una giovane suora di 19 anni malata di cancro
alla tiroide.
Un grande personaggio
della Chiesa del XX secolo
Nato nel 1901, già da
giovane sacerdote si fece conoscere come attivista sociale, esperto di
scienze sociali cattoliche, il creatore, tra gli altri, dell'Università
cristiana dei lavoratori con sede in Włocławek e l'editore di "Ateneum
Kapłańskie" (L’Ateneo sacerdotale) una rivista di altissimo livello.
Grazie a questi successi, Pio XII lo nominò nel 1946 vescovo di Lublino. Due
anni dopo venne nominato primate di Polonia, metropolita di Gniezno e
Varsavia. Per 33 anni guidò di fatto la Chiesa in Polonia, ricoprendo la carica
di presidente della Conferenza episcopale, era legato pontificio (in assenza
del nunzio) e aveva poteri speciali che aveva ricevuto dalla Santa Sede dopo
che il suo predecessore, il cardinale August Hlond, era morto nel 1948. Questi
poteri speciali gli permettevano di avere giurisdizione nelle ex terre tedesche
assegnate alla Polonia e di prendersi cura dei cattolici nel territorio
dell'Unione Sovietica. Nel gennaio 1953 divenne cardinale.
La sua vita è
innegabilmente segnata dalla detenzione, dal 1953 fino al 1956. A spalancare le
porte del carcere il suo: "Non possumus!" pronunciato dinanzi al
tentativo dei comunisti di prendere il controllo delle nomine nella
Chiesa. Senza atto d’accusa, processo o sentenza, fu internato. Tre anni
nei quali il cardinale Wyszyński mise a punto un programma di rinnovamento
morale della nazione polacca che passava dal risveglio morale e
spirituale. I pilastri di questo programma furono l'affidamento della società
alla Madre di Dio (I Voti della Nazione a Jasna Góra nel 1956), e poi il
programma della Grande Novena che comprendeva 9 anni di lavoro pastorale e di
preghiera prima del millesimo anniversario del Battesimo della Polonia nel 1966.
La novena fu accompagnata dal pellegrinaggio di una copia dell'immagine della
Madonna Nera di Częstochowa attraverso tutte le diocesi polacche.
Il totale affidamento a
Uno dei tratti più
caratteristici della spiritualità del cardinale Wyszyński era la sua devozione
mariana, che aveva un carattere decisamente cristologico. Ciò si esprimeva, tra
l'altro, nello slogan che egli aveva l’abitudine di ripetere: "Soli
Deo per Mariam". In lui spiccava anche la disponibilità a perdonare i suoi
persecutori. Quando Bolesław Bierut, presidente comunista e persecutore
della Chiesa, morì, Wyszyński celebrò immediatamente una Santa Messa per la sua
anima nella propria cappella privata. Nel suo testamento scrisse l
“Considero una grazia il
fatto di aver potuto testimoniare la verità come prigioniero politico
attraverso tre anni di reclusione e di essermi potuto proteggere dall'odio nei
confronti dei miei connazionali che governano il Paese. Essendo consapevole dei
torti che mi hanno fatto, li perdono di cuore per ogni calunnia con cui mi
hanno onorato”
L'amicizia con Karol
Wyszyński è per Karol
Wojtyla un fratello maggiore nella fede, un esempio di coraggio e
saldezza interiore che influì moltissimo sulla formazione del futuro Giovanni
Paolo II. “È Lui la chiave di volta della Chiesa di Varsavia e la chiave di
volta di tutta la Chiesa di Polonia”, scrisse in un messaggio in occasione
della sua scomparsa che avvenne il 28 maggio 1981. Il Papa era in ospedale
dopo l'attentato in Piazza San Pietro, mandò ai funerali il segretario di
Stato, cardinale Agostino Casaroli. Due figure - Wojtyla e Wyszyński -
che hanno fatto grande la chiesa polacca e che oggi da santi continueranno a
11 settembre 2021, 09:00
Saligkåringsprosessen for
kardinal Wyszynski avsluttet på bispedømmenivå
Warszawa - KI
(KAP) - Saligkåringsprosessen for den polske kardinal og primas Stefan
Wyszynski, som døde i 1981, er avsluttet på bispedømmenivå i Warszawa etter å
ha pågått i tolv år. Hans etterfølger Jozef Glemp underskrev
tirsdag avslutningsdekretet i katedralen i Warszawa. Ved den høytidelige
seremonien var blant andre også kulturminister Kazimierz Ujazdowski til stede.
Allerede i oktober i fjor utropte det polske parlamentet 2001 til
«Takket være Wyszynski
kunne Kirken i Polen ikke bare overleve den vanskeligste tid i sin historie,
men gikk til og med styrket ut av denne prøvelsen», sa erkebiskop Henryk
Muszynski av Gniezno under messen i anledning begivenheten. Muszynski minnet om
at kardinal Wyszynski for nøyaktig 53 år siden - den 6. februar
1948 - gjorde sitt høytidelige inntog i katedralen i Warszawa som
nyutnevnt erkebiskop. Grunnlaget for Wyszynskis sjelesørgeriske program var
Maria-fromheten, understreket erkebiskop Muszynski. Fra denne fromheten vokste
også initiativ frem som «Den polske nasjons store løfte på Jasna Gora» og
novenen (niårig forberedelse) før feiringen av tusenårsjubileet for Polens
Stefan Wyszynski ble født
i 1901 og ble presteviet i 1924. Han var professor i kirkerett og sosiologi ved
presteseminaret i Wloclawek før han i 1943 ble biskop av Lublin. I november
1948 utnevnte pave Pius XII (1939-58) ham til erkebiskop av Warszawa og Gniezno
og dermed primas for Polen. Deretter sto han i 33 år i spissen for Den katolske
kirke i Polen. Selv om han i 1953 ble kreert til kardinal, kunne han først ikke
reise ut fra Polen.
I undertrykkelsens
vanskelige tid opprettholdt kardinal Wyszynski det polske folkets kristne
identitet. Da den kommunistiske kirkeforfølgelsen var på sitt høyeste, ble han
fengslet i 1953. I fengsel utarbeidet han fornyelsesprogrammet for det
religiøse liv i Polen. Senere vakte erklæringen «Fra de polske biskopene til
sine tyske brødre i bispeembetet», som var skrevet under hans ledelse, oppsikt
i hele Europa, men også delvis skarp kritikk på hjemmebane. Spesielt ble det
rettet kritikk mot ordene: «Vi tilgir og ber om tilgivelse».
Wyszynski deltok på alle
sesjonene under Det annet Vatikankonsil. I årene 1980/81 var han megler mellom
bevegelsen Solidaritet og den kommunistiske regjeringen. Kroningen av hans
livsverk skjedde den 16. oktober 1978 med valget av den polske paven, som han
allerede i juni året etter kunne hilse velkommen på polsk jord.
Kathpress 7. februar 2001
KI - Katolsk Informasjonstjeneste, Oslo (o: pe)
7. februar 2001
SOURCE : http://www.katolsk.no/nyheter/2001/02/13-0005
kard. S. Wyszyńskiego w Niepokalanowie
Stefan Wyszynski, Le Cardinal de fer - Ouvrage collectif, Éditions Cana, 2003 (ISBN 2-86335-081)
4ème de couverture : Le cardinal Stefan Wyszynski (1901-1981), archevêque de Gniezno et Varsovie, primat de Pologne, restera dans l'Histoire comme l'une des personnalités les plus marquantes de la Pologne et de l'Europe centrale dans l'après-Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Défenseur de la liberté de l'Église et de la Pologne face au système communiste totalitaire, ainsi que de la liberté de pensée et d'expression, il fut un homme dont la foi et la force spirituelle suscitaient le respect et l'admiration.
Il dut payer un prix lourd pour son engagement, emprisonné pendant trois ans,
victime d'incessantes tracasseries et de pressions de la part du pouvoir.
Destin hors du commun pour celui qui a vécu tant de moments difficiles et a pu
être surnommé « le cardinal de fer ».
Dès son élection, Jean Paul II lui rendait hommage : « II n'y aurait pas eu de pape polonais sans Ta foi, Ton espoir héroïque, sans Ton dévouement absolu à Marie. »
Ont participé à ce livre
Adam BONIECKI, rédacteur
en chef de Tygodnik Powszechny.
Bohdan CYWINSKI, professeur à l'Université de Vitebsk.
Jan GROOTAERS, historien du concile Vatican II.
Rémi KUROWSKI, professeur à l'Institut catholique de Paris.
Jean-Marie MAYEUR, professeur à l'Université Paris IV-Sorbonne.
Patrick MICHEL, directeur de recherches au CNRS (CERI-FNSP).
Jean OFFREDO, journaliste et directeur des éditions Cana.
René RÉMOND, président de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques.
Stefan WILKANOWICZ, rédacteur aux éditions Znak.
Préface du cardinal Jean-Marie LUSTIGER.
Préface par le cardinal
Le cardinal Wyszynski a
été primat de Pologne pendant trente ans. Il a connu l'une des périodes les
plus tragiques peut-être de l'histoire de la Pologne. Et ce combat, combat
spirituel, il n'en a pas vu la fin ! C'est le cardinal Karol Wojtyla, devenu
Jean Paul II, qui a achevé cette course, ce combat. À la stupéfaction de
l'Occident, au cours des événements de Gdansk dont nous nous souvenons encore,
il a permis qu'un peuple, le peuple polonais, retrouve sa liberté par les
moyens pacifiques, par une épreuve de force spirituelle face à la force
physique, militaire.
SOURCE : http://www.remykurowski.com/index.php/stefan-wyszynski
Christine Mengès le Pape (Professeur à l’Université Toulouse Capitole - Centre Toulousain d’Histoire du Droit et des Idées Politiques). « État et Église en Pologne : les lettres de Stefan Wyszyński, vers le printemps 68 » : https://books.openedition.org/putc/5801?lang=fr