samedi 22 août 2020


Fra Angelico, Couronnement de la Très Sainte Vierge Marie, 1434-1435

Mémoire de la Vierge Marie Reine

(Ier siècle)
Les litanies le chantaient depuis des siècles: "Reine des anges... reine des patriarches ... reine des apôtres ..." Le Pape Pie XII ne fait que reprendre cette longue tradition en instaurant la fête de "Marie, reine", en 1954.

Fêtes mariales

Mémoire de la Vierge Marie Reine, qui mit au monde le Fils de Dieu, prince de la paix, dont le règne n'aura pas de fin. Le peuple chrétien, aime la saluer Reine du ciel et Mère de miséricorde.
Martyrologe romain

Giacomo di Mino, Couronnement de la Très Sainte Vierge Marie, 1340–1350.

22 août : Mémoire de la Vierge Marie Reine

Les litanies le chantaient depuis des siècles: "Reine des anges... reine des patriarches ... reine des apôtres ..." Le Pape Pie XII ne fait que reprendre cette longue tradition en instaurant la fête de "Marie, reine", en 1954.

Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640). Couronnement de Marie, 1609-1611, 
106 X 78, Hermitage Museum

Prière à Marie, Reine des cœurs
O Marie, Reine des Cœurs, avocate des causes désespérées, Mère si pure, si compatissante, Mère du divin amour et pleine de lumière divine, je mets entre vos mains si tendres, les faveurs que nous attendons de vous aujourd'hui.
Regardez nos misères, nos cœurs, nos larmes, nos peines intérieures, nos souffrances.
Vous pouvez nous exaucer par les mérites de votre divin Fils, Jésus-Christ.
Exaucez-nous près de votre autel, où tous les jours vous donnez tant de preuves de votre puissance et amour pour la guérison de l'âme et du corps.
Nous espérons contre toute espérance. Demandez à Jésus notre guérison, notre pardon et notre persévérance finale.
O Marie, Reine des Cœurs, guérissez-nous, nous avons confiance en vous. Amen.

Martino di Bartolomeo, Couronnement de la Très Sainte Vierge Marie, 1400


22 août, quelle joie notre Mère est Reine !

Consacrons-nous à notre Reine afin quelle nous conduise au Christ Roi ! (voir à la fin)

Quel bonheur de mettre, comme Marie, toute notre espérance en Dieu !

Belle journée avec la Vierge Marie Reine, qu’elle règne toujours davantage en nous et sur le monde !

La fête de “Marie Reine”, dans le sillage de l’Assomption

+ Catéchèse de Benoit XVI

La fête de “Marie Reine” a été instituée dans le sillage de l’Assomption, rappelle le pape Benoît XVI dans sa catéchèse du mercredi : deux fêtes, un seul mystère. La fête de Marie Reine est en effet célébrée le 22 août par l’Eglise catholique latine, huit jours après la fête de l’Assomption. Elle est inscrite au calendrier liturgique comme “mémoire obligatoire”. C’est en la fête de la Maternité divine de la Vierge Marie, le 11 octobre 1954, que le pape Pie XII proclamait à Rome, par la Lettre encyclique « Ad Cæli Reginam », l’institution de la fête concernant sa royauté bienheureuse : les litanies chantaient depuis des siècles les louanges de Marie, « reine des anges, … reine des patriarches, … reine des apôtres … ».

ROME, le Mercredi 20 août 2008 – Extrait du site

Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640). Couronnement de Marie


Seigneur, prends pitié.

Ô Christ, prends pitié.

Seigneur, prends pitié.

Christ, écoute-nous.

Christ, exauce-nous.

Père du ciel, Seigneur Dieu, prends pitié de nous

Fils, Rédempteur du monde, Seigneur Dieu, prends pitié de nous

Esprit Saint, Seigneur Dieu, prends pitié de nous

Sainte Trinité, un seul Dieu, prends pitié de nous

Sainte Marie, prie pour nous

Sainte Mère de Dieu, prie pour nous

Sainte Vierge des vierges, prie pour nous

Mère du Christ, prie pour nous

Mère de l’Église, prie pour nous

Mère de la divine grâce, (répondre toujours “prie pour nous”)

Mère très pure,

Mère très chaste,

Mère toujours vierge,

Mère sans tache,

Mère aimable,

Mère admirable,

Mère du bon conseil,

Mère du Créateur,

Mère du Sauveur,

Vierge très prudente,

Vierge vénérable,

Vierge digne de louanges,

Sainte Marie, prie pour nous

Sainte Mère de Dieu,..

Sainte Vierge des vierges,

Mère du Christ,

Mère de l’Église,

Mère de la divine grâce,

Mère très pure,

Mère très chaste,

Mère toujours vierge,

Mère sans tache,

Mère aimable,

Mère admirable,

Mère du bon conseil,

Mère du Créateur,

Mère du Sauveur,

Vierge très prudente,

Vierge vénérable,

Vierge digne de louanges,

Vierge puissante,

Vierge clémente,

Vierge fidèle,

Miroir de justice,

Siège de la sagesse,

Cause de notre joie,

Vase spirituel,

Vase honorable,

Vase insigne de la dévotion,

Rose mystique,

Tour de David,

Tour d’ivoire,

Maison d’or,

Arche d’alliance,

Porte du ciel,

Étoile du matin,

Salut des infirmes,

Refuge des pécheurs,

Consolatrice des affligés,

Secours des chrétiens,

Reine des Anges,

Reine des Patriarches,

Reine des Prophètes,

Reine des Apôtres,

Reine des Martyrs,

Reine des Confesseurs,

Reine des Vierges,

Reine de tous les Saints,

Reine conçue sans le péché originel,

Reine élevée au ciel,

Reine du très saint Rosaire,

Reine des familles,

Reine de la paix,

Agneau de Dieu qui enlèves les péchés du monde, pardonne-nous, Seigneur

Agneau de Dieu qui enlèves les péchés du monde, exauce-nous, Seigneur

Agneau de Dieu qui enlèves les péchés du monde, prends pitié de nous, Seigneur

Priez pour nous, sainte Mère de Dieu,

afin que nous devenions dignes des promesses du Seigneur

– Prions

Accorde-nous, nous t’en prions, Seigneur notre Dieu, à nous tes serviteurs, la grâce de jouir constamment de la santé de l’âme et du corps, et, par la glorieuse intercession de la bienheureuse Marie, toujours Vierge et Reine, d’être délivrés de la tristesse de la vie présente et de goûter l’éternelle joie. Par Jésus-Christ Notre-Seigneur. Amen.


Thierry Fourchaud
Info tel:
Sites : et

La Bonne Nouvelle – 8 rue Roger Lévy – 47180 Sainte Bazeille (France)
Transmettez ce message autour de vous, plus on donne la Bénédiction et plus elle grandie !

Raphael, Couronnement de la Très Sainte Vierge Marie, 1502-1504,

Bienheureuse Vierge Marie, reine par le service et l’amour

Catéchèse de Benoît XVI : audience du mercredi 22 août 2012

Chers frères et sœurs,

Nous célébrons aujourd’hui la mémoire liturgique de la Bienheureuse Vierge Marie invoquée sous le titre de « Reine ». L’institution de cette fête est récente, bien qu’elle soit ancienne par son origine et la dévotion qu’elle inspire : elle fut établie, en effet, par le vénérable Pie XII, en 1954, à la fin de l’Année mariale, qui en a fixé la date au 31 mai (cf. Lettre encyclique Ad caeli Reginam, du 11 octobre 1954 : AAS 46 [1954], 625-640).

En cette circonstance, le pape déclara que Marie est reine plus que toute autre créature, en raison de l’élévation de son âme et de l’excellence des dons qu’elle a reçus. Elle ne cesse pas de prodiguer tous les trésors de son amour et de ses prévenances à l’humanité (cf. Discours en l’honneur de Marie Reine, 1er novembre 1954). Maintenant, suite à la réforme post-conciliaire du calendrier liturgique, la fête est située huit jours après la solennité de l’Assomption, pour souligner le lien étroit qui existe entre la royauté de Marie et sa glorification dans son âme et dans son corps, aux côtés de son Fils. Dans la Constitution sur l’Eglise du Concile Vatican II, nous lisons ceci : «Marie fut élevée corps et âme à la gloire du ciel, et exaltée par le Seigneur comme la Reine de l’univers, pour être ainsi plus entièrement conforme à son Fils» (Lumen Gentium, 59).

C’est l’origine de la fête de ce jour : Marie est Reine parce qu’elle est associée de manière unique à son Fils, sur son chemin terrestre comme dans la gloire du ciel. Le grand saint de Syrie, Ephrem le Syriaque, affirme au sujet de la royauté de Marie qu’elle dérive de sa maternité : elle est la Mère du Seigneur, du Roi des rois (cf. Is 9, 1-6) et elle nous indique Jésus qui est la vie, le salut et notre espérance. Le serviteur de Dieu Paul VI rappelait dans son Exhortation apostolique Marialis Cultus : « Dans la Vierge, tout se rapporte au Christ et tout dépend de lui : c’est pour lui que Dieu le Père, de toute éternité, l’a choisie comme Mère toute sainte et l’a parée de dons de l’Esprit à nul autre consentis » (n. 25).

Mais maintenant, nous pouvons nous demander : que veut dire l’expression Marie Reine ?

Est-ce seulement un titre, lié à d’autres, et la couronne un ornement comme un autre ? Qu’est-ce que cela signifie ? Qu’est-ce que cette royauté ? Comme nous l’avons déjà indiqué, c’est une conséquence de son union à son Fils, de son existence au ciel, c’est-à-dire en communion avec Dieu ; elle participe à la responsabilité de Dieu pour le monde, à l’amour de Dieu pour le monde. On se fait une idée ordinaire, commune, du roi ou de la reine : ce serait une personne de pouvoir, de richesse. Mais ce n’est pas le style de royauté de Jésus et de Marie. Pensons au Seigneur : la royauté et la manière d’être roi de Jésus est tissée d’humilité, de service, d’amour : c’est surtout servir, aider, aimer. Rappelons-nous que Jésus a été proclamé roi sur la croix par cette inscription écrite par Pilate : « Roi des Juifs » (cf. Mc 15, 26). A ce moment-là, sur la croix, il montre qu’il est roi ; et comment est-il roi ? En souffrant avec nous, pour nous, en nous aimant jusqu’au bout, et c’est ainsi qu’il gouverne et qu’il crée la vérité, l’amour, la justice. Ou bien pensons encore à un autre moment : lors de la dernière Cène, il se penche pour laver les pieds de ses amis. La royauté de Jésus n’a donc rien à voir avec celle des puissants de la terre. C’est un roi qui sert ses serviteurs ; c’est ce qu’il a démontré par toute sa vie. Et la même chose vaut aussi pour Marie : elle est reine dans son service rendu à Dieu pour l’humanité, elle est reine de l’amour dont elle vit le don de soi à Dieu pour entrer dans le dessein de salut de l’homme. A l’ange, elle répond : Me voici, je suis la servante du Seigneur (cf Lc 1, 38) et dans le Magnificat, elle chante : Dieu a regardé l’humilité de sa servante (cf Lc 1, 48). Elle nous aide. C’est justement en nous aimant qu’elle est reine, en nous aidant dans toutes nos nécessités ; elle est notre sœur, humble servante.

Et nous voici arrivés au point central : comme Marie exerce-t-elle cette royauté de service et d’amour ? En veillant sur nous, ses enfants : des enfants qui s’adressent à elle dans la prière, pour la remercier ou pour lui demander sa protection maternelle et son aide céleste, après s’être peut-être trompés de route, oppressés par la douleur ou par l’angoisse due aux tristes vicissitudes qui perturbent la vie. Dans la sérénité ou dans l’obscurité de nos existences, nous nous adressons à Marie, confiants dans son intercession continuelle pour qu’elle puisse nous obtenir de son Fils toutes les grâces et la miséricorde nécessaires à notre pèlerinage sur les routes du monde. A celui qui gouverne le monde et qui tient entre ses mains le destin de l’univers, nous nous adressons, confiants, par l’intermédiaire de la Vierge Marie. Depuis des siècles, elle est invoquée comme Reine des cieux ; huit fois, après la prière du rosaire, elle est implorée dans les litanies de la Sainte Vierge comme Reine des anges, des patriarches, des prophètes, des apôtres, des martyrs, des confesseurs, des vierges, de tous les saints et des familles. Le rythme de ces invocations anciennes et des prières quotidiennes comme le Salve Regina, nous aide à comprendre que la Sainte Vierge, notre Mère qui est à côté de son Fils Jésus dans la gloire du ciel, est toujours avec nous, dans le déroulement quotidien de notre vie.

Le titre de reine est donc un titre de confiance, de joie, d’amour. Et nous savons que celle qui a entre ses mains le sort du monde est bonne, qu’elle nous aime et nous aide dans nos difficultés.

Chers amis, la dévotion à la Vierge Marie est un élément important de la vie spirituelle. Dans notre prière, n’oublions pas de nous adresser à elle avec confiance. Marie ne manquera pas d’intercéder pour nous auprès de son Fils. En la regardant, imitons sa foi, sa disponibilité totale au projet d’amour de Dieu, son accueil généreux de Jésus. Apprenons de Marie à vivre. Marie est la Reine du ciel, proche de Dieu, mais elle est aussi notre mère, proche de chacun de nous, qui nous aime et écoute notre voix. Merci pour votre attention.

Salutations en français

Chers pèlerins de langue française, en ce jour où la liturgie fait mémoire de la Vierge Marie, invoquée sous son titre de Reine, je vous invite à faire de la dévotion envers elle un élément important de votre vie spirituelle. Adressez-vous à elle avec confiance !

Imitez sa foi et sa générosité pour accueillir Jésus dans votre vie ! Elle est la Reine du ciel, proche de Dieu, mais elle est aussi la mère qui est proche de chacun et de chacune de nous, qui nous aime et qui nous écoute.

La Bonne Nouvelle – 8 rue Roger Lévy
47180 Sainte Bazeille (France)

Nos sites :

Mary as the Queen of Heaven in Dante's Divine Comedy, illustration by Gustave Doré


par Frère Bernard-Marie, o.f.s.

Extrait du Bulletin de L'Œuvre des Campagnes n°205 – Janv.-Fév.-Mars 2003.
(Extrait avec autorisation de la revue Carmel n° 99, 1001/1, 3, avenue Jean-Rieux - 31500 Toulouse.)

Marie, Reine des Anges ? Qui d'entre nous, récitant les célèbres litanies de la Vierge rédigées dès la fin du XII° siècle, ne s'est jamais interrogé sur le sens profond de cette invocation venant tout de suite après celle de Marie, Reine élevée au ciel ? Si l'on saisit assez bien ce que peut recouvrir l'assomption de la Vierge, en est-il de même du titre qui célèbre sa royauté sur les Anges ? Là, rien n'est moins sûr, et le simple fait de s'y arrêter un moment pourra passer aux yeux de certains pour un retour vers une théologie et une dévotion révolues, voire inopportunes dans le contexte oecuménique actuel.

Méditer sur la royauté de Marie, on peut encore l'admettre, mais sur les Anges, est-ce bien raisonnable ? Pourquoi s'interroger sur les esprits célestes, puisqu'ils nous dépassent à tel point qu'on ne peut ni les voir, ni les toucher, ni même vraiment les comprendre ? Sans ambages, les théologiens répondent qu'une telle réflexion s'impose, puisque l'Ecriture en parle souvent et la tradition ecclésiale également. Les Anges font partie de la Révélation biblique et, à leur place, ils sont eux aussi une révélation qui nous est faite en vue de notre bien naturel et surnaturel, les deux marchant ensemble en vie chrétienne. Ils sont l'objet d'un acte de foi, mais peuvent aussi se faire connaître et reconnaître de diverses manières, selon les vocations de chacun. Pour ce qui est de nous dans ces pages, nous traiterons surtout ici des relations qu'entretiennent entre eux la Reine du ciel et le monde angélique. Nous n'en oublierons pas pour autant le monde des hommes pécheurs qui se trouve immédiatement concerné par ces relations célestes dont on parle si peu et qui font pourtant partie intégrante du mystère de notre salut.

Le fondement biblique

L'Ancien et le Nouveau Testament mentionnent les Anges, bons ou mauvais, des centaines de fois, directement ou de façon détournée, par exemple par des symboles comme les étoiles (Is 14, 12 ; Dn 12, 3 ; Ap 1, 16 ; 12, 4) ou l'éclair (Mt 28, 3 ; Lc 18, 10). Dans la tradition ecclésiale iconographique, ces symboles ont souvent été associés à la Vierge Marie pour suggérer précisément sa royauté sur le monde angélique. C'est même l'un des sens possibles de l'auréole d'étoiles couronnant la Femme de l'Apocalypse (Ap 12, 1). Cette lecture n'exclut pas l'interprétation traditionnelle qui y voit l'évocation symbolique des douze tribus d'Israël et des douze apôtres, mais en quelque sorte elle la prolonge de manière céleste et glorieuse (les tribus et les apôtres possédant chacun leur Ange, et le chiffre douze signifiant une plénitude).

Dans la vision johannique d'Apocalypse 12, la mère de l'Enfant sauveur se dresse debout sur la lune, symbole possible du temps terrestre et d'une création pure de tout péché (Ct 6, 10). Elle est surmontée de douze étoiles, qui peuvent aussi signifier douze légions d'anges, ou mieux encore tout le monde angélique, uni mais diversifié, soumis à Dieu. Rappelons qu'ici notamment, l'interprétation mariale ne s'oppose nullement à l'interprétation ecclésiale (la Femme-Eglise), mais y renvoie logiquement, chacune renforçant le sens théologique de l'autre.

Si les Anges couronnent Marie, c'est qu'elle est reine, reine de tout l'univers créé, donc aussi reine de ces Anges qui la glorifient à leur manière, comme un diadème. Le fondement historique et théologique de cette royauté mariale est connu : Marie est la mère du Fils du Très Haut (Le 1, 32), la mère du Seigneur lui-même (Le 1, 43), et elle est associée par Lui gracieusement à sa mission royale qui s'étend à tout l'univers visible et invisible (Jn 2,11 ; 19, 27). Ici, il est important de voir que la Mère du Seigneur n'est pas seulement reine d'une manière en quelque sorte honorifique, mais que son titre correspond aussi à son action concrète, à sa libre et souvent douloureuse participation à l'oeuvre de la Rédemption opérée par son Fils. En plus de sa maternité divine, sa parfaite collaboration lui a mérité une communion toute particulière à l'exercice de la royauté universelle de son Fils glorifié, notamment sur ces zélés serviteurs de toutes les volontés divines que sont les Anges.

L'iconographie, surtout dans l'Eglise d'Orient, s'est souvent plu à illustrer ces données mariales et angéliques tirées de l'Ecriture. Tout le monde connaît, par exemple, l'icône de Notre Dame du Perpétuel Secours où l'on voit une Vierge à l'Enfant, dont la tête est entourée de deux Anges portant les instruments de la Passion. La représentation de la visite de l'ange Gabriel à Marie est également parmi la plus fréquente dans toutes les traditions ecclésiales (sauf celle de la Réforme, mais cela commence à changer). Du côté occidental, on pourrait citer l'image de la Vierge de la Rue du Bac, qui conjugue en elle deux figures bibliques : celle de la Femme de la Genèse qui écrase la tête du serpent démoniaque (Gn 3, 15 selon la Vulgate), et celle de la Femme de l'Apocalypse qui est enveloppée de rayons de soleil et couronnée d'étoiles (Ap 12, 1).

Pour ce qui est des représentations bibliques au symbolisme moins explicite, mentionnons pour mémoire que Marie a souvent été figurée sous la forme de l'Arche d'alliance surmontée de deux chérubins d'or la couvrant de leurs ailes étendues (Ex 25, 20). Les Pères de l'Eglise l'ont également plusieurs fois comparée à l'échelle de Jacob (Gn 28, 12) mettant en communication le ciel et la terre. C'est en effet par Marie que Dieu est descendu jusqu'aux hommes pour devenir l'un d'entre eux et que, selon sa propre volonté divine, c'est avec le concours de la Mère de l'Eglise que les hommes sont enfantés à la vie surnaturelle et remontent au Père dans l'Esprit du Fils. Cette même image est également reprise dans l'évangile de Jean (Jn 1, 51), qui décrit une échelle céleste couverte d'anges s'affairant aux affaires du Père et du Fils, les uns et les autres étant poussés par le perpétuel mouvement d'amour de l'Esprit. La vie chrétienne angélique pourrait sans doute se résumer à cela : vivre humblement comme Marie, dans le Christ, avec l'Esprit, en perpétuel mouvement de charité, de service et de louange.

C'est surtout dans l'évangile de Luc que l'on peut trouver de discrètes indications sur l'union particulière de la Vierge Marie avec le monde angélique.

L'évangéliste nous montre d'abord le prêtre Zacharie dans le sanctuaire du Temple recevant l'apparition solennelle de l'ange Gabriel vers le côté droit de l'autel, au milieu des volutes d'encens (Lc 1, 11). Le caractère grandiose de cette manifestation ne suffisant pas à convaincre le prêtre célébrant, l'archange doit accréditer sa parole en opérant un prodige (Lc 1, 20). Dans l'annonce faite à Marie, c'est tout différent : Gabriel ne lui apparaît pas, mais entre respectueusement chez elle par la porte (Lc 1, 28). Ainsi, il ne la brusque pas. Il ne la surprend pas par ce qu'il est ou fait, mais uniquement par le message qu'il lui apporte de la part de Dieu. Or, la toute première partie de ce message la concerne directement, puisqu'il s'agit de la révélation de son nom nouveau : « la Graciée » (Kekharitômenê en grec ; Hasidtâ en araméen). C'est cela et surtout cela qui étonne d'abord l'humble Vierge et la bouleverse. Elle croit immédiatement ce que lui révèle l'envoyé de Dieu sur elle-même, mais, sachant comme tout enfant d'Israël qu'un nom décerné par Dieu dévoile l'être intime et la vocation propre, elle se demande ce qu'un tel nom peut bien signifier pour elle dans sa condition de jeune Israélite, déjà fiancée, et dont l'avenir semble déjà tout tracé. Bien que bouleversée, elle reste cependant dans la paix, car l'ange lui confirme aussi ce qu'elle a vécu jusqu'à ce jour et qu'elle ressent encore bien davantage à présent « Le Seigneur est avec toi ! » (Lc 1, 28).

Au cours de cette même visite angélique, une prophétie est donnée qui permet de comprendre de quelle manière Marie entretient une douce familiarité et particulière union avec le monde angélique. Gabriel lui dit en effet : « L'Esprit Saint viendra sur toi et la puissance du Très-Haut te couvrira de son ombre » (Lc 1, 35). Après son libre Fiat, Marie se trouve comme épousée par l'Esprit Saint. Cette proximité absolument unique d'une créature avec son Créateur la place par le fait même au-dessus de tous les Anges, qui sont eux aussi, mais à un degré et une qualité moindres, des épousés de l'Esprit.

Les Pères de l'Eglise soutiennent que les esprits angéliques ont été créés « à l'image de l'Esprit Saint » et qu'il est donc normal qu'ils portent en quelque sorte son nom. Le Père Garrigues a justement fait remarquer que les Anges partageaient une même caractéristique avec la troisième personne de la Trinité : l'effacement extrême au service de l'oeuvre de Dieu. Les esprits angéliques sont tellement tournés vers le Père et ses volontés qu'à la limite, ils ne souhaitent pas être perçus ni reconnus comme tels par les créatures. Ils sont littéralement transparents à l'Esprit, rayonnants d'Esprit et participants de son infinie sainteté qui dépasse toute mesure créée. Dès que leur mission les oblige malgré tout à se manifester individuellement à une créature, ils mettent aussitôt en application la belle devise de Jean-Baptiste : « II faut que Lui [le Christ] grandisse et que moi je diminue ! » (Jn 3, 30). Or, le plus bel exemple de cette attitude de service du Christ dans l'effacement et l'adoration se trouve chez la Vierge Marie elle-même qui est, pour cette raison aussi, la digne Reine des Anges : « Faites tout ce que Lui [le Christ] vous dira ! » déclare-t-elle aux serviteurs des noces de Cana (Jn 2, 5). Plus tard, la Liturgie romaine se plaira à mettre sur ses lèvres les paroles suivantes de la Sagesse divine : « Je porte au loin Sa lumière et répands l'instruction comme une prophétie ; je la transmets aux générations futures : voyez, ce n'est pas pour moi que je travaille ! » (Si 24, 32). Plus près de nous et dans ce même esprit, la Vierge déclara un jour à sainte Brigitte de Suède (XIV, s.) : « Ma fille, si tu veux m'être agréable, aime de tout ton coeur mon Fils Jésus ! » Ainsi, comme ses invisibles amis angéliques, Marie, leur Reine, s'efface devant le Roi des rois et le Seigneur des seigneurs.

Saint Thomas d'Aquin, dans son Commentaire de l'Ave Maria, note qu'avant l'Annonciation, on n'avait jamais entendu dire qu'un Ange se fût jamais incliné devant une créature humaine. Si l'archange Gabriel le fit devant Marie en la saluant, c'est que cette créature-là lui était supérieure par sa plénitude de grâce, sa familiarité avec Dieu et sa dignité de future Mère de Dieu (op. cit., § 4). Là encore est donc souligné de quelle manière Marie mérita de régner sur les Anges aux côtés du Christ-Roi.

L'épreuve des Anges et Marie

Quand loin de l'exclure on situe bien le monde angélique dans la Révélation biblique, le mystère du mal s'éclaire. Il convient donc de rappeler brièvement que si la Reine des Anges elle-même fut soumise à un choix spirituel radical (Fiat ou Non serviam), les esprits angéliques connurent eux aussi une mise à l'épreuve méritoire de leur liberté. En s'appuyant sur quelques paroles bibliques éparses, Thomas d'Aquin enseigne que les Anges furent créés en état de grâce, mais sans la vision de Dieu. Dès l'instant de leur création, ils prirent conscience de leur nature parfaite en elle-même, ce qui leur fut cause de grande joie et de louanges, mais ils se virent aussitôt (ou peut-être après un certain délai) appelés par leur Créateur à se détacher de leur bel état de nature pour monter encore plus haut, au-dessus d'eux-mêmes, afin de vivre une destinée surnaturelle dépassant, même pour eux, tout ce qui pouvait se concevoir : contempler Dieu face à face dans une éternelle et jubilante extase d'amour (Ap 5, 11). Avec des théologiens comme Augustin et Grégoire, Thomas d'Aquin envisage encore que, dans l'instant où ils furent ainsi appelés à la vie divine, Dieu leur révéla aussi leur future mission et place dans l'ordre surnaturel, notamment leur dépendance à l'égard du futur Verbe incarné et de sa Mère, pleine de grâce mais simple fille des hommes. Pour leur pur esprit, cela constitua certainement une épreuve, car cela revenait à leur demander de quitter un ordre beau et bon en soi pour se soumettre à un autre ordre paradoxal qui ne pouvait tenir sa cohérence que d'un Amour divin allant au-delà de toutes les exigences d'une nature créée. Pour adhérer à un tel plan, il fallait que l'ange abandonne son jugement de créature et accepte de s'en remettre en toute confiance à son Créateur, acte d'amour surnaturel qui était en même temps pour lui occasion de mérite, donc occasion de coopérer librement à sa destinée d'éternelle béatitude. Certains mystiques ont soutenu qu'à cet instant du choix, les Anges furent confortés dans leur acte d'abandon à Dieu par ce qu'ils perçurent de l'être immaculé de leur future Reine, à la fois si humble et si proche du Très-Haut.

Concernant le péché d'une partie des esprits angéliques le même Thomas d'Aquin enseigne que, dans leur sphère naturelle, aucun d'eux ne pouvait se tromper ni faiblir d'aucune manière, tant était parfaite leur nature. Mais invités par l'Esprit divin à quitter le plan limité de leur être créé, unique et parfait dans son ordre, pour s'ouvrir à une autre forme de vie proprement divine, certains refusèrent, à commencer par l'archange Lucifer suivi par le tiers des Anges du ciel (selon une lecture patristique de Ap 12, 4). A l'ordre surnaturel de la charité communiante, ceux-là préférèrent conserver « en l'état » leur nature unique et toujours aussi parfaite dans son ordre naturel, préférant rester de petits dieux solitaires devant le grand Dieu trinitaire (mais définitivement hors de sa vue). « De la sorte, conclut saint Thomas, l'ange pécha en se tournant par son libre arbitre vers son bien propre, sans l'ordonner à la règle supérieure qu'est la volonté divine » (Sum., Ia, q. 63, art. 1, ad. 4).

Le « bien propre » dont il s'agit ici n'est pas d'abord à comprendre comme la jouissance passive d'une nature angélique, parfaite en elle-même, mais comme l'exercice d'une libre volonté qui choisit en toute connaissance de cause et une fois pour toutes de se définir en opposition active à l'ordre supérieur. Ces Anges rebelles au surnaturel et fascinés par eux-mêmes, constituent tous les démons, qui sont également légions (Mc 5, 9). L'homme se place peu ou prou sous leur emprise par toute déviation volontaire à l'ordre harmonieux voulu par Dieu (la conscience morale est le premier et parfois le seul témoin de cet ordre, comme le souligne l'apôtre Paul en Rm 2, 15).

La Reine qui régit les bons esprits exerce aussi un certain contrôle sur les mauvais. Elle l'exerce avec d'autant plus de puissance que ses enfants sur terre se recommandent fréquemment à sa maternelle protection. Elle peut faire sentir son pouvoir directement comme nous le voyons, par exemple à Lourdes, où d'un seul regard elle fait taire les voix démoniaques vociférantes qui, montant du Gave, veulent couvrir sa voix en criant à Bernadette : « Sauve-toi ! » (apparition du 19 février 1858). Elle peut aussi le faire indirectement en déléguant vers ses enfants un ou plusieurs Anges, guides et protecteurs. Durant la nuit du 18 juillet 1830, c'est l'ange gardien de Catherine Labouré qui vient réveiller celle-ci en pleine nuit pour la conduire jusqu'auprès de Marie, qui va lui apparaître dans la chapelle de la communauté. Durant l'année 1916, les bergers de Fatima virent trois fois leur apparaître l'ange de la paix ou Ange du Portugal, qui les prépara lui aussi aux rencontres avec Notre Dame qui devaient suivre en 1917.

Enfin, à l'égard des Anges chargés d'une oeuvre de purification auprès de l'humanité pécheresse (cf. Sg 18, 15 ; Ap 15, 1), Marie peut également intervenir favorablement. Dans le dernier secret de Fatima, récemment révélé, nous la voyons éteindre les traits enflammés émis par une épée de feu qu'un Ange tient de sa main gauche et qui semble menacer la terre ; pour ce faire, il suffit à la Reine des cieux d'étendre royalement vers lui sa main droite d'où jaillit un splendide rayon de grâce divine. On ne saurait mieux exprimer sa communion particulière au monde angélique ainsi que la soumission d'amour de celui-ci à sa glorieuse Reine.

La Reine des Anges dans les derniers temps

Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort et Marthe Robin ont souligné l'importance que prendra de plus en plus la Mère du Sauveur vers l'époque de la fin des temps. Le règne du Christ Seigneur viendra alors par le même chemin que celui qu'il emprunta lors de son premier avènement : avec et par Marie, dans la compagnie des légions angéliques comme à Bethléem. En ces temps futurs, les représentants visibles des Anges invisibles seront ce que Louis-Marie de Montfort appelle les grands saints des derniers temps, autrement dit des hommes et des femmes totalement pénétrés de l'esprit marial, soumis aux motions de l'Esprit Saint et forts comme une armée rangée en bataille (Ct 6, 4). Ce seront les derniers croisés, les derniers porteurs de la croix d'amour, les derniers vainqueurs des Anges ténébreux avec leurs suppôts humains refusant jusqu'au bout tout pardon et toute contrition. Selon sainte Faustine (1905-1938), ces temps où se fera davantage sentir la royauté angélique de Marie et où l'histoire s'accélérera, ces temps-là ne seraient plus tellement éloignés de nous. Sœur Lucie de Fatima paraît rejoindre cette même conviction si l'on en croit la confidence qu'elle fit en 1957 au Père Fuentes : « La très Sainte Vierge, en ces derniers temps que nous vivons, a donné une efficacité nouvelle à la récitation du Rosaire. » En attendant, pour ce qui est de nous, restons calmes, actifs pour le bien et attentifs aux signes que le Seigneur ne manquera pas de nous donner en temps voulu, puisqu'il est avec nous « jusqu'à la fin du monde » (Mt 28, 20).

La Reine des Anges dans la Liturgie

Le lectionnaire romain des messes en l'honneur de la Vierge Marie, n'a prévu aucune célébration particulière en l'honneur de la Reine des Anges, mais il en propose une en l'honneur de la Reine de l'univers. Ce dernier titre inclut certainement les Anges, puisqu'ils font partie intégrante de l'univers créé. Dans la Préface de cette messe, on peut du reste lire : « Père très saint, tu as élevé la Vierge Marie bien au-dessus des Anges : elle règne dans la gloire avec le Christ, intercédant pour tous les hommes, avocate de grâce et reine de l'univers. »

Il conviendrait également de mentionner tous les lieux de culte du monde dédiés à la Reine des Anges. Qu'on nous permette d'en citer au moins un : la chapelle Sainte Marie des Anges à Assise, dite aussi la Portioncule, berceau de grâce de l'Ordre franciscain.

En conclusion, nous pourrions demander à la Reine des Anges de nous rendre plus attentifs et sensibles aux inspirations de ces esprits angéliques, à commencer bien sûr par celles de notre propre Ange gardien. Nous pourrions également prier plus souvent les Anges, car ils peuvent nous aider à mieux aimer et servir leur Roi et leur Reine, qui sont aussi les nôtres. Ah ! si nous pouvions saluer la Vierge dans nos Ave Maria quotidiens comme Gabriel le fit la première fois à Nazareth il y a deux mille ans ! N'est-ce pas précisément ce genre de grâce que nous pourrions solliciter par l'intercession du saint archange ? A demander beaucoup au nom d'un grand amour, on ne risque qu'une chose : obtenir beaucoup.

Gentile da Fabriano. Couronnement de la Très Sainte Vierge Marie, vers1400

Regina Coeli (Queen of Heaven)

The opening words of the Eastertide anthem of the Blessed Virgin, the recitation of which is prescribed in the Roman Breviary from Compline of Holy Saturday until None of the Saturday after Pentecost inclusively. In choro, the anthem is to be sung standing. In illustration of the view that the anthem forms a "syntonic strophe", that is, one depending on the accent of the word and not the quantity of the syllable, It goes as follows:
Regina coeli laetare,


Quia quem meruisti portare.


Sicut dixit,
Ora pro nobis Deum.

In the first two verses ("Regina" and "Quia") the accent falls on the second, fourth, and seventh syllables (the word quia being counted as a single syllable); in the second two verses ("Resurrexit", "Sicut dixit"), on the first and third syllables. The Alleluia serves as a refrain. Of unknown authorship, the anthem has been traced back to the twelfth century. It was in Franciscan use, after Compline, in the first half of the following century. Together with the other Marian anthems, it was incorporated in the Minorite-Roman Curia Office, which, by the activity of the Franciscans, was soon popularized everywhere, and which, by the order of Nicholas III (1277-80), replaced all the older Office-books in all the churches of Rome. Batiffol ("History of the Roman Breviary", tr., London, 1898, pp. 158-228) admits that "we owe a just debt of gratitude to those who gave us the antiphons of the Blessed Virgin" (p. 225), which he considers "four exquisite compositions, though in a style enfeebled by sentimentality" (p. 218). The anthems are indeed exquisite, although (as may appropriately be noted in the connection) they run through the gamut of medieval literary style, from the classical hexameters of the "Alma Redemptoris Mater" through the richly-rhymed accentual rhythm and regular strophes of the "Ave Regina Coelorum", the irregular syntonic strophe of the "Regina Coeli", down to the sonorous prose rhythms (with rhyming closes) of the Salve Regina. "In the 16th century, the antiphons of our Lady were employed to replace the little office at all the hours" (Baudot, "The Roman Breviary", London, 1909, p. 71). The "Regina Coeli" takes the place of the "Angelus" during the Paschal Time.
The authorship of the "Regina Coeli" being unknown, legend says the St. Gregory the Great (d. 604) heard the first three lines chanted by angels on a certain Easter morning in Rome while he walked barefoot in a great religious procession and that the saint thereupon added the fourth line: "Ora pro nobis Deum. Alleluia." (See also SALVE REGINA for a similar attribution of authorship). The authorship has also been ascribed to Gregory V, but without good reason. The beautiful plainsong melodies (a simple and an ornate form) are variously given in the Ratisbon antiphonary and in the Solesmes "Liber Usualis" of 1908, the ornate form in the latter work, with rhythmical signs added, being very attractive. The official or "typical" melody will be found (p. 126) in the Vatican Antiphonary (1911). Only one form of melody is given. The different syllabic lengths of the lines make the anthem difficult to translate with fidelity into English verse. The anthem has often been treated musically by both polyphonic and modern composers.
Henry, Hugh. "Regina Coeli (Queen of Heaven)." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 12. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1911. 22 Aug. 2020 <>.
Transcription. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Jim Holden.
Ecclesiastical approbation. Nihil Obstat. June 1, 1911. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York.
Copyright © 2020 by Kevin Knight. Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Bartolo di Fredi, Couronnement de la Très Sainte Vierge Marie, 1388




Venerable Brethren, Health and Apostolic Blessing.

From the earliest ages of the catholic church a Christian people, whether in time of triumph or more especially in time of crisis, has addressed prayers of petition and hymns of praise and veneration to the Queen of Heaven. And never has that hope wavered which they placed in the Mother of the Divine King, Jesus Christ; nor has that faith ever failed by which we are taught that Mary, the Virgin Mother of God, reigns with a mother's solicitude over the entire world, just as she is crowned in heavenly blessedness with the glory of a Queen.

2. Following upon the frightful calamities which before Our very eyes have reduced flourishing cities, towns, and villages to ruins, We see to Our sorrow that many great moral evils are being spread abroad in what may be described as a violent flood. Occasionally We behold justice giving way; and, on the one hand and the other, the victory of the powers of corruption. The threat of this fearful crisis fills Us with a great anguish, and so with confidence We have recourse to Mary Our Queen, making known to her those sentiments of filial reverence which are not Ours alone, but which belong to all those who glory in the name of Christian.

3. It is gratifying to recall that We ourselves, on the first day of November of the Holy Year 1950, before a huge multitude of Cardinals, Bishops, priests, and of the faithful who had assembled from every part of the world, defined the dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven[1] where she is present in soul and body reigning, together with her only[1a] Son, amid the heavenly choirs of angels and Saints. Moreover, since almost a century has passed since Our predecessor of immortal memory, Pius IX, proclaimed and defined the dogma that the great Mother of God had been conceived without any stain of original sin, We instituted the current Marian Year[2] And now it is a great consolation to Us to see great multitudes here in Rome - and especially in the Liberian Basilica - giving testimony in a striking way to their faith and ardent love for their heavenly Mother. In all parts of the world We learn that devotion to the Virgin Mother of God is flourishing more and more, and that the principal shrines of Mary have been visited and are still being visited by many throngs of Catholic pilgrims gathered in prayer.

4. It is well known that we have taken advantage of every opportunity - through personal audiences and radio broadcasts - to exhort Our children in Christ to a strong and tender love, as becomes children, for Our most gracious and exalted Mother. On this point it is particularly fitting to call to mind the radio message which We addressed to the people of Portugal, when the miraculous image of the Virgin Mary which is venerated at Fatima was being crowned with a golden diadem.[3] We Ourselves called this the heralding of the "sovereignty" of Mary.[4]

5. And now, that We may bring the Year of Mary to a happy and beneficial conclusion, and in response to petitions which have come to Us from all over the world, We have decided to institute the liturgical feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen. This will afford a climax, as it were, to the manifold demonstrations of Our devotion to Mary, which the Christian people have supported with such enthusiasm.

6. In this matter We do not wish to propose a new truth to be believed by Christians, since the title and the arguments on which Mary's queenly dignity is based have already been clearly set forth, and are to be found in ancient documents of the Church and in the books of the sacred liturgy.

7. It is Our pleasure to recall these things in the present encyclical letter, that We may renew the praises of Our heavenly Mother, and enkindle a more fervent devotion towards her, to the spiritual benefit of all mankind.

8. From early Times New Roman Christians have believed, and not without reason, that she of whom was born the Son of the Most High received privileges of grace above all other beings created by God. He "will reign in the house of Jacob forever,"[5] "the Prince of Peace,"[6] the "King of Kings and Lord of Lords."[7] And when Christians reflected upon the intimate connection that obtains between a mother and a son, they readily acknowledged the supreme royal dignity of the Mother of God.

9. Hence it is not surprising that the early writers of the Church called Mary "the Mother of the King" and "the Mother of the Lord," basing their stand on the words of St. Gabriel the archangel, who foretold that the Son of Mary would reign forever,[8] and on the words of Elizabeth who greeted her with reverence and called her "the Mother of my Lord."[9] Thereby they clearly signified that she derived a certain eminence and exalted station from the royal dignity of her Son.

10. So it is that St. Ephrem, burning with poetic inspiration, represents her as speaking in this way: "Let Heaven sustain me in its embrace, because I am honored above it. For heaven was not Thy mother, but Thou hast made it Thy throne. How much more honorable and venerable than the throne of a king is her mother."[10] And in another place he thus prays to her: ". . . Majestic and Heavenly Maid, Lady, Queen, protect and keep me under your wing lest Satan the sower of destruction glory over me, lest my wicked foe be victorious against me."[11]

11. St. Gregory Nazianzen calls Mary "the Mother of the King of the universe," and the "Virgin Mother who brought forth the King of the whole world,"[12] while Prudentius asserts that the Mother marvels "that she has brought forth God as man, and even as Supreme King."[13]

12. And this royal dignity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is quite clearly indicated through direct assertion by those who call her "Lady," "Ruler" and "Queen."

13. In one of the homilies attributed to Origen, Elizabeth calls Mary "the Mother of my Lord." and even addresses her as "Thou, my Lady."[14]

14. The same thing is found in the writings of St. Jerome where he makes the following statement amidst various interpretations of Mary's name: "We should realize that Mary means Lady in the Syrian Language."[15] After him St. Chrysologus says the same thing more explicitly in these words: "The Hebrew word 'Mary' means 'Domina.' The Angel therefore addresses her as 'Lady' to preclude all servile fear in the Lord's Mother, who was born and was called 'Lady' by the authority and command of her own Son."[16]

15. Moreover Epiphanius, the bishop of Constantinople, writing to the Sovereign Pontiff Hormisdas, says that we should pray that the unity of the Church may be preserved "by the grace of the holy and consubstantial Trinity and by the prayers of Mary, Our Lady, the holy and glorious Virgin and Mother of God."[17]

16. The Blessed Virgin, sitting at the right hand of God to pray for us is hailed by another writer of that same era in these words, "the Queen[17a] of mortal man, the most holy Mother of God."[18]

17. St. Andrew of Crete frequently attributes the dignity of a Queen to the Virgin Mary. For example, he writes, "Today He transports from her earthly dwelling, as Queen of the human race, His ever-Virgin Mother, from whose womb He, the living God, took on human form."[19]

18. And in another place he speaks of "the Queen of the entire human race faithful to the exact meaning of her name, who is exalted above all things save only God himself."[20]

19. Likewise St. Germanus speaks to the humble Virgin in these words: "Be enthroned, Lady, for it is fitting that you should sit in an exalted place since you are a Queen and glorious above all kings."[21] He likewise calls her the "Queen of all of those who dwell on earth."[22]

20. She is called by St. John Damascene "Queen, ruler, and lady,"[23] and also "the Queen of every creature."[24] Another ancient writer of the Eastern Church calls her "favored Queen," "the perpetual Queen beside the King, her son," whose "snow-white brow is crowned with a golden diadem."[25]

21. And finally St. Ildephonsus of Toledo gathers together almost all of her titles of honor in this salutation: "O my Lady, my Sovereign, You who rule over me, Mother of my Lord . . . Lady among handmaids, Queen among sisters."[26]

22. The theologians of the Church, deriving their teaching from these and almost innumerable other testimonies handed down long ago, have called the most Blessed Virgin the Queen of all creatures, the Queen of the world, and the Ruler of all.

23. The Supreme Shepherds of the Church have considered it their duty to promote by eulogy and exhortation the devotion of the Christian people to the heavenly Mother and Queen. Simply passing over the documents of more recent Pontiffs, it is helpful to recall that as early as the seventh century Our predecessor St. Martin I called Mary "our glorious Lady, ever Virgin."[27] St. Agatho, in the synodal letter sent to the fathers of the Sixth Ecumenical Council called her "Our Lady, truly and in a proper sense the Mother of God."[28] And in the eighth century Gregory II in the letter sent to St. Germanus, the patriarch, and read in the Seventh Ecumenical Council with all the Fathers concurring, called the Mother of God: "The Queen of all, the true Mother of God," and also "the Queen of all Christians."[29]

24. We wish also to recall that Our predecessor of immortal memory, Sixtus IV, touched favorably upon the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin, beginning the Apostolic Letter Cum praeexcelsa[30] with words in which Mary is called "Queen," "Who is always vigilant to intercede with the king whom she bore." Benedict XIV declared the same thing in his Apostolic Letter Gloriosae Dominae, in which Mary is called "Queen of heaven and earth," and it is stated that the sovereign King has in some way communicated to her his ruling power.[31]

25. For all these reasons St. Alphonsus Ligouri, in collecting the testimony of past ages, writes these words with evident devotion: "Because the virgin Mary was raised to such a lofty dignity as to be the mother of the King of kings, it is deservedly and by every right that the Church has honored her with the title of 'Queen'."[32]

26. Furthermore, the sacred liturgy, which acts as a faithful reflection of traditional doctrine believed by the Christian people through the course of all the ages both in the East and in the West, has sung the praises of the heavenly Queen and continues to sing them.

27. Ardent voices from the East sing out: "O Mother of God, today thou art carried into heaven on the chariots of the cherubim, the seraphim wait upon thee and the ranks of the heavenly army bow before thee."[33]

28. Further: "O just, O most blessed (Joseph), since thou art sprung from a royal line, thou hast been chosen from among all mankind to be spouse of the pure Queen who, in a way which defies description, will give birth to Jesus the king."[34] In addition: "I shall sing a hymn to the mother, the Queen, whom I joyously approach in praise, gladly celebrating her wonders in song. . . Our tongue cannot worthily praise thee, O Lady; for thou who hast borne Christ the king art exalted above the seraphim. . . Hail, O Queen of the world; hail, O Mary, Queen of us all."[35]

29. We read, moreover, in the Ethiopic Missal: "O Mary, center of the whole world, . . . thou art greater than the many-eyed cherubim and the six-winged seraphim . . . Heaven and earth are filled with the sanctity of thy glory."[36]

30. Furthermore, the Latin Church sings that sweet and ancient prayer called the "Hail, Holy Queen" and the lovely antiphons "Hail, Queen of the Heavens," "O Queen of Heaven, Rejoice," and those others which we are accustomed to recite on feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary: "The Queen stood at Thy right hand in golden vesture surrounded with beauty"[37]; "Heaven and earth praise thee as a powerful Queen"[38]; "Today the Virgin Mary ascends into heaven: rejoice because she reigns with Christ forever."[39]

31. To these and others should be added the Litany of Loreto which daily invites Christian folk to call upon Mary as Queen. Likewise, for many centuries past Christians have been accustomed to meditate upon the ruling power of Mary which embraces heaven and earth, when they consider the fifth glorious mystery of the rosary which can be called the mystical crown of the heavenly Queen.

32. Finally, art which is based upon Christian principles and is animated by their spirit as something faithfully interpreting the sincere and freely expressed devotion of the faithful, has since the Council of Ephesus portrayed Mary as Queen and Empress seated upon a royal throne adorned with royal insignia, crowned with the royal diadem and surrounded by the host of angels and saints in heaven, and ruling not only over nature and its powers but also over the machinations of Satan. Iconography, in representing the royal dignity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, has ever been enriched with works of highest artistic value and greatest beauty; it has even taken the form of representing colorfully the divine Redeemer crowning His mother with a resplendent diadem.

33. The Roman Pontiffs, favoring such types of popular devotion, have often crowned, either in their own persons, or through representatives, images of the Virgin Mother of God which were already outstanding by reason of public veneration.

34. As We have already mentioned, Venerable Brothers, according to ancient tradition and the sacred liturgy the main principle on which the royal dignity of Mary rests is without doubt her Divine Motherhood. In Holy Writ, concerning the Son whom Mary will conceive, We read this sentence: "He shall be called the Son of the most High, and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of David his father, and he shall reign in the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end,"[40] and in addition Mary is called "Mother of the Lord";[41] from this it is easily concluded that she is a Queen, since she bore a son who, at the very moment of His conception, because of the hypostatic union of the human nature with the Word, was also as man King and Lord of all things. So with complete justice St. John Damascene could write: "When she became Mother of the Creator, she truly became Queen of every creature."[42] Likewise, it can be said that the heavenly voice of the Archangel Gabriel was the first to proclaim Mary's royal office.

35. But the Blessed Virgin Mary should be called Queen, not only because of her Divine Motherhood, but also because God has willed her to have an exceptional role in the work of our eternal salvation. "What more joyful, what sweeter thought can we have" - as Our Predecessor of happy memory, Pius XI wrote - "than that Christ is our King not only by natural right, but also by an acquired right: that which He won by the redemption? Would that all men, now forgetful of how much we cost Our Savior, might recall to mind the words, 'You were redeemed, not with gold or silver which perishes, . . . but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a Lamb spotless and undefiled.[43] We belong not to ourselves now, since Christ has bought us 'at a great price'."[44], [45]

36. Now, in the accomplishing of this work of redemption, the Blessed Virgin Mary was most closely associated with Christ; and so it is fitting to sing in the sacred liturgy: "Near the cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ there stood, sorrowful, the Blessed Mary, Queen of Heaven and Queen of the World."[46] Hence, as the devout disciple of St. Anselm (Eadmer, ed.) wrote in the Middle Ages: "just as . . . God, by making all through His power, is Father and Lord of all, so the blessed Mary, by repairing all through her merits, is Mother and Queen of all; for God is the Lord of all things, because by His command He establishes each of them in its own nature, and Mary is the Queen of all things, because she restores each to its original dignity through the grace which she merited.[47]

37. For "just as Christ, because He redeemed us, is our Lord and king by a special title, so the Blessed Virgin also (is our queen), on account of the unique manner in which she assisted in our redemption, by giving of her own substance, by freely offering Him for us, by her singular desire and petition for, and active interest in, our salvation."[48]

38. From these considerations, the proof develops on these lines: if Mary, in taking an active part in the work of salvation, was, by God's design, associated with Jesus Christ, the source of salvation itself, in a manner comparable to that in which Eve was associated with Adam, the source of death, so that it may be stated that the work of our salvation was accomplished by a kind of "recapitulation,"[49] in which a virgin was instrumental in the salvation of the human race, just as a virgin had been closely associated with its death; if, moreover, it can likewise be stated that this glorious Lady had been chosen Mother of Christ "in order that she might become a partner in the redemption of the human race";[50] and if, in truth, "it was she who, free of the stain of actual and original sin, and ever most closely bound to her Son, on Golgotha offered that Son to the Eternal Father together with the complete sacrifice of her maternal rights and maternal love, like a new Eve, for all the sons of Adam, stained as they were by his lamentable fall,"[51] then it may be legitimately concluded that as Christ, the new Adam, must be called a King not merely because He is Son of God, but also because He is our Redeemer, so, analogously, the Most Blessed Virgin is queen not only because she is Mother of God, but also because, as the new Eve, she was associated with the new Adam.

39. Certainly, in the full and strict meaning of the term, only Jesus Christ, the God-Man, is King; but Mary, too, as Mother of the divine Christ, as His associate in the redemption, in his struggle with His enemies and His final victory over them, has a share, though in a limited and analogous way, in His royal dignity. For from her union with Christ she attains a radiant eminence transcending that of any other creature; from her union with Christ she receives the royal right to dispose of the treasures of the Divine Redeemer's Kingdom; from her union with Christ finally is derived the inexhaustible efficacy of her maternal intercession before the Son and His Father.

40. Hence it cannot be doubted that Mary most Holy is far above all other creatures in dignity, and after her Son possesses primacy over all. "You have surpassed every creature," sings St. Sophronius. "What can be more sublime than your joy, O Virgin Mother? What more noble than this grace, which you alone have received from God"?[52] To this St. Germanus adds: "Your honor and dignity surpass the whole of creation; your greatness places you above the angels."[53] And St. John Damascene goes so far as to say: "Limitless is the difference between God's servants and His Mother."[54]

41. In order to understand better this sublime dignity of the Mother of God over all creatures let us recall that the holy Mother of God was, at the very moment of her Immaculate Conception, so filled with grace as to surpass the grace of all the Saints. Wherefore, as Our Predecessor of happy memory, Pius IX wrote, God "showered her with heavenly gifts and graces from the treasury of His divinity so far beyond what He gave to all the angels and saints that she was ever free from the least stain of sin; she is so beautiful and perfect, and possesses such fullness of innocence and holiness, that under God a greater could not be dreamed, and only God can comprehend the marvel."[55]

42. Besides, the Blessed Virgin possessed, after Christ, not only the highest degree of excellence and perfection, but also a share in that influence by which He, her Son and our Redeemer, is rightly said to reign over the minds and wills of men. For if through His Humanity the divine Word performs miracles and gives graces, if He uses His Sacraments and Saints as instruments for the salvation of men, why should He not make use of the role and work of His most holy Mother in imparting to us the fruits of redemption? "With a heart that is truly a mother's," to quote again Our Predecessor of immortal memory, Pius IX, "does she approach the problem of our salvation, and is solicitous for the whole human race; made Queen of heaven and earth by the Lord, exalted above all choirs of angels and saints, and standing at the right hand of her only [55a] Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, she intercedes powerfully for us with a mother's prayers, obtains what she seeks, and cannot be refused."[56] On this point another of Our Predecessors of happy memory, Leo XIII, has said that an "almost immeasurable" power has been given Mary in the distribution of graces;[57] St. Pius X adds that she fills this office "as by the right of a mother."[58]

43. Let all Christians, therefore, glory in being subjects of the Virgin Mother of God, who, while wielding royal power, is on fire with a mother's love.

44. Theologians and preachers, however, when treating these and like questions concerning the Blessed Virgin, must avoid straying from the correct course, with a twofold error to guard against: that is to say, they must beware of unfounded opinions and exaggerated expressions which go beyond the truth, on the other hand, they must watch out for excessive narrowness of mind in weighing that exceptional, sublime, indeed all but divine dignity of the Mother of God, which the Angelic Doctor teaches must be attributed to her "because of the infinite goodness that is God."[59]

45. For the rest, in this as in other points of Christian doctrine, "the proximate and universal norm of truth" is for all the living Magisterium of the Church, which Christ established "also to illustrate and explain those matters which are contained only in an obscure way, and implicitly in the deposit of faith."[60]

46. From the ancient Christian documents, from prayers of the liturgy, from the innate piety of the Christian people, from works of art, from every side We have gathered witnesses to the regal dignity of the Virgin Mother of God; We have likewise shown that the arguments deduced by Sacred Theology from the treasure store of the faith fully confirm this truth. Such a wealth of witnesses makes up a resounding chorus which changes the sublimity of the royal dignity of the Mother of God and of men, to whom every creature is subject, who is "exalted to the heavenly throne, above the choirs of angels."[61]

47. Since we are convinced, after long and serious reflection, that great good will accrue to the Church if this solidly established truth shines forth more clearly to all, like a luminous lamp raised aloft, by Our Apostolic authority We decree and establish the feast of Mary's Queenship, which is to be celebrated every year in the whole world on the 31st of May. We likewise ordain that on the same day the consecration of the human race to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary be renewed, cherishing the hope that through such consecration a new era may begin, joyous in Christian peace and in the triumph of religion.

48. Let all, therefore, try to approach with greater trust the throne of grace and mercy of our Queen and Mother, and beg for strength in adversity, light in darkness, consolation in sorrow; above all let them strive to free themselves from the slavery of sin and offer an unceasing homage, filled with filial loyalty, to their Queenly Mother. Let her churches be thronged by the faithful, her feast-days honored; may the beads of the Rosary be in the hands of all; may Christians gather, in small numbers and large, to sing her praises in churches, in homes, in hospitals, in prisons. May Mary's name be held in highest reverence, a name sweeter than honey and more precious than jewels; may none utter blasphemous words, the sign of a defiled soul, against that name graced with such dignity and revered for its motherly goodness; let no one be so bold as to speak a syllable which lacks the respect due to her name.

49. All, according to their state, should strive to bring alive the wondrous virtues of our heavenly Queen and most loving Mother through constant effort of mind and manner. Thus will it come about that all Christians, in honoring and imitating their sublime Queen and Mother, will realize they are truly brothers, and with all envy and avarice thrust aside, will promote love among classes, respect the rights of the weak, cherish peace. No one should think himself a son of Mary, worthy of being received under her powerful protection, unless, like her, he is just, gentle and pure, and shows a sincere desire for true brotherhood, not harming or injuring but rather helping and comforting others.
50. In some countries of the world there are people who are unjustly persecuted for professing their Christian faith and who are deprived of their divine and human rights to freedom; up till now reasonable demands and repeated protests have availed nothing to remove these evils. May the powerful Queen of creation, whose radiant glance banishes storms and tempests and brings back cloudless skies, look upon these her innocent and tormented children with eyes of mercy; may the Virgin, who is able to subdue violence beneath her foot, grant to them that they may soon enjoy the rightful freedom to practice their religion openly, so that, while serving the cause of the Gospel, they may also contribute to the strength and progress of nations by their harmonious cooperation, by the practice of extraordinary virtues which are a glowing example in the midst of bitter trials.

51. By this Encyclical Letter We are instituting a feast so that all may recognize more clearly and venerate more devoutly the merciful and maternal sway of the Mother of God. We are convinced that this feast will help to preserve, strengthen and prolong that peace among nations which daily is almost destroyed by recurring crises. Is she not a rainbow in the clouds reaching towards God, the pledge of a covenant of peace?[62] "Look upon the rainbow, and bless Him that made it; surely it is beautiful in its brightness. It encompasses the heaven about with the circle of its glory, the hands of the Most High have displayed it."[63] Whoever, therefore, reverences the Queen of heaven and earth - and let no one consider himself exempt from this tribute of a grateful and loving soul - let him invoke the most effective of Queens, the Mediatrix of peace; let him respect and preserve peace, which is not wickedness unpunished nor freedom without restraint, but a well-ordered harmony under the rule of the will of God; to its safeguarding and growth the gentle urgings and commands of the Virgin Mary impel us.

52. Earnestly desiring that the Queen and Mother of Christendom may hear these Our prayers, and by her peace make happy a world shaken by hate, and may, after this exile show unto us all Jesus, Who will be our eternal peace and joy, to you, Venerable Brothers, and to your flocks, as a promise of God's divine help and a pledge of Our love, from Our heart We impart the Apostolic Benediction.
Given at Rome, from St. Peter's, on the feast of the Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the eleventh day of October, 1954, in the sixteenth year of our Pontificate.


1. Cf. constitutio apostolica Munificentissirnus Deus: AAS XXXXII 1950, p. 753 sq.
1a. The Latin word is Unigena. - Ed.

2. Cf. litt. enc. Fulgens corona: AAS XXXXV, 1953, p. 577 sq.

3. Cf. AAS XXXVIII, 1946, p. 264 sq.

4. Cf. L'Osservatore Romano, d. 19 Maii, a. 1946.

5. Luc. I, 32.

6. Isai. IX, 6.

7. Apoc. XIX, 16.

8. Cf. Luc. I, 32, 33.

9. Luc. I, 43.

10. S. Ephraem, Hymni de B. Maria, ed. Th. J. Lamy, t. II, Mechliniae, 1886, hymn. XIX, p. 624.

11. Idem, Oratio ad Ssmam Dei Matrem; Opera omnia, Ed. Assemani, t. III (graece), Romae, 1747, pag. 546.

12. S. Gregorius Naz., Poemata dogmatica, XVIII, v. 58; PG XXXVII, 485.

13. Prudentius, Dittochaeum, XXVII: PL LX, 102 A.

14. Hom. in S. Lucam, hom. VII; ed. Rauer, Origenes' Werke, T. IX, p. 48 (ex catena Marcarii Chrysocephali). Cf. PG XIII, 1902 D.

15. S. Hieronymus, Liber de nominibus hebraeis: PL XXIII, 886.

16. S. Petrus Chrysologus, Sermo 142, De Annuntiatione B.M.V.: PL LII, 579 C; cf. etiam 582 B; 584 A: "Regina totius exstitit castitatis."

17. Relatio Epiphanii Ep. Constantin.: PL LXII, 498 D.

17a. Generally throughout the encyclical the Latin word Regina is used to describe Mary. In this case and a few others the word is Domina. "Queen" seems to be the best English equivalent. "Ruler", when it occurs, is a rendition of Dominatrix. - Ed.

18. Encomium in Dormitionem Ssmae Deiparae (inter opera S. Modesti): PG LXXXVI, 3306 B.

19. S. Andreas Cretensis, Homilia II in Dormitionem Ssmae Deiparae: PG XCVII, 1079 B.

20. Id., Homilia III in Dormitionem Ssmae Deiparae: PG XCVII, 1099 A.

21. S. Germanus, In Praesentationem Ssmae Deiparae, I: PG XCVIII, 303 A.

22. Id., In Praesentationem Ssmae Deiparae, n PG XCVIII, 315 C.

23. S. Ioannes Damascenus, Homilia I in Dormitionem B.M.V.: P.G. XCVI, 719 A.

24. Id., De fide orthodoxa, I, IV, c. 14: PG XLIV, 1158 B.

25. De laudibus Mariae (inter opera Venantii Fortunati): PL LXXXVIII, 282 B et 283 A.

26. Ildefonsus Toletanus, De virginitate perpetua B.M.V.: PL XCVI, 58 A D.

27. S. Martinus I, Epist. XIV: PL LXXXVII, 199-200 A.

28. S. Agatho: PL LXXXVII, 1221 A.

29. Hardouin, Acta Conciliorum, IV, 234; 238: PL LXXXIX, 508 B.

30. Xystus IV, bulla Cum praeexcelsa. d. d. 28 Febr. a. 1476.

31. Benedictus XIV, bulla Gloriosae Dominae, d. d. 27 Sept. a. 1748.

32. S. Alfonso, Le glone de Maria, p. I, c. I, §1.

33. Ex liturgia Armenorum: in festo Assumptionis, hymnus ad Matutinum.

34. Ex Menaeo (byzantino): Dominica post Natalem, in Canone, ad Matutinum.

35. Officium hymni Axathistos (in ritu byzantino).

36. Missale Aethiopicum, Anaphora Dominae nostrae Mariae, Matris Dei.

37. Brev. Rom., Versiculus sexti Respons.

38. Festum Assumptionis; hymnus Laudum.

39. Ibidem, ad Magnificat II Vesp.

40. Luc. I, 32, 33.

41. Ibid. I, 43.

42. S. Ioannes Damascenus, De fide orthodoxa, 1. IV, c. 14; PL XCIV, 1158 s. B.

43. I Petr. I, 18, 19.

44. I Cor. VI, 20.

45. Pius XI, litt. enc. Quas primas: AAS XVII, 1925, p. 599.

46. Festum septem dolorum B. Mariae Virg., Tractus.

47. Eadmerus, De excellentia Virginis Mariae, c. 11: PL CLIX, 508 A B.

48. F. Suárez, De mysteriis vitae Christi, disp. XXII, sect. II (ed Vivès, XIX, 327).

49. S. Irenaeus, Adv. haer., V, 19, 1: PG VII, 1175 B.

50. Pius XI, epist. Auspicatus profecto: AAS XXV, 1933, p. 80.

51. Pius XII, litt. enc. Mystici Corporis: AAS XXXV, 1943, p. 247.

52. S. Sophronius, In annuntianone Beatae Mariae Virginis: PG LXXXVII, 3238 D; 3242 A.

53. S. Germanus, Hom. II in dormitione Beatae Mariae Virginis: PG XCVIII, 354 B.

54. S. Ioannes Damascenus, Hom. I in Dormitionem Beatae Mariae Virginis: PG XCVI, 715 A.

55. Pius IX, bulla Ineffabilis Deus: Acta Pii IX, I, p. 597-598.

55a.Unigena. - Ed.

56. Ibid. p. 618.

57. Leo XIII, litt. enc. Adiumcem populi: ASS, XXVIII, 1895-1896, p.130.

58. Pius X, litt enc. Ad diem illum: ASS XXXVI, 1903-1904, p.455.

59. S. Thomas, Summa Theol., I, q. 25, a. 6, ad 4.

60. Pius XII, litt. enc. Humani generis: AAS XLII, 1950, p. 569.

61. Ex Brev. Rom.: Festum Assumptionis Beatae Mariae Virginis.

62. Cf. Gen. IX, 13.

63. Eccl. XLIII, 12-13.


Fra Angelico, Couronnement de la Très Sainte Vierge Marie, vers 1440, fresque, Florence, Museum of San Marco

On the Queenship of Mary

“She is queen precisely by loving us”


CASTEL GANDOLFO, AUG. 22, 2012 ( Here is a translation of the Italian-language catechesis Benedict XVI gave today during the general audience held at Castel Gandolfo. The Holy Father focused his meditation on today’s liturgical memorial of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 
* * *
Dear brothers and sisters,
Today marks the liturgical memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, invoked under the title: “Queen.” It is a feast of recent institution, even though it is ancient in its origin and devotion: It was established by the Venerable Pius XII in 1954, at the conclusion of the Marian Year; its date was set at May 31 (cf. Lett. Enc. Ad caeli Reginam, 11 Octobris 1954: AAS 46 [1954], 625-640). On this occasion, the Pope stated that Mary is Queen above every other creature on account of the elevation of her soul and the excellence of the gifts she received. She never ceases to bestow all the treasures of her love and care on humanity (cf. Speech in honor of Queen Mary, 1 November 1954). Now, following the post-conciliar reform of the liturgical calendar, it has been placed eight days after the Solemnity of the Assumption, in order to emphasize the close bond between Mary’s queenship and her glorification in body and soul next to her Son. In the Second Vatican Council’s Constitution on the Church, we read: “Mary was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, and exalted by the Lord as Queen of the universe, that she might be the more fully conformed to her Son” (Lumen Gentium, 59).
This is the root of today’s feast: Mary is Queen because of her unique association to her Son, both during her earthly journey as well as in heavenly glory. The great saint of Syria, Ephrem of Syria, said regarding the queenship of Mary that it derives from her maternity: She is Mother of the Lord, of the King of kings (cf. Is 9:1-6), and she points to Jesus as our life, salvation and our hope. The Servant of God Paul VI recalled in his apostolic exhortation Marialis Cultus: “In the Virgin Mary everything is relative to Christ and dependent upon Him. It was with a view to Christ that God the Father from all eternity chose her to be the all-holy Mother and adorned her with gifts of the Spirit granted to no one else” (n. 25). 
But now we may ask ourselves: What does it mean that Mary is Queen? Is it merely a title along with others, the crown, an ornament like others? What does it mean? What is this queenship? As already noted, it is a consequence of her being united with her Son, of her being in heaven, i.e. in communion with God. She participates in God’s responsibilities over the world and in God’s love for the world. There is the commonly held idea that a king or queen should be person with power and riches. But this is not the kind of royalty proper to Jesus and Mary. Let us think of the Lord: The Lordship and Kingship of Christ is interwoven with humility, service and love: it is, above all else, to serve, to assist, to love. Let us recall that Jesus was proclaimed king on the Cross, with this inscription written by Pilate: “King of the Jews” (cf. Mark 15:26). In that moment on the Cross it is revealed that He is king. And how is he king? By suffering with us, for us, by loving us to the end; it is in this way that he governs and creates truth, love and justice. Or let us also think of another moment: at the Last Supper, he bends down to wash the feet of his disciples. Therefore, the kingship of Jesus has nothing to do with that which belongs to the powerful of the earth. He is a king who serves his servants; he showed this throughout his life. And the same is true for Mary. She is queen in God’s service to humanity. She is the queen of love, who lives out her gift of self to God in order to enter into His plan of salvation for man. To the angel she responds: Behold the handmaid of the Lord (cf. Luke 1:38), and in the Magnificat she sings: God has looked upon the lowliness of His handmaid (cf. Luke 1:48). She helps us. She is queen precisely by loving us, by helping us in every one of our needs; she is our sister, a humble handmaid.
Thus we have arrived at the point: How does Mary exercise this queenship of service and love? By watching over us, her children: the children who turn to her in prayer, to thank her and to ask her maternal protection and her heavenly help, perhaps after having lost their way, or weighed down by suffering and anguish on account of the sad and troubled events of life. In times of serenity or in the darkness of life we turn to Mary, entrusting ourselves to her continual intercession, so that from her Son we may obtain every grace and mercy necessary for our pilgrimage along the paths of the world. To Him who rules the world and holds the destinies of the universe in His hands we turn with confidence, through the Virgin Mary. For centuries she has been invoked as the Queen of heaven; eight times, after the prayer of the holy Rosary, she is implored in the Litany of Loreto as Queen of the Angels, Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, Martyrs, Confessors, Virgins, of all Saints and of Families. The rhythm of this ancient invocation, and daily prayers such as the Salve Regina, help us to understand that the Holy Virgin, as our Mother next to her Son Jesus in the glory of Heaven, is always with us, in the daily unfolding of our lives.
The title of Queen is therefore a title of trust, of joy and of love. And we know that what she holds in her hands for the fate of the world is good; she loves us, and she helps us in our difficulties.
Dear friends, devotion to Our Lady is an important element in our spiritual lives. In our prayer, let us not neglect to turn trustfully to her. Mary will not neglect to intercede for us next to her Son. In looking to her, let us imitate her faith, her complete availability to God’s plan of love, her generous welcoming of Jesus. Let us learn to live by Mary. Mary is the Queen of heaven who is close to God, but she is also the Mother who is close to each one of us, who loves us and who listens to our voice. Thank you for your attention.
[Translation by Diane Montagna] [The Holy Father then addressed the people in various languages. In English, he said:]
I welcome all the English-speaking pilgrims present at today’s Audience, especially the groups from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Japan and the United States of America. I also greet the young altar servers from Malta and their families. Today the Church celebrates the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary. May the prayers of Our Lady guide us along our pilgrimage of faith, that we may share in her Son’s victory and reign with him in his eternal Kingdom. Upon all of you I invoke the Lord’s abundant blessings!

Fra Angelico, Couronnement de la Très Sainte Vierge Marie, 1434-1435

Beata Vergine Maria Regina

La festività odierna, parallela a quella di Cristo Re, venne istituita da Pio XII nel 1955. Si celebrava, fino alla recente riforma del calendario liturgico, il 31 maggio, a coronamento della singolare devozione mariana nel mese a lei dedicato. Il 22 agosto era riservato alla commemorazione del Cuore Immacolato di Maria, al cui posto subentra la festa di Maria Regina per avvicinare la regalità della Vergine alla sua glorificazione nell'assunzione al cielo. Questo posto di singolarità e di preminenza, accanto a Cristo Re, le deriva dai molteplici titoli, illustrati da Pio XII nella lettera enciclica “Ad Coeli Reginam” (11 ottobre 1954), di Madre del Capo e dei membri del Corpo mistico, di augusta sovrana e regina della Chiesa, che la rende partecipe non solo della dignità regale di Gesù, ma anche del suo influsso vitale e santificante sui membri del Corpo mistico.

Il latino "regina", come "rex", deriva da "regere", cioè reggere, governare, dominare. Dal punto di vista umano è difficile attribuire a Maria il ruolo di dominatrice, lei che si è proclamata la serva del Signore e ha trascorso tutta la vita nel più umile nascondimento. Luca, negli Atti degli apostoli, colloca Maria in mezzo agli Undici, dopo l'Ascensione, raccolta con essi in preghiera; ma non è lei che impartisce ordini, bensì Pietro. E tuttavia proprio in quella circostanza ella costituisce l'anello di congiunzione che tiene uniti al Risorto quegli uomini non ancora irrobustiti dai doni dello Spirito Santo. Maria è regina perché è madre di Cristo, il re. Ella è regina perché eccelle su tutte le creature, in santità: "In lei s'aduna quantunque in creatura è di bontade ", dice Dante nella Divina Commedia.

Tutti i cristiani vedono e venerano in lei la sovrabbondante generosità dell'amore divino, che l'ha colmata di ogni bene. Ma ella distribuisce regalmente e maternamente quanto ha ricevuto dal Re; protegge con la sua potenza i figli acquisiti in virtù della sua corredenzione e li rallegra con i suoi doni, poichè il Re ha disposto che ogni grazia passi per le sue mani di munifica regina. Per questo la Chiesa invita i fedeli a invocarla non solo col dolce nome di madre, ma anche con quello reverente di regina, come in cielo la salutano con felicità e amore gli angeli, i patriarchi, i profeti, gli apostoli, i martiri, i confessori, le vergini. Maria è stata coronata col duplice diadema della verginità e della maternità divina: "Lo Spirito Santo verrà su di te, e la virtù dell'Altissimo ti adombrerà. Per questo il Santo che nascerà da te sarà chiamato Figlio di Dio".

Etimologia: Maria = amata da Dio, dall'egiziano; signora, dall'ebraico

Martirologio Romano: Memoria della beata Maria Vergine Regina, che generò il Figlio di Dio, principe della pace, il cui regno non avrà fine, ed è salutata dal popolo cristiano come Regina del cielo e Madre di misericordia.

Istituzione della festa

Per comprendere l’attuale festa in onore della Madonna, sotto il titolo di “Maria Regina”, la cosa più ovvia sembra quella di gettare un sguardo fugace e a volo d’uccello su alcune delle circostanze, che hanno, in un certo qual senso, preparato la sua Istituzione, dato che il suo valore profondo appartiene alla Rivelazione, alla tradizione e alla teologia.

L’istituzione della festa della Regalità di Maria Vergine è dovuta a Pio XII, con la lettera Enciclica Ad caeli Reginam dell’11 ottobre 1954, quasi in simmetria con la festa di Cristo Re, con la quale ha voluto coronare la costante devozione del popolo di Dio, fissando la liturgia al 31 maggio, a conclusione del mese mariano per eccellenza, ricco di devozioni e tradizioni popolari. L’istituzione: “decretiamo e istituiamo la festa di Maria Regina, da celebrarsi ogni anno in tutto il mondo il giorno 31 maggio (Ad caeli Reginam, IV).

Oggi, l’attuale liturgica della festa di Maria Regina si celebra otto giorni dopo il 15 agosto, che è la sua giusta collocazione, come uno speciale prolungamento festoso della celebrazione dell’Assunzione, nella quale si contempla Colei che, assisa accanto al Re dei secoli, splende come Regina, dell’ordine soprannaturale e dell’ordine naturale, e intercede come Madre. La nuova data, 22 di agosto, è dovuta a Paolo VI che, con l’attuazione delle norme generali per l’Anno Liturgico e il nuovo Calendario Romano, promulgate con la lettera apostolica Mysterii Paschalis (14 febbraio 1969), e con l’esortazione apostolica Marialis cultus (2 febbraio 1974), per il retto ordinamento e sviluppo del culto della Beata Vergine, l’ha felicemente collocata nell’alveo naturale alla sua realtà teologica, cioè come un logico corollario meno dottrinale che esplicativo del grande mistero della verità dogmatica dell’Assunzione al cielo di Maria Vergine, proclamata da Pio XII il 1° novembre 1950.

Non si può nascondere, comunque, che, alla base della stessa istituzione, ci fosse un’antica consuetudine di un certo parallelismo del calendario liturgico tra le feste cristologiche e quelle mariane, ossia a un titolo di una festa in onore di Cristo si faceva corrispondere, dov’era possibile, una festa in onore della Vergine Maria. La riforma liturgica del 1969 ha dato più logicità e sobrietà alle celebrazioni mariane, seguendo il principio fondamentale della liturgia: Cristo è culmen et fons, (culmine e fonte). Principio già espresso dal Cantore dell’Immacolata con la profonda espressione fundamentum et forma (fondamento e perfezione).

Fondamento biblico-teologico

Certamente, l'argomento principale, su cui si fonda la dignità Regale di Maria, è senza alcun dubbio la sua divina Maternità, definita dal concilio di Efeso nel 431. Nei testi rivelati, Maria è la Donna che, “nella pienezza del tempo” (Gal 4, 4), ha partorito Cristo, vero Dio e vero Uomo, “Figlio dell'Altissimo e Re della casa di Giacobbe” (Lc 1, 32-33); e come Madre del Re Signore, gode anche della stessa dignità regale, come Regina. Così interpreta san Giovanni Damasceno: “[Maria] è veramente diventata la Signora di tutta la creazione, nel momento in cui divenne Madre del Creatore [Cristo]” (De fide orthodoxa, IV, c. 14).  

La Maternità divina di Maria è il primo grande dono che riceve da Cristo, con il quale viene scelta e predestinata con l’unico e medesimo atto di predestinazione di Dio, per essere associata in modo singolare alla realizzazione storica della volontà salvifica di Di, in Cristo (Ef 1, 3ss). La scelta a Madre di Cristo, da parte dello stesso Cristo, è la prima grande conseguenza, secondo il Cantore dell’Immacolata, della predestinazione assoluta di Maria alla grazia e alla gloria. Difatti, come Cristo è Re di diritto sia per creazione sia per grazia o redenzione e sia per gloria o glorificazione, così Maria è Regina per diritto materno che intercede e concede tutte le grazie del Figlio a coloro che le chiedono. Onde, il titolo di Mediatrice delle grazie, con il quale si celebrava prima la sua liturgia al 2 di luglio.

Dallo stesso decreto divino di predestinazione, secondo il quale Cristo ha il Primato assoluto e incondizionato su tutto, il Cantore dell’Immacolata, desume un Primato secondario e partecipato per Maria su tutte le creature sia celesti che terrestri. Di conseguenza, come Cristo è Re assoluto, così Maria è Regina per grazia e per scelta. A lei, si può applicare il salmo delle nozze del Re: “splende alla tua destra la Regina, [in tutta la sua bellezza e perfezione], adorna d'oro di Ofir” (Sal 45, 9).

Tra le conseguenze più immediate della Regalità di Maria è la forte e decisa affermazione sempre del Cantore dell’Immacolata: “la beata Vergine ha il potere di intercedere e di distribuire i frutti della grazia redentiva”. Concetto che ha trovata vasta e profonda eco in diversi documenti del Magistero, come ricorda anche Pio XII nella sua enciclica: “Cristo si serve dell’ufficio e dell’opera della Madre per distribuire i frutti della redenzione” (Ad caeli reginam, III). Anche Pio IX, nell’enciclica che definiva l’Immacolata Concezione, afferma che Maria, “costituita dal Signore Regina del cielo e della terra ed esaltata sopra tutti i cori degli angeli e sopra delle schiere dei santi in cielo, sta alla destra del suo unigenito Figlio, e intercede con tutta l'efficacia delle sue materne preghiere: ottiene ciò che chiede e non può restare inascoltata” (Ineffabiliis Deus, 8 dicembre 1854). Il concetto del Cantore dell’Immacolata, circa il “potere di intercedere” di Maria Vergine, è riproposto anche da Leone XIII quando scrive che la Madre di Cristo ha “il potere quasi illimitato” di intercedere e dispensare la grazia del suo Figlio (Adiutricem popoli, 5 settembre 1895). E Pio X aggiunge che tale “potere” deriva a Maria “come per diritto materno”: “Maria è dispensatrice per diritto di madre dei tesori dei meriti di suo Figlio (Ad diem illum laetissimum, 2 febbraio 1904)

Lex orandi lex credendi

Nella suddetta Enciclica Ad caeli Reginam, Pio XII ricorda che, il popolo di Dio, nell’arco della storia, ha sempre elevato supplici preghiere e inni di lode e di devozione alla Regina del cielo, sia nelle circostanze liete sia in quelle dolorose. Specialmente le “recenti” profonde ferite inflitte all’umanità dal 2° conflitto mondiale hanno influito sul Sommo Pontefice a orientare, con più convinzione e sicurezza, la sua scelta di istituire la festa in onore della Beata Vergine Regina, dal momento che lui stesso ha vissuto in prima persona la terribile e orrenda tragicità degli eventi bellici e post-bellici.

Questo sentire, comunque, non è altro che l’espressione della fede popolare che fin dal V sec. è stato sintetizzato nel classico detto: lex orandi lex credendi, ossia “dal retto modo di pregare deriva un retto modo di credere”. Il popolo di Dio, quindi, esterna in questo caso la sua fede alla Regina del cielo per riconoscere e affermare il suo costante e materno patrocinio di presiedere alla storia, insieme a suo Figlio, coronato di gloria nella beatitudine celeste.

A livello storico, è importante ricordare anche la ricorrenza del I centenario della proclamazione dogmatica dell’Immacolata Concezione di Maria, fatta da Pio IX con la lettera apostolica Ineffabilis Deus, e, per la quale circostanza, Pio XII indisse l’anno mariano, con la lettera enciclica Fulges corona (8 settembre 1953), in cui ricordava con giubilo anche la definizione dell'Assunzione della Beatissima Vergine Maria in cielo in anima e corpo, con la Costituzione dogmatica Munificentissimus Deus (1° novembre 1950), dove regna tra i cori degli angeli e dei santi, insieme al suo unigenito Figlio; e nella stessa Enciclica richiamava, per la prima volta, l’attenzione su alcuni testi biblici per confortare e sopportare la celebre definizione di Pio IX sulla Immacolata Concezione. Ne indica principalmente due: Genesi (3, 15) e Luca (1, 28).

Questa delicata e squisita sensibilità verso la Vergine Maria di Pio XII è stata ritenuta molto utile per meglio comprendere non solo la devozione verso la Madonna, ma soprattutto per interpretare con più profondità la verità dell’Immacolata Concezione, perché, anche se spiegata con ragione teologica, indirettamente è contenuta sempre nella Rivelazione. Le verità di fede, infatti, devono essere sopportate dal pensiero rivelato o in modo esplicito o anche in modo implicito. E tutte e tre le verità mariane definite dalla Chiesa, eccetto la Maternità divina, il fondamento biblico è solo indiretto.

Valore teologico della festa

Il significato teologico dell’istituzione della festa in onore della Beata Maria Regina emerge più chiaramente anche alla luce posteriore di due principi della Chiesa riproposti in modo più chiaro e preciso dal concilio Vaticano II:

1) nel corso dell'anno liturgico, si celebra organicamente tutto il mistero di Cristo: dalla predestinazione eterna, in cui viene costituito principio e capo, termine e pienezza del genere umano e di tutta la creazione, fino alla sua seconda gloriosa venuta, quando tutte le cose saranno compiute in lui “perché Dio sia tutto in tutti” (1Cor 15, 28; SC n. 102);

2) “nella celebrazione del ciclo annuale dei misteri di Cristo, la santa Chiesa venera con speciale amore la beata Maria Madre di Dio, congiunta indissolubilmente con l’opera salvifica del Figlio suo; in Maria ammira ed esalta il frutto più eccelso della redenzione e contempla con gioia, come in un’immagine purissima, ciò che essa tutta desidera e spera di essere” (SC 103); perché “con la sua molteplice intercessione continua ad ottenerci le grazie della salute eterna” (LG  59).

Inoltre, le verità mariane, definite o semplicemente celebrate, sono tutte collegate tra di loro, e dipendenti dal mistero di Cristo; esse hanno a fondamento, come denominatore comune, la Predestinazione alla divina Maternità. Pertanto, l'argomento principale, su cui si fonda la dignità Regale di Maria, è senza dubbio la sua Predestinazione a Madre di Cristo.

Certo, in senso pieno proprio e assoluto, solo Cristo è Re, per diritto di natura in forza della creazione, della redenzione e della glorificazione finale. E in virtù dell’unico e medesimo atto di predestinazione assoluta e indipendente, anche la Madre viene associata al Figlio e alla sua avventura cristica, e riceve tutto ciò che una creatura umana può sopportare della divinità, insieme all'inesauribile efficacia della sua materna intercessione presso il Figlio e, indirettamente, presso Dio Padre.

Senza porre attenzione sui particolari, si può affermare che fondamentalmente la Regalità di Maria è strettamente legata alla sua posizione nel piano divino della salvezza, cioè al Primato universale di Cristo e alla sua predestinazione assoluta, da cui ogni altra verità mariana ha origine. Significativo a riguardo è l’incisiva affermazione del Cantore dell’Immacolata: “La beata Vergine ha il potere di ‘intercedere’ e non di ‘comandare’” (Reportata Parisiensia, IV, d. 48, q. 2, n. 7). In questo modo, diventa più chiaro l’ufficio di Maria: non è di causalità efficiente, ma solo di causalità morale, ossia di intercessione e distribuzione delle grazie, provenienti dall’unica fonte principale, Cristo, che è causa efficiente della grazia.  

Senso e valore dell’intercessione di Maria Regina

Prima della riforma conciliare del 1969, liturgicamente questa festa mariana si celebrava il 2 luglio, con il titolo di “Mediatrice delle grazie” o “Madonna delle grazie”. La sua diffusione nel mondo cattolico ha avuto un grande impulso dal mondo francescano, specialmente da quando il Ministro generale dell’Ordine dei Frati Minori, Bonaventura da Bagnoregio, nel Capitolo generale di Siena (1263), estende la   celebrazione liturgica della festa mariana a tutto l’Ordine.

Oggi, con la riforma conciliare, invece, la stessa festa è celebrata al 31 maggio sotto il titolo la “Visitazione di Maria”. Poiché è più vicina al tempo della Pentecoste, potrebbe più facilmente indicare una particolare memoria della Vergine nella sua pentecoste, sotto il soffio dello Spirito Santo, come l’arca della alleanza che anticipa la Chiesa delle origini, piena di slancio nella carità operosa e nella preghiera del Magnificat.

Il valore teologico dell’intercessione riconosciuto a Maria Vergine ha il suo fondamento nella stretta unione alla Predestinazione con il Figlio: come il Cristo è autore della grazia, così Maria, prima redenta, la distribuisce in ragione della sua Maternità spirituale. La “grazia” per definizione è un “dono” e come tale non può essere esigito da alcuno, cioè non può essere meritato; tuttavia, in teologia, si suole distinguere un merito de condigno e un merito de congruo: l’uno è di giustizia o di fedeltà, e l’altro di convenienza o di benignità. Di per sé, solo Cristo ha meritato de condigno con la sua morte i doni di grazia, che la Madre de congruo intercede ed elargisce da Figlio.

In cielo, la Beata Vergine Maria continuamente merita de congruo, cioè non per sé, in quanto non può meritare più, ma merita per gli altri che desiderano ricevere la grazia del Figlio. Come a dire: i meriti universali e assoluti di Cristo, meritati de condigno, diventano concreti soltanto attraverso l’intercessione di Maria, alla quale Cristo ha affidato il compito di mediare tutto il suo patrimonio di grazia a vantaggio dei richiedenti.

Questo delicato ufficio di “intercedere”, riconosciuto a Maria Regina dal Cantore dell’Immacolata, ha trovato eco e applicazione nell’Enciclica Ad diem illum di Pio X (2 febbraio 1904), quando scrive che Maria “merita de congruo -ossia distribuisce agli altri- tutto ciò che Cristo ha guadagnato de condigno”. Su questa speciale mediazione della grazia acquista importanza la preghiera dell’uomo viatore.

Simpatiche le due antiche immagine ricordate e riportate nella stessa enciclica da Pio X: “Maria - scrive san Bernardo- è l’acquedotto, o anche quella parte per cui il capo si congiunge col corpo e gli trasmette forza e efficacia; e san Bernardino da Siena: ‘Ella è il collo del nostro capo, per mezzo del quale esso comunica al suo corpo mistico tutti i doni spirituali’“.

Piace concludere questo breve pensiero sulla Regalità di Maria Vergine con le parole di Leone XIII: “È lecito affermare, a piena ragione, che dell’immenso tesoro di ogni grazia che il Signore ci ha procacciato, poiché ‘la grazia e la verità provengono da Cristo’ (Gv 1, 17), nulla ci viene dato direttamente se non attraverso Maria, per volere di Dio. Dato che nessuno può andare al Sommo Padre se non per mezzo del Figlio [Incarnato], così, di regola, nessuno può avvicinarsi a Cristo se non attraverso la Madre” (Enciclica, Octobri mense, 22 settembre1891).

In breve: come Gesù siede alla destra della Divina Maestà nell'altezza dei Cieli, così Maria siede Regina alla destra di suo Figlio, rifugio sicuro e fedele per tutti i pericoli; e nessuno deve temere o disperare sotto la sua guida, i suoi auspici, la sua protezione e la sua benevolenza.

Autore: P. Giovanni Lauriola ofm