dimanche 4 février 2018


Imago Ecclesiae (Durham Cathedral Library MS B.II.35, fol 36v)

Gillebert of Limerick B

Died 1140. The date of Saint Gillebert's appointment as apostolic delegate to Ireland about 1106 (or a little earlier) is inferred from an extant congratulatory letter he wrote in 1107 to Archbishop Saint Anselm of Canterbury. Gillebert, together with Saint Malchus of Waterford and Ceallach of Armagh, launched a reorganization of the Irish church from monastic to episcopal rule. Gillebert is remembered for his tract entitled De statu ecclesiae, which outlined the episcopal and parochial reorganization, as well as advocated for a uniform liturgy. This movement was blessed by the High King Murcertach at the Council of Cashel at which time he bestowed the famous Rock of Cashel on the church. At the National Synod of Rath Breasel in 1110, Ireland was divided into 24 dioceses, and, in 1162, Archbishop Saint Gelasius decreed a uniform liturgy for the entirety of Ireland (Curtis, D'Arcy, MacNeill, O'Hanlon) 

Canon Lawyer, Papal Legate: Gille of Limerick


Imago Ecclesiae (Durham Cathedral Library MS B.II.35, fol 36v)

“For the early Irish Lent began the Sunday after Ash Wednesday. Gilbert of Limerick (†1145) insisted on Ash Wednesday” 1. This injunction was part of the programme of church reform that took place in the 12th century, reform that Gilbert (or Gille) of Limerick was deeply involved with. Gille was also “a philosopher whose philosophical thinking form[ed] the basis of his canon law” 2.

We know very little about Gille’s life: there are even numerous versions given of his name. He refers to himself both as Gille and Gillebertus 3. It is not even clear whether he was of Irish or Norse extraction. John Fleming suggests that his family roots are almost certainly in the Hibero-Norse city of Limerick 4, but his choice to retire to Bangor, Co. Down where he died may suggest that as his birthplace 5

The first record we have of Gille is a letter that he sends in 1106 as bishop of Limerick to Anselm, at that time Archbishop of Canterbury, sending a gift of pearls and congratulating him on “the victory of your labours in subduing the indomitable minds of the Normans” 6 Anselm’s reply states that the two “have known each other and delighted in friendship since our time in Normandy”. This may suggest Gille had been a pupil of Anselm in north-eastern France. Fleming suggests the history of learning in the area influenced Gille’s work 7:

the earthly and heavenly hierarchies of Eriugena; the tripartite division of the role of the laity put forward by Adelbero and his cousin…and, in particular, a preoccupation with heresy.

The balance of evidence suggests that Gille was papal legate for almost all his time as bishop of Limerick, and that he headed the Synod of Raith Bressail in 1111 8. According to Bernard of Clairvaux, he was the first to be legate ‘per universam Hiberniam’ 9. The Synod of Raith Bressail was the second aimed at reforming the Irish church and the first that covered the whole country. The first, held in Cashel in 1101, legislated against the purchase of church positions, and regulated the relationship of church and state, marriage and clerical celibacy 10.

St Mary’s Cathedral, Limerick
(c) John Armagh/Wikipedia, Public Domain.The Synod of Raith Bressail went further, instituting for the first time a full system of dioceses in Ireland in a hierarchy subject to a Primate of all Ireland, and through him to the see of Rome.
This was the greatest change in the Irish Church since the 5th century. A document, the Acta, from this synod gives further circumstantial evidence for Gille’s origin in Limerick. Limerick is given as a model diocese (with “St Mary’s church” as its cathedral church) in a level of detail suggesting local knowledge 11.

Gille records in his treatise De statu ecclesiae that many Irish bishops and priests requested he explain the hierarchy he advocated 12. As a canon lawyer, Gille was working in the Paris tradition which was founded on law based on custom, rather than the compilation and reconciliation of texts as practised by the (later) Gratian. As such his style is very different, “exhortatory rather than prescriptive, encouraging rather than demanding” 13 – very different from what we would regard as a legal text today. The law was based on a common vision of life; an inportant aspect of it was the rights and duties owed to a lord 14

The treatise itself is a commentary on a diagram (the image at the top of this post) in which the hierarchical structure of the church is shown as a pyramid, made up of further interlocking pyramids. The pope is at the apex, balanced by the emperor and Noah at the other two points. The pyramids below balance the archbishop with the duke, then the bishop with the count and finally the priest with the soldier. 15

The pyramidal structure “expresses a theory of authority in the Church, it represents a vision of an ordered ecclesiastical organisation and it demonstrates the neoplatonist philosophical background in which [Gille] was educated.” 16. This hierarchy reflects the hierarchy of Being outlined by Pseudo-Dionysus, with the One (God) at the top, with higher levels more perfect and receiving more power than lower levels.17

The three corners reflect the three-fold classification of the laity into those who plough, those who fight and those who pray, a classification formulated by Adelbero of Laon and Gerald of Cambrai in northeastern France 18 Each of these form an ordo or social group, each with their own duties and function, which interlock to form an ordered, Christian society. 19

Gille is recorded as being present at the consecration of a new bishop of St David’s in Westminster in 1115. Bernard of Clairvaux records that Gille, along with Maek Isu of Lismore prevailed on Malachy to accept the vacant see of Armagh in 1129, and that Malachy became papal legate in 1140 due to the retirement of Gille due to old age and infirmity 20.

Gille’s death, his only mention in the Irish annals, is recorded in 1145 in Bangor Co. Down. The De statu ecclesiae survived in two manuscripts and a prologue to it, De uso ecclesiastico in three. The two parts were published by Archbishop James Ussher in 163221.

Further Reading

Sean Duffy (2004) “Gilbert [Gille, Gilli, Gillebertus; called Gilla Espaic] (d. 1145), bishop of Limerick” in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/ref:odnb/10734

John Fleming (2001) Gille of Limerick (c. 1070-1145), Dublin:Four Courts Press, p. 11]

John Fleming (2009) “Gille of Limerick (c. 1072-1145), an Irish canonist” in James McEvoy and Michael Dunne (eds) The Irish Contribution to European Scholastic Thought, Dublin: Four Courts Press, pp. 37-48.

Further Listening

Peter Adamson’s The History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps podcast includes episodes on early medieval political philosophy and law. Of the figures mentioned, Ivo of Chartes was roughly contemporary with Anselm, the generation before Gille. Gratian and Lombard were the generation after.

Peter Adamson (2015) Two Swords: Early Medieval Political Philosophy

Peter Adamson (2015) Early Medieval – Law and Order: Gratian and Lombard.

Peter Adamson (2015) Caroline Humfress on the Roots of Medieval Law


1.Per tweet from @Peritia:

For the early Irish Lent began the Sunday after Ash Wednesday. Gilbert of Limerick (†1145) insisted on Ash Wednesday pic.twitter.com/a71o0pvrRs

— Peritia (@PeritiaEditors) February 10, 2016

2.John Fleming (2009) “Gille of Limerick (c. 1072-1145), an Irish canonist” in James McEvoy and Michael Dunne (eds) The Irish Contribution to European Scholastic Thought, Dublin: Four Courts Press, p. 46 

3.Sean Duffy (2004) “Gilbert {Gille, Gilli, Gillebertus; called Gilla Espaic} (d. 1145), bishop of Limerick” in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/ref:odnb/10734 

4.John Fleming (2001) Gille of Limerick (c. 1070-1145), Dublin:Four Courts Press, p. 11 

5.John Fleming (2009), pp. 37-8n. 

6.Fleming (2001), p. 165. 

7.Fleming (2009), p. 41. 

8.Fleming, 2001, p. 45 

9.Duffy, 2004 

10.Fleming, 2001, p.33 

11.Fleming, 2001, pp. 36-40 

12.Fleming, 2001, p.44 

13.Fleming, (2009), p. 43 

14.Fleming (2001), pp. 53-4 

15.Fleming (2009), p. 43 

16.Fleming (2001), p. 77 

17.Fleming (2001), p. 75 

18.Fleming (2009), p. 41. 

19.Fleming (2001), pp. 50-1 

20.Duffy (2004) 

21.Duffy (2004) 

SOURCE : https://www.irishphilosophy.com/2016/02/10/gille-of-limerick/

San Gilberto di Limerick Vescovo

Etimologia: Gilberto = nobile ostaggio, dardo brillante, dal tedesco

Emblema: Bastone pastorale

Nulla si sa della prima parte della vita di questo vescovo di Limerick, né se fu di origine danese o irlandese. Una parte della sua vita trascorse certamente fuori d'Irlanda, poiché sappiamo che fu a Rouen tra il 1103 e il 1106, durante l'esilio di Anselmo d'Aosta, arcivescovo di Canterbury (v ). Poco dopo Gilberto fu eletto vescovo di Limerick e scrisse ad Anselmo (1107) congratulandosi con lui per la fine delle sue controversie con i magnati normanni in Inghilterra, inviandogli un "povero piccolo dono" di venticinque pietre preziose di vario tipo ("munusculum paupertatis meae et devotionis transmitto, viginti quinque margaretulas inter optimas et viliores").

Anselmo gli rispose affettuosamente ringraziando "il vecchio amico" che era stato con lui a Rouen, congratulandosi per la sua elezione e sollecitandolo a lavorare per l'introduzione degli usi romani nella vita ecclesiastica irlandese.

Il male che piú affliggeva la Chiesa in Irlanda, come altrove, era, in quel tempo, la laicizzazione che, nell'isola, aveva assunto la forma del decadimento delle chiese monastiche le quali, in gran parte, avevano finito per divenire delle istituzioni secolari. Il matrimonio degli ecclesiastici, chierici e monaci, e l'attrattiva delle proprietà della Chiesa rappresentavano forze di secolarizzazione che agivano in Irlanda come nel continente.

Tuttavia, sin dal tempo in cui Gilberto divenne vescovo di Limerick, il movimento di riforma gregoriana aveva compiuto qualche progresso nell'isola e si era tenuto un sinodo di riforma a Cashel nel 1101 sotto la presidenza del legato Maelmuire O'Dunain, vescovo di Meath. S. Anselmo si era tenuto in contatto con queste correnti di riforma sin dalla sua elezione a Canterbury nel 1093 e non sembra esservi dubbio che le influenze anglo-normanne, quale l'amicizia tra Anselmo e Giacomo, giovarono a questi primi tentativi di portare l'Irlanda in linea con il resto della Chiesa.

Seguendo le esortazioni di Anselmo, pare che Gilberto fosse divenuto uno dei capi della riforma ed avesse scritto un Liber de statu ecclesiae che può considerarsi come il programma del partito riformatore. Dopo una prefazione (De usu ecclesiastico) in cui stabilisce l'uso canonico o romano di recitare le ore, descrivendo l'uso irlandese come scismatico, Gilberto prosegue pro ponendo al clero irlandese un'adeguata organizzazione della Chiesa sotto il papa, i primati, gli arcivescovi, i vescovi e i preti.

Nel 1110 o 1111, circa nel periodo in cui Gilberto componeva questo trattato, fu nominato legato papale e in questa veste presiedette il sinodo nazionale di Rath Breasail nel 1111. Con l'aiuto del re Muirchertach Ua Briain, anch'egli in corrispondenza con s. Anselmo, Gilberto, in questo sinodo introdusse il sistema continentale di governo della Chiesa. Risultato di ciò fu che l'intera Irlanda fu divisa in due province ecclesiastiche basandosi sulla antica suddivisione di Leath-Mhogha e Leath Chuinn, con gli arcivescovi di Armagh e di Cashel; furono istituite ventisei diocesi di cui vennero delimitati i confini e le chiese, invece di dipendere dagli abati dei monasteri, furono completa mente affidate ai vescovi diocesani. Il maggior risultato del sinodo, tuttavia, fu quello di estendere l'autorità della gerarchia di nuova istituzione in tutti e cinque i regni d'Irlanda.

I rimanenti anni della vita di Gilberto sembrano essere trascorsi nel consolidamento del nuovo ordine. Si ha notizia di un viaggio fuori d'Irlanda allorché, nel 1115, assistette l'arcivescovo di Canterbury per la consacrazione del vescovo di St. Davió.

Gilberto morí nel 1143, tre anni dopo avere, a causa dell'età avanzata, rinunciato alla sua sede, ed es sere stato sostituito come legato da s. Mael-Maedoc Ua Morgair o Malachia di Armagh.

La sua festa è celebrata il 4 febbraio.

Autore: Leonard Boyle