Johann Georg Melchior Schmidtner (1625-1705). Marie qui défait les nœuds, circa 1700, 182 x 110, église Saint-Pierre de Perlach à Augsbourg, Bavière
« Marie qui défait les nœuds », priée avec ferveur
dans le monde entier
Chollet - Publié le 03/05/21
« Marie qui défait les nœuds », cette dévotion mariale
que le pape François a contribué à faire connaître est priée avec ferveur dans
le monde entier sous la forme d’une neuvaine. Son histoire, étonnante,
s’adresse en particulier aux âmes désemparées, empêtrées dans les nœuds de
Àl’origine de la dévotion à « Marie qui défait
les nœuds », il y a un tableau, peint en 1700, attribué à Johan Melchior
Schmidtner, et qui est exposé dans l’église St Peter am Perlach à Ausbourg en
Allemagne. L’œuvre illustre ce texte écrit par saint Irénée au IIe siècle :
« Par sa désobéissance, Ève a créé le nœud qui a étranglé le genre humain.
Par son obéissance, Marie l’a dénoué. Ce qu’Ève a noué par son incrédulité, la
Vierge Marie l’a dénoué par sa foi » (Adversus Haereses III, 22, 4).
Cette intuition est confirmée dans les années soixante par le concile Vatican
II : « La foi de Marie dénoue le nœud du péché » (Lumen gentium, n. 56).
Un tableau riche en symboles bibliques
La Vierge Marie, personnage principal du tableau,
reçoit des mains d’un ange un ruban encombré de toutes sortes de nœuds. Elle le
fait passer à un autre ange : dans l’intervalle, par ses mains, le ruban a
été complètement débarrassé des nœuds. D’autres anges regardent la scène.
Au-dessus de la Vierge, une nuée lumineuse symbolise Dieu. De cette nuée se
détache une colombe blanche, c’est l’Esprit Saint qui inspire la Vierge. Sous
les pieds de celle-ci, un serpent (représentant le mal dans la Bible) et un croissant
de lune argenté : on retrouve ici la description de Marie dans
l’Apocalypse de saint Jean : « Un grand signe est apparu dans le ciel, une
femme, revêtue de soleil, la lune sous les pieds, et sur la tête une couronne
de douze étoiles. » Dans ce tableau, la Vierge Marie est située entre le
ciel et la terre pour signifier sa place, entre Dieu et les hommes. Inspirée
par Dieu, elle écrase le mal. Le renflement de la robe portée par la Vierge et
sa couleur rouge attesteraient qu’elle est enceinte (« El libro del Papa
Francisco », Gente n. 12, 19 avril 2013). Ainsi, le Père,
le Fils et l’Esprit sont réunis dans ce tableau.
Une Vierge à l’œuvre pour dénouer les maux quotidiens
dont ceux du couple
Lire aussi :Le miracle à l’origine de la dévotion pour Marie qui défait les
La partie correspondant au ruban emmêlé (à gauche de la
Vierge) est plus sombre. Est-ce un symbole des difficultés des hommes en butte
au péché ? Au bas du tableau, des silhouettes sortent de l’obscurité pour
se diriger vers la partie plus claire, celle qui correspond au ruban délivré
des nœuds qui l’encombraient. Ces silhouettes représentent l’archange Raphaël
(en hébreu « Dieu guérit ») guidant Tobie, reconnaissable au poisson
qu’il porte dans la main, vers une église dans laquelle l’attend Sara, sa
promise. Le tableau fait explicitement référence aux liens du mariage. Au
XVIIIe siècle, en Allemagne du sud, le signe des alliances échangées
existait peu : le prêtre attachait avec un ruban le bras gauche de l’époux
au bras droit de la mariée, représentant ainsi leur union devant Dieu. Ce
tableau a d’ailleurs été commandé au peintre Schmitter par un prêtre, H.A. von
Langenmantel en remerciement pour la réconciliation d’un couple.
Ce tableau est à notre connaissance le seul où la
Vierge agisse matériellement, visiblement, manuellement. Maria
Knotenlöserin, littéralement « Marie, celle qui défait les nœuds »,
est née de l’inspiration d’un prêtre qui donc très judicieusement a compris que
nous avons tous des nœuds dans notre vie et qu’il nous appartient de les
remettre dans les mains de la Vierge pour qu’elle agisse sur eux. Peut-être
est-ce cela qui a tellement marqué le père Jorge Bergoglio, aujourd’hui pape
François ?
Les petites cartes du père Bergoglio
Dans les années quatre-vingt en effet, au cours d’un
séjour en Allemagne, le père Jorge Bergoglio — devenu le pape François le 13
mars 2013 — découvre le tableau qui est connu dans la région de Munich. Il en
rapporte en Argentine quelques reproductions dont il fait faire des cartes pour
ses correspondances et ses cadeaux. Le jour où il est ordonné évêque, c’est l’image
de « Marie qui défait les nœuds » qu’il choisit de distribuer à
l’assistance. En 1996, Ana-Maria Betta de Berti reçoit l’une de ces cartes.
Elle est expert-comptable à l’université San Salvador de Buenos Aires dont le
père Bergoglio est recteur. Peintre amateur, Ana-Maria Betta de Berti réalisera
quatre grands tableaux à partir de cette petite carte, quasiment identiques à
l’original. L’un de ces tableaux, accroché dans l’église San Jose de Talar
(Buenos Aires), attire chaque week-end plus de 10 000 personnes venues de tout
le pays (Evangelina Himitian, François un pape surprenant, Presses de la
Renaissance, 2013).
Une neuvaine pour nourrir les pèlerins du monde entier
En 1997, un peu forcé par un paroissien, le père
Juan-Ramon Celeiro, curé de la paroisse San Juan Bautista de Buenos Aires,
installe une reproduction dans son église. L’affluence des visiteurs venant
prier devant le tableau est telle qu’il organise une distribution de nourriture
et de boissons. Peu après, au cours d’une retraite sacerdotale, il a
l’intuition qu’il doit aussi fournir une nourriture spirituelle : c’est
ainsi qu’il écrit à l’intention des visiteurs, la neuvaine que nous
connaissons. Devant le succès rencontré, en novembre 1998, il la fait publier
en Argentine par les éditions Editorial Santa Maria de Buenos Aires. Cette
neuvaine va rencontrer un succès considérable en Amérique latine.
Lire aussi :À Marie qui délie les nœuds
Il restait à propager la prière dans le monde entier.
Lors d’un voyage au Brésil pour le compte du mouvement de prière des Vierges
pèlerines préparant le grand Jubilé de l’an 2000, je découvre la dévotion à
« Marie qui défait les nœuds » ainsi qu’une version de la neuvaine.
Par des rapprochements successifs, j’acquiers la conviction qu’elle est
inspirée de celle du père Celeiro et dans un souci d’exactitude, je me
rapproche de l’auteur d’origine, lui proposant de la diffuser hors de
l’Amérique latine. Dès 2001, la neuvaine connaît en France un succès retentissant ;
ce succès ne s’est jamais démenti. À ce jour, près de 900.000 exemplaires ont
été diffusés en huit langues (français, anglais, allemand, néerlandais,
espagnol, italien, portugais, chinois) en France et dans le monde entier !
Puis, des contrats sont signés avec des éditeurs étrangers en Slovénie,
Croatie, Roumanie, Pologne, Grande-Bretagne, mais aussi aux États-Unis, en
Australie, en Inde, aux Philippines, en Corée, bientôt avec l’Égypte, etc. Le
livret du père Celeiro a reçu l’imprimatur de l’archevêché de Paris, caution de
l’Église sur son contenu.
Le pape François nous encourage à confier nos nœuds
« Nœuds de vie personnelle, familiale,
professionnelle, sociale. Tous ces nœuds, qui ne sont rien d’autre que le
péché, nous affaiblissent tellement dans notre foi que la grâce de Dieu ne peut
s’écouler librement à travers le ruban de notre vie » expliquait le cardinal
Bergoglio. Devenu pape, il continue de s’y référer souvent. « À la
miséricorde de Dieu, nous le savons, rien n’est impossible ! Même les nœuds les
plus emmêlés se dénouent avec sa grâce. Et Marie, qui, par son “oui”, a ouvert
la porte à Dieu pour dénouer le nœud de l’ancienne désobéissance est aussi la
mère qui, avec patience et tendresse, nous conduit à Dieu, afin qu’il dénoue
les nœuds de notre âme. »
Lire aussi :Connaissez-vous la prière à Marie qui défait les nœuds pour
sortir du désespoir ?
Chacun de nous peut se demander : « Quels nœuds
y-a-t-il dans ma vie ? »Ici, laissons encore la parole au pape
François : « J’entends parfois dire : “Père, mes nœuds ne peuvent pas
se dénouer !” C’est une erreur ! Tous les nœuds du cœur, tous les nœuds de la
conscience peuvent être dénoués. Est-ce que je demande à Marie de m’aider à
avoir confiance en la miséricorde de Dieu, pour les dénouer, pour changer ?
Marie, femme de foi, nous dira sûrement : “Avance, va chez le Seigneur : lui te
comprend.” Et, mère, elle nous conduit par la main vers la tendresse du Père,
du Père de la miséricorde. »
La neuvaine verbalise la foi et l’attente des fidèles
Le père Celeiro a vus par centaines les attentes des
fidèles et c’est pour eux qu’il a écrit la neuvaine. Ces fidèles, conscients de
leurs fragilités et de leurs manquements, parfois à bout d’espérance et de
souffrances, viennent prier Marie, sous son vocable de « Marie qui défait
les nœuds » au pied de la reproduction accrochée dans son église. La
neuvaine à « Marie qui défait les nœuds » aide chacun à formaliser à
la fois son besoin, le manque qui fait souffrir, et sa confiance en Marie.
Durant neuf jours, la difficulté est mise en perspective grâce au texte des prières
; la foi, la confiance et la persévérance sont développées par la récitation du
chapelet. Les témoignages montrent que bien souvent le nœud ne se dénoue pas
« par miracle » : la neuvaine a permis de trouver la voie vers
la solution et la sérénité.
Des milliers de témoignages reconnaissants
Les milliers de merveilles que l’on attribue à ce
tableau sont enregistrées avec les documents correspondants, notamment à San
José del Talar et à San Juan Bautista. Beaucoup ont trait à la santé :
l’Institut oncologique Angel-Roffo est proche de la paroisse de San José del
Talar, et ses malades vont voir « Marie qui défait les nœuds » chaque
jour, notamment le mercredi, jour où la messe est dite pour eux. Les pèlerins
affluent aussi chaque huit du mois et notamment le 8 décembre, jour de la fête
de l’Immaculée Conception. Les responsables de la paroisse reçoivent tous les
jours des témoignages de nœuds déliés, de familles réconciliées, de problèmes
d’argent, de logement, de travail résolus.
En cliquant sur les dessins, à droite, on obtient des
informations sur les détails symboliques du tableau.
La femme de l’Apocalypse
Marie est représentée selon la description qui est
faite d’elle dans l’Apocalypse de St Jean (chapitre 12) : “ Un grand signe est
apparu dans le ciel, une femme, revêtue de soleil, la lune sous les pieds, et
sur la tête une couronne de douze étoiles ”.
La Vierge Marie est située entre le Ciel et la Terre
pour signifier sa place, entre Dieu et les hommes. Sa tête inclinée indique que
son oreille droite est tournée vers la Parole de Dieu. Son oreille gauche,
inclinée vers la terre, est attentive aux supplications des hommes.
L’œuvre révèle un détail très tendre et fondamental :
Marie qui défait les Nœuds est enceinte. Sous son bras droit et son manteau on
distingue son ventre gonflé. La couleur de sa robe, rouge, veut dire que
l’accouchement est proche: Jésus est sur le point d’arriver.
Les nœuds, un thème unique et universel
Les anges sont très actifs dans le tableau : L’un
d’eux présente à Marie le ruban tout encombré de nœuds. Ils symbolisent nos
péchés et nos difficultés quotidiennes. Un autre ange montre le ruban
rendu lisse par Marie ; tourné vers le spectateur, il semble dire :
« voyez ce qu’Elle peut faire. Vous aussi, ayez confiance ! »
C’est cela qui attire les foules au pied du tableau ;
Touchée par le long ruban dénoué par la Vierge, la piété populaire lui a donné
le nom de « Maria Knottenlöserin », littéralement « Marie, celle
qui défait les nœuds ».
Plus d’explications sur les symboles ainsi que des
méditations liées au tableau, dans le livret Marie qui défait les nœuds –
Le miracle à l’origine de la dévotion pour Marie qui
défait les nœuds
Cousturié - Publié le 26/11/17
Nous savons qu’à l’origine de cette dévotion se trouve
un tableau peint en 1700 à la demande d’un prêtre, en mémoire de la
réconciliation d’un couple de sa famille, Wolfgang et Sophie von Langenmantel.
Mais que savons-nous de cette réconciliation et de ce qui a pu bouleversé
à ce point ce prêtre pour vouloir imprimer à jamais ce symbole à la fois
concret et spirituel du pouvoir de Marie à défaire les nœuds de nos difficultés
quotidiennes, et de le faire partager à tous les fidèles ?
Derrière cette dévotion, partie d’un épisode de la vie
quotidienne d’un couple, se cache en réalité un miracle survenu devant un autre
tableau peint en l’honneur de Notre-Dame des Neiges, dont la commémoration,
depuis le Ve siècle, est à l’origine de toute la doctrine chrétienne et de
toute la dévotion de l’Église à l’égard de Marie, Mère de Dieu.
Ce jésuite par qui tout est arrivé
Nous sommes en 1615. Wolfgang Langenmantel et Sophie
Imhoff sont mariés depuis trois ans mais ils se disputent continuellement, et
leur mariage est déjà en crise. Les deux époux envisagent très sérieusement
l’idée de divorcer. Mais tous les deux sont de fervents catholiques et
souffrent de leur décision. Alors, avant de décider de leur séparation
définitive, l’époux décide de se rendre à pied au proche monastère bavarois
d’Ingolstadt où réside le père jésuite autrichien Jakob Rem (1546-1618), connu
et très estimé pour sa capacité de discernement, sa dévotion, et sa profondeur
Le père Rem est un grand dévot de la sainte
Vierge Marie. Il s’en va aussitôt s’agenouiller devant le tableau de
Notre-Dame des Neiges, accroché dans la chapelle du monastère, celle-là même
qui lui est apparue, un beau jour d’avril 1604 et lui a demandé d’être invoquée
sous le titre de Maria
ter admirabilis (Marie trois fois admirable), et dont il fait répéter
trois fois de suite le nom à ses disciples. Notre-Dame des Neiges est la sainte
patronne de tout le diocèse d’Eichstätt depuis 1942.
Un événement extraordinaire
Le 28 septembre 1615, un événement extraordinaire se
produit dans la chapelle du monastère. Tandis qu’il continue de prier
intensément la Vierge, le père Jakob a dans les mains le ruban de noce que les
époux, selon la tradition locale, avaient autour de leurs mains jointes, au
moment d’échanger leurs promesses, pour marquer les liens indissolubles de leur
union devant Dieu. Sophie le lui a confié pour accompagner ses prières. Le
ruban est plein de nœuds, chaque nœud correspondant à chaque dispute qu’elle a
eue avec son mari.
Le père jésuite, aux pieds de la peinture, supplie la
Vierge de dénouer tous ces nœuds et de permettre à ce couple de trouver la
paix. Et voilà que, tout à coup, il voit les nœuds se défaire les uns après les
autres, et le ruban devenir aussi lisse et blanc que le jour de leur mariage,
et d’une brillance qu’aucun peintre n’arrivera à reproduire. Très vite le
couple en tire les bénéfices et se réconcilie. Le divorce est évité et les
époux vivront en communion et heureux jusqu’à la fin de leurs jours.
Hommage par les arts
La dévotion à « Marie qui défait les nœuds »
est restée cantonnée au sud de l’Allemagne pendant plus de deux siècles,
jusqu’à ce que Jorge Maria Bergoglio, le futur pape François, bouleversé par
son image, la propage en Argentine, créant autour d’elle tout un mouvement de
piété populaire, qui s’étendra à toute l’Amérique latine dès 1980. Aujourd’hui,
avec la diffusion d’une neuvaine de prières inspirée du tableau, sa dévotion
s’étend au niveau mondial. Vous qui peinez et souffrez, confiez les noeuds de
votre vie à Celle qui peut tout auprès du Seigneur… Faites la neuvaine proposée
par une communauté de prière sur Hozana, animée par l’association Marie qui défait les
Neuvaine à Marie qui
défait les nœuds : défaire le nœud des tourments (jour 1)
La rédaction
d'Aleteia - publié le 30/04/23
En ce mois de mai
traditionnellement dédié à Marie, prions Marie qui défait les nœuds. Si vous
traversez une épreuve, un souci ou une difficulté particulière, confiez ce
"nœud" à Marie en récitant cette neuvaine.
La dévotion à Marie qui défait les nœuds a une histoire
particulière. Si elle est répandue dans le monde entier, c’est grâce au pape
François. En effet, dans les années 1980, lors de ses études en Allemagne,
Jorge Mario Bergoglio est frappé par l’image du tableau datant du XVIIIe siècle
« Marie qui défait les nœuds » qui se trouve dans l’église
Saint-Pierre de Perlach à Augsbourg (Bavière, en Allemagne). Il favorise
rapidement sa vénération en Argentine, puis dans le monde entier. Il est
aujourd’hui accompagné d’une neuvaine qui propose, pendant neuf jours, de
remettre une intention, c’est-à-dire le nœud, entre les mains de Marie. Ce nœud
symbolise une difficulté particulière ou une épreuve de la vie comme une
maladie, une séparation, une addiction. Confier ce nœud à Marie, c’est demander
qu’elle intercède auprès de Dieu et obtienne des grâces.
Après le signe de
croix, réciter l’acte de contrition:
« Mon Dieu,
J’ai un très grand regret de vous avoir offensé,
parce que Vous êtes infiniment bon, infiniment aimable et que le péché Vous
Je prends la ferme résolution, avec le secours de Votre sainte grâce,
de ne plus Vous offenser et de faire pénitence.
Notre Sauveur Jésus-Christ
a souffert et est mort pour nous.
En Son Nom, Seigneur, prends pitié de nous ! »
Prier celui qui
correspond au jour de la semaine :
Premier mystère joyeux : l’Annonciation
Premier mystère douloureux : l’Agonie de Jésus
Premier mystère : la Résurrection de Jésus
Premier mystère lumineux : le Baptême de Jésus
Premier mystère douloureux : l’Agonie de Jésus
Premier mystère joyeux : l’Annonciation
Premier mystère : la Résurrection
« Notre Père, qui es
aux cieux,
que Ton nom soit sanctifié,
que Ton règne vienne,
que Ta volonté soit faite,
sur la terre comme au Ciel.
Donne-nous aujourd’hui notre pain de ce jour,
pardonne-nous nos offenses,
comme nous pardonnons aussi à ceux qui nous ont offensés,
et ne nous laisse pas entrer en tentation,
mais délivre-nous du mal.
Amen. »
« Je vous salue
Marie, pleine de grâce,
le Seigneur est avec vous.
Vous êtes bénie entre toutes les femmes
et Jésus, le fruit de vos entrailles, est béni.
Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu,
priez pour nous, pauvres pécheurs,
maintenant et à l’heure de notre mort.
Amen. »
« Gloire au Père et
au Fils
et au Saint-Esprit,
comme il était au commencement,
maintenant et toujours,
dans les siècles des siècles.
Amen. »
Prier celui qui
correspond au jour de la semaine :
Deuxième mystère joyeux : la Visitation
Deuxième mystère douloureux : la Flagellation
Deuxième mystère glorieux : l’Ascension
Deuxième mystère lumineux : les Noces de Cana
Deuxième mystère douloureux : la Flagellation
Deuxième mystère joyeux : la Visitation
Deuxième mystère glorieux : l’Ascension
Notre Père…
Je vous salue Marie…
Gloire au Père…
Prier celui qui
correspond au jour de la semaine :
Troisième mystère joyeux : la Nativité
Troisième mystère douloureux : le Couronnement d’épines
Troisième mystère glorieux : la Pentecôte
Troisième mystère lumineux : l’Annonce du Royaume et l’appel à la conversion
Troisième mystère douloureux : le Couronnement d’épines
Troisième mystère joyeux : la Nativité
Troisième mystère glorieux : la Pentecôte
Notre Père…
Je vous salue Marie…
Gloire au Père…
Sainte Mère bien aimée,
très Sainte Marie, Toi qui défais les « nœuds » qui étouffent tes
enfants, étends tes mains miséricordieuses vers moi. Je te remets aujourd’hui
ce « nœud » et toutes les conséquences négatives qu’il entraîne dans
ma vie. Je te donne ce « nœud » qui me tourmente, me rend malheureux
et m’empêche de m’unir à Toi et à Ton Fils Jésus, mon Sauveur. J’ai recours à
Toi « Marie qui défait les nœuds » car j’ai confiance en toi et je
sais que tu n’as jamais dédaigné un enfant pécheur qui te supplie de l’aider.
Je crois que tu peux défaire ce « nœud » car tu es ma Mère. J’ai
confiance que tu accepteras de défaire ce « nœud » car tu m’aimes
d’un amour éternel. Merci ma Mère bien-aimée.
Marie qui défait les
nœuds, prie pour moi.
Qui recherche une grâce,
la trouvera dans les mains de Marie.
Prier celui qui
correspond au jour de la semaine :
Quatrième mystère joyeux : la Présentation de Jésus au Temple
Quatrième mystère douloureux : le Portement de croix
Quatrième mystère glorieux : l’Assomption
Quatrième mystère lumineux : la Transfiguration
Quatrième mystère douloureux : le Portement de croix
Quatrième mystère joyeux : la Présentation de Jésus au Temple
Quatrième mystère glorieux : l’Assomption
Prier celui qui
correspond au jour de la semaine :
Cinquième mystère joyeux : le Recouvrement de Jésus au Temple
Cinquième mystère douloureux : la Crucifixion
Cinquième mystère glorieux : le Couronnement de Marie au Ciel
Cinquième mystère lumineux : l’Institution de l’Eucharistie
Cinquième mystère douloureux : la Crucifixion
Cinquième mystère joyeux : le Recouvrement de Jésus au Temple
Cinquième mystère glorieux : le Couronnement de Marie au Ciel
Prière à Marie qui défait
les nœuds
« Vierge Marie,
Mère du bel Amour,
Mère qui n’as jamais abandonné
un enfant qui crie au secours,
Mère dont les mains travaillent
sans cesse pour tes enfants bien aimés,
car elles sont poussées par l’Amour divin
et l’infinie Miséricorde
qui déborde de ton cœur,
tourne ton regard
plein de compassion vers moi.
Vois le paquet de « nœuds »
qui étouffent ma vie.
Tu connais mon désespoir
et ma douleur.
Tu sais combien ces nœuds me paralysent.
Je dépose le ruban de ma vie dans tes mains.
Personne, pas même le Malin,
ne peut le soustraire à ton aide miséricordieuse.
Dans tes mains, il n’y a pas un seul nœud
qui ne puisse être défait.
Vierge Marie, par ta grâce
et par ton pouvoir d’intercession
auprès de ton Fils Jésus, mon Libérateur,
reçoit aujourd’hui ce « nœud ».
Pour la gloire de Dieu,
je te demande de le défaire
et de le défaire pour toujours.
J’espère en toi.
Tu es l’unique Consolatrice
que Dieu m’a donné.
Tu es la forteresse de mes forces fragiles,
la richesse de mes misères,
la délivrance de tout ce
qui m’empêche d’être avec le Christ.
Accueille mon appel.
Garde-moi, guide-moi, protège-moi.
Sois mon refuge.
Marie qui défait les nœuds, prie pour moi.
Lire aussi :Le miracle à l’origine de la dévotion pour Marie qui défait les
Lire aussi :Neuvaine à la sainte Famille : oublier les disputes (jour
St. Peter am Perlach or Perlach-Church, Augsburg (Bavaria). The Perlachturm
is the tower of the church.
The story of the Devotion to Mary, Untier of Knots begins with the German nobleman Wolfgang Langenmantel (1568-1637). For some years, he had been married to the noblewoman Sophie Imoff, but by the year 1612 the couple was on the verge of a divorce. To save their marriage, Wolfgang decided to pay a visit to Father Jakob Rem, a Jesuit priest who lived at the monastery and university of Ingolstadt, located seventy kilometers north of Augsburg.
Over a period of 28 days, Wolfgang visited Father Rem
four times and received advice from the holy priest, who was honored for his
wisdom, piety and extraordinary intelligence. In fact, Father Rem
was believed to have experienced an apparition of Mary in the course of which
she appeared to him under the title of “Mother Thrice Admirable.”
During their meetings, Wolfgang and Father Rem would
pray together and venerate the Virgin Mary. On the day of their last
visit together, September 28th, 1615, Father Rem had been praying in the chapel
of the monastery before an image of the Virgin Mary under the title of “Our
Lady of the Snows.” When the two men met, Wolfgang gave his wedding
ribbon to Father Rem. (In the marriage ceremony of that time and place,
the maid of honor joined together the arms of the bride and groom with a ribbon
in order to represent their invisible union for the rest of their lives.)
In a solemn ritual act, Father Rem took Wolfgang’s wedding ribbon and
lifted it up, while at the same time untying the knots of the ribbon one by
one. As Father Rem smoothed out the ribbon, it became intensely
white. Because of this happening, Wolfgang and Sophie were able to avoid
a divorce and continue their marriage.
Some years later, Wolfgang’s grandson Hieronymus
Ambrosius Langenmantel (Canon of St. Peter's 1666-1709), who was himself a
priest and canon law doctor, decided to donate a family altar to the Church of
St. Peter am Perlach in Augsburg in commemoration of the turn of the century in
the year 1700. Such donations were a common tradition at the time. The
altar piece was dedicated to “the Blessed Virgin of Good Counsel” and Father
Hieronymus wanted it to represent the history of the Langenmantel family.
A painter, Johann Melchior Georg Schmittdner, was
commissioned to provide a painting for the family altar. He decided to
base his painting on the story of Wolfgang, Sophie and Father Rem.
Therefore, Schmittdner depicts the Virgin Mary as she is untying the knots of
the ribbon of married life. The crushing of the serpent illustrates that
Mary is the Immaculate Conception, since she as the one exempt by special grace
from all stain of original sin is the serpent’s eternal opponent. The dove is a
reference to Mary as the Bride of the Holy Spirit. Angels assist the
Blessed Mother; one presents the knots of our lives to her, while another angel
presents the ribbon, freed from knots, to us. Underneath Mary, the
worried noble Wolfgang, accompanied by the Archangel Raphael, walks towards a
Eventually, the story of the Langenmantel family
disappeared from history. However, through the following centuries the
painting remained as an antique in the Church of St. Peter am Perlach in
Augsburg. For some years the painting was located in the Discalced
Carmelite Convent of the same city of Augsburg. The painting, which has
survived wars, revolutions and secular opposition, still adorns the St. Peter
Church today.
Although the reference to Mary as one who unites knots
goes back to St. Irenaeus in the second century, the devotion to Mary Untier of
Knots was not well known until recently. In the 1980’s it was brought to
Argentina by Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio, S.J. (now Pope Francis), where
it remains particularly popular. The devotion has also spread through the
efforts of Brother Mario H. Ibertis Rivera, according to whom the Vatican has
authorized the use of the image for Vatican publishing
Because of the spread of the devotion, thousands of
followers of the Virgin Mary Untier of Knots now come to the St. Peter am
Perlach Church to ask for her intercession regarding all their problems
(knots). Besides marriage difficulties, these so-called knots include a
range of other problems of unusual diversity. People come to Mary for
assistance regarding health, work, disputes, family complications, personal
problems, and conflicts both in the community and internationally. Many
government officials, business people, Catholic groups and individual pilgrims
have already placed themselves under the protection of the Virgin Mary Untier
of Knots.
– Richard Lenar
Novena to Our Lady Undoer of Knots:
It is with extreme joy that we bring to you the real
history of Mary Undoer of Knots.
How this devotion started?
To show us the mission granted to the Virgin Mary by
Her Son, an unknown artist painted Mary Undoer of Knots with great grace. Since
1700, his painting has been venerated in the Church of St. Peter in Perlack,
Germany. It was originally inspired by a meditation of Saint Irenaeus (Bishop
of Lyon and martyred in 202) based on the parallel made by Saint Paul between
Adam and Christ. Saint Irenaeus, in turn, made a comparison between Eve and
Mary, saying:
"Eve, by her disobedience, tied the knot of
disgrace for the human race; whereas Mary, by her obedience, undid it".
But what are these knots?
They are the problems and struggles we face for which we do not see any solution.
Knots of discord in your family, lack of understanding
between parents and children, disrespect, violence, the knots of deep hurts
between husband and wife, the absence of peace and joy at home. They are also
the knots of anguish and despair of separated couples, the dissolution of the
family, the knots of a drug addict son or daughter, sick or separated from home
or God, knots of alcoholism, the practice of abortion, depression,
unemployment, fear, solitude…Ah, the knots of our life! How they suffocate the
soul, beat us down and betray the heart’s joy and separate us from God
The devotion to Mary Undoer of Knots is not new. The devotion is more than 300 years old. However, it is not based on an apparition of the Virgin Mary to a person, or persons, as in Lourdes or Fatima, but rather it is a revered devotion as many others in the Catholic Church, despite Virgin Mary is only one.
The devotion to Mary Undoer of Knots is becoming more and more known in many different countries, and the Novena has been printed in 19 languages, as well as in Braille. In the last 4 years, the Sanctuary of Mary Undoer of Knots has welcomed more than 600,000 pilgrims from all over the world.
At Mass, there is a multitude of people: the young,
the elderly, rich and poor, all asking for help from Our Lady to simplify their
Day after day, more and more Christians kneel to pray to Her as soon as they meet the Mother of the Fair Love.
Many families have become reconciled! Many diseases
have been healed! Many spouses have returned to the Church! Many jobs have been
given! Many conversions have taken place! Many Catholics have been on their
knees praying and giving thanks for graces received from our sweet Mother.
We are living in difficult times where the problems,
the knots, the temptations, the lack of peace and the evils are all around us.
Like a roaring lion your adversary, the devil, prowls around, looking for
someone to devour.
(1 Peter 5,8)
For that reason, Mary Who undoes the knots, Who was
chosen by God to crush the evil with Her feet, comes to us to reveal Herself.
She comes to provide jobs, good health, to reconcile families, because She
wants to undo the knots of our sins which dominate our lives, so that - as sons
of the King - we can receive the promises reserved for us from eternity. She
comes with promises of victory, peace, blessings and reconciliation.
Then, free from our knots – filled with happiness, we
can be a testimony of the Divine Power in this world, like pieces of God’s
heart or small bottles of perfume exhaling mercy and love to our neighbor. Like
ambassador of Jesus Christ and the Virgin of the fair love, we can rescue those
who cry without any consolation, those who are lonely, tied with knots, who
have no God, no Father nor Mother.
Mother of the Rising Sun, Immaculate, our Advocate, Helper in moments of affliction, Mother of God and made by Him our Mother, this is how Mary, Undoer of Knots is presented. Above all, She comes as the Queen of Mercy, the one who knows all about us, who has compassion for us and hurries to rescue us, praying for each one of us to Her beloved Jesus.
Is it possible that the Lord does not answer Her?
May Mary Undoer of Knots bless you today and forever.
If life has
become a bit knotted, turn to Mary
Maria Knotenlöserin is a favorite of Pope Francis
When I was first learning to tie my shoes, bows
escaped me. I could only manage knots – so I made a lot of them to tie each
lace of my gym shoes together. It took the teacher quite a while to undo them
for me.
Today, I might
have turned for help to a growing devotion of Maria Knotenlöserin or
Mary, Untier (or Undoer or loosener) of Knots. This devotion
dates to 17th-century Bavaria, but has been a favorite devotion of Pope Francis
for many years. He discovered it while he was a student in Germany in the 1980s
and brought the devotion back with him to Argentina. It is also very popular in
Brazil. And, in America, St. Joseph’s Chapel in Del Rio, Texas, has had a copy
of this painting of Mary since 2003. The feast day for Maria Knotenlöserin is
Sept. 28.
The original painting of Mary, Undoer of Knots, shows
Mary — as the Immaculate Conception, standing on the moon with a crown of stars
— crushing the head of a knotted serpent, while she unties knots from a white
ribbon. Angels and the Holy Spirit as a dove hover around her. At the bottom of
the painting are two small figures, commonly thought to be the archangel
Raphael leading Tobias.
The story of the painting is that it was commissioned
in the late 17th century by a cleric, Hieronymus Ambrosius Langenmantel, in
honor of his grandfather, Wolfgang Langenmantel. The story is that Wolfgang and
his wife, Sophia, had a troubled marriage. Wolfgang sought the help of a Jesuit
priest. Some stories say that Wolfgang brought with him the white band that was
used at his wedding ceremony to tie his arm to his bride’s. The priest, Fr.
Jakob Rem, prayed to the Blessed Mother, holding up the old ribbon before an
image of Mary. As he prayed, he had a vision of Mary and the ribbon in his
hands became smooth and intensely white. Ultimately, the marriage was saved.
This story is why the painting’s lower figures are
sometimes said to be Wolfgang and his personal guardian angel.
Since 1700, the painting of Maria Knotenlöserin, by
Johan Georg Schmidtner, has hung in the Church of St. Peter in Perlach, in
Augsburg, Bavaria, Germany. Mary as the Undoer of Knots traces much farther
back and is originally credited to a meditation of St. Irenaeus (Bishop of
Lyons, who was martyred in 202). Irenaeus’ writings drew upon the parallel made
by St. Paul between Adam and Christ.
St. Paul, in his First Letter to the Corinthians,
noted that, through Adam all died and that, through Christ, all shall live.
Also, that sin entered the world through one man and that one man’s obedience —
Christ’s — saved all men.
St. Irenaeus, in turn, made a similar comparison
between Eve and Mary. He wrote that, “Eve, by her disobedience, tied the knot
of disgrace for the human race; whereas Mary, by her obedience, undid it.”
Schmidtner’s painting brings this reflection into
visual form.
Pope Francis, himself reflecting on this writing of
Irenaeus, noted that “the ‘knot’ of disobedience, the ‘knot’ of unbelief” take
away peace.
“They are dangerous,” the pope said, “since many knots
can form a tangle which gets more and more painful and difficult to undo.”
However, Pope Francis added, God’s mercy acts through
Mary, “the Mother who patiently and lovingly brings us to God, so that he can
untangle the knots of our soul by his fatherly mercy.”
He added that we should never feel that our knots are
too big for God to undo. “It is a mistake to say anything of the sort,” he
stressed. “All the knots of our heart, every knot of our conscience, can be
Bishop Robert Morlino said much the same in an Oct. 31
letter to his diocese in Madison: “How many knots are created by our own
failings — knots both in our relationship to God and in our relationships with
one another? And isn’t it the case that it seems like these knots can sometimes
seem impossible to untangle — so much so that they often result in even greater
tangles and more complications? How often is the temptation there simply to
leave behind a relationship or a situation which seems hopelessly tangled?”
Knotted relationships — whether with others, like a
spouse, or with God — can sometimes seem as hopeless as my knotted shoelaces
must have seemed to my teacher. However, as Pope Francis said, we know one
thing: “nothing is impossible for God’s mercy. Even the most tangled knots are
loosened by his grace.”
The devotion to Mary, Undoer of Knots, reminds us of this: that God can mend all things. We can ask her help to undo our knots, or we can go straight to God through Jesus. While he didn’t have gym shoes, I am sure he needed Mary’s help with his sandal straps, so he won’t mind our asking for her help.
Sources:;;; “Mary Page” at; “Christianity” at;; and Our Sunday Visitor.
Kasten is the author of “Linking Your Beads, The
Rosary’s History, Mysteries and Prayers,” published by Our Sunday Visitor
Press. Her newest book, “Making Sense of Saints,” will be published by
OSV in spring 2014.
The Blessed Virgin Mary Untier of Knots
When he returned to Argentina following his doctoral
studies in Germany, Jorge Mario Bergoglio SJ, now Pope Francis, took with him a
particular fondness for a Marian devotion that he had encountered in Bavaria.
Hedwig Lewis SJ introduces us to the increasingly popular devotion to ‘Mary
Untier of Knots’.
‘Mary Untier of Knots, pray for us’ would be a
strange-sounding invocation in the Litany to Our Lady to which we are so
accustomed. In fact, devotion to the Blessed Virgin under this title has been
common in parts of Germany for centuries. Recently, however, the world’s
attention was drawn to it when Vatican Radio revealed that Pope Francis had
championed the devotion decades ago in Argentina.
In the 1980s, while doing his doctoral studies in
theology in Freiburg, Germany, as a Jesuit priest, Jorge Bergoglio saw a
painting in a church in Augsburg entitled ‘Mary Untier of Knots’. He was so
impressed by its stark symbolism that he took postcards of the image back with
him to his home province of Argentina. He used to enclose copies in every
letter he sent out. An Argentinian artist-friend of his made an oil-on-canvas
miniature painting of the picture, which was hung in the chapel of Colegio del
Salvador in Buenos Aires where Bergoglio was posted. The college staff was so
attracted by it that they persuaded the local pastor to get a larger copy made.
This was displayed in the parish church of San José del Talar, in 1996.
Eventually, devotion to Mary under the title ‘Untier of Knots’ spread across
Latin America.
Shortly after Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected
pope, as Benedict XVI, the then-Cardinal Bergoglio presented the German-born
pope with a silver chalice engraved with the image of Mary Untier of Knots
along with that of Our Lady of Luján, a popular Marian devotion in Argentina.
The painting
The original Baroque painting of ‘Mary Untier of
Knots’, by Johann George Melchior Schmidtner, dating from around 1700, is found
in the church of St Peter am Perlach, in Augsburg, Bavaria, Germany. It
measures six feet in height and almost four feet in width.
The painting depicts Mary suspended between heaven and
earth, resplendent with light. The Holy Spirit in the form of a dove is above
her head, reminding us that she became Mother of God and full of grace by
virtue of the third person of the Trinity. She is dressed resplendently in
crimson, and a deep blue mantle representing her glory as Queen of the
Universe. A crown of twelve stars adorning her head signifies her Queenship of
the Apostles. Her feet crush the head of the serpent indicating her part in the
victory over Satan. She is surrounded by angels, signifying her position as
Queen of the Angels and Queen of Heaven. In her hands is a knotted white
ribbon, which she is serenely untying. Assisting her at the task are two
angels: one presents the knots of our lives to her, while another angel
presents the ribbon, freed from knots, to us.
The history
A German nobleman, Wolfgang Langenmantel (1568-1637)
was distraught when his wife Sophia was planning to divorce him. To save the
marriage, Wolfgang sought counsel from Fr Jakob Rem, a Jesuit priest, respected
for his wisdom and piety, at the University of Ingolstadt. On his fourth visit
there on 28 September 1615, Wolfgang brought his ‘wedding ribbon’ to Fr Rem. In
the marriage ceremony of that time and place, the maid-of-honour joined
together the arms of the bride and groom with a ribbon to symbolise their union
for life. Fr Rem, in a solemn ritual act, raised the ribbon before the image of
‘Our Lady of the Snows’, while at the same time untying its knots one by one.
As he smoothed out the ribbon, it became dazzling white. This was taken as
confirmation that their prayers were heard. Consequently, the divorce was
averted, and Wolfgang remained happily married!
To commemorate the turn of the century in the year
1700, Wolfgang’s grandson, Fr Hieronymus Langenmantel, Canon of St Peter am
Perlach, installed a family altar in the church, as was customary then. He
commissioned Johann Schmidtner to provide a painting to be placed over the
altar. Schmidtner was inspired by the story of Wolfgang and Fr Rem, and so
based his painting on that event. The image came to be venerated as Mary Untier
of Knots. The painting has survived wars, revolutions and secular opposition,
and continues to draw people to it.
In the 18th century the devotion to Mary Untier
of Knots was localised to Germany. The devotion was augmented during the
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster (1986), when victims sought help through
the intercession of Mary Untier of Knots. The first chapel to be named ‘Mary
Untier of Knots’ was constructed in 1989 in Styria, Austria. The image of Mary
Untier of Knots at the main altar of the chapel was created by painter Franz
Weiss, using the technique of painting under glass. It differed from the
original, because the artist took as his theme the Chernobyl tragedy.
On 8 December 2000, a chapel dedicated to the Virgin
Mary Untier of Knots was inaugurated in Formosa, Argentina. Since 1998, the
devotion has been spreading in South America thanks to the booklet Mary,
Undoer of Knots Novena, published with ecclesiastical permission by Denis and
Dr Suzel Frem Bourgerie. It has been translated into twenty languages. The
couple founded the National Sanctuary of the Virgin Mary Untier of Knots in
Campinas (Sao Paulo), Brazil, in 2006.
The website ‘Mary Undoer of Knots’
explains that the ‘knots’ Mary can untie,
...are problems and struggles we face for which we do
not see any solution… Knots of discord in our family, lack of understanding
between parents and children, disrespect, violence, the knots of deep hurts
between husband and wife, the absence of peace and joy at home. They are also
the knots of anguish and despair of separated couples, the dissolution of the
family, the knots of a drug addict son or daughter, sick or separated from home
or God, knots of alcoholism, the practice of abortion, depression, unemployment,
fear, solitude…
‘Untie the knots’
An inspiring prayer that opens the above-mentioned
novena sums up the role of the Virgin Mary Untier of Knots:
Holy Mary, full of God’s presence during the days of your life, you accepted with full humility the Father’s will, and the Devil was never capable to tie you around with his confusion. Once with your son you interceded for our difficulties, and, full of kindness and patience you gave us example of how to untie the knots of our life. And by remaining forever Our Mother, you put in order, and make clearer the ties that link us to the Lord. Holy Mother, Mother of God, and our Mother, to you, who untie with motherly heart the knots of our life, we pray to you to receive in your hands [name of person], and to free him/her of the knots and confusion with which our enemy attacks. Through your grace, your intercession, and your example, deliver us from all evil, Our Lady, and untie the knots that prevent us from being united with God, so that we, free from sin and error, may find Him in all things, may have our hearts placed in Him, and may serve Him always in our brothers and sisters. Amen.
Fr Hedwig Lewis SJ, a former principal of St Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad, India, is a writer and the author of psycho-spiritual and professional books. His website is
The Holy Grail of Pope Francis: Our Lady of Lujan and
Undoer of Knots
Posted on March 19, 2013 by Fr. Angelo M. Geiger
Argentinian silversmith, Juan Carlos Pallarols, is handcrafting a
simple silver chalice for Pope Francis, which will be embossed with two images
of the Blessed Mother: Our
Lady of Lujan, an Argentinian image of the Immaculate Conception,
associated with a 17th century miracle, and Our Lady Undoer of
Knots, a German devotion which Cardinal Bergoglio brought to Argentina in
the 1980’s and has since promoted there. The same silversmith
collaborated with Cardinal Bergoglio in designing another chalice, embossed
with the image of Our Lady Undoer of Knots, which the Cardinal presented to
Pope Benedict shortly after he ascended to the Chair of St. Peter.
It is quite interesting that that this Argentinian
pope should have a personal attraction to the German devotion. It
provides a kind of link between the two successors of St. Peter, of which there are
Even Our Lady of Lujan and the Undoer of Knots are
connected by a common thread. The title “Undoer of Knots” is a reference to
the teaching of St.
Irenaeus in which he compares and contrasts Eve and Mary. In respect
to the Fall and Redemption both are betrothed and yet virgins. One union
of man and woman delivers death, the other life. In one case,
faithlessness and disobedience brings destruction. In the other, faith
and obedience brings regeneration:
And thus also it was that the knot
of Eve’s disobedience was loosed by the obedience of Mary.
For what the virgin Eve had
bound fast through unbelief, this did
the virgin Mary set free through faith.
The doctrine of St. Irenaeus is early patristic
testimony for Mary’s title New Eve, which in turn, is the theological
basis for the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. Eve’s name means
“Mother of All the Living.” However, the fruit of her childbearing is not
life but death, since, through her disobedience, all her children are subject
to death. Our first parents are the moral heads of the human family, and
this is why we inherent the effects and punishment of their sin (the stain of
Original Sin, its effects, and death). Jesus and Mary are the new moral
heads of the supernatural family of the Church. Christ is the new Adam
and Mary is the New Eve, the true Mother of All the Living. Because of
Her obedience, the fruit of Her childbearing is LIFE itself, and as Her
children we inherent that patrimony through grace.
But there is even more to the doctrine of St. Irenaeus
than this. For Irenaeus the predestination of Jesus and Mary is not
related in the first place to the sin of our first parents but to the very
intention of God to create anything at all in the first place. In other
words, God created all things in order to bring Christ into the world through
Mary. In the order of intention, Jesus and Mary come first.
Redemption becomes a necessity because of the sin of Adam and Eve, but
Christ and His Mother were not predestined in the first place because of sin.
(Read Ephesians
1 and Colossians 1 and
in this light). This gives an entirely exalted view of the headship
of Christ and Our Lady.
We know the New Adam has no stain of Original Sin
because He is God and his flesh is taken from the sinless Virgin. But what
is the internal logic behind Her sinlessness? Because Christ and Our Lady are
willed before all things in creation, including Adam and Even from whom they
descend in the flesh, Jesus and Mary are never under the moral
headship of Adam and Eve. Therefore, it is just that Our Lady should never be
touched by the stain of Original Sin, even when we consider the question
separately from the need of the sacred humanity of Christ to be taken from a
sinless mother.
This is the logic behind the doctrine of the
Immaculate Conception as taught by the Subtle Doctor, the great Franciscan
Blessed Duns Scotus. The reason he so eloquently articulated the doctrine
of the Immaculate Conception was because of his understanding of the nature of
the predestination of Christ, or what Franciscans have called the Absolute
Primacy of Christ, which is also known as the Franciscan Thesis.
All of this is boiled down to simple devotion in
the image and prayer associated
with the title Undoer of Knots:
You know very well how desperate I am, my pain and how
I am bound by these knots. Mary, Mother to whom God entrusted the undoing
of the knots in the lives of his children, I entrust into your hands the ribbon
of my life.
The Immaculate Conception is the reason why Our Lady
has such power to undo sin and suffering. It is why She is the Mother of
Mercy and the Refuge of Sinners. It is why She is able to gather all
peoples under Her Mantle. She who is the Mother of LIFE Himself, is the
Mother of All the Living.
Pope Francis urges us to receive and give mercy.
And in today’s homily for the Solemnity of St. Joseph he recommends even
human tenderness.
Our Immaculate Mother, is more a Mother than we realize. She takes
care of Her children, especially when they turn to Her with confidence.
There is no knot tied so tight and entangled so hopelessly that She
cannot undo it and restore life to good order. Consecration to Mary is
precisely a commitment to this kind of hope and confidence.
The fact is that we learn about God and His love for
us by proceeding from the lower to the higher, from what is material to what is
spiritual. (This too is a very Franciscan idea.) The knot that most
has us tied up in life is the knot of our sins. All human suffering, one
way or another, is traceable to this. But more immediate to our
consciousness, very often, is the complex problems of life, family, work,
school and human relationships that seem unsolvable, indeed, that seem to get
worse the more we try to fix them. What we lack very often is the faith
and hope to turn to God with confidence.
Beyond the personal tragedies and sorrows of life,
there is our eternal destiny that depends on our being able to transcend our
selfishness and to serve God without condition. This is sometimes very
painful, but our true happiness depends on our being purified from sin.
The Church too in her travail must learn that the Spirit speaks to her in
the midst of persecution and crisis. At this juncture in Church history,
we need more than ever to have confidence in the Immaculate.
She is the pure chalice, the Holy
Grail of God’s presence. Pope Emeritus Benedict’s and Pope
Francis’ chalices call this to mind. By the Marian Chivalry of St.
Francis and his sons, one seeks to honor this Holy Vessel of God’s presence
because She is the Mother of All the Living and has the life of God as Her gift
to give.
Our Lady of Lujan, pray for us.
Our Lady, Undoer of Knots, pray for us.
I can personally testify to the power of invoking Our
Lady under the title of Undoer of Knots. I was introduced to the devotion about
a year ago by a friend, and have found it very powerful to change impossible
situations. Thank God again, for Pope Francis!
Bernardine of Sienna on the Franciscan Thesis as it pertains to Mary:
For Mary alone, for many thousands of years before She
was born, primarily and principally preserved Adam and his posterity in being.
Indeed, in virtue of their transgression, Adam and Eve merited not only the
penalty of death, but extermination. Divine Justice, which knows no respect of
persons, should not have left the sin of man (just as It did not leave the
angelic sin) uncondemned in hell. But for the sake of that special reverence
and unique love which He had for the Virgin, God kept the world in existence.
Because God loved Her above all creatures…the first human beings were preserved
from extermination and not returned to nothing, as they deserved. The
explanation of this is as follows: The blessed Maiden was in the loins of Adam,
and his seed, and the power of producing the Maiden was inherent in our first
parents, until it should be realized in the act. For of this Maiden was to be
born the Son of God, Jesus, who, existing in Adam only in respect to His
corporal substance, was only to be brought forth from the Virgin and from no
other person. The merciful God pardoned our first parents and did not
annihilate them because, in so doing, the Virgin would not have arisen and,
consequently, neither would Christ have been clothed with human flesh…To
recapitulate everything in a few words: I do not hesitate to affirm that God
effected every liberation and granted every pardon in the Old Testament solely
out of reverence and love for the blessed Maiden. In virtue of this reverence
and love, God predestined Her, foreordaining from all eternity that She be
honored before all His other works.
This entry was posted in Blessed Virgin Mary, Catholicism, Church, Holy Grail, Marian Chivalry, Religion, Spirituality, Uncategorized and tagged Absolute Primacy of Christ, Benedict XVI, Blessed John Duns Scotus, Consecration to Mary, Franciscan Thesis, Holy Grail, Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Lujan, Our Lady Undoer of Knots, Pope Francis, St. Bernardine of Sienna by Fr. Angelo M. Geiger. Bookmark the permalink.
About Fr. Angelo M. Geiger
I am Franciscan Friar of the Immaculate and a priest
for more than twenty years. I finished my license in dogmatic theology at the
Angelcum in Rome in June of 2016.
all posts by Fr. Angelo M. Geiger →
Virgin painting ties Brazilians in knots
Alex Bellos in
Rio de Janeiro
Mon 24 Dec 2001 01.18 GMT
Confused? Stressed? Unhappy? Then say a prayer for
Mary Untier of Knots.
In Argentina and Brazil the latest religious craze is
to worship an 18th century German painting that depicts the Virgin Mary taking
the knots out of a long white ribbon.
The image, which for 300 years has been kept in a
church in Augsburg, Bavaria, is barely known in its home country. But in South
America the image has become an ubiquitous Catholic icon. At least two Mary
Untier of Knots churches have been opened in the past year, pictures are
distributed in the street and you can even buy Untier of Knots starter kits
containing a novena, a prayer sheet, a string of beads and a bracelet.
It is estimated that the Catholic church has about
2,000 titles for the Virgin Mary, such as Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of
The story of Mary Untier of Knots began in the early
1700s when the painter Johann Schmittdner was commissioned to paint an
interpretation of the Virgin Mary.
The image - called Maria Knotenlöserin in German - was
then put on the altar of the St Peter am Perlach church in Augsburg.
Twenty years ago a copy of the painting was taken to
Argentina, where it became venerated. A chapel in its honour was inaugurated
last year in Formosa, on the Paraguay border. Two years ago the image found its
way to Brazil.
Almost immediately Mary Untier of Knots caught the
popular imagination. There are Untier of Knots worship centres in five states
and, in September, a church was founded in Buzios, near Rio de Janeiro.
Regina Novaes, of Rio's Institute of Religious
Studies, says that the Mary Untier of Knots "attracts people with small
Nel 1986 papa Francesco, allora semplice sacerdote gesuita, si trovava in Germania per la sua tesi di dottorato. Durante uno dei suoi numerosi viaggi di studio a Ingolstadt, vide nella chiesa di Sankt Peter l'immagine della Vergine che scioglie i nodi e se ne innamorò all'istante. Ne rimase talmente colpito da portarne alcune riproduzioni a Buenos Aires che cominciò a distribuire ai sacerdoti e ai fedeli, incontrando grande rispondenza. Divenuto poi arcivescovo ausiliare di Buenos Aires, padre Jorge Mario Bergoglio ne consolidò il culto, continuando a inaugurare cappelle in suo onore. Bergoglio proseguì sempre instancabilmente nella sua opera di diffusione di questa devozione.
Con la parola “nodi” si intendono tutti quei problemi
che portiamo molto spesso negli anni e che non sappiamo come risolvere; tutti
quei peccati che ci incatenano e ci impediscono di accogliere Dio nella nostra
vita e di gettarci tra le sue braccia come bambini: i nodi dei litigi
familiari, dell’incomprensione tra genitori e figli, della mancanza di
rispetto, della violenza; i nodi del risentimento fra sposi, la mancanza di
pace e di gioia nella famiglia; nodi dell’angoscia; i nodi della disperazione
degli sposi che si separano, i nodi dello scioglimento delle famiglie; il
dolore provocato da un figlio che si droga, che è malato, che ha lasciato la
casa o che si è allontanato da Dio; i nodi dell’alcolismo, dei nostri vizi e
dei vizi di quelli che amiamo, i nodi delle ferite causate agli altri; i nodi
del rancore che ci tormenta dolorosamente, i nodi del sentimento di colpa,
dell’aborto, delle malattie incurabili, della depressione, della
disoccupazione, delle paure, della solitudine…nodi dell’incredulità, della
superbia, dei peccati delle nostre vite.
«Tutti - ha spiegato più volte l'allora cardinale
Bergoglio - abbiamo nodi nel cuore e attraversiamo difficoltà. Il nostro Padre
buono, che distribuisce la grazia a tutti i suoi figli, vuole che noi ci
fidiamo di Lei, che le affidiamo i nodi dei nostri mali, che ci impediscono di
unirci a Dio, affinché Lei li sciolga e ci avvicini a suo figlio Gesù. Questo è
il significato dell'immagine».
La Vergine Maria vuole che tutto questo cessi. Oggi
viene incontro a noi, perché le offriamo questi nodi e Lei li scioglierà uno
dopo l’altro.
Ora avviciniamoci a Lei.
ContemplandoLa scoprirete che non siete più soli. Davanti a Lei vorrete confidarLe le vostre angosce, i vostri nodi…e da quel momento, tutto può cambiare. Quale Madre piena d’amore non viene in aiuto al suo figliolo in difficoltà quando la chiama?
Come pregare la Novena:
Si fa prima il segno della Croce, poi l'atto di
contrizione (la preghiera ATTO DI DOLORE), poi si comincia il Santo Rosario
normalmente, poi dopo il terzo mistero del Rosario si legge la meditazione del
giorno della Novena (ad esempio il PRIMO GIORNO, poi il giorno seguente si
legge il SECONDO GIORNO e cosi' via per gli altri giorni...), poi si continua
il Rosario con il quarto e il quinto Mistero, poi alla fine (dopo la Salve
Regina, le Litanie Lauretane e il Pater, Ave e Gloria per il Papa) si conclude
il Rosario e la Novena con la Preghiera a Maria che scioglie i nodi riportata a
fine Novena.
Inoltre, ogni giorno della novena è opportuno:
1. Lodare, benedire e ringraziare la Santissima
2. Perdonare sempre e chiunque;
3. Vivere con impegno la preghiera personale,
familiare e comunitaria;
4. Compiere opere di carità;
5. Abbandonarsi alla volontà di Dio.
Seguendo questi suggerimenti e impegnandosi quotidianamente in un cammino di conversione, che operi un reale cambiamento di vita, si vedranno realizzate le meraviglie che Dio ha in serbo per ciascuno di noi, secondo i suoi tempi e la sua volontà.
Santa Madre mia amata, Santa Maria, che Scioglie i
"nodi" che opprimono i tuoi figli, stendi le tue mani misericordiose
verso di me. Ti do oggi questo "nodo" (nominare) e ogni conseguenza
negativa che esso provoca nella mia vita. Ti do questo "nodo"
(nominare) che mi tormenta, mi rende infelice e mi impedisce di unirmi a Te e
al tuo Figlio Gesù Salvatore. Ricorro a te Maria che scioglie i nodi perchè ho
fiducia in te e so che non hai mai disdegnato un figlio peccatore che ti
supplica di aiutarlo. Credo che tu possa sciogliere questi nodi perchè sei mia
Madre. So che lo farai perchè mi ami con amore eterno. Grazie Madre mia amata.
O Maria, Madre del buon consiglio, prendi questo nodo
(nominare) che mi ostacola e con la forza della tua mano scioglilo.
"Maria che scioglie i nodi" prega per me.
Maria, madre molto amata, piena di grazia, il mio
cuore si volge oggi verso di te. Mi riconosco peccatore e ho bisogno di te. Non
ho tenuto conto delle tue grazie a causa del mio egoismo, del mio rancore,della
mia mancanza di generosità e di umiltà.
Oggi mi rivolgo a te, "Maria che scioglie i
nodi" affinchè tu domandi per me, a tuo Figlio Gesù la purezza di cuore ,
il distacco, l'umiltà e la fiducia. Vivrò questa giornata con queste virtù. Te
le offrirò come prova del mio amore per te. Ripongo questo "nodo"
(nominare) nelle tue mani perchè mi impedisce di vedere la gloria di Dio.
O Maria, Madre del buon consiglio, prendi questo nodo
(nominare) che mi ostacola e con la forza della tua mano scioglilo.
"Maria che sciogli i nodi" prega per me.
Madre mediatrice,Regina del cielo, nelle cui mani sono
le ricchezze del Re, rivolgi a me i tuoi occhi misericordiosi. Ripongo nelle
tue mani sante questo "nodo" della mia vita (nominare), e tutto il
rancore che ne risulta.
Dio Padre, ti chiedo perdono per i miei peccati.
Aiutami ora a perdonare ogni persona che consciamente o inconsciamente, ha
provocato questo "nodo". Grazie a questa decisione Tu potrai
scioglierlo. Madre mia amata davanti a te, e in nome di tuo Figlio Gesù, mio
Salvatore, che è stato tanto offeso, e che ha saputo perdonare, perdono ora
queste persone (nominare) e anche me stesso per sempre.
O Maria, Madre del buon consiglio, prendi questo nodo
(nominare) che mi ostacola e con la forza della tua mano scioglilo.
"Maria che sciogli i nodi" prega per me.
Santa Madre mia amata, che accogli tutti quelli che ti
cercano, abbi pietà di me. Ripongo nelle tue mani questo "nodo"
Mi impedisce di essere felice,di vivere in pace,la mia
anima è paralizzata e mi impedisce di camminare verso il mio Signore e di
Sciogli questo "nodo" della mia vita, o
Madre mia. Chiedi a Gesù la guarigione della mia fede paralizzata che inciampa
nelle pietre del cammino. Cammina con me, Madre mia amata, perchè sia
consapevole che queste pietre sono in realtà degli amici; cessi di mormorare e
impari a rendere grazie, a sorridere in ogni momento, perchè ho fiducia in te.
O Maria, Madre del buon consiglio, prendi questo nodo
(nominare) che mi ostacola e con la forza della tua mano scioglilo.
"Maria che sciogli i nodi" prega per me.
"Madre che scioglie i nodi" generosa e piena
di compassione, mi volgo verso di te per rimettere, una volta di più, questo
"nodo" nelle tue mani (nominare). Ti chiedo la saggezza di Dio,
perchè io riesca alla luce dello Spirito Santo a sciogliere questo cumulo di
Nessuno ti ha mai vista adirata, al contrario, le tue
parole sono così piene di dolcezza che si vede in te lo Spirito Santo. Liberami
dall'amarezza, dalla collera e dall'odio che questo "nodo" (nominare)
mi ha causato.
Madre mia amata, dammi la tua dolcezza e la tua
saggezza, insegnami a meditare nel silenzio del mio cuore e così come hai fatto
il giorno della Pentecoste, intercedi presso Gesù perchè riceva nella mia vita
lo Spirito Santo, lo Spirito di Dio venga su di me.
O Maria, Madre del buon consiglio, prendi questo nodo
(nominare) che mi ostacola e con la forza della tua mano scioglilo.
"Maria che sciogli i nodi" prega per me.
Regina di misericordia, ti do questo "nodo"
della mia vita (nominare) e ti chiedo di darmi un cuore che sappia essere
paziente finchè tu sciolga questo "nodo". Insegnami ad ascoltare la
Parola del tuo Figlio, a confessarmi, a comunicarmi, perciò resta con me Maria.
Prepara il mio cuore a festeggiare con gli angeli la
grazia che tu mi stai ottenendo.
O Maria, Madre del buon consiglio, prendi questo nodo
(nominare) che mi ostacola e con la forza della tua mano scioglilo.
"Maria che sciogli i nodi" prega per me.
Madre purissima, mi rivolgo oggi a te: ti supplico di
sciogliere questo "nodo" della mia vita (nominare) e di liberarmi
dall'influenza del male. Dio ti ha concesso un grande potere su tutti i demoni.
Oggi rinuncio ai demoni e a tutti i legami che ho avuto con loro. Proclamo che
Gesù è il mio unico Salvatore e il mio unico Signore.
O " Maria che sciogli i nodi" schiaccia la
testa del demonio. Distruggi le trappole provocate da questi "nodi"
della mia vita. Grazie Madre tanto amata. Signore, liberami con il tuo prezioso
O Maria, Madre del buon consiglio, prendi questo nodo
(nominare) che mi ostacola e con la forza della tua mano scioglilo.
"Maria che sciogli i nodi" prega per me.
Vergine Madre di Dio, ricca di misericordia, abbi
pietà di me, tuo figliolo e sciogli i "nodi" (nominare) della mia
Ho bisogno che tu mi visiti, così come hai fatto con
Elisabetta. Portami Gesù, portami lo Spirito Santo. Insegnami il coraggio, la
gioia, l'umiltà e come Elisabetta, rendimi piena di Spirito Santo. Voglio che
tu sia mia Madre, la mia Regina e la mia amica. Ti do il mio cuore e tutto ciò
che mi appartiene: la mia casa, la mia famiglia, i miei beni esteriori e
interiori. Ti appartengo per sempre.
Metti in me il tuo cuore perchè io possa fare tutto
ciò che Gesù mi dirà di fare.
O Maria, Madre del buon consiglio, prendi questo nodo
(nominare) che mi ostacola e con la forza della tua mano scioglilo.
"Maria che sciogli i nodi" prega per me.
Madre Santissima, nostra avvocata, Tu che sciogli i
"nodi" vengo oggi a ringraziarti di aver sciolto questo "nodo"
(nominare) nella mia vita. Conosci il dolore che mi ha causato. Grazie Madre
mia amata,Ti ringrazio perchè hai sciolto i "nodi" della mia vita.
Avvolgimi con il tuo manto d' amore, proteggimi, illuminami con la tua pace.
O Maria, Madre del buon consiglio, prendi questo nodo
(nominare) che mi ostacola e con la forza della tua mano scioglilo.
"Maria che sciogli i nodi" prega per me.
Vergine Maria, Madre del bell'Amore, Madre che non ha
mai abbandonato un figliolo che grida aiuto, Madre le cui mani lavorano senza
sosta per i suoi figlioli tanto amati, perchè sono spinte dall'amore divino e
dall'infinita misericordia che esce dal Tuo cuore volgi verso di me il tuo
sguardo pieno di compassione. Guarda il cumulo di "nodi" della mia
Tu conosci la mia disperazione e il mio dolore. Sai
quanto mi paralizzano questi nodi Maria, Madre incaricata da Dio di sciogliere
i "nodi" della vita dei tuoi figlioli, ripongo il nastro della mia vita
nelle tue mani.
Nelle tue mani non c'è un "nodo" che non sia
Madre Onnipotente, con la grazia e il tuo potere
d'intercessione presso tuo Figlio Gesù, mio Salvatore, ricevi oggi questo
"nodo" (nominarlo se possibile...). Per la gloria di Dio ti chiedo di
scioglierlo e di scioglierlo per sempre. Spero in Te.
Sei l'unica consolatrice che Dio mi ha dato. Sei la
fortezza delle mie forze precarie, la ricchezza delle mie miserie, la
liberazione di tutto ciò che mi impedisce di essere con Cristo.
Accogli il mio richiamo. Preservami, guidami
proteggimi, sii il mio rifugio.
Maria, che scioglie i nodi, prega per me.
Madre di Gesù e Madre nostra, Maria Santissima Madre
di Dio; tu sai che la nostra vita è piena di nodi piccoli e grandi. Ci sentiamo
soffocati, schiacciati, oppressi e impotenti nel risolvere i nostri problemi.
Ci affidiamo a te, Madonna di Pace e di Misericordia. Ci rivolgiamo al Padre
per Gesù Cristo nello Spirito Santo, uniti a tutti gli angeli e ai Santi. Maria
incoronata da dodici stelle che schiacci con i tuoi santissimi piedi la testa
del serpente e non ci lasci cadere nella tentazione del maligno, liberaci da
ogni schiavitù, confusione e insicurezza. Dacci la tua grazia e la tua luce per
poter vedere nelle tenebre che ci circondano e seguire la giusta strada. Madre
generosa, ti presentiamo supplichevoli la nostra richiesta d'aiuto. Ti
preghiamo umilmente:
· Sciogli i nodi dei nostri disturbi fisici e delle
malattie incurabili: Maria ascoltaci!
· Sciogli i nodi dei conflitti psichici dentro di noi,
la nostra angoscia e paura, la non accettazione di noi stessi e della nostra
realtà: Maria ascoltaci!
· Sciogli i nodi nella nostra possessione diabolica:
Maria ascoltaci!
· Sciogli i nodi nelle nostre famiglie e nel rapporto
con i figli: Maria ascoltaci!
· Sciogli i nodi nella sfera professionale,
nell'impossibilità di trovare un lavoro dignitoso o nella schiavitù di lavorare
con eccesso: Maria ascoltaci!
· Sciogli i nodi dentro la nostra comunità
parrocchiale e nella nostra Chiesa che è una, santa, cattolica, apostolica:
Maria ascoltaci!
· Sciogli i nodi fra le varie Chiese cristiane e
confessioni religiose e dacci l'unità nel rispetto delle diversità: Maria
· Sciogli i nodi nella vita sociale e politica del
nostro Paese: Maria ascoltaci!
· Sciogli tutti i nodi del nostro cuore per poter
essere liberi di amare con generosità: Maria ascoltaci!
Maria che sciogli i nodi, prega per noi tuo Figlio Gesù Cristo nostro Signore. Amen.
Dopo la Preghiera a "Maria che scioglie i nodi" potete recitare questa Supplica:
Supplica a Maria che scioglie i nodi:
O Vergine Immacolata, Vergine Benedetta, Tu sei la
dispensatrice universale di tutte le Grazie di Dio. Sei la speranza di ogni
uomo e la mia speranza. Ringrazio sempre ed in ogni momento il mio amato
Signore Gesù che mi ha permesso di conoscerti, e mi ha fatto capire come posso
ricevere le Grazie Divine ed essere salvato. Questo modo sei Tu stessa, Augusta
Madre di Dio, perché so, grazie principalmente ai Meriti di Gesù Cristo, e poi
alla Tua intercessione che io posso raggiungere la Salvezza Eterna. O mia
Signora che sei stata così sollecita nel visitare Elisabetta, per santificarla,
Ti prego, affrettati a venire a visitare la mia anima. Meglio di me, Tu sai
quanto sia misera e quanti mali l'affliggono: affezioni sregolate, cattive
abitudini, peccati commessi e tante gravi malattie che possono solo portarla
alla morte eterna. Solo da Te dipende guarire la mia anima da tutte le sue
infermità e sciogliere tutti i "nodi" che l’affliggono. Prega per me,
o Vergine Maria, e raccomandami al Tuo Divin Figlio. Meglio di me Tu conosci le
mie miserie e i miei bisogni. O Madre mia e dolce Regina prega per me il Tuo Figlio
Divino e ottienimi di ricevere le Grazie che mi sono più necessarie ed
essenziali per la mia Salvezza Eterna. Io mi abbandono completamente a Te. Le
Tue preghiere non sono mai state respinte da Lui: sono le preghiere di una
Madre al suo Figlio; e questo Figlio Ti ama così tanto, che Egli fa tutto ciò
che Tu desideri al fine di aumentare la Tua Gloria e di testimoniare il grande
amore che Egli prova per Te.
O Maria, esaudisci le mie preghiere.
Ricordati, o dolcissima Vergine Maria, che non abbiamo mai sentito dire che nessuno di quelli che hanno chiesto la tua protezione, implorato il tuo soccorso e chiesto la tua intercessione siano stati da Te abbandonati. Animato da una tale fiducia, o Vergine tra le Vergini, o Madre mia, vengo da Te, e mentre soffro sotto il peso dei miei peccati, mi prostro ai tuoi piedi. O Madre del Verbo, non rifiutare le mie preghiere, ma ascoltale favorevolmente ed esaudiscile. Amen. (San Bernardo)
(Imprimatur Arcivescovado- Parigi- 9.4.2001)
Durante la novena è consigliabile accostarsi al
sacramento della Riconciliazione (Confessione) per chiedere perdono a Dio dei
propri peccati, partecipare alla Santa Messa quotidiana (quando è possibile) e
ricevere la santa Eucarestia, fonte e culmine di tutta la vita cristiana.
Es con gran alegria que traemos a Ud. la historia
verdadera de María, Desatadora de Nudos.
¿Cómo empezo ésta devoción?
Para demostrarnos la misión concedida a la Virgen
María por su Hijo, un artista desconocido pintó a María, Desatadora de Nudos
con gran gracia. Desde 1700, su pintura ha sido venerada en la iglesia de San
Pedro en Perlack, Alemania. Fue inspirada originalmente por una meditación de
San Irineo (obispo de Lyon y mártir en 202). Basado en el paralelismo de San
Pablo entre Adán y Cristo, San Irineo, así mismo, hizo una comparación entre
Eva y María, al decir:
" Eva, por su desobediencia, ató el nudo de
deshonra para la raza humana; mientras que María, por su obediencia, lo
¿Pero cuáles son éstos nudos?
Son los problemas y las luchas que encontramos, para
los cuáles no vemos ninguna solución. Nudos de la discordia en la familia,
falta de la comprensión entre los padres y los hijos, falta de respeto,
violencia, los nudos de daños profundos entre el marido y la esposa, la
ausencia de paz y de alegría en el país. Son también los nudos de angustia y de
desesperación de parejas separadas, la disolución de la familia, los nudos de
un hijo o de una hija drogadictos, enfermos o separados del hogar o de Dios,
nudos de alcoholismo, la práctica del aborto, depresión, desempleo, miedo,
soledad. ¡Ah, todos los nudos de nuestra vida! Cómo sofocan el alma,
desanimándonos y traicionando la alegría del corazón para separárnos de Dios.
La dedicación a María, Desatadora de Nudos no es
nueva. Esta devoción tiene más de 300 años. Sin embargo, no se basa en una
aparición de la Virgen María a una persona, o a las personas, como en Lourdes o
Fátima, sino que es una devoción venerada como tantas otras en la Iglesia
Católica, a pesar de que la Virgen Maria es solamente una y única. La devoción
a María, Desatadora de Nudos se está propagando cada vez más y más en diversos
países, y la novena se ha sido imprimida en 19 idiomas, incluso en Braille. En
los 4 años pasados, el santuario de María, Desatadora de Nudos ha acogido con
satisfacción a más de 600.000 peregrinos de todo el mundo. En la Misa, hay una
multitud de gente: los jóvenes, los ancianos, los ricos y pobres, pidiendo todo
clase de ayuda a nuestra Señora para simplificar sus vidas.
Día tras día, cada vez más cristianos se arrodillan a
rezarle tan pronto como encuentran a la Madre del Amor Justo. ¡Muchas familias
se han reconciliado! ¡Se han curado muchas enfermedades! ¡Muchos esposos han
vuelto a la Iglesia! ¡Se han econtrado muchos trabajos! ¡Varios conversiones
han ocurrido! Centenares de católicos de rodillas han rogado y dado las gracias
por las bendiciones recibidas de nuestra dulce Madre.
Estamos viviendo en épocas difíciles donde hay problemas, nudos, tentaciones, carencia de paz y males alrededor nuestra. Su adversario, el diablo, ronda como león rugiente, buscando a quién devorar. (1 Pedro 5,8)
Por esa razón, María, la cual deshace los nudos, fue
elegida por Dios para triturar el mal con sus pies, y viene a revelarse a nosotros.
Ella viene a darnos trabajo, buena salud, a reconciliar familias, porque ella
quiere deshacer los nudos de los pecados que dominan nuestras vidas, de modo
que - como hijos del Rey - podamos recibir las promesas reservadas para
nosotros desde la eternidad. Ella viene con promesas de victoria, de paz, de
bendiciones y de reconciliación.
Entonces, libre de nuestros nudos - llenos de
felicidad, podemos ser un testimonio del Poder Divino en éste mundo, como
pedazos del corazón de Dios o pequeñas botellas de perfume que exhalan
misericordia y amor a nuestro vecino. Como embajadores de Jesucristo y de la
Virgen del Amor Justo, podemos rescatar a los que gritan sin consuelo, a los
que están solos, atados con los nudos, que no tienen a Dios, ni a su Padre ni a
su Madre.
María, Desatadora de Nudos viene a nosotros como la
Madre del Sol levantado, la Inmaculada, nuestra Defensora, ayuda en momentos de
aflicción, Madre de Dios y hecha por El nuestra Madre. Sobre todo, ella viene
como la Reina de la Misericordia, la persona que sabe todo sobre nosotros, que
tiene compasión con nosotros y se apresura para rescatarnos, rogando por cada
uno de nosotros a su querido Jesús. ¿Es posible que el Señor no le conteste?
Que María, Desatadora de Nudos le bendiga hoy y siempre.