lundi 19 septembre 2016

Saint THÉODORE de CANTERBURY, évêque et confesseur

Saint Théodore de Cantorbéry

Évêque (+ 690)

Originaire de Tarse en Cilicie, il étudia à Athènes où il embrassa la vie monastique. Il se rendit à Rome pour y compléter ses connaissances. Il fut consacré archevêque de Cantorbery par le pape Vitalien, pour assurer le primat de l'Eglise d'Angleterre alors cruellement divisée par la querelle au sujet de l'adoption des usages liturgiques romains, prônés par les Angles et l'abandon des traditions liturgiques celtes, prônées par les Bretons qui étaient restés et ne l'avaient pas quittée pour s'exiler en Armorique.

À Cantorbéry, en 690, saint Théodore, évêque. Né à Tarse en Cilicie, moine à Athènes puis à Rome, il fut promu à l’épiscopat par le pape saint Vitalien et envoyé en Angleterre, déjà presque septuagénaire. Il dirigea, néanmoins, avec énergie l’Église qui lui était confiée, en augmentant le nombre des diocèses, en unifiant des coutumes disparates et en développant l’enseignement dans sa cathédrale.

Martyrologe romain


Saint Theodore of Tarsus stained glass window depicted in St John the Evangelist, Knotty Ash. File:Queen_Victoria_window,_St_John_the_Evangelist,_Knotty_Ash.jpg

Saint Théodore de Cantorbéry | archevêque de Canterbury

06 Sep, 2020

Saint Théodore de Canterbury , (né vers 602, Tarse , Cilicie , Asie Mineure - décédé le 19 septembre 690, Canterbury , Kent , Angleterre; fête le 19 septembre),septième archevêque de Cantorbéry et premier archevêque à diriger toute l'Église anglaise.

Nommé par le pape saint Vitalien, Théodore fut consacré en 668 puis partit de Rome avec les SS.Adrian , abbé de Nerida, en Italie, et Benedict Biscop, plus tard abbé de Wearmouth et Jarrow, Durham. En 669, ils atteignirent Cantorbéry, où Théodore fit d'Adrian l'abbé de SS. Monastère Pierre et Paul, nommé par la suite Saint-Augustin. Là, ils ont créé une école célèbre influente dans la vie de savants aussi brillants que le célèbre historien St. Bede le Vénérable et le talentueux architecte d'église St. Aldhelm .

Théodore organisa l'Église anglaise, dont de nombreux sièges étaient vacants à son arrivée et dont d'autres devaient être divisés. En 672, il convoqua à Hertford le premier synode général de l'Église anglaise pour mettre fin à certaines pratiques celtiques et diviser les diocèses. La question de la division a été reportée, mais le synode a imposé la date de la Pâque romaine, a établi l'obéissance pour les clercs et les moines, a interdit aux évêques d'intervenir dans d'autres diocèses et a réaffirmé l'enseignement de l'Église sur le mariage et le divorce.

Au cours de cette période, Théodore est entré en conflit avec Wilfrid , qu'il avait fait évêque d'York mais qu'il déposa bientôt. Wilfrid est allé à Rome en 677/678 pour protester. Pendant ce temps, en 678, Théodore a aidé à régler les relations entre le roi Aethelred du royaume anglo-saxon de Mercie et le roi Ecgfrith de Northumbrie, qu'Aethelred avait vaincu au combat. Le synode de Théodore à Hatfield en 679 a dégagé l'Église anglaise des associations avec l'hérésie des Monothélites ( qv ). En 686, il répara le conflit avec Wilfrid en admettant son erreur et en effectuant la restauration de Wilfrid. Theodore's Penitential, un recueil de ses décisions rendues par ses disciples , est devenu influent en Angleterre et sur le continent.

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La plus grande réussite de Théodore fut d'adapter l'idéal romain d'une église centralisée aux conditions anglaises. Son établissement d'une église centralisée sous l'archevêché de Canterbury en étroite alliance avec les dirigeants séculiers a été maintenu par ses successeurs. Aucune biographie de Théodore n'a survécu.


Saint Théodore, archevêque de Cantorbéry (690)

Saint Théodore fut le huitième archevêque de Cantorbéry (668-690), et l'un des grands saints de l'Angleterre. Il était Grec de Tarse, la ville du saint apôtre Paul. C'était un moine très éduqué, vivant à Rome, qui a rapidement gravi tous les échelons de la hiérarchie ecclésiastique et qui fut consacré archevêque de Cantorbéry à l'âge de soixante-cinq ans. Saint Adrien, africain qui était l'higoumène d'un monastère près de Naples, fut envoyé pour aider saint Théodore dans sa mission.

Saint Théodore est arrivé dans le Kent en 669, quand il avait près de soixante-dix ans. En dépit de son âge, il était assez énergique, voyageant à travers l'Angleterre fondant des églises, et consacrant des évêques pour combler ces sièges qui ont été laissés vacants par une épidémie de peste. Il a également créé de nouveaux sièges épiscopaux et a établi une école à Cantorbéry où le grec était enseigné.

Saint Théodore convoqua un Concile de toute l'Église anglaise à Hertford en 672. Non seulement ce Concile fut le premier de l'Église en Angleterre, mais ce fut aussi la première assemblée à laquelle participèrent des représentants de tout le pays. En 679, il convoqua un autre synode à Hatfield pour maintenir la pureté de la doctrine orthodoxe et condamner l'hérésie du monothélisme.

Saint Théodore s'endormit dans le Seigneur en 690, et son corps resta longtemps intact. Sous sa direction, l'Église d'Angleterre devint unie d'une manière que ne connaissaient pas les différents royaumes tribaux. Les structures diocésaines qu'il établit continuent à servir de base pour l'administration de l'Église en Angleterre. Il était respecté pour ses compétences administratives, et aussi pour ses décisions morales et canoniques.

L'histoire de l'Église et du peuple d'Angleterre de Saint Bède donne des informations détaillées sur la vie de saint Théodore et de son œuvre comme archevêque de Cantorbéry (Livres IV et V).

La fête de saint Théodore est au 19 septembre de chaque année.

Version française Claude Lopez-Ginisty



St Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury - gravesite of Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury

Saint Theodore of Canterbury

Also known as

Theodore of Tarsus

Second Founder of Canterbury


19 September


Educated in Tarsus, Cilicia (part of modern Turkey). Lived for a while in Athens, GreeceMonk in RomeItaly. Friend of Saint Adrian of Canterbury who recommended that Pope Saint Vitalian choose Theodore as Archbishop of CanterburyEngland in 666. He visited all of England, supporting or re-establishing the Church throughout the country. Theodore promoted education and evangelization, and held the first national Council of Hertford in 672. Worked with Saint Erconwald of London.


c.602 in Greece


690 of natural causes



Additional Information

Book of Saints, by the Monks of Ramsgate

Lives of the Saints, by Father Alban Butler


Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints

other sites in english

Catholic Ireland

Catholic Online

Orthodox Church in America


sitios en español

Martirologio Romano2001 edición

fonti in italiano


Santi e Beati


MLA Citation

“Saint Theodore of Canterbury“. CatholicSaints.Info. 4 February 2019. Web. 15 January 2022. <>


Skulptur an der ihm geweihten katholischen Kirche in Crawley in West Sussex.

Św. Teodor z Tarsu (Canterbury) w Crawley.

Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury

Seventh Archbishop of Canterbury, b. at Tarsus in Cilicia about 602; d. at Canterbury 19 September, 690.

Theodore was a monk (probably of the Basilian Order) but not yet in Holy Orders, living at Rome in 667, when Pope Vitalian chose him for the See of Canterbury in place of Wighard, who had died before consecration. After receiving orders, Theodore was consecrated by the Pope himself, on 26 March, 668, and set out for England, but did not reach Canterbury until May, 669. The new primate found the English Church still suffering from the jealousies and bitterness engendered by the long Paschal controversy, only lately settled, and sadly lacking in order and organization. The dioceses, coterminous with the divisions of the various kingdoms, were of unwieldy size, and many of then were vacant. Theodore, says Bede, at once "visited all the island, wherever the tribes of the Angles inhabited", and was everywhere received with respect and welcome. He made appointments to the vacant bishoprics, regularized the position of St. Chad, who had not been duly consecrated, corrected all that was faulty, instituted the teaching of music and of sacred and secular learning throughout the country, and had the distinction of being, as Bede specifically mentions, "the first archbishop whom all the English obeyed".

In 673 he convoked at Hertford the first synod of the whole province, an assembly of great importance as the forerunner and prototype of future English witenagemotes and parliaments. Going later to the court of the King of Northumbria, which country was entirely under the jurisdiction of St. Wilfrid, he divided it into four dioceses against the will of Wilfrid, who appealed to Pope Agatho. The pope's decision did not acquit Theodore of arbitrary and irregular action, although his plan for the subdivision of the Northumbrian diocese was carried out. For St. Cuthbert in 685, and in the following year he was fully reconciled to Wilfrid, who was restored to his See of York. Thus, before his death, which occurred five years later, Theodore saw the diocesan system of the English Church fully organized under his primatical and metropolitical authority. Stubbs emphasizes the immensely important work done by Theodore not only in developing a single united ecclesiastical body out of the heterogeneous Churches of the several English kingdoms, but in thus realizing a national unity which was not to be attained in secular matters for nearly three centuries.

Apart from the epoch-making character of his twenty-one years' episcopate, Theodore was a man of commanding personality: inclined to be autocratic, but possessed of great ideas, remarkable powers of administration, and intellectual gifts of a high order, carefully cultivated. Practically his only literary remains are the collected decisions in disciplinary matters, well known as "The Penitential of Theodore". It was first published complete by Wasserschleben in 1851, and several editions of it have been printed during the past sixty years. Theodore was buried in St. Augustine's Monastery, Canterbury, a long poetical epitaph, of which Bede has preserved only eight verses, being inscribed upon his tomb.

Hunter-Blair, Oswald. "Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 14. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1912. 19 Sept. 2016 <>.

Transcription. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Lucia Tobin.

Ecclesiastical approbation. Nihil Obstat. July 1, 1912. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York.

Copyright © 2021 by Kevin Knight. Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


September 19

St. Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury, Confessor

AFTER the death of St. Deusdedit, archbishop of Canterbury, Oswi, king of Northumberland, and Egbert, king of Kent, sent a virtuous and learned priest, named Wighard, to Rome, that he might be consecrated bishop, and duly confirmed to that important see by the pope himself. Wighard and most of those who attended him died in Italy of the plague; and Vitalian, who then sat in St. Peter’s chair, pitched upon Adrian, abbot of Niridian, near Naples, to be raised to that dignity. This abbot was by birth an African, understood Greek and Latin perfectly well, and was thoroughly versed in theology, and in the monastic and ecclesiastical discipline. But so great were his fears of the dignity to which he was called, that the pope was compelled by his entreaties and tears to yield to his excuses. He insisted, however, that Adrian should find a person equal to that charge, and should himself attend upon and assist him in instructing the inhabitants of this remote island in the perfect discipline of the Church. How edifying and happy was this contention—not to obtain—but to shun such a dignity! Adrian first named to the pope a monk called Andrew; but he was judged incapable of the necessary fatigues on account of his bodily infirmities, though otherwise a person extremely well qualified. There was then at Rome a Grecian monk, named Theodore, a native of Tarsus, in Cilicia, a man of exemplary life, and well skilled in divine and human learning, and in the Greek and Latin languages, who was sixty-six years old. Him Adrian presented to the pope, and procured him to be ordained bishop, promising to bear him company into England.

  Theodore, being ordained subdeacon, waited four months that his hair might grow, that it might be shaved in the form of a crown; for the Greek monks shaved their heads all over. At length Pope Vitalian consecrated him bishop, on Sunday the 26th day of March, in 668, and recommended him to St. Bennet Biscop, who had then come a third time to Rome, but whom the pope obliged to return to England with St. Theodore and Adrian, in order to be their guide and interpreter. They set out on the 27th of May; went by sea to Marseilles; and from thence by land to Arles, where they were entertained by the archbishop John, till Ebroin, mayor of the palace, had sent them permission to continue their journey. St. Theodore passed the winter at Paris with the bishop Agilbert, who had formerly been bishop of Winchester, in England. By his conversation the new archbishop informed himself of the circumstances and necessities of the church of which he was going to take upon him the charge: he also learned the English language. Egbert, king of Kent, hearing his new archbishop was arrived at Paris, sent one of the lords of his court to meet him, who, having obtained leave of Ebroin, waited on him to the port of Quentavic, in Ponthieu, now called St. Josse-sur-Mer. Theodore falling sick, was obliged to stay there some time. As soon as he was able to travel, he proceeded on his voyage, with St. Bennet Biscop, and took possession of his see of Canterbury on Sunday, the 27th of May, 669. Adrian was detained in France some time by Ebroin, who suspected that he was sent by the emperor to the kings of England on some designs against the French. He stayed a considerable time, first with Emmo, archbishop of Sens, and afterwards with St. Faro, bishop of Meaux. Ebroin being at last satisfied, he was permitted to follow St. Theodore, by whom he was made abbot of St. Peter’s at Canterbury.

St. Theodore made a general visitation of all the churches of the English nation, taking with him the abbot Adrian. He was everywhere well received, and heard with attention; and, wherever he came, he established sound morality, confirmed the discipline of the Catholic Church in the celebration of Easter, and introduced everywhere the Gregorian or Roman chanting in the divine office, till then known in few of the English churches, except those of Kent. He regulated all other things belonging to the divine service, reformed abuses, and ordained bishops in all places where he thought they were wanting. He confirmed St. Wilfrid in the see of York, 1 declaring the ordination of Ceadda irregular in two respects,—because he was intruded to the prejudice of St. Wilfrid, and because he had not received his consecration by lawful authority. Ceadda replied that he had been ordained against his inclinations, confessed himself unworthy of that dignity, and retired with joy to his monastery of Lestinguen. But St. Theodore made him bishop of the Mercians, or of Litchfield, which see was vacant by the death of Jaruman.

  St. Theodore was the first archbishop of Canterbury, after St. Austin, who presided over the whole church of England. He was founder of a most famous school at Canterbury, which produced many great men: for Theodore and Adrian themselves expounded the scriptures, and taught all the sciences, particularly astronomy and ecclesiastical arithmetic for calculating Easter; also how to compose Latin verses. Many under them became as perfect in the Latin and Greek languages as they were in their own tongue. Britain had never been in so flourishing a condition as at this time since the English first set foot in the island. The kings were so brave, says Bede, that all the barbarous nations dreaded their power; but withal such good Christians, that they aspired only after the joys of the kingdom of heaven, which had been but lately preached to them. All men’s minds seemed only bent on the goods of the life to come, to use the words of our venerable historian. St. Theodore established schools in most parts of England, and it is hard to say whether we ought most to admire the zeal and unwearied labours of the pastors, or the docility, humility, and insatiable ardour of the people, with whom to hear, to learn, and to practise seemed one and the same thing.

In 670, St. Theodore held a national council at Heorutford, which Cave, Mabillon, and many others, take to be Hertford; though it seems more probably to have been Thetford, as Ralph Hidgen 2 and Trevisa 3 positively affirm. And in this council Bisi, bishop of the East-Angles, sat next to the archbishop. It is ordained in one of the canons, that no man leave his wife, unless in the case of adultery; and that even in this case, a true Christian ought not to marry another. This synod enacted, that a council should be assembled annually on the 1st of August at Cloveshoe, which Mr. Somner proves to be Abingdon in Berkshire, which was on the borders of the Mercian kingdom, and was anciently called Shovesham, and originally Clovesham. The archbishop quotes, in this synod, for the regulation of Easter, and other points, a book of canons; by which Dr. Smith understands the council of Chalcedon, some others St. Theodore’s Penitential: but no such decisions are found in either; and it was probably a code of canons of the Roman Church which was here appealed to. The Eutychian and Monothelite heresies having made great havoc in the East, St. Theodore held another synod, in 680, at Hetfield, now called Bishop’s Hatfield, in Hertfordshire, in which the mystery of the Incarnation was expounded, the five first general councils were received, and the above-said heresies condemned.

In 678, at the request of King Egfrid, St. Theodore divided the see of York into three bishoprics, and constituted so many new bishops in the room of St. Wilfrid, who refused to come into that project. In the following year, St. Theodore ordained St. Erconwald bishop of London. War breaking out between Egfrid, king of the Northumbers, and Ethelred, king of the Mercians, a great battle was fought near the Trent, in which Elfwin, the amiable young brother of Egfrid was slain. Upon this news, St. Theodore relying upon the divine assistance, immediately set out, to extinguish the flame of war which both kings were bent on carrying on with greater fury than before the engagement: but the authority of the good bishop, and the religious motives which he made use of, disarmed them at once, and our saint was so happy as to cement a firm and cordial peace between the two nations, upon no other condition than that of paying the usual mulct to King Egfrid for the loss of his brother. Few things have rendered the name of St. Theodore more famous than his Penitential or Code of Canons, prescribing the term of public penance for penitents, according to the quality and enormity of their sins. 4 By this Penitential, it appears, 5 that when a monk died, mass was said for him on the day of his burial, on the third day after, and as often again as the abbot thought proper: also that the holy sacrifice was offered for the laity, and accompanied with fasting. 6

St. Theodore being above fourscore years of age, and seized with frequent fits of sickness, was desirous to be reconciled to St. Wilfrid. He therefore requested the exiled holy prelate to come to him at London, begged his pardon for having consented with the kings to his deprivation, without any fault on his side, did all he could to make him amends, and restored him to his entire see of York; for which purpose he wrote strong letters to Alfrid, king of Northumberland, who had succeeded his brother Egfrid; to Ethelred, king of the Mercians; to Elfleda, abbess of Streneshal, and others who opposed St. Wilfrid, or were interested in this affair; and he had the comfort to see his endeavours every where successful. St. Theodore was twenty-two years archbishop, and died in 690, aged fourscore and eight years; his memory is honoured on the 19th day of September, which was that of his death. He was buried in the monastery of St. Peter, which afterwards took the name of St. Austin. See Bede, l. 4, c. 1, 2, 21, l. 5, c. 8, and the lives of St. Wilfrid, and of St. Bennet Biscop. Ceillier, t. 17, p. 740. Wilkins, Concil. Magnæ Britan. t. 1, p. 42, and the learned Mr. Johnson’s Collection of Canons of the Church of England, vol. 1, ad an. 673.

Note 1. Eddi in Vitâ S. Wilfr. n. 15. [back]

Note 2. Polychron. l. 5, p. 239. [back]

Note 3. Ib. p. 309. [back]

Note 4. Spelman thought this Penitential too long to be inserted in his edition of the English councils, (t. 1, p. 154;) and was imitated by Wilkins. (Conc. Britan. tom. 1.) Luke D’Achery published one hundred and twenty articles of this work, (Spicilegii, t. 9,) which Labbe reprinted. (Conc. t. 6, p. 537.) James Petit published a part of this Penitential, in two volumes, quarto, with several dissertations and foreign pieces; but his edition is less accurate than the former, and many canons are added from other later Western penitentials, in some of which Theodore is himself quoted, and some decisions occur which stand in need of amendment. The six-score articles which contains a summary account of the discipline of the Latin and Greek churches, are the chief part of what can be depended upon to be the genuine work of St. Theodore. In these it is remarkable, that the apostolical temporary precept of the council at Jerusalem, of abstaining from things strangled, and from blood, was still observed in some churches. That among the Greeks in the seventh century, even the laity received the communion every Sunday, and they who failed three times together were excommunicated. That children brought up in monasteries were permitted to eat flesh till fourteen years of age; the boys might be professed at fifteen, and girls at sixteen. Lastly, that the penitential canons then began to be mitigated, by shortening the term of penances. St. Theodore prescribed but one year for fornication, three for adultery, and seven for murder. This relaxation gradually crept into the Oriental church, after Nectarius had abolished the office of penitentiary or public censor. In condescension to the weakness of many penitents, St. Theodore introduced the modern penitential canons of the Greeks into those churches, whose discipline he regulated, and was, in process of time, followed by many others in the West; as appears from several penitentials made in imitation of his, the authority of which is not to be compared to that of the ancient penitential canons in their decisions. The Penitentiary of Ecbright archbishop of York, in 740, was compiled upon this model. [back]

Note 5. Cap. 16. [back]

Note 6. Cap. 19, 77. [back]

Rev. Alban Butler (1711–73).  Volume IX: September. The Lives of the Saints.  1866.


St Theodore of Tarsus the Archbishop of Canterbury

Commemorated on September 19

Saint Theodore was the eighth Archbishop of Canterbury (668-690), and one of England’s great saints. He was a Greek from Tarsus, the home of St Paul. He was a highly-educated monk living in Rome who was quickly advanced through all the clerical ranks and consecrated as Archbishop of Canterbury at the age of sixty-five. St Adrian (January 9), an African who was the abbot of a monastery near Naples, was sent to assist St Theodore.

St Theodore arrived in Kent in 669, when he was almost seventy. In spite of his age, he was quite energetic, traveling throughout England founding churches and consecrating bishops to fill those Sees which were left vacant by an outbreak of plague. He also created new Sees and established a school in Canterbury where Greek was taught.

In Northumbria, St Theodore settled a dispute involving episcopal succession. St Wilfrid (October 12) had been elected Bishop of Lindisfarne (the See was later transferred to York), and he traveled to Gaul to be consecrated by a Roman bishop, because he would not accept consecration from a Celtic bishop. In the meantime, St Chad, or Ceadda (March 2), had been elected and uncanonically consecrated because Wilfrid remained in Gaul for three years. Although StTheodore deposed St Chad, he recognized his worthiness to be a bishop. He regularized the consecration, then sent St Chad to be Bishop of Mercia. St Wilfred was restored to his See.

St Theodore summoned a council of the entire English Church at Hertford in 672. Not only was this the first church council in England, it was the first assembly of any kind attended by representatives from all over the country. In 679 he convened another synod at Hatfield to maintain the purity of Orthodox doctrine and to condemn the heresy of Monothelitism.

St Theodore fell asleep in the Lord in 690, and his body remained incorrupt for a long time. Under his leadership, the English Church became united in a way that the various tribal kingdoms did not. The diocesean structures which he established continue to serve as the basis for church administration in England. He was respected for his administrative skills, and also for his moral and canonical decisions.


San Teodoro di Canterbury Vescovo

19 settembre

Martirologio Romano: A Canterbury in Inghilterra, san Teodoro, vescovo, che, monaco di Tarso, elevato all’episcopato dal papa san Vitaliano e mandato quasi settuagenario in Inghilterra, governò con forza d’animo la Chiesa a lui affidata.


Theodor von Canterbury

auch: von Tarsus

 Gedenktag katholisch: 19. September

nicht gebotener Gedenktag in England

Übertragung der Gebeine: 13. September

 Gedenktag anglikanisch: 19. September

 Gedenktag orthodox: 19. September

 Name bedeutet: Gottes Geschenk (griech.)

Erzbischof von Canterbury

* 602 in Tarsus in Kilikien in der Türkei

† 19. September 690 in Canterbury (?) in England

Ruinen der um 400 offenbar als Bischofskirche errichteten Kirche Megala Panagia im Gelände der Ausgrabungen an der Hadriansbibliothek in Athen 

Theodor war ein griechischer Mönch, ausgebildet in Tarsus, dann in Athen. Nach der Synode in Whitby sandten die Könige von Kent und Northumbrien den dort zum Erzbischof von Canterbury bestimmten Priester Wigheard zur Weihe durch den Papst nach Rom. Wigheard aber starb dort, der Papst wollte zunächst den Mönch Hadrian - einen Afrikaner - schicken, der aber zurücktrat und den Mönch Theodor empfahl. Papst Vitalianus weihte also Theodor - auch, weil damals in England eine schlimme Pestseuche wütete, die auch viele Priester und Bischöfe hinweggerafft hatte.

Theodor gelang es, die Strukturen der Kirche von England dauerhaft nach römischem Vorbild zu organisieren, er wurde nach dem Zeugnis von Beda Venerabilis der erste Erzbischof, den die ganze Kirche der Angelsachsen anerkannte. Dabei half ihm seine fremde Herkunft, die ihm von Rom verliehene Autorität und seine innere Unabhängigkeit. Er weihte auf die vielen unbesetzten Bistümer unbestreitbar Romtreue - also nicht der irischen Tradition zugeneigte - Amtsinhaber und machte die Kirche unabhängig von den vielen Kleinkönigen. Lange bevor England ein einheitlicher Staat wurde, waren so dessen Grundzüge kirchlicherseits bereits vorgeprägt. Zur Durchsetzung seiner Amtsautorität in ganz England halfen auch die von ihm einberufenen Synoden in Hereford 672 und in Hatfield 678 enthob er Bischof Wilfrid von York seines Amtes, denn der hatte sich geweigert, der Aufteilung seiner Diözese in drei kleinere Bistümer zuzustimmen; Theodor wollte mit der Auslgliederung der Bistümer Hexham und Lindsey mit Sitz in Lincoln der Ausbildung einer nordenglischen Gegenmacht und eines zweiten englischen Erzbistums in York entgegenwirken. Zwar bekam Wilfried die Unterstützung von Papst Agatho, aber Theodor erklärte das päpstliche Dekret als Fälschung.

In Canterbury richtete Theodor ein Ausbildungszentrum ein, in dem er die Fülle der christlichen und antiken Bildung für England zugänglich machte. Unter seiner Führung, so Beda, machten die Kirchen der Engländer größeren spirituellen Fortschritt denn je zuvor.

Neben Augustinus von Canterbury gilt Theodor als der zweite Gründer der Kirche von England.

Worte des Heiligen

Die Hauptsünden und die ihnen untergeordneten Sünden:

Nun will ich dir die acht Hauptsünden vorstellen. … Aus ihnen entspringen alle übrigen Laster:

Aus dem Hochmut, der Ursprung jeder Sünde und König aller Übel ist, entspringen Ungehorsam, Anmaßung, Hartnäckigkeit, Streitereien, Häresien, Stolz.

Aus Neid und Missgunst entspringen Hass, Ohrenbläserei, Herabsetzung, Freude, wenn dem Nächsten etwas Schlimmes zustößt, Betrübnis, wenn es ihm gut geht.

Aus eitler Ruhmsucht kommen Prahlerei, Anmaßung, Entrüstung, Zwietracht, eitle Ruhmgier und Heuchelei.

Zorn ist die Quelle von Händel, Aufgeblasenheit, Schmähungen, Geschrei, Entrüstung, Vermessenheit, Lästerungen, Blutvergießen, Totschlag, Rachsucht, Nachträglichkeit.

In der Traurigkeit wurzeln Bosheit, innerer Groll, Kleinmut, Bitterkeit, Verzweiflung, Betäubung, innere Unstetigkeit, oft auch höchster Lebensgenuss.

Aus der Habsucht entspringen Missgunst, Diebstahl, Raub, Mord, Lüge, Meineide, Raubzüge, innere Unruhe, Gewalttätigkeiten, ungerechtes Urteil, Verachtung der Wahrheit, Vergessen des künftigen Glückseligkeit, Verhärtung des Herzens.

Aus der Völlerei kommen unpassende Fröhlichkeit, Possenreißerei, Leichtsinn, Geschwätzigkeit, körperliche Unreinheit, geistige Instabilität, Trunksucht, Wollust, sinnliche Stumpfheit.

Aus der Verschwendungssucht erwächst geistige Blindheit, Unüberlegtheit, Unbeständigkeit, Unbeherrschtheit der Augen und des ganzen Körpers, Hass auf die Gebote Gottes, Weltverfallenheit, Zukunftsangst und Verzweiflung." 

Die Tugenden, mit denen die entsprechenden Laster überwunden werden können:

Wenn du bis jetzt hochmütig warst, dann verdemütige dich vor Gott!

Wenn du eitlen Ruhm geliebt hast, dann bedenke, dass du nicht wegen vergänglichem Lob den ewigen Lohn verlierst.

Wenn dich bisher der Rost des Neides aufgezehrt hat, - dies ist die größte Sünde und über alles verwerflich, da der Neider dem Teufel zugeführt wird, der dem ersten Menschen die Gabe missgönnt hat, die er selbst durch seine eigene Schuld verloren hatte -, dann tu Buße und sieh den Erfolg anderer als deinen eigenen an!

Wenn dich Traurigkeit überkommt, dann betrachte Geduld und Langmut!

Wenn dir die Krankheit der Habgier zu schaffen macht, dann denk daran, dass sie die Wurzel aller Übel ist und dem Götzendienst Vorschub leistet, und darum sollst du freigebig sein!

Wenn in dir Zorn aufkommt, der im Inneren der Toren seinen Platz hat, dann sollst du deinen Geist beherrschen und ihn durch Gemütsruhe von dir vertreiben!

Wenn die Gefräßigkeit dich zum übermäßigen Essen verleitet, dann bemühe dich um Nüchternheit.

Wenn es sich um Schwelgerei handelt, dann gelobe Keuschheit.

Quelle: Bußbuch c. 12 und c. 13. In: Patrologia Latina 99, Sp.940f; eigene Übersetzung

zusammengestellt von Abt em. Dr. Emmeram Kränkl OSB,

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  Schriften von Theodor gibt es online zu lesen in den Documenta Catholica Omnia.

  Informationen zu Canterbury gibt es auf der Homepage der Kirchengemeinde der Kathedrale von Canterbury.

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Autor: Joachim Schäfer - zuletzt aktualisiert am 17.05.2020


• Vera Schauber, Hanns Michael Schindler: Heilige und Patrone im Jahreslauf. Pattloch, München 2001
• Roland Hill: Gregors große englische Mission. Stuttgarter Zeitung 14. Juni 1997

• Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, begr. von Michael Buchberger. Hrsg. von Walter Kasper, 3., völlig neu bearb. Aufl., Bd. 9. Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 2000

korrekt zitieren: Joachim Schäfer: Artikel Theodor von Canterbury, aus dem Ökumenischen Heiligenlexikon -, abgerufen am 15. 1. 2022

Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet das Ökumenische Heiligenlexikon in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über und abrufbar.


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