vendredi 17 février 2023

Saint EVERMODE de RATZEBURG, prêtre de l'Ordre des chanoines réguliers de Prémontré et évêque


Artwork from Ratzeburg Cathedral, showing SS.  Ludolph, Evermode and Isfrid

Bienheureux Evermode de Ratzebourg

Évêque de Ratzburg, disciple de saint Norbert (+ 1178)

Sans doute originaire de la région de Cambrai, il fut conquis par l'enthousiasme de saint Norbert le fondateur des Prémontrés. Entré dans l'Ordre, il le suivit à Magdebourg puis évangélisa le Danemark.

Evermode était originaire du Hainaut. En 1120, il assista à une prédication de saint Norbert à Cambrai. Le jeune homme fut tellement touché par les paroles et la personnalité de Norbert qu'il le rejoignit. Il devint le compagnon préféré de saint Norbert, et quand ce dernier fut nommé archevêque de Magdebourg, il suivit son maître et collabora avec lui à la restauration de la discipline dans le clergé. Le 6 juin 1134, lorsque mourut Norbert, il était présent; et quand Amalric, prévôt de Gottesgnaden, partit pour la Terre Sainte, Norbert envoya Evermode dans cette nouvelle fondation dont il devint le proviseur. On le critiqua beaucoup à cause de la discipline rigoureuse qu'il y imposa. En 1138, il devint prévôt de Sainte-Marie à Magdebourg, fonction qu'il occupa jusqu'en 1154. Cette année-là il fut nommé évêque de Ratzebourg où il emmena avec lui plusieurs frères de Sainte-Marie. Le duc de Bavière, Henri le Lion, dota si richement l'église épiscopale qu'on put entretenir un chapitre cathédral prémontré. Comme apôtre, animé d'un zèle apostolique ardent, il alla prêcher la parole de Dieu à son peuple qui le considérait comme la lumière de la vérité. La conversion des Wendes, païens, qui formaient encore la plupart de son diocèse, l'occupa entièrement et le fit beaucoup souffrir. Il alla même jusqu'à prêcher en Norvège et dans le Holstein. Après sa mort, il y eut jusqu'aux protestants pour lui donner le titre de «Lumière de Saxe» ou d'«Apôtre des Wendes».

Evermode mourut le 17 février 1178, après 24 ans d'épiscopat. On l'ensevelit dans le chœur de la cathédrale de Ratzeburg. Le pape Benoît XIII reconnut son culte le 20 mars/12 avril 1728.

Parce que Ratzebourg se trouve dans le diocèse de Hambourg, fondé en 1995, les trois saints évêques Evermode, Isfried et Ludolphe ont été transférés du calendrier du diocèse d'Osnabrück à celui de l'archevêché de Hambourg.

Vie des Saints et Bienheureux - Postulator Generalis Ordinis Praemonstratensis

À Ratzbourg dans le Holstein, en 1178, saint Évermode, évêque, qui fut l'un des disciples de saint Norbert dans l'Ordre de Prémontré et travailla à la conversion du peuple des Vendes.

Martyrologe romain


Saint Evermode

Evermode était originaire du Hainaut. En 1120, il assista à une prédication de saint Norbert à Cambrai. Le jeune homme fut tellement touché par les paroles et la personnalité de Norbert qu’il le rejoignit.

Il devint le compagnon préféré de saint Norbert, et quand ce dernier fut nommé archevêque de Magdebourg, il suivit son maître et collabora avec lui à la restauration de la discipline dans le clergé. Le 6 juin 1134, lorsque mourut Norbert, il était présent ; lorsqu’Emelric, prévôt de Gottesgnaden, partit pour la Terre Sainte, Norbert envoya Evermode dans cette nouvelle fondation dont il devint le proviseur. On le critiqua beaucoup à cause de la discipline rigoureuse qu’il y imposa. En 1138, il devint prévôt de Sainte-Marie à Magdebourg, fonction qu’il occupa jusqu’en 1154. Cette année-là il fut nommé évêque de Ratezburg où il emmena avec lui plusieurs frères de Sainte-Marie. Le duc de Bavière, Henri le Lion, dota si richement l’église épiscopale qu’on put entretenir un chapitre cathédral prémontré. Comme apôtre, animé d’un zèle apostolique ardent, il alla prêcher la parole de Dieu à son peuple qui le considérait comme la lumière de la vérité. La conversion des Wendes, païens, qui formaient encore la plupart de son diocèse, l’occupa entièrement et le fit beaucoup souffrir. Il alla même jusqu’à prêcher en Norvège et dans le Holstein. Après sa mort, il y eut jusqu’aux protestants pour lui donner le titre les titres de « Lumière de Saxe » ou d’ « Apôtre des Wendes ».

Il mourut le 17 février 1178, après 24 ans d’épiscopat. On l’ensevelit dans le choeur de la cathédrale de Ratzburg. Le pape Benoît XIII reconnut son culte le 20 mars 1728.


St. Norbert flanked by the early abbots and bishops of the Order. L-R Bl. Milo, St. Evermode, SPN Norbert, St. Isfrid, St. Ludolph

Saint Evermod of Ratzeburg

Also known as



17 February


PriestEvangelized with Saint NorbertAbbot of Gottesgnaden and Magdeburg. Bishop of RatzeburgGermany.


1178 of natural causes

Additional Information

Saints of the Day, by Katherine Rabenstein


Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints

other sites in english

Catholic Online

Order of Premontre

sitios en español

Martirologio Romano2001 edición

fonti in italiano

Santi e Beati

MLA Citation

“Saint Evermod of Ratzeburg“. CatholicSaints.Info. 7 May 2022. Web. 15 February 2023. <>


Saints of the Day – Evermod of Ratzeburg, Premonstratensian, Bishop


Died 1178. Saint Evermod was a priest under Saint Norbert, who evangelized the Wends. He was eventually chosen abbot of Gottesgnaden, then abbot of Magdeburg, and finally bishop of Ratzeburg (Benedictines).

MLA Citation

Katherine I Rabenstein. Saints of the Day1998. CatholicSaints.Info. 7 May 2022. Web. 15 February 2023. <>


February 17

St. Evermode of Ratzeburg, Bishop, * unknown, † February 17, 1178

After listening to a sermon of St. Norbert in Cambrai, Evermode joined the itinerant preacher in 1120 at a still youthful age. He became one of the most faithful disciples of Norbert; he presumably accompanied him to Antwerp, later to Magdeburg and remained his travelling companion until Norbert’s death. In the Premonstratensian monastery of Gottesgnaden near Magdeburg, which was founded by Norbert in 1131, Evermode served first as vice-provost and provisor, then from 1134 as provost. From 1138-1154 he was provost in Magdeburg and established four new monasteries: Havelberg, Jerichow, Quedlinburg and Pöhlde. In 1154 he was entrusted with the re-established diocese of Ratzeburg that had been destroyed in the uprising of the Wends in 1066. With the help of a few confreres whom he brought with him from Magdeburg, Bishop Evermode changed the already established cathedral chapter into a Premonstratensian chapter. Because of his successful missionary activity among the predominantly pagan Wends, he is also called the “Apostle of the Wends” and the “Light of Saxony”. His diocese was well organized. In Ratzeburg he began around 1165 with the building of the present cathedral as well as laying the foundation stone for the later city. Evermode died, old and frail, on February 17, 1178.

Relics: none available

Approbation of cult: March 20/April 12, 1728 by Benedict XIII.

Representation: as bishop, preacher to the Wends, with holy water sprinkler and shattered chain, with confreres at the death bed of St. Norbert.

Almighty eternal God, who made Your bishop St. Evermode a companion of St. Norbert and a faithful minister of Your house, we pray that we too, standing firm in our purpose, may be able to proclaim Your glory. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.


Saint Evermode

Posted on 17th February 2008 by Br. Gildas

Evermode was born in Belgium around the beginning of the twelfth century. Practically nothing is known of his youth. When Evermode was about twenty years old, St. Norbert came to the city of Cambray to preach at the invitation of Bishop Burchard. Evermode happened to hear Norbert speak and was moved immediately to join him. Norbert took him back to the newly founded community in Prémontré where Evermode became one of his first disciples. From this day forward Evermode accompanied Norbert on all of his journeys, soon becoming the closest friend and "beloved disciple" of the wandering preacher. Evermode was by Norbert's side at all of the key moments of his life as founder and archbishop. On June 6, 1134, he was present at the bedside of Norbert as he imparted his farewell blessing and died. Evermode was stricken keenly by the death of Norbert. In the years that followed, he held several positions of leadership. From 1134 to 1138 he was the provost of the Abbey of Gottesgnaden in Saxony, and, from 1138 to 1154 provost of St. Mary's in Magdeburg. In the year 1154 Evermode was appointed the first bishop of the newly founded diocese of Ratzeburg. A cathedral chapter of thirteen Norbertines surrounded Evermode with the community life he had come to cherish. As bishop he was known above all else for his apostolic zeal for the conversion of the pagan peoples of the north, most notably the Wends. As such the Premonstratensians are the only religious order to have converted an entire nation. He is often referred to as the "Apostle of the Wends" and was successful in both Christianizing and civilizing them where many had failed before. Evermode was also famed for his keen sense of justice. When the powerful Count Henry of Ratzeburg continued to mistreat some prisoners despite Evermode's pleading to treat them fairly, he responded with a miracle. When the prisoners were admitted to the cathedral for the Mass of Easter, as was the custom, Evermode sprinkled the newly blessed Easter water on their chains, and the chains broke, setting the prisoners free. Evermode died as bishop of Ratzeburg on February 17, 1178. He is pictured with the regalia of a bishop, wiping away the tears of grief which he shed over the death of his beloved friend, St. Norbert.

O Lord our God, you blessed St. Evermode with the gift of faithfulness and made him a zealous bishop of your church. Through his intercession grant that we may persevere to the end in good works and ever be filled with zeal for the salvation of souls. May St. Evermode keep us ever faithful to the spirit of St. Norbert. We ask this through Christ our Lord, AMEN.



St. Evermode

Posted on February 17, 2011 by norbertinevocations

Today we celebrate the memoria of Saint Evermode († 1178); one of Our Holy Father Norbert’s closest friends and disciples, he was also the first of a long line of Premonstratensian bishops of Ratzeburg and is credited with the conversion of the Wends.

St. Norbert flanked by the early abbots and bishops of the Order. L-R Bl. Milo, St. Evermode, SPN Norbert, St. Isfrid, St. Ludolph

Evermode is thought to have been born in Belgium during the 1100s, although little is known of his youth. He was in his twenties when he encountered St. Norbert preaching at Cambrai. Evermode was struck with Norbert’s words and immediately left everything to return with Norbert to Prémontré. From that day Evermode never left Norbert’s side and accompanied him on all his journeys. The Vita A of St. Norbert describes the friendship of the two

“a man after his own heart. Norbert’s spirit so rested in him that he confided to Evermode where he wanted to be buried after he died and ordered that he should never leave him without returning”.

True to Norbert’s direction Evermode followed him everywhere and was present at all the key moments of Norbert’s life as both priest and later archbishop. Evermode was present at the death of St. Norbert and was deeply affected by the death of his dear friend. In iconography Evermode is often depicted with tears in his eyes; tears shed for his friend.

From 1134 to 1138 he was the provost of the Abbey of Gottesgnaden in Saxony, and, from 1138 to 1154 provost of St. Mary’s in Magdeburg. In the year 1154 Evermode was appointed the first bishop of the newly founded diocese of Ratzeburg. A cathedral chapter of thirteen Norbertines surrounded Evermode and so the Premonstratensians were firmly established in the diocese. As bishop he was known above all else for his apostolic zeal for the conversion of the pagan peoples of the north, most notably the Wends. So successful were Evermode’s attempts at their conversion that he acquired the title ‘Apostle of the Wends’. The efforts of Evermode and the Premonstratensians with their conversion have earned the Order the accolade of being the only religious order to be credited with the conversion of an entire nation. Evermode was also known for his keen sense of justice. When Count Henry of Ratzeburg mistreated his prisoners Evermode pleaded with the Count for their humane treatment. God too heard Evermode’s plea for the imprisoned and worked a miracle. On Easter Day when the time for the asperges came, Evermode sprinkled the prisoners with the holy water and immediately their chains were broken.

Saint Evermode, Apostle of the Wends, Beloved Disciple of St. Norbert died on this day in 1178. Let us continually invoke his intercession for his fellow Premonstratensians, for those afflicted with the loss of those they love and for those deprived of justice.

O Lord our God, you blessed St. Evermode with the gift of faithfulness and made him a zealous bishop of your church. Through his intercession grant that we may persevere to the end in good works and ever be filled with zeal for the salvation of souls. May St. Evermode keep us ever faithful to the spirit of St. Norbert. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

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Sant' Evermodo di Ratzeburg Vescovo

17 febbraio

† 1178

Martirologio Romano: A Ratzeburg nell’Alsazia, ora in Germania, sant’Evermodo, vescovo, che, discepolo di san Norberto nell’Ordine premonstratense, si adoperò per la conversione del popolo dei Venedi.

Nato nel Belgio, dopo aver udito san Norberto (morto nel 1134) predicare nella città di Cambrai, si unì a lui, divenendo compagno fedele delle sue fatiche e viaggi apostolici. Insieme con altri fu mandato da Norberto ad Anversa, perché vi combattesse l’eresia sacramentaria di Tanchelmo: questa spedizione raccolse ottimi frutti. Nel 1134 fu dallo stesso Norberto, qualche mese prima della morte, costituito preposto del cenobio di Gottesgnaden, nella Germania centrale, dove rimase fino al 1138; fu poi, fino al 1154, preposto di santa Maria di Magdeburgo, città in cui Norberto era stato vescovo e riformatore celeberrimo. Infine nel 1154, fu costituito vescovo di Ratzeburg (diocesi di Osnabriick).

Nella sua chiesa metropolitana eresse un capitolo di canonici premostratensi, ricevendo l’approvazione del papa Adriano IV, il quale concesse che, in seguito, da questo collegio fosse eletto il vescovo della città. Evermodo si adoperò con tutte le sue forze per convertire alla religione cattolica i Wendi, popolazione dell’attuale Germania settentrionale, di cui fu detto apostolo. Morì il 17 febbraio 1178
Il suo culto fu approvato da Benedetto XIII nel 1728.
Autore: Giovanni Battista Valvekens


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