mercredi 9 août 2017

Bienheureux FRANZ JÄGERSTÄTTER, père de famille, tertiaire franciscain et martyr

Beato Franz Jägerstätter

Franz Jägerstätter (1907-1943) at ID photo, circa 1942,

Bienheureux Franz Jägerstätter

Martyr du nazisme (+ 1943)

Franz Jägerstätter (1907-1943), martyr du nazisme, béatifié le 26 octobre 2007 à Linz en Autriche (la ville de naissance d’Adolf Hitler). Homélie du Card. José Saraiva Martins à l'occasion de la béatification du serviteur de Dieu Franz Jägerstätter (26 octobre 2007) [EspagnolItalienPortugais]

Franz Jägerstätter, agriculteur autrichien, s’était opposé à plusieurs reprises à la politique de Hitler et à la guerre. En 1938, après que les troupes d'Hitler ont pénétré en Autriche, il est le seul de son village à voter contre l'Anschluss. Il se rend à une brève période de formation militaire, mais n'adhère à aucune organisation politique et manifeste ouvertement son opposition au nazisme.

Alors père de trois filles dont la plus âgée a six ans, il est appelé au service actif en février 1943 ; il refuse de combattre pour le Troisième Reich, et en conséquence est emprisonné à Linz, puis à Berlin; condamné à mort par un tribunal militaire, il est décapité le 9 août 1943.

"...le témoignage silencieux et héroïque de tant de chrétiens qui vivent l’Évangile sans compromis, en remplissant leur devoir“ est un exemple à suivre...  Ce martyre de la vie ordinaire est un témoignage, ô combien important dans la société sécularisée de notre époque. C’est la bataille pacifique de l’amour pour laquelle chaque chrétien doit combattre sans relâche, la course pour défendre l’Évangile qui nous engage jusqu’à la mort“ (Benoît XVI) - Témoignages de sainteté - VIS 

Site du Vatican - Biographie [AnglaisEspagnolPortugais]

Franz Jägerstätter- biographie- photos- documents- bibliographie... en allemand (diocèse de Linz en Autriche)

Un internaute nous signale que 'en Autriche, le pays natal de Franz Jägerstätter, il est vénéré le 21 Mai, jour de son baptême.'

En allemand:

Ökumenisches Heiligenlexikon, calendrier oecuménique

- page du diocèse de Linz entièrement consacrée à Franz Jägerstätter

"Si Dieu ne m'avait pas accordé sa grâce et la force de mourir, si nécessaire, pour défendre ma foi, je ferais peut-être simplement ce que fait la majorité des gens. Dieu peut en effet accorder sa grâce à chacun comme Il le désire. Si d’autres avaient reçu les nombreuses grâces que j'ai reçu, ils auraient peut-être fait des choses bien meilleures que moi"


Beato Franz Jägerstätter

Kath. Pfarrkirche hl. Anna - Gedenkstein für Franz Jägerstätter

9 août : Bienheureux Franz Jägerstätter, martyr de la Vérité : 

« Mieux vaut obéir à Dieu qu’aux hommes »

Le Bienheureux Franz Jägerstätter est né le 20 mai 1907 à Sankt Radegund, près de Salzbourg (Oberösterreich), et guillotiné le 9 août 1943 à Berlin. Il était un objecteur de conscience autrichien face au régime national-socialiste. Il vient d'être béatifié (le vendredi 26 octobre 2007) en présence de 27 évêques et plus de 5000 fidèles... Nous sommes invités à suivre son exemple pour ne pas coopérer aux idéologies du Mal parmi les hommes et femmes politique.

« Peut-on être en même temps soldat du Christ et soldat pour le national-socialisme, peut-on combattre pour la victoire du Christ et de son Église et en même temps pour la victoire du national-socialisme ? […] Si Dieu ne m'avait pas accordé sa grâce et la force de mourir, si nécessaire, pour défendre ma foi, je ferais peut-être simplement ce que fait la majorité des gens. Dieu peut en effet accorder sa grâce à chacun comme Il le désire. Si d’autres avaient reçu les nombreuses grâces que j'ai reçu, ils auraient peut-être fait des choses bien meilleures que moi » (Franz Jägerstätter)

Franz Jägerstätter était un jeune paysan autrichien, catholique, épousé à Franziska Schwaninger. En 1938, après que les troupes d'Hitler ont pénétré en Autriche, il est le seul de son village à voter contre l'Anschluss. Il se rend à une brève période de formation militaire, mais n'adhère à aucune organisation politique et manifeste ouvertement son opposition au nazisme. Franz Jägerstätter, alors père de trois petites filles dont la plus âgée a six ans, est appelé au service actif en février 1943. En union avec les évêques catholiques du Reich, il refuse de combattre, et en conséquence, est emprisonné à Linz, puis à Berlin. Condamné à mort par un tribunal militaire pour "obstruction aux principes de la Wehrmacht", Franz Jägerstätter fut amené de Berlin au camp de concentration de Brandebourg/Havel (+) le 9 août 1943. À la mi-journée, on lui dit que sa condamnation à mort était confirmée et aurait lieu le même jour, à 16h. Juste avant son exécution Franz écrit : « Je suis convaincu qu'il vaut mieux dire la Vérité, même si je dois payer au prix de ma vie ». Cet après-midi-là, à 16h, Franz fut décapité à l'âge de 36 ans, un an jour pour jour après le gazage de Ste Edith Stein. Trois ans plus tard, ses restes furent ramenés dans sa terre natale et il fut enterré près de son église paroissiale de Sainte-Radegonde.


Beato Franz Jägerstätter

Stolperstein für Franz Jägerstätter

9 août : Bienheureux Franz Jagerstatter. Homélie de monsieur l' abbé Jean-Bernard Hayet, curé de la paroisse saint Joseph des Falaises-Bidart.

"Je préfère avoir les mains liées plutôt que de savoir ma volonté enchaînée!".

Franz naquit le 20 mai 1907 en Autriche, à quelques kilomètres de la frontière avec la Bavière.

Durant son adolescence et sa jeunesse, il se distingua par sa joie et sa vitalité.

Malgré les tentations propres à la jeunesse, il demeura toujours fidèle à la prière et à la fréquentation assidue aux Sacrements.

En 1931, son père, propriétaire d'une grande ferme, tomba gravement malade et Franz se vit obligé de le seconder. En 1936, il se maria et eut avec son épouse Franziska trois filles : Rosalie, Marie et Louise. Les époux étaient profondément religieux et recevaient chaque jour la Sainte Communion.

Appelé à accomplir son service militaire en 1943, en plein conflit mondial, Franz déclara que, comme chrétien, il ne pouvait se mettre au service de l'idéologie nazie et combattre pour une guerre injuste. 

Franz fut jugé pour insoumission par un tribunal militaire réuni à Berlin, le 6 juillet 1943 et il fut condamné à mort. Il demeura détenu dans deux prisons : ses compagnons diront qu'il supportait les épreuves avec  une infinie patience et beaucoup d' héroïsme tout en éprouvant douloureusement le fait d' être séparé de son épouse et de ses filles.

A son épouse, il adressera d'émouvantes lettres dans lesquelles, continuellement, il redit sa tendresse et son amour ferme à sa famille, à l'Église et à Dieu comme sa demande de pardon pour les souffrances occasionnées par son opposition à la guerre.

Dans l'une de ses lettres, Franz écrit : "Je rends Grâce à Dieu notre Sauveur et je me confie à Sa Miséricorde.

J'espère qu'Il ne m'abandonnera pas dans ma dernière heure... Bientôt, nous nous reverrons au Ciel!".

Dans son testament, il écrit encore :

"J'écris avec les mains liées mais je préfère cette condition à celle de savoir ma volonté enchaïnée!". 

Au prêtre qui venait lui administrer les derniers sacrements et qui lui demandait s'il avait besoin de quelque chose, Franz répondit courageusement :

"J'ai tout ce qu'il me faut, j'ai les Saintes Ecritures, je n' ai besoin de rien d' autre!".

Franz fut guillotiné le 9 août 1943 : il avait 36 ans. 

Il fut béatifié en Autriche, le 26 octobre 2007, par le représentant du Pape Benoit XVI, le Cardinal

Joséc Saraiva Martins qui, dans son homélie, rappela que "dans un temps comme le nôtre, dans lequel ne manquent pas les conditionnements et la manipulation des consciences et des intelligences, le témoignage du Bienheureux Franz est un exemple important de courage et de cohérence".

Bienheureux Franz Jagerstatter, prie pour nous et donne-nous, là où le Seigneur nous a placés, de témoigner envers Lui un très grand Amour et un indéfectible attachement, fut-ce au détriment de notre réputation et même de notre vie!



Face au nazisme, les martyrs de l’ombre

Guillaume Desvignes - publié le 11/12/19

En portant à l’écran l’histoire de Franz Jägerstätter, exécuté par les nazis pour avoir refusé de servir dans les armées d’Hitler et béatifié en 2007, Terrence Malick révèle l’enfouissement et l’anonymat qui firent la spécificité de la résistance catholique austro-allemande. Et son héroïsme singulier.

En portant à l’écran l’histoire de Franz Jägerstätter, exécuté par les nazis pour avoir refusé de servir dans les armées d’Hitler et béatifié en 2007, Terrence Malick révèle l’enfouissement et l’anonymat qui firent la spécificité de la résistance catholique austro-allemande. Et son héroïsme singulier.

Il aura fallu attendre 1964 et la publication du livre du sociologue américain Gordon Zahn, In solitary witness : the life and death of Franz Jägerstätter, pour qu’émerge de l’oubli le nom de ce paysan catholique autrichien, décapité en 1943 dans la prison de Brandebourg, pour avoir refusé de servir par les armes le projet criminel du national-socialisme. C’est cette dimension solitaire que Terrence Malick a voulu souligner dans Une vie cachée, dont le titre est extrait de Middlemarch, l’un des chefs d’œuvre de la romancière britannique George Eliot : « Car le bien croissant du monde dépend en partie d’actes non historiques ; et si les choses ne vont pour vous et moi aussi mal qu’elles auraient pu aller, nous en sommes redevables en partie à ceux qui ont vécu fidèlement une vie cachée et qui reposent dans des tombes délaissées ».

Guillotinés ou pendus à la hâte dans des prisons sordides, gazés dans les centres d’euthanasie du Reich, rongés par le typhus et la famine dans les camps de concentration, les catholiques allemands qui s’opposèrent à Hitler au nom de leur attachement à l’évangile furent bien souvent considérés comme des traîtres à leur patrie, voire des lâches, et mis à mort dans la solitude, loin de toute place publique où leurs sacrifices auraient été vus de tous pour porter un fruit plus immédiat. Franz Jägerstätter « savait qu’au-delà de sa famille et de sa communauté, sa mort passerait presque inaperçue, n’aurait aucun impact sur le parti nazi et ne précipiterait pas la fin de la guerre » a ainsi pu écrire l’auteur américain Jim Forest dans l’introduction de Franz Jägerstätter. Letters and writings from prison. C’est d’ailleurs ce scandale aux yeux du monde – l’apparente absence d’utilité immédiate de son geste – qui tisse la trame du film de Malick et en fait la puissance.
Lire aussi :
Ces chrétiens qui ont résisté au nazisme

Mais la poignée de catholiques allemands qui se sont engagés dans une résistance pacifique étaient-ils si persuadés de l’inutilité de leur geste ? L’historien Xavier de Montclos, dans son étude sur Les chrétiens face au nazisme et au stalinisme, estime pour sa part que ces hommes et ses femmes savaient que « la seule valeur (de leurs faits de résistance) étaient le témoignage, et l’issue la plus probable, la mort ». Ce n’est pas par fanatisme ou exaltation qu’ils ont agi. Consciemment ou non, même à la barre de tribunaux iniques, derrière les barbelés de Dachau ou du fonds de leurs cachots, ils ont sauvé une certaine vision de l’homme et de sa dignité. « La vraie grandeur est sans doute dans cet obscur combat où, privés de l’enthousiasme des foules, quelques individus mettent leur vie en jeu, défendent, absolument seuls, une cause autour d’eux méprisée », écrit ainsi dans La Rose Blanche Inge Scholl, la sœur d’Hans et Sophie Scholl, 24 et 21 ans, jeunes protestants influencés par saint Augustin, guillotinés le 22 février 1943 dans la prison de Stadelheim, près de Munich, pour avoir distribué dans leur université des tracts antinazis imprégnés de références chrétiennes.

Alors quel fut le fruit du sacrifice de ces sacrifices ? De celui du journaliste Fritz Gerlich assassiné dès le 30 juin 1934 à Dachau ? Du directeur de l’Action Catholique Erich Klausener, assassiné le même jour à Berlin par les tueurs d’Heydrich ? Des 94 prêtres allemands et autrichiens morts à Dachau, dont beaucoup avaient relayé les sermons de Mgr von Galen, l’évêque de Münster ? Des pères Franz Reinisch, Bernhard Schwentner, Max Josef Metzger, Joseph Müller, Bruno Binnebesel, exécutés à la prison de Brandebourg comme Frantz Jägerstätter ? De l’objecteur de conscience tyrolien Josef Mayr-Nusser, mort dans un wagon à bestiaux le 24 février 1945 et béatifié en 2017 ? Et de tant d’autres ? 
Lire aussi :
Avec « Une vie cachée », Terrence Malick transcende le cinéma

« Notre conduite prouvera que la liberté des hommes subsiste. Il s’agit de sauvegarder la valeur humaine pour qu’un jour elle puisse triompher », disait Christoph Probst, l’un des conjurés de la Rose Blanche, décapité avec Hans et Sophie Scholl après avoir demandé à recevoir le baptême. Dans une Allemagne asservie par le totalitarisme brun, ces témoins ont incontestablement préservé dans l’obscurité une haute vision de l’humanité sur laquelle l’Allemagne pourra se fonder à l’heure de la reconstruction. Mais surtout, leur humble sacrifice sonne comma la réactualisation brûlante de la phrase de saint Paul : « J’accepte de grand cœur pour le Christ les faiblesses, les insultes, les contraintes, les persécutions et les situations angoissantes. Car, lorsque je suis faible, c’est alors que je suis fort ». C’est bien la force de ces martyrs de l’ombre, dont la foi fut la source première, qui permet d’affirmer que par leur sacrifice ils avaient vaincu d’avance ceux qui les asservissaient.


CinémaFranz JägerstätterMartyrsNazismeresistance


Franz Jägerstätter, le courage d’un martyr autrichien face au nazisme

Béatifié en 2007 par Benoît XVI, Franz Jägerstätter, jeune père de famille et paysan autrichien, a été condamné en 1943 par un tribunal militaire du IIIe Reich à la peine capitale pour s’être élevé contre le nazisme.

À Sankt-Radegund, dans son diocèse natal, le mouvement catholique Pax Christi organise jeudi 9 aout la commémoration du 75e anniversaire de sa mort.

Madeleine Banvillet, 

le 09/08/2018 à 11:57

La Cathédrale de Westminster, le 15 décembre 2012, où aura lieu la commémoration du 75e anniversaire de la mort de Franz Jägerstätter.Gerard Farrell / AP

Février 1938, les troupes d’Hitler viennent de percer la frontière autrichienne. Dans la petite commune de Sank – Radegund, en Haute-Autriche, un unique vote s’élève contre l’annexion du pays par l’Allemagne nazie. C’est celui de Franz Jägerstätter, père de trois filles, qui ne redoute pas d’être le seul de son village à voter contre l’« Anschluss ».

Ce paysan trentenaire, qui n’adhère d’ailleurs à aucune organisation politique, manifeste ouvertement, depuis plusieurs mois déjà, son opposition au nazisme. Si bien qu’en 1943, il refuse même catégoriquement de se battre dans les rangs des soldats du IIIe Reich. Un signe de rébellion qui lui vaudra d’être emprisonné et condamné à mort, la même année, par un tribunal militaire. « Je suis convaincu qu’il vaut mieux dire la vérité, même si je dois le payer au prix de ma vie », plaide-t-il alors une dernière fois, avant d’être décapité le 9 août.

Refus du service militaire

« En raison de sa croyance religieuse, il refuse le service militaire, car il agirait contre sa conscience religieuse s’il combattait pour l’État national-socialiste », peut-on lire dans le procès-verbal de sa condamnation, qui rapportait ses propres déclarations : « Il y a des moments où il vaut mieux obéir à Dieu qu’aux hommes ; au nom du commandement “tu aimeras ton prochain comme toi-même”, [je ne peux] prendre les armes. »

C’est au nom de cette intégrité exemplaire que l’ancien pape Benoît XVI avait décidé, en 2007, de le béatifier. « Il a donné sa vie, la conscience honnête, en fidélité à l’Évangile et pour le respect de la personne humaine », soulignait le cardinal José Saraiva Martins, préfet de la Congrégation des causes des saints, qui présidait la célébration à la cathédrale de Linz devant 5 000 fidèles, dont la veuve du bienheureux, toute de rouge vêtue, en ce jour de fête nationale autrichienne.

« Dans un temps comme le nôtre, marqué par de nombreuses tentatives de conditionnement et de manipulation des consciences, parfois sous des formes sournoises qui s’appuient sur des technologies modernes, le témoignage du bienheureux Franz, son courage indompté et sa cohérence ferme, est un exemple important », expliquait encore le cardinal.

Regain d’intérêt pour ce martyr

Le choix de Franz Jägerstätter est resté longtemps incompris dans son Église. À la fin de la guerre, son épouse, Franziska Jägerstätter, est même invitée à ne pas mentionner son nom. Seuls les anciens combattants, les prisonniers de guerre qui retournent dans leur pays sont accueillis comme des héros « ayant accompli leur devoir »… Ce qui n’est pas le cas de Franz. « Jägerstätter n’était pas un martyr de l'Église catholique, mais la victime déplorable de sa conscience erronée », affirmait encore le père Siegfried Lochner, aumônier militaire à Vienne, au moment de sa béatification en 2007.

Une affirmation réfutée autant par le cardinal Christoph Schönborn, archevêque de Vienne, que par Mgr Walter Mixa, évêque allemand aux armées, qui ont plaidé pour sa reconnaissance. « Au fond, tous les chrétiens auraient dû refuser de servir, affirme ce dernier. Ainsi, le régime serait devenu impuissant », assenait l’évêque aux armées.

Un nouveau biopic

Bien qu’il soit encore méconnu, le bienheureux Franz Jägerstäetter est commémoré ce 9 août 2018, comme chaque année depuis sa béatification, à Linz. C’est le mouvement catholique international pour la paix, Pax Christi, qui pilote les célébrations.

Par ailleurs, le réalisateur Terrence Malick a annoncé pour fin 2018 la sortie d’un film biographique sur le martyr autrichien. Le héros de son nouveau biopic, baptisé Radegund, sera incarné par l’acteur August Diehl, l’un des visages connus du célèbre Inglourious Basterds.

Une traduction cinématographique qui témoigne du regain d’intérêt manifeste pour la figure de Franz Jägerstätter et de son combat personnel contre le nazisme.


Stift Heiligenkreuz

Monument aux morts


Le bienheureux Franz Jägerstätter, Autrichien et antinazi

"Ma vision catholique du monde est incompatible avec le national-socialisme", disait ce paysan de l'Oberösterreich :

Franz Jägerstätter, le paysan autrichien antinazi reconnu martyr par Benoît XVI le 1er juin, sera béatifié le 26 octobre à Linz.  La cérémonie sera présidée au nom du pape* par le cardinal portugais José Saraiva Martins, préfet de la Congrégation pour les causes des Saints. Franz Jägerstätter, 36 ans, père de trois enfants, fut exécuté le 9 août 1943 pour « subversion de la force armée » et opposition à Hitler au nom de la foi.  Cet antinazi de toujours avait voté contre l’Anschluss en 1938 : « Ma Welt-anschauung** catholique est incompatible avec le national-socialisme », déclarait-il.  En union avec les évêques catholiques du Reich, il avait pris parti contre le programme nazi d’élimination des handicapés. Mobilisé en 1943 dans la Wehrmacht, il se déclara objecteur de conscience en citant la parole de saint Pierre :  « Mieux vaut obéir à Dieu qu’aux hommes. » Condamné à mort par le tribunal militaire de  Berlin-Charlottenburg, Franz Jägerstätter déclara dans son testament : « J’écris avec les mains liées, mais plutôt les mains que la volonté ». (« Besser die Hände gefesselt als der Wille »).  Après quoi on le guillotina dans la prison de Brandeburg-an-der-Havel. Il était tertiaire franciscain.

(*) Benoît XVI décentralise et délègue désormais les béatifications.

(**) Vision du monde.

00:00 Publié dans Histoire | Lien permanent | Commentaires (4) | Tags : Franz JägerstätterBenoit XVIAutrichenazismecatholicismeeugénismeP. Blet



Un nouveau martyr catholique du nazisme, tué en raison de sa foi. Cela devrait empêcher les obstinés de dire, soit que le catholicisme avait partie liée avec cette idéologie (et que les chrétiens résistant à ce régime le faisaient "malgré" leur appartenance religieuse), refrain de la gauche ultralaïque, soit que "ras-le-bol avec le nazisme alors qu'il y a eu des millions de morts du communisme", comptabilité obscène qui a été longtemps dite par une droite au front bas.

Écrit par : Martin Petursson | 20/09/2007


Que l'allemand est une belle langue ! La construction des phrases est telle, qu'il ne peut y avoir aucune ambigüité quant à ce qu'on a l'intention de dire, de créer. Parler, c'est dès lors, s'afficher et se condamner. Mais la phrase construite survit au martyr et rend fou le prince de ce monde sans vision du monde.

Écrit par : Maximilien FRICHE | 20/09/2007


Cela m'invite à transmettre l'information suivante que j'ai reçue par mail il y a quelques jours...

Conférence ce soir à 20h45 à Maisons-Laffitte :

"Pie XII et la Seconde Guerre mondiale" par le père Pierre BLET

Église Saint-Nicolas

Rue du fossé


RER A ou train au départ de Saint-Lazare 

(à 5mn de la gare)

Quelques informations complémentaires :

« Le plus grand spécialiste de la question. » (Jean-Paul II). Il fut nommé par Paul VI lui-même, au début des années 60', pour étudier pendant 20 ans toutes les archives sur Pie XII !

Auteur de l'ouvrage de référence : 'Pie XII et la Seconde Guerre mondiale d'après les archives du Vatican' (Perrin). 

Le père Pierre Blet dédicacera son ouvrage à l'issue de la conférence. 

La conférence se déroulera sous le mode d'un échange avec M. Pierre Gelin.

Conférence organisée par les AFC de Maisons-Laffitte/Mesnil-le-Roi. Libre participation aux frais.

C'est l'une des dernières fois (La dernière ?) que le père Blet interviendra en France à ce sujet.

Écrit par : Bernie | 20/09/2007


Franz Jagerstätter était un laïc, membre du Tiers Ordre de Saint François d'Assise. Quel modèle il est pour nous! IL nous incite à nous opposer, coûte que coûte à cette civilisation prêchant la haine des autres, la cupidité, la richesse. Il est tout à l'opposé de cela, pauvre, il était paysan et mourut a cause de son opposition au nazisme. Que de leçons nous avons à tirer de sa vie et de son message! Puissions-nous tout bien comprendre et imiter ses vertus, méditer et réaliser sa spiritualité!

Écrit par : Franck | 05/10/2007


Bienheureux Franz Jägerstätter (1907-1943)

Avoir une femme et des enfants ? Cela donne-t-il le droit d’offenser Dieu ?

Rien ne prédisposait ce jeune paysan autrichien à être élevé à la gloire des autels. Il fréquentait plus les bals que les églises, frimait. Il aimait le jeu, le sport et… les filles ! En 1933, il a une fille naturelle, Hildegarde.

En 1935, il épouse Franziska, une fervente chrétienne. A son contact, il devient un autre homme. Il approfondit sa foi et lit tous les soirs un passage de la Bible. Le jeune couple va à la messe le matin. Trois fillettes leur naîtront. Ils désirent adopter Hildegarde mais la grand-mère de l’enfant s’y oppose. Franz témoigne de sa foi et en parle tout naturellement.

En janvier 1938, Franz rêve d’un joli train qui serpente au flanc d’une montagne. Beaucoup se battent pour y monter. Une voix dit : « Ce train conduit en enfer. » Il comprend que ce train symbolise le nazisme. Le 12 mars suivant, les Nazis envahissent l’Autriche. L’annexion du pays est ratifiée par 99,75 % de oui ! Franz est le seul à voter non dans son village ! Le maire fait disparaître le bulletin de vote pour éviter des représailles. Franz se retire de la vie communale.

« On ne peut pas être à la fois chrétien et national socialiste ! »

Il refuse l’indemnité nazie lors d’une averse de grêle qui détruit les récoltes « Un grand fleuve nous a submergés. Pour atteindre sain et sauf l’autre rive, nous n’avons plus qu’à nager à contre-courant. Même si nous vivons des temps difficiles, nous devons et pouvons nous réjouir avec l’Eglise. Qu’y a-t-il de plus joyeux que de savoir que le Christ est ressuscité et vainqueur de la mort et de l’Enfer ? Qu’y a-t-il de plus réconfortant pour les chrétiens que de ne pas craindre la mort ? » Franz ne demandera pas, comme tant d’autres, son exemption du service militaire. Il y subira bien des brimades parce qu’il ne cache pas sa foi. Le maire, de sa propre initiative, le fera revenir. Mais quant à servir l’armée des Nazis, non ! « On ne peut pas être à la fois chrétien et national socialiste ! » Franz, ta femme, tes filles ! Sa famille ne le soutient pas dans sa décision. Les prêtres non plus et même l’évêque !  Il en est tout bouleversé et se retrouve bien seul. Un prêtre l’accuse de vouloir se suicider. Cette pensée le trouble tellement qu’il ne va plus communier.

Heureusement Franziska, elle, le soutient. L’armée refuse de le faire servir comme agent sanitaire. Les 2 mois d’emprisonnement à Linz où il subit tortures et brimades lui font traverser une crise de la foi. Le souvenir du bonheur avec Franziska l’aidera à en sortir. Si Dieu l’a comblé pendant ces 7 années, c’est donc qu’il existe et qu’il l’aime. « Si Dieu ne m’avait pas accordé la grâce et la force de mourir pour ma foi, je ferais comme les autres. S’ils l’avaient reçue, peut-être auraient-ils fait plus de bien. »

Il est décapité le 9 août. Dans sa lettre d’adieu, il écrit : « Mieux vaut avoir les mains que la volonté enchaînée. Dieu donne sa force à ceux qui l’aiment et ne préfèrent pas la terre au ciel. Rien, pas même la mort ne peut les séparer de l’amour de Dieu. La force de Dieu est invincible. »


Gedenktafel für Franz Jägerstätter. Witzlebenstraße 4-5 (am ehem. Reichskriegsgericht), Berlin-Charlottenburg. Enthüllt am 4. Juli 1997.

Blessed Franz Jägerstätter

Also known as

Franz Jaegerstaetter


9 August


Born to Rosalia Huber and Franz Bachmeier, servants too poor to get married. His father died in World War I when the boy was less than ten years old; his mother then married local famer Heinrich Jägerstätter who adopted Franz. Franz had little formal education, but his adoptive father was serious about the boy being able to read so that he could educate himself. At age 20 he began three years of work in the iron ore industry. He led a rather wild and dissolute life in his early 20’s, but by his late 20’s had settled down to life as a peasant farmer, became serious about his faithmarried, and became the father of three daughters. He worked as sacristan for his parish, arranging funeral and prayer services, attended Mass daily, and developed a special ministry to the bereaved.

He became known as a vocal critic of the Nazis; he was the only one in his village to vote against Austrian unification with Germany in 1938, when greeted with “Heil Hitler” would respond “Pfui Hitler”, and basically had no social life in the town because of his beliefs. When drafted into the army of the Third Reich, Franz could not reconcile such service with his faith; after a brief period served behind the lines, he refused to report for further service, was arrestedimprisoned in LinzAustria, and BerlinGermay, given a military trial, and finally executed. He spent time in prison praying, supporting other prisoners, and writing a series of letters and essays.


20 May 1907 in Sankt Radegund, Oberösterreich, Austria


beheaded on 9 August 1943 in Brandenburg an der Havel, Brandenburg, Germany

body cremated the next day

ashes re-buried in Sankt Radegund, Oberösterreich, Austria in 1946 as part of a memorial of locals who had died in military service


1 June 2007 by Pope Benedict XVI (decree of martyrdom)


26 October 2007 by Pope Benedict XVI

Additional Information

other sites in english

Against the Stream, by Dr Erna Putz

Air Maria

Catholic Church Conservation

Christian Biographies, by Paul Bellan-Boyer

Clinging to Onions

Crisis Magazine

Denver Catholic

Dicastery of the Causes of Saints

Filip Mazurczak

Find A Grave

Franciscan Media

Franciscan Spirit

Franz Jägerstätter and Leopold Engleitner

Hagiography Circle

Internet Movie Data Base: A Hidden Life

Internet Movie Data Base: Der Fall Jägerstätter

National Catholic Register: Franz Jägerstätter’s widow, ‘a warm, gentle soul,’ dies at 100

Parish of Saint MellitusLondonEngland



Wikimedia Commons


YouTube PlayList

webseiten auf deutsch

Katholische Kirche in Oberosterreich


fonti in italiano


Santi e Beati


I can say from my own experience how painful life often is when one lives as a halfway Christian; it is more like vegetating than living. – Blessed Franz in a letter to a god-child

Since the death of Christ, almost every century has seen the persecution of Christians; there have always been heroes and martyrs who gave their lives – often in horrible ways – for Christ and their faith. If we hope to reach our goal some day, then we, too, must became heroes of the faith. – Blessed Franz in a letter to a god-child

Everyone tells me, of course, that I should not do what I am doing because of the danger of death. I believe it is better to sacrifice one’s life right away than to place oneself in the grave danger of committing sin and then dying. – Blessed Franz in a letter describing his moral dilemma over being drafted

Just as the man who thinks only of this world does everything possible to make life here easier and better, so must we, too, who believe in the eternal Kingdom, risk everything in order to receive a great reward there. Just as those who believe in National Socialism tell themselves that their struggle is for survival, so must we, too, convince ourselves that our struggle is for the eternal Kingdom. But with this difference: we need no rifles or pistols for our battle, but instead, spiritual weapons – and the foremost among these is prayer. Through prayer, we continually implore new grace from God, since without God’s help and grace it would be impossible for us to preserve the Faith and be true to His commandments. Let us love our enemies, bless those who curse us, pray for Those who persecute us. For love will conquer and will endure for all eternity. And happy are they who live and die in God’s love. – Blessed Franz, writing from prison

I can say with certainty that this simple man is the only saint I have ever met in my lifetime. – Father Jochmann, who ministered to Venerable Franz in prison

MLA Citation

“Blessed Franz Jägerstätter“. CatholicSaints.Info. 28 October 2023. Web. 14 October 2024. <>


Franz Jägerstätter



- 26 ottobre 2007

- Papa  Benedetto XVI



- 9 agosto

Laico, martire, il contadino che disse di no ad Hitler, rifiutò la fedeltà al Reich e per questo venne condannato a morte

“Scrivo con le mani legate, ma è meglio così che se fosse incatenata la mia volontà”

Franz Jägerstätter was born on 20 May 1907 in St Radegund, Upper Austria, to his unmarried mother, Rosalia Huber, and to Franz Bachmeier, who was killed during World War I. After the death of his natural father, Rosalia married Heinrich Jägerstätter, who adopted Franz and gave the boy his surname of Jägerstätter in 1917.

Franz received a basic education in his village's one-room schoolhouse. His step-grandfather helped with his education and the boy became an avid reader.

It seems Franz was unruly in his younger years; he was, in fact, the first in his village to own a motorcycle. However, he is better known as an ordinary and humble Catholic who did not draw attention to himself.

After his marriage to Franziska in 1936 and their honeymoon in Rome, Franz grew in his faith but was not extreme in his piety.

Besides his farm work Franz became the local sexton in 1936 and began receiving the Eucharist daily. He was known to refuse the customary offering for his services at funerals, preferring the spiritual and corporal works of mercy over any remuneration.

In the mid to late 1930s, while much of Austria was beginning to follow the tide of Nazism, Franz became ever more rooted in his Catholic faith and placed his complete trust in God.

While carrying out his duties as husband and bread-winner for his wife and three daughters, this ordinary man began thinking deeply about obedience to legitimate authority and obedience to God, about mortal life and eternal life and about Jesus' suffering and Passion.

Franz was neither a revolutionary nor part of any resistance movement, but in 1938 he was the only local citizen to vote against the "Anschluss" (annexation of Austria by Germany), because his conscience prevailed over the path of least resistance.

Franz Jägerstätter was called up for military service and sworn in on 17 June 1940. Shortly thereafter, thanks to the intervention of his mayor, he was allowed to return to the farm. Later, he was in active service from October 1940 to April 1941, until the mayor's further intervention permitted his return home.

He became convinced that participation in the war was a serious sin and decided that any future call-up had to be met with his refusal to fight.

"It is very sad", he wrote, "to hear again and again from Catholics that this war waged by Germany is perhaps not so unjust because it will wipe out Bolshevism.... But now a question: what are they fighting in this Country - Bolshevism or the Russian People?

"When our Catholic missionaries went to a pagan country to make them Christians, did they advance with machine guns and bombs in order to convert and improve them?... If adversaries wage war on another nation, they have usually invaded the country not to improve people or even perhaps to give them something, but usually to get something for themselves.... If we were merely fighting Bolshevism, these other things - minerals, oil wells or good farmland - would not be a factor".

Jägerstätter was at peace with himself despite the alarm he could have experienced witnessing the masses' capitulation to Hitler. Mesmerized by the National Socialist propaganda machine, many people knelt when Hitler made his entrance into Vienna. Catholic Churches were forced to fly the swastika flag and subjected to other abusive laws.

In February 1943 Franz was called up again for military service. He presented himself at the induction centre on 1 March 1943 and announced his refusal to fight, offering to carry out non-violent services: this was denied him.

He was held in custody at Linz in March and April, transferred to Berlin-Tegel in May and subject to trial on 6 July 1943 when he was condemned to death for sedition. The prison chaplain was struck by the man's tranquil character. On being offered the New Testament, he replied: "I am completely bound in inner union with the Lord, and any reading would only interrupt my communication with my God".

On 9 August, before being executed, Franz wrote: "If I must write... with my hands in chains, I find that much better than if my will were in chains. Neither prison nor chains nor sentence of death can rob a man of the Faith and his free will. God gives so much strength that it is possible to bear any suffering.... People worry about the obligations of conscience as they concern my wife and children.

But I cannot believe that, just because one has a wife and children, a man is free to offend God".

Franz Jägerstätter, who would not bow his head to Hitler, bowed his head to God, and the guillotine took care of the rest. He was obviously called up to serve a higher order.


Beato Franz Jägerstätter
Bauernhaus, Franz Jägerstätter-Museum

Gedenktafel für Franz Jägerstätter

Franz Jägerstätter-Museum Detail Anerkennung bleibende Werte, Geschichtsort St. Radegund

Bl. Franz Jägerstätter (1907-1943)

Layman and martyr

Franz Jägerstätter was born on 20 May 1907 in St Radegund, Upper Austria, to his unmarried mother, Rosalia Huber, and to Franz Bachmeier, who was killed during World War I. After the death of his natural father, Rosalia married Heinrich Jägerstätter, who adopted Franz and gave the boy his surname of Jägerstätter in 1917.

Franz received a basic education in his village's one-room schoolhouse. His step-grandfather helped with his education and the boy became an avid reader.

It seems Franz was unruly in his younger years; he was, in fact, the first in his village to own a motorcycle. However, he is better known as an ordinary and humble Catholic who did not draw attention to himself.

After his marriage to Franziska in 1936 and their honeymoon in Rome, Franz grew in his faith but was not extreme in his piety.

Besides his farm work Franz became the local sexton in 1936 and began receiving the Eucharist daily. He was known to refuse the customary offering for his services at funerals, preferring the spiritual and corporal works of mercy over any remuneration.

In the mid to late 1930s, while much of Austria was beginning to follow the tide of Nazism, Franz became ever more rooted in his Catholic faith and placed his complete trust in God.

While carrying out his duties as husband and bread-winner for his wife and three daughters, this ordinary man began thinking deeply about obedience to legitimate authority and obedience to God, about mortal life and eternal life and about Jesus' suffering and Passion.

Franz was neither a revolutionary nor part of any resistance movement, but in 1938 he was the only local citizen to vote against the "Anschluss" (annexation of Austria by Germany), because his conscience prevailed over the path of least resistance.

Franz Jägerstätter was called up for military service and sworn in on 17 June 1940. Shortly thereafter, thanks to the intervention of his mayor, he was allowed to return to the farm. Later, he was in active service from October 1940 to April 1941, until the mayor's further intervention permitted his return home.

He became convinced that participation in the war was a serious sin and decided that any future call-up had to be met with his refusal to fight.

"It is very sad", he wrote, "to hear again and again from Catholics that this war waged by Germany is perhaps not so unjust because it will wipe out Bolshevism.... But now a question: what are they fighting in this Country - Bolshevism or the Russian People?

"When our Catholic missionaries went to a pagan country to make them Christians, did they advance with machine guns and bombs in order to convert and improve them?... If adversaries wage war on another nation, they have usually invaded the country not to improve people or even perhaps to give them something, but usually to get something for themselves.... If we were merely fighting Bolshevism, these other things - minerals, oil wells or good farmland - would not be a factor".

Jägerstätter was at peace with himself despite the alarm he could have experienced witnessing the masses' capitulation to Hitler. Mesmerized by the National Socialist propaganda machine, many people knelt when Hitler made his entrance into Vienna. Catholic Churches were forced to fly the swastika flag and subjected to other abusive laws.

In February 1943 Franz was called up again for military service. He presented himself at the induction centre on 1 March 1943 and announced his refusal to fight, offering to carry out non-violent services: this was denied him.

He was held in custody at Linz in March and April, transferred to Berlin-Tegel in May and subject to trial on 6 July 1943 when he was condemned to death for sedition. The prison chaplain was struck by the man's tranquil character. On being offered the New Testament, he replied: "I am completely bound in inner union with the Lord, and any reading would only interrupt my communication with my God".

On 9 August, before being executed, Franz wrote: "If I must write... with my hands in chains, I find that much better than if my will were in chains. Neither prison nor chains nor sentence of death can rob a man of the Faith and his free will. God gives so much strength that it is possible to bear any suffering.... People worry about the obligations of conscience as they concern my wife and children.

But I cannot believe that, just because one has a wife and children, a man is free to offend God".

Franz Jägerstätter, who would not bow his head to Hitler, bowed his head to God, and the guillotine took care of the rest. He was obviously called up to serve a higher order.


Beato Franz Jägerstätter
St. Radegund (Bezirk Braunau am Inn): Stele im Ort mit Lebensdaten des seliggesprochenen Franz Jägerstätter, einem von den Nazis zu Tode gebrachten Widerständlers

Austrian farmer executed for defying Nazis on path to sainthood

Peter Popham


Friday 26 October 2007 23:00 BST

A poor Austrian farmer who was executed by the Nazis for refusing to fight for Hitler took the first step on the path to sainthood when he was beatified yesterday by a Vatican cardinal at Linz Cathedral, not far from the village where he was born.

Franz Jägerstätter was deeply obscure in his life and no less so in death. But the last man to speak to him before he was executed, a priest called Father Jochmann, said he was the only saint he had ever met. Yesterday, the Catholic Church endorsed his view.

Pacifism may seem an obvious choice for a religion founded on loving one's neighbour as oneself and turning the other cheek, but millions of practising Christians fought on both sides during the Second World War, encouraged by army chaplains. So, to put a man on the road to sainthood because he was a pacifist marks, according to Canon Paul Oestreicher of the Anglican Pacifist Fellowship, "a historic volte-face – there is no modern precedent".

Jägerstätter was born in 1907 in the village of St Radegund in Upper Austria, not far from Hitler's birthplace. His parents, a farmer and a chambermaid, were too poor to marry. After his father died in the First World War, Franz's mother married another villager and family life improved. The boy received only seven years of schooling but became an avid reader.

As a young man, he got a girl pregnant and had to marry her. His relationship with Franziska, who bore him three daughters, proved to be the rock of his life. He was the first father in the village to own a motorbike and to take his children out for walks. As he matured, religion became more important to him and he became the sacristan of the village church. His decision not to fight was arrived at gradually.

In 1940, aged 33, he was conscripted into the German army and completed basic training. Returning home in 1941 on an exemption as a farmer, he began examining closely the religious reasons for refusing military service. He studied the issues in detail and at one point wrote a series of questions about the morality of the war that he discussed with his bishop. He emerged from that conversation saddened that the bishop seemed afraid to confront the issues.

The mass of Austrian Catholic opinion was reconciled to fighting a war to defeat godless communism – overlooking the fact that Nazism was just as godless. But Jägerstätter refused to accept the Nazis' aims. "It is very sad to hear from Catholics that this war is perhaps not so unjust because it will wipe out Bolshevism," he wrote.

"But what are they fighting? Bolshevism or the Russian people? When our Catholic missionaries went to a pagan country to make them Christians, did they advance with machine-guns and bombs in order to convert and improve them?"

He added: "What Catholic can dare to say these raids which Germany has carried out in several countries constitute a just and holy war?"

In 1943, after being called to active duty, Jägerstätter reported to his army base and refused to serve. A military court rejected his assertion that he could not be both a Nazi and a Catholic and sentenced him to death for undermining morale. His offer to serve as a paramedic was ignored. A priest from his village visited him in jail and tried to talk him into serving, but to no avail.

Jägerstätter was guillotined on 9 August 1943. "I am convinced it is best that I speak the truth, even if it costs me my life," he wrote before his execution. In a final letter to his wife, he asked forgiveness and said he hoped his life would be accepted by God as "atonement not just for my sins but also for the sins of others".


Grab des Widerstandskämpfers Franz Jägerstätter in St. Radegund

Friedhof der Pfarre Sankt RadegundKreuz über dem Grab von Franz Jägerstätter

Grab des Widerstandskämpfers Franz Jägerstätter in St. Radegund

A Franciscan Tertiary Martyr: Bl.Franz Jagerstatter

By Sr. JosephMary f.t.i.August 9, 2014

 No Comments

Ave Maria Meditations

In February 1943 Franz was called up again for military service. He presented himself at the induction centre on 1 March 1943 and announced his refusal to fight, offering to carry out non-violent services: this was denied him.

He was held in custody at Linz in March and April, transferred to Berlin-Tegel in May and subject to trial on 6 July 1943 when he was condemned to death for sedition. The prison chaplain was struck by the man’s tranquil character. On being offered the New Testament, he replied: “I am completely bound in inner union with the Lord, and any reading would only interrupt my communication with my God”.

On 9 August, before being executed, Franz wrote: “If I must write… with my hands in chains, I find that much better than if my will were in chains. Neither prison nor chains nor sentence of death can rob a man of the Faith and his free will. God gives so much strength that it is possible to bear any suffering…. People worry about the obligations of conscience as they concern my wife and children.

But I cannot believe that, just because one has a wife and children, a man is free to offend God”.

Franz Jägerstätter, who would not bow his head to Hitler, bowed his head to God, and the guillotine took care of the rest. He was obviously called up to serve a higher order.

The rest of this short biography can be found at the Vatican website at


Beato Franz Jägerstätter

Neben dem Pfarrheim von Kematen am Innbach wurde ein Bildstock mit den Bildern von Camilla Estermann, Franz Heger, Franz Jägerstätter und Heinrich Steiner zur Erinnerung errichtet. Sie waren Opfer des Nationalsozialistischen Regimes in Österreich

AGAINST THE STREAM. Franz Jägerstätter – the manwho refused to fight for Hitler

Written by Dr Erna Putz

Translated by Michael Duggan

In the parish church of St Radegund,Upper Austria Franz Jägerstätter was baptised; here he married and here his children were christened. Here too, from 1941 to 1943 he served as sacristan.

The jung farmer and family man became one of the outstanding figures of Christian resistance to National Socialism. He refused not only any support for the Nazi party (NSDAP), but also declined to fight in the German army in the war started by Germany. The consequences of his decision were clear to him and his family from the start; everyone hoped that the war would end before he was called up.

In the two years between his first experiences in the German army and his second call-up, he looked for a way out of the conflict of conscience between his family responsibility and his knowledge that supporting this war would involve great personal guilt. He found guidance and help in the Bible and in the example of figures such as Thomas More and Nicholas of Flüe (1st Footnote : Nicholas of Flüe, Brother Klaus 1417-1487. Swiss hermit and mystic. he left his wife Dorothea, and his ten children and lived as a hermit for 20 years. In 1481 Brother Klaus prevented a Swiss civil war. ).

In his wife, Franciska, he had an understanding companion; their strong mutual relationship and love were a crucial human support in the crises before and during his imprisonment.

A childhood in poverty and hunger

On 20 May 1907 the unmarried farmer's maid Rosalia Huber bore a son, Franz, in St Radegund. As servants, she and the child's father, Franz Bachmeier (2labjegyzet:Franz's father was killed in the First World War), were too poor to get married. The child remained in the care of his grandmother, Elisabeth Huber, who though poor was an affectionate woman with wide interests. For seven years Franz Huber attended the primary school in St Radegund, where a teacher taught up to 70 children aged from 6 to 13 simultaneously in one room. During the First World War there was widespread hunger in that region. In retrospect, Franz felt more hurt at being disadvantaged at school as a poor child than at the hunger.

When his mother married, the situation suddenly improved. She married the farmer, Heinrich Jägerstätter, who adopted his wife's child on marrying, so from February 1917 he became Franz Jägerstätter. Now, on the farm, there was enough to eat. There was reading too, because Franz's step-grandfather subscribed to a newspaper and possessed many serious books. Little Franz became an enthusiastic reader. Reading, informing oneself, he later told his godson, was very important: "People who don't read will never be able to stand on their own feet and will all too easily become a football for the opinions of others."

At the age of 20, Franz Jägerstätter began three years of work in the Steiermark iron ore industry.

The unusual situation in St Radegund

The 500-strong community by the River Salzach in the western part of Upper Austria was known until the 1930s for its Passion plays. In 1933 they proved a failure due to Hitler's seizure of power in Germany and the subsequent closing of the border.

This may partly explain why, in St Radegund in 1938, after troops marched into Austria, there were no Nazis - till then illegal - and therefore why no one wanted the post of mayor. Franz Jägerstätter was among those who were asked in March 1938 whether they would accept the office. But it was quite clear to him that any co-operation with the new rulers would be incompatible with his religious faith. Only when the appointment of a commissioner from outside was threatened did another farmer express willingness to be mayor.

Later a woman denounced ten opponents of the regime to the Gestapo. The postwoman, naturally, brought the letter to the mayor. He made sure it disappeared. Among the opponents named was Jägerstätter. The Gestapo reaction to denunciations included monitoring the suspect`s mail. In Jägerstätter`s case this would soon have been productive, as his opposition was all too clear from his correspondence. In any other municipality he would have been prosecuted for "sedition". In 1940 the parish of St Radegund stood united behind the parish priest, Fr Karobath, when he was imprisoned for a "seditious" sermon.

In the Diocese of Linz there was very strong Gestapo pressure on the clergy, with an exceptionally high number of murders and imprisonments. In the Deanery of Ostermiething, to which St Radegund belongs, 8 of the 12 priests were jailed, several of them friends of Jägerstätter. Two further priests, born in St Radegund, were also jailed.

These experiences strengthened Jägerstätter in his rejection of National Socialism. Should he fight and kill so that it could conquer the whole world? On top of that, he learned in 1941, in Ybbs, of the fate of the mentally ill.

Support from Franziska

Franz Jägerstätter could live in freedom, until his military refusal, only with the protection of St Radegund village, but his inner reliance on his wife, Franziska, was equally important.

They married in 1936. Franz was the first man in the village to take his children out in a pram and to develop a relationship with the three small children which was unusually close for that milieu.

In the referendum on the Anschluss, held on 10 April 1938, Franz Jägerstätter voted No: this followed a crisis in the married couple's relationship. Franz said that he didn't want to go to the referendum, for there was scarcely a choice if the Germans were already there with their tanks. Franziska was already aware of the terror as people from every village were being taken off to concentration camps. She threatened her husband that she would no longer love him if he did not go to the referendum. Franz was alarmed, and so then was Franziska. She learned from this argument never to pressurise her husband in matters of conscience. In her letters to prison she never does, saying in the first merely that she had hoped to the end that he could have decided otherwise.

In the first weeks of imprisonment at Linz in March 1943, his worst weeks, Franz Jägerstätter underwent a crisis of faith.

Because of his faith, he was obliged to regard fighting in the German army as involving serious personal guilt, and was threatened with execution. In this situation, his memory of the love and happiness during seven years of marriage to Franziska helped him to resist temptation.

"Who dares to assert that only one person among the German people bears the responsibility in this war?"

In the summer of 1940, Franz Jägerstätter was first called up for military service and in Braunau on 17 June he was sworn in. At the instigation of the mayor, however, he was alowed to return to the farm after a few days. From October 1940 to April 1941 he was in the army, though not at the Front. When, after repeated requests from the mayor, he was listed as "indispensable" and returned to St Radegund, he announced that he would not comply with further conscription. To fight so that Hitler might conquer the whole world he saw as a matter of personal guilt and serious sin. Even the war against Russia did not ease Franz Jägerstätter's conscience. He writes: "It is very sad to hear again and again from Catholics that this war, waged by Germany, is perhaps not so unjust because it will wipe out Bolshevism. It is true that at present most of our soldiers are stuck in the worst Bolshevist country, and simply want to make harmless and defenceless the people who live there and defend themselves. But now a question: what are they fighting in this country - Bolshevism or the Russian people? When our Catholic missionaries went to a pagan country to make them Christians did they advance with machine guns and bombs in order to convert and improve them? Most of these noble warriors for Christianity wrote home that if they only had the means to hand things out, everything would go much faster... If we look back a little into history, we note almost the same thing again and again: if a conqueror attacks another country with war, they have not normally invaded the country to improve people or even perhaps give them something, but usually to get something for themselves. If we fight the Russian people, we will get much from that country which is of use to us here. If one were merely fighting Bolshevism, these others things - minerals, oil wells or good farmland - would not be a factor."

It was immediately clear to everyone that conscientious objection would cost Franz his life. His mother tried through relatives to change her son's mind. Franziska spoke to him too, at the start. But as everyone tried to talk him round, as the arguments went on and he was quite alone against them all, she stood by him "If I had not stood by him, he would have had no one," she explained.

Franz discussed his plans with priest friends. They tried to save his life and talk him out of it. Yet they could not answer his biblical arguments. Franz Jägerstätter even asked the Bishop of Linz for advice. But he was afraid Franz might be a spy. Bishop Fliesser knew that the Gestapo was very watchful for links between faith and war service. In 1940, during simultaneous house searches at every presbytery in his diocese, they had been looking specifically for soldiers' letters. Franz had prepared questions for the discussion, including:

"What Catholic can dare to say that these raids which Germany has carried out in several countries, and is still carrying out, constitute a just and holy war?"

"Who dares to assert that among the German people in this war only one person bears the responsibility, and why then did so many millions of Germans have to give their 'Yes' or 'No'? Can one be reproached today for lacking patriotism? Do we still even have a mother country in this world? For if a country is supposed to be my mother country, it may not just impose duties - one must also have rights, and do we have rights here today? If someone becomes ineducable and might be a burden on the state, what happens to them? Would such a mother country be worth defendig at all? - which we cannot speak of anyway, because Germany was attecked by no one. Once, I believe, we would have had the right to defend ourselves, and that was four years ago when we were still Austrians."

In 1946 Bishop Fliesser wrote of his conversation with Franz Jägerstätter: "I explained in vain to him the moral principles on the degree of responsibility that the private citizen has for the actions of the authorities, and reminded him of the much higher responsibility he had for those around him and particularly his family." After the war ended the bishop suppressed publication of the affair in his district.

Franz Jägerstätter had sensed the bishop's fear, and his objections to war service were not weakened. Of his responsibility as the father of a family, he noted: "Again and again, people try to trouble my conscience over my wife and children. Is an action any better because one is married and has children? Is it better or worse because thousands of other Catholics are doing the same?"

Jägerstätter knew that bishops and priests would be arrested if they said anything other than the government permitted. Yet he put the question: "If the Church stays silent in the face of what is happening, what difference would it make if no church were ever opened again?"

Condemned to death for sedition

Franz Jägerstätter had no contact whatsoever with groups or individuals within the resistance movement. Only in the Linz military remand prison did he learn that others too had refused to do military service. As he told his wife, in a letter smuggled from the prison, this was a great encouragement to him. So was the news from prison chaplain Kreutzberg in Berlin that one year before him the Austrian priest Franz Reinisch had been a conscientious objector on the same grounds. Franz Jägerstätter was clear that he could "change nothing in world affairs" but he wished "to be at least a sign that not everyone let themselves be carried away with the tide".

After he was called up, Franz Jägerstätter presented himself to the military authorities in Enns on 1 March 1943 and announced that he was refusing to fight. During March and April he was held in custody at Linz. At the beginning of May he was transferred to Berlin-Tegel. The main trial of Franz Jägerstätter took place on 6 July 1943 before the second panel of the national court martial led by Werner Lueven.- He was "condemned to death for sedition and sentenced to loss of civil rights and of eligibility for military service".

In the judgement, open for inspection at the military archive in Prague since 1990, the reasons are given thus:

"In February 1943 the accused was again called up, by written command, for active service with motorised replacement unit 17 in Enns from 25 February 1943. At first he ignored the call-up, because he rejects National Socialism and therefore does not wish to do military service. Under pressure from relatives and the persuasion of his local priest, he finally reported on 1 March 1943 to the permanent company at motorised replacement unit 17 in Enns, but immediatly announced that because of his religious views he refused to do armed military service. During questioning by the court officer, despite detailed instruction and advice as to the consequences of his conduct, he maintained his negative attitude. He explained that if he fought for the National Socialist state, he would be actiong against his religious conscience. He also assumed this negative attitude during questioning by the court investigating officer of Division No 487 in Linz, and by the representative of the national court martial. However, he declared himself willing to serve as a medical orderly as an act of Christian charity. At the main trial he repeated his statements and added that is was only during the last year he had reached the conviction that as a believing Catholic he could not perform military service, he could not simultaneously be a National Socialist and a Catholic: that was impossible. If he had obeyed the earlier call-up papers, he had done so because at that time he had regarded it as sinful not to obey the commands of the state: now God had made him think that it was not a sin to reject armed service: there were things over which one should obey God more than man: because of the command 'Love thy neighbour as thyself' he could not fight with weapons. He was however prepared to serve as a medical orderly...

"... The accused had already been a soldier for six months, had taken the oath of loyalty to the Führer and Supreme Commander of the Army, and during his period of service was amply informed about the duties of the German soldier. Nevertheless, despite being told about the consequences of his conduct, he stubbornly refuses for personal reasons to fulfil his patriotic duty in Germany's hard struggle for survival. Accordingly, the death sentence is pronounced."

The court did not respond to Jägerstätter's request to be allowed to do medical service. To the end he would have had the opportunity, like other conscientious objectors, to withdraw his objection unconditionally, and would then have been assigned immediately to a probation unit (panishment company).

Early on 9 August 1943, Franz Jägerstätter was taken from Berlin to Brandenburg/Havel. At midday he was told that his death sentence had been confirmed and that it would be carried out at 4 pm. Fr Jochmann from Brandenburg spent considerable time with him and was very impressed by the condemned man's calmness and composure. On the evening of 9 August he told Austrian nuns that Franz Jägerstätter was the only saint he had met in his life. On 9 August 1943, at 4 pm, Franz Jägerstätter was beheaded, the first of 16 victims.

Fr Jochmann learned from the civilian crematorium and cemetery superintendent of the spot where Jägerstätter's urn was buried. The nuns planted flowers there, and on their first trip to their mother house in Vocklabruck after the war they brought the urn containing Franz Jägerstätter's ashes to his homeland. On 9 August 1946 it was buried by the church wall in St Radegund.

Many people come to St Radegund during the year, and particularly for the annual services commemorating his death on 9 August. In Franz Jägerstätter they find strength, consolation and direction. His wife still acts as sacristan.

In the Diocese of Linz, preparations are being made for the canonisation of Jägerstätter, for his inclusion in the register of officially recognised models of Chirstian life.

Erna Putz, Franz Jägerstätter...besser die Händle als der Wille gefesselt, (Linz, 1987)

Erna Putz (ed.), Gefängnisbriefe und Aufzeichnungten. Franz Jägerstätter verweigert 1943 den Wehrdienst, (Linz, 1987) (Jägerstätter quotations are taken from this edition.)


The Trustees of the Imperial War Museum, London (front cover picture of German soldiers MH 9231): Privatarchiv Jägerstätter, St Radegund (front cover picture of Franz Jägerstätter, pages 4,6, 11), R. Rinnerthaler, Salzburg (p.9), J. Mayhofer, St Radegund (p.3), Valerie Flessati London (back cover).


Gordon Zahn, Franz Jaegerstatter - Martyr for Conscience (Pax Christi USA, Erie, 1984)

Franz Jägerstätter: an International Symbol of Conscience (Pax Christi International Brussels, 1992)

Both the above pamphlets are available from: Pax Christi, 9 Henry Road, London N4 2LH

Gordon Zahn, In Solitary Witness: the life and death of Franz Jägerstätter (the original biography, reprinted 1986, Templegate Press, Illinois)

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Sankt Radegund (Autriche), église paroissiale, exposition d’un portrait photographique de Franz Jägerstätter.

Sankt Radegund (Austria), parish church

Sankt Radegund (Österreich), Pfarrkirche

Sankt Radegund (Österreich), Pfarrkirche

Interior of Saint Radegund Church (St. Radegund, Sankt RadegundBraunau DistrictUpper Austria,

Pfarrkirche St. Radegund

Interior of Saint Radegund Church (St. Radegund, Sankt RadegundBraunau DistrictUpper Austria,

Pfarrkirche St. Radegund

Beato Francesco Jagerstatter Laico, martire

9 agosto

St. Radegund, Austria, 20 maggio 1907 - Berlin-Brandenburg, Germania, 9 agosto 1943

Franz Jägerstätter nacque nel maggio del1907a St. Radegund, cittadina dove trascorse una giovinezza piuttosto dissipata. Poi, un giorno, una resipiscenza profonda lo indusse a ricordarsi delle sue radici cattoliche. Ne seguì una conversione religiosa intensa che lo portò a darsi una severa regolata. Messa finalmente la testa a partito, nel1936si sposò con Franziska Schwaninger. Dal matrimonio nacquero tre bambine. Nel frattempo lo Jägerstätter si era fatto terziario francescano ed aveva anche prestato servizio militare. Ma venne il tempodell'Anschluss e la Germania nazista mise le mani sull'Austria. Scoppiò anche la guerra e lo Jägerstätter temette di dover parteciparvi come soldato tedesco. Ma non certo per paura. Il fatto era che Franz Jägerstätter era stato l'unico a St. Radegund a votare «no» nel referendum con cui il popolo austriaco doveva approvare l'unione con la Germania. Egli, profondamente cattolico, detestava il nazismo pagano e riteneva del tutto ingiustificata la guerra che esso aveva scatenato. Ma nel febbraio del1943arrivò la chiamata alle armi. Lo Jägerstätter, coerentemente, rifiutò di presentarsi. Venne arrestato ai primi di marzo per renitenza alla leva e portato nel carcere di Linz. Sudi lui fu esercitato ogni tipo di pressione, dalle lusinghe alle minacce. Gli permisero persino di consultarsi con un paio di sacerdoti cattolici, i quali gli consigliarono di cedere, almeno per amoredelle figliolette. Ma Franz Jägerstätter si sarebbe fatto tagliare la testa piuttosto che giurare fedeltà al Reich. Venne preso in parola nell'agosto, a Berlino. Papa Benedetto XVI ha riconosciuto ufficialmente il suo martirio il 1° giugno 2007. Franz Jagerstatter, vittima del nazismo in odio alla sua fede, è stato beatificato il 26 ottobre 2007.

C’è un beato che deve la sua felice collocazione in Paradiso, oltre che alla grazia di Dio, anche alla propria moglie. E non, si badi bene, in virtù del luogo comune secondo cui tutte le donne fanno guadagnare il paradiso ai rispettivi mariti, ma perchè “quella” donna è riuscita a trasformare il “suo” uomo da un cristiano qualsiasi (e neppure tanto fervente) in un martire. Francesco, figlio di ragazza madre, nasce in Austria nel 1907, frutto dell’amore contrastato e “impossibile” tra una ragazza a servizio in una fattoria e un contadino che lavora nei campi attigui: entrambi troppo poveri per sposarsi, tanto che la famiglia di lei, ad un matrimonio di miseria, preferisce tenersi il bambino. Dieci anni dopo mamma si sposa con il proprietario di una piccola fattoria che lo adotta e gli da il proprio cognome. A 20 anni Francesco va a lavorare in una fattoria della Baviera e in una miniera della Stiria: con i soldi guadagnati, dopo tre anni può tornare in sella ad una moto, la prima del paese, che desta l’invidia degli amici e l’ammirazione delle ragazze, ma ha perso per strada la fede. Simpatico, allegro e festaiolo, ama corteggiare le ragazze del paese e si lascia coinvolgere anche in alcune risse con i giovani delle cricche rivali: un giovane come tanti, insomma, neppure migliore degli altri, che un giorno del 1933 si ritrova anche padre, in seguito alla contrastata relazione con una domestica. Comincia un lungo percorso di riavvicinamento alla fede, ma la vera svolta nella sua vita avviene nel 1935, quando conosce Francesca, che sposa l’anno successivo: cominciano a pregare insieme, la Bibbia diventa loro lettura quotidiana, cercano di “aiutarsi l’un l’altra nella fede”, come ricorda ancora oggi Francesca. “Non avrei mai immaginato che essere sposati potesse essere così bello”, ammette Francesco, che intanto diventa papà di tre meravigliose bimbe. Contadino nei campi che il padre adottivo gli ha lasciato in eredità e per qualche tempo anche sacrestano della sua parrocchia, la sua fede, si nutre sempre più di preghiera e di comunione frequente. I problemi di coscienza cominciano per lui con l’ascesa di Hitler al potere. Ritenendo il nazismo assolutamente incompatibile con il Vangelo e per restare un cristiano coerente non solo a parole, comincia la sua solitaria battaglia di opposizione: rifiuta di fare il sindaco del suo paese, manda indietro gli assegni familiari che lo stato gli dovrebbe, rinuncia anche all’indennizzo per i danni della grandine, fino a convincersi che è peccato grave combattere e uccidere per permettere a Hitler di conquistare il mondo. Prega, digiuna, si confronta con parenti ed amici sacerdoti e tutti gli consigliano di adeguarsi, di pensare alla famiglia, di non mettere a repentaglio la propria vita, mentre lo stesso vescovo di Linz gli ricorda che non è compito di un padre di famiglia stabilire se la guerra sia giusta o no. Tutti, ad eccezione di Francesca. Che, pur sperando in una via d’uscita, non fa pressioni al suo uomo, lo lascia libero di seguire la sua coscienza, lo sostiene quando gli altri non lo capiscono o lo avversano. Così, quando il 1° marzo 1943 viene chiamato a fare il soldato, rifiuta con decisione il servizio militare armato perché “nulla potrebbe garantire la mia anima contro i pericoli che i nazisti le farebbero correre”. Immediatamente arrestato e processato a Berlino davanti al Tribunale supremo del Terzo Reich, viene condannato a morte. Passa in carcere momenti terribili, combattuto tra il ricordo delle figlie e dei momenti felici regalatigli da Francesca, che gli “sembrano talvolta perfino dei miracoli”, e i suoi imprescindibili doveri di cristiano. Mentre sente “l’obbligo di pregare Dio, che ci permetta di capire a chi e quando dobbiamo obbedire”, cosciente che potrebbe cambiare il suo destino con un semplice “sì”, arriva alla conclusione che “né il carcere, né le catene e neppure la morte possono separare un uomo dall’amore di Dio e rubargli la sua libera volontà” “Scrivo con le mani legate, ma è meglio così che se fosse incatenata la mia volontà”, è il suo ultimo messaggio dal carcere; viene ghigliottinato il 9 agosto 1943 a Brandeburgo, nello stesso carcere in cui è detenuto anche il teologo protestante Bonhoeffer. Franz Jägerstätter, il contadino che disse di no ad Hitler, è stato beatificato a Linz il 26 ottobre dell’ano scorso.

Autore: Gianpiero Pettiti




Linz, Austria

Venerdì, 26 ottobre 2007

1. Sono venuto a Linz, con una gioia nel cuore davvero grande, per l'onore che il Santo Padre Benedetto XVI mi ha voluto benevolmente concedere, nel designarmi a presiedere il solenne rito della Beatificazione del servo di Dio Franz Jägerstätter, come suo rappresentante. Mi è caro manifestarvi la letizia, del tutto particolare, nel vedere iscritto, oggi, nell'albo dei beati un laico, sposato, padre di famiglia.

Il servo di Dio Giorgio La Pira, popolarmente conosciuto in Italia, ma non solo, come "il sindaco santo" di Firenze, con quel tratto profetico che non manca mai ai santi, 50 anni fa, se pure in un contesto così diverso e lontano dall'attuale, già scriveva: 

"La santità del nostro secolo avrà questa caratteristica:  sarà una santità dei laici. Noi incrociamo per le strade coloro che fra cinquant'anni saranno forse sugli altari: per le strade, nelle fabbriche, al parlamento, nelle aule universitarie".

Allora un tale auspicio sembrava quasi impossibile da concretizzare. Oggi vediamo che in virtù dell'ultimo Concilio, e della sua generosa attuazione attraverso il ministero petrino di Giovanni Paolo II, sono fatti realizzatisi, non solo a parole, e continuano ad esserlo con l'alto magistero di Benedetto XVI.

2. La peculiarità del nostro beato è racchiusa nel suo martirio (1943), inserito nel contesto storico particolarmente tragico del periodo del III Reich, durante la seconda guerra mondiale. Il beato Franz era un uomo del nostro tempo, un uomo normale, con dei difetti e persino per un certo periodo di vita, con uno stile di vita piuttosto leggero e mondano. Ma in seguito alla sua vocazione e con la grazia di Dio giunse a mettere la volontà di Dio al di sopra di tutto, arrivando, dopo lunghe lotte interne a una vita straordinaria di testimonianza cristiana. Per le sue convinzioni di fede ha affrontato la morte. Il suo cammino è una sfida ed un incoraggiamento per tutti i cristiani che possono prendere esempio da lui, per vivere con coerenza ed impegno radicale la loro fede, anche fino alle estreme conseguenze se necessario. I beati e i santi hanno sempre dato l'esempio di cosa significhi e comporti l'essere cristiani, anche in particolari concreti momenti della storia.

In un tempo come il nostro, dove non mancano i condizionamenti e addirittura la manipolazione delle coscienze e delle intelligenze, talvolta attraverso forme subdole che si servono delle moderne e più avanzate tecnologie, la testimonianza del beato Franz, del suo indomito coraggio e della sua ferma e forte coerenza è un importantissimo esempio.

3. Sono commoventi le parole contenute nell'ultima lettera inviata dallo Jägerstätter alla moglie Franziska Schwanniger, in particolare quando afferma: "Ringrazio anche il nostro Salvatore perché io ho potuto soffrire per Lui. Confido nella sua infinita misericordia; spero che Egli mi abbia perdonato tutto e che non mi abbandonerà neanche nella mia ultima ora... Osservate i comandamenti e, con la grazia di Dio, ci rivedremo presto in Cielo!" (Doc. 21, Summ., 187-188).

Parole che ci portano all'essenza, perché i santi sanno sempre andare all'essenziale, che qui è riconducibile a quel "serva mandata", "osserva i comandamenti" (cfr Mt 19, 17) con cui Gesù risponde a chi vuol sapere cosa deve fare per avere la vita eterna.

Invocando la protezione speciale del nuovo beato, il martire Franz Jägerstätter, su questa venerata Chiesa diocesana di Linz, mi è caro partecipare a questo caro popolo di Dio, a cominciare dal suo venerato Pastore sua eccellenza monsignor Ludwig Schwarz, sui presbiteri, i diaconi, i religiosi e le religiose e su tutti i fratelli e sorelle nella fede, la particolare Benedizione Apostolica del Santo Padre Benedetto XVI, affinché vi accompagni nel cammino verso la santità, a cui tutti siamo chiamati.


A proposito di :

Franz Jagerstatter. Un contadino contro Hitler

Come di certo sapete solo pochissimi cattolici e protestanti ebbero il coraggio, in contrapposizione alle loro gerarchie, di rifiutare il servizio militare nell'esercito di Hitler.

Un caso esemplificativo è quello di Franz Jagerstatter, un cattolico austriaco che rifiutò di imbracciare le armi nell'esercito di Hitler e venne giustiziato. Come si può apprendere dal libro di Erna Putz, teologa cattolica, quest'uomo dovette lottare non solo contro i nazisti ma anche contro la classe clericale che fece di tutto per mettere a tacere gli appelli della sua coscienza.  

Ancora dopo la fine della guerra, il vescovo della diocesi di Jagerstatter, J. C. Fliesser, commentando i motivi per cui aveva impedito la pubblicazione di un articolo in cui si esaltava il comportamento del suo correligionario affermava:

"Considero veri eroi quei giovani, teologi, sacerdoti e padri cattolici che, nell'eroico adempimento del loro dovere e nella convinzione profondamente radicata di fare la volontà di Dio, ognuno all'interno del proprio ruolo, hanno lottato e sono caduti per questo, come un tempo i soldati cristiani nell'esercito dell' imperatore pagano. O i veri eroi sono i testimoni di Geova e gli avventisti che 'coerentemente' hanno preferito morire nei campi di concentramento piuttosto che impugnare le armi? Tanto di rispetto per una coscienza che è innocentemente errata; troverà misericordia presso Dio".

Per costui, come per la stragrande maggioranza del clero delle chiese cristiane, i veri eroi erano quanti avevano sacrificato la propria vita nella guerra di Hitler, non coloro che, come Jagerstatter, avevano seguito gli stimoli di una coscienza "innocentemente errata". 

( "Franz Jagerstatter. Un contadino contro Hitler", Erna Putz. Berti Editrice. 2000. p. 193)

E' interessante osservare quali fattori influirono sulla decisione coraggiosa e solitaria dello Jagerstatter. Gordon Zahn scrive nel suo libro:

"A Santa Radegonda, per spiegare la condotta di Jagerstatter, si fa molto spesso riferimento alle sue relazioni con il cugino testimone di Geova. Si dà molta importanza al tempo che trascorsero insieme in lunghe discussioni su argomenti religiosi o per studiare la Bibbia. I testimoni di Geova, in Austria come negli Stati Uniti, rifiutano di prendere parte a guerre di ordine temporale, nell'attesa di un conflitto in cui dovranno impegnare tutte le loro forze per riportare una vittoria eterna; ecco perché un gran numero di essi vennero condannati a morte per aver rifiutato di prendere parte alle guerre hitleriane. Non c'è da meravigliarsi che quella gente di campagna, guidata dal buon senso, abbia potuto attribuire all'obiezione di coscienza di Jagerstatter all'influenza del cugino. . . . Tuttavia, padre Kreuzberg avanza una riserva: pur ammettendo che essa non abbia influito sull'ortodossia di Franz, ritiene però che l'esempio di quegli uomini fedeli alla loro fede e disposti ai più grandi sacrifici, abbia potuto incoraggiarlo nella sua decisione. Padre Kreuzberg ricordava di aver sentito Franz parlargli con ammirazione della loro fede incrollabile."

("Il testimone solitario. Vita e morte di Franz Jagerstatter", Gribaudi. 1968. pp. 131, 133.)


Franz Jägerstätter, martire della libertà di coscienza contro il nazismo

E’ stato beatificato per la sua testimoniaza di fede fino al sacrificio

26 ottobre 2007RedazioneNotizie dal Mondo

Di Mirko Testa

LINZ, venerdì, 26 ottobre 2007 ( Ci fu un contadino, padre di famiglia, di nome Franz Jägerstätter che si oppose al regime nazista e andò incontro alla morte a soli 36 anni pur di non tradire il suo credo religioso.

Questo venerdì, nel giorno in cui viene ricordata la liberazione dell’Austria dal nazismo, nella Cattedrale dell’Immacolata di Linz, il Cardinale José Saraiva Martins, C.F.M., Prefetto della Congregazione delle Cause dei Santi, su mandato di Benedetto XVI, lo ha elevato alla gloria degli altari.

Franz Jägerstätter – come riportato nel sito della diocesi di Linz – nacque nel 1907 in un paesino a St. Radegund, nell’Alta Austria – la stessa terra che diede i natali anche ad Adolf Hitler –, ove trascorse l’infanzia e nel 1936 sposò Franziska Schwaninger. Dalla loro unione nacquero tre figlie.

Franz e Franziska pregavano insieme, ricevevano quotidianamente la Comunione, formando la propria coscienza sulla lettura assidua delle Sacre Scritture. Lavorò come contadino, poi in una miniera di ferro in Stiria, e in seguito come sagrestano a St. Radegund.

Fu membro del Terzo Ordine di San Francesco d’Assisi, ma soprattutto un profeta lungimirante nel riconoscere la barbarie del nazionalsocialismo che voleva strappare Dio dal cuore degli uomini e alimentava il razzismo, l’ideologia della guerra e la deificazione dello Stato.

Fin dall’inizio, infatti, negò ogni collaborazione o sostegno ai nazionalsocialisti, che riuscirono ad annettere l’Austria alla Germania nel 1938.

Chiamato alle armi nel 1943, in pieno conflitto mondiale, dichiarò che come cristiano non poteva servire l’ideologia hitleriana e combattere una guerra ingiusta per portare alla vittoria un regime senza Dio e permettergli di sottomettere sempre più popoli.

A nulla valsero i tentativi di coloro che cercarono di convincerlo ad arruolarsi per non rischiare la vita.

In una intervista a “Radio Vaticana”, il postulatore della Causa di Beatificazione, l’avv. Andrea Ambrosi, ha detto che il suo parroco, Josef Karobath, usciva dai colloqui con lui “ammutolito” nel sentire le citazioni delle Sacre Scritture che faceva per motivare questa sua posizione.

Dopo un nuovo richiamo Franz Jägerstätter si presentò l‘1 marzo 1943 alla sua compagnia ad Enns, ma si dichiarò subito renitente alla leva e contrario ad imbracciare un’arma per far del male a qualcuno.

Successivamente, venne portato nel carcere della Wehrmacht di Linz, nell‘ex convento delle Orsoline. Due mesi di prigionia a Linz, con angherie e insulti, lo fecero precipitare in una profonda crisi e tensione spirituale, in cui corse il rischio di perdere la propria fede. La felicità provata accanto a Franziska rappresentò, però, per Franz un costante segno della presenza di Dio.

Infine, il 9 agosto 1943 Franz Jägerstätter venne condotto a Brandeburgo sull‘Havel e lì decapitato.

Quel giorno indirizzò alla sua famiglia rimasta a casa la sua ultima lettera, scritta poche ore prima dell’esecuzione, che la vedova, ancora vivente, conserva come un prezioso testamento.

“Carissima sposa e madre – scrisse –, vi ringrazio ancora di cuore per tutto ciò che avete fatto per me nella mia vita, per l’amore che mi avete donato e per i sacrifici che avete sostenuto per me […] non mi è stato possibile risparmiarvi le sofferenze […] salutate da parte mia le mie care bambine, di tutto cuore. Pregherò il buon Dio, appena potrò arrivare in cielo, di riservare un posticino per tutti voi”.

Nel 1997 è stato ufficialmente aperto il processo per la beatificazione di Franz Jägerstätter, chiuso presso la diocesi il 21 giugno 2001. L‘1 giugno 2007 il Vaticano ha confermato ufficialmente il suo martirio.

Nell’intervista alla “Radio Vaticana”, il postulatore della Causa di Beatificazione ha affermato che Jägerstätter “è stato capace di sacrificare sull’altare dell’amore a Dio i suoi tenerissimi affetti terreni. La sua più grande aspirazione era quella di testimoniare la sua esclusiva appartenenza a Dio, essendo capace per questa sua indefettibile fedeltà di dare la propria vita”.

In un articolo apparso, invece, su “L’Osservatore Romano” (26 ottobre 2007), il postulatore ha raccontato che tra i 21 testimoni totali della Causa alcuni erano presenti agli ultimi giorni di vita del Servo di Dio, che anche in carcere continuava a pregare e meditare.

In particolare, il sign. Gregor Breit, che condivise con lui la dura esperienza detentiva nel carcere militare di Linz, ha testimoniato come Jägerstätter “abbia sopportato con infinita pazienza la dura detenzione carceraria, evidentemente mosso da quella fortissima spinta religiosa che gli faceva superare il dolore di dover lasciare gli affetti più cari”.

Nel suo testamento vergato a Berlino nel luglio del 1943 si legge: “Scrivo con le mani legate, ma preferisco questa condizione al sapere incatenata la mia volontà. Non sono il carcere, le catene e nemmeno una condanna che possono far perdere la fede a qualcuno o privarlo della libertà”.


Beato Franz Jägerstätter

Stained glass window showing stations of Jägerstätter's life in the Votivkirche, Vienna

Franz Jägerstätter

20. Mai 1907 - 09. August 1943

Franz Jägerstätter kommt 1907 in St. Radegund in Oberösterreich als nichteheliches Kind zur Welt; wegen großer Armut können seine Eltern nicht heiraten. Als Zwanzigjähriger arbeitet er in der Steiermark im Bergbau und kehrt 1930 in sein Dorf zurück, wo er einige Jahre später den Bauernhof seines Stiefvaters übernimmt. 1936 heiratet er Franziska, eine Magd aus der Nachbarschaft, aus der Ehe gehen drei Töchter hervor. 1938 weigert sich Jägerstätter, nach dem Einmarsch deutscher Truppen in Österreich für den „Anschluss“ zu stimmen. 1940 wird er in den Dritten Orden des heiligen Franziskus augenommen. Seine Gegnerschaft zum NS-Regime verstärkt sich vor allem angesichts der Verfolgung katholischer Geistlicher und der Morde an Kranken und Behinderten. 1940 erstmals zur Wehrmacht einberufen, kann er kurz darauf zu seiner Familie zurückkehren, da ihn seine Heimatgemeinde als „unabkömmlich“ einstuft. Als Jägerstätter im Februar 1943 erneut zur Wehrmacht einberufen wird, entschließt er sich aus christlicher Überzeugung, den Fahneneid und den Kriegsdienst zu verweigern; er lässt sich weder von seiner Familie noch von ihm nahestehenden Geistlichen von seinem Weg abbringen. Franz Jägerstätter wird festgenommen, vom Reichskriegsgericht in Berlin am 6. Juli 1943 wegen „Zersetzung der Wehrkraft“ zum Tode verurteilt und am 9. August 1943 im Zuchthaus Brandenburg-Görden ermordet.


Erna Putz: Franz Jägerstätter. Gefängnisbriefe und Aufzeichnungen. Linz 1987

Erna Putz: Franz Jägerstätter. „... besser die Hände als der Wille gefesselt... Linz 1985


Kurz-Biographie mit Zeittafel: Franz Jägerstätter 1907 - 1943

Franz Jägerstätter wird am 20. Mai 1907 in St. Radegund, Oberösterreich (Diözese Linz), als Kind der ledigen Bauernmagd Rosalia Huber geboren.

Die Mutter heiratete 1917 den Bauern Heinrich Jägerstätter, der bei der Hochzeit das Kind seiner Frau adoptiert. 

1933 wird er Vater der Tochter Hildegard. 1935 lernt er Franziska Schwaninger, Bauerntochter aus dem benachbarten Hochburg, kennen und sie heiraten am Gründonnerstag 1936. Sie bewirtschaften gemeinsam den Leherbauernhof. Franz Jägerstäter ist ab 1941 Mesner in St. Radegund. 

Aus der Ehe gehen drei Töchter hervor, Rosalia (*1937), Maria (*1938) und Aloisia (*1940). 
Den Nationalsozialisten verweigert Jägerstätter von Anfang an jede Zusammenarbeit, denn Christentum und Nationalsozialismus sind für ihn völlig unvereinbar.

1940 wird Jägerstätter zum Militärdienst einberufen, aber zweimal unabkömmlich gestellt. Einer weiteren Einberufung leistet er nicht mehr Folge, denn "mitzukämpfen und zu töten, dass Hitler die ganze Welt beherrschen könne", sieht er als Sünde und persönliche Schuld an. 

Am 1. März 1943 erklärt er nach seiner erneuten Einberufung bei der Stammkompanie in Enns, "dass er auf Grund seiner religiösen Einstellung den Wehrdienst mit der Waffe ablehne, dass er gegen sein religiöses Gewissen handeln würde, wenn er für den nationalsozialistischen Staat kämpfen würde und er könne nicht gleichzeitig Nationalsozialist und Katholik sein." 

Jägerstätter wird in das Wehrmachtsuntersuchungsgefängnis im Linzer Ursulinenhof gebracht und Anfang Mai in das Wehrmachtsuntersuchungsgefängnis Berlin-Tegel überstellt. Am 6. Juli 1943 wird Franz Jägerstätter wegen "Wehrkraftzersetzung sowie zum Verlust der Wehrwürdigkeit und der bürgerlichen Ehrenrechte" verurteilt.

Am 9. August 1943 wird er in Brandenburg/Havel enthauptet. 

Ab 1989 werden im Auftrag von Diözesanbischof Maximilian Aichern Personen, die Franz Jägerstätter gekannt haben, als Zeugen einvernommen. 1997 wird der Seligsprechungsprozess für Franz Jägerstätter offiziell eröffnet und am 21. Juni 2001 auf diözesaner Ebene abgeschlossen.

Der Vatikan bestätigt am 1.Juni 2007 offiziell das Martyrium.


Beato Franz Jägerstätter
 Gedenkort für Franz Jägerstätter im Neuen Dom in Linz

Beato Franz Jägerstätter
Linz, Neuer Dom, Gedenkstätte für den sel. Franz Jägerstätter

Beato Franz Jägerstätter
Gedenkort zu Franz Jägerstätter im Neuen Dom in Linz, Brief von Jägerstätte in der Stele, Detail

Biographie Franz Jägerstätter 1907 – 1943 Märtyrer

Franz Jägerstätter wird am 20. Mai 1907 in St. Radegund, Oberösterreich (Diözese Linz), als Kind der ledigen Bauernmagd Rosalia Huber geboren. Sie und der Vater, Franz Bachmeier, können als Magd bzw. Knecht nicht heiraten. Die Erziehung des Kindes übernimmt die Großmutter, Elisabeth Huber, eine liebevolle, fromme und vielseitig interessierte Frau. Die materielle Not während des 1. Weltkrieges ist in der Region groß. In der Schule erfährt sich das Kind Franz wegen seiner Armut benachteiligt. Die Mutter heiratet 1917 den Bauern Heinrich Jägerstätter, der bei der Hochzeit das Kind seiner Frau adoptiert. Inspiriert durch den (Adoptiv-)Großvater interessiert sich Franz als Heranwachsender für Bücher, darunter auch für religiöse Literatur. Von seinem Adoptivvater erbt er den Bauernhof.

Von 1927 bis 1930 arbeitet Franz Jägerstätter im Erzabbau in Eisenerz (Steiermark). Dort erfährt er sich geistig und religiös entwurzelt und macht eine Glaubens- und Sinnkrise durch. Er kommt als vertieft Glaubender 1930 in seine Heimat zurück. 

1933 wird er Vater einer unehelichen Tochter Hildegard. Die Mutter des Kindes ist Theresia Auer, Magd auf einem Hof in der Nachbarschaft; sie sagt später: „Wir sind im Frieden auseinander gegangen, er hat mich um Verzeihung gebeten.“ Zwischen Vater und Tochter bestand eine gute Beziehung.

1935 lernt er Franziska Schwaninger, Bauerntochter aus dem benachbarten Hochburg, kennen. Sie heiraten am Gründonnerstag 1936. Auf seinen Vorschlag hin machen sie eine Hochzeitsreise nach Rom. Sie bewirtschaften den Leherbauernhof. Die Ehe wird zum Wendepunkt im Leben Franz Jägerstätters. In der Folge sei er ein anderer geworden, so die Nachbarn. Franz und Franziska beten miteinander und die Bibel wird zum Lebensbuch des Alltags. Franziska über diese Zeit: „Wir haben einer dem anderen weiter geholfen im Glauben.“ Franz Jägerstätter ist ab 1941 auch Mesner in St. Radegund. Aus der Ehe gehen drei Töchter hervor, Rosalia (*1937), Maria (*1938) und Aloisia (*1940). Franz Jägerstätter bemerkt einmal: „Ich habe mir nie vorstellen können, dass Verheiratetsein so schön sein kann.“

Den Nationalsozialisten, die in Österreich 1938 die Macht übernehmen, verweigert Jägerstätter von Anfang an jede Zusammenarbeit oder Unterstützung, denn Christentum und Nationalsozialismus sind für ihn völlig unvereinbar. Durch einen Traum fühlt sich Franz Jägerstätter vor dem Nationalsozialismus gewarnt: Ein Zug, der unzählige Menschen ins Verderben führt, „entschleiert“ sich ihm als die NSDAP mit all ihren Gliederungen.

1940 wird Jägerstätter zum Militärdienst einberufen, auf Betreiben der Heimatgemeinde aber zweimal unabkömmlich gestellt. Einer weiteren Einberufung will er nicht mehr Folge leisten, denn mitzukämpfen und zu töten, dass Hitler die ganze Welt beherrschen könne, sieht er als Sünde an. Die Mutter, Verwandte und auch befreundete Priester versuchen ihn umzustimmen. Seine Frau Franziska hofft zwar auch auf einen Ausweg, steht aber zu ihm in seiner Entscheidung: „Wenn ich nicht zu ihm gehalten hätte, hätte er gar niemanden gehabt.“

In ausführlichen Aufzeichnungen legt Franz Jägerstätter die Beweggründe seines Handelns nieder: Er sieht es als persönliche Schuld, mitzukämpfen und Menschen zu töten, damit das gottlose NS-Regime siegen und immer mehr Völker unterjochen könne. Franz betet, fastet und berät sich. Er bittet auch den Linzer Diözesanbischof Joseph Calasanz Fließer um eine Aussprache. Dieser meint unter anderem, als Familienvater sei es nicht seine Sache zu entscheiden, ob der Krieg gerecht oder ungerecht sei. Franziska Jägerstätter begleitet ihren Mann nach Linz, am Gespräch nimmt sie nicht teil. Sie erinnert sich an den Moment, an dem ihr Mann aus dem Sprechzimmer des Bischofs kommt: „Er war sehr traurig und sagte zu mir:  ‘Sie trauen sich selber nicht, sonst kommen’s selber dran.’ Der Haupteindruck von Franz war, dass der Bischof nicht wagte offen zu sprechen, weil er Jägerstätter nicht kannte; er hätte ja auch ein Spion sein können.“

Nach der erneuten Einberufung meldet sich Franz Jägerstätter am 1. März 1943 bei seiner Stammkompanie in Enns, erklärt aber sofort: „dass er auf Grund seiner religiösen Einstellung den Wehrdienst mit der Waffe ablehne, dass er gegen sein religiöses Gewissen handeln würde, wenn er für den nationalsozialistischen Staat kämpfen würde; ... er könne nicht gleichzeitig Nationalsozialist und Katholik sein; ... es gebe Dinge, wo man Gott mehr gehorchen müsse als den Menschen; auf Grund des Gebotes ‚Du sollst Deinen Nächsten lieben wie Dich selbst‘ dürfe er nicht mit der Waffe kämpfen. Er sei jedoch bereit, als Sanitätssoldat Dienst zu leisten.“ (Aus der Begründung des Reichskriegsgerichtsurteils vom 6. Juli 1943)

Jägerstätter wird daraufhin in das Wehrmachts-Untersuchungsgefängnis im Linzer Ursulinenhof gebracht. Zwei Monate Haft in Linz mit Folter und Schikanen bewirken eine große Krise. Der junge Bauer ist in Gefahr den Glauben zu verlieren. Das erfahrene Glück mit Franziska ist ihm ein bleibender Hinweis auf die Gegenwart Gottes.

Anfang Mai wird Franz Jägerstätter in das Wehrmachtsuntersuchungsgefängnis Berlin-Tegel überstellt. Er bittet, zum Sanitätsdienst zugelassen zu werden, was abgelehnt wird. Am 6. Juli 1943 wird Franz Jägerstätter wegen „Wehrkraftzersetzung sowie zum Verlust der Wehrwürdigkeit und der bürgerlichen Ehrenrechte“ verurteilt. 

Durch Pfarrer Heinrich Kreutzberg erfährt er, dass ein Jahr zuvor der österreichische Pallottiner-Pater Franz Reinisch aus denselben Gründen den Wehrdienst verweigert hat und dafür gestorben ist. Diese Mitteilung gibt ihm in seiner Lage Halt und Trost. Die Eucharistie, die Bibel und ein Bild seiner Kinder sind ihm in dieser Zeit sehr wichtig.

Franz Jägerstätter wird am  9. August 1943 nach Brandenburg/Havel gebracht und enthauptet. 

Die beiden Seelsorger, Pfarrer Kreutzberg in Berlin und Pfarrer Jochmann in Brandenburg, sehen in ihm einen Heiligen und Märtyrer. Im Jahre 1965 verweist Erzbischof Thomas D. Roberts SJ (1939 bis 1958 in Bombay, Indien) bei der Arbeit an der Pastoralkonstitution des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils in einer schriftlichen Eingabe auf die einsame Gewissensentscheidung Franz Jägerstätters: „Märtyrer wie Jägerstätter sollen nie das Gefühl haben, dass sie allein sind.“

Am 7. Mai 1997, 54 Jahre nach seiner Hinrichtung, wird vom Landgericht Berlin das Todesurteil gegen Jägerstätter aufgehoben. Die Aufhebung kommt einem Freispruch gleich und bedeutet moralische und juristische Rechtfertigung seiner Handlung. Das Landesgericht geht davon aus, dass der Zweite Weltkrieg nicht dem Volk sondern dem nationalsozialistischen Machtstreben gedient hat. Wer sich wie Jägerstätter einem Verbrechen widersetzt, kann kein Verbrecher sein.

Ab 1989 werden im Auftrag von Bischof Aichern Personen, die Franz Jägerstätter gekannt haben, als Zeugen einvernommen. Nach unterstützenden Voten der Österreichischen Bischofskonferenz, einer historisch-theologischen Kommission und des Linzer Domkapitels wird 1997 offiziell der Seligsprechungsprozess für Franz Jägerstätter eröffnet, am 21. Juni 2001 auf diözesaner Ebene abgeschlossen und die Akten nach Rom zur Selig- und Heiligsprechungskongregation übergeben.

Der Vatikan bestätigt am 1. Juni 2007 offiziell das Martyrium des österreichischen Kriegsdienstverweigerers Franz Jägerstätter (1907-43). Die Seligsprechung erfolgt am 26. Oktober 2007 im Linzer Mariendom.

 (Aus: Franz Jägerstätter_Christ und Märtyrer, Erna Putz; Franz Jägerstätter. Gedenken und Gebet.Novene)

Diözesanbischof Dr. Ludwig Schwarz und Bischof Dr. Manfred Scheuer (Postulator des Seligsprechungsverfahrens) stellen zur Seligsprechung fest

(in: Franz Jägerstätter – Märtyrer. Leuchtendes Beispiel in dunkler Zeit)

„Die Kirche anerkennt damit ausdrücklich die Haltung dieses gläubigen Mannes, der sehr wohl auch uns Heutigen etwas zu sagen hat.

Das Gedenken an Franz Jägerstätter steht in einem mehrfachen Beziehungsrahmen: zu seiner Frau, zu seinen Kindern und zu seiner Familie, kirchlich zu seiner Seligsprechung, zu Fragen der Heiligkeit und des Martyriums, gesellschaftlich und politisch in Auseinandersetzung mit der Kriegsvergangenheit, mit der Kriegsgeneration, mit der Unmenschlichkeit und dem Terror der Nationalsozialisten, ethisch und pädagogisch mit den Themen von Krieg und Kriegsdienstverweigerung, Gewaltfreiheit, Friedenserziehung und Abrüstung, von Obrigkeit, Gewissen und Gehorsam.

Franz Jägerstätter ist ein Prophet mit einem Weitblick und Durchblick, wie ihn damals die wenigsten seiner Zeitgenossen hatten, er ist Vorbild in der Treue zum Gewissensanspruch, Anwalt der Gewaltlosigkeit und des Friedens, Warner vor Ideologien, er ist ein gläubiger Mensch, dem Gott wirklich Mitte und Zentrum des Lebens war. Sein prophetisches Zeugnis für die christliche Wahrheit beruht auf einer klaren, radikalen und weitsichtigen Analyse der Barbarei des menschen- und gottverachtenden Systems des Nationalsozialismus, dessen Rassenwahn, dessen Ideologie des Krieges und der Staatsvergottung wie dessen erklärten Vernichtungswillen gegenüber Christentum und Kirche. Aus einem gebildeten und reifen Gewissen heraus hat er ein entschiedenes Nein zum Nationalsozialismus gesagt und ist wegen seiner konsequenten Weigerung, in Hitlers Krieg als Soldat zu kämpfen, hingerichtet worden.“


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