dimanche 9 décembre 2012

Sainte LÉOCADIE de TOLÈDE (LEOCADIA), vierge et martyre

Transparente de la Catedral de Toledo (1729-1732). En el lateral izquierdo la imagen de Santa Leocadia, esculpida en mármol, obra de Narciso Tomé.

Sainte Léocadie de Tolède

Vierge et Martyre

(† 303)

Sainte Léocadie était de Tolède, en Espagne. Dès son enfance, elle s'adonna avec tant de dévotion au service de Notre-Seigneur, qu'on la regardait comme un modèle d'innocence et de piété. Le persécuteur Dacien la fit comparaître à son tribunal, et, sachant qu'elle était de haute condition, il lui reprocha de s'être attachée à une religion vile et méprisable. Léocadie lui répondit qu'elle s'estimait très heureuse et très honorée d'être la servante de Jésus-Christ, et que ni les supplices ni la mort ne pourraient la faire renoncer à sa religion.

Le tyran ordonna de la fouetter comme une esclave, et la fit reconduire, toute sanglante, dans une noire prison, en attendant de plus cruelles tortures. Sur le chemin, elle rencontra des chrétiens qui s'apitoyaient sur son sort: "Réjouissez-vous plutôt, leur dit-elle, car c'est une grande grâce d'endurer quelque chose pour Jésus-Christ." Cependant Léocadie apprit, dans sa prison, toutes les cruautés que l'on exerçait en Espagne contre les chrétiens. Elle en fut tellement saisie de douleur, qu'elle pria son Époux céleste de la retirer du monde. Sa prière fut exaucée; elle expira bientôt en baisant une Croix qu'elle avait miraculeusement gravée sur la pierre avec son doigt.

Abbé L. Jaud, Vie des Saints pour tous les jours de l'année, Tours, Mame, 1950.

Sainte Léocadie Vierge et martyre à Tolède (+ v. 303)

Elle est la patronne de Tolède de temps immémorial. Mise en demeure de renier sa foi, elle fut fouettée publiquement, dévêtue pour l'humilier comme une esclave, elle qui était de noble condition. Elle fut jetée ensuite, inanimée, dans un cachot jusqu'à en mourir. Nous connaissons, sous son vocable, une ancienne basilique reconstruite en son honneur en 618. De nombreux documents liturgiques lui donnent le titre de "confesseur du Christ" en particulier "l'oracional visigoto" qui contient vingt-neuf prières à "l'illustre confesseur Léocadie."

À Tolède en Espagne, peut-être en 304, sainte Léocadie, vierge et martyre, célèbre par sa confession du Christ.

Martyrologe romain

Elle connut l’humiliation, elle connut la souffrance longue et sans espoir d’un cachot sordide. Elle fait partie de cette cohorte de témoins de la foi, de l’amour et du don total à ce Christ qui était toute sa vie. Elle fait partie de tous ceux qui, sur tous les continents et à travers vingt siècles, ont préféré la croix dans la lumière de la résurrection. A nous de les rejoindre dans ce quotidien qui est aussi parfois un chemin de croix, celui que le Christ nous offre à la mesure de nos forces.

Lectionnaire Emmaüs

SOURCE : http://nominis.cef.fr/contenus/saint/239/Sainte-Leocadie.html

Sainte Léocadie de Tolède

Vierge et martyre 

(† 303)

Léocadie était de Tolède, en Espagne. Dès son enfance, elle s'adonna avec tant de dévotion au service de Notre-Seigneur, qu'on la regardait comme un modèle d'innocence et de piété. Le persécuteur Dacien la fit comparaître à son tribunal, et, sachant qu'elle était de haute condition, il lui reprocha de s'être attachée à une religion vile et méprisable.

Léocadie lui répondit qu'elle s'estimait très heureuse et très honorée d'être la servante de Jésus-Christ, et que ni les supplices ni la mort ne pourraient la faire renoncer à sa religion.

Le tyran ordonna de la fouetter comme une esclave, et la fit reconduire dans une prison, en attendant de plus cruelles tortures. Sur le chemin, elle rencontra des chrétiens qui s'apitoyaient sur son sort : « Réjouissez-vous plutôt, leur dit-elle, car c'est une grande grâce d'endurer quelque chose pour Jésus-Christ. » Cependant Léocadie apprit, dans sa prison, toutes les cruautés que l'on exerçait en Espagne contre les chrétiens. Elle en fut tellement saisie de douleur, qu'elle pria son Époux céleste de la retirer du monde. Sa prière fut exaucée ; elle expira bientôt en baisant une croix qu'elle avait miraculeusement gravée sur la pierre avec son doigt.


©Evangelizo.org 2001-2015

SOURCE : http://levangileauquotidien.org/main.php?language=FR&module=saintfeast&localdate=20151209&id=233&fd=0

Espaldar de la sillería del coro alto de la catedral de Toledo (España) realizado por Felipe Bigarny en el siglo XVI

Saint Leocadia of Toledo

Also known as

Locaie of Toledo


9 December


SlaveBeaten and imprisoned for refusing to denounce her faith during the Diocletian persecutions. Scheduled for torture and either apostasy or martyrdom, she learned of the abuse being suffered by the 13 year old Saint Eulalia of Merida. Leocadia prayed for God to remove her from a world where such evil occurred; she died soon after, of no particular cause, without being touched by her torturers. Ancient and popular cultus developed in ToledoSpain.


c.303 at ToledoSpain of (super) natural causes

relics translated 26 April 1589




ToledoSpain, city of

ToledoSpainarchdiocese of


woman holding a tower, indicating she died in prison

woman holding a cross and palm

Additional Information

Book of Saints, by the Monks of Ramsgate

Catholic Encyclopedia

Lives of the Saints, by Father Alban Butler

Lives of the Saints, by Father Francis Xavier Weninger

Pictorial Lives of the Saints

Roman Martyrology1914 edition

Short Lives of the Saints, by Eleanor Cecilia Donnelly


Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints

Sacred and Legendary Art, by Anna Jameson

other sites in english

Catholic Online

Regina Magazine



Wikimedia Commons

sitios en español


Martirologio Romano2001 edición

sites en français

La fête des prénoms

fonti in italiano

Martirologio Romano2005 edition

Santi e Beati

Turismo Pre-Romanico

websites in nederlandse

Heiligen 3s

nettsteder i norsk

Den katolske kirke

MLA Citation

“Saint Leocadia of Toledo“. CatholicSaints.Info. 16 May 2022. Web. 9 December 2022. <http://catholicsaints.info/saint-leocadia-of-toledo/>

SOURCE : http://catholicsaints.info/saint-leocadia-of-toledo/

St. Leocadia

Virgin and martyr, d. 9 December, probably 304, in the Diocletian persecution. The last great persecution gave the Church in Spain a succession of martyrs, who from 303 until 305 suffered death for the Christian Faith. In the historical martyrologies of the ninth century, St. Leocadia of Toledo is honoured among these martyrs on 9 December. Her name is not mentioned by Prudentius in his hymn on the Spanish Martyrs, but in very early times there was a church dedicated to her at Toledo. In the first half of the seventh century this church was mentioned as the meeting-place of the Fourth Synod of Toledo in 633, as well as of the fifth in 636, and the sixth in 638 (Concil. Toletanum IV, mentions the "basilica beatissimae et sanctae Confessoris Leocadiae"; Mansi, "Concil. Coll.", X, 615). Long before that date, therefore, Leocadia must have been publicly honoured as a martyr. The basilica in question was evidently erected over her grave. There is no doubt of the historical fact of her martyrdom, whilst the date of 9 December for her annual commemoration obviously rests on the tradition of the Church of Toledo. More recently compiled Acts relate that Leocadia was filled with a desire for martyrdom through the story of the martyrdom of St. Eulalia. By order of the governor, Decianus, who is described in the martyrology as the most furious persecutor of the Christians in Spain, she was seized and cruelly tortured in order to make her apostatize, but she remained steadfast and was sent back to prison, where she died from the effects of the torture. A church was built over her grave, besides which two others at Toledo are dedicated to her. She is the patroness of the diocese, and 9 December is still given as her feast in the Roman Martyrology. She is represented with a tower, to signify that she died in prison.


FLOREZ, Espana Sagrada, VI, 315-17; LA FUENTE, Historia eclesiastica de Espana, 2nd ed., I (Madrid, 1873), 335-7; SURIUS, Vita Sanctorum, 9 December, XII, 199; BUTLER, Lives of the Saints, 9 December.

Kirsch, Johann Peter. "St. Leocadia." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 9. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910. 9 Dec. 2015 <http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09173b.htm>.

Transcription. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Herman F. Holbrook. O Saint Leocadia, and all ye holy Martyrs, pray for us.

Ecclesiastical approbation. Nihil Obstat. October 1, 1910. Remy Lafort, Censor. Imprimatur. +John M. Farley, Archbishop of New York.

Copyright © 2021 by Kevin Knight. Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

December 9

St. Leocadia, Virgin and Martyr

A.D. 304

THE NAME of St. Leocadia is highly reverenced in Spain. This holy virgin was a native of Toledo, and was apprehended by an order of Dacian, the cruel governor under Dioclesian, in 304. Her constancy was tried by torments, and she died in prison. For, hearing of the martyrdom of St. Eulalia, she prayed that God would not prolong her exile, but unite her speedily with her holy friend in his glory; in which prayer she happily expired in prison. Three famous churches in Toledo bear her name, and she is honoured as principal patroness of that city. In one of those churches most of the councils of Toledo were held; in the fourth of these she is honourably mentioned. Her relics were kept in that church with great respect, till, in the incursions of the Moors, they were conveyed to Oviedo, and some years afterwards to the abbey of St. Guislain, near Mons in Haynault. By the procurement of King Philip II. they were translated back to Toledo with great pomp, that king, his son Prince Philip, his daughter Elizabeth, and the empress Mary his sister, being present at their solemn reception in the great church there on the 26th of April, 1589.

St. Leocadia, being called to the trial, exerted all heroic Christian virtues, because she had made her whole life an apprenticeship of them, and their practice had been familiar to her. Some people say it was easy for Christians to be totally disengaged from the world, and to give themselves up to prayer and penance when they daily and hourly expected to be called upon to lay down their lives for Christ. But were we not blinded by the world, and if the enchantment of its follies, the near prospect of eternity, the uncertainty of the hour of our death, and the repeated precepts of Christ were equally the subjects of our meditation, these motives would produce in us the same fervent dispositions which they did in the primitive Christians. How much soever men now-a-days are strangers to these gospel truths, for want of giving themselves leisure to consider them, Christians are bound to be totally disentangled from worldly affections in order to unite their hearts closely to God, that they may receive the abundant graces and favours which He communicates to souls which open themselves to him. They are bound to renounce sensuality, and the disorders and vanities of the world, and to be animated with a spirit of meekness, peace, patience, charity, and affectionate good-will towards all men, zeal, piety, and devotion. They are bound to be prepared in the disposition of their hearts to leave all things, and to suffer all things for his love.

Rev. Alban Butler (1711–73).  Volume XII: December. The Lives of the Saints.  1866.

SOURCE : http://www.bartleby.com/210/12/091.html

Santa Leocadia di Toledo Vergine e martire

Martirologio Romano: A Toledo in Spagna, santa Leucadia, vergine e martire, insigne per la sua testimoniaza di fede in Cristo.

Esistono poche notizie su di lei. Il culto nacque presso il suo sepolcro nel cimitero romano di Toledo su cui, forse, nell'epoca bizantina, sorse un'edicola, sostituita, ai tempi di re Sisebuto e dell'arcivescovo Elladio (618), da un tempio a lei dedicato. In questo ambiente si riunirono alcuni concili tenuti nella città di Toledo, durante il sec. VII e vi ricevettero sepoltura gli ultimi arci­vescovi visigoti toledani, da s. Elladio a s. Giuliano.

La passio di Leocadia oggi conosciuta fu scritta nella metà del sec. VII, epoca a cui debbono attribuirsi i testi liturgici del suo culto. Secondo questa passio, Leocadia fu imprigionata come cristiana dal prefetto Daciano, inviato dagli imperatori Diocleziano e Massimiano; mentre aspet­tava, rinchiusa, la sentenza di Daciano, mori in modo incruento.

Il vescovo Cixila (sec. VIII) nella sua Vita di s. lldefonso, racconta che il giorno della festa di s. Leocadia (9 dic), quando l'arcivescovo e il re si trovavano con molti fedeli nel tempio della santa, si alzò la lastra del sepolcro e apparve Leocadia che parlò all'arcivescovo, lodandolo per i lavori com­piuti a glorificazione della Madre di Dio. L'arci­vescovo, ripresosi dalla sorpresa, riuscì a tagliare un pezzo del velo che ricopriva la santa, che rimase come una reliquia insigne della chiesa di Toledo.

Nella seconda metà del sec. VIII, durante la persecuzione di Abd-er-rahman, le spoglie di Leocadia vennero trasferite da Toledo a Oviedo, dove fu eretto un tempio in suo onore. Alla fine del sec. XI tali reliquie furono trasferite in Belgio da un conte di Hainaut e, fin dal sec. XII, si sa che erano vene­rate nell'abbazia di Saint-Ghislain. Mentre imper­versavano le guerre di religione del sec. XVI, essendo imminente il pericolo di profanazione, per metterle al sicuro, furono riportate al luogo d'ori­gine e giunsero a Toledo, dopo un viaggio pieno di peripezie, alla fine dell'apr. del 1587, e furono deposte nella cattedrale, dove ancora oggi sono venerate, in una ricchissima urna d'argento.

Nel Martirologio Romano la festa di Leocadia è iscritta alla data tradizionale del 9 dicembre.

Autore: Juan Francisco Rivera Recio


Il culto di s. Leocadia è legato esclusi­vamente a Toledo, città di cui è patrona, e alla Spagna, anche se esso si diffuse in alcune regioni francesi: come a Soissons, dove si pretendeva di possedere sue reliquie nell'abbazia di Saint-Médard.

Nell'iconografia è rappresentata con la palma del martirio ed ha come attributi: la torre, in cui fu rinchiusa, le catene della prigionia e le verghe, con le quali fu torturata. In tale modo è raffi­gurata in un affresco dell'oratorio del Cristo de la Luz a Toledo, risalente al sec. XII; in una miniatura dei Miracles de Notre Dame, opera di Jean Pucelle (sec. XIV), ora alla Biblioteca Nazio­nale di Parigi; in una statua, opera del Berruguete. che si trova nella chiesa del Cristo de la Vega a Toledo (sec. XV) e in una tela di Pantoja de la Cruz (sec. XVII), nella cattedrale di Cordova.

La santa è anche legata al culto di s. Ildefonso, poiché, secondo la leggenda, sarebbe apparsa al santo nella cattedrale di Toledo ed egli avrebbe tagliato un lembo del suo velo per accertarsi della realtà della visione. Questa scena appare quindi in una miniatura della Vita Sancti Ildefonsi e in un'altra del codice dei concili di Toledo, ambedue alla Biblioteca Nazionale di Madrid e opere di anonimi miniaturisti del sec. XIII; nella pala d'altare con Storie del santo, opera di Fernando Gallego (sec. XV), nella cattedrale di Zamora e in una tela di Pedro Orrente (sec. XVII), nella sacrestia della cattedrale di Toledo.

Autore: Antonietta Cardinali

Cecilio Pla  (1860–1934). Entierro de Santa Leocadia, 1887, 285 x 477, Museo del Prado

Den hellige Leokadia av Toledo ( -~303)

Minnedag: 9. desember

Skytshelgen for Toledo

Den hellige Leokadia (Leocadia) ble født på 200-tallet i en fornem familie i Toledo i Spania. I følge den førkonsiliære utgaven av Martyrologium Romanum var hun en ivrig kristen jomfru, og da kristenforfølgelsene brøt ut under keiser Diokletian (284-305), nektet hun å avsverge sin tro. Hun ble da torturert under legaten Dacian, sannsynligvis i Toledo i år 303 eller 304. Hun ble pisket offentlig og avkledd for å ydmyke henne som en slave. Da hun tross alle lidelser ikke avsverget troen, ble hun kastet i fengsel. Hun var i fengselet da hun hørte om den hellige Eulalias martyrdød, og hun ba om at hun selv måtte bli like verdig til å dø for Kristus. Senere døde hun i fengselet av sine skader, etter tradisjonen den 9. desember 304.

Leokadia ble bisatt i Toledo, og hennes kult er kjent der fra 400-tallet, og hun er byens skytshelgen. Hun nevnes ikke av Prudentius i hans hymne om de spanske martyrene, men i svært tidlige tider var det tre gamle kirker i Toledo viet til henne. De skal etter tradisjonen ligge på stedene hvor hennes hjem, hennes fengsel og hennes begravelsessted lå. Sistnevnte ble i første halvdel av 600-tallet nevnt som møtestedet for den fjerde synoden i Toledo i 633, den femte i 636 og den sjette i 638. Lenge før det må altså Leokadia ha vært æret som martyr.

Hennes relikvier ble lenge oppbevart i den kirken kong Sisebutus bygde. Men senere, under maurernes angrep, ble relikviene flyttet, først til Oviedo, så til klosteret Saint-Ghislain ved Mons (Bergen) i Belgia. Kong Filip II brakte dem tilbake til Toledo under store æresbevisninger den 26. april 1589.

Den hellige Ildefons, som på 600-tallet var erkebiskop av Toledo, skal ha hatt en visjon eller drøm hvor Leokadia steg opp av sin grav for å takke ham, i Himmeldronningens navn, fordi han hadde skrevet avhandlingen De virginitate Sanctae Mariae («Om den hellige Marias jomfruelighet»). Leokadias kult var opplagt veletablert i hans levetid.

Hennes minnedag er dødsdagen 9. desember og hennes navn står i Martyrologium Romanum. I Flandern er hun kjent som St. Locaie. Hun avbildes med et tårn for å symbolisere at hun døde i fengsel. I 2004 feires 1700-årsjubileet for hennes død i Toledo, jubileumsåret startet på hennes minnedag den 9. desember 2003.

Kilder: Attwater/Cumming, Bentley, Butler (XII), Benedictines, Bunson, Melchers, CE, CSO, Patron Saints SQPN, Infocatho, elalmanaque.com, magnificat.ca - Kompilasjon og oversettelse: p. Per Einar Odden - Sist oppdatert: 2004-04-13 18:43

SOURCE : http://www.katolsk.no/biografier/historisk/ltoledo

† ca 303  Leocadia van Toledo

Leocadia (ook Léocadie, Léochade of Locaie) van Toledo, Spanje; maagd en martelares; † ca 303.

Feest 9 december.

Zij werd het slachtoffer van de christenvervolgingen onder keizer Diocletianus (284-305). Toen ze standvastig aan haar geloof in Christus bleef vasthouden, werd ze op last van stadhouder Dacianus gegeseld en vervolgens in de gevangenis geworpen. Sommige bronnen zeggen dat zij daar is gestorven voor een kruis dat zij op de wand van haar cel had gekrast. Anderen daarentegen menen, dat ze in een afgrond is geworpen.

Verering & Cultuur

Haar verering in de Spaanse stad Toledo gaat nawijsbaar terug tot de vijfde eeuw. In 714 werden relieken van haar overgebracht naar de abdij van St-Ghislain, Noord-Frankrijk. Vandaar dat zij ook in Vlaanderen verering geniet.

Zij is patrones van Toledo; haar voorspraak wordt ingeroepen tegen de pest.

Zij wordt afgebeeld in een toren of gevangenis; met gesels in haar nabijheid; kruis in de hand.

[101a; 102; 106; 200/2»12.09; 293p:237; 500; Dries van den Akker s.j/2007.11.20]

© A. van den Akker s.j.

SOURCE : http://heiligen-3s.nl/heiligen/12/09/12-09-0303-leocadia.php

Voir aussi : http://orthodoxievco.net/ecrits/vies/synaxair/decembre/leocadie.pdf
