Elzéar de Sabran
et la
bienheureuse Delphine, son épouse (✝ 1323)
On ne peut pas le séparer de sa femme, la
bienheureuse Delphine, même si on la fête quelques semaines
plus tard, le 26 novembre. Mais rien ne nous empêche de les fêter tous deux
ensemble, comme Dieu les a voulus dans la vie. Elle avait quinze ans et lui
treize lorsqu'ils furent mariés et ces deux prédestinés menèrent ensemble une
vie de pénitence et de prière, sans que personne ne s'en aperçût et sans
négliger aucune des obligations mondaines de leur état, car il était comte de Sabran dans le Gard Provençal et
homme de confiance du roi de Naples, Robert le Sage. C'est d'ailleurs au cours
d'une de ces missions de confiance qu'il mourut à Paris en allant demander,
pour le roi de Naples, la main d'une princesse française.
Il fut canonisé par le pape Urbain V qui était son neveu.
Delphine passa d'abord les vingt premières années de veuvage à la cour de
Naples, puis regagna sa Provence natale. Elle fut enterrée à Apt, auprès de son
À Paris, en 1323, le trépas de saint Elzéar de Sabran,
comte d’Ariano, qui conserva, par vœu la virginité avec son épouse, la
bienheureuse Delphine, et mourut à l’âge de trente-huit ans, ayant fait preuve
de toutes les vertus.
Martyrologe romain
Saint Elzéar de Sabran et la Bienheureuse Delphine
26 septembre
Article publié le vendredi 18 janvier 2008
Elzéar et Delphine eurent une vie de chasteté et de dévouement aux
autres, en union avec Dieu.
(ou Auzias) de Sabran naquit en 1285 au château d’Ansouis (entre Luberon et Durance) et fut envoyé comme
écolier à l’abbaye Saint-Victor de Marseille. Delphine (ou Dauphine) de Signe
était née en 1282 au château de Puimichel
dans le val de Durance. Il n’avait que onze ans et elle quatorze quand leurs
familles décidèrent de les fiancer. Leur mariage fut célébré en 1299 mais
Elzéar accepta de respecter la promesse de virginité faite par Delphine. Puis
il dut partir pour le royaume de Naples où il venait d’hériter du comté d’Ariano et il fut donc séparé de son épouse pendant plusieurs
Il ne put revenir à Ansouis que vers 1314, et c’est alors, après
cette longue période d’épreuve et de réflexion, que les deux époux s’engagèrent
dans un vœu de chasteté parfaite, portés par leur
amour mutuel et confiant. Cette vocation paradoxale fortifia leur vie commune
d’union à Dieu, de prière, de piété eucharistique, de pénitence, de
disponibilité à l’Esprit Saint et de dévouement à autrui. Ils s’efforcèrent
concrètement d’assurer l’existence spirituelle et matérielle de leurs
serviteurs, de leurs fermiers et de tous ceux qui vivaient sur leurs vastes
domaines. En 1317 ils furent admis comme tertiaires dans l’Ordre
de saint François d Assise.
Vaillant chevalier, Elzéar défendit victorieusement Rome contre les
troupes impériales mais il sut aussi apaiser les turbulences de ses vassaux
italiens. En 1323 il fut envoyé à Paris par le roi Robert Ier
comme ambassadeur extraordinaire pour négocier avec le roi de France le mariage
du prince Charles de Calabre avec Marie de Valois. Atteint soudainement par une
fièvre maligne, il mourut à Paris le 27 septembre 1323,
âgé de 38 ans, après avoir déclaré : "que les forces du
démon seraient puissantes n’étaient les mérites de Jésus Christ. Courage, loué
soit Dieu, j’ai tout vaincu". Au cours de sa vie conjugale virginale,
il fut un exemple admirable d’union mystique à Dieu, terme au milieu des
actions les plus absorbantes d’ascèse dans le monde, de prudence, d’équité
incorruptible, d’amour des pauvres, de charité pour les malades et les lépreux.
Delphine, devenue veuve, réalisa peu à peu son rêve d’absolue
pauvreté et de service des malheureux à Naples, puis
à Apt où elle passa les quinze dernières années de sa
vie. Elle y mourut le 26 novembre 1360 à l’age de 78
ans, en disant : "Désormais je ne veux plus que
Dieu". Elle s’était distinguée par sa piété profonde, sa volonté
inflexible de poursuivre son idéal de dépouillement total, son humilité extrême
qui la poussait à quêter dans les rues malgré les affronts reçus, son zèle pour
les âmes qu’elle conseillait, consolait et cherchait à convertir. Elle avait
fondé une caisse rurale de prêt sans intérêt qu’elle cautionnait. Bien
qu’infirme, elle s’était interposée pour obtenir un apaisement alors que la
guerre des Baux menaçait de ruiner la région.
Elzéar fut canonisé le 15 avril 1369,
dans la Basilique Saint-Pierre de Rome, par le pape Urbain V,
son filleul. Le culte de Delphine a été approuvé par le pape Innocent
VII en 1694, mais son procès de
canonisation, ouvert en 1363, n’a jamais été achevé. Les deux époux furent
ensevelis dans l’église des frères mineurs d’Apt.
Aujourd’hui leurs reliques sont conservées dans la cathédrale d’Apt et dans l’église d’Ansouis.
Nous sommes le 29 novembre 1299. C'est la fête ce
jour-là au château de Puymichel dans le Val de Durance (Puimichel dans les
Alpes-de-Haute-Provence). On marie les héritiers de deux grandes familles
provençales : Delphine (ou Dauphine) de Signes et Elzéar (ou Elzias) de Sabran.
Née à Puymichel en 1283, Delphine est la fille de Guillaume de Signes et de
Delphine de Barras. Elzéar vit le jour au château de Roubians, près de
Cabrières-d'Aigues en 1285. Il est le fils d'Ermangaud de Sabran et de Laudune
d’Albe. Ils sont jeunes ces nouveaux époux : il a 13 ans et elle en a 15 ! Ils
sont orphelins tous les deux et ont été élevés chacun dans un monastère. Ils
voulaient se donner à Dieu. Elle rêvait de rester dans le monastère de son
enfance à l'abbaye Sainte-Catherine près de la fontaine de Sorps (Fontaine
l'Evêque) (voir le lien
La famille de Sabran possédait un château à Baudinard, proche de l'abbaye. Lui,
rêvait de croisades... Mais le roi a décidé pour eux. La chance est avec eux :
ils ont les mêmes idées. Ils promettent à Dieu de rester à son entier service
et de vivre l'un près de l'autre comme un frère près d'une soeur. Ils font voeu
de chasteté en 1316 sous l'influence du franciscain François de Meyronnes. Dans
cette volonté commune, ils se découvrent inséparables. Ils s'installent d'abord
à Ansouis puis à Puymichel. Là, ils s'efforcent de faire connaître l'amour de
Dieu à leur entourage. Bientôt, ils parviennent à prier avec les paysans. Leur
bonheur est contagieux... Brillant, efficace et acharné, Elzéar devient
rapidement un précieux bras droit pour le roi Robert d'Anjou, roi de Naples et
comte de Provence. Lors de ses déplacements en Provence ou auprès de la papauté
d'Avignon, le roi Robert lui confia la régence de son royaume et le chargea de
l'éducation de Charles, son fils aîné. Le jeune couple dut quitter ses chères
collines de Provence pour s'établir à Naples dans les faste de la cour. La
présence de Delphine à la cour était très appréciée par la reine Sancia,
la seconde épouse du roi Robert qui en fit sa dame de compagnie. Là n'était pas
leur rêve commun de simplicité, mais ils se donnèrent beaucoup de mal pour
rester attentifs à chacun et rayonnants de foi. En 1323, Elzéar fut chargé par
le roi de négocier à Paris le second mariage de Charles de Calabre, l’héritier
du comté de Provence et du royaume de Naples, avec Marie de Valois. Ce fut au
cours de cette ambassade qu’il mourut le 27 septembre. Il fut inhumé dans
l'église des franciscains de la ville d'Apt. Par deux fois sa canonisation fut
demandée à Avignon. Il finit par être canonisé le 15 avril 1369, dans la
Basilique Saint-Pierre de Rome, par le pape Urbain V qui était son filleul. Delphine le pleura longtemps et ne retrouva sa paix intérieure que
lorsqu'elle décida de tout quitter. Comme François d'Assise, elle distribua ses
biens aux plus démunis, se mit à s'habiller de robes simples et dormit par
terre. Elle rejoignit le monastère des Frères mineurs de Saint-François, au
fond de la vallée d'Apt. La petite masure près du Calavon où elle s'installa
avec quelques autres femmes était tout près de la chapelle où reposait le
corps d'Elzéar. Elle prit alors comme confesseur un jeune cordelier du nom
d’André Durand qui allait tomber dans la séduction fascinante (ce sont ses
propres termes) qu’elle exerçait sur son entourage. Grâce à lui nous savons
qu’elle se vêtait de bure grossière et qu’elle allait quêter de porte en porte.
La comtesse se flagellait régulièrement avec discipline et était sujette à des
crises continuelles de larmes. Pour se mortifier, elle lavait les pieds de ses
servantes et baisait ceux des lépreux, à l’exemple de son époux. Le groupe de
filles et de veuves qui l’entourait finit par partager toutes ses journées. Le
matin était consacré à la messe et aux oraisons, l'après-midi l'étant aux
visites, aux travaux de couture ou au ménage. Et la comtesse força l’admiration
de ses servantes en participant avec elles à ces taches. Son entourage
commençait à parler de ses miracles et à répandre vers l’extérieur les reliques
de la comtesse. Ses linges, ses cheveux, ses eaux d’ablution et ses fioles de
larmes étaient considérés comme de véritables talismans. Elle mourut le 26
novembre 1360. Entre 1372 et 1376 Louis d’Anjou, décida de financer de ses
propres deniers les frais de procès en canonisation de la femme de saint
Elzéar. Ce fut un échec. A leur tour, les États de Provence, réunis à Apt, le 18 avril 1382,
demandèrent à Clément VII la canonisation de la "femme du comte d’Ariano
qui gît céans, nommée Delphine, de qui le mari saint Alziaire fut canonisé par
le pape Urbain". Le pontife accueillit leur demande et classa le dossier.
Elle est toutefois nommée dans le martyrologe franciscain, et honorée le 26
novembre. Les reliques d'Elzéar sont conservées avec celle
de sa virginale épouse dans l'église d'Ansouis et dans la cathédrale
Sainte-Anne d’Apt.
Sources : D'après
"Chrétiens dans les Alpes du Sud et à Monaco - Les grandes heures des
églises" et Wikipédia.
Bienheureuse Delphine de Sabran
séculier de saint François (✝ 1360)
Delphine ou Dauphine.
Originaire de Château-Puy-Michel, elle épousa à quinze ans, saint Elzéar qui avait treize ans. Elle s'attache au Tiers-Ordre séculier de saint François. Ils menent ensemble une vie d'austérité et de prière, sans que leurs sujets s'en aperçoivent et sans négliger les obligations mondaines qui étaient celles de leur état de princesse et de comte. Devenue veuve, elle se retira à la cour de Naples, où elle mena une vie simple et toute donnée à la prière et aux pauvres. Son culte fut approuvé par le pape Urbain VIII.
Delphine n’accepta qu’à contre cœur ce mariage car elle voulait garder sa virginité. Elzéar respecta son désir. Quand il mourut en 1323, Delphine voulut vivre dans la pauvreté, en Provence puis à Naples où elle fut traitée de folle et de nouveau en Provence à Cabrières puis à Apt où elle mourut le 26 novembre 1360.
Son corps fut déposé dans la cathédrale d’Apt à côté de celui d’Elzéar, canonisé peu après (1371)
À Apt en Provence, l’an 1360, la bienheureuse Delphine, qui fut l’épouse de saint Elzéar de Sabran. Tous deux firent le vœu de chasteté et, après la mort de son mari, elle vécut dans la pauvreté et la prière.
Martyrologe romain
Bienheureuse Delphine
Épouse de Saint Elzéar
Elzéar et Delphine se sont mariés alors qu'il
n'avait que treize ans et elle quinze ans. Ils menaient ensemble une vie de
couple basée sur la prière et la pénitence.
En 1308, ils devinrent les vassaux de Robert le Sage, roi de Naples. Celui-ci avait tellement confiance en Elzéar qu'il lui confia, en 1323, la charge de demander la main d'une princesse française pour son fils. Il mourut à Paris au cours de sa mission.
Delphine passa les vingt premières années de son veuvage auprès de la reine Sanchie, sur la demande de celle-ci. Mais à la mort de cette dernière, en 1343, elle se retira dans sa Provence natale.
En 1308, ils devinrent les vassaux de Robert le Sage, roi de Naples. Celui-ci avait tellement confiance en Elzéar qu'il lui confia, en 1323, la charge de demander la main d'une princesse française pour son fils. Il mourut à Paris au cours de sa mission.
Delphine passa les vingt premières années de son veuvage auprès de la reine Sanchie, sur la demande de celle-ci. Mais à la mort de cette dernière, en 1343, elle se retira dans sa Provence natale.
Elle mourut dans la pauvreté à Apt (Vaucluse), où son corps fut enseveli dans
la Cathédrale, à côté de celui de son mari.
Autre biographie:
Ste-Delphine Fille du seigneur Guillaume de Signe et de son épouse Delphine de Barras, un couple de nobles de la cour de Provence.
Ste-Delphine Fille du seigneur Guillaume de Signe et de son épouse Delphine de Barras, un couple de nobles de la cour de Provence.
Orpheline de ses deux parents dès l’âge de 7 ans, elle est prise en charge par
sa tante Cécile de Puget, qui est Abbesse du Couvent Sainte-Catherine de Sorbs.
En 1299, elle est mariée au jeune seigneur Elzéar
de Sabran, et d’un commun accord ils décident de ne point consommer le mariage
et de vivre comme frère et sœur et en 1316, ils deviennent membres du Tiers
Ordre Franciscain.
Devenue veuve en 1323, elle vend une grande partie de ses biens et utilise les
sommes récoltées pour doter de jeunes orphelines et pour restaurer plusieurs églises
et Couvents.
Elle se retire ensuite comme anachorète dans une chambre du château de Sabran
(+ 1360).
SOURCE : Elzear, Count of Arian, and Delphina
ST. ELZEAR was descended of the ancient and illustrious family of
Sabran, in Provence; his father, Hermengaud of Sabran, was created count of
Arian, in the kingdom of Naples; his mother was Lauduna of Albes, a family no
less distinguished for its nobility. The saint was born in 1295 at Ansois, a
castle belonging to his father in the diocess of Apt. Immediately after his
birth, his mother, whose great piety and charity to the poor had procured her
the name of The Good Countess, taking him in her arms, offered him to God with
great fervour, begging that he might never offend his divine majesty, but might
rather die in his infancy than live ever to be guilty of so dreadful an evil.
The child seemed formed from his cradle to piety and virtue; nor could he by
any means be satisfied if he saw any poor beggar, till he was relieved; for
which reason his nurses and governesses were obliged to have their pockets
always furnished with bread and small money, in order to give something to
every poor person they met when they took him abroad; and it was his delight to
divide his dinner with poor children. The first impressions of virtue he
received from his mother; but these were perfected by his religious uncle,
William of Sabran, abbot of St. Victor’s, at Marseilles, under whom he had his
education in that monastery. In his tender age he wore a rough knotty cord,
armed with sharp pricks, which galled his flesh, so that it was discovered by
blood issuing from the wounds. The abbot severely chid him for this and some
other extraordinary austerities which he practised, calling him a
self-murderer; yet he secretly admired so great fervour in a tender young lord.
The saint was only ten years old when Charles II., king of Sicily and
count of Provence, caused him to be affianced to Delphina of Glandeves,
daughter to the lord of Pui-Michel, she being no more than twelve years of age.
Three years after, in 1308, the marriage was solemnized at the castle of
Pui-Michel; but, at the suggestion of the young lady, they both secretly agreed
to live together as brother and sister. The austerity with which they kept
Lent, revived the example of the saints of the primitive ages; and they fasted
almost in the same manner Advent and many other days in the year. They lived
seven years at Ansois; after which they removed to the castle of Pui-Michel.
Elzear had till that time lived with his parents in the most dutiful and
respectful subjection to them. He left them, with their consent, only for the
sake of greater solitude, and that he might be more at liberty to pursue his
exercises of devotion and piety. The saint was twenty-three years old when, by
their deaths, he inherited his father’s honours and estates; but these
advantages he looked merely upon as talents and instruments put into his hands
to be employed for the advancement of piety, the support of justice, and the
relief and protection of the poor. By fervent and assiduous prayer, and
meditation on heavenly things, he fortified his soul against the poison of all
inordinate love of creatures; he perfectly understood the falsehood and
illusion of all those things which flatter and dazzle the senses, and he had a
sovereign contempt and distaste for all that can only serve to feed self-love.
Eternal goods were the sole object of his desires. He recited every day the
office of the church, with many other devotions, and he communicated almost
every day, striving to do it every time with greater devotion. He said one day
to Delphina: “I do not think a man on earth can enjoy any pleasure equal to
that which I feel in the holy communion. It is the greatest delight and comfort
of a soul in her earthly pilgrimage, to receive most frequently this divine
sacrament.” In prayer he was often favoured with raptures and heavenly graces.
By the constant habitual union of his soul with God he never found any
difficulty in keeping it recollected in all places and at all times. He often
watched great part of the nights on his knees in prayer. His devotion was not
morose, because it was true and perfect; it rendered him always pleasant, mild,
and agreeable to every one in conversation, though if in company the discourse
turned on worldly trifles, his thoughts took their flight so intensely towards
God, that he was not able to listen to what was said, or he found some genteel
excuse to withdraw to his closet.
It is a dangerous mistake to imagine that one can be devout merely by
spending much time in prayer, and that devout persons can fall into a slothful
and careless neglect of their temporal concerns. On the contrary, only solid
virtue is able to do business, and to despatch it well. It taught Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob to be careful housekeepers, and excellent masters of families;
it taught Moses to be a great legislator and commander, Josue to be a brave
general, David a wise king, and the Machabees invincible soldiers. In like
manner St. Elzear was rendered by his piety itself most faithful, prudent, and
dexterous in the management of temporal affairs, both domestic and public;
valiant in war, active and prudent in peace, faithful in every duty and trust,
and diligent in the care of his household. When he first began to keep house at
Pui-Michel, he made the following regulations for his family, which he took
care to see always observed.
“1. Every one in my family shall daily hear mass, whatever business they
may have. If God be well served in my house, nothing will be wanting. 2. Let no
one swear, curse, or blaspheme, under pain of being severely chastised, and
afterwards shamefully dismissed. Can I hope that God will pour forth his
heavenly blessings on my house, if it is filled with such miscreants who devote
themselves to the devil? Or, can I endure stinking mouths which infect houses,
and poison the souls of others? 3. Let all persons honour chastity, and let no
one imagine that the least impurity in word or action shall ever go unpunished
in Elzear’s house. It is never to be hoped for of me. 4. Let all men and women
confess their sins every week: and let no one be so unhappy as not to
communicate at least on all the principal festivals, namely, Christmas, Easter,
Pentecost, and the feasts of our Lady. 5. Let no persons be idle in my house.
In the morning, the first thing shall be, that every one raise his heart to God
with fervent prayer and oblation of himself, and of all his actions: then let all
go to their business, the men abroad, the women at home. In the morning a
little more time shall be allowed for meditation; but away with those who are
perpetually in the church to avoid the business of their employments. This they
do, not because they love contemplation, but because they desire to have their
work done for them. The life of the pious woman, as described by the Holy
Ghost, is not only to pray well, but also to be modest and obedient, to ply her
work diligently, and to take good care of the household. The ladies shall pray
and read in the mornings, but shall spend the afternoons at some work. 6. I
will have no playing at dice, or any games of hazard. There are a thousand
innocent diversions, though time passes soon enough without being idly thrown
away. Yet I desire not my castle to be a cloister, nor my people hermits. Let
them be merry, and sometimes divert themselves; but never at the expense of
conscience or with danger of offending God. 7. Let peace be perpetually
maintained in my family. Where peace reigns, there God dwells. Where envy,
jealousy, suspicions, reports, and slanders are harboured in one family, two
armies are formed, which are continually upon the watch and in ambush to
surprise one another, and the master is besieged, wounded, and devoured by them
both. Whoever will well serve God, he shall be dear to me; but I will never
endure him who declares himself an enemy of God. Slanderers, detractors, and
disorderly servants tear one another to pieces. All such as do not fear God,
cannot be trusted by their master; but they will easily make a prey of his
goods. Amidst such, he is in his house as in a trench, besieged on every side
by enemies. 8. If any difference or quarrel happen, I will have the precept of
the apostle inviolably observed, that the sun set not before it he appeased;
but, in the instant that it falls out, let it be quashed, and all manner of
bitterness laid in the tomb of forgetfulness. I know the impossibility of
living among men, and not having something to suffer. Scarcely is a man in tune
with himself one whole day; and if a melancholy humour comes on him, he knows
not well what he himself would have. Not to be willing to bear or pardon
others, is diabolical; but to love enemies, and to render good for evil, is the
true touchstone of the sons of God. To such servants my house, my purse, and
heart shall be always open: I am willing to regard them as my masters. 9. Every
evening all my family shall assemble to a pious conference, in which they shall
hear something spoken of God, the salvation of souls, and the gaining of
paradise. What a shame is it, that though we are in this world only to gain
heaven, we seldom seriously think of it; and scarcely ever speak of it but at
random! O life, how is it employed! O labours, how ill are they bestowed! For
what follies do we sweat and toil! Discourses on heaven invite us to virtue,
and inspire us with a disrelish of the dangerous pleasures of the world. By
what means shall we learn to love God if we never speak of him?—Let none be
absent from this conference upon pretence of attending my affairs. I have no
business which so nearly toucheth my heart as the salvation of those who serve
me. They have given themselves to me, and I resign all to God, master,
servants, and all that is in my power. 10. I most strictly command that no
officer or servant under my jurisdiction or authority injure any man in goods,
honour, or reputation, or oppress any poor person, or ruin any one under colour
of doing my business. I will not have my coffers filled by emptying those of
others, or by squeezing the blood out of the veins, and the marrow out of the
bones of the poor. Such blood-sucking wicked servants to enrich their masters,
damn both masters and themselves. Do you imagine that a master who giveth five
shillings in alms, wipeth away the theft of his servants who have torn out the
entrails of the poor, whose cries for vengeance mount up to heaven? I had
rather go naked to paradise, than, being clothed with gold and scarlet, be
dragged with the impious rich man into hell. We shall be wealthy enough if we
fear God. Any substance acquired by injustice or oppression will be like a fire
hidden under the earth, which will rend, waste, and throw down or consume the
whole. Let fourfold be restored if I be found to have anything which is
another’s: and let my dealings be public, that all who have been aggrieved on
my account, may find redress. Shall a man whose treasures are in heaven, be so
fond of earthly dirt? I came naked out of the womb of my mother, and shall
quickly return naked into the womb of our common mother, the earth. Shall I,
for a moment of life between these two tombs, hazard the salvation of my soul
for eternity? It so, faith, virtue, and reason would be wholly eclipsed, and
all understanding blasted.”
St. Elzear set himself the first example, in every point, which he
prescribed to others. He was particularly careful that if any one let fall the
least injurious or angry word against another, he should ask pardon, and make
satisfaction, this humiliation being the most easy and effectual remedy of a
passion which always takes its rise from pride. Delphina concurred with her
husband in all his views, and was perfectly obedient to him. No coldness for so
much as one moment ever interrupted the harmony or damped the affections of
this holy couple. The pious countess was very sensible that the devotions of a
married woman ought to be ordered in a different manner from those of a
religious person; that contemplation is the sister of action, and that Martha
and Mary must mutually help one another. Her time was so regulated, that she
had certain hours allotted for spiritual exercises, and others for her
household affairs and other duties. The care with which she looked into the
economy of her house was a sensible proof of the interior order in which she
kept her own soul. Nothing was more admirable than her attention to all her
domestics, and her prudent application that peace should be observed, the fear
of God and all virtues well entertained, and all brawling, tale-bearing, and
other plagues of families banished. She loved her servants as her children, and
she was honoured by them as a mother and as a saint. In this example it
appeared how truly it is said, that good and virtuous masters make good
servants, and that the families of saints are God’s families. Alasia, sister to
Delphina, lived with her, and was her faithful companion in all her pious
exercises. It seemed that all who came under the roof of Elzear contracted a
spirit of sincere piety; so great is the influence of good examples set by
masters and mistresses.
The gate through which the rich must enter heaven is mercy and charity
to the poor. St. Elzear often visited the hospitals, especially those of
lepers, whose loathsome sores he frequently kissed, cleansed, and dressed with
his own hands. He every day washed the feet of twelve poor men, and often
served them himself, performing the office of a carrier and cupbearer. He was
the common father of all who were in distress, and provided large granaries of
corn and storehouses of all other provisions for their relief. Being one day
asked, why he so tenderly loved beggars? he answered with great feeling:
“Because the bosom of the poor is the treasury of Jesus Christ.” He used to
say: “How can we ask God to bestow on us his kingdom, if we deny him a cup of
water; how can we pray for his grace if we deny him what is his own? Does not
he too much honour us in vouchsafing to accept any thing from us?” In a time of
scarcity, in 1310, his alms seemed to surpass all bounds. After his father’s
death he was obliged to go into the kingdom of Naples, to take possession of
the county of Arian. But the people being inclined to favour the house of
Arragon against the French, and despising the meekness of the young prince,
revolted, and refused to acknowledge him. Elzear opposed to their rebellion for
three years no other arms than those of meekness and patience; which his
friends reproachfully called indolence and cowardice. His cousin, the Prince of
Tarento, one day told him, that his conduct hurt the common cause of his country,
and said: “Allow me to take these rebels to task for you. I will hang up half a
thousand, and make the rest as pliant as a glove. It is fit among the good to
be a lamb, but with the wicked to play the lion. Such insolence must be curbed.
Take your ease: say your prayers for me, and I will give so many blows for you,
that this rabble shall give you no more trouble.” Elzear, smiling, replied:
“What! would you have me begin my government with massacres and blood? I will
overcome these men by good offices. It is no great matter for a lion to tear
lambs; but for a lamb to pull a lion in pieces is admirable. Now by God’s
assistance, you will shortly see this miracle.” The prince could not relish
such language; but the effect verified the prediction. For the citizens of
Arian of their own accord became ashamed of their rebellion, and with the
greatest submission and respect, invited the saint to take possession of his
territory, and ever after loved and honoured him as their father. Elzear
discovered the true motive why he bore so patiently these insults, and
injuries, saying: “If I receive any affront, or feel any movement of impatience
begin to arise in my breast, I turn all my thoughts towards Jesus Christ
crucified, and say to myself: Can what I suffer bear any comparison with what
Jesus Christ was pleased to undergo for me?” Thus to triumph over injuries, was
not want of courage, but the most heroic greatness of soul, and true Christian
generosity. This was the constant conduct of our saint.
To mention one other instance: among the papers which his father left,
the good count found the letters of a certain officer under his command, filled
with outrageous calumnies against him, and persuading his father to disinherit
him, as one fitter to be a monk than to bear arms. Delphina was moved to
indignation upon reading such impudent invectives, and said she hoped he would
crush, and never foster in his breast such a scorpion, who, whilst he looked
and spoke fair, could bear such deadly poison in his tail. St. Elzear told her,
that Christ commands us not to revenge, but to forgive injuries, and to
overcome the venom of hatred by charity: that therefore he would destroy, and
never make mention of those letters. He did so, and when this officer came to
his chamber to wait upon him, he affectionately embraced him, made him a rich
present, and so entirely gained his affection, that the captain offered himself
afterwards to be cut in a hundred pieces for his service. In like manner, on
other occasions, he burnt or suppressed informations that were given of
injuries which others had done him, that he might spare the parties the
confusion of knowing that he had received intelligence of them. In his county
of Arian he settled a rigorous administration of justice, and punished without
mercy the least oppression in any of his officers. He visited malefactors who
were condemned to die, and many who had persisted deaf to priests, were moved
by his tender exhortations to sincere compunction, and to accept their
punishment in a spirit of penance. When their goods were confiscated to him, he
secretly restored them to their wives and children. Writing out of Italy to St.
Delphina, he said: “You desire to hear often of me. Go often to visit our
amiable Lord Jesus Christ in the holy sacrament. Enter in spirit his sacred
heart. You know that to be my constant dwelling. You will always find me
Elzear having settled his affairs in Italy, obtained leave of King
Robert, the son and successor of Chartes II., and brother of St. Lewis, bishop
of Toulouse, to return into Provence for two years. He was received at Ansois
with incredible joy. Not long after, Elzear being in the twenty-fifth year of
his age, and Delphina, after receiving the communion, pronounced publicly, at the
foot of the altar, in the chapel of the castle, mutual vows of perpetual
chastity, which Elzear had till then kept unviolated without a vow, though
Delphina had before made a secret vow. In the lives of this holy couple, the
world saw pious retirement in the midst of worldly pomp, silent contemplation
amidst the noise of public scenes, and in conjugal friendship a holy emulation
to outvie one another in piety, goodness, and charity. Such happy strifes are
carried on with sweet tranquillity and peace, and are crowned with never-fading
comfort and joy. The count had remained two years in Provence when King Robert
recalled him into Italy, and conferred on him the honour of knighthood, of
which he had approved himself worthy by many actions of uncommon valour and
address, and notable feats of arms. The saint had according to custom, spent
the night before this ceremony in the church watching in prayer; he went to
confession and communicated in the morning. 1 The king on this occasion shed tears of joy at the sight of his
extraordinary devotion and piety; and the whole court admired a prince who was
at once a great soldier, a courtier, a married man, a virgin, and a saint.
King Robert chose him among all the lords of his dominions to be
governor to his son Charles, duke of Calabria. The young prince was sprightly,
but understood too well his high extraction, was untractable, and had
contracted the contagious air of the court. The count took notice of his
pupil’s dangerous inclinations, but dissembled this for some time till he had
won his affections, and gained sufficient credit with him. When he saw it a fit
time, he made him tender remonstrances on his defects, on the necessity of a
sublime virtue to support the dignity of his high rank, and on the life to
come. The young prince was so penetrated with his discourses, that, leaping
about his neck, he said: “It is not yet too late to begin: what then must I
do?” Elzear explained to him the virtues of piety, magnanimity, justice, and
clemency, showing that a prince who fears God, has always a sure comfort and
protection in heaven, though earth should fail him, and that he who undertakes
any business without first consulting God, deserves always to be unhappy and
ruined: and is always impious. “Only assiduous devotion,” said he, “can be the
safeguard against the dangers of vanity, flatterers, and the strong incentives
of the passions. Go to confession and communion every great festival. Love the
poor, and God will multiply his favours upon your house. When you are angry,
speak not a word; otherwise you undo yourself. More princes are ruined by their
tongues and anger, than by the edge of the sword. You must hate flatterers as a
plague; if you do not banish them, they will ruin you. Honour good men, and the
prelates of the church; this will be your principal greatness,” &c. Elzear
by his diligence and instructions corrected the vices of his pupil, who became
a grave and virtuous prince. King Robert, going into Provence, left his son
regent of Naples under the tuition of Elzear, who was chief of the council, and
despatched almost all the affairs of state. Elzear entreated the duke to
declare him advocate for the poor, and their agent in court. The duke heartily
laughing, said: “What kind of office do you beg? You will have no competitors
in this ambition. I admit your request, and recommend to you all the poor of
this kingdom.” Elzear made a low reverence, and thanked him heartily. For the
discharge of this troublesome office he caused a great bag of purple velvet to
be made, and with this passed through the streets, receiving in it all the
requests and suits of the poor, with a cheerful countenance, full of
commiseration, hearing grievances, dealing about alms, comforting all the
world, so that he seemed another Joseph in Egypt. He pleaded the causes of
widows and orphans with wonderful eloquence, and procured them justice and
charitable relief. Whilst the chief authority of the state was lodged in his
hands, many offered him rich presents, which he refused, saying to those that
called him on that account churlish: “It is more safe and easy to refuse all
presents, than to discern which might be received without danger. Neither is it
easy for one who begins to take any, afterwards to know where to stop, for
these things are apt to create an appetite.” The law of nature itself condemns
as bribes all presents received by judges; they giving insensibly a bias and
inclination to favour the party, as is evident by general experience. St.
Elzear was so sincere a lover of truth that he was ready to die for it in the
smallest points.
The Emperor Henry VII. invaded Naples with a great army, nor was Pope
Clement V. able to divert him from his expedition. King Robert sent against him
his brother John, and Count Elzear with as great an army as he was able to
raise. Two pitched battles were fought, in both which Henry was defeated,
chiefly by the valour and conduct of Elzear, so that the emperor desired a
peace, which was readily concluded. King Robert gave Elzear many great
presents, which he accepted with one hand not to disoblige the king, but with
the other distributed them all among the poor. This king sent Elzear ambassador
to Paris, attended with the flower of the nobility of Naples, to demand of
Charles IV. Mary, the daughter of the Count of Valois, in marriage for the Duke
of Calabria. The negotiation was carried on with great success and the marriage
concluded, and the good count was received at court not only with the greatest
honour, but also with veneration, and as a living saint. In the meantime, the
holy ambassador fell sick at Paris. He had made his will in 1317, at Toulon, by
which he left his movable goods to his wife Delphina, his real estates to his
brother William of Sabran, and legacies to his relations and servants, and
especially to many convents and hospitals. When the saint, three years before,
made his public vow of chastity, he on the same day enrolled himself in the third
Order of St. Francis, into which seculars or laymen are admitted, upon
condition of their wearing a part of the Franciscan habit under their clothes,
and saying certain prayers every day: but these conditions are not binding
under sin. St. Elzear in his sickness made a general confession with great
compunction and many tears, to the provincial of the Franciscans, and he
continued to confess almost every day of his illness, though he is said never
to have offended God by any mortal sin. The history of Christ’s passion, which
mystery had always been the favourite object of his devotion, was every day
read to him, and in it he found exceeding great comfort amidst his pains.
Receiving the holy viaticum he said with great joy: “This is my hope; in this I
desire to die.” After extreme unction, and a painful agony, he happily expired
on the 27th of September, in the year 1323, the twenty-eighth of his age. His
death was exceedingly lamented by the Kings of France and Naples, and by their
whole courts. His body, according to his orders, was carried to Apt, and there
interred in the church of the Franciscan Friars in that town, where it is still
kept. Juridical informations were taken of his miracles by order of Pope
Clement VI. Urban V. signed the decree of his canonization, but it was only
published by Gregory XI. in 1369, forty-six years after the saint’s death,
Delphina being still living. The King and Queen of Naples would by no means
suffer her to leave their court, to which she was a perfect model of piety. King
Robert dying in 1343, the queen whose name was Sancia, and who was daughter to
the King of Majorca, wearied with the empty greatness of the world, and
loathing its vanity, put on the habit of a Poor Clare in a nunnery which she
had founded at Naples. In this state she lived ten years with great fervour,
and would still have her dear Delphina near her, learning from her all the
exercises of a spiritual life. After her death, Delphina returned into
Provence, and led the life of a recluse in the castle of Ansois, in the heroic
practice of penance, charity, assiduous prayer, and all other virtues. She died
at Apt, near that castle, in the year 1369, the seventy-sixth of her age, on
the 26th of September; on which she is named in the Martyrology of the Franciscan
Order. Her mortal remains were deposited in the same tomb with those of St.
Elzear. See the life of St. Elzear published by Surius: also Vite delli Santi
del Terz. Ordine di S. Francesco, c. 14, 15, 16. p. 30. Suysken, t. 7.
Sept. p. 528.
Note 1. This religious preparation always preceded the ceremony of conferring
knighthood, and usually the enrolling a soldier in the army. See Ingulphus,
History of Croyland, &c. [back]
Rev. Alban Butler (1711–73). Volume
IX: September. The Lives of the Saints. 1866.
St. Elzéar of Sabran
Baron of Ansouis, Count of Ariano, born in the castle of Saint-Jean de Robians, in Provence, 1285; died at Paris, 27 September, 1323. After a thorough training in piety and the sciences under his uncle William of Sabran, Abbot of St. Victor at Marseilles, he acceded to the wish of Charles II of Naples and married the virtuous Delphine of the house of Glandèves. He respected her desire to live in virginity and joined the Third Order of St. Francis, vying with her in the practice of prayer, mortification, and charity towards the unfortunate. At the age of twenty he moved from Ansouis to Puy-Michel for greater solitude, and formulated for his servants rules of conduct that made his household a model of Christian virtue. On the death of his father, in 1309, he went to Italy and, after subduing by kindness his subjects who despised the French, he went to Rome at the head of an army and aided in expelling the Emperor Henry VII. Returning to Provence, he made a vow of chastity with his spouse, and in 1317 went back to Naples to become the tutor of Duke Charles and later his prime minister when he became regent. In 1323 he was sent as ambassador to France to obtain Marie of Valois in marriage for Charles, edifying a worldly court by his heroic virtues. He was buried in the Franciscan habit in the church of the Minor Conventuals at Apt. The decree of his canonization was signed by his godson Urban V and published by Gregory XI. His feast is kept by the Friars Minor and Conventuals on the 27th of September, and by the Capuchins on the 20th of October.
Carr, Gregory. "St.
Elzéar of Sabran." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 5. New York: Robert
Appleton Company, 1909. 27 Sept. 2015
Saint Elzear
Also known as
Born to the nobility. Nephew of William of Sabron, abbot of Saint Victor’s abbey, Marseilles, France, where Elzear was educated. Franciscan tertiary. Married to Saint Delphina at age 16, with whom he lived chastely the rest of his life. Count of Ariano in Naples, Italy upon his father‘s death. Uncle and godfather of Pope Urban V. Tutor to the son of King Robert of Naples in 1317. Diplomat for King Robert. Died while on a trip to arrange a marriage for Prince Charles. Known especially for his happy, loving, Christian marriage and his deep personal prayer life.
Elzear of Sabran (1285-1325) was born in Saint-Jean de Robians in Provence, France. He was son of the Count of Ariano from the Kingdom of Naples, Italy. His mother consecrated him to God as soon as he was born and raised him with good customs. He was well educated in the eternal and human sciences, as well as in the exercise of weapons. He became an outstanding knight and a champion in the tournaments. He married Delphine of Glandèves. By common agreement, they lived a life of continence. Both belonged to the Third Order of St. Francis.
When his father died in 1309, he inherited the County of Ariano and went to Italy to assume the government. With John, the brother of the King of Naples, he commanded an army against Emperor Henry VII, who led the anti-papist Ghibelline party in Italy. After two battles, Elzear defeated the German sovereign, who died soon afterward in 1313. As reward for his victories, Count Elzear received many honors and prizes.
King Robert of Naples chose him to be head of the Counsel of the Kingdom of Naples. As a judge he acted with supreme severity against the guilty, be they corrupt nobles or the lawless bandits who infested the whole Kingdom, and often condemned them to death. But he always took great care of the souls of those men, providing them all spiritual assistance possible and asking the priests to remain with them from the moment of condemnation until the hour of death. He was also chosen to be tutor of Prince Charles, heir to the throne.
After four years of separation, Delphine joined him from France and found her husband among the brilliant courtiers wearing magnificent clothes. She feared that during this period of separation Elzear had forgotten his duties of religion and became worldly. He sensed her thoughts, and when the two were alone together, he opened his habit and revealed his hair-shirt underneath. He always remained faithful to the Franciscan spirit.
God granted Count Elzear the grace of an inalterable serenity. His face was always tranquil, communicating peace. Once he revealed to his wife that it was continuous meditation on Our Lord’s Passion that gave him this gift.
In addition to being a skillful warrior and politician, he was also an adept diplomat. He was sent to Paris as a representative of King Robert to ask the hand of the daughter of the Count of Valois for the Prince Heir of Naples. During this mission he became seriously ill and died on September 27, 1325.
He was buried in the Franciscan habit in the church of the Minor Conventuals at Apt. Many miracles were worked through his intercession. He was canonized 44 years later by Pope Urban V. His wife, Countess Delphine, was still alive.
Comments of Prof. Plinio:
We are given a picture of St. Elzear as a saint who was principally a warrior, a winner of battles and tournaments, a governor of his provinces, and a judge.
In that epoch war was preponderantly an ensemble of individual fights, knight against knight, and soldier against soldier. No one could be weak to fight. In today’s wars, a feeble man can be behind a machine gun and do a lot of damage. In that time, men of war had to be courageous, strong, and skillful in martial deeds. This was St. Elzear. He did not abandon the world with platitudes of hatred for war and love for peace. All his life he engaged in war or exercises preparing for it. Doing this, he became a saint. St. Elzear attained sanctity practicing the heroic virtues that shine in the life of a warrior.
Since he was from a very noble family, the Sabran family, he inherited the fief of his father and became Count d’Ariano in Naples. At that time, the Kingdom of Naples was governed by French Princes. So he also became a saint through the wise governance of his fief. Contrary to the images of saints normally put forth by a sentimental piety, which is also a little progressivist, St. Elzear lived the normal life of a noble at court, which at the time implied among other things, wearing magnificent clothes.
As a reward for his military conquests, the King of Naples made St. Elzear head of the Counsel of the Kingdom. To be charged with handing down Justice is a difficult mission. The fair-minded judge often has to rule against the great, powerful, and wealthy in favor of the small and poor. This kind of judge raises the scorn and anger of many important persons. St. Elzear was a judge who acted before God, making no compromises with men. He combated the corrupt nobles, but also the bandits.
You know that in Italy there is an organized drove of bandits – in Sicily and Calabria it is called the Mafia, and in Naples the Camorra. At that time similar groups of bandits were probably in existence and found in St. Elzear an implacable enemy. But as a perfect Catholic, his behavior was entirely balanced: he condemned the guilty to death for the necessity of the common good, but then he took exquisite care of their souls, trying to save them by all possible means. Death for the body, yes; but life for the soul.
One would say that a man with such extraordinary qualities to direct a fief and distribute justice, a prince in the court and a lion in the war, would be a pretentious man, quick to anger, stern and arrogant. But he was not that at all. He was most affable and serene with a pacific physiognomy. Here we have a harmonic contrast characteristic of a soul that lives in sanctifying grace.
Another contrast in his life appears in another episode from the selection. St. Elzear held an important position at court; he was a noble in the fullest sense of the word who carried out with dignity his duties as courtier. Therefore, he dressed in magnificent clothes.
When his wife joined him in Naples after four years she was surprised by the magnificence of his clothes and company, and feared that he had become worldly. When they were by themselves, he opened his fine outer clothing a bit and showed her the discipline that he wore under it. That is to say, he remained the same penitent, detached person he had been before. He wore those magnificent garments to properly fulfill his noble duties and uphold the situation he occupied at court. It is another contrast that is the fruit of grace.
The life of St. Elzear is very rich in contrasts and examples for those who do not have a religious vocation, but are called to live in the world as laypeople.
Let us ask him for confidence in the power of grace, and balance to live our vocation with the needed dignity, brilliance and nobility while maintaining a detached spirit. Like him, we should do everything for the glory of God, and not for ourselves.
Saint Elzear of Sabran
Feast Day – September 27
St Elzear of Sabran was born in 1285 and belonged to a very noble family. His father was the head of the house of Sabran in southern France and count of Ariano in the kingdom of Naples. His mother was a woman of great piety, who, because of her charity to the poor, was known as the good countess. Elzear was her first child.
After his baptism she took Saint Elzear of Sabran in her arms and asked God to take him out of this world if He foresaw that the child would ever stain his soul by sin. With his mother's milk he seems to have imbibed the spirit of piety, for from his babyhood he was always docile, gentle, and modest, without a trace of mawkishness in his piety. He was friendly towards everyone, and was particularly devoted to the poor.
When he was only 13 years old, Saint Elzear of Sabran undertook severe bodily mortifications in order to keep the flesh in subjection to the spirit.
Conforming to the wish of the king of Naples, who was also the Lord of Southern France, he married while still quite young, the Countess Delphina of the Glandeves family. On their wedding day both spouses vowed perpetual virginity, and persevered in living like brother and sister until death.
At the death of his father, Saint Elzear of Sabran, who was then only 23 years old, inherited his father's titles. He considered it his sacred duty to provide for the temporal, and above all, the spiritual welfare of his people. He was particularly solicitous that the laws of God and of the Church were observed in his dominions.
The poor were the special object of his solicitude. Every day 12 of them dined at the same table with him and the countess. There was remarkable calmness and self-possession in his demeanor. Personal injuries did not affect him. If anyone repeated to him anything uncomplimentary that had been said about him, he did not even ask who it was that said it, but merely replied:
"Worse things were said about Christ."
Going to Italy
in his capacity as count of Ariano, Saint Elzear of Sabran found that his
Italian subjects were not all disposed to accept French domination. That lasted
for several years. It was suggested to him that he deal severely with the
offenders, but he would not consent. In four years he had won over the people
by his gentleness and charity, and all looked up to him as to a father.
Upon his return to France his subjects there prepared a great feast for him. Delphina was especially happy, and the devout couple now joined the Third Order of St Francis in order to be still more intimately united to God. Elzear redoubled his acts of piety. He prayed the divine office every day as the priests do, scourged his body severely, and nursed the sick with as much charity and reverence as if he were actually performing these services to Christ Himself.
God granted him the gift of miracles, and he cured several lepers. By his prayers he also restored health to the son of the count of Grimoard, who was the saint's godchild. On this occasion Elzear told the father that his child would one day be elevated to one of the greatest dignitaries of the Church. The child later became Pope Urban V.
Although engaged in many works of piety, Elzear never neglected his temporal duties. He was obliged to spend several years at the court of the saintly King Robert of Naples, where he gave proof of his courage and talent as army chief and minister of state.
Sent to the court of Paris on matters of state, he was seized with a serious illness. With the same serenity which he had preserved throughout life, he prepared himself for death, made a general confession of his whole life, received the last sacraments with angelic devotion, and departed from this life in his 40th year on September 27, 1323.
Because of the numerous miracles that occurred at his tomb and the urgent request of the kings of France and Naples, Pope Urban V, his godchild, with great joy canonized him in the year 1369.
from: The Franciscan Book Of Saints, ed. by Marion Habig, OFM
Voir aussi :
St. Elzéar of Sabran
Baron of Ansouis, Count of Ariano, born in the castle of Saint-Jean de Robians, in Provence, 1285; died at Paris, 27 September, 1323. After a thorough training in piety and the sciences under his uncle William of Sabran, Abbot of St. Victor at Marseilles, he acceded to the wish of Charles II of Naples and married the virtuous Delphine of the house of Glandèves. He respected her desire to live in virginity and joined the Third Order of St. Francis, vying with her in the practice of prayer, mortification, and charity towards the unfortunate. At the age of twenty he moved from Ansouis to Puy-Michel for greater solitude, and formulated for his servants rules of conduct that made his household a model of Christian virtue. On the death of his father, in 1309, he went to Italy and, after subduing by kindness his subjects who despised the French, he went to Rome at the head of an army and aided in expelling the Emperor Henry VII. Returning to Provence, he made a vow of chastity with his spouse, and in 1317 went back to Naples to become the tutor of Duke Charles and later his prime minister when he became regent. In 1323 he was sent as ambassador to France to obtain Marie of Valois in marriage for Charles, edifying a worldly court by his heroic virtues. He was buried in the Franciscan habit in the church of the Minor Conventuals at Apt. The decree of his canonization was signed by his godson Urban V and published by Gregory XI. His feast is kept by the Friars Minor and Conventuals on the 27th of September, and by the Capuchins on the 20th of October.
WADDING, Annales
Minorum, VI, 247 sqq.; Acta SS., Sept., VII, 494 sqq.; BOZE, Histoire
de S. Elzéar et de Ste Delphine, suivie de leur éloge (Lyons, 1862); LEO, Lives
of the Saints and Blessed of the Three Orders of St. Francis (Taunton,
1886), III, 232-40; BUTLER, Lives of the Saints, 27 Sept.
Saint Elzear
Also known as- Eleazarus
Born to the nobility. Nephew of William of Sabron, abbot of Saint Victor’s abbey, Marseilles, France, where Elzear was educated. Franciscan tertiary. Married to Saint Delphina at age 16, with whom he lived chastely the rest of his life. Count of Ariano in Naples, Italy upon his father‘s death. Uncle and godfather of Pope Urban V. Tutor to the son of King Robert of Naples in 1317. Diplomat for King Robert. Died while on a trip to arrange a marriage for Prince Charles. Known especially for his happy, loving, Christian marriage and his deep personal prayer life.
If a writer of fiction set out to compose a devout life of a noble
medieval couple, he could scarcely equal the true story of St. Elzear of Sabran
(1286-1325) and his wife Blessed Delphina of Signe (1283?-1360?).
Elzear, Count of Ariano, was born at Ansouis in southern France, and
educated by his uncle, William of Sabran, who was abbot of the monastery of St.
Victor at Marseilles. The abbot's nephew was already most conscientious of
disposition, and so given to acts of mortification that the uncle, though
admiring the lad's genuine devotion, had to tell him to go easy.
It was customary among the nobility in those days for parents to pick
partners for their children when they were still young, and seal the choice
with a contract of espousal. Thus Elzear was early espoused to Delphina,
daughter and sole child of the lord of Puy-Michel. Her father having already
died, Delphina had been raised by her aunt, an abbess. Thus, like her fiance,
she had been given a deeply religious upbringing. When they were married in
their midteens, Delphina, it is said, asked Elzear if they could not agree to a
virginal union. The husband took a while to think that over, but eventually he
consented. Thus their married life was to be a remarkable partnership of
prayers and good works.
When Elzear was 23, he inherited his father's countship and went to
Ariano (near Benevento, Italy) to assume his duties. His subjects gave him
scant welcome, and were only too ready to take advantage of his gentle ways.
Eventually, a more impatient cousin told the Count to let him make them more
obedient. "With the wicked," he said, "you must play the
lion." "You say your prayers," he advised Elzear. "I will
hang up half a thousand, and make the rest as pliant as a glove."
Elzear smiled. "Would you have me begin my government with
massacres and blood? I will overcome these men by good. Now, by God's
assistance, you will shortly see this miracle." And his promise came true.
Elzear was so forbearing, in fact, that even Delphina once questioned
his restraint. One day the Count found among his late father's papers a letter
calumniating Elzear himself. Delphina, on reading the letter, told her husband
that she hoped he would put the man who wrote it in his place. Elzear pointed
out that Christ told us to forgive our enemies. So he destroyed the letter.
Never alluding to it in his later dealings with the writer, he went out of his
way to treat him cordially, and thus won his friendship.
Both the Count and his Countess achieved their various duties
prayerfully and with care and balance.
Around 1317 Elzear and Delphina were called to Naples to the court of
King Robert. Elzear, seeing that Robert's young son Charles, whose tutor he had
been named, was developing bad traits, patiently brought him back to a better
attitude. Delphina, appointed lady-in-waiting to Queen Sanchia, became the
Queen's closest friend and confidante. Robert later sent St. Elzear to Paris to
arrange a marriage between his son and Princess Mary of Valois. Delphina was a
bit afraid that the French court might corrupt her husband. Elzear laughed,
"If God has preserved my virtue in Naples, He can surely preserve it in
Actually, Count Elzear took ill while in Paris and died a most edifying
death. Delphina survived him 37 years. When King Robert died, Queen Sanchia
entered a Poor Clare convent in Naples, and Delphina coached her in the ways of
prayer. When the Queen died, the widowed Countess returned to France and spent
her last years as a hermitess, engaged in aiding the poor. She was buried at
Apt, France, with her husband.
Elzear was canonized in 1369 by Pope Urban V. Actually, that pope,
William of Grimoard, was the saint's godson. A sickly child at birth, he had
been restored to health through the prayers of his saintly uncle. It was also
Pope Urban who permitted the veneration of Countess Delphina, and her cult as
"Blessed" was confirmed by Pope Innocent XII in 1694.
Clearly, Elzear amd Delphina were "in the world, but not of the
world." There are such people!
--Father Robert F. McNamara
St. Elzear – September 27
Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira
Biographical selection: Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira
Elzear of Sabran (1285-1325) was born in Saint-Jean de Robians in Provence, France. He was son of the Count of Ariano from the Kingdom of Naples, Italy. His mother consecrated him to God as soon as he was born and raised him with good customs. He was well educated in the eternal and human sciences, as well as in the exercise of weapons. He became an outstanding knight and a champion in the tournaments. He married Delphine of Glandèves. By common agreement, they lived a life of continence. Both belonged to the Third Order of St. Francis.
When his father died in 1309, he inherited the County of Ariano and went to Italy to assume the government. With John, the brother of the King of Naples, he commanded an army against Emperor Henry VII, who led the anti-papist Ghibelline party in Italy. After two battles, Elzear defeated the German sovereign, who died soon afterward in 1313. As reward for his victories, Count Elzear received many honors and prizes.
King Robert of Naples chose him to be head of the Counsel of the Kingdom of Naples. As a judge he acted with supreme severity against the guilty, be they corrupt nobles or the lawless bandits who infested the whole Kingdom, and often condemned them to death. But he always took great care of the souls of those men, providing them all spiritual assistance possible and asking the priests to remain with them from the moment of condemnation until the hour of death. He was also chosen to be tutor of Prince Charles, heir to the throne.
After four years of separation, Delphine joined him from France and found her husband among the brilliant courtiers wearing magnificent clothes. She feared that during this period of separation Elzear had forgotten his duties of religion and became worldly. He sensed her thoughts, and when the two were alone together, he opened his habit and revealed his hair-shirt underneath. He always remained faithful to the Franciscan spirit.
God granted Count Elzear the grace of an inalterable serenity. His face was always tranquil, communicating peace. Once he revealed to his wife that it was continuous meditation on Our Lord’s Passion that gave him this gift.
In addition to being a skillful warrior and politician, he was also an adept diplomat. He was sent to Paris as a representative of King Robert to ask the hand of the daughter of the Count of Valois for the Prince Heir of Naples. During this mission he became seriously ill and died on September 27, 1325.
He was buried in the Franciscan habit in the church of the Minor Conventuals at Apt. Many miracles were worked through his intercession. He was canonized 44 years later by Pope Urban V. His wife, Countess Delphine, was still alive.
Comments of Prof. Plinio:
We are given a picture of St. Elzear as a saint who was principally a warrior, a winner of battles and tournaments, a governor of his provinces, and a judge.
In that epoch war was preponderantly an ensemble of individual fights, knight against knight, and soldier against soldier. No one could be weak to fight. In today’s wars, a feeble man can be behind a machine gun and do a lot of damage. In that time, men of war had to be courageous, strong, and skillful in martial deeds. This was St. Elzear. He did not abandon the world with platitudes of hatred for war and love for peace. All his life he engaged in war or exercises preparing for it. Doing this, he became a saint. St. Elzear attained sanctity practicing the heroic virtues that shine in the life of a warrior.
Since he was from a very noble family, the Sabran family, he inherited the fief of his father and became Count d’Ariano in Naples. At that time, the Kingdom of Naples was governed by French Princes. So he also became a saint through the wise governance of his fief. Contrary to the images of saints normally put forth by a sentimental piety, which is also a little progressivist, St. Elzear lived the normal life of a noble at court, which at the time implied among other things, wearing magnificent clothes.
As a reward for his military conquests, the King of Naples made St. Elzear head of the Counsel of the Kingdom. To be charged with handing down Justice is a difficult mission. The fair-minded judge often has to rule against the great, powerful, and wealthy in favor of the small and poor. This kind of judge raises the scorn and anger of many important persons. St. Elzear was a judge who acted before God, making no compromises with men. He combated the corrupt nobles, but also the bandits.
You know that in Italy there is an organized drove of bandits – in Sicily and Calabria it is called the Mafia, and in Naples the Camorra. At that time similar groups of bandits were probably in existence and found in St. Elzear an implacable enemy. But as a perfect Catholic, his behavior was entirely balanced: he condemned the guilty to death for the necessity of the common good, but then he took exquisite care of their souls, trying to save them by all possible means. Death for the body, yes; but life for the soul.
One would say that a man with such extraordinary qualities to direct a fief and distribute justice, a prince in the court and a lion in the war, would be a pretentious man, quick to anger, stern and arrogant. But he was not that at all. He was most affable and serene with a pacific physiognomy. Here we have a harmonic contrast characteristic of a soul that lives in sanctifying grace.
Another contrast in his life appears in another episode from the selection. St. Elzear held an important position at court; he was a noble in the fullest sense of the word who carried out with dignity his duties as courtier. Therefore, he dressed in magnificent clothes.
When his wife joined him in Naples after four years she was surprised by the magnificence of his clothes and company, and feared that he had become worldly. When they were by themselves, he opened his fine outer clothing a bit and showed her the discipline that he wore under it. That is to say, he remained the same penitent, detached person he had been before. He wore those magnificent garments to properly fulfill his noble duties and uphold the situation he occupied at court. It is another contrast that is the fruit of grace.
The life of St. Elzear is very rich in contrasts and examples for those who do not have a religious vocation, but are called to live in the world as laypeople.
Let us ask him for confidence in the power of grace, and balance to live our vocation with the needed dignity, brilliance and nobility while maintaining a detached spirit. Like him, we should do everything for the glory of God, and not for ourselves.
Saint Elzear of Sabran
Feast Day – September 27
St Elzear of Sabran was born in 1285 and belonged to a very noble family. His father was the head of the house of Sabran in southern France and count of Ariano in the kingdom of Naples. His mother was a woman of great piety, who, because of her charity to the poor, was known as the good countess. Elzear was her first child.
After his baptism she took Saint Elzear of Sabran in her arms and asked God to take him out of this world if He foresaw that the child would ever stain his soul by sin. With his mother's milk he seems to have imbibed the spirit of piety, for from his babyhood he was always docile, gentle, and modest, without a trace of mawkishness in his piety. He was friendly towards everyone, and was particularly devoted to the poor.
When he was only 13 years old, Saint Elzear of Sabran undertook severe bodily mortifications in order to keep the flesh in subjection to the spirit.
Conforming to the wish of the king of Naples, who was also the Lord of Southern France, he married while still quite young, the Countess Delphina of the Glandeves family. On their wedding day both spouses vowed perpetual virginity, and persevered in living like brother and sister until death.
At the death of his father, Saint Elzear of Sabran, who was then only 23 years old, inherited his father's titles. He considered it his sacred duty to provide for the temporal, and above all, the spiritual welfare of his people. He was particularly solicitous that the laws of God and of the Church were observed in his dominions.
The poor were the special object of his solicitude. Every day 12 of them dined at the same table with him and the countess. There was remarkable calmness and self-possession in his demeanor. Personal injuries did not affect him. If anyone repeated to him anything uncomplimentary that had been said about him, he did not even ask who it was that said it, but merely replied:
"Worse things were said about Christ."
Upon his return to France his subjects there prepared a great feast for him. Delphina was especially happy, and the devout couple now joined the Third Order of St Francis in order to be still more intimately united to God. Elzear redoubled his acts of piety. He prayed the divine office every day as the priests do, scourged his body severely, and nursed the sick with as much charity and reverence as if he were actually performing these services to Christ Himself.
God granted him the gift of miracles, and he cured several lepers. By his prayers he also restored health to the son of the count of Grimoard, who was the saint's godchild. On this occasion Elzear told the father that his child would one day be elevated to one of the greatest dignitaries of the Church. The child later became Pope Urban V.
Although engaged in many works of piety, Elzear never neglected his temporal duties. He was obliged to spend several years at the court of the saintly King Robert of Naples, where he gave proof of his courage and talent as army chief and minister of state.
Sent to the court of Paris on matters of state, he was seized with a serious illness. With the same serenity which he had preserved throughout life, he prepared himself for death, made a general confession of his whole life, received the last sacraments with angelic devotion, and departed from this life in his 40th year on September 27, 1323.
Because of the numerous miracles that occurred at his tomb and the urgent request of the kings of France and Naples, Pope Urban V, his godchild, with great joy canonized him in the year 1369.
from: The Franciscan Book Of Saints, ed. by Marion Habig, OFM
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