mercredi 18 mai 2016

Saint POTAMON d'HÉRACLÉE, évêque, et ses compagnons, martyrs

Vue d'une colonne provenant d’Héracléopolis Magna1, capitale du 20e nome de Haute-Égypte, exposée au British Museum.

Saint Potamon

Évêque d'Héraclée en Égypte et ses compagnons, martyrs à Alexandrie (4ème s.)

Evêque d'Héraclée en Egypte. Il prit part au concile de Nicée où il figura parmi les confesseurs de la foi qui avaient été condamnés aux mines par l'empereur Maximin.

À Alexandrie, vers 303, les saints martyrs Potamon, Ortaise, Sérapion, prêtres, et leurs compagnons.

Martyrologe romain


Saint Potamon of Heraclea

Also known as

Potamon of Alexandria



18 May


Bishop of HeracleaEgyptTortured, mutilated and crippled for his faith during the persecutions of Maximinus Daia in the early 4th century. Attended the Council of Nice in 325 and zealously opposed Arianism. Friend of Saint Athanasius whom he defended in the Council of Tyre in 335. When the Arian Gregory grabbed power in Egypt in 341, he had Potamon beaten with clubs and left for dead; Potamon received medical help, survived his inujuries for a while, but eventually died from the damage. Martyr. Athanasius wrote about his life and referred to Potamon as a “double martyr” because of the abuse he suffered in two separate persecutions.


in 341 in AlexandriaEgypt from injuries sustained from a beating with clubs



Additional Information

Book of Saints, by the Monks of Ramsgate

Lives of the Saints, by Father Alban Butler

Roman Martyrology


Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints

sitios en español

Martirologio Romano2001 edición

fonti in italiano

Martirologio Romano2005 edition

Santi e Beati

MLA Citation

“Saint Potamon of Heraclea“. CatholicSaints.Info. 30 January 2022. Web. 18 March 2023. <>


Potamon of Heraclea BM (RM)

Died c. 340. Potamon, bishop of Heraclea, Upper Egypt, was a double martyr under the pagans and under the Arians according to Saint Athanasius. A contemporary letter and Saint Paphnutius record that, in 310, he was sentenced to the mines in 310, lamed in one leg, and deprived of one eye during the persecution of Maximinus Daia. Released after Constantine's decree of toleration, he was present at the Council of Nicaea in 325. Potamon zealously supported his metropolitan, Saint Athanasius against the Arian heresy. He accompanied and defended Athanasius at the Council of Tyre in 335 (related in the Athanasius's vita). As a result, Potamon was fiercely beaten with clubs and ultimately killed by the Arians (Attwater2, Benedictines, Coulson, Husenbeth).


May 18

St. Potamon, Bishop and Martyr

HE was bishop of Heraclea in Egypt. St. Athanasius says he was doubly a martyr, under the heathens and under the Arians. When Maximinus Daia, or Daza, persecuted the Christians in 310, he gloriously confessed the faith, for which one of his eyes was bored out, and probably the sinews of one ham were cut, as in the case of St. Paphnutius and others. The marks of his sufferings rendered him conspicuous in the council of Nice in 325, in which he exerted his zeal against the Arians. He accompanied and defended St. Athanasius in the council of Tyre in 335, as was related in the life of that saint on the 2nd of May. When the tyrant Gregory had usurped the patriarchal chair of St. Athanasius, he, with Philagrius, prefect of Egypt, an apostate to Arianism under Constantius, travelled over all Egypt, tormenting and banishing the Catholics; and St. Potamon, for his distinguished zeal, was by their order beaten on his back with clubs so long as to be left for dead. However, by the help of medicines, he came to himself, but died shortly after a martyr for the divinity of the Son of God in 341, as St. Athanasius relates. See St. Athanasius, Ep. ad Solit. et Apolog. Rufin. l. 2. c. 4. St. Epiph. Hær. 68.

Rev. Alban Butler (1711–73).  Volume V: May. The Lives of the Saints.  1866.


Book of Saints – Potamion


(SaintBishopMartyr (May 18) (4th century) An Egyptian Bishop who suffered imprisonment as a Christian under the Emperor Galerius, and who, after the Peace of the Church, assisted at the Council of Nicaea (A.D. 325). True to the Catholic Faith, he shared with Saint Athanasius his exile. And it is Saint Athanasius who relates how the Arians compassed the death of the holy Martyr, about A.D. 340.

MLA Citation

Monks of Ramsgate. “Potamion”. Book of Saints1921. CatholicSaints.Info. 9 December 2016. Web. 18 March 2023. <>


San Potamone Vescovo di Eracleopoli

18 maggio

† 341 o 345

Martirologio Romano: Ad Alessandria sempre in Egitto, santi Potamone, Ortasio, Serapione, sacerdoti e i loro compagni, martiri.

Vescovo di Eracleopoli Maggiore nella provincia d'Arcadia, in Egitto, soffrì per la fede sotto l'imperatore Massimino Daia (311), il quale, dopo avergli fatto cavare un occhio e storpiare un piede, lo condannò alle miniere.

Dopo la liberazione partecipò al concilio di Nicea. Fu un amico fedele di sant'Atanasio, che difese coraggiosamente al concilio di Tiro (335), firmando anche la lettera dei suoi colleghi al delegato imperiale, Flavio Dionigi, in favore del loro patriarca. incorse naturalmente nell'odio degli Ariani che lo fecero espellere dalla sua sede sotto Costanzo per sostituirlo con uno di loro. Subì vessazioni tali da morirne nel 341 o 345.

Potamone non figura nei sinassari greci; lo si trova in date diverse nei calendari egiziani. C. Baronio l'ha iscritto al 18 maggio nel Martirologio Romano perché l'ha confuso con un omonimo martire alessandrino, semplice prete, iscritto alla stessa data nel Geronimiano con trentasei compagni del quale esiste una passio latina.

Autore: Raymond Janin


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