Saint Joseph Barsabbas
surnommé le
Juste (1er s.)
Les apôtres désiraient
remplacer Judas et cherchaient parmi ceux qui avaient connu Jésus depuis son
baptême par Jean-Baptiste jusqu'à sa résurrection:
des apôtres, chap 1, verset 23 "On en présenta deux: Joseph
Barsabbas, surnommé Justus, et Matthias."
Commémoraison de saint
Joseph Barsabbas, surnommé le Juste. Disciple du Seigneur, il fut présenté à
l’assemblée des fidèles par les Apôtres avec saint Matthias pour que l’un
d’eux prenne dans leur groupe la place de Judas le traître. Si le sort tomba
sur Matthias, Joseph ne s’employa pas moins au ministère de la prédication et
de la sainteté.
Martyrologe romain
Joseph Barsabas, surnommé le Juste fut un des premiers disciples de Jésus-Christ (Ac 1 :21,22), et apparemment du nombre des soixante-dix disciples. Après l'ascension du Sauveur, lorsque les apôtres étaient assemblés ; attendant la descente du Saint-Esprit, que Jésus-Christ leur avait promis ; saint Pierre proposa à l'assemblée de choisir un disciple du nombre de ceux qui avaient, été témoins de tout ce que le Sauveur, avait fait depuis le commencement de sa prédication, pour le mettre en la place de Judas le traître. On présenta, donc deux personnes : Barsabas, surnommé le Juste, et Matthias. Et ayant tiré au sort, le sort tomba sur Matthias. Papias nous apprend, que Barsabas ayant un jour bu du poison la grâce de Jésus-Christ l'empêcha d'en ressentir aucun mal.. On ne sait rien de particulier de sa vie. Quelques-uns, l'ont confondu avec saint Barnabé. Les martyrologes d'Usuard et d'Adon mettent sa fête le 20 de juillet, et disent qu'ayant beaucoup souffert pour l'Evangile, il mourut en Judée, et eut une fin très-glorieuse.
Joseph, fils de
Joseph, surnommé Justus, disciple
Berger de Bethléem (de
Saba). Orphelin, fils de Joseph l’un des bergers de la
Nativité tué lors du massacre des innocents en sauvant lui et sa mère. "Je
croyais être le plus malheureux, parce que sans père. Mais je m'aperçois qu'il
vaut mieux le pleurer mort qu'ennemi." (2.65) Un
des soixante-douze disciples. Compagnon de Lévi et d’Élie.
Il jouit d'un statut
spécial : sans être compté au rang des apôtres, il bénéficie de la formation
qui leur est réservée : " Je retiens ce fils (et il montre Joseph) car je
lui délègue la charge de porter à ses compagnons mes paroles, pour qu'il se
forme là un noyau solide qui ne m'annonce pas seulement en faisant connaître
mon existence, mais les caractéristiques les plus essentielles de ma
doctrine" (2.56)
Caractère et aspect
Un visage vulgaire qui
prend une noblesse, une beauté, qui lui vient d'une lumière intérieure.
"Joseph. Vous savez que ce jeune promet beaucoup ?" dit le
Thaddée. "Oui. Isaac est un ange mais sa force est toute spirituelle. Mais
Joseph est fort, même physiquement. Il a le même âge que nous." "Et
il apprend facilement. Tu as entendu ce qu'a dit Hermas ? "S'il avait
étudié, il serait un rabbi en plus d'être un juste" Et Hermas sait ce
qu'il dit." (5.22)
Parcours apostolique
Témoin de la Nativité (1.49) -
de la Crucifixion (9.29) -
de la Résurrection (10.12) et
de la Pentecôte
Disciple de Jean Baptiste
il est un des trois serviteurs à être avec lui à Machéronte grâce à l’entremise
de Manaën. Il est mandaté par Jésus pour l’évangélisation : "Je lui
délègue la charge de porter à ses compagnons mes paroles, pour qu'il se forme
là un noyau solide qui ne m'annonce pas seulement en faisant connaître mon
existence, mais les caractéristiques les plus essentielles de ma
doctrine." (2.55)
- Blessé dans les gorges du Cédron avec Élie, (6.93) ce
sont les premières victimes des persécutions naissantes. Il trouve refuge dans
la maison de Salomon où Jésus le guéri. "Je me fais gloire d'avoir versé
du sang pour Toi, comme en versa mon père autrefois. Je te bénis de m'en avoir
rendu digne !"
Présenté pour la place de
douzième apôtre qui verra l’élection de Matthias (10.24).
Son nom
Joseph signifie "Que Dieu ajoute !". Référence historique : onzième fils de Jacob qu'il eu de Rachel. Ce fils préféré vu vendu par ses frères et devint l'intendant de Pharaon. Le surnom de Barsabbas (fils de son père) vient de son histoire personnelle.
Où en parle-t-on dans l'œuvre ?
2.39 - 2.40 - 2.41 - 2.43 - 2.45 - 2.46 - 2.51 - 2.52 - 2.53 - 2.54 - 2.55 - 2.56 - 2.57 - 2.58 - (2.59 à 2.62) - 2.63 - 2.64 - 2.65 - 2.68 - 2.69 - 2.70 - 2.71 - 2.75 - 2.103
3.24 - 3.59 - 3.70 - 3.71 - 3.72
4.133 - 4.134 - 4.135 - 4.136 - 4.137 - 4.139 - 4.140 - 4.144
5.21 - 5.22 - 5.36 - 5.37 - 5.38
7.159. - 7.160. – 7.183 - 7.198 - 7.216 - 7.235
L'Église fête saint
Joseph Barsabbas, le 20 juillet.
Lorsqu'il fut décidé de
trouver un remplaçant à Judas, Luc (Actes 1, 21-23) nous indique : "On en
présenta deux : Joseph appelé Barsabbas [1],
surnommé Justus, et Matthias". Puis un peu plus loin (Actes 4, 36), il
raconte le don généreux d'un disciple : "Joseph appelé en outre
Barnabas [2] par
les Apôtres - ce qui s'interprète fils de consolation - Chypriote, lévite de
Le même prénom, deux
surnoms presque semblables, et probablement quelques erreurs malheureuses de
copistes, il n'en fallait pas plus pour que soit posée la question. S'agit-il
de deux personnages différents, ou d'un seul et même disciple ? Les avis sont
partagés parmi les biblistes, et personne n'a réussi à convaincre l'ensemble de
ses confrères.
Maria Valtorta distingue
deux personnes
Pour Maria Valtorta, la
question ne se pose même pas. Le compagnon de Matthias, un de ces hommes qui
ont accompagné les apôtres pendant tout le temps que le Seigneur Jésus est allé
et venu parmi eux (selon Actes 1,21), c'est le berger Joseph, que Jésus a
spécialement choisi comme disciple dès l'été 27, en disant : "Je retiens
ce fils (et il montre Joseph) car je lui délègue la charge de porter à ses
compagnons mes paroles, pour qu’il se forme là un noyau solide qui ne m’annonce
pas seulement en faisant connaître mon existence, mais les caractéristiques les
plus essentielles de ma doctrine."91.1.
Dans "L'évangile tel
qu'il m'a été révélé", il ne saurait être confondu avec Joseph Barnabé, le
lévite, élève fidèle de Gamaliel, et futur compagnon de saint Paul, reçu
officiellement disciple à la dernière heure, juste avant la Passion :
"toi, Barnabé qui as quitté tes compagnons aujourd'hui pour me
(Extraits de
"L'énigme Valtorta" - Jean-François Lavère – en cours
La Vulgate et la
tradition confirment Maria Valtorta
La Vulgate décrit
ainsi les deux personnes :
- "et statuerunt
duos Ioseph qui vocabatur Barsabban qui cognominatus
est Iustus et Matthiam" (Actes 1,21)
- "Ioseph autem
qui cognominatus est Barnabas ab apostolis quod est interpretatum
Filius consolationis Levites Cyprius genere" (Actes 4,36)
Si l'on rapproche ces
deux données, deux personnes distinctes apparaissent nettement :
Barsabbas : C'est une appellation usuelle
Barnabas : C'est un surnom
Saint Jean Chrysostome,
Docteur de l'Église (IVème siècle), dans son "Homélie sur les Actes des
apôtres", sépare bien Joseph Barnabé, de Joseph le juste. (Homélie sur
les Actes des apôtres, § 1101)
Anne-Catherine Emmerich mentionne Joseph le Juste comme premier
évêque d'Eleutheropolis : Il "fut consacré à Antioche comme premier
évêque d'Éleutheropolis. Il avait un troupeau fort dispersé et il fut crucifié
à un arbre dans une persécution". (Vie de
N. S. Jésus Christ - Livre 5, chapitre 5, vision du 27 juin).
Eleutheropolis est le nom
donné par les romains à Beth Lechi.
known as
Joseph Basassas
Joseph Justus
Joseph of Barsabas
Joseph the Just
A disciple of Jesus.
Mentioned in Acts as the other candidate for the 12th Apostle’s
position, the one vacated by Judas Iscariot. The lot fell to Saint Matthias.
of Saints, by the Monks of
of the Saints, by Father Alban
Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Saints
sites in english
en español
Romano, 2001 edición
in italiano
“It is necessary that one
of the men who accompanied us the whole time the Lord Jesus came and went among
us, beginning from the baptism of
John until the day on which he was taken up from us, become with us a witness
to his resurrection.” So they proposed two, Joseph called Barsabbas, who was
also known as Justus, and Matthias. Then they prayed, “You, Lord, who know the
hearts of all, show which one of these two you have chosen to take the place in
this apostolic ministry from which Judas turned away to go to his own place.”
Then they gave lots to them, and the lot fell upon Matthias, and he was counted
with the eleven apostles. – Acts 1:21-26
“Saint Joseph
Barsabas“. CatholicSaints.Info. 3 July 2021. Web. 28 December 2022.
St. Joseph Barsabas
He was one of the
seventy-two disciples of our Lord, and was put in competition with St. Matthias
to succeed the traitor Judas in the apostleship. St. Chrysostom remarks that
St. Joseph was not displeased, but rejoiced in the Lord to see the preference
given to St. Matthias. After the dispersion of the disciples he preached the
gospel to many nations; and among other miracles, drank poison without
receiving any hurt, as Papias, and from him Eusebius, testify. This saint, from
his extraordinary piety, was surnamed the Just.
According to tradition,
he went on to become Bishop of Eleutheropolis, where he died a martyr and is
venerated as Saint Justus of Eleutheropolis. The location provides a date,
since the site of Eleutheropolis was a mere village in the 1st century, whose
inhabitants were slain and enslaved with others by Vespasian in AD 68.
Book of Saints –
Joseph Barsabas
(Saint) (July 20) (1st
century) Surnamed “The Just” (Acts 1:23), and one of the seventy-two disciples
sent out by Our Lord (Luke 10:1). Saint Matthias was preferred to him for the
Apostleship; but he, nevertheless, tradition tells us, devoted his life to the
work of evangelizing the heathen. He preached through many lands, suffering
much from the enmity of the Jews, his fellow countrymen, who are said to have
on one occasion made him drink poison, from the fatal consequences of which he
was miraculously saved (Mark 16:18).
Monks of Ramsgate.
“Joseph Barsabas”. Book of Saints, 1921. CatholicSaints.Info.
5 November 2013. Web. 28 December 2022. <>
St. Joseph Barsabas, Confessor
HE was one of the seventy-two disciples of our
Lord, and was put in competition with St. Matthias to succeed the traitor Judas
in the apostleship. 1 St.
Chrysostom 2 remarks
that St. Joseph was not displeased, but rejoiced in the Lord to see the
preference given to St. Matthias. After the dispersion of the disciples he
preached the gospel to many nations; and among other miracles, drank poison
without receiving any hurt, as Papias, and from him Eusebius, testify. 3 This
saint, from his extraordinary piety, was surnamed the Just.
The lives of the apostles and primitive Christians was
a miracle in morals, and a sensible effect of Almighty grace. Burning with holy
zeal, they had no interest on earth but that of the divine honour, which they
sought in all things; and being warmed with the expectation of an eternal
kingdom, they were continually discoursing of it, and comforting one another
with the hopes of possessing it; and they did little else but prepare to die.
Thus by example, still more than by words, they subdued their very enemies to
the faith, and brought them to a like spirit and practice. Their converts, by a
wonderful change of manners, became in a moment new creatures. Those who had
been the most bitter enemies, long bent to lust and passion, became the most
loving, forgiving, and chaste persons in the world. Has grace wrought in us so
perfect a conversion? Do our lives glorify God’s name in this manner, by a
spirit and practice agreeable to the principles of our divine faith?
2. Hom. 3, in Act. [back]
Note 3. Eus. Hist. l. 3, c. 39. [back]
Rev. Alban Butler (1711–73). Volume
VII: July. The Lives of the Saints. 1866
bar-sab'-as Barsabbas, or Barsabas;
the King James Version Barsabas, bar'-sa-bas; for etymology, etc., of Joseph,
see general article on JOSEPH):
Joseph Barsabbas was surnamed Justus
1:23). Barsabbas was probably
a patronymic, i.e. son of Sabba or Seba. Other interpretations given are
"son of an oath," "son of an old man," "son of
conversion," "son of quiet." It is likely that the "Judas
called Barsabbas" of Acts
15:22 was his brother.
Ewald considers that both names refer to the same person, but this is
Joseph was one of those who
accompanied the apostles "all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and went
out among us, beginning from the baptism of John, unto the day that he was
received up from us" (Acts
1:21,22). At the meeting of the
brethren under the presidency of Peter in Jerusalem shortly after the
crucifixion, he was, therefore, proposed along with Matthias as a suitable
candidate for the place in the apostleship left vacant by the treachery and
death of Judas Iscariot; but was unsuccessful (Acts
According to Eusebius (Historia
Ecclesiastica, I, 12), Joseph was one of the 70 (Luke
10:1), and Papias records the
oral tradition that he drank a cup of poison without harm (compare Mark
16:18). The Ac of Paul, a work
belonging to the 2nd century and first mentioned by Origen, relates that
Barsabbas, Justus the Flatfoot and others were imprisoned by Nero for
protesting their faith in Christ, but that upon a vision of the newly martyred
Paul appearing to the emperor, he ordered their immediate release.
C. M. Kerr
Copyright Statement
These files are public domain.
Bibliography Information
Orr, James, M.A., D.D. General Editor. "Entry for 'JOSEPH
BARSABBAS'". "International Standard Bible Encyclopedia". 1915.
Saint of the Day – 20
July – Saint Joseph Barsabbas the Just (1st Century) Disciple of Jesus,
Posted on July
20, 2021
Saint of the Day – 20
July – Saint Joseph Barsabbas the Just (1st Century) Disciple of Jesus, Martyr
Bishop. Also known as – Justus, Barsabbas, Joseph Basassas, Joseph of
Barsabas, Joseph the Just.
The Roman Martyrology
states today: “The birthday of the blessed Joseph, surnamed the Just, whom the
Apostles selected with the blessed Matthias, for the Apostleshop in the place
of the traitor, Judas. The lot having fallen upon Matthias, Joseph,
notwithstanding, continued to preach and advance in virtue and after having
sustained from the Jews, many persecutions for the Faith of Christ, happoily
ended his life in Judea.”
“Wherefore, of these men
who have companied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus came in and went
out among us; beginning from the baptism of John, until the day wherein he was
taken up from us, one of these must be made a witness with us of his
resurrection. And they appointed two, Joseph, called Barsabas, who was surnamed
Justus,and Matthias. And praying, they said: Thou, Lord, who knowest the heart
of all men, shew whether of these two thou hast chosen, to take the place of
this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas hath, by transgression fallen,
that he might go to his own place. And they gave them lots and the lot fell
upon Matthias and he was numbered with the eleven apostles.” ― Acts 1:21 –
26 D-R
St John Chrysostom
writes, “The other candidate (Joseph) was not annoyed, for the apostolic
writers would not have concealed failings of their own, seeing they have told
of the very chief Apostles, that on other occasions had indignation and not
only once but again and again.”
It clear that Joseph
Barsabbas (also called “Justus”) must have spent much time with the Apostles
and witnessed many of the wondrous events in the life of Jesus. Further
identification of Joseph is uncertain. In Christian tradition he is numbered
among the Seventy disciples mentioned in Luke 10:1–24, although the biblical
text mentions no names. “After these things the Lord appointed other
seventy also and sent them two and two before his face into every city and
place, whither he himself would come.” (10:1)
Very little is known
about Joseph Barsabbas outside of the apostle selection by lots. Tradition
believes that he went to Eleutheropolis (about 25 miles from Jerusalem) where
he became Bishop Justus of Eleutheropolis. The town was renamed over the
centuries. Its original Aramaic name Beth Gabra, translates as the “house
of the mighty one.” The Romans gave it the Greek name, Eleutheropolis,
meaning “City of the Free.”
Rev Alban Butler says – “After
the dispersion of the disciples he preached the gospel to many nations and
among other miracles, drank poison without receiving any hurt, as Papias and
from him ,Eusebius, testify. This saint, from his extraordinary piety, was
surnamed the Just.“
Author: AnaStpaul
Passionate Catholic.
Being a Catholic is a way of life - a love affair "Religion must be like
the air we breathe..."- St John Bosco Prayer is what the world needs
combined with the example of our lives which testify to the Light of Christ.
This site, which is now using the Traditional Calendar, will mainly concentrate
on Daily Prayers, Novenas and the Memorials and Feast Days of our friends in
Heaven, the Saints who went before us and the great blessings the Church
provides in our Catholic Monthly Devotions. This Site is placed under the
Patronage of my many favourite Saints and especially, St Paul. "For the
Saints are sent to us by God as so many sermons. We do not use them, it is they
who move us and lead us, to where we had not expected to go.” Charles Cardinal
Journet (1891-1975) This site adheres to the Catholic Church and all her
teachings. PLEASE ADVISE ME OF ANY GLARING TYPOS etc - In June 2021 I lost 95%
sight in my left eye and sometimes miss errors. Thank you and I pray all those
who visit here will be abundantly blessed. Pax et bonum!
St. Joseph Barsabbas
St. Joseph of Barsabbas is one of those characters in history who are
marginally famous for what could have been. Another roll of the dice and he
would have been one of the Twelve disciples.
He appears only briefly in Scripture. After betraying Jesus to his passion,
Judas Iscariot committed suicide, and the apostles gathered to choose a
replacement. Two men were recommended from among Jesus’ wider circle of 72
followers—Joseph and Matthias—and lots were cast and fell to Matthias, who joined the eleven.
Joseph is also known as Joseph the Just, or Justus, and after Pentecost went
out into the world to share the good news of Jesus’ resurrection. Some accounts
have him being named bishop, and others state that he worked miracles,
including the drinking of poison without being harmed (cf Mark 16:18).
St. Joseph of Barsabbas, the just one who lost a place among the 12 apostles to
a game of chance—pray for us!
Beato Giuseppe
Barsabba il Giusto
Romano: Commemorazione del beato Giuseppe, chiamato Barsabba e
soprannominato il Giusto, discepolo del Signore, che gli Apostoli proposero
insieme a san Mattia, perché uno dei due prendesse il posto che era stato di
Giuda il traditore; e pur caduta la sorte su Mattia, egli si adoperò ugualmente
nel ministero della predicazione e della santificazione.
Beato Giuseppe Barsabba
il Giusto
Nome: Beato Giuseppe
Barsabba il Giusto
Titolo: Discepolo
del signore
Ricorrenza: 20 luglio
Martirologio: edizione
Tipologia: Commemorazione
Giuseppe Barsabba compare
brevemente negli Atti degli Apostoli: dopo l'ascensione di nostro Signore, i
cristiani di Gerusalemme decisero, su suggerimento di S. Pietro, di scegliere
un sostituto dello sciagurato Giuda lscariota. Citando dai Salmi «e il suo
incarico lo prenda un altro» (Sal 109, 8), Pietro prosegue: «Bisogna dunque che
tra coloro che ci furono compagni per tutto il tempo in cui il Signore Gesù ha
vissuto in mezzo a noi, incominciando dal battesimo di Giovanni fino al giorno
in cui è stato tra di noi assunto in cielo, uno divenga, insieme a noi, testimone
della sua risurrezione» (At 1, 21-22).
Furono scelti due candidati: «Giuseppe detto Barsabba, che era soprannominato
Giusto e Mattia» (At 1, 23). I cristiani che si erano radunati (circa
centoventi) pregarono per essere guidati e poi estrassero a sorte; fu scelto
Mattia, che diventò uno dei dodici apostoli (At 1, 23-25). È possibile che
Giuseppe fosse in relazione con Giuda Barsabba di At 15, 22.
Così, si afferma che Giuseppe sia stato un seguace molto devoto di Gesù, ed è
probabile che sia stato uno dei settantadue discepoli (Le 10, 1-20).
Eusebio, morto nel 340 circa, afferma che Giuseppe certamente era uno di loro e
che successivamente predicò in vari paesi; tra gli altri miracoli, Eusebio
riferisce che Giuseppe bevve il veleno senza morire, come nostro Signore aveva
predetto (Mc 16, 18). Eusebio si basò sugli scritti di Papia (ca. 60-130)
scrivendo questi racconti tradizionali su Giuseppe. Gli Atti di Paolo, apocrifi
sec.), affermano che Giuseppe fu imprigionato durante il regno di Nerone (37-68),
ma rilasciato quando S. Paolo apparve all'imperatore.
MARTIROLOGIO ROMANO. Commemorazione del beato Giuseppe, chiamato Barsabba
e soprannominato il Giusto, discepolo del Signore, che gli Apostoli proposero
insieme a san Mattia, perché uno dei due prendesse il posto che era stato di
Giuda il traditore; e pur caduta la sorte su Mattia, egli si adoperò ugualmente
nel ministero della predicazione e della santificazione.