vendredi 13 février 2015

Saint PHAOLÔ LÊ VAN LOC (PAUL LÊ-VAN-LOC), prêtre et martyr

Bản đồ được vẽ bởi ông Dutreuil de Rhins được công bố trong Dépôt de la Marine năm 1881. Nam Kỳ thuộc Pháp (Basse Cochinchine Francaise) khoảng năm 1881, nhưng vẽ theo hành chính của Nam Kỳ Lục Tỉnh nhà Nguyễn (Basse CochinChine) trước năm 1861.

Saint Paul Lê-Van-Loc, prêtre et martyr

Prêtre et martyr, il fut décapité pour sa foi au Christ près de la ville de Thi-Nghe au Tonkin sous l'empereur Tu Duc, en 1859.


Saint Paul Le Van Loc

Martyr en Cochinchine (+ 1859)

Prêtre et martyr, il fut décapité pour sa foi au Christ près de la ville de Thi-Nghe au Tonkin sous l'empereur Tu Duc; il fait partie des martyrs du Vietnam canonisés en 1988.

"En janvier 1857, Charles de Montigny, envoyé comme représentant plénipotentiaire auprès des cours du Siam, du Cambodge et du Vietnam, se fait éconduire par le gouvernement de Tu-Duc qui multiplie les édits de persécution."

A lire sur le site des Missions étrangères de Paris Vietnam 1858-1862: les grands massacres.

À Thi-Nghè en Cochinchine, l’an 1859, saint Paul Lê-Van-Lôc, prêtre et martyr, qui fut décapité pour le Christ à la porte de la ville, sous l’empereur Tu Duc.

Martyrologe romain


Tỉnh Gia Định trong bản đồ Nam Kỳ Lục Tỉnh giai đoạn (1832-1862)

Saint Phaolô Lê Van Loc

Also known as

Paul Le-Van-Loc


13 February

24 November as one of the Martyrs of Vietnam


Priest in the apostolic vicariate of West Cochinchina (modern Vietnam). Martyred in the persecutions of emperor Tu Ðuc.


c.1830 in An Nhon, Gia Ðinh, Vietnam


beheaded on 13 February 1859 at the city gates of Gia Ðinh, Vietnam


2 August 1908 by Pope Pius X (decree of martyrdom)


2 May 1909 by Pope Pius X


19 June 1988 by Pope John Paul II

Additional Information

Saints of the Day, by Katherine Rabenstein

other sites in english

Hagiography Circle

Hagiography Circle

sitios en español

Martirologio Romano2001 edición

fonti in italiano

Martirologio Romano2005 edition

Santi e Beati

MLA Citation

“Saint Phaolô Lê Van Loc“. CatholicSaints.Info. 2 May 2022. Web. 7 April 2023. <>


Saint Paul Le Van LOC

Born  :  1831 

In Penang  :  1846-1853? (15) 

Ordained   :  1856 (25) 

Beheaded  :  1859 (Feb 13) (28) 

Beatified    :  1909 

Canonised :  1988 (June 19) 

1831 Paul Loc was born in Chi Hoa, near Saigon in Annamese Cochin China.  His father was a Christian doctor while his mother was a new convert.

1846 While in College General, the first few years were difficult due to his poor health but later he became one of the top students.

1856 After being ordained, he served in An Nhon but ill health required him to rest for a year.

Fr Loc was put in charge of a College in Thi Ngha where he taught Christian Doctrine and the elements of Latin to young men preparing for studies at College General, Penang.

Fr Loc was a gentle person with a great devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

1858 Persecution forced him to close the school and he took refuge in the home of a Christian family.  However, he was betrayed by a servant and was arrested when he confessed that he was a priest.  With his knowledge for foreign languages, Fr Paul Loc was offered a high civilian post if he would renounce his faith.  He flatly refused and was sentenced to death.  The official sentence of strangulation was changed to beheading. 

He was happy, joyful and willing to suffer for Christ. Buried in parish of Cho Quan.


Father Paul Loc Van Le, of An Nhon, Vietnam, a former soldier and newly ordained alumnus of a seminary in Penang, Malaysia, was arrested by pagan officials of Vietnam’s imperial regime on December 13, 1858. A French attack upon the country at this time was used by the pagan authorities as a pretext to intensify the persecution against Catholics. Consequently, Father Loc Van Le was sentenced to death and beheaded. Following his death, the Catholic faithful retrieved his body, and reverently clothed and buried it.


Saints of the Day – Paul Loc, Martyr


Born in An-nhon, Cochin-China, in 1831; died in Saigon, 1859; beatified 1909. Shortly after his ordination to the priesthood, Paul was beheaded for the faith (Benedictines).

MLA Citation

Katherine I Rabenstein. Saints of the Day1998. CatholicSaints.Info. 2 May 2022. Web. 7 April 2023. <>


Saint Paul LE VAN LOC - Priest

Saint of the Day : February 13

Born :

c.1830 in An Nhon, Gia Ðinh, Vietnam

Died :

Beheaded on 13 February 1859 at the city gates of Gia Ðinh, Vietnam

Canonized :

19 June 1988 by Pope John Paul II

St. Paul Le Van Loc was born in 1830 in An Nhon village, Gia Dinh province in a moral family. Orphaned parents since he was 10 years old, he was adopted and taught by a priest. Then he entered the Nhum Seminary for a year, then sent by Bishop Lefèbvre to study at Penang Seminary. Here he proved to be an exemplary seminarian of moral life as well as of education.

In 1850 he returned to his homeland and went to preach many places before taking holy orders one after another. The bishop saw that he deserved it, so he gave him the priesthood on February 7, 1857.

He then received the superior position of Thi Nghe Seminary, in the midst of the fierce prohibition of Tu Duc King. Shortly after he temporarily sent the seminarians back to his family and he himself had to seek shelter to easily help the priesthood and seminarians. But then he was arrested at the end of December 1858 and imprisoned. In the prison, he always exemplified the faith of a pastor. He was condemned by the authorities and the court approved.

He stood out on the royal dynasty on February 13, 1859. Pope Pius X enthroned him on the Blessed Day on May 2, 1909, and Pope John Paul conferred the title of Saints on June 19, 1988.


St. Paul Loc Van Le

Birth: 1830

Death: 1859

Canonized: Pope John Paul II

Father Paul Loc Van Le, of An Nhon, Vietnam, a former soldier and newly ordained alumnus of a seminary in Penang, Malaysia, was arrested by pagan officials of Vietnam's imperial regime on December 13, 1858. A French attack upon the country at this time was used by the pagan authorities as a pretext to intensify the persecution against Catholics. Consequently, Father Loc Van Le was sentenced to death and beheaded. Following his death, the Catholic faithful retrieved his body, and reverently clothed and buried it.


San Paolo Le-Van-Loc Martire

13 febbraio

>>> Visualizza la Scheda del Gruppo cui appartiene

An Nhon, Vietnam, 1830 circa - Gia Dinh, Vietnam, 13 febbraio 1859

Canonizzato da Giovanni Paolo II il 19 giugno 1988.

Martirologio Romano: Nella città di Thị-Nghè in Cocincina, ora Viet Nam, san Paolo Lê-Văn-Lộc, sacerdote e martire, che sotto l’imperatore Tự Đức fu decapitato per Cristo alle porte della città.


San Pablo Le-Van-Loc, Presbítero y Mártir

Febrero 13

Martirologio Romano: En Thi-Nghe, en Conchinchina, san Pablo Le-Van-Loc, presbítero y mártir, que en tiempo del emperador Tu Duc fue degollado en la puerta de la ciudad por confesar a Cristo. (1831-1859).

Si los primeros años del rey Tu-Duc (1841-1847) fueron de relativa calma en la persecución que su antecesor había mantenido contra el cristianismo, a partir de 1851 se formalizó la persecución de nuevo con un feroz decreto que mandaba que en concreto a los sacerdotes nativos se les aserrase de por medio. La persecución se volvió aún mas dura cuando tuvo lugar la expedición franco-española en 1858, con la que ambas naciones pretendían dar cobertura de protección de sus misioneros que estaban en Tonkin. El resultado fue el recrudecimiento de la persecución.

Pablo Loc, nacido en An-Nhom (Vietnam), estudió primero en el seminario de Cai-Nhum y después en el de Penang durante seis años. Volvió a su patria y ejerció el oficio o ministerio de catequista, con tanto celo y entrega que, en un solo año de permanencia, logró ganar para la fe a más de doscientas personas. Después consiguió plaza para enseñar en el colegio de Tu-Duc, e inmediatamente fue llevado a Thi-Nghe donde adquirió tanto prestigio como professor y educador que el Obispo le ordenó de presbítero en 1857 y le confió la dirección del colegio.

Pensando que los cristianos indígenas harían causa común con sus correligionarios extranjeros invasores, decidieron exterminarlos a todos antes de que ellos llegaran. El colegio de Thi-Nghe se quedó vacío y los misioneros se refugiaron en otros lugares.
Pero Pablo no tardó en retornar para poder tener noticias de sus jóvenes alumnos. Allí lo localizaron y lo prendieron.

En los distintos interrogatorios supo responder con tanto aplomo y sabiduría que los mandarines, en un primer momento, pensaron en absolverlo y hasta llegaron a ofrecerle, si apostataba, el puesto de secretario primero en la prefectura. Pero todo intento fue inútil ante su firmeza en profesar la fe, por lo que le condenaron a muerte y le decapitaron fuera de la ciudad el día 13 de febrero de 1859. Fue beatificado en 1909 y canonizado con los demás mártires del actual Vietnam en 1988.

Publicadas por Cecill Torres a la/s miércoles, febrero 13, 2013 

Etiquetas: Santoral de Febrero


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